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Meghan has a rare brain tumor condition - pilocytic astrocytoma with leptominingeal dissemination. Basically this means a grade 1 brain tumor that has behaved "out of the norm" and has spread to other parts of her brain and spine. Her initial brain tumor was removed in Sept. 99. In Sept. '01 recurrence was detected with spread to other areas of the brain and also to the entire spine. Meghan finished her 18 month chemo protocol and spent a year off treatment. In April 2004, the tumors began to grow again so Meghan started another course of chemotherapy, followed by 6 weeks of radiation. We thank you for your continued support, prayers, and good thoughts.


Sunday, April 18, 2010 10:41 AM CDT

Dear all -

It's been so long since we've updated! Things here have continued to go well. Meghan has been on her new chemo protocol for a year now and has had 4 stable scans since starting. Great news for us. We hope to continue this protocol for another year and then reevaluate when it's high school graduation time!

It's been more than 10 years since we started this journey and we've seen so many other pediactric cancer kids lose their fight - we feel so blessed to be where we are at this point in time. We try not to take where we are for granted.

We continue to thank you for your good thoughts and prayers!


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