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Tuesday, January 4, 2005 4:42 PM CST

Can you believe it - we are coming home on WEDNESDAY (tomorrow)!!!! ALMOST A MONTH EARLY!! YEAH!

Valerie, Elise and I met with Dr. Paul Martin on Monday - after waiting almost 5 hours in the waiting room he walked in with his camera and we knew we were going home. The biggest concern we have at this time is the flu: he cannot be near anyone with a sniffle or sneeze or who has been near the flu - it is that dangerous for him. So we will be watching the CDC reports and talking to the doctors often about the flu season.

The good news: he will be able to have a few friends come over on a regular basis to play with, and can take walks outside and play outside while everyone else is in school. His teacher says he is ahead of the class up here, and he will continue to be home schooled starting shortly. His diet is improving (at first it was pizza for breakfast, lunch and dinner), and he is growing and gaining weight. We posted some new pics of Franklin - including one of him with his moustache; now he and I look even more like twins! This is one of the side effects of the meds he is on - most of his medications have been reduced or stopped, and every month he is taking less and less medication.

We'll be bringing him back in February for his 120 day checkup - this should be the last time he has to travel privately. We expect him to be able to be back in school before the end of the year (A couple weeks after his April check up). It is going to take up to a year (if not longer) for him to recover from some of the effects of the chemo - but with physical therapy and exercise he should be as good as new.

Sarah, Elise and Lydia (nanny) left today for the drive back to Florida, along with the kids grandparents. It is going to take them until Friday to get home from Duke, and as soon as they get there Sarah will be joining Valerie and myself for a trip to Disney - for the Disney Marathon. The Broward Team in Training (www.teamintraining.org/sfl) is running for Franklin, Sarah will be there representing him and cheering on the team on Sunday morning. Very early Sunday morning!

A couple of special "thank you's" as well - Dwayne Misar is also running - if you ever need an honest, extremely capable general contractor to build or redo your home Dwayne is the person to call - he has helped us renovate the home so that Franklin will not be around mold or midlew or fungus, and has personally raised several thousand dollars on behalf of Franklin. Another big thank you goes to Las Olas Chemist and Marc Leach - who came through for us on a medication Franklin needed when no one else could. This is the second time Marc has been there for us - when we were going through the in-vitro process he was the only one who was able to provide the medications we needed - he is a life saver, and his store is amazing - we hope you avail yourselves of his services when you need a pharmacist.

Finally, a big big big thank you to all the friends and family who have supported, and continue to support, us - financially, emotionally, and spiritually. We could never have made it this far (and we still have years of efforts in front of us) without your prayers and without your love.

We'll see you back in South Florida!

Bryan, Val, Elise, Franklin, and Sarah

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Hospital Information:

Patient Room: 11/26/04 - He was discharged!!

Duke Medical Center

Durham, NC


http://www.marrow.org   National Marrow Donor Program
http://www.giftoflife.org   Gift of Life
http://www.franklinsfanclub.org   Franklin's Personal Web PAge


E-mail Author: bdsklar@bellsouth.net,bloche@fiu.edu


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