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Our Haleigh

Welcome to our daughter's Web Page. It has been provided to keep our loved ones old and new updated about our little one.

Born: June 4, 2000

Received her angel wings on December 16, 2001


August 14, 2003 9:30 PM CST

Hello Everyone

Yes we know it has been sometime since we last updated our Haleigh's page. We just wanted you to know that we are all living our lives the best we can. The kids are all busy with work and/or school. Our Grandbaby is now over 1 year old and we see alot of Haleigh in her. Some of Gaby's facial expressions remind us so much of Haleigh and her many faces.
Haleigh you are still missed so very much that we sometime set around and wonder what you would be doing if you were here. The pain is so deep within us and will never go completely away but, I beleive the wound is scaring over. I think we are emerging from them gloomy days that must follow an event like this. There has even been laughter accuring in the Rice home!!!!!!!!!
We hope that everyone of our friends are well and doing fine. Hope you all had a nice holiday season. Pray that you at VCH continue to help, aid and love, like we know you can.

Bye for now
Love Mark & Lisa

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Hospital Information:

Patient Room: 1618 Haleigh's room forever.

Valley Children's Hospital
9300 Valley Children's Place
Madera, CA 93638-8762


EmailEmail address  : Marks4Bears@aol.com


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