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Michaela Lynn Calaman was born December 6th 2001, at Duke University Medical center.
Michaela was given a new chance at life by receiving an Unrelated Cord Blood transplant. Today she is 5 and a half years old and doing very well.
She lives with her Mom her special daddy Mark and Her very hansome older brother Pie whom she is very connected with.


Sunday, June 10, 2007 8:22 PM CDT

Hi All,
I just wanted to up date the childrens pages as I hadnt done it is so long.
As you can see from the pictures Micheala is older and wiser..lol
She is just as full of her self as ever and a very busy little lady these days.
She is now the very proud owner of a powered wheel chair and can operate it like you cant even imagine.
She loves this new found freedom and mobility.
She explores and tries to get in to every thing she sees.
She keeps us all busy.
Tomorrow Keely goes to enroll her in kindergarten and they are all set up for her at this school wih special ed and therepies and every thing so we are excited about that.
She has been going to pre school for two years now and has done very well there. We are going to miss them but it is time for her to move on.
I am not telling you this just because I am her Grand Mother but she is so so smart! Her brain is totally that of her age she doesnt miss one thing said or promised and will let you know if you forget it.
Her favorire thing of course is her new chair and second is to be in it.
she goes every where and doesnt stop all day at this point we are lucky is she naps.
She hasnt made it to Duke yet and needs to get there soon for her follow ups.
Keely has had so much going on that it isnteven funny with emergency surgery on her galbladeer and it took them so long to find out what was wrong with her and then other problems which I wont get in to it has been a real bad spring for her.
However things are getting better and she will have to get to N.C.
They will be quite impressed with her iam sure it is hard though when ever she gets to Duke she is tired from the trip that they really dont get to see her at her best.
We are going to video her during the day so they can see her cpmprehension and all the things she says and does.
I will be glad when she gets to school and gets good speech therepy. She is seeing a specialist that is working on a voice box system to help.
Dont get me wron she says alot of things but she does struggle some times to get the right sounds to come out.
She tries and tries so hard.
some of the words she says are, Nana , Goba for grampa "she has always called him that".lol Moma that word is said so much in the run of a day. Dadda, More Milk, Yah No and some others i cant think of right at the moment.
Beleive me she makes her needs known and if you get it wrong she tells you No till you get it right.
I am telling you this transplant is such a gift and even though getting through it was so rough it was well worth the out come.
We Love her so and she is ever so entertaining.
Still her Momnma's little girl she doesnt wanna be long with out her Mother around, Ill tell you that.
Well I could go on for days but I think I will wrap this up for now and Update again soon.
God Bless,

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