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Kara's Page

Kara-Lyn Eve passed away on November 7, 2004. Kara's diagnosis was Glioblastoma Stage 4 in her spinal column.


Monday, November 8, 2004 9:18 AM CST

The past two weeks have been very quick moving. Kara starting slipping in out of conscoiusness on Monday Oct. 26. She started having problems seeing comprehending anything. Her mind basically started to go. By Friday the 29th, Kara had slipped into a complete sleeping state. On Friday, Kara's room was painted purple by Mr. Gorley and the Middle School teachers. It turned out fantastic. Friday night, we stayed vigiliant over Kara as her breathing came and went. We thought she was going to pass that night, little did we know!

Saturday was the big Halloween party. Kara remained asleep throughout the day. Bonnie, John and John came over to spend the day. We decorated the house to the hilt with Halloween decorations. While we were doing that, Jeannie (our new hospice worker) arranged to have Kara's room decorated with all the trimmings and furniture, so Charlotte and her sister-in-law (both friends of Jeannie) were in Kara's room decorating it. By 6 o'clock we had a houseful. Kara's friends from school, Laura and Steve and their children, Mr Gorley with his family, Kyle (Alex's best friend), Tracy and her two little ones, the Jochum family (with all 4 girls). Everyone spent time talking to Kara, even though she never woke up. The party was an absolute success and a great time was had by all, just the way Kara wanted it.

On Sunday morning, Kara woke up. I went down at 4:30 AM, and as I walked into the room, Kara said "Good Morning!" I about fell over, we din't think she would wake up again. She spent the day talking and giggling. She called her brother an idiot at his request which was rather amusing. She let Olivia know she loved her. In late afternoon, Kara called me over and said to hit the enter button, so I hit the imaginary enter button. Scott was sitting next to her and asked what she was doing. Kara said, "Watching a play." Scott then asked what the play was about, which she replied "My life. The best ever." That is when we knew. After that Kara slipped back into a coma-like state.

On Wednesday, after no movement what so ever since Sunday, we were floored when Miss Debbie brought over Tagan (Kara's adopted puppy) and Samantha (her sheltie dog). Kara's turned her hand like she was feeding them their treats. Both dogs were thrilled to see her, and Kara must have been thrilled to see them too.

Kara made no movement or sounds the rest of the week.

On Sunday morning, Kara passed away peacefully at 6:15 AM.

I would like to also add a heartfelt thanks for the love and support from people we have never met before, who now are our absolute best friends and a huge part of our family: Debbie and John McConnell. I have to say that this family has done everything in their power to support Kara, her decisions and our family. They have shown the best in human spirit I have ever seen! Words will never be able to do justice for their love of Kara or their support. We met this family at the beginning of this and I want them to know Kara loved and adored them!

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Hospital Information:

Watching over the Babies in Heaven


http://www.caringbridge.com/ga/jatin   Jatin is an adorable little boy we met in the hospital. Please include him in your thoughts as well!


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