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Monday, November 5, 2007 8:18 AM CST

Lauren will be admitted to Children's St. Paul bright and early tomorrow, Tuesday, Nov. 6th for her annual sedated MRI. She'll also have the weights implanted in her eyelids that has been mentioned before. The weights will help close her eyelids at night while she sleeps so her eyes aren't so dry and irritated. Then on Wednesday, time will be spent in the hem/onc clinic at Children's for Lauren's annual check-up with the specialists. Lauren has been fitted for new leg braces and this set won't be as noticeable as in the past. She's excited to get them because the design on the plastic is puppies. She will get her new braces in Marshall on Nov. 15th.
Thanks for checking in on Lauren. It is appreciated.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007 11:03 AM CDT

Because there could not be a ped's ENT doctor available today for the sedation required for the eyelid surgery it was postponed until November 6th. We hope to have Lauren's annual MRI of her brain and spine and the eyelid surgery done all at the same time. Cross your fingers!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007 6:34 PM CDT

Hello, everyone!
I haven't updated in a long while. Lauren has had a great summer and she's been busy! She has had horse therapy at Redwood Falls, physical therapy at Granite Falls, some tutoring and speech by her first grade teacher and speech therapist at school, hanging out with her care attendant, Nikki, going to summer rec (tumbling!), and doing lots of art projects at home. Becky, Christian and Lauren along with Jeanette Lund and her two sons, Jon and Ryan traveled to Toledo, Ohio, on Sunday to visit mutual friends, the Adils who had previously lived in Dawson. They arrived in Toledo the same evening and are planning to visit thru Thursday. On Friday, on the way home, Lauren will meet up with Janie and Mikey in St. Paul and spend the week-end with them. Then sometime next week, the plan is for Lauren to spend some time up in Moorhead with her care attendant from last summer. She is excited about all the visits. She has always been a good traveler so I hope that continues! On August 29th, Lauren will have surgery at St. Paul Children's to put weights in her eyelids. I have written in the past about that Lauren's eyes don't close completely when she sleeps (side effect of medical past)and her eyes have become increasingly aggrivated by this so it's time to get it done. She had surgery back in July at Children's to close her feeding tube site. They did have trouble intubating her and so from now on when she has any surgical procedures there need to be an ENT doctor aboard. All of that information is being sent on to Sick Kids Hospital in Toronto, Canada so they're aware of these things in case Lauren gets another chance at facial reanimation. I haven't heard anything from up there since May. We're waiting for our passports to come just in case.
That's all for now. Hopefully I can get some new photos posted of Lauren soon.
Thanks for checking in on Lauren. We appreciate it!

Friday, April 27, 2007 7:07 PM CDT

Well, it's been a long time since I updated. We have been busy going to and arranging for doctor appointments for Lauren. Her eye ulcer is much better. We put heavy doses of ointment in her eyes at bedtime to help avoid dry eyes.
We did see an eye specialist in the Cities on April 16th and he thought it was in Lauren's best interest to have gold weights "installed" in her eyelids to help close her eyes completely while she sleeps. Why gold? Well, she is worth it! The other reason is that gold doesn't do anything strange in the body even after many years. The weights are rectangular curved bars that would be implanted high enough in her eyelid not to make it noticeable while she has her eyes open. Lauren was so patient with the specialist while he touched her eyelids to get the right weightage. But during the visit, the specialist mentioned that if Lauren was going to have surgery to make her one eye more mid-line that surgery should be first. The two surgeries couldn't be at the same time. After all was said and done, he referred us back to Children's Hospital to the eye doctor that Lauren saw often while she was an inpatient. So, we are going to Children's on May 4th for that consultation and some work in the endocrine lab to check Lauren's growth hormone. She had sedated dentistry at Children's on April 9th. One tooth was pulled and she had lots of caps and fillings re-done. It was Lauren's first experience with the Tooth Fairy and boy, did she have good results!!!!
At some time after school is out, Lauren will have to be admitted to Children's St. Paul for closure of her feeding tube site. The feeding tube was removed last November and the gastro doctor told me then that there was a small chance that the site wouldn't heal on its own. It never has. It causes lots of ugly seepage and some discomfort so we keep it clean and bandaged and hope that we can get in for surgery for that soon. Another sedation for Lauren.
She will be hospitalized for more than a day, less than a week, reportedly. We also hope to get a sleep study done for Lauren at Children's, too. She is still not able to sleep through the night and that is hard on everyone at home.
After a month's time, Lauren was back to horse therapy on Wednesday at Redwood Falls. That therapy does her a world of good. She was so happy when she got back that evening.
It's hard to believe that the school year will soon be over and summer activities will begin for both Lauren and Christian.
I'll update again later. Thanks for checking in on Lauren.

Sunday, February 25, 2007 1:41 PM CST

Hello from snowy Dawson! As I write this update we have had at least 8 or 9 inches of snow within the last 48 hours here in Dawson. We had so little snow for most of the winter. Now we're making up for it.
There hasn't been a lot to report since the last update. Lauren has an issue with her right eye. She has developed an eye ulcer that has clouded her vision and made her eye very red and irritated. She's on eye drops and salve and it has improved a lot. We've seen an eye doctor here in Dawson and he referred us to a corneal specialist in Willmar. Lauren saw him last Monday. He thinks this is going to be an on-going problem for Lauren if we don't get weights put into her eyelid to completely shut her eyes while she sleeps. We have had that discussion before with a specialist at Children's St. Paul. So Lauren sees a specialist in Bloomington in April to address that problem. Lauren will have sedated dentistry at Children's the week before the eye appt. It's been almost two years since she's seen a dentist. Children's and the dentist have issues with each other but they must have worked something out so Lauren can be seen.
School has been going fine. Lauren's teachers report that she works hard for them and we know she's making gains. The horse therapy in Redwood Falls continues, too. We are waiting to hear from Toronto about the facial reanimation issue. We do know that records from St. Paul are in the hands of the surgeon and anethetist(sp?) so we're waiting to hear what they have to say. No, the surgeon won't travel outside of Toronto and no, we can't have an anethetist from St. Paul travel with us!
Thanks for checking in on Lauren. We appreciate your visit to her journal and for your thoughts and prayers.

Monday, December 18, 2006 7:54 AM CST

Lauren is doing well. She is very excited about Christmas.
She and Christian were in the Sunday School Christmas program yesterday. Lauren was in the choir and Christian was one of the sheep. Although Lauren didn't do the song actions she did sing along with every number. It was a cute program.
Lauren is revising her letter to Santa every day with new things she sees on TV or in the Target ads. She told one of her teachers that she wanted Santa to bring Becky a vase of flowers and a baby. I think Santa just better bring the flowers!

Thursday, November 16, 2006 5:58 PM CST

Sorry for the delay in updating about the MRI on Tuesday...
Lauren had a great clinic visit with all the specialists yesterday afternoon-they all thought she was doing very well. We were very glad to get home around 8 last night.
Thanks for checking in on Lauren, for your prayers, and for your messages left in the guestbook.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006 2:48 PM CST

Lauren had an MRI this morning here at Children's St. Paul and everything went just fine. There were no problems with intubation - the breathing tube went in just fine. At any rate, I got the doctor to write down her method and everything used in the process to send up to Toronto. They don't understand what went wrong in Toronto, either! Lauren's feeding tube was removed this morning during the procedure, too, so she's all done with that, too! We are here until tomorrow because they couldn't schedule both the clinic visit and the MRI the same day. We don't have any results of the MRI but I'll post again tomorrow.

Saturday, October 21, 2006 9:55 AM CDT

We came home on Wednesday evening. Jane and Mike picked us up at the airport and got us to our car in Hastings. We are now trying to figure out what the next step will be. I have a call in to Children's Hospital in St. Paul about the trouble Lauren experienced in Toronto because she has a sedated MRI at Children's on November 14 using the same method as always. I'm asking them to take meticulous notes during the procedure for if/when we return to Toronto. We still can't believe what happened.
Thank you all for your support, prayers, thoughts and messages left here. Have a good week-end.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006 11:35 AM CDT

Lauren had a good night's sleep and there was no more coughing so the surgery was a go at 8:30 this morning. At around 10:30 Dr. Zucker came and reported to us that they were not able to get a proper airway tube for sedation into Lauren's throat and that they'd tried for over an hour with four different specialists. Therefore the surgery was called off. Lauren has had this same type of procedure at least a dozen times at Children's Hospital in St. Paul with success in prepping her for her MRI's but this didn't work. Disappointment. Lauren is now in recovery and will soon be moved to her 8th floor room for overnight. At this time we think we'll be heading home tomorrow. I'll update later in the afternoon. Thank you for all your prayers, thoughts and messages.

Monday, October 16, 2006 3:51 PM CDT

Hi. I have to type quickly. I'm updating from the hotel and it costs $7 for 15 minutes of computer time! The flight was fine, customs was interesting, and we found our hotel room. This morning we had a long meeting with the nurse practicioner about Lauren, then met with the therapy department to get Lauren fitted for a right-cheek plastic device to protect her right side of the face aftr surgery then to medical photography for some before-surgery shots and then to meet with the surgeon and the anesthesiology sp? doctor who was VERY intense. Lauren started coughing -she's coming off a cold. The a-doctor was very concerned about the one cough she heard and so all you prayer warriors out there really need to send up prayers for whatever that cough was or is to go away - or the surgery may be off. The other thing we were told is that Lauren can't have any chocolate for the next 6 weeks because it contains caffeine and that constricts blood vessels that will need to working in great shape to get blood flow circulating in her surgery site. She doesn't know about the restriction yet but she's being fed chocolate at this very minute!!! We are resting after the big day and will make a trip to the hotel whirlpool to relax and then try to get a good night's sleep before being at the hospital by 6 tomorrow morning. I'll try to update from the hospital tomorrow. Thanks for your messages, thoughts and prayers. We appreciate them all. God Bless You.

Saturday, October 14, 2006 10:44 AM CDT

Becky, Lauren and Marc fly to Toronto, Canada, tomorrow. Lauren will have a full day of appointments and tests on Monday and then admitted early on Tuesday for "smile surgery" at Sick Kids Hospital. We have been told that the surgery could last up to eight hours. One side of her face will be done. The other side will be done at a later date. We assume that Caringbridge will be operational in Canada and will try to update Lauren's site throughout the stay. Thank you for your prayers.

Tuesday, October 3, 2006 7:43 AM CDT

I apologize for not updating sooner. Time really does fly!
Lauren is doing well in first grade. She has begun reading the high frequency words in rebus sentence form and has a new stack of sentence strips to show and read to us each night. She's very proud.
Becky, Lauren and Marc fly to Toronto, Canada on Sunday, October 15th. Lauren has a full day of pre-op appointments on the 16th and then she's admitted in the early morning of the 17th for the "smile surgery" that day. We still have mounds of things to get done in order to go but it'll all fall into place somehow. Christian is staying at home. Grandpa and Grandma Eggert are coming to be with him for the first week and then he'll go to his old daycare provider for the remainder of the time. He can't wait until we go! I'll update again before we travel. Thanks for checking in on Lauren.

Friday, September 1, 2006 8:35 AM CDT

I got impatient yesterday and called the hospital in Toronto. Lauren is scheduled for "smile surgery' on Tuesday, October 17th!! She will have some testing the day before so we'll need to be there on Sunday, the 15th. We have lots of organizing and preparing to do before then.
Will update later with news of Lauren's first day of first grade next Tuesday. Have a great Labor Day week-end!

Tuesday, August 15, 2006 8:33 AM CDT

I just got off the phone with the international patient office manager at Sick Kid's Hospital in Toronto, Canada. He confirmed that Lauren's surgery would be covered through Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN after deductibles and out of pocket figures were thrown in. The estimate is staggering-and it's just for one side, but I guess that's the way it is. We now wait for Dr. Zucker to set up his appointments and see what will fit for schedules. It would be during the school year so there are going to be some issues that need to be resolved. The manager assured me that there would be time allowed between the time the surgery is set to the surgery itself so we can get our acts together!
Lauren is doing well. She has horse therapy every week in Redwood Falls and that is going well. She has speech therapy during the summer with her speech teacher, Julie, and time with her helpers, Sue and Kelly, so she is happy.
Make a Wish Minnesota is having a get-together at the Mall of America Amusement Park on Saturday, August 26th, and Lauren is SO excited about that. Then the next week she starts first grade!
Christian is up north with G and G Eggert having a great time at the lake with his cousin. He comes home this week-end.
Thanks for checking in on Lauren. We appreciate your visits to her website and messages left.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006 1:34 PM CDT

We are still waiting to get a definite go-ahead from Blue Cross Blue Shield concerning the facial surgery for Lauren. We got a letter stating that the insurance company did feel the surgery was medically necessary but fell short of stating if they'd pay or not. We have been playing phone tag with the company - trying to get to the right person at the right time. We are still hopeful of getting one surgery in for Lauren before school starts. Lauren went shopping yesterday and got all her school supplies - she's so excited!! She's still traveling to Redwood Falls each week this summer for her horse therapy. Other than that, there's not much to report. Will update soon concerning communication with either Toronto or BCBS or both!

Saturday, July 1, 2006 3:01 PM CDT

Happy Independence Day - a few days early! We are still waiting to hear from Blue Cross Blue Shield about insurance coverage for Lauren's facial reanimation surgery in Toronto.
The Walk of Hope that I wrote about in the last entry was cancelled because of rain/lightning. They had a condensed program before it started raining. We didn't participate because Lauren has an aversion to getting wet anywhere but in the bathtub. We watched for a time from up above on the hill in the parking area. Disappointing - but I read in the local paper this week that it raised an awesome amount of money to be used locally for cancer-stricken people. That's great!
Thanks for checking in on Lauren. We appreciate your visit to the website even if you don't sign the guestbook. Have a great week-end!

Wednesday, June 14, 2006 8:40 AM CDT

We have word from Toronto that Dr. Zucker has sent all necessary documentation to Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota about Lauren's facial reanimation so now we just wait. Lauren has been in great spirits of late. She isn't home right now - she's on a Florida vacation, without us! Jane and Mike took Lauren back to the same spot they all vacationed at last June. Tropical Storm Albert is hampering some of their fun but we have heard daily from them about what they're doing. They'll be back on Thursday and we'll meet in Hutchinson to pick up Lauren.
Then on Friday evening we'll be attending the Walk of Hope held here in Dawson. Our county has for the most part pulled out of the American Cancer Society's activities, ie Relay for Life. Reason being that the ACS doesn't keep any of the money raised locally local. A committee of people has set up the Lac qui Parle Hope Network and most of the money raised through luminary sales and sponsorships stays local to help community residents affected by cancer with bills, travel expense for treatment, etc. A small portion is sent to cancer research facilities and a small portion is kept for local operation of the network. We think this new organization is of great help to people. The Walk of Hope starts Friday evening at 6 at the football field. Lauren will be in the parade of survivors at the beginning of the walk. Participating in that walk is always a joy filled experience. There are so many people in our little cirle of friends and acquaintances here in Dawson that have been affected by cancer. At Becky's school alone, the superintendent, the retired art teacher, a fifth grade teacher, the elementary school secretary, and a paraprofessional in the resource room have all been diagnosed with some form of cancer since Lauren's diagnosis 4 years ago this month.
We're busy getting luminary bags decorated for Friday night. We'll update again soon and hopefully have some pictures of the event in the photo album on this website.
Thanks for checking in on Lauren

Friday, June 2, 2006 5:35 PM CDT

We had a good trip to Toronto. We got there just before 9 on Tuesday night because a delay in take-off from Minneapolis. Toronto is huge!! The easiest way into the city from the airport was by taxi-$47.00. It was very warm and muggy upon getting out of the taxi and making our way to the dormitory we stayed in for the night. We hadn't eaten since noon so we ventured out to a side street with a Subway to eat and get out of the warmth. No air-conditioning! We took our food back to the dorm and ate in our room. On Wednesday morning we walked across the street to the hospital-also huge! I metwith the international patient office rep to pay up-front for the clinic visit. It was estimated that the bill would be $630 and it was to be paid in American money. Not knowing any better, I didn't have the exact denominations so they wouldn't allow me to pay cash and wouldn't allow me time to get to a bank to either switch to Canadian currency or get the exact American denominations so I paid with a credit card. After all that fiasco I made it back to be with Becky and Lauren in the waiting room to see Dr. Zucker. We met with him and 4 other doctors. They watched as Lauren chewed candy to see that her jaw and lower cheek muscles were working and Lauren allowed Dr. Zucker to touch her cheeks and jaw as she chewed. After that the doctor team all agreed that Lauren would be a good candidate for the surgery and they thought it would be a benefit to her! They showed pictures of children who had had the surgery and it was heartwarming to see. We discussed many things with the team. Dr. Zucker said that we didn't need to hurry with the surgery if we wanted and that it could wait til Lauren was older. We feel we surgery would be better now before there's more social and self image issues. The next step for us is to contact the insurance company and get a case worker for Lauren and then Dr. Zucker would send the insurance company a letter of necessity and documentation to get the ball rolling. Her first surgery visit would take about 5-7 days in-hospital and a few days more as an outpatient before leaving for home. She could have the second surgery for the other side of the face in as little as 2 to 3 months from the time of the first surgery. Dr. Zucker said that most kids are so excited and anxious to return to Toronto to get the second surgery done when they see what the first surgery has done for them. We had a tour of the areas of the hospital Lauren would be involved in. Then it was time to grab something to eat and head back to the airport to catch the flight home. This taxi ride was $51.00! Terrific thunderstorms arrived in Toronto around 4 pm and so most flights were delayed. We were to fly out at 6 but we didn't get off the ground until after 9. Upon arrival back at the airport we waited for over an hour for the shuttle bus to get us back to our car. We arrived back in Dawson at 2:30 am. Yup, all three of us were up and moving again by 7 the next morning for school and work.
Christian stayed with Kurt and Karen (his former daycare provider) so he got to play with their son, Kyler. He was disappointed we returned so quickly!
That's all for now. Thanks for checking in on Lauren. We appreciate your interest and concern. We have lots to think and pray about. Have a good week-end.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006 8:36 AM CDT

Good morning!
We leave for Toronto this afternoon. Lauren's appointment with Dr. Zucker is at 11:00 tomorrow. We've had many people ask why we're not seeking treatment here in the States. There are doctors who do facial animation in the States but Dr. Zucker deals only with children and we want the best! I don't want to sound uppity but that's the way we feel. So many things could go wrong-we want to minimize that chance. We'll be back in Dawson late Wednesday night and hopefully Lauren and Becky will make it to school on time Thursday and I'll get to work, too. Thanks for checking in on Lauren. We'll update after we have been to Toronto.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006 7:43 AM CDT

Today is Lauren's 7th birthday!! She woke up very happy and excited this morning to find a Dora the Explorer small bike with training wheels waiting for her. She had taken the same bike for a spin at WalMart a few weeks ago and could pedal it. We gave her the idea that it was just to see if she could do it and she never put up a fuss about it then and we bought it later when she wasn't with us. She's going to horse therapy at Redwood Falls today so that she and PocoPuff (the horse) can celebrate! Yesterday Lauren and Marc went to Marshall to Gillette Hospital's Outreach Clinic to see a doctor about Lauren's legs and feet. He checked her out and when we travel to Gillette in June, Lauren will have a buttress connected to one of her shoes to make her foot flatter when she walks.
On May 30th, Lauren, Becky and Marc will fly to Toronto, Canada to meet with Dr. Zucker about the possibility of Lauren having "smile surgery". Lauren's appointment is the morning of May 31st and we'll fly back later that same day. Please pray for us!
Thanks for checking in on Lauren. Have a good day.

Saturday, April 8, 2006 8:27 AM CDT

Lauren's appointments at Children's St. Paul went well. She has shown some growth because of the growth hormone shots she gets once a day. For now all her meds stay the same. Her vision is 20/40 in both eyes. The eye doctor said that Lauren probably has more damage to certain eye muscles than first thought and that is why she moves her head to see right and left and up and down where we just move our eyes. There is surgery in the planning stages for Lauren's inward-turned eye to move it more midline for cosmetics reasons. The eye doctor is corresponding with peers in Toronto, Canada about the possibility of doing the eye surgery there when and if Lauren has surgery for her facial paralysis. We got a call on Monday from Toronto stating that Dr. Zucker would be having his "summer" clinic for facial paralysis patients on May 31st. We would be traveling to Toronto for a consultation to confirm that Lauren would benefit from the surgery. Surgery would then be scheduled for sometime this fall. The May 31st appointment is difficult time-wise for us. It's the last week of school here and Becky will be very busy with end-of-year activities and paperwork. But, on the other hand, it's the only clinic scheduled right now and we don't want to miss the opportunity to meet with Dr. Zucker. We are looking for other facial paralysis experts closer to home but not having much luck. We'll see how things play out.
Thanks for checking in on Lauren. Happy Easter!

Wednesday, March 29, 2006 1:49 PM CST

Lauren and Marc are headed for St. Paul for Friday appointments with the endocrinology and vision doctors at Children's Hospital. We haven't had Lauren's vision checked recently so it will be good to have that done. We will be home Friday night. Thanks for checking in on Lauren.

Wednesday, March 1, 2006 4:20 PM CST

Happy March 1st, everyone! Let's skip any more snow and just go for spring-like weather, OK? Lauren has been busy at school and just today started "hippotherapy" at a horse farm near Redwood Falls. She will go on Wednesdays as she doesn't have kindergarten that day. I don't know all the research into this technique yet but will keep you posted.
She rides a horse named PocoPuff and knows commands. She played catch, did sit-ups, etc. on horseback today. Lauren's helper, Sue, takes her to hippotherapy sessions. We are still wading through all the information from the doctor in Toronto about Lauren's facial paralysis. He can see Lauren this summer to determine if she'd be a candidate for bringing back some facial tone. Check out the photo album, too. Lauren enjoyed some snowtime recently with Jane and Mike. She's also pictured with her ever-present arts and crafts. She loves Elmer's Glue!!!

Saturday, February 11, 2006 9:11 AM CST

Happy Valentine's Day!
Lauren is feeling better after fighting a cold and cough. She's on two antibiotics. She missed two days of school last week. She has been working on writing names on her classmate's valentines-it is very time consuming for her because she has a difficult time forming the letters. We finally have information from the doctor in Toronto, Canada concerning Lauren's facial paralysis. He had responded back to Children's St. Paul shortly after receiving Lauren's medical records and video-tape of her back in October but someone at Children's St. Paul sat on that information for over 3 months while I kept calling there to try to find out what was going on. The doctor in Toronto could have seen Lauren in December but that opportunity was lost and now he's on sabbatical until June or July. GRRRRR!!! He indicated in his letter that he thought he could help Lauren regain some muscle tone in her face. We will be anxious to get more information from him. That's all for now. Thanks for checking in on Lauren.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006 2:34 PM CST

It has been a long time since I've updated. Lauren is doing well. She has been going through a stage for the last couple weeks of being very headstrong and at times belligerent-even at school with teachers and her aide. We hope it is a short-lived phase! We are patiently waiting for news from Children's St. Paul about her next appointments and if there have been any new developments with the doctor from Canada concerning her facial paralysis. There really isn't much new to report on Lauren and we often struggle with the question of continuing this journal and site but it has been such a part of our lives the last three and a half years. Thanks for checking in on Lauren and for those who post messages in the guestbook, we thank you, too! I'll update again - soon!

Saturday, December 24, 2005 11:00 AM CST

Merry Christmas from Lauren and her family!
Lauren has had a great time in school with all the Christmas activity and arts and crafts! She participated in both the school and Sunday School Christmas programs. Santa made a house call to Lauren on Thursday night and she was very impressed! Have a wonderful Christmas and we hope that 2006 is a great year for you! Thanks for continuing to check in on Lauren.

Saturday, December 24, 2005 10:52 AM CST

Merry Christmas from Lauren and all her family!
Lauren has been doing well. She is enjoying school and she was able to participate in both the elementary school Christmas program and the Sunday School one. Santa made a house call to Lauren on Thursday evening and she was very impressed! We are so thankful for her improving health. Thanks for checking in on Lauren. Have a wonderful Christmas and we hope that 2006 is a good one for everyone!

Wednesday, November 30, 2005 5:36 PM CST

Lauren's school staffing with all the specialists and the conference with her kindergarten teacher were so uplifting!
They are all doing a great job getting Lauren off to such a great year!
Lauren had an appointment on Monday morning at Gillette Hospital in St. Paul with a pediatric orthopedist (sp?). Lauren's legs have become somewhat "knock-kneed" for lack of better words and her stride is awkward because of all she's been through. The doctor was not overly concerned but said it could develop into problems if she doesn't self-correct in an unspecified amount of time. He will check her again in six months. We stayed in St. Paul Monday night at Jane and Mike's as there were blizzard conditions and ice here in southwest Minnesota. We had a great time with them. We made it home yesterday afternoon and conditions were still kind of lousy! Lauren wanted to go out in the snow when we got home so Becky obliged her and they were out for a few minutes. There's more snow today so I'd better get home and shovel. Thanks for checking in on Lauren.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005 9:07 AM CST

Lauren was so excited to see snow in the air this morning on her way to school. She even made up a song about it. She is doing well. Tomorrow she'll have new leg braces fitted in Marshall at Gillette Hospital's Outreach Clinic. Sure beats a long trip to St. Paul! Lauren's school staffing is on Friday morning. It's in place of the usual parent-teacher conference and has lots of specialists, etc. in attendance. We're anxious to hear about how she's doing from their perspectives.

Sunday, October 9, 2005 6:01 PM CDT

The MRI is clear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lauren had good appointments with all her doctors/specialists. The videotaping of her face went well, too, even with the power going off at the clinic for a short time. Lauren has grown an inch and a half since June so the growth hormone shots are working. Thanks for checking in on Lauren.

Tuesday, October 4, 2005 9:14 AM CDT

Lauren is having a great time in kindergarten. Her aide reports that Lauren is gaining confidence and raising her hand to answer questions and making new friends.
Lauren has an MRI tomorrow at Children's St. Paul at noon. She is also going to be videotaped zeroing in on her facial paralysis to send on to a doctor in Toronto, Canada, to determine if anything can be done to bring back some facial tone. Then we have meetings in the afternoon (after recovery from the MRI) with Lauren's specialists.

Thanks for checking in on Lauren. We appreciate your thoughts and messages.

Friday, September 16, 2005 5:23 PM CDT

Hi! I wanted to wait until our pictures were developed to update about Lauren's first day of school so check out the new photo album pictures, too. Lauren loves school, she loves her aide, Cindy, her kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Mork, and her special ed teacher, Mrs. Club. She is very happy! Last week-end we attended Lauren's St. Paul Children's primary nurse's wedding in Hugo near the Cities. Melissa was Lauren's nurse through most of her hospitalizations in St. Paul and they had a very touching relationship. It was a nice wedding and Lauren got her picture taken with Melissa at the reception. Then on Sunday, we were guests of Make a Wish Minnesota at Camp Snoopy for a fun afternoon of rides. Lauren rode many of the tamer rides and Becky and Christian went for the wild ones. Janie and Mikey joined us and they went with Lauren on many rides and kept her laughing! We also met Kevin M. and his family that we'd been in contact with through Caringbridge. Kevin had the same kind of brain tumor Lauren had. He's doing great! We saw some families that looked familiar from Children's Minneapolis when Lauren was a patient there but it was a busy place and Christian had places to go and rides to ride so we let visiting go!
Thanks for checking in on Lauren - have a great week-end!

Wednesday, August 31, 2005 9:43 AM CDT

Lauren and Marc were in St. Paul on Monday for Lauren's MRI. It was scheduled for 9:30 a.m. Upon being admitted, it was announced to Marc that the MRI was going to be at 10:00 a.m. No problem. We waited in our short-stay room until a nurse suggested we visit the playroom while we waited. 10:00-no news, 11:00-no news, 12:00-no news, 1:00-no news, and then finally at 2:00 a nurse had enough courage to tell me that the MRI couldn't be done that day because of a "scheduling glitch". Poor Lauren had had nothing to eat or drink since the night before because she's always sedated and brought into the OR for her MRI. She was a real trooper and didn't complain to me. She finally got to eat in her favorite hospital cafeteria and had mac/cheese, sweet potatoes, and chocolate milk. Marc was too upset to eat! Then when she finished we went up to the clinic and tried to get to the bottom of the problem. No luck. My blood pressure was real high after that. So we headed for home at 3 and arrived back in Dawson at 6. Lauren's first official day of kindergarten is next Thursday, the 8th. She's ready! Becky and Christian both start tomorrow, the 1st.
Thanks for checking in on Lauren.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005 9:15 AM CDT

Good morning!
Lauren is excited for kindergarten round-up tomorrow morning at school. She will "officially" meet her teacher, her paraprofessional aide, and her classmates. Sarah Ridgeway from ChildLife at St. Paul Children's Hospital is making the trip out to Dawson to be on hand to meet with kindergarten parents to tell about Lauren's health issues and she'll also meet with the kindergarten students. She has lots of neat things to show, read and discuss with them about someone with impairments like Lauren. We all figure that the more everyone knows about Lauren the easier it will be for everyone to work and play with her. We are eager for Lauren to begin kindergarten - it just seems like such an especially huge, happy step for her!
Lauren has an MRI next Monday morning at Children's St. Paul and then she and I will be at the clinic for the rest of the day meeting with doctors and specialists.
Thanks for checking in on Lauren. We appreciate your website visits, thoughts and prayers.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005 4:12 PM CDT

Wow! July is almost over! Lauren had a good week earlier in July when she and Becky went to St. Paul Children's for clinic visits for five days to wean Lauren from the feeding tube. It worked! Lauren is now proud to be drinking from a glass and doing well with no choking problems! We are still administering her meds through the tube but hopefully that will change soon, too. She is so proud of her drinking ability! The week they were down in the cities, Becky, Christian, and Lauren stayed at Becky's sister's family in Plymouth and they had lots of playtime and amusements. Roxanne (Becky's sister) loaned us a quarter-size violin because both Christian and Lauren have
shown interest in learning. They both started lessons last night. So far the practices sound like mosquitos buzzing but soon we'll be hearing tunes!
Last week-end the four of us were at a week-end camp near Annandale sponsored by Children's Hospital for families with children with brain tumors, leukemia, etc. It was on a first come/first served basis and we got our application in early to attend. There were good seminars for parents and lots of activities for the kids. Even though it was so humid/hot we had a good time.

Thursday, July 7, 2005 12:15 AM CDT

The new picture here and the three new ones in the photo album have all been taken since Mother's Day week-end. The one here is of Lauren on the beach in Florida when she and Becky were guests of Jane and Mike for a trip there. The three in the photo album show:*Lauren and Christian in Lauren's birthday gift of a battery operated car that she got from Uncle Doug and Aunt Wendy (if you remember an earlier update Lauren would have very little to do with the car in the beginning);*Lauren on a bike extension - she likes bike rides with Mom and hollers "To infinity and beyond!" (line from the movie Toy Story)when they take off;*Lauren and two friends from day care, Paige and Savannah at Lauren's birthday/craft party.
Lauren is doing well. She is going to hospital therapy, speech therapy with Julie from school, and enjoys her time with Kelly and Megan. They make Lauren so happy and excited about her daily routine. Next week Lauren is due back at Children's St. Paul for a swallow study and they are going to work with Lauren on drinking more (instead of water going through her feeding tube) and hopefully wean her from the tube. That would be great! No new news on the facial paralysis debate. We'll keep you posted. Thanks for checking in on Lauren.

Friday, June 24, 2005 6:08 PM CDT

Hi. It's about time I update. Lauren had a great finish to the school year in Early Childhood Special Education and it looks like it will be a nice transition into kindergarten next fall with everything falling into place during the first month or so back to school. In early June
Lauren and Becky were guests of Janie and Mikey for four days in south Florida along the Gulf side and Lauren had a great time of collecting seashells, looking at pufferfish, dolphins in the ocean and was intrigued by a little white crab. She loved the ocean and even allowed herself to get wet! They all relaxed and had a great time. Christian spent that week with G and G Eggert at the lake and had a blast. Then with everyone back in one place the next week, Lauren started limited summer school and Christian started summer rec. Lauren also has two new aides that come and come and work with and entertain Lauren for a few hours during the week. She loves Kelly and Megan. On Tuesday, Lauren had an appointment at Gillette Hospital in St. Paul. Dr. Wood is a plastic surgeon and the medical director of the Center for Craniofacial Services at Gillette. He was going to examine Lauren to see about collagen (sp?) implants in Lauren's cheeks because of her facial paralysis. This would give Lauren's cheeks a little lift and make her face less drawn. He basically nixed that right after the meeting started and is exploring another option that we'll provide information about later. It would involve travel and many other details. Please pray for wisdom for us!
We hope everyone has a great week-end.

Saturday, May 21, 2005 2:26 PM CDT

Hi. I promised to update about Lauren's birthday antics. Lauren has a history of not handling her birthday celebrations very well - even before her brain tumor. She used to cry and tell us to stop when we'd sing the birthday song in her honor, cry while she opened gifts, etc. High strung, perhaps! Anyway, she was better with this year's celebrations but did have a melt-down when she got a motorized (battery operated) car that can be driven on sidewalks, driveways, etc. She got this from her uncle and aunt and we all waited with anticipation for her reaction. She screamed bloody murder and would not so much as look at it. We did get her into it for a few pictures but she fought it the whole time. She still has not gotten near it. We can't figure out why. Christian loves it and wants to spray paint it and have it for his own! Hopefully he can convince his sister it's OK and take her for rides in it to get her used to it. Lauren got so many great gifts and so many that are art-project related. She loves crafts! Her school year is winding down - one week left. Things are falling into place for kindergarten next fall. Lauren's school staffing was held about a week ago. There are many wonderful, caring people at school who have worked with Lauren so far and a whole new crew waiting to work with her next fall. Even though the results of the neuro-psych testing done at Children's about three weeks ago were disappointing we are confident that Lauren will succeed because she has shown her fighting spirit all along and she isn't going to stop now!
Lauren has an appointment with a doctor at Gillette Hospital in St. Paul on Monday concerning her leg braces and stance so we hope she tolerates that all right. Have a great week-end. Thanks for checking in on Lauren.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005 7:28 AM CDT

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MISS LAUREN! Lauren is six years old today! We will update with all her birthday party antics later.

Saturday, May 7, 2005 12:34 AM CDT

Happy Mother's Day all you moms, grandmas, sisters, aunts and friends. Lauren couldn't wait until tomorrow to give Becky her handmade Mother's Day gifts - she even unwrapped them for Becky. Have a great week-end!

Monday, April 25, 2005 10:33 AM CDT

As I write this update, Lauren is being tested in the neuro-psychological dept here at Children's St. Paul. We arrived in the department at 9 this morning and Lauren was introduced to her "teacher" for the testing and I went with someone else to discuss Lauren's progress in school, therapy and home. I talked for an hour and a half and when finished, I found that Lauren is still working hard with the teacher and will most likely continue until noon.
Then we'll have something to eat in the hospital cafeteria (Lauren LOVES the cafeteria!!) and then at 1:00 she goes back in to finish the testing. I'll get some feedback and we should be on the road home around 3:00. The results of this testing should help all of Lauren's teachers, therapists, etc. learn more about Lauren's learning style and any issues that can be addressed to get her ready for kindergarten next fall! We're excited!

Tuesday, April 5, 2005 5:24 PM CDT

Sunday visits to the emergency room are becoming a pattern with Lauren! She developed diarhea on Friday afternoon and continued through Saturday. We thought it might be the flu or just something she ate that didn't agree with her. Becky, Lauren and I spent a restless night Saturday night with frequent trips to the bathroom. Early Sunday morning Lauren got treated for a mild case of dehydration and we found out that she was having a reaction to the antibiotic that had been prescribed two weeks ago in emergency when she had a touch of pneumonia. So, two hours later with some Pedialyte/saline and new meds, we were back home for a very quiet remainder of the day. She has perked up considerably and was back in school today.
Thanks for checking in on Lauren.

Saturday, March 26, 2005 12:33 AM CST

Lauren and her family wish all of you a Happy Easter! Lauren has had a lingering cold for weeks and finally complained to us that her side hurt so we took her in to emergency at 11 on Sunday night and sure enough, she was in the early stages of pneumonia so she got a shot and some meds and we were home two hours later. She was already feeling better by Monday afternoon. Lauren is waiting for the Easter bunny and thought he was here this morning and she was up at 6:15! Have a great week-end!

Thursday, March 3, 2005 11:37 AM CST

Prayers are answered!!! LAUREN'S MRI IS CLEAR - NO TUMORS!
I'll update with more information about the two days of testing when I have a chance to get organized!

Tuesday, March 1, 2005 2:54 PM CST

Lauren and I are down at St. Paul at Children's for a swallow test today and her MRI and sedated dentistry tomorrow morning. We are finished with the swallow study. It's a live, moving x-ray of Lauren's teeth, jaw, vocal cords, esophogus(sp?) etc. as she chews and swallows.
It showed Lauren still has some trouble with thin liquids so we are being encouraged to thicken milk and juice until she can better handle it. We need to be here at the hospital at 6 a.m. tomorrow morning for her MRI and dentist appointment. Please pray that Lauren's MRI is clear. We'll update as soon as we know results. Thanks for checking in on Lauren.

Sunday, February 13, 2005 8:42 AM CST

It has been a long time since the last entry. Lauren has been doing all the things she should be - attending school, going to therapy, going to daycare one and a half days a week, etc. She is excited about Valentine's Day and has most of her class and daycare valentines ready. On Thursday Lauren has an appointment at St. Paul Children's for another feeding clinic to see how they think she's doing. We'll hopefully get some insight into some speech issues, too.
Perhaps you've seen the last guestbook entry - Lauren and Christian have a new cousin, Miya, who has been adopted by Marc's niece, Alissa and her husband, Andy, from Colorado. Lauren loves babies but I'm sure it will be quite some time before we get to meet Miya.
Have a happy Valentine's Day!

Wednesday, January 5, 2005 3:47 PM CST

Hi. New photo album pictures posted today! I'm anxious to get home and talk to Lauren after her day at school today. Today was her first day attending the regular pre-school program in the "big school"! Her early childhood special ed class is housed in a location just across the street so she was curious, excited, and a little apprehensive, too. Another step for Lauren! We are excited for her!

Thursday, December 23, 2004 6:41 PM CST

New photo album pictures posted!
Merry Christmas from the Thoen's! We have been busy with Sunday School programs, school activities yesterday to celebrate Christmas and we're one day away from Christmas Eve! Thinking back to last year at this time, Lauren was in St. Paul Children's and not feeling well. We missed the usual family celebrations on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. This year it's all different and Lauren is doing great! We'll all be able to travel and see family on both sides. We are so lucky. Happy Holidays!

We are praying for two women staff members (and their families) at Dawson-Boyd Elementary School who have recently been diagnosed with cancer and for the Dawson family that just lost husband/father to cancer this past week. We know firsthand that the power of prayer and support from our community will carry them through the times ahead.

Monday, December 20, 2004 8:51 AM CST

Lauren had an eye appointment in St. Paul on Friday. The eye doctor reported that Lauren's vision has improved significantly but that in order to see things to her right she has to turn her head in that direction because her right eye's major muscle is dead. The doctor reported that there is also some injury to the left eye's major muscle. There will be some research and consultation done and we should hear something about the possibility of surgery to Lauren's right eye to connect some minor eye muscles and move the eye more toward center.
Lauren's Sunday School Christmas program was yesterday morning during the church service. It was very good and Lauren participated in singing and song actions. She stood for over 20 minutes with the altar railing as a support! Christian's program was at 4:00 in the afternoon and that was very good, too. It is so heartwarming to see both Christian and Lauren excited about singing for Baby Jesus.

Monday, December 6, 2004 1:21 PM CST

Wow... time flies. Sorry for the delay in updating. As you can see I finally have some pictures of our trip to Orlando posted. Check out the photo album. Lauren is doing well. She has her Christmas wish list ready for Santa. She wants a Santa suit, a horn, a ball, and some puzzles. Pretty simple list, huh? Both Lauren and Christian have Sunday School Christmas programs on the 19th. This past week-end they both helped Becky make some reindeer cookies. Lauren loves to be Mom's helper in the kitchen. Lauren has an eye appt in St. Paul next week. We will hopefully learn more about correcting her right eye that's so far inward. Have a good week!

Thursday, November 11, 2004 5:45 PM CST

Lauren had a scheduled visit to St. Paul Children's Hospital yesterday. She had her 3 month MRI in the morning and it came back clear!! She's had clean scans now for one year! (Chemo finished last November.) We are so relieved! The neuro-surgeon discussed the results with me and he, too, was very encouraged. Lauren had her neuro-oncology appt in the hospital clinic in the afternoon. We met with the endocrinologist (sp?). She wants to check Lauren's blood to see if growth hormone shots need to be started. She said Lauren's height had leveled off in the last 2 visits. That doctor and the neuro-surgeon want to discuss Lauren's bone density, too. Then we met with Lauren's oncologist about a host of things and then we headed for home around 4:15. It was 46 degrees in St. Paul when we headed for home and it was 30 degrees in Dawson when we got home. BRRRR! Will update some pictures for the photo album soon.

Saturday, October 30, 2004 4:54 PM CDT

We had a great time in Orlando! The flights down (connection in Memphis) were fine. We arrived at the Orlando airport and a greeter from Make a Wish was waiting to explain how to find our mini-van and give directions to Give Kids the World. Then we were off with toll road money in hand and got to our villa at Give Kids the World near Kissimmee without any problems. Give Kids the World is a huge gated community with 96 villas for Make a Wish families to use as a home away from home while visiting Orlando and Disney World. We had a full kitchen, breakfast nook, living room, laundry, and two large bedrooms. Lauren's bathroom had a whirlpool bath and huge shower. Our room had a king size bed (and a little 5 year old girl thought it was hers). The Give Kids the World grounds has an amusement building/arcade, chapel, theater, two outdoor swimming pools, an ice cream parlor open from 7
a.m. til 9 p.m., a restaurant run by Perkins serving breakfasts and suppers, a fishing pond, a pizza parlor, and gardens and fountains. It's all run and kept up by volunteers. Everything there was free to us. We were treated like royalty.
We spent time at Magic Kingdom, Animal Kingdom, Sea World, MGM Studios, and Paramount Studios. Lauren and Christian both purchased autograph books and pens right away and returned home to Dawson with just about every Disney character's autograph. Lauren's highlight introduction was to Minnie Mouse and Christian's was to Spider Man.
We all went on many rides and saw many shows. The Shamu show at Sea World was fantastic and the live Lion King show at Animal Kingdom was awesome. We all enjoyed the time so much and the end of the vacation came too soon! We know we'd like to go back sometime and visit Epcot Center, too. We really appreciate Make a Wish Minnesota's generousity. We are so lucky to have been given this trip.
Will update with more tourist info and updated pictures soon. Happy Halloween from Elmo (Lauren), Superman (Christian) and Marc and Becky!

Friday, October 15, 2004 1:58 PM CDT

We're going to Disney World to see "Mickmey" and all his friends!!

Saturday, October 9, 2004 12:16 AM CDT

Lauren got a new leg brace that will be on during daytime for about the next month to help one of the bones broken in her lower leg fuse back together again. She tolerates it better than a cast but it is still cumbersome for her. She enjoys undoing the velcro tabs on it at bedtime so she can be free of it for night time. The feeding clinic at St. Paul Children's went OK - lots of information provided and now we need to make some adjustments to Lauren's diet and meal/treat/water schedule. The best news for Lauren and us was that we no longer need to use the feeding pump at night for her Pediasure. We can syringe it into her feeding tube at a slow rate before bedtime. That way we don't have to get up to shut the pump off and disconnect the line from her tube which usually caused Lauren to wake up.
We leave for Orlando and Disney World next Saturday morning from the airport in Minneapolis - bright and early.
Our flight is scheduled to leave at 6:38 a.m. Lauren and Christian are so excited.

Monday, September 27, 2004 11:25 AM CDT

OK, it's time to update! Sorry, we get busy with normal life and forget things. Lauren still has a cast on her leg. One of the bones has not fused back together again so the doctor wants to put her in a leg brace for another month and then see what's up. She's being measured for that today. On Wednesday, Lauren and Marc head to St. Paul Children's Hospital for a feeding clinic. The clinicians there will see how things are going for Lauren's swallowing (still scary at times) and eating. We all would appreciate the news that she could do without her feeding tube and night feedings. She has a great appetite at times and then again there are times when she eats next to nothing.
The really big news for us is that Lauren's Make-A-Wish wish is coming true in mid-October. We are going to Disney World in Orlando, Florida for 6 days! It is Lauren's wish to see "Mickmey" Mouse. We will have a great time. Hopefully, the hurricane season will be over by then. I'll update again after the trip to St. Paul.
P.S.New photo album pictures posted!

Friday, September 3, 2004 6:52 AM CDT

The school year is off to a good start. Christian is excited to be in first grade. Lauren is excited to be back at the gray house (Early Childhood Special Education) with some old friends and some new friends. Shesqueeled with happiness the first day she was back. Becky, too, is happy to be back and enjoying her class. We have a wedding to attend on Saturday. Martha Olson is getting married. (Martha donated her long hair to Locks of Love shortly after Lauren began chemotherapy in Lauren's honor.) She and her sister, Sara, played violin at our wedding 16 years ago. Martha was one of my 3rd grade students right after we got married. Becky and I had a "commuter marriage" for the first year and I'll never forget Martha arriving at school one morning shortly after school started and leaning across my desk and telling me that if I ever got lonesome for Becky I could just talk to her (Martha). It was so cute. We wish Martha and Brad the best!
Have a great Labor Day week-end, everyone.

Thursday, August 26, 2004 5:57 PM CDT

There are new pictures here on the entry page and also on the photo album page. Sorry it took so long to get updated pictures. The picture here is when Lauren was in Illinois visiting relatives this summer. Later in the day she broke her leg.
She had a new cast put on yesterday in Marshall. The new cast is shorter, from her knee down to her toes. She'll still need to use the wheelchair for another month or so. School begins on Monday for Becky and Christian and Lauren both start on Wednesday. We'll update again after school begins. For those who missed the last entry, I repeat... Lauren's MRI done a short while ago showed no tumors!!!!!

Friday, August 20, 2004 6:01 PM CDT

Quick update: Lauren had a scheduled MRI of her brain yesterday at Children's St. Paul and it was clear!!!!!!!!!!
She also had her feeding tube replaced so she's good to go until November when new scans will be taken. She's doing fine with her leg cast. It hasn't been all that warm so she hasn't had discomfort because of heat. We hope you all have a nice week-end. Thanks for checking in on Lauren.

Friday, August 13, 2004 6:08 PM CDT

Happy Friday the 13th to everyone! Lauren, Christian and Becky have spent most of this week up north near Ely with Grandpa and Grandma E at their lake place. Becky's sister, Roxanne and her three kids are also there. I think they'll be returning home to Dawson either Saturday or Sunday. Lauren has had use of a small wheelchair for the last week and is learning to operate it. She loves wheeling herself into things and then laughs! Christian feels pretty important getting to wheel her downtown to the grocery store or to Marc's on Main with Mom getting to enjoy just walking along by herself! Last Sunday, we spent the afternoon and evening at Jim and Cathy's (Marc's brother and wife). "Uncle Jimmy" took Christian on 2 boat rides, helped him bait hooks for fishing off the dock and provided lots of spotting help while Christian hunted the shoreline for snail and clam shells. They also took a ride on the 4-wheeler and Christian said that was "awesome". Cathy and Becky took Lauren on a long paddle boat ride and she did just fine with her cast. Lauren also went along on the boatrides but didn't want Jim to go so fast! She fell asleep on the boat ride. We had a great time. Lauren has an MRI on Thursday, August 19th at Children's St. Paul. She'll probably have her feeding tube replaced with a new one either on Wednesday or Thursday, also. Then we'll need to go school shopping for both Lauren and Christian. School starts on Sept. 1st.
Lauren will continue in the early childhood special education program and Christian will be in 1st grade.
Thanks for checking in on Lauren. We are appreciative of your concern and interest. When all the Thoens return from up north we will all be tuning in to the Olympics from time to time to check in Carrie Tollefson's progress. She's a native of Dawson and is a runner. I'm on my way home to watch the opening ceremony. Have a good week-end.

Wednesday, July 28, 2004 8:05 PM CDT

For those who missed the last update from last Friday I reported that Lauren, Becky and Christian went to Illinois to visit Becky's grandma and other relatives. During a family gathering on Sunday, Lauren mis-stepped on some playground equipment and the ground was just a little farther down than she anticipated because of her depth perception problems. No outward signs right away of any discomfort or trouble but later Lauren was fussy and her leg was swollen. She was taken to an emergency room and an X-ray was taken. Her tibia and fibia in her lower right leg were both broken. Not ugly breaks, but never the less, broken. Her leg was put in a splint and the doctor there prescribed some pain meds. He also reported that this kind of thing isn't uncommon with someone who has been through chemo/radiation and is on steroids. So, back to Minnesota on Monday and today Lauren had her leg right up to her thigh put in a cast - twice!!!! The first time the doctor didn't notice how crooked her leg was until the cast was set. So, brave little Lauren had to watch the first one be removed and then they took her to emergency to do it the second time. They wanted to sedate her with an IV but her veins everywhere are so tiny that they had to administer a knock-out drug thru her stomach tube. Then a new cast was put on and we finally got to head for home. Her appt time this morning was 11:50 and we left the hospital tonight at 6:45. What a fiasco. Lauren will have this cast for 4 weeks and then go for a check-up and X-ray and another cast will be put on (gasp!) that goes from her knee to her ankle. Lauren was such a good patient today - as always! She's also bummed out that they didn't have yellow casts so she reluctantly picked blue. We now will have to be more creative in her summer routine because of her new "limitations". Knowing Lauren she'll figure out a way to move around on her own.

Friday, July 23, 2004 5:47 PM CDT

Lauren is on her way to visit her great grandmother in Illinois! She, Becky, and Christian left Dawson this afternoon for Hastings, MN, to spend the night there with Becky's parents and then they're on the road again to Illinois bright and early tomorrow morning. Becky's mom, Becky's sister, Roxanne, and her three kids are also going. They'll be in two cars. Christian and Lauren are very good travelers but it's a long way! Anyway, I am just in awe of Lauren's health. It's hard to believe that she's well enough to make this trip! She's come so far!
I'm sure they'll all have a great time visiting with Grandma Leinweber and all the other relatives there that haven't seen any of us for over three years. We still have no news from the retina tests. We hope that no news is good news. Have a good week-end. Thanks for checking in on Lauren.

Friday, July 16, 2004 8:52 AM CDT

Lauren is enjoying summer. We all wish she could be outdoors more but the mosquitoes are terrible and she can't react quickly enough to swat them so we stay inside a lot more than she wishes. She has had two eye appts in the last 3 weeks but we haven't gotten much information back from the one last Friday concerning her retinas. She awoke yesterday morning with a temp and felt icky so Becky took her to the clinic and she's back on antibiotics for a while. She and Christian were to have spent the afternoon yesterday in Watertown S.D. with Pam and Zoe at the zoo so they were both bummed out about that. Have a good week-end and thanks for checking in on Lauren. We appreciate it.

Friday, June 18, 2004 9:41 AM CDT

Just a quick update to let you know that Lauren is doing well. She has her hearing aid again after some trouble and is again enjoying sounds - even the vacuum cleaner! The Relay for Life is being held here in Dawson tonight and we are ready to celebrate with and for Lauren! Lauren's got a team ready to walk with her. Some of our out of town team members include: Aunt Roxanne, Aunt Cathy and Uncle Jim, Aunt Lona and Uncle Garry who flew to Minnesota from Georgia for this special event. We will have a great time and are excited to see all the luminaries lit at dusk. We'll update soon with more about the Relay and hopefully get some pictures updated in the photo album here. Have a great week-end.

Friday, June 4, 2004 8:45 AM CDT

Since the last update on May 22nd Lauren has continued her battle with her ears. She's had lots of drainage and hasn't been able to wear her hearing aid at all. Her eyes have been full of matter, too. Becky has had her in to the doctor twice in the last week for medicine. She is so hard of hearing that she misses most of what we're asking or telling her. I think she's learning how to read lips.
Consequently, she has become more quiet. It must be very frustrating for her. Lauren likes being outside now after all the rainy days and being cooped up inside. We've gone for stroller rides and last night we tried her walker out on the sidewalks again. She headed for the curb and moved out onto the street, telling me that it was smoother!
Have a good week-end.

Saturday, May 22, 2004 2:13 PM CDT

It has been a while since I updated so this is to let you all know that Lauren has been doing well. Her hearing aid hasn't been an issue for her - she leaves it alone and seems proud to show it to people. She has another cold and so with that there is ear drainage which plugs up the aid. We haven't had Lauren wear it for a couple of days in the hope that the ear will be better soon. We attended Lauren's staffing at school on Tuesday with her pre-school teacher, speech therapists, OT therapists, physical therapists, county nurse, and Lauren's helper, Pam all in attendance. We are so impressed with everyone working with Lauren to improve her quality of life! She's one lucky girl! Thanks for checking in on us. Have a good week-end.

Thursday, May 6, 2004 9:09 PM CDT

The four of us - Lauren, Christian, Becky and Marc made the trip yesterday to Children's St. Paul for Lauren's appointments. Lauren first had a hearing test and was fitted with her hearing aid. She did so well with it all and wore the aid for a little while. She'll gradually be wearing it more until feeling comfortable with it full time. We grabbed something to eat in the cafeteria - Lauren had chocolate milk and black olives! Then we went to Lauren's appointment with the oncologist. He went over some things with us about Lauren's future appointments - visits to the hospital's clinic will be fewer! We didn't meet with the neurosurgeon as he was called away for an emergency. Lauren's clinic nurse finished the appointment with drawing blood from Lauren for some tests and then it was time to PARTY! The Child Life department for Hematology/Oncology at Children's threw an end-of-treatment party for Lauren. There was chocolate cake with white frosting and big yellow flowers, punch, and some gifts from the department. Lauren also got presents from family and friends who attended. Thanks to Grandpa and Grandma Eggert; Roxanne, John, Anders, Jakob, and Julia; Cathy; Jane and Mike; Craig and all the nurses, doctors, and staff for joining us in celebrating. It was a great day for Lauren and us. We are so thankful for everything done for Lauren and us these last two years. We are so fortunate. We know that the power of prayers lifted and positive thoughts from everyone who knows or has heard of Lauren has brought Lauren much that is good. God is surely with us. We ask for your continued prayers for Lauren through her recovery. We ask, too, that prayers be lifted for all those children and their families afflicted with brain tumors, cancer, and other diseases. We will continue to update you on Lauren's progress. God Bless You All!

Wednesday, April 28, 2004 8:25 AM CDT

Lauren and I returned last night around 5:30 from Children's Hospital in St. Paul. Lauren had sedated dental work done to more teeth needing fillings and then they just wheeled her into the MRI room while she was still sedated and did the MRI. GOOD NEWS - THE MRI WAS CLEAR - NO NEW TUMORS! We will know more information about the MRI today by phone or they may just wait and tell us more detail next Wednesday on our next visit for other matters. It was a busy day for doctors and nurses everywhere we went. The short-stay unit was full of kids as was the radiology unit. Lauren and I stayed in recovery for about an hour and a half and we got to head out for home around 2 pm after visiting the 4th floor nurses and a trip to the cafeteria. Lauren wasn't hungry but she likes to go to the cafeteria just to check it out each visit. We got home at 5:30 and played in the yard with Becky and Christian. It was 53 degrees in St. Paul when we headed for home and 82 degrees in Dawson when we got home. No wonder it got hot in the car during the trip home!
We want to thank you all for the prayers on Lauren's behalf and for the concern shown toward our family. We appreciate it all very much.

Wednesday, April 21, 2004 11:33 AM CDT

Lauren has been busy with her life and really just living like any four year old should - she's been busy at school, therapies at the hospital here in Dawson, and enjoying her friends and Karen at daycare. Her ears are still causing some problems but she's hanging in there. We have seen both sides of the family in the last week and a half. We were visiting Marc's side on Easter Sunday at Jim and Cathy's and this past week-end we were in Hastings at Becky's parents. Lauren seemed a little more at ease with larger groups of people at both times. Lauren has appointments on Tuesday at Children's Hospital in St. Paul so we'll update again shortly after that time. Thanks for checking in on Lauren.

Monday, April 12, 2004 10:13 AM CDT

Lauren is feeling better. The ear drainage has cleared up but she is still on the medicine. Lauren and Christian had a great Easter and both are busy eating chocolate Easter treats that were left by MANY Easter bunnies!

Saturday, April 3, 2004 1:54 PM CST

Lauren is still battling her cold and bad ears. She continues to have lots of drainage. Becky took her in to the Dawson clinic this morning and they took cultures and sent her on to Walmart in Montevideo for medicine for Lauren. Lauren has lots of determination even though she's not feeling well and makes us laugh with her sayings and antics. We went to the school carnival last night and both she and Christian had a good time. Thanks for your continued prayers and concern for Lauren. We hope that she will be able to get over this obstacle and feel better very soon.

Thursday, March 25, 2004 8:37 AM CST

Lauren and I were to have been at Children's Hospital in St. Paul today for a feeding clinic appointment and an eye appointment. It was canceled. Lauren's cold that I wrote about an entry or so ago just got worse and worse. After 2 clinic visits here in Dawson we learned that Lauren has sinusitis. Her nose is full, her chest is full, and her ears have both been draining nasty-looking gunk. She is on the third type of medicine prescribed over a three day period. The first two gave her diarrhea so she wasn't interested in eating anything, either. She's been out of school, daycare and therapy all week. Last week-end, Janie and Mikey from MPLS surprised Lauren with a visit and we had a nice time with them even though Lauren wasn't feeling well.
We hope this new medicine will do some fast mending for Lauren so that she can get back to doing what she likes to do. Have a good day.

Wednesday, March 17, 2004 5:47 PM CST

New photo here and also three new ones in the photo album. Thanks to Julie and Sam for all the techy stuff to get the pictures updated!

Lauren continues to do well. She is experiencing lots of difficulty hearing, however. It' so fun to hear her explain about all that has happened in her day at school, at therapies, and at daycare. We are being encouraged to work with Lauren on her facial muscles and making smiles by holding up the corners of our mouth and having her mimic us. She still has some defensiveness about anything near or in her mouth but she is giving it a try! Thanks for checking in on Lauren. Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Saturday, March 13, 2004 9:17 AM CST

Lauren's fighting a cold and she has had lots of ear drainage this week. Her hearing has been affected this week. She is in great spirits. There are three new photos in the photo entry. The horse shown on the update page is one that Lauren saw last September at Children's in St. Paul. She and that horse bonded very quickly. I think the carrot helped.

Thursday, March 4, 2004 10:19 AM CST

Lauren is doing so well! Her speech is coming right along - she's using longer sentences, her tone has more pitch, and she throws in a little humor once in a while, too. Becky has been comparing pictures from Christmas to date and she thinks Lauren's facial (mouth) muscles aren't pulled down as much as they'd been. Lauren's been working on balance and likes to climb stairs using both hands on the rail to help pull her up (someone's always behind to watch). Last night, after supper, she found a pair of Christian's gaudy sunglasses - gold metallic frames and dark lenses, and put them on. She looked like a miniature version of Elvis! She thought that was great fun. Thanks for checking in on Lauren.

Monday, February 23, 2004 4:02 PM CST

Lauren has been enjoying life. She has been busy at school, therapy, and at daycare. Her next appointments at Children's St. Paul aren't until March 25th so we are enjoying the lull.

Friday, February 13, 2004 9:13 PM CST

Lauren and her family wish you all a Happy Valentine's Day!
I will update early next week with more details of Lauren's last clinic appointments. Thanks for your continued prayers, thoughts, and visits to Lauren's caringbridge site. We appreciate it.

Thursday, February 5, 2004 5:37 PM CST

Lauren had a full day of appointments at Children's St. Paul on Wednesday. She started off the day being fitted for new braces for her legs/feet. She did not enjoy the casting process but sure liked the finished product - she's very proud of her new braces with butterfly patterns on the plastic. Next, Lauren had a CT scan of her head to help the ear doctor determine what is going on with her ears, ear tubes, and the mastoid area in the skull right behind the ear. Her skull bone there is very thin. It could have been congenital because of her being born with a fairly large head and the bone just got stretched thin, or it could be a result of chemo and radiation or it could be caused by her numerous ear infections. We are waiting for updates from the ear doctor. For the CT scan, Lauren didn't have to be poked for an IV for sedation. She usually doesn't have sedation, but for the ear "pictures" to turn out she head to be on her tummy with her chin a little upward and her body perfectly still. I knew that wouldn't happen without sedation. The doctor tried something relatively new - Lauren had laughing gas. It relaxed her in no time at all and she woke up from it very quickly and she didn't have any side effects. It was great! We do know that the CT scan showed everything in her brain to be OK. The shunt is working well. Next we made it over to Children's Minneapolis for final touches to her braces. Then back to St. Paul for individual meetings with Lauren's doctors. That kept us busy until after 6. We got home around 10:45 after eating fast food and shopping at TARGET for some stuff.

Wednesday, January 28, 2004 9:34 AM CST

I have to apologize for not updating lately. Lauren and I were in St. Paul at Children's Hospital overnight Sunday for appts bright and early on Monday. Lauren had a CT scan which showed that her brain ventricles were slightly larger (more fluid) and her subderal matter between the brain and skull is slightly smaller. Lauren was sedated for a very complex hearing test. I watched it all but it was pretty deep stuff for a little old Norwegian like myself to understand. Lauren has significant hearing loss in her left ear. The audiologist will be speaking to Lauren's ear doctor about fitting a hearing aid in Lauren's right ear. Lauren finished her testing with an X-ray of her skull to make sure the shunt was working properly. Then we made the rounds visiting friends and nurses before we left for home. We will be making a trip back next week for more appts.

Tuesday, January 20, 2004 1:30 PM CST

Lauren is doing well. She started thyroid medicine on Sunday. She was confused yesterday by not having school (teacher in-service) even though Mom had to go. Lauren was happy to spend a majority of the day at day-care with her friends.

Wednesday, January 14, 2004 5:25 PM CST

Lauren continues to go to school, to therapy, and to day-care. All the things that make her happy - and that's great! We are anxious about her vision and hearing but we will need to be patient and wait for opinions from doctors when we go for appointments on the 26th.

Tuesday, January 6, 2004 5:13 PM CST

This was Day 2 back in school for Lauren. She has had a great return to her friends at school, to her teachers and the routine of getting up in the morning and being ready to roll! She has been VERY talkative and it's been fun to listen to and converse with her about all the things that are important to her again. We are still waiting for appts to be scheduled back in St. Paul for thyroid, ears, eyes, etc.

Saturday, January 3, 2004 12:57 AM CST

Since arriving home on Monday Lauren was having some ear trouble again so after a clinic visit here in town on Tuesday, Becky and Lauren made a trip back to St. Paul on Wednesday to see the ear doctor. They came back the same evening. Thanks, Mary, for making the trip with them. Since then Lauren has been doing OK - getting back into the home routine of sleep, eating, bugging her brother, being bugged by him, etc.

Tuesday, December 30, 2003 5:25 PM CST

Lauren, Christian, and Becky arrived home safely yesterday afternoon. Lauren hasn't been feeling well. Her ears are causing problems again. Becky took her in to the clinic today and I'm on my way to the drugstore to get another kind of eardrop again.

Saturday, December 27, 2003 3:26 PM CST

Lauren had a CT scan this morning. Her brain ventricles are smaller - the neurosurgeon is pleased enough to send her home!! We still have some issues to resolve - thyroid problems, vision problems, hearing test, etc. but most specialists are off for the holidays so we will have to come back for appts later. The neurosurgeon wants to see what being home also does for Lauren before they decide on giving her meds for depression. So, while I'm updating this Lauren and Becky are grabbing a bite to eat and then they will make their way to Becky's folks in Hastings until Monday. Christian will join them there tomorrow. I'm heading home to catch up on bookwork that's been sitting for a month. The staff at the store has done a great job in my absence. I don't have to worry about anything when they are in charge. Have a good week-end.

Friday, December 26, 2003 4:28 PM CST

Lauren and I were so glad to see Becky and Christian. Both Christian and Lauren opened their gifts yesterday afternoon in the hospital room. There wasn't much room for anything else by the time they were finished. Santa also came during the night Christmas Eve to Lauren's hospital room and left age appropriate gifts for both Christian and Lauren. Last night around 6:00 Becky's parents, sister Roxanne, husband John, Anders, Jakob,and Julia (Eva was ill) came to visit and we celebrated Christmas at the apartment. All the kids opened presents again and played. The traditional cranberry cake was served by Becky's mom and then it was time for good-byes. It was a nice evening. Marc's niece, Sarah and her mom, Nancy made a surprise visit to the hospital with food from the Thoen Christmas at Jim and Cathy's earlier in the day and with more presents.
Today Lauren had an EEG - no seizure activity was found in her brain. Very good news. She has a CT scan tomorrow and a hearing test is in the offing as well. Christian is heading over to John and Roxanne's this evening to spend some time with his Cornell cousins.

Thursday, December 25, 2003 4:04 PM CST

Addition to Christmas Eve entry:Becky and Christian arrived around 12:30 today, Christmas Day. We are happy to be together. Merry Christmas.

Wednesday, December 24, 2003 3:53 PM CST

At 10:00 last night Becky and I were on the phone together and she suddenly said, "Oh, I think Christian is sick." I hung up quickly and waited for a call back until falling asleep. This morning we spoke by phone again and I learned that Christian has the flu. Becky and Christian will not be coming to the hospital today. Perhaps tomorrow.
Lauren had a busy morning - 1)CT scan which showed less fluid in her brain ventricles (good) and more "stuff" in her sub-deral region of her head (questionable - why does this happen) 2)blood draw for thyroid testing - thyroids can be affected by chemo/radiation 3)visit from the neurosurgeon to check her status. She hid her eyes from him (which she used to do) so I had an inkling that she's feeling better. We went on a stroller ride and went to the playroom and played with some simple toys. While there she said, "It's blue" while looking at an object. So I know she can see things within a foot away and can see color. When something is farther away it becomes more questionable.
I'm calling this event today our LITTLE Christmas miracle.
Lauren has been our BIG Christmas miracle for 2 years now and we rejoice when she regains things after set-backs.
A family is hosting a meal tonight in a hospital conference room for families with children here. What a nice gesture.
I'll see if Lauren would like to get out of her room to go.
Last Christmas Eve we were celebrating Christmas on Marc's side and we attended his home church's Christmas Eve service. At the end of the service the lights were dimmed and ushers began the lighting process of small candles among the congregation. We did not pick up candles on our way into the service. When the usher made his way to our pew I quietly told him we didn't have a candle and remember Christian looking so sad. Instantly, from the pew behind us a lit candle was carefully given to Christian by Delores Johnson. The smile on his face and the light of the candle
just gave us so much joy and hope. Becky and I cried through the rest of the singing of "Silent Night". To all of you who attend Christmas Eve and Christmas Day church services and sing "Silent Night" - remember to see Christmas through the eyes of a child. We'll be with you all in thought and prayer. Have a wonderful Christmas.

Tuesday, December 23, 2003 7:31 PM CST

Lauren has had a quiet day today - no procedures, no therapies. She was awake for a large part of the day. She hasn't spoken except for "yes" and "no" and "ok" to Becky on the phone. She was able to locate the food on her plate at close range at noon today so I'm hoping that she could see that far. She wasn't doing it by feel as much today as yesterday.
Thanks to our visitors today - Aunt Cathy came with a quilt and box of cookies from Crow River Sunday School for Lauren and pie from Baker's Square for me. She also brought messages written to us from Marc's home church members. Thank you all. Grandpa and Grandma Eggert came to see us and Grandma held Lauren for a long time.
Becky and Christian will be coming to the hospital on Christmas Eve Day and we'll be spending some time together the next few days at the Lipschultz Apartments connected to the hospital. Lauren may be given a pass to leave her hospital room for short periods of time on Christmas Eve and Day. We are looking forward to being together again after 2 and a half weeks. I'll update again tomorrow.

Monday, December 22, 2003 3:49 PM CST

Lauren has had a quiet day. She was sleeping when the 5th Santa (Toys for Tots) came today. He left her some little stuffed creatures and a Cinderella CD. Then this afternoon one of the Minnesota Wild hockey team members came with a Christmas Boyds stuffed bear and autographed pictures for Lauren and Christian. Don't ask me who he is - none of the nurses knew of him and some are big fans as the X-Cel center where they play is a mere 2 blocks from the hospital.

Lauren had an external shunt procedure done today to remove 50cc of ventricle fluid from her brain. The neurosurgeon believes that this may help Lauren become more alert. They drew the fluid by inserting a needle into her internal shunt. She was so brave. She has been awake more today than in the last 3 days of a lower shunt setting so perhaps it's all baby steps to improving. All therapy departments have worked with Lauren today so I'm sure she'll sleep tonight.

Sunday, December 21, 2003 3:51 PM CST

Lauren is having a more quiet day today. The neurosurgeon stopped by and said that it's not abnormal to have a day with a burst of energy and then to slow down the next. Today, Lauren has been up in her stroller, has sat in Aunt Roxanne's lap, and Jane and Mike are here again today entertaining Lauren with more fun. Thanks to Jim and Cathy and Linda for being with Becky and Christian at times over the week-end, too.
Lauren's retina test confirmed two other eye exams done over the last week. Lauren does have damage to both retinas but the extent of that damage is hard to determine right now considering her condition. What she does see is not known. She is depending on sound and touch a lot the last two days. I hope as her condition improves that her eyesight will also improve. Another retina test will be scheduled in 4 to 6 months. When Lauren's hearing wasn't good because of the ear tubes getting plugged she'd always let us know that she couldn't hear. I pray that she'll not have to tell me that she can't see.
Thank you all for your prayers and support shown. We have been here at Children's St. Paul for two weeks now. Time slows down in such a place.

Interesting quote I found on another caringbridge website:
"Faith consists in believing what reason cannot.

Saturday, December 20, 2003 4:09 PM CST

Just read an entry from Joyce in Willmar hoping that Lauren was having more of an awake day. She is - and has said a few words, reached out for hugs, ate some Cheerios, and has tolerated two stroller rides today. Janie and Mikey have visited today and got Lauren involved with a rousing rendition of "Jingle Bells" with Lauren providing the rhythm section shaking a set of plastic keys. She enjoyed the action even though she's not able to sing or move much.
We'll post the results of the vision test tomorrow (Sunday).
Lauren is scheduled to have a CT scan again on Monday to check the level of hydrocephulus (sp?) in her brain ventricles and have an adjustment made to her shunt if necessary.

Friday, December 19, 2003 4:49 PM CST

Another sleepy day after the trip over to MPLS for the retina exam. We went by ambulance with two really nice EMT'ers and Lauren made it through the exam. We are awaiting test results. After Lauren's CT scan today the neurosurgeon stopped by and turned down Lauren's shunt once again in what will probably be one of many "tweakings" to get the shunt to the right pressure for Lauren. He repeated that recovery will be slow. I took her for a stroller ride around the 4th floor just for something different but she slept through most of the ride. Thanks to all our visitors, callers, etc. We appreciate it all.

Thursday, December 18, 2003 5:01 PM CST

Another sleepy day for Lauren. Her therapists have worked around her sleep and some even did therapy while she slept.
Lauren has opened her eyes at times today and answered with a labored "yes" and "no" to two questions I asked her. She sat up in her stroller for a while and I'll try that again before bedtime. We have to ready for the ambulance ride to her eye appt by 7:15 tomorrow morning. We'll be back around 10:00 and there will be therapists waiting to work with her if she can tolerate it. Results of her retina test
will be known tomorrow. We hope for good news. Have a good evening.

Wednesday, December 17, 2003 3:38 PM CST

Lauren has continued to sleep a majority of the time. There has been nothing that she's awakened for - massages, tickling, doctor and nurse exams, hiccups, etc. Lauren had a CT scan and X-ray this morning. Her brain's ventricles are still a little bigger than they should be so her new shunt was turned to a lower setting. That should help to bring her out of her drowsiness. We hope that tomorrow brings lots more movement, some talking and feistyness, and at this point, even some screaming and hollering would be music to my ears. Lauren will have the ERG retina test on Friday at either the U or near Abbott Hospital and we'll be going by ambulance - a good thing as I could get lost and be driving around MPLS all week-end looking for where to be.

Tuesday, December 16, 2003 4:06 PM CST

Lauren was moved from the ICU unit back to her old room on the 4th floor at Children's St. Paul at 2 this afternoon.
She's still very sleepy and hasn't opened her eyes much or talked to me. Her headwrap from surgery was removed and her head got washed - no fuss, no crying, and she fell asleep right after it was finished. Lauren's biopsy results are in: NO TUMORS were found in the subderal region of her brain (refer to yesterday's entry) so that is great news!! Another eye doctor saw Lauren today in ICU and agreed with the eye doctor that saw Lauren last Saturday that there is some damage to Lauren's retinas and that she needs to see the specialist from North Dakota when he and an examination location can be arranged. Lauren is due for another CT scan and X-ray tomorrow or Thursday.

At around 10 this morning a caravan of ten or so St. Paul police squad cars and a white Suburban hauling a huge white trailer made its way to the front entry of the hospital. I watched from Lauren's ICU room wondering what was going on.
All the sirens were going and it was noisy! In the middle of the caravan there was a golf cart - with Santa waving as he drove along up to the door. It's my understanding that every child in the hospital got a wrapped gift, a stuffed animal and a St. Paul police "Hero" T shirt. Santa visited Lauren in her ICU room and of course, Lauren slept right through it! Santa and his elf posed for a picture with Lauren that will be posted today. Thanks for the phone calls, the website visits and messages and the prayers.

Monday, December 15, 2003 1:52 PM CST

There are times updates are difficult to do, both physically and mentally. This has been one of those times.
There hasn't been an update for a few days because Lauren has had a difficult week-end. Earlier we had reported that Lauren was doing great - clear MRI and so on. Then just a few days later she was admitted back into Children's St. Paul with a fever and blood infection. That is how quickly someone's condition can change. Even though the fever and infection were pretty well cleared up by Thursday's entry stating that we may be on our way home by the week-end things changed soon after. Lauren had been so lethargic and sleepy most of the week and her vision was questionable.
An addendum mentioned that Lauren was having some pressure/shunt issues. That problem had become much worse by Saturday at which time the neurosurgeon decided to do a
CT scan and have her shunt checked. On Sunday when the situation had not changed, he took Lauren back into surgery to determine if he could drain fluid if any from an area between her brain and her skull. That area was found to be a more solid substance and could not be drained. Lauren's shunt was replaced with another that has many more settings to help drain her brain ventricles. He took samples of many tissues during the surgery and those results won't be known for a few days. Lauren was in surgery for roughly an hour and a half. Lauren was moved to ICU and will remain in that unit until tomorrow. She remains sleepy and has been given pain medicine but she is resting comfortably and recovering from this procedure. Lauren also has developed more vision problems caused perhaps as a cumulative effect of one of the chemo drugs which would be a permanent thing or it could be a temporary thing caused by the infection and fever she had last week. A specialist from North Dakota will be in the Cities soon and Lauren will have an eye test done with him (ERG test) to determine this issue.
We have felt lots of prayers and support coming our way, especially this week-end. Friends, family, chaplains, pastors, specialists, doctors and nurses have all come forward to help us once again. Please know that we appreciate you all and we feel so much better knowing that you are praying for Lauren.

Friday, December 12, 2003 9:29 PM CST

Addendum to this mornings update.
Lauren has some added pressure between her brain and skull causing her to be more lethargic. This became more apparent today. More tests will be scheduled in the next couple of days so we will not be coming home when we had planned. Your continued thoughts and prayers are greatly appreciated.

Friday, December 12, 2003 12:23 AM CST

Lauren is pretty quiet again today. I'm trying to get her up, dressed, and into the playroom but she's snoozing again right now so it'll have to be this afternoon. Her temp since yesterday afternoon has been lower, not normal yet, but doctors aren't as concerned as they'd been. We may be sent home tomorrow if things are OK, otherwise Sunday.

Thursday, December 11, 2003 11:42 AM CST

Lauren had an early morning. The feeding tube replacement was moved up in the schedule to 8:30 from 11:00. It took less than 15 minutes and then we were on our way back to the room. Lots of specialists, residents, doctors and nurses were on hand upon our arrival to check over Lauren and ask questions so we were busy! Lauren is doing well after all of this and is sleeping as I write this. I was so worried yesterday morning with Lauren not feeling well and running a temp but they reassured me that removing the portacath was the thing to do so I'm hoping it does the trick. They are still running blood tests and will be for a while to make sure this was the culprit. We will be here a few more days. We will miss Christian's Christmas program at school but Woody Peet has agreed to videotape it for me. Thanks, Woody! Thanks also to Craig for spending the whole day here at the hospital with Lauren and me yesterday - and to Janie and Mikey for coming with supper and keeping us company thru the evening last night, Also, thanks to all of you for your prayers and caringbridge messages. It means a lot. God bless you all.

Wednesday, December 10, 2003 9:46 PM CST

Lauren has had quite a day. Her ear tubes were replaced and her portacath has been removed. The doctors are quite certain that the portacath was the source of her infection. The down side of removing the portacath is that she will now have to have her blood samples drawn through her arm, which is not pleasant! Plans are in place to replace her feeding tube tomorrow at 11:00.

At the time of this writing, Lauren is sound asleep and resting comfortably. Marc is hopeful that he and Lauren can return to Dawson sometime over the week end. He is especially grateful for the visitors he had today and for your continued prayers.

Tuesday, December 9, 2003 6:25 PM CST

Lauren has not had a good day. She was awakened at 8 this morning for a swallow test and that went fine, although thin liquids are still a little challenging for her to swallow. This was the first step in therapy to get her interested in eating by mouth again and getting over her aversion to things in her mouth. Upon returning to the room she went back to bed and slept. Physical therapy came to work with her at 10 but gave up because Lauren wasn't feeling well and uncooperative. Lauren's been running a fever all day with it going up and down (with Tylenol). The doctors have decided that her porta-cath used for all IV medicines will be removed tomorrow at 3 pm and have alerted all the specialists that they need to have a doctor there to do her new ear tubes and feeding tube. Please pray for Lauren's fever to break, the infection to settle down, and for safe and effective replacements. Thanks.

Monday, December 8, 2003 2:59 PM CST

Hello from ST. Paul. We had blood cultures done on Friday night in Dawson. On Saturday night at 10 pm the Dawson Hospital called and reported that Lauren's test had run positive for a blood infection and that we should return to St. Paul. So at 11 pm Lauren and I headed back. We arrived at 2 am Sunday morningand she got settled in her room on the 4th floor around 4 am. She started on IV antibiotics shortly after. Yesterday's second blood test came back negative so the medicine must be doing its thing. Lots of issues to address this visit. New ear tubes, new feeding tube, removal of the porta-cath (probable source of the infection) and getting more negative blood test results. Would love to be home by Thursday to see Christian's school Christmas program that evening. We saw Santa today on the 4th floor. 3 more Santas will come this week!

Friday, December 5, 2003 4:02 PM CST

Sorry about no update yesterday. Our schedule for the day was really full and we weren't back on the road toward home until about 7 last night. It took much longer to get home because of the snow and terrible road conditions.
We haven't heard any news about the echo cardiogram or the kidney function test yet. We had a long visit with Lauren's oncologist yesterday and he reassured us about nagging questions and helped map out Lauren's medical future for us. Upon his recommendation we went to see Lauren's ear doctor in Maplewood. He checked out Lauren's ears and was aware of the audiogram performed the day before. He reported that Lauren's ear tubes were again plugged and needed to be replaced - that may have something to do with Lauren's poor hearing! He is scheduling Lauren for new ear tubes and Lauren' "stomach doctor" is scheduling a new feeding tube at the same time,
perhaps as early as next week. Lauren isn't feeling well today so we may have some more blood work done to determine if she is fighting another blood infection.
Have a good week-end.

Wednesday, December 3, 2003 3:14 PM CST

We are in St. Paul and have had 2 of the 3 tests for today. When we arrived at the pulmonary lab for that test, the nurse quesioned why we were there. An odd comment when doctors from the same hospital had ordered the test. The nurse told me they usually don't do the test on anyone younger than 6 years of age. The test was not performed.
We went up to the oncology clinic to report that event and they said that the pulmonary lab didn't question them when they had set up the appt. We will have to wait and see if it gets charged...GRRRRR! The echo cardiogram test results won't be made known until tomorrow. Lauren screamed for 20 minutes straight during that little event. I was trying to console her and when the tech was finished I couldn't even hear her tell me to get Lauren redressed! The hearing test shows that Lauren's hearing is significantly low and we need to speak loudly and at close range for her to hear us.
The audiologist said that she'll be speaking to Lauren's ear doctor about hearing aids for Lauren. We are now on our way to the Lipshultz center to our room for the night.
Lauren is sleeping as I type this in the family center.

Tuesday, December 2, 2003 9:47 PM CST

We hope everyone enjoyed Thanksgiving as much as we did. Lauren wasn't impressed with anything but the black olives at our Thanksgiving meal and she decorated her fingers with them before eating them. When we each told of what we were thankful for she simply responded, "I have a thankful heart." Enough said. Lauren and I head back to St. Paul early tomorrow morning for her two days of tests.
She begins with an audiogram (hearing test), then a pulminary function test, then an echo cardiogram. Then on Thursday Lauren has an MRI and a GFR (kidney function test). There are probably more tests, but I can't remember them right now. Becky will take a personal day on Thursday and join Lauren and me for the day. We have an appointment with the oncologist to ask/resolve some nagging questions concerning Lauren's health. We are encouraged by past tests that these tests will be good news. We thank you for your continuing prayers.

Wednesday, November 26, 2003 5:38 PM CST

The Thoens wish all of you a Happy Thanksgiving. We are most thankful for God's healing hands, supportive friends and family, and a great community in which to live. We are truly blessed.
Lauren has appts scheduled back at Children's St. Paul next week. There will be an MRI and lots of tests over a two day span. We are confident that reports will be promising!

Saturday, November 22, 2003 10:44 AM CST

Lauren had an eye check-up at Children's St. Paul and an orthopedic check-up at Gillette Hospital yesterday and had great reports from both doctors! Even though Lauren has to use a walker the doctor was really impressed that she can manuever it so well and has so much strength in her leg muscles. We were sent on our way home around 1 and made it home about an hour before the snow came. We hope you all have a good week-end.

Tuesday, November 18, 2003 5:42 PM CST

Lauren is finished with chemo! It went without much fanfare but we celebrated with cookies from the vending machine at the clinic.
The testing with the psychologist didn't go well. Lauren fell asleep 1/2 hour into the testing and slept about an hour. The psychologist canceled the remainder of the testing. We are to go back when Lauren isn't as fatigued.
The fatigueing effect could be with Lauren for up to a year from the chemo. We'll see what time brings. If the specialists already knew that this could be a problem I wish they'd taken that into account and perhaps scheduled it for a later date.

Monday, November 17, 2003 10:22 AM CST

Lauren and I are at Children's St. Paul today. She's meeting with a psychologist now after I met with her for an hour. This will go on until noon, then a break, and then more testing. We are due at the oncology clinic at 3 for chemo - THE LAST DOSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!We'll be home tonight and back to work and school/daycare tomorrow. On Friday Lauren has a vision test here and an evaluation about her walking at Gillette Hospital, not far from here. Have a good week!

Saturday, November 15, 2003 11:34 AM CST

Lauren has had another busy week of school, therapy, and daycare. She is fighting a cold and not feeling the best and has napped more often and longer this week. Her feeding tube site is getting red so we are afraid she has an infection again. Lauren has a full day of neuro-psych testing on Monday and chemo following that at 3:15 pm on Monday and then we'll head back to Dawson. Have a good week-end, everyone.

Sunday, November 9, 2003 9:14 PM CST

Lauren's appt. went fine on Thursday. She has one chemo appt. left - Monday, November 17th! It will be a full day because she'll have some neuro-psych testing most of the day and chemo at 3:15. We should still be able to make it home that evening. Then on Friday the 21st we have an appt at Gillette Hospital. After that there is a lull and then Lauren has to be scheduled for an MRI, scans, audiology exam, etc. We are excited and encouraged about all of Lauren's progress and we pray for all of Lauren's friends and fellow patients at Children's St. Paul and Children's Minneapolis that are facing their own struggles.

Wednesday, November 5, 2003 8:59 AM CST

Lauren was to have gone to St. Paul yesterday for chemo but I called and postponed her appt until Thursday because of the weather. She is really getting into the daily routine now. Every morning when I get her up for the day she says, "I go to school and Karen's today." Have a good day!

Monday, November 3, 2003 5:33 PM CST

Lauren had a good Halloween. She was really tired after her big day at daycare and was a little owly when we began trick or treating but she got into it later. We went to see Grandma Millie at the nursing home and went through the haunted ghost town set up in the nursing home activity room. It was great! Lauren wasn't scared until about 3/4 of the way through. She didn't cry. She just wanted me to carry her through the rest of it. Jane and Mike from the Cities were here to help out and we had a fun time with them, too. Today we got lots of snow so I'm anxious to get home and see what Christian and Lauren think of it.

Thursday, October 30, 2003 11:13 AM CST

Lauren had chemo on Tuesday in St. Paul. Things went fine.
She got a flu shot - didn't know they'd given her one 2 weeks before when Becky had taken her down to St. Paul. When we got home on Tuesday afternoon the nurse called and apologized for the doubling up (she discovered the mistake after we had left). There's no danger in 2 doses, Lauren is just going to be doubly protected. Also, the threat of chicken pox is not as great because Lauren had been immunized at some point in the past and she had just had shingles (a form of pox) this summer so her medicine should protect her. She had her school Halloween party this morning so I'm anxious to hear about that when I see her after work. Happy Halloween!

Saturday, October 25, 2003 8:05 AM CDT

Lauren had a good week. She's been exposed to chicken pox.
The doctors at Children's Hospital said that she could still go to school and to wait and see what happens. We already have a medicine that they say can be given to her if she gets spots! We are still waiting for news on the info that was to be sent to the oncology "guru". Lauren is excited about Halloween. She's been asking to wear her costume every day lately. Have a good week-end.

Monday, October 20, 2003 1:31 PM CDT

Lauren is doing well! She thinks it's too hot to be outside enjoying indian summer but we have gotten her to go on walks, etc. School, daycare, and therapy are going well. She's the superstar in ECSE(school) this week. Last week's chemo and eye check-up went fine. We don't have another appt until the 28th! The countdown to finishing is on!

Wednesday, October 15, 2003 9:58 AM CDT

Lauren has been enjoying school! It's fun to look at her projects and papers right along with Christian's. Becky and Lauren will make the trip into St. Paul on Thursday for the chemo treatment and an eye check-up. There's no school because of the MEA convention so Becky thought she'd take the opportunity to go and see friends/nurses/doctors.

Sunday, October 12, 2003 9:55 AM CDT

Lauren is doing well. She's continued her new routine of attending school in the morning (except Fridays) and going to therapy and Karen's daycare in the afternoons. We think she has a touch of the flu so we'll see what the rest of the week-end brings.

Wednesday, October 8, 2003 7:06 PM CDT

Lauren had her ears checked and her chemo finished by 10 a.m. yesterday so we had a short stay in St. Paul. On the way home we found her Halloween costume - she wants to be a pumpkin. She was happy as can be! She is getting used to and liking her new routine of school, daycare, and therapy. She's growing a little fuzz on her head again!

Sunday, October 5, 2003 4:07 PM CDT

Lauren's doing well - eating a little, sleeping well at night, she's been to school, daycare, and today, Sunday School (with Becky as her aide)! Lauren has a clinic appt at St. Paul Children's on Tuesday for a check-up and some chemo. She also has a ear doctor visit the same day. We'll be back in Dawson by nightfall, hopefully. Thanks for checking in on her!

Thursday, October 2, 2003 10:02 AM CDT

Sorry for the delay in updating. Lauren was discharged (in a hurry!!) on Tuesday afternoon. The oncologist came in and said that the chemo protocol for Lauren had changed due to her kidney function and hearing. Lauren had already finished one chemo drug, another was being suspended and they were going to finish her treatments with one remaining chemo drug. Lauren's second spinal tap (done on Tuesday at 11 a.m.) showed even more protein in her spinal fluid than the first spinal tap done about a week ago. That remains a mystery. An oncology "guru" in Washington, D.C. will be given Lauren's puzzling data and he'll try to make a determination as to the cause.
Anyway, Lauren was overjoyed with being home and didn't stop talking to her mom until bedtime on Tuesday night! It was great to see her so full of energy again. Marc and Lauren spent Wednesday together just getting used to being home again. Lauren went to school this morning for the first time this school year! She was so determined and excited to get out the door and on to the school bus this morning. She was ready! Lauren will spend the afternoon at Karen's daycare - another thing she has talked about often. WE ARE HAPPY TO BE HOME AS A FAMILY AGAIN!

Monday, September 29, 2003 5:02 PM CDT

We made it to and back from Minneapolis for Lauren's kidney function test. The results show that Lauren's chemo dose tomorrow can only be 50% of the normal dose because of the cumulative effect of this particular drug. It won't delay Lauren's treatment schedule. We just got back from Lauren's hearing test. She's missing some sounds that will be addressed (hearing aids?) by the time she finishes treatment. Lauren starts off tomorrow with a spinal tap and then she'll begin chemo later in the day. Lots of rain here today!

Sunday, September 28, 2003 4:00 PM CDT

The four of us (Becky, Christian, Lauren and myself) have had a nice time together this week-end. Lauren had a little trouble with Becky and Christian leaving last night (cried and shouted for about an hour and a half!!) but then things were OK again. We are suppose to travel to MPLS Children's tomorrow and Lauren's to have a kidney function test and then we come back here for a hearing test. Hopefully all goes well and she can begin chemo on Tuesday and finish up by Wednesday. Thanks for your prayers.

Saturday, September 27, 2003 2:04 PM CDT

Lauren woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning and it took me a while to figure out what was making her feel under the weather. She's had the "big D" today but the nurse came to the rescue and gave her a med for it and she began to feel better. Then she felt a lot better when Becky and Christian appeared at our hospital room door about an hour ago! Everyone's in the playroom having a good time. It's nice to be together as a family if even for the day. Have a good day.

Friday, September 26, 2003 1:31 PM CDT

Lauren's been in a great mood today! She's been real chatty since she woke up and is talking to anybody/everybody who enters the room. She's also asked to talk on the phone with anyone I've talked to today. She had physical therapy today - the only therapy scheduled and she had a great time. There's a baby across the hall and she enjoys peeking in on her every day, too. After her nap we are going to hit the playroom. The antibiotics will be finished up on Tuesday and then Lauren will have her chemo the same day and we should be discharged on Wednesday. Yippee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Have a great week-end, everyone.

Thursday, September 25, 2003 6:47 PM CDT

We've had a quiet day. We've seen 2 nurse practicioners and
the neurosurgeon stopped by and checked Lauren's eye that is still turned inward. He assured me that the shunt is working properly and draining fluid from her brain ventricles. He's studying the CT scans to try to determine what's causing her eye trouble. Roxanne and Julia came and played with Lauren today which helped Lauren and me pass the afternoon.

Wednesday, September 24, 2003 2:40 PM CDT

Lauren has had lots of visitors lately. Aunt Cathy came on Monday night and brought us treats. G and G Eggert have been here, Great Uncle Del and Great Aunt Jody were here, "Auntie" Janet and Tim from Colorado have visited, and of course, Janie and Mikey come very often to visit and bring treats to Lauren. It makes time go much faster.
Lauren's blood infection continues to improve although she'll need to be on IV antibiotics for another 7 to 8 days.
IV antibiotics are much faster acting than oral. The decision has been made to remain here at the hospital while those antibiotics are administered. It's the easiest way to do it. Lauren may or may not be able to have chemo while she's on the antibiotics. If she could, it would lessen the time period for chemo. Time will tell. The CT scan of her brain shows that there's less fluid again, and that is good. Her eye will hopefully keep improving as the antibiotics take control, too. She's in therapy right now and we're going to go for a stroller ride later. We are lonesome for home.

Tuesday, September 23, 2003 5:42 PM CDT

We have been waiting for blood culture and CT scan results.
Most of the blood cultures are now coming back negative so the antibiotics are at work killing off infections and Lauren's porta-cath should be ok to finish her 7th and 8th rounds of chemo coming up. Her CT scan results will be made known tomorrow. Her right eye is turned inward again.
They have assured me the shunt's pressure is accurate. We are so tired today but we did make it out to the hospital "park" to see, pet, and feed carrots to horses that came for a visit as part of the child life activities. Lauren loved petting the horse's head and nose.
Guess we'll need to build a corral in the backyard when we get home! Actually, Lauren told me after seeing the horse that she'd rather have a puppy. We'll update tomorrow on the CT scan.

Monday, September 22, 2003 10:32 AM CDT

Each Day is a Gift

Life is a collection of moments.
They are all important.
They all count.
After we live them, each of these moments is gone forever.

Guilt is nothing more than wasting today's precious moments
on something that can't be changed from the past.

Worry is nothing more than wasting today's precious moments
on something that may or may not happen in the future.

Today is all we have.
We need to live all of today's moments.
Today is a gift.
That's why it's called "the present".

poster on 4th floor at Children's

Lauren is teaching us to live today's moments. Thanks for your continued prayers on her and our behalf.

Sunday, September 21, 2003 1:10 PM CDT

The EEG results showed that there was no seizure activity in Lauren's brain. That is good. The doctors were still studying all the information gleaned from all the procedures this week. Then last night Lauren's blood cultures came back showing an infection. Her porta-cath implanted in her chest (from last fall) may be infected. It's made of plastic and staph likes to grow on plastic so they will study the situation today and tomorrow when all the cultures have come in. Early this morning the night nurse came in to do her routine and I heard Lauren say to her< "Why are you wearing those purple gloves?" (Latex hospital gloves). Then she asked the nurse to join her in her bed and take a nap. Again, the sound of her voice and how strong and clear it was came as music to my ears. She was full of energy this morning - she asked to get dressed, she ate breakfast, she put puzzles together, and we talked for a long time. Now that's the old Lauren! She's asleep right now so I'm down in the family center doing this update. So relieved to know that we finally have something to explain her situation last week and to know that Lauren is feeling somewhat better today makes it a great day.

Saturday, September 20, 2003 11:33 AM CDT

Lauren had an ok night. I was awakened with more questioning - this time at 2 in the morning. GRRR...
Her EEG was this morning. It was kind of tramatic for Lauren in that her scalp had to be marked with a crayon before the electrodes were placed. She didn't enjoy that whole process. The results should be coming back around 1 this afternoon. The neurosurgeon stopped by a little bit ago but didn't want to disturb Lauren's sleep - he'll be back later. When Lauren has napped my mission is to get her out of that bed and into the playroom. Have a good day.

Friday, September 19, 2003 6:35 PM CDT

Addendum to Friday's entry:

Lauren had an eye appt at 1 to determine if there could be any infection in her retinas. None was found. At 2:30 her MRI to the spine began and we came back to her room around 5:30. The MRI doesn't show anything significant at this time but the radiologist will spend this evening reviewing slice by slice today's findings with those from a previous spinal MRI. Lauren will have an EEG tomorrow. The doctors are determined to find what has made Lauren so lethargic and we are thankful for that. Will update more tomorrow.
Thanks for your prayers.

Friday, September 19, 2003 9:59 AM CDT

Lauren has yet another MRI today. This one is for the spine. More tests will follow after that. We were both awakened at 5:30 this morning for a neuorologist's (sp)
questioning and examination. Talk about a wake up call.
We await test results with positive attitudes and hope. Thank you for your prayers and kind words in the website messages.

Thursday, September 18, 2003 2:07 PM CDT

Lauren had a spinal tap around 10 this morning. I sat and watched the process. Lauren was awake but they'd given her numbing meds beforehand so she handled it very well. She was able to ride back to the room in her stroller one half hour after the procedure and she sat in her stroller watching TV for a long time afterwards. She surprised me this morning by saying, "Dad, I want those Cheerios." I hadn't heard her say a sentence since Sunday. She'd been so quiet it was like music to my ears to hear her speak today. The spinal tap ruled out spinal menengitis but they'll be testing the fluid for other infections but it might take some time to get results back. Lauren ate some carrots for dinner and that also made me happy. She's more alert today. We'll just hang out and see what the rest of the day brings. Thanks for your prayers and messages.

Wednesday, September 17, 2003 7:14 PM CDT

It is late in the day for an update. I didn't get away until now. Roxanne (Becky's sister) came to visit so I got this break. Lauren's MRI is clear!! The neurosurgeon wants to go over some areas with the radiologist just to be safe, but has assured me that he thinks everything will check out OK. The fluid in the ventricles showed to less on today's MRI than Monday's CT scan. That is also good news. They are still trying to get to the bottom of why Lauren is so lethargic so there are more tests ordered for tomorrow. Lauren will have a spinal tap tomorrow morning.
They are also checking for any kind of intestinal, viral kind of troubles. One of those tests has already come back negative. The hearing test scheduled for today was postponed. We are both very tired so we should sleep like babies tonight. Thanks for all your prayers. We can feel those uplifting us. Happy Birthday, Christian! Lauren and I send hugs and kisses - and we don't want you to wipe the kisses off!

Tuesday, September 16, 2003 12:47 AM CDT

Hello from St.Paul Children's. I didn't get a chance to update yesterday as it turned out to be way busier than I anticipated. We arrived on time for Lauren's sedated dentistry appt. and the doctor that had put Lauren's ear tubes met us and said he wanted to put in new ones at the same time as Lauren was under sedation for her teeth. So he went first and put in the tubes. That part went really fast. Then the dental part began around 10:30 and was over around 2. The dentist filled 22 cavities - some teeth had both front and back fillings, most with white fillings but also some with metal. The dentist called down to where Lauren has her MRI's to find out if metal fillings were OK as far as future MRI's were concerned. They said they'd work around that problem. Then she had to call the oncologist before pulling a tooth as the nerve was exposed.
Lauren's blood counts were low and there would have been problems if she had done a lot of bleeding. The oncologist gave the go ahead to pull that tooth. Lauren's mouth was and is very sore. The other issue addressed yesterday was her lethargic and sleepy state. A CT scan was done and they found that Lauren's brain ventricles were bigger again showing there's lots of fluid up there again. Then they tested her shunt and found it to be set right and working from the top part. Then X-rays were taken of her abdomen to see if they could detect trouble where the shunt drains into her stomach. No problem found. They turned the pressure down on the shunt and wanted to see what today brings as far as sleepiness. Lauren had an ultrasound of her stomach this morning and again no problems were detected. They tried to reschedule an MRI from tomorrow to today but there were complications there so she'll have one tomorrow morning and they hope that they can find what's causing all this fluid build-up in Lauren's brain. Lauren is more awake today but is not very responsive to her surroundings or people talking to her. She doesn't complain of pain but we all know she's not feeling well.
Becky's sister, Roxanne and her daughter, Julia are here trying to get Lauren interested in play. We are so relieved that we got admitted to the hospital right after all the dental work yesterday - having to care for Lauren on my own at the guest room would have been way too much for me to handle! Will update tomorrow when I know what's up with the MRI results. Thanks for your prayers and messages.

Friday, September 12, 2003 7:53 PM CDT

Yes, we made it home on Tuesday evening with some new meds to add to the "potion" already being used. Lauren's feeding tube site is just now beginning to look OK again.
We've noticed that Lauren is very sleepy and lethargic the last few days but it could be a side effect of some of the medicine she's on. Lauren went by city bus to therapy at the hospital today. Marc and Lauren will return to St. Paul on Sunday so that Lauren is ready early Monday morning for her dental appt that she'll be sedated for. She has a strong aversion to anyone and anything in her mouth except food so that is why she'll be sedated. Then on Tuesday Lauren has a kidney function at Children's MPLS.
On Wednesday she's scheduled to have an MRI of her brain, a hearing test, and hopefully can start chemo that same day and we can be home by Friday. We'll keep you posted.
Have a good week-end.

Tuesday, September 9, 2003 12:57 AM CDT

The doctor has been in a couple of times today and has put paperwork in motion for discharging Lauren sometime this afternoon. We are waiting for some prescriptions to be filled. Lauren's taking a little nap before speech therapy and then hopefully we can be released. Her feeding tube site is looking better and her counts continue to climb and she has no fever! Thanks for all your prayers, thoughts and concern.

Monday, September 8, 2003 3:46 PM CDT

Lauren's had physical, occupational, and speech therapy today. We've had lots of specialists and doctors in today checking Lauren's ears and feeding tube site. Her feeding tube site is really sore and irritated today. Lauren is in much pain when they have to clean it and put on new ointment. Her counts are good and she's fever free so we're waiting to make some headway on her feeding tube site and the coast should be clear for heading for home - maybe tomorrow, maybe Wednesday. We've been watching videos and playing CandyLand to pass the time.
Waiting to hear from Becky and Christian this evening - Christian started kindergarten today!

Sunday, September 7, 2003 12:22 AM CDT

Lauren is snoozing so I came down to the family center to do this update. Shortly after 2:30 yesterday the air conditioning in the hospital went on the fritz and the heat kicked on. The hospital rooms were all 90 degrees so many patients and families spent time out in the hallway. Lauren was wearing only her diaper as time went on. I sure wish I could have shed some clothing, too, but that probably would have gotten me in trouble. Lauren was a good sport about the heat and didn't complain. At seven last night the air finally began to work again. We had another busy night of check-overs and meds being given. Lauren's counts are up today. Her ears are both a mess with lots of drainage and her feeding tube site is looking skanky again. She's had major diaper blow-outs today so her tummy must be upset, too. We've been watching Blue's Clues and reading books to pass the time.

Saturday, September 6, 2003 10:47 AM CDT

Lauren's condition is improving. Her vitals took a little dip during the helicopter ride. The paramedics were wonderful. Upon arrival at St. Paul Children's the doctors and nurses swung into action and made Lauren comfortable and she's already looking better this morning. She got platelets and red blood cells during the night. Her feeding tube site looked really bad but that has improved, too. Thanks for all your prayers.
Becky will return to Dawson sometime today. Mary O will swing by the hospital to pick her up. Marc and Lauren hope this will be a short hospital stay as we have to be back here again on the 15th for another stay.
Have a good week-end.

Friday, September 5, 2003 7:40 PM CDT

Lauren just couldn't keep up with all the demands the chemo was making on her body and was airlifted to St. Paul Children's around 6 tonight. Becky rode with and I'm leaving for St. Paul after doing this update. It was a precautionary measure to have her go by helicopter. Please pray for healing from this last round. Thanks to Karen and Kurt for taking Christian at such short notice!

Thursday, September 4, 2003 5:50 PM CDT

Sorry for delays in updating. I haven't been to work in a week (where I have access to a computer). Lauren has been holding her own since our return home last Friday. We are on day 8 and she's not developed a fever yet which would make it necessary for her and I to return to the hospital in St. Paul. She is having lots of discomfort in her tummy and around her feeding tube site. She is content to be on the couch and snooze or watch the Wiggles. No appetite. We will see what happens. She's getting used to waking up to her dad instead of her mom and knowing that Mom is at school - Christian is back from the north and ready to start kindergarten on Monday.

Friday, August 29, 2003 11:38 AM CDT

We are on our way home! In Lauren's words, "Yes! Yes! Yes!" Have a great Labor Day week-end, everyone!

Thursday, August 28, 2003 1:56 PM CDT

Lauren's taking a snooze so I ran down to the family center to do a quick update. Lauren's chemo went just fine and she's being hydrated today so I've been changing diapers like crazy! Lauren was very upset with the switch in parental roles yesterday and has been very quiet these two
days. Her favorite nurses have been with her so that has helped. We should be discharged tomorrow morning.

Wednesday, August 27, 2003 6:50 AM CDT

Good morning! In about a half hour Lauren, Christian, and Marc will be heading to St. Paul. Christian is going to spend Labor Day week-end with G and G Eggert up north and Lauren has to have the "rotten" chemo today. Today is the big switch for Becky and Marc. Becky begins workshop for school (begins next Tues.)today so she has lots to do in her classroom to get ready. Marc and Lauren will hopefully be home by week-end, and then back to the cities when the counts drop.

Friday, August 22, 2003 6:01 PM CDT

It's Friday! Lauren did well during her appts yesterday in the Cities and today she had great therapy sessions at the hospital. Becky promised her a trip to the DQ if everything went well at therapy - and Lauren pulled it off.
We hope everyone has a good week-end.

Thursday, August 21, 2003 1:09 PM CDT

Lauren and Becky headed back to the Cities around 4:30 this morning for a full day of check-ups and appointments.
Lauren's going to have her feeding tube replaced this afternoon. Then they'll head back for Dawson later this afternoon. Lauren's doing well. Thanks for the visits to the website. We appreciate your curiousity, concern, thoughts and prayers.

Saturday, August 16, 2003 7:46 AM CDT

Lauren's appointment on Thursday went well. Not much new information to report from that clinic visit. Lauren's vision continues to worry us. She has trouble tracking.
We hope everyone has a great week-end, even though it's awfully warm outside. Thank goodness for electricity and air conditioning!

Thursday, August 14, 2003 8:28 AM CDT

Lauren's doing great with some time off now between treatments. She's been to therapy at the hospital and at school. She went to daycare for a half day and loved being back with her friends and Karen. Lauren and Becky left at 6 this a.m. to go back to St. Paul for a clinic check-up. They'll return this evening.

Saturday, August 9, 2003 6:20 AM CDT

Lauren, Christian and Becky returned home safely last night around 8:30. Lauren's doing great - she came home with as much energy as she had when she left for St. Paul last Sunday. We hope you all have a good week=end!

Wednesday, August 6, 2003 6:13 PM CDT

Lauren's kidney function test came out ok. She started chemo early this afternoon and should be done with hydration around 7 tomorrow night. Home on Friday.

Monday, August 4, 2003 7:02 PM CDT

Becky, Lauren, and Christian left for St. Paul last night.
Christian is spending some time this week with Becky's sister and family and also will be with Grandpa and Grandma Eggert. Lauren had an early morning appt today at Children's MPLS for a kidney function test and an audiogram. No results yet on the kidney test. Lauren is hearing better than she did in June but not as well as she had in May. We'll see what future testing brings. Lauren's counts are great! Must be why she was feeling so spunky this week-end at home. She sure was full of fun on Sunday morning! If her counts are good enough tomorrow, she'll have some chemo on Wednesday and everyone will be back in Dawson some time on Friday for the week-end.

Friday, August 1, 2003 8:41 AM CDT

Lauren's shingles are better. Becky is doing a great job administering the IV drug - her medical knowledge is astonishing! We're hoping for a quiet week-end and hope you all have a good one, too.

Wednesday, July 30, 2003 3:21 PM CDT

Everyone at the Thoen house has been so happy to be under one roof again! Lauren has been feeling great again - makes us all feel great! We noticed a scratch-like mark near Lauren's ear yesterday and today the mark had grown so Becky took Lauren into the clinic here. Lauren has shingles again. IV meds are being sent from Optioncare in St. Cloud so she'll start that tonight.

Monday, July 28, 2003 4:28 PM CDT

Update from this morning - Lauren and Becky are coming home sometime this evening. We have some time together again now until Sunday when they need to return to St. Paul.

Monday, July 28, 2003 8:38 AM CDT

Lauren's feeling better, counts are up, and anxious to come home. Perhaps today? Will update later when I've heard from Becky.

Friday, July 25, 2003 5:39 PM CDT

Lauren's had some respiratory problems today but a chest X-ray was clear. She's developed redness and sores in her mouth but has had two mouthwashes done and feels better. Becky reported that she's even eating a little. Her temp is up. They're trying a new antibiotic. She's been quiet all day. The childlife people have brought in activities for Lauren to do with them as she's room-bound. Lauren hasn't had any transfusions yet - perhaps tomorrow if it is necessary. Have a good week-end, everyone!

Thursday, July 24, 2003 5:32 PM CDT

Not much new to report about Lauren today. Her counts have gone up to 100. Her temp goes up and down. Doctors are still working on the infection issue. Lauren can't go to the playroom with this infection problem. We hope for a better day tomorrow.

Wednesday, July 23, 2003 5:23 PM CDT

Lauren's counts are at 0. She was awake and irritated thru the night each time the nurses came to check her so she was snoozing a lot today. Doctors were checking to see if Lauren has a blood infection. Will update again tomorrow.

Tuesday, July 22, 2003 4:35 PM CDT

Lauren wasn't feeling well this morning so around 10:00 Becky and Lauren left for St. Paul Children's. Upon arrival at the hospital Lauren's temp was 102 and her white count had dropped from 2000 yesterday to 200 this morning. The doctors figured there was an infection brewing and that's why the counts dropped so quickly. Doctors are deciding which antibiotics to give Lauren to fight this battle. Thanks for your prayers.

Monday, July 21, 2003 2:39 PM CDT

Lauren's doing OK while we wait for the blood counts to drop. She wanted to be outside a lot more than we allowed over the week-end - the mosquitos are terrible!

Friday, July 18, 2003 5:49 PM CDT

Lauren and Becky are en route home from St. Paul. Lauren's chemo and hydration are finished so we'll see how she does at home now with her counts, etc. Have a good week-end, everyone!

Wednesday, July 16, 2003 8:49 AM CDT

Lauren has had a great time at home lately - with trips to school for therapy, to the hospital for therapy, on a shopping trip with us to Willmar, and her all-time favorite, time at daycare with all her friends and Karen. Everything seems almost normal at times like these. But then a bit of reality slips back in. Becky and Lauren left for St. Paul Children's this morning at 6:30 for more chemo. This is the "bad" dose so Lauren will soon be feeling yucky again. However, it brings Lauren closer to completion and that's good news!

Thursday, July 10, 2003 3:50 PM CDT

A year ago today Lauren was in surgery to remove the brain tumor. Memories of that day aren't so great, but we do remember with much gratitude having our families there with us, Pastor Paul and Sue, Pastor Mike, etc. They provided so much support and reminded us that there were so many people other places that were with us in thought and prayer that day. It is amazing and miraculous that Lauren has recovered to the point she's at today after seeing her little body in recovery and then ICU for 6 weeks after. We are so thankful to God for answered prayer
and healing. We are thankful, too, for family, friends, communities, churches, and even strangers for their love and support during Lauren's hospitalization, radiation, and now her ongoing chemotherapy. God bless you all.

Wednesday, July 9, 2003 5:21 PM CDT

Lauren has been doing OK. She isn't as peppy as she was last week so we are assuming her hemoglobin is low. She has enjoyed going to therapy at the hospital (riding the city bus!!), therapy at school, and going to daycare for a while on Tuesday. Lauren will have chemo tomorrow in St. Paul and everyone will be back in Dawson tomorrow night.

Saturday, July 5, 2003 5:07 PM CDT

New pictures of Lauren are posted. Lauren's been pretty quiet the last two days. We spent the 4th with the Thoen side at Jim and Cathy's.

Thursday, July 3, 2003 9:42 PM CDT

Lauren and Becky left for St. Paul this morning around 4:15. Lauren had a check-up with the eye specialist and Lauren is now to wear an eye patch on her right eye four hours a day to strengthen the eye muscles in that eye. The problem is due to the hydrocephalis (sp) that has reappeared in Lauren's brain. Lauren had a dose of chemo at the clinic at Children's later this morning. Becky and Lauren got home around 6:30 and Lauren is still full of energy as I'm writing this entry. We've noticed this week that her sleep pattern has changed - she's up more at night.
Have a very happy and safe Independence Day and week-end, everyone!

Monday, June 30, 2003 4:00 PM CDT

Lauren had a good week-end. She slept more than usual but was in good spirits. Her eyesight is still worrying us.
She has a clinic visit on Thursday.
Thanks to Jeff, Carla and Dustin Johnson for making Sunday such a fun day for Christian. Christian got to steer one of the Johnson's antique tractors (with Jeff riding with)in the Riverfest parade here in Dawson. Christian had a blast "driving" and waving to the crowd. He still got a hefty portion of parade candy that Lauren, Becky and I had collected for him while he was busy.

Saturday, June 28, 2003 1:23 PM CDT

Lauren's doing OK. She's been sleeping a lot more during the day lately so she doesn't go to bed as early as she should but she sleeps through the night. Her eyesight is worrying us - her right eye has crossed but she has an eye appt. in St. Paul on July 3rd so we're hoping for answers and results. Dawson's summer festival, Riverfest, is this week-end so Lauren and Christian are looking forward to the parade tomorrow that passes right by our house. Last year, Christian collected tons of candy tossed to him by parade people. So much so, he began tossing it back toward the end of the parade. Have a good week-end, everyone.

Wednesday, June 25, 2003 4:29 PM CDT

Sorry for the delay in updates but there has been much conflicting information and I didn't want to update and then have to backpedal on anything I'd written. Becky and Lauren returned to Dawson about a half hour ago and I got the scoop from Becky and am typing in what she has reported to me. The chemo drug cisplatin for Cycle 5 is being held off because of the kidney function and hearing test given on Monday. Lauren's kidneys and hearing need time to recover. Lauren's hearing will be retested once her ear infection has cleared up. The rest of Cycle 5 will go according to protocol. The MRI yesterday showed Lauren's brain to be tumor free!!! They didn't extend the MRI to the spine as they'd done before. They told Becky (new info after all this time) that if a tumor did recur that there'd be a 99% chance that it would happen where it had first appeared. There is no extra fluid outside the brain this time as what they'd found in the last MRI because her shunt had been set to a higher pressure. Her shunt has to be adjusted now because she has developed hydrocephalus (sp) again. Her shunt has been dialed down.
Our family is happy to be all together again.

Saturday, June 21, 2003 10:56 AM CDT

Lauren has been enjoying her week-end at home. She's here at the store with Becky and me right now. She's blowing bubbles with her Mickey Mouse blower and jabbering with lots of energy.
Today marks the one year anniversary of Lauren's diagnosis.
Kind of a bittersweet day - sad about what she's gone through and so thankful for her ongoing recovery. Lauren is half-way through her chemotherapy. People have often asked why her chemo is for such a long period of time. As was explained to us when the process started, it is protocol for a child of Lauren's age and for the type of tumor she had.
Becky and Lauren will head back to St. Paul on Sunday for the beginning of Cycle 5. Lauren has a kidney function test and an audiogram on Monday, and an MRI on Tuesday. She'll begin chemo on Wednesday if her counts are high enough.
Thank you for all your thoughts, prayers, phone calls, cards, gifts, visits, and concern shown in so many ways this past year. We are so lucky. Have a nice week-end,

Thursday, June 19, 2003 8:56 AM CDT

Lauren spent yesterday getting red blood cell and platelet transfusions. She finished up around 8:30 last night. She begged to come home all day yesterday, so Becky had everything ready to go and they left St. Paul Children's around 9 last night and arrived home around 1 this morning.
Karen Collins (Christian and Lauren's daycare provider) and her kids, Kelsie and Kyler came over around 9:30 last night and decorated our sidewalk with Lauren's luminary bags from the Relay for Life held last Friday night. What a nice gesture! The bags were all lit when Lauren and Becky arrived. Lauren was so excited to be home. What a difference those transfusions make!! She was so full of energy. We did get to bed around 1:30 and she was still sleeping this morning at 7:30 when I left for work.

Tuesday, June 17, 2003 6:10 PM CDT

Not much to report today. Blood counts are up! Still fighting the shingles with antibiotics. Possible discharge tomorrow!?!? Thanks for your prayers and support.

Monday, June 16, 2003 3:22 PM CDT

Christian and Marc traveled to St. Paul yesterday to see Lauren and Becky. When we arrived Lauren wasn't in the room they'd had her in before. They moved her to a double isolation room in the morning because they believed the rash was shingles. The culture for shingles takes a long time to process so we still aren't sure what it is. Lauren's ear is continually full of fluid and then it drains out onto her face and neck to her pillow. We and the nurse try to keep it at bay with wiping it away with Kleen-ex but that bothers Lauren, too. Marc spent the afternoon with Lauren so that Becky and Christian could visit her parents and sister and family in Hastings. Lauren slept the whole afternoon! Last night Lauren had a chest X-ray because she was breathing so hard. It was clear. Then they gave her a nebulizer treatment and that brought some relief. Lauren scratched at her rash and they're wondering when there's enough antibiotic in her to make it noncontagious. Lauren's blood counts are better. No new transfusions are planned. She still has a fever.

Saturday, June 14, 2003 2:57 PM CDT

Becky just called with the latest update on Lauren. She had a restless night, with little sleep, but has been sleeping some today. She has had a fever of around 102 all day and has a very sore bottom. The doctor was concerned with her rapid breathing, but that has improved as she is getting tylenol with codeine. They have decided to wait with a chest x-ray for now.

Lauren has complained of a headache all day. The doctor had a neurosurgeon come to see Lauren and visit with Becky. He said that all Lauren's neurological signs look good and they will just continue to watch her. They are also watching for a shunt malfunction.

Lauren is being given 2 antibiotics. It has been determined that she has a yeast infection in her ear. She has developed a rash on her face from the excessive drainage from her ear.

Marc and Christian plan to join Lauren and Becky at the hospital in St. Paul tomorrow.

Thank you to everyone who came out to support Lauren's family at the Relay for Life last night. It was a very special evening and all the luminaries in Lauren's honor were amazing! Your continued prayers and support are very much appreciated!

Saturday, June 14, 2003 2:57 PM CDT

Becky just called with the latest update on Lauren today. She had a restless night, with little sleep, but has been sleeping some today. She has had a fever of around 102 all day and has a very sore bottom. The doctor was concerned with her rapid breathing, but that has improved with tylenol with codeine. They have decided to wait with a chest x-ray for now.

Lauren has complained of a headache all day. The doctor had a neurosurgeon come to see Lauren and visit with Becky. He said that all Lauren's neurological signs look good and they will just continue to watch her. They are also watching for a shunt malfunction.

Lauren is being given 2 antibiotics. It has been determined that she has a yeast infection in her ear. She has developed a rash on her face from the excessive drainage from her ear.

Marc and Christian plan to join Lauren and Becky at the hospital in St. Paul tomorrow.

Thank you to everyone who came out to support Lauren's family at the Relay for Life last night. It was a very special evening and all the luminaries in Lauren's honor were amazing. Your prayers and support are very much appreciated!

Friday, June 13, 2003 3:12 PM CDT

Lauren's having problems with her blood pressure and heart rate. She's running a fever and complaining of headaches.
Nurses have assured Becky that running a fever as long as Lauren has sometimes causes headaches. Lauren's had lots of drainage out of her ear. Her oxygen level is OK. Blood counts are still very low. Lauren did want to get dressed in her own clothes this morning - even after a night of restlessness and talking in her sleep. We are so saddened that Lauren won't be here in Dawson tonight for the Relay for Life. There are so many luminary bags in her honor and for that we are so grateful. Sister-in-law Cathy is here to be with Marc and Christian at the event.
Thank you all for your prayers, concern, and continued hope that Lauren will beat this and be able to attend next year's Relay for Life and many more to come.

Thursday, June 12, 2003 5:14 PM CDT

Lauren had to return to St. Paul Children's this afternoon because her blood counts had dropped to rock bottom and she was running a fever. Becky and Lauren arrived in St. Paul safely and Lauren will soon be given a transfusion to help her feel better. Her ear is bothering again - an infection is suspected.

Wednesday, June 11, 2003 8:21 AM CDT

Good morning! Lauren is amazing us with her strength and energy! This is day 8 after the "rotten" chemo and she's hanging in there. We expected by now that she'd be back in St. Paul bottoming out on blood counts and needing transfusions. We're hoping her streak continues so she doesn't miss the big circus coming to Dawson tomorrow and the Relay for Life event on Friday evening.

Saturday, June 7, 2003 7:24 AM CDT

Becky and Lauren returned to Dawson last night around 6. Lauren is holding her own - blood counts will be taken on Monday. She gets lots and lots of eye drops and we do lots and lots of handwashing! Her appetite has really dwindled but she did make it through a whole DQ dilly bar last night! Have a good week-end, everyone.

Thursday, June 5, 2003 6:33 PM CDT

Becky called me around 5:30 at the store but I had so many distractions that I couldn't really focus on what she was saying! She's calling back tonight and I hope my mind is a little less cluttered by then. She reported that Lauren has pink-eye. We don't know where she picked that up. There are other issues, too, but I'll do a more complete report tomorrow. Christian and I need to go home now.

Wednesday, June 4, 2003 3:33 PM CDT

Lauren's had her chemo and is starting hydration this afternoon to keep her system flushed. Her counts are good so far - we're hoping they stay high enough so Becky and Lauren can return home on Friday or Saturday and remain home for a while before Lauren's counts hit bottom again.
Lauren enjoyed going to Bible School for two sessions.

Monday, June 2, 2003 5:15 PM CDT

Just a quick note to report that Lauren had a good week-end and that she's looking forward to attending Bible School tonight and tomorrow before heading back to St. Paul on Wednesday for chemo.

Saturday, May 31, 2003 3:48 PM CDT

Lauren and Becky returned to Dawson around 10:30 last night from St. Paul. Lauren did well at her chemo appt. and the doctor at Gillette was impressed with her walking with the walker! She's tired and on the cranky side today. She' been asleep on the couch with Becky for a good part of the afternoon. Have a good week-end, everyone!

Tuesday, May 27, 2003 5:33 PM CDT

Lauren had a good week-end. We had nice weather to be out in and friends visiting, so there were lots of things to keep Lauren busy. She's had 8 nights of all-night sleep so we're thankful for that! She and Becky go to St. Paul on Friday for chemo and a check-up at Gillette Hospital. They'll return to Dawson that evening.

Saturday, May 24, 2003 9:30 AM CDT

The transfusion did wonders for Lauren. She was full of energy when she got home around 8:30 last night!! She slept all night (by herself!).

Friday, May 23, 2003 5:49 PM CDT

It's Friday! Lauren was pretty miserable yesterday but had a good night of sleep. She went to school today but they reported that she was tired. Becky and Lauren went to the hospital and had blood work done this afternoon. Lauren's hemoglobin was at 5.6 so she's getting a transfusion. A nurse just called and said they're still there and that Lauren wants something from the DQ so I'm on my way there. Have a good week-end, everyone.

Wednesday, May 21, 2003 5:42 PM CDT

Lauren and Becky returned to Dawson around 9 last night. Lauren had an ear check-up along with some other tests. There was some gunk forming in one ear so ear drops were prescribed that Lauren absolutely detests, so we do some WWF wrestling holds on her to get the drops in. Her hemoglobin is low so that's being monitored. Lauren came home with two bags of home medical playstuff so she and Christian were having a grand time with band-aids, cotton balls, and surgical gloves at bedtime last night.

Monday, May 19, 2003 8:12 AM CDT

We had a quiet week-end. We tried to spend as much time outdoors as possible and Lauren seemed to enjoy it. She is still very quiet at times and we worry about that. She's up and ready for the day - she has therapy this afternoon at the hospital. Tomorrow she has a clinic appt at Children's ST. Paul.

Friday, May 16, 2003 5:30 PM CDT

It's Friday! Lauren went to school this morning - it was good for her to get back into the routine. At noon all of us picnicked together. Then Lauren and Becky went to therapy at the hospital and Christian came down to the store to be a helper. Lauren is so quiet - we often wonder if she's feeling OK. Hopefully it will soon pass.
Have a good week-end!

Thursday, May 15, 2003 4:18 PM CDT

Lauren and Becky are on the way home. Becky called on the car phone from Hutchinson. That isn't much info - but Christian and I will be happy to see them!!!!

Wednesday, May 14, 2003 1:31 PM CDT

Lauren's chemo drug this time around was reduced 50% because of Lauren's hearing loss - her hearing loss is sensory neural. More testing will be done in the future.
Lauren's kidney function test came out normal. She's just finished with the chemo and is on hydration to flush out her system. Lauren and Becky will be home on Thursday.

Tuesday, May 13, 2003 5:04 PM CDT

Lauren began the 4th cycle of chemo today. Her counts were good. She still isn't very chipper.

Monday, May 12, 2003 5:12 PM CDT

Lauren turned 4 on Saturday. She wasn't feeling well either Saturday or Sunday and didn't enjoy opening or playing with her presents. She did like the frosting and decorations on her birthday cake! We had a quiet Mother's Day at home. Lauren had a hard day. She and Becky left for St. Paul around 6 pm. Lauren had a full day today at Children's MPLS with tests and a new feeding tube installed and then back to Children's St. Paul for a clinic appt. She'll have chemotherapy tomorrow and hopefully will be released sometime Wednesday or Thursday.
We hope Lauren returns to Dawson feeling better than when she left.

Saturday, May 10, 2003 1:03 AM CDT

Today is Lauren's 4th birthday! Karen (Christian and Lauren's daycare mom) planned and hosted a birthday party at her house on Friday afternoon for Lauren. Her daycare friends really showered her with love and gifts. She had a great time. Today, once my work is done at the store, we'll have a family party. Becky and Lauren will be leaving Sunday evening for the Cities. I don't remember all the schedule details so I'll have to update that info later.
Have a great week-end, everyone! Happy Mother's Day to all moms. God bless you.

Thursday, May 8, 2003 4:46 PM CDT

Our luck ran out with the sleep-all-night thing last night.
Lauren was up at 3 and Christian was up at 5! Lauren went to daycare today after her morning IV routine, which wasn't routine either as Lauren decided on her own to move off the couch. The IV pump went with her and the syringe broke, spilling medicine onto the floor. Becky called the Optioncare people and they talked her through what she needed to do. Becky has now aged another 25 years!

Wednesday, May 7, 2003 3:38 PM CDT

Lauren had a good night. She seemed happier to be home and her brother, Christian, entertained her. I could tell she was feeling better - at suppertime she put black olives on her finger tips, just as she'd done before. She slept all night, by herself, again (3 nights in row, now!).

Tuesday, May 6, 2003 4:27 PM CDT

Lauren's feeding tube procedure went OK and she and Becky arrived back in Dawson around 9:30 last night. Lauren slept all night (by herself!).

Monday, May 5, 2003 2:44 PM CDT

Everyone was back under one roof as of 9 pm last night. Then at 9:30 this morning Lauren's feeding tube (attached through skin in stomach area) came out. Luckily, the home health nurse was there so she got it patched up so Becky and Lauren could leave around noon to go to Children's Minneapolis to have a new one inserted at 4 this afternoon.
Becky was hoping they'd return to Dawson this evening. Haven't heard any news this afternoon.

Sunday, May 4, 2003 7:34 PM CDT

Wow! The power of prayer and medicine!! Lauren's blood counts improved TREMENDOUSLY overnight and the low grade fever left her, too. When Christian and I arrived back to see Lauren and Becky in the hospital room this morning, we were told that Lauren was being discharged today. I helped get things packed into one car, said good-byes and hit the trail to get home to do some much needed cleaning before Becky, Christian and Lauren would arrive. There were some glitches but Becky called at 6 tonight and said they were just leaving St. Paul. Lauren is still very weak but we're excited that we'll all be back under one roof again. Lauren's birthday is on Saturday. She's excited about turning 4!

Saturday, May 3, 2003 10:03 PM CDT

Marc and Christian traveled to St. Paul today to join Lauren and Becky and will return to Dawson on Sunday. Marc reports that Lauren is about the same today as yesterday and is very weak. Becky is hoping that she and Lauren will be able to return home on Monday. Your continued prayers are appreciated.

Friday, May 2, 2003 3:52 PM CDT

Lauren remains about the same as yesterday. She said a few words to me on the phone. We're waiting for better days ahead. Have a good week-end, everyone.

Thursday, May 1, 2003 2:27 PM CDT

Becky just called. Lauren's temp is up. She's on a new antibiotic to help knock out whatever is bothering her body. Lauren went through a painful examination with the nurse practitioner (sp?) to check for abcesses/infection. Lauren cried and cried. She has been in bed all day except for a brief time while Becky read to her. Lauren's counts are rock bottom today. We hope for a turn-around very soon. Becky said that they may be discharged Monday or Tuesday at the rate things are going. We hope and pray for faster healing. We appreciate your prayers.

Wednesday, April 30, 2003 5:50 PM CDT

Lauren's counts have risen slightly. She woke up with lots of ear drainage this morning so the staff is checking her ears/tubes. She complained that they hurt. Lauren's temp is up slightly. Becky says Lauren seems worse today even tho her counts are up. They will not be coming home today or tomorrow. We await better news. We appreciate everyone's thoughts, prayers, and concern. Thank you.

Tuesday, April 29, 2003 8:35 PM CDT

Sorry for the lapse in updating. Lauren and Becky remain at St. Paul Children's because of Lauren's low blood counts and she's still running a low grade temp. Both of them spent a restless night last night. Possible discharge tomorrow. We are hopeful. We all miss each other very much.

Friday, April 25, 2003 12:57 AM CDT

Becky just called with the latest update on Lauren. She has a rattling sound in her chest but the x-ray looked OK. Lauren's blood cultures test positive for infection, probably a type of staph infection. She is being given antibiotics by way of an IV. Today Lauren has a low grade fever and feels cruddy.

The doctors are trying a new procedure to use with the chemo drug. She will be given vitamin E to help with balance, shakiness, etc. Becky hopes they will be able to return to Dawson on Sunday afternoon.

Thursday, April 24, 2003 2:29 PM CDT

Lauren had a busy morning. She was awakened by the orthodics specialist and he adjusted her braces to make them more comfortable. The neurosurgeon visited with Becky about the fluid issue I mentioned yesterday. He is not overly concerned at this point. He wants to give the shunt more time to allow extra drainage. If he did anything now it would delay Lauren's chemo. The next scan will be done in about 8 weeks and they'll study it then.
Lauren's ears were bothering her this morning and she's running a low-grade fever. They'll be keeping Lauren overnight with hopes of discharging her tomorrow.

Wednesday, April 23, 2003 6:31 PM CDT

Becky called around noon today and said that Lauren had a CT scan this morning. The excess fluid in Lauren's brain they'd hoped to drain off by "turning up" Lauren's shunt about a month ago is still present. Doctors are discussing options. Becky was hoping to meet with Lauren's neurosurgeon this afternoon or evening. Lauren's therapists were so pleased with her speech today. They said she spoke clearly. It's nice to hear comments like that as we sometimes are so caught up in things we don't see the gains Lauren has already made.
Christian is having a great time at Grandpa and Grandma's house!

Tuesday, April 22, 2003 6:09 PM CDT

Lauren, Christian, and Becky left for St. Paul this morning at 7. Christian is going to spend the week with G and G Eggert in Hastings. He was so excited! Lauren's blood counts were low this morning upon admittance, but high enough to allow the chemotherapy. She'll be hospitalized until Thursday. Becky has a meeting at Children's on Friday. She and the kids will be returning to Dawson on Saturday. The house is going to be quiet!

Sunday, April 20, 2003 3:12 PM CDT

Easter Greetings from Grove Lake! We're at Marc's brother and sister-in-law's home enjoying Easter. Thanks to Jim's digital camera, Becky has been able to get some photos of Christian and Lauren. Christian and Lauren's second cousins from Minneapolis are also pictured, as well as Grandma Thoen having some time with Lauren. We hope you enjoy the photo updates.

Saturday, April 19, 2003 1:47 PM CDT

Happy Easter, everyone! We are going to be visiting with Marc's side of the family on Easter Sunday. We've not seen anyone on that side since Christmas Day so it will be fun to catch up and see everyone again. Lauren has to head back to St. Paul Children's on Tuesday for a heavier week of chemo. She has had 2 nights of sound sleep!! Yippee! She and Christian are getting ready for the Easter Bunny's visit.

Thursday, April 17, 2003 1:15 PM CDT

Lauren had a great time at school yesterday. It was the birthday of an aide, Deb, so Lauren was so excited last night when she told of getting to blow out Deb's birthday candles! Lauren was also excited about making an Easter basket. She has been in such good spirits this week - it has helped us enjoy life a little more, too.

Tuesday, April 15, 2003 5:48 PM CDT

Lauren wasn't feeling very well this morning when she and Becky left for ST. Paul. Sure enough, her hemoglobin was low so they needed to do a blood transfusion in addition to her chemo push. Becky said they'd be late coming home.
Lauren has become so accustomed to all her procedures. I asked her last night what was going to happen at the clinic today and she answered, "They're going to access my port." Perhaps she'll choose a career in the medical field!

Monday, April 14, 2003 5:05 PM CDT

Lauren had a great week-end! She loved being outdoors - even if it was windy! She and Becky go back to St. Paul Children's tomorrow for a chemo "push". They'll return to Dawson tomorrow evening. Thanks for your concern and continued prayers.

Friday, April 11, 2003 5:51 PM CDT

Happy Friday! We were out for a long stroller ride last night and hope that we can do the same this evening. Lauren is still not sleeping well during the night and making our nights miserable, too. We don't know what is wrong and she isn't able to express what's bothering her, either. It makes for a very long night. Lauren rode the bus to and from school again today and had therapy this afternoon at the hospital. I haven't heard how things went yet as I'm still here at the store. We're hoping for a good week-end and hope yours is good, too.

Wednesday, April 9, 2003 4:36 PM CDT

Lauren and Becky returned safely last night. Lauren had an awful night of restlessness, so Mom and Dad did, too! Christian slept through it all! We don't know what the problem was. Today was a big day - Lauren rode the school bus to and from school (without Becky!). She had therapy at the hospital this afternoon. I hope that we can be outside tonight when I get home. Maybe the fresh air and exercise will get Lauren real sleepy!!!

Tuesday, April 8, 2003 5:35 PM CDT

Becky and Lauren left at 7 this morning for St. Paul Children's. Lauren was not happy to be up and moving at that time. There was to be a chemo shot today and they will return early evening. Christian and I are off to his preschool class at 6:30. Nice weather ahead?! Maybe by the week-end we'll be able to outside more. Lauren would like that!

Sunday, April 6, 2003 7:17 PM CDT

We hope you've had a good week-end. Lauren is doing OK. She has a clinic appt at Children's St. Paul on Tuesday.
Thanks, Martha, for your encouraging report about the Relay for Life in Michigan. We hope you've warmed up by now! We hope to attend the one in Dawson this summer.
Have a good week, everyone!

Friday, April 4, 2003 4:51 PM CST

Lauren has had a full day "back in the saddle again"! She went to her early childhood special education class this morning (someone from school reported she saw Lauren in the lunchroom twirling her noodles in the air at noon!)and she had therapy at the hospital this afternoon. We hope to attend the school carnival tonight. Christian is pumped! Have a good week-end, everyone.

Thursday, April 3, 2003 2:36 PM CST

Becky called about 11:00 this morning - they were waiting to be discharged. Lauren's shunt was adjusted to allow more excess fluid in the brain to drain away through her stomach this morning. She'll have scans in the upcoming weeks to follow up on the procedure. Lauren and Becky should be on their way home soon!!

Wednesday, April 2, 2003 5:34 PM CST

Lauren and Becky had a long night last night. Lauren had low blood pressure through the night so there were many trips into the room by nurses monitoring the situation. Her blood pressure is normal today. The neurosurgeons involved in Lauren's surgery last July were going to set up a meeting with Becky to go over Lauren's MRI results but they haven't connected yet. Lauren had speech, pt, and ot therapy today in her room. She's on hydration today so things are pretty low key. They will hopefully be on the way home tomorrow afternoon!

Tuesday, April 1, 2003 3:59 PM CST

We have good news to report today. Becky just called to report that the MRI scans are clear and the brain ventricles look normal.

Lauren's blood counts are good so she has been admitted to St. Paul Children's and is starting Round 3, Week 1, of chemo today.

Thanks for all your concern and support!

Monday, March 31, 2003 10:22 AM CST

We had a great week-end!! Lauren was in such a good mood and feeling so much better. We decided to make a trip to Sioux Falls on Saturday. Lauren was a true shopper - she tolerated going into every store Becky wanted to see. Christian and I followed along and we all had a good day. On Sunday we attended church as a family and then Lauren played outside in the afternoon before she and Becky left for St. Paul at 5. If Lauren's blood counts are high enough today will be the beginning of Week 1 of Cycle 3 (out of 8 cycles). She is to have an audiogram to test her hearing and then an MRI to her head and spine. Please pray for a clear picture! On Tuesday she has to be at MPLS Children's for a kidney function test and then back to St. Paul Children's for blood counts and then to begin chemotherapy. This all hinges upon having high enough counts today to even begin the process. We are hopeful that her counts are good so that there isn't a delay in her treatments. We'll keep you posted.

Friday, March 28, 2003 6:06 PM CST

I've been at work since 7 this morning and haven't been home or called Becky so I don't have anything to report. Will update tomorrow - we have a family day scheduled!!
Have a great week-end, everyone.

Thursday, March 27, 2003 5:53 PM CST

Lauren's blood counts are good - she has blood drawn on Friday and again on Sunday. That will determine if she heads back as scheduled for Monday chemo. Will keep you posted. We appreciate your interest and concern. Thank you.

Tuesday, March 25, 2003 2:54 PM CST

Lauren and Becky got home on Saturday evening. We took Lauren out for a stroll on Sunday afternoon because it was so nice and she seemed to tolerate it well. When we got back home she took a 2 hour nap! Lauren's blood counts have risen significantly so she's feeling better and has more energy. We're hoping for a good week!

Saturday, March 22, 2003 9:54 AM CST

Becky called around 9:15 this morning. She reported that Lauren's counts are up so Lauren is being released this afternoon. Becky and I are worried that it's too soon with Lauren's counts still being low and being on so many antibiotics, but...
Christian is so excited they're coming home. He has really missed his mom this week. We're going on a bike ride and then we'll clean up the house a little in anticipation of their arrival back home late this afternoon. Have a great week-end, everyone!

Friday, March 21, 2003 3:04 PM CST

Just did an update and then remembered about new pictures that Becky got from Lauren's project yesterday. Lauren does look wiped out, doesn't she?

Friday, March 21, 2003 2:54 PM CST

Becky called about 1:00 this afternoon. Lauren's white count is up a little. Her hemoglobin and platelets have dropped. Her ANC is 49. She hasn't had a fever for 24 hours. Lauren's feeding tube site looks a little better today. Today's highlight so far was playing interactive TV Bingo. Lauren won twice. She played from her room and when she had a Bingo, Becky called down to the playroom where the production is. Lauren has been eating more by mouth today - still no tube feedings. Pastor Paul visited Lauren and Becky yesterday - thanks! We appreciate everyone's prayers, phone calls, caringbridge website messages, and thoughts. Have a good week-end. More info tomorrow.

Thursday, March 20, 2003 3:00 PM CST

The oncologist and Becky think Lauren seems more chipper today. Lauren has asked to wear clothes and she was more receptive to physical therapy today. Speech therapy didn't go well because of Lauren's mouth sores. Lauren has what is called "mucusitis" - inflamation of linings. Becky said Lauren's mouth resembled butcher shop meat. Lauren's sores seem worse. Her feeding tube site is more inflamed today also. No night feeds - they want to rest her bowels. Doctors have switched Lauren to stronger antibiotics. Her counts have not fluctuated much. There hasn't been a platelet transfusion yet. Normal platelet count is around 150,000. Lauren's is 26,000. They won't do a platelet transfusion until it drops to 10,000 or she develops bleeding. Her hemo count has dropped. Lauren was working on a birdhouse project with the child-life worker in her hospital room. The child-life people are great to bring the action to the rooms when kids are too ill to go down to the playroom. There may be new pictures later this afternoon if Becky can get to the family center to add them to the website. She'll be calling me at home tonight with an update. Talk to you all tomorrow. Thanks for your prayers and warm thoughts.

Wednesday, March 19, 2003 4:31 PM CST

Becky reports today that Lauren's situation is about the same as yesterday although her blood counts are lower today than yesterday. Lauren's white cell count is 0 and her hemo has gone down because the chemo is still working. Her absolute nutrafil count is 4 (normal count is greater than 1,000).

Lauren also has an infection in her g-tube (feeding tube) site. She is getting no night feedings through her feeding tube but she is getting hydration and feeding through her port.

Lauren is eating a little, but the doctors are surprised at this because of the sores in her mouth. Lauren's fever is down. No platelet transfusion has been done yet.

Lauren's favorite nurse, Nancy, is with her today.

Thank you all for your continued prayers and concern for our family.

Tuesday, March 18, 2003 5:33 PM CST

Becky called with an update just a bit ago. Lauren is getting lots of antibiotics. Her temp was still going up.
Hemo count is up, but counts are still low after one transfusion. Becky said they probably spending the week there. P.S. Lauren had a chest X-ray to check out her porta-cath placement and to see if her shunt was properly draining into her stomach. That all turned out normal.
Christian and I are off to ECFE class at 6:30.

Tuesday, March 18, 2003 11:07 AM CST

Becky called last night around 9:30. They drove out of the fog at Hutchinson. Lauren was admitted to the 4th floor to her same room. They went through the same confusion experienced the last unplanned trip with admitting. It seems that the clinic and the floor don't communicate very well. Lauren has spiked a fever. She was admitted for short-term stay but her status has changed to inpatient. She's being given antibiotics. Her counts last night were lower than what they'd been yesterday in Dawson. She's got low white and hemo counts and now her platelets are low. There is a possibility of a platelet transfusion as well today. They are testing Lauren for a fungal infection. She has sores in her mouth and in her rectum. She's very tired and can't get comfortable. They did abdominal X-rays during the night but results aren't back yet. They've switched air flow to Lauren's room to negative pressure. There's no airflow from the hallway to lessen airborne germs. Becky was also very tired. Neither will get much rest until some of Lauren's needs are met. Please pray for them.

Monday, March 17, 2003 6:10 PM CST

Things didn't go so well on Sunday. Lauren wasn't feeling well and was cranky! We even went out driving so she'd fall asleep and have some down time. Blood was drawn at the Dawson clinic this morning and results called into St. Paul Children's. They called back this afternoon and wanted Lauren to return to St. Paul immediately. Lauren and Becky left Dawson around 4:00. Please pray for a safe journey through the fog. Lauren will get a blood transfusion upon arrival in St. Paul. That's all for now.

Saturday, March 15, 2003 4:24 PM CST

Wow! It's like summer today! I'm heading home so the four of us can enjoy the outdoors before nightfall. Lauren, even though hooked up to almost constant hydration via her feeding tube, is in good spirits and happy to be home. We hope everyone has a good week-end. Thanks for your contined prayers for Lauren.

Friday, March 14, 2003 6:21 PM CST

Becky and Lauren are on their way home!

Friday, March 14, 2003 10:13 AM CST

Lauren was discharged from Children's to the Lipschultz Center for the remainder of her stay in St. Paul. Becky was to continue lots of hydratiion for Lauren as blood was found in her urine yesterday - something that can happen as a result of chemo. She was to have a check-up today concerning her kidney function. Then at 4:15 is another appt. and if everything is OK they will start for home. We pray that things will be OK and they can come home.

Wednesday, March 12, 2003 5:39 PM CST

Lauren's swallow study went well today! She made consecutive swallows - even though she wasn't happy about having to perform! Becky reported that Lauren can now have most anything to eat. Lauren will love having more food choices! There haven't been any problems with chemo -another chemo injection this afternoon and hydration to follow so that none of it settles in her organs. The PT and OT therapists both worked with Lauren today.

Tuesday, March 11, 2003 5:23 PM CST

Becky called to say that Lauren is checked into her hospital room and that chemo would begin at 5:00 p.m. today. We hope for smooth sailing.
So much for the nice weather's snowing. Have a good evening, everyone.

Monday, March 10, 2003 5:39 PM CST

Lauren and Becky leave for ST. Paul Children's tomorrow for a few days. We'll update when there's news. We hope everyone had a good week-end. Lauren and her family did.
We are waiting anxiously for that warmer weather that's predicted for Minnesota!

Wednesday, March 5, 2003 5:49 PM CST

Report from yesterday's clinic appt. It's week three of cycle 2. (There are 8 6 week cycles.) She got a chemo drug at the clinic appt. Lauren's white count is 3600 which is good and her ANC is 2660 which is also good. Her hemoglobin is low. Lauren took charge of everything with the nurse accessing and deaccessing her porta-cath. She didn't cry a bit. Lauren took care of her beanie baby's clinic visit by taking its blood pressure and giving it a shot and a band-aid. School and therapy today. Told Becky she didn't like to go to school because "you always leave me but you always come back." Lauren has a particular fondness for a boy in her class! In therapy Lauren got to bake cookies. She's hoping to visit her daycare for a while on Thursday.

Tuesday, March 4, 2003 5:40 PM CST

Lauren and I had a mostly sleepless night. She slept well until around 1 and then tossed and turned, laid with her feet on her pillow and her head across either my stomach or back, slept on my arm (I think the circulation to that arm is just coming back now!), talked to me and to herself,
and just couldn't get comfortable. Becky and Lauren left for ST. Paul Children's around 9 this morning for a 12:30 appt at the clinic. I haven't heard from them yet. They were going to stop at Roxanne's house to pick up Christian from an action-packed week-end spent with G and G Eggert.
Will update tomorrow on what Becky found out today. Have a good night, everyone!

Sunday, March 2, 2003 4:29 PM CST

Lauren and I are hanging out together today while Mom is visiting a friend. We're doing this update together. Lauren says, "Hello!" She has had a good week-end but still isn't sleeping well at night. Have a good week, everyone!

Friday, February 28, 2003 6:09 PM CST

It's Friday! And the end of February already! Time is a mixed blessing right now. We're thankful to have time to watch Christian and Lauren learn and grow one day at a time but we're also glad time is passing quickly for Lauren's treatments - to see light at the end of the tunnel. Grandpa and Grandma E were here visiting from Wednesday til today. Both Lauren and Christian were pleased to have them visit their school classrooms. Christian returned to Hastings with them to spend time until next Tuesday when Lauren and Becky make a clinic visit to Children's St. Paul. I hope Lauren isn't too lonesome for him during this time. She does really pay attention to his whereabouts and is concerned about him.
Enjoy the week-end, everyone.

Wednesday, February 26, 2003 12:21 AM CST

Lauren had a good clinic visit at Children's St. Paul yesterday. The red blood cell count is still OK. Next week may be different. Lauren tolerated everything and everyone very well. She even interacted with nurses, etc. which she hasn't done well with in the past. Becky was surprised at how verbal Lauren was yesterday at the clinic appt. Lauren seemed to know how to answer questions that were aimed at Becky; ie "Has Lauren's porta-cath been accessed?" to which Lauren replied, "My port has been accessed." And she was right! It had been. There were other examples Becky gave me, too, but my memory fails me right now. This morning, Lauren's speech teacher from school came in to the store and reported that she was so happy with Lauren's speech today. Lots of chatter and answering and asking questions. That really hadn't happened up until today. Now if we could only get Lauren to sleep all night, without needing one of us near!! We'll work on that later, I guess. Grandpa and Grandma E are due to arrive for a visit later today so both Lauren and Christian are anxious to show them their latest toys, etc. Have a good day.

Tuesday, February 25, 2003 5:20 PM CST

Lauren and Becky left for St. Paul this morning for a clinic appointment. Lauren was going to have her red cell blood count done, etc. They'll be returning home tonight. Will have more to report tomorrow. Have a good evening.

Sunday, February 23, 2003 4:37 PM CST

Lauren is doing fine this week-end. She and Christian are even fighting and saying, "He said," "She said," Becky and I have been cleaning and letting them work out their differences. Both are taking naps right now. We hope your week-end has been a good one.

Thursday, February 20, 2003 5:42 PM CST

Lauren and Becky arrived back in Dawson this afternoon. I'll update sometime during the week-end.

Wednesday, February 19, 2003 3:00 PM CST

Just talked to Becky. Lauren's hearing is much better in her right ear after the tubes were put in. They couldn't really test the left one because it was still draining from the procedure. Lauren made her way to OT, PT, and Speech therapy this morning still connected to her IV pole. The PT therapist is concerned about Lauren's disuse of her right hand caused by the stroke back in ICU.
We need to get her working with it to regain use of it - putting food only on the right side of her plate, etc.
Lauren and Becky should return to Dawson sometime Thursday afternoon.

Tuesday, February 18, 2003 5:33 PM CST

Becky has called twice today. The first time was to report that Lauren's ear tube procedure was done. One of her ears was completely plugged so these ear tubes should make her feel a lot better. Lauren's vocal chords are OK. Her mouth and throat membranes are dry as an after-effect of the radiation back in November. They got admitted to the 4th floor and were waiting for chemo to start.
The second phone call came this afternoon. Becky said there had been real "excitement" in Lauren's room at shift change this afternoon. The nurse coming on came into the room and said that Lauren's chemo bag was leaking! A crew came in with gloves and goggles to swab up the chemical. They were trying to determine how much of the stuff had entered Lauren's system and how much had drained onto the floor. Becky reported that Lauren had slept through it all.
Becky has three new pictures on the website. We hope you enjoy more up-to-date pictures of Lauren (and Christian).
Have a good evening.

Tuesday, February 18, 2003 11:20 AM CST

Greetings from St. Paul. Marc will be updating you on surgery and chemo later. We thought it was about time to put up some NEW PICTURES. Here's how we've spent some of our time at home. Enjoy!

Tuesday, February 18, 2003 11:15 AM CST

Hi from St. Paul. Marc will give you an update about surgery and chemo later. We finally have NEW PICTURES. We decided we'd better put something new out there. Enjoy!!

Monday, February 17, 2003 3:55 PM CST

I made an entry on Saturday but evidently didn't push the right key to update. Lauren and Becky returned to St. Paul last night. Early this morning they reported to Children's MPLS for a GFR test for kidney function. Then they were to be back at Children's St. Paul at 1 for a pre-operation clinic check up for surgery for ear tubes. On Tuesday Lauren will have some surgery for ear tubes. Then she'll be admitted to the 4th floor for an audiogram. Lauren will begin chemotherapy. She'll have cisplatin (sp?). That drug is hard on her hearing and causes low red counts. There's 6 hours of the drug. She'll have 24 hours of hydration to flush out her system. Becky and Lauren will return either Wednesday or Thursday.

Thursday, February 13, 2003 6:14 PM CST

Nothing to report today - I'll update after Lauren's first school Valentine's Day party tomorrow. She's so excited!

Wednesday, February 12, 2003 5:57 PM CST

Not much news to report today because I haven't been home all day. Becky called around 4 to tell me that she, Christian, and Lauren were going on an adventure to Montevideo. Lauren is so excited about her Valentine's Day party on Friday at school.

Tueday, February 11, 2003 6:01 PM CST

Another snowy day on the western Minnesota prairie! Christian, Lauren, and Becky have spent the day at home working on Valentines and playing games. I'm heading home to join them.

Monday, February 10, 2003 4:42 PM CST

It's Monday! Lauren and Becky arrived in Hutchinson right on time with Becky's sister, Roxanne's help. Thanks, Roxanne! We were back in Dawson around 4. Lauren is doing OK. She and Becky will be heading back to St. Paul on Sunday for more of the routine.

Sunday, February 9, 2003 10:51 AM CST

Lauren and Becky are coming home today! Becky's sister, Roxanne is bringing them as far as Hutchinson and I'm meeting them there. Christian's going to spend the afternoon with his daycare family. I don't have any info on Lauren's health issues today. Will update tomorrow.

Saturday, February 8, 2003 2:19 PM CST

Becky reports that things are looking better today. Lauren is no longer in protective isolation and has visited the playroom. Her blood counts are up - white count is up to 1,500 and her absolute nutrasil count is 1,100. You can check out the entries for earlier in the week to see what the normal levels should be.

Lauren still has an ear infection and she has been switched to a different antibiotic for that. She continues to have sores on her tongue and in her mouth but hopefully the antibiotic will take care of that.

The doctors are still concerned about her sore rectum and are checking for any blockage. Lauren is to sit in the bathtub twice every day.

There is a slim chance that Lauren may be discharged tomorrow (Sunday). If that does happen, Marc and Christian will head for Minnealpolis in the morning.

Thanks to everyone for your concern, prayers, and support.

Friday, February 7, 2003 6:36 PM CST

I'm back. Becky called this afternoon with an update but I was knee deep in floral orders so Mary (an employee) took notes for me! Becky reported that Lauren has sores in her mouth, she has thrush, and sores in her rectum - all possibly effects from chemo. She still is fighting an ear infection. She's on new antibiotics. Dr. Bendel had a winning way with Lauren while she checked Lauren out. Not all doctors are that lucky with Lauren! The speech therapist at Children's was impressed with Lauren's progress with the way she moves her muscles in and around her mouth. Doctor says they'll be there a couple more days. Going home now so Christian and I can find some supper.

Friday, February 7, 2003 1:47 PM CST

It's Friday! Becky called this morning and said that Lauren's temp is down. She's still not feeling the best. They are tired of being cooped up in the isolation room but the door keeps opening with a steady flow of nurses, doctors, etc. to see. The nurse practioner said they'd be there for a couple more days. Becky and Lauren were both up a lot during the night so they are very tired. Will update later if I hear anything. Have a good week-end!

Thursday, February 6, 2003 4:17 PM CST

I apologize for not updating earlier today. I've been running on low. Lauren made a trip to the emergency room at the Dawson hospital last night because of her fever and blood counts. The nurses did all kinds of tests,etc. and Dr. Gerbig did an assessment and was in contact with Dr. O'Leary at Children's. It was decided that Lauren would be transferred to Children's Minneapolis by ambulance after the nurses had finished giving her some antibiotics to "tide her over" until she arrived in Minneapolis. Becky, Lauren, her nurse, and two ambulance attendants left a little after 11 last night. Lauren had antibiotics and a blood transfusion upon being admitted at Children's.
Her hemoglobin level was 6.6. Normal is 11 or higher. Her white blood count was 100. Normal is over 4000. Her absolute nutrafil count was 0. Normal is over 1000. She was not feeling well as you can see. Her temp was 102. Because of all this she was given a reverse air-flow, double isolation room. She and Becky did not sleep well after all the hub-bub. There was one bright spot in my first phone call with Becky this morning. She reported that Lauren had figured out how to run the remote control for the TV! Look out Christian! Your sister is going to give you a run for your money in TV control when she gets home!! Becky called 15 minutes ago to find out why I hadn't updated yet - so I've got more to report. Lauren's temp is down with the help of Tylenol. Her skin color is back to pink because of the transfusions. Pastor Paul from Dawson had come to visit. Lauren's therapists from her Minneapolis stay had also dropped in to visit and do therapy sessions. Becky seemed to be in better spirits.
Thanks for all your prayers and concern.

Wednesday, February 5, 2003 5:41 PM CST

Lauren isn't feeling well. She was breathing rapidly early this morning and running a temp. We were up at 5 a.m. and she couldn't rest comfortably after that. She's been basically down and out all day. She didn't go to school or to therapy at the hospital. Becky took her to the clinic and they took blood counts. Results aren't known yet. Her temp is riding the line-high, but not yet to the point where we need to call the oncology clinic at Children's St. Paul to find out what they want us to do. We'd appreciate your continued prayers for Lauren. Have a good evening.

Tuesday, February 4, 2003 5:31 PM CST

I don't have anything to report today as I've been at work and haven't talked to Becky all day. Ann Borstad stopped by yesterday to offer her services in giving Lauren her shot. She hadn't said anything about the shot in Lauren's presence. When Ann walked into the living room to greet Lauren, Lauren said, "No needles!" Very intuitive!! Have a great evening!

Monday, February 3, 2003 12:18 AM CST

Wow! What a difference a day makes - especially the weather! We have quite enough snow now, thank you. I have shoveled and blown enough snow to last til next winter. It was a perfect day yesterday to be outside making snowmen. Becky and Christian were first out and made 4 snowpeople in the front yard. Lauren and Marc joined them a little later. Lauren enjoyed being out and was content just to sit in her snowsuit on the front steps and just watch. Lauren seemed to tire easily yesterday and took a few cat-naps later in the day. This morning as I was leaving for work she looked at me from the couch and said, "Drive safely!" Made me cry!

Friday, January 31, 2003 at 04:54 PM (CST)

It's Friday! Lauren and Becky arrived home safely and we had a nice evening. Lauren was very tired, but didn't sleep well through the night. She fell asleep during circle time at school this morning! Have a great week-end, everyone!

Thursday, January 30, 2003 at 05:25 PM (CST)

Lauren and Becky should be home by now. I'm still at the store. Becky called on the car phone from Hutchinson and said that Lauren's sight is surprisingly good. She has evidently learned to cope and compensate for the vision trouble she's had. Becky was about to explain more and the phone went out so I'll have to give more details later.
It'll be good to be all home again. Christian has been very anxious for Mom's return. Must be my cooking...

Wednesday, January 29, 2003 at 04:04 PM (CST)

I'm on the phone with Becky as I write this. On Tuesday Lauren had a clinic appt and her counts were better than the week before. So Lauren was admitted to the 4th floor to begin chemo. She had her second dose of chemo today. So far, no problems with nausea. Lots of nurse traffic during the night so both Lauren and Becky are sleep deprived today. Lots of specialist debate going on today about Lauren's ears - putting in tubes. Maybe it'll be done before the next round of chemo in Feb. Lots of discussion about what can be done medically for Lauren at the local hospital vs. having to make the trip so often to St. Paul. Becky's learning how to do a sub-q injection. She hasn't gotten to practice on anything/anyone yet. Maybe she'll have to go down to the cafeteria and buy some oranges to practice on. More news tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 28, 2003 at 05:22 PM (CST)

I haven't heard anything from Becky so far today. I'm hoping no news is good news. Will hopefully know something to report tomorrow. Christian and I are going home to shovel snow.

Monday, January 27, 2003 at 08:33 AM (CST)

Good morning! Lauren and Becky left for St. Paul around 8:15 this morning. Lauren will have some hearing tests, vision tests, and some chemotherapy during this stay. I'll update when Becky calls and reports. They will be home by the time the week-end rolls around. Have a good day.

Saturday, January 25, 2003 at 08:08 AM (CST)

Lauren has had a good week. There was no school on Friday for her so she just had therapy at the hospital. We went out for pizza last night - she had a great time eating only the olives. Oh well! Becky and Lauren will be returning to the cities on Monday for a few days. Will update then. Have a good week-end everyone!

Wednesday, January 22, 2003 at 05:39 PM (CST)

Lauren and Becky arrived back in Dawson last night from the day in St. Paul. Everything went well.

Monday, January 20, 2003 at 05:30 PM (CST)

Wow! Here it is Monday already and almost a week has passed since I've updated. Lauren is doing well, going to her pre-school and having therapy at the hospital. She absolutely loves school and most of her therapy! She and Becky return to St. Paul tomorrow morning bright and early for another check-up.
Becky's grandpa, Emmanuel Leinweber, living in Illinois passed away Saturday morning. We aren't able to attend his funeral on Wednesday. He was a great guy. His health had really suffered lately. We'll be thinking of Becky's parents, sister and family, her grandma, and her Illinois relatives this week.

Tuesday, January 14, 2003 at 05:39 PM (CST)

Lauren and Becky returned home on Friday evening. Everything went well for them in St. Paul. Lauren's having a little trouble with "the BIG D" as a result of the chemo but we're hoping that clears up soon. She and Becky left at 6 this morning for St. Paul for her weekly check-up. Everything went well. They are on their way home now.

Thursday, January 09, 2003 at 05:14 PM (CST)

Lauren is an in-patient at St. Paul Children's Hospital, back in the same room she had before. She seems to be taking the chemo well, so far. She is also being treated for an ear infection.

Becky and Lauren should be back in Dawson tomorrow (Friday) night.

Wednesday, January 08, 2003 at 09:20 PM (CST)

Becky's report today was more good news. They had a busy, long day with scheduled appointments at Minneapolis Children's as well as at St. Paul. Lauren's liver functions are good and she will be starting chemo tonight. The doctors were pleased with the improvement in Lauren's overall condition.

The oncology staff had a special Christmas celebration for Lauren today, and she received numerous gifts, including a keyboard which she thinks is pretty cool!

They will be released from the hospital on Friday and will be heading back to Dawson.

Tuesday, January 07, 2003 at 02:28 PM (CST)

Good News Report - Becky called this noon to report that the MRI Lauren had this morning is clear. If things go as planned, she will begin chemo tomorrow. Marc and Becky thank all of you for your continued prayers and support.

Monday, January 06, 2003 at 06:01 PM (CST)

Hello everyone!
Lauren and Becky left on Sunday night for St. Paul. They'll
be staying at the Lipschulz center that's connected to United and St. Paul Children's. There are lots of tests scheduled. The one we are most anxious about is an MRI. Chemo will begin again on Wednesday. Becky and Lauren will return to Dawson this week-end, barring any complications.

Saturday, December 28, 2002 at 09:17 PM (CST)

Wow! It's Saturday already. Lauren and Christian are happily playing with everything they got for Christmas. Lauren especially enjoys the videos she got - yup, there are a couple of Barney ones! We're enjoying time together.
Have a great rest-of-the weekend, everyone!

Special thanks to "The Ghosts of Lac qui Parle County" for the special Christmas delivery; to the anonymous Christmas card/gift sender; and to the Lutheran Brotherhood Branch for the Christmas goodies. We are so appreciative of everyone's kindness.

Wednesday, December 25, 2002 at 03:20 PM (CST)

Merry Christmas, everyone! I have been really pathetic in getting updates done for most of the month of December, and in seeing relatives for the holidays I have been reminded of the fact that there have been no new updates for weeks.
I guess I have no excuses. It has been wonderful being together as a family again. We even sort of got a rhythym going again as far as family routine with preschool and daycare for Christian, therapy at the hospital and early childhood special ed classes for Lauren, keeping track of appointments, schedules, meals, medical bills, laundry, baking, etc. for Becky, and work at the store for Marc. Becky has carried most of the load and she has handled it all very well. She is a trooper! We attended two Christmas programs with Christian having a part in. Lauren is doing well and she has enjoyed opening MANY Christmas presents. She has commented on some by saying, "Wow!" and "Cool". She and Christian have been pretty entertaining these last 2 days. It's great to laugh with them. We're spending today with Becky's family in Hastings and we spent last night with Marc's family.
We wish everyone a wonderful Christmas!

Sunday, December 08, 2002 at 09:52 AM (CST)

Sorry for the long delay in updating! We've been together since Wednesday evening as a family again and time just gets away on me. Lauren and Becky came home on Wednesday evening and things are going as smoothly as can be. Lauren and Becky visited the Early Childhood Special Education program at school on Friday and also did some therapy at the hospital. Lauren liked the school experience especially. She has a day appointment at Children's ST. Paul on Tuesday this week.

Tuesday, December 03, 2002 at 05:41 PM (CST)

Becky called this morning and reported that she and Lauren would be spending another day in St. Paul at Children's because Lauren's feeding button is leaking and a stoma nurse would need to look at it on Wednesday. We will hope that tomorrow brings good news.

Monday, December 02, 2002 at 05:25 PM (CST)

Wow! Here it is December already! Lauren has one radiation treatment left tomorrow morning!! We hope by nightfall tomorrow that Lauren and Becky will be back in Dawson for the month break from treatment. We will be anxious to hear final word tomorrow... stay tuned!
We hope everyone has a great week!

Thursday, November 28, 2002 at 07:13 PM (CST)

Happy Thanksgiving! The Thoens have much to be thankful for. We thank all of you for all your messages, thoughts, prayers, and acts of kindness.
Lauren, Christian, and Becky arrived back in Dawson for the Thanksgiving week-end on Wednesday night. We had a nice meal today and a walk in the afternoon because the weather was so great. Both Christian and Lauren are busy watching Barney and The Grinch as I write this update.
Again, we thank you for all your kindnesses. God bless you all.

Monday, November 25, 2002 at 07:08 PM (CST)

Becky and Lauren arrived home safely around 7 on Friday night. And yes, the house was sort of clean! Lauren is still on steroids for her throat and so she has many moods and they can change quickly! She was happy at snack and meal time! We spent a quiet week-end together and Becky, Lauren, and Christian made the trip back to St. Paul around 5 on Sunday evening. Christian wanted to go with to check out the latest living accomodations and to see G and G Eggert before they leave for Thanksgiving up north. He was sure that he could be of help with Lauren, too. Becky, Lauren, and Christian will return to Dawson on Wednesday evening so that we can spend Thanksgiving week-end together.
Lauren has the final two radiations next Monday and Tuesday!

Friday, November 22, 2002 at 05:39 PM (CST)

No news today from St. Paul. Becky and Lauren should be en route home to Dawson. Someone commented today that doctors found new tumors in Lauren's brain. That is not true. We are still waiting to hear from the neurosurgeons and oncologists about what they found in Lauren's MRI a month ago but there has been no new tumor reported in the last weeks. Have a great week-end, everyone!

Thursday, November 21, 2002 at 05:46 PM (CST)

Becky called this afternoon. I lost my notes somewhere at the store so I'll try to remember as much as I can. Lauren has been put back on steroids to help with the voice strain and her voice is improving, but the steroids are the same as what she was on back in June when the shunt was implanted so Lauren's moods are many!!!! Lauren has 6 radiation treatments remaining! She and Becky will be back in town on Friday evening. I have to start cleaning immediately...

Tuesday, November 19, 2002 at 05:35 PM (CST)

Becky called at 5 and said that the doctors found Lauren's vocal cords (or is it chords?) to be strained because of the radiation and that they aren't paralyzed as first thought. The radiation techs will try to position Lauren to help protect that area more during the remaining treatments. That's today's news!

Monday, November 18, 2002 at 04:51 PM (CST)

We hope you all had a good week-end. Lauren and Becky arrived back in Dawson around 8 on Friday night. We had a good week-end together. Lauren slept much better and seemed to be in a better mood, too. This week is the 5th week in radiation. One more week to go! Lauren will have her vocal cords checked tomorrow. Her voice has become very raspy. They are expecting that it's caused by the chemo. Lauren was ready to roll today for therapy - and she walked right in (with help) to begin her 1 and 1/2 hours of work.

Thursday, November 14, 2002 at 07:55 PM (CST)

Lauren did just fine with her new feeding tube surgery. Becky and Lauren made it back to St. Paul for the night. I haven't heard anything today so this entry is going to be really short! Have a good evening!

Wednesday, November 13, 2002 at 05:37 PM (CST)

Lauren is in surgery at the time of this writing to have the "button" replacement feeding tube installed. The surgery was to have happened at 2:15 but it got bumped back.
Hopefully Lauren and Becky will be able to travel back to ST. Paul later this evening - otherwise it'll be an overnighter. There will be no radiation on Thanksgiving or on "Thanksgiving Friday" so we will be together after all.
Lauren will have the last two treatments in early December.
After that we haven't got anything written in stone as to what the timeline is going to be. Thanks to everyone for their continued thoughts and prayers for Lauren. We appreciate it.

Tuesday, November 12, 2002 at 08:22 PM (CST)

This is week #4 of radiation and the radiation nurses are spoiling Lauren. Yesterday, they made fresh homemade cookies and other goodies! Lauren has had two good days of therapy sessions. After Weds. radiation treatment, Lauren will be going to Minneapolis Children's Hospital for installation of a Feeding Button! This will be a welcome change for Lauren as the other tubes were quite cumbersome.
Tomorrow will be an extra busy day so lots of rest will be needed for both Becky and Lauren.

Monday, November 11, 2002 at 05:28 PM (CST)

Becky and Lauren spent the week-end in Dawson. Lauren is fighting a cold so she wasn't feeling the best. We went for a stroll on Saturday which she seemed to enjoy. She loved seeing her daycare family as they were outside doing yard work. The trip back to ST. Paul was challenging - icy roads as far as Prinsburg before driving on dry pavement.
I promise to do a better job this week of regular updates!!

Thursday, November 07, 2002 at 05:48 PM (CST)

Becky called this afternoon and reported that the range of radiation will be increased somewhat and that the new concern is for Lauren's pituitary glands. She is also showing some side effects of radiation - flat footed walking is becoming more pronounced. The number of radiation treatments stands at 30. So, as of tomorrow, she will have had 15 of those treatments and is scheduled to have the last one on "Thanksgiving Friday". Lauren isn't cooperating with the PT therapist. It could be from not feeling up to it or a "personality conflict". Those therapists are angels - they just don't give up!

Wednesday, November 06, 2002 at 05:43 PM (CST)

Sorry for the delay in updating since Becky did one for Halloween! Lauren and Becky spent the week-end in Dawson. We had a good week-end together, but Lauren still doesn't sleep well at night so we all get up tired! Lauren has had laryngitis (sp?) since Monday but has done well at radiation and therapy in spite of it. We learned that she should not be having thin liquids so Becky had to special order some kind of thickening to add to anything runny enough that might be questionable to have her swallow.

Thursday, October 31, 2002 at 10:58 AM (CST)

Happy Halloween! Lauren has been waiting for two years to be Barney and finally, with the creative abilities of Karen, got her wish! We're anxious to go out trick-or-treating although she has gotten treats from everyone she's visited today.
The simulation for the next phase of radiation went well and we're hoping a new medication will help her to sleep at nights. The psychological evaluation data was not surprising after sitting in on the testing. She has maintained much in the way of language but has severe deficits in visual-spatial skills. With therapy and family working with her, we hope to see these things improve.
Enjoy the new pictures--thanks to the nurses in the day surgery center and Betsy from the resource center for their help.

Monday, October 28, 2002 at 05:46 PM (CST)

The week-end in Dawson for us all was kind of like the weather-yucky! Lauren didn't feel well so we were all tired out. She was restless both Friday and Saturday nights so she was cranky both Saturday and Sunday. But, it was still nice to be all together at home!
Becky called at 5 this afternoon. Radiation #6 is complete. It took a little longer today as the technicians changed the planes and angles of radiation. Lauren had psych testing later this morning. Becky said Lauren did amazingly well on some things and other things were disheartening. Visual perception is very weak. The test administrator said there are definitely vision problems. The whole test evaluation will be given on Thursday. All of Lauren's therapies went well and Lauren loved finger painting today - with paint way up her arms! More later.

Friday, October 25, 2002 at 09:35 AM (CDT)

Radiation #5 is history! Lauren did just fine this morning in radiation and now we're waiting for PT,OT, and Speech therapy this early afternoon and then we're headed westward to Dawson for the week-end. Lauren is kind of raspy this morning and the nurses suggested we stop by the oncology clinic for a prescription of antibiotics so we can avoid problems like pneumonia, etc. down the line. It will be great to be home for the week-end! We hope everyone else has a nice week-end, too.

Thursday, October 24, 2002 at 09:28 AM (CDT)

Radiation treatment #4 is done! Lauren was in seventh heaven when the recovery nurse met her today with a raspberry muffin and 7-UP instead of saltine crackers and juice! Lauren's first day of therapy yesterday went well. She tried walking with only one hand being held and did well. Speech and language therapists will keep Lauren busy, too, with all their plans and goals.

Wednesday, October 23, 2002 at 01:42 PM (CDT)

Lauren did well with the third radiation treatment this morning but she's a little on the crabby side so when it was time to go to therapy this afternoon she was less than happy. She has to get used to her new/old therapists again after being in MPLS. She started out with this gang before being moved to MPLS. We are having a good time together and the days move along at a quicker pace. Our apt is on the 14th floor of an apartment building connected to the hospital through a tunnel. This morning a crew was washing windows and Lauren thought it was pretty cool when the crew was doing our window and waving to her.

Tuesday, October 22, 2002 at 04:44 PM (CDT)

New picture of Lauren is in the photo album. It was taken after she came out of radiation recovery this morning.

Tuesday, October 22, 2002 at 10:49 AM (CDT)

Lauren had her second radiation treatment this morning. It didn't take as long as yesterday. Lauren comes out of recovery ready to eat crackers and drink juice. Then it's time to watch Barney, again, and again, and again. We met with a specialist after radiation this morning and the team is trying to come up with the best radiation plan possible.
We leave it to them. Our oncologist is headed for a national meeting this week and stated that he will be discussing Lauren's info with his peers. Lauren begins her therapies tomorrow with the therapists here. She started out with them before moving to MPLS so they are all familiar with her. Lauren is sitting next to me in her stroller eating circus peanuts as I write this. She's asking for Barney so I need to get going. Did it snow in Dawson this morning?

Monday, October 21, 2002 at 10:44 AM (CDT)

Lauren had her first radiation this morning. They had to have her intubated (sp?) to keep her airway open as she was on her stomach. They'll need to do that for each treatment of this kind. The new tumor the MRI detected last Thursday will hopefully be addressed through radiation. We're hoping to talk to Lauren's oncologist and nurse practicioner(sp?) today during her clinic visit happpening as I write this. This afternoon Lauren has an appointment at Gillette Hospital. A busy day. We arrived back in ST. Paul last night about 11 and were up and in radiology around 6:30 this morning. We're all very tired. Christian is spending the week with Kurt and Karen in Dawson. The wonderful crew at the store have everything under control there so we can focus our attention on Lauren this week. Thank you for your continued prayers for Lauren.

Saturday, October 19, 2002 at 02:19 PM (CDT)

Lauren and Becky arrived back in Dawson shortly after noon today. Lauren was a real trooper on Thursday and Friday with all the procedures done to be ready for radiation on Monday. We have moved back to St. Paul!!! We are now housed at the Lipshultz Center which is part of United Hospital and Children's Hospital-ST. Paul. We'll be there for the duration of radiation. Will provide more info as it becomes available. The MRI done on Thursday turned up some cancer cells near the first tumor site. Doctors are hopeful they can blast those away with the radiation treatments. More info will follow concerning this after we've had a chance to meet with more of Lauren's doctors.
Have a good week-end.

Thursday, October 17, 2002 at 07:06 PM (CDT)

Days go by so fast here in Dawson for Marc and Christian and days go so slowly in MPLS for Becky and Lauren. Marc doesn't always get to a computer so we apologize for not updating like we should. Lauren was to have had a simulation for radiation yesterday but the machine was broken so the trip from MPLS to St. Paul was fruitless. The radiation team plan to complete that tomorrow while Lauren has some other things - spinal tap, etc. Lauren had an MRI today to check for cancer cells. Becky told Marc on the phone tonight that results probably won't be known until Monday. Lauren does begin radiation on Monday at St.
Paul Children's Hospital. She has to be ready at 5:45 a.m.
We will be moved back to St. Paul. If Lauren becomes an inpatient and where we'll be staying is unknown at this time. Becky and Lauren plan to return home to Dawson this week-end. Thanks to all of you for your continued support, words of encouragement, prayers, and messages on Lauren's page. It's nice to remember that people care.

Monday, October 14, 2002 at 04:29 PM (CDT)

Lauren and Becky returned to Dawson around 7:30 on Friday night. Saturday was spent quietly. Easton Popma (kindegarten friend) discovered that Becky's car had a flat tire late Saturday afternoon. What a relief there wasn't a flat tire while Lauren and Becky traveled home! Al and Maury Schacherer came to the rescue and the car was ready for the trip back to MPLS on Monday morning! We all went out on Sunday at some point for either stroller or bike rides. It was a nice week-end.

Thursday, October 10, 2002 at 06:46 PM (CDT)

Lauren has done a great job at therapy both Wednesday and Thursday. Becky reports that she is really motivated and animated. The best thing reported is Lauren's remark to any assistance offered is, "Me do it by myself!"
There's a good chance that Lauren and Becky will return to Dawson for the week-end.

P.S. Clarification: Lauren's website address remains the same. The HOSPITAL, HOSPITAL ADDRESS, AND PHONE are no longer valid.

Tuesday, October 08, 2002 at 01:38 PM (CDT)

Oops! I forgot to mention that the address on Lauren's page is no longer valid. There is much confusion at the hospital what Lauren's status is. We are now getting mail forwarded on to us that is stamped "discharged to home". Lauren remains an outpatient at Children's but continues to stay at Kelsey Corner. There's no good way of reaching us by mail at Kelsey so please send correspondence to our Dawson address. Sorry for all the confusion!

Tuesday, October 08, 2002 at 01:22 PM (CDT)

Lauren got to spend another week-end at home! We had a great time and it all went too fast. Thanks to Janet at Home Medical Lauren's feedings went off without a hitch. Mom had forgotten the adapter to the machine at Kelsey Corner. We attended Lauren's benefit at Marc's home church on Saturday night. It was another amazing act of love from people and we are so grateful. Lauren spent some of the time in her grandma T's lap. They had a nice time together as we looked at all the silent auction items.
Becky and Lauren returned to MPLS yesterday and Lauren's PT therapist commented on how well Lauren was crawling. It might be due to the fact that Lauren got in some practice at home this week-end. She crawled up the stairs to find Becky on Saturday. The therapist was working on having Lauren go from a sitting position to standing without help yesterday. Plans are in place for radiation to begin on October 21st - 5 days a week for 6 weeks. We thank everyone for their prayers for Lauren during the radiation.

Thursday, October 03, 2002 at 05:51 PM (CDT)

Lauren doesn't sleep well at night. She and Becky spent a restless night at Kelsey Corner. Lauren did a great job at therapy today and her speech therapist really was impressed with improvement in more words being spoken and some inflection in her tone. Becky was waiting for the home health nurse to visit when we spoke by phone. We are anxious to learn of Lauren's blood counts.

Wednesday, October 02, 2002 at 11:37 AM (CDT)

Lauren had a quiet day on Tuesday. Becky cancelled all of Lauren's therapies because she wasn't feeling well. Haven't heard what today's like. Will update later today.

Wednesday, October 02, 2002 at 11:37 AM (CDT)

Lauren had a quiet day on Tuesday. Becky cancelled all of Lauren's therapies because she wasn't feeling well. Haven't heard what today's like. Will update later today.

Monday, September 30, 2002 at 05:19 PM (CDT)

We had a good week-end in Dawson. Lauren didn't sleep very well at night so consequently Nurse Becky didn't either. The "boys" slept well, though! Lauren was happy to be in her old surroundings. She ate macaroni and cheese, hash brown bake,
jello, etc. She doesn't eat enough by mouth to get full so she has to continue the night feedings via her feeding tube.
She also tires easily while eating so her enjoyment level is pretty short-lived. She likes to snack between meals just like old times - it was fun to watch her sitting on the couch eating Kix cereal!
Becky and Lauren returned to MPLS this morning for Lauren's therapies and to meet with a home health aide that will assist Lauren at Kelsey Corner.

Saturday, September 28, 2002 at 05:57 PM (CDT)

We missed Dawson-Boyd School's Homecoming but we had a little homecoming of our own...

We were hesitant to mention any of the following info until we knew for sure that would indeed happen but we were told yesterday afternoon that Lauren could spend the week-end back home in Dawson! So, we hit the trail at 6:30 last night and arrived back in town shortly before 10:00. It is so good to all be home together. Lauren has had a real good time today getting to know her old surroundings again -
her own bed, her own cereal bowl, her own books, toys, etc.
Lauren's blood counts are still ok but will soon dip so we need to be careful what we do this week-end. It's great to be home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, September 27, 2002 at 02:03 PM (CDT)

It's Friday and we're back "home" in St. Paul at Children's
Hospital for Lauren's second dose of chemo for the second round so she has 2 down and ? to go! Her feeding tube is plugged again for the second time in a week so it will be replaced down in X-ray here in St. Paul this afternoon. We're just hanging out in the clinic waiting for her to be called down for the procedure. Christian has made it down
to the gift shop twice today while waiting for his sister.
Will be traveling back to MPLS later this afternoon. Have a nice week-end, everyone! The weather looks great - hope it continues!

Thanks again for all the prayers, love, and support we continue to be blessed with.

Thursday, September 26, 2002 at 04:29 PM (CDT)

Sorry! I missed another day for updating. Lauren had some trouble adjusting to a new place to call "home" for a while.
The night IV stuff went just fine with Mom as Nurse. Mom and Lauren found things in the cafeteria that Lauren could handle for eating. We have an appointment in St. Paul on Friday with the oncology nurse practitioner. Christian and Marc will return to MPLS tonight.

Tuesday, September 24, 2002 at 02:02 PM (CDT)

Sorry for no update on Monday. The day got away from me before getting to a computer. Lauren had real non-pureed macaroni and cheese for supper last night. She was in 7th heaven! The news for today is that Lauren will become an out-patient later today! The hospital is releasing her to Kelsie's Corner which is Abbott Northwestern's version of the Ronald McDonald house. We will be living there and Lauren will have her therapies continue at Children's MPLS on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. We are excited and apprehensive about this. Excited because it's another step in recovery; apprehensive because she is dependent on our care - IV's, tube feedings, taking her temp, etc. Becky is busy learning as much as she can absorb today with Lauren's nurse to make the adjustment from nursing care to parent care. Lauren's white count is very high again today, so the nurse is watching that closely. We'll see if Lauren really gets "sprung" today or if they'll keep her to take care of the situation. Will have more news to report tomorrow. Enjoy the nice weather today!

Sunday, September 22, 2002 at 02:04 PM (CDT)

Wow! Does it feel like fall today! We probably won't get to take a trip outside today - Lauren's potassium level is low and white cells are high so we're just spending the day in her room playing and laughing. Lauren had a great dinner. She ate so much on her own that it got to be a work-out! G and G Eggert will be here this afternoon for the 3rd-and-final birthday party this year for Christian.
Christian and Marc will make the trip home to Dawson later today. We're having a nice day - hope you are, too! Thanks to everyone for their continued prayers.

Saturday, September 21, 2002 at 03:24 PM (CDT)

Lauren's Friday evening turned out to be interesting. Her feeding tube was plugged and none of the nurses on duty could get it unplugged. They even have a hospital version of Drano for such things but that didn't do the trick either. So, the rounding doctor came this morning and got it working again. Lauren had a great meal at noon - no hospital food, either! Tim, Ann, and Serena Borstad from Dawson came with an awesome homecooked meal for us. Lauren had cooked carrots and potatoes that looked like real carrots and potatoes before we mashed them for her instead of the pureed hospital kind where she can't tell what it is.
Dessert was french silk pie that was a big hit with her. The best part was the chocolate curliques that decorate the top of the pie. We all had a great meal and it was fun visiting and having Lauren part of the group. Thanks, Borstads! We're just taking the rest of the afternoon as it comes. Have a good week-end, everyone!

Friday, September 20, 2002 at 06:58 PM (CDT)

Happy Friday, everyone! We've been gone most of the day to St. Paul Children's for an MRI and a care conference with Lauren's oncology team and her neurosurgeon. We left MPLS at 10:30 this morning and got back at 6:15 tonight! Both Lauren and Christian were real troopers throughout the day with no playroom to visit and lots of waiting to be done.
We are happy to announce that Lauren's brain MRI is CLEAR!!!
The radiation will begin the week of October 21st. Lauren will begin her second round of chemo tonight at bedtime.
She was so hungry when we returned to the hospital tonight.
Luckily, a tray with spaghettios and chocolate ice cream was in her room waiting her arrival. She had good helpings of both and was so excited to be eating "kid" food again.
There are two new photos on Lauren's website. They were taken by the physical therapy dept. yesterday when they introduced Lauren to her new walker. She is so proud to be up on her feet again!

Thursday, September 19, 2002 at 01:35 PM (CDT)

Hi! Lauren has had a busy day so far today with therapies.
She practiced biting off and chewing pieces of a graham cracker and swallowing bites of chocolate pudding. The speech therapists have it all down to a step-by-step process. Lauren continues to be fed with the feeding tube through the night so we don't find her to be very hungry or interested in nibbling on other things through the day. Besides that, it's all pureed so it doesn't look right to her.She did eat a whole dixie cup of vanilla ice cream at noon. Then it was on to the playroom until afternoon therapy sessions. I'm sure we'll be back to the playroom after she returns. It's good to see that she has some pep today.

Wednesday, September 18, 2002 at 01:26 PM (CDT)

Lauren had her morning therapy session and got back just in time for us to go down to surgery for a new porta-cath placement. It took about an hour and a half. They're running out of spots to put new things so this one is almost dead-center on her chest. I carried her back to the floor after she'd been in the recovery room. She pointed to the toy room on our way to her room but I told her she needed to take a little nap before we play. I'm sure it will be a short one so this is also going to be short.
Have a good afternoon and evening, everyone!

Tuesday, September 17, 2002 at 05:02 PM (CDT)

I had Christian with me this morning when I did the update so I was a little distracted and forgot to report that Lauren will have a new porta-cath put in tomorrow morning.
We travel back to St. Paul Children's on Friday for an MRI.
They want to do it there because all her other MRI's have been done there and they know what to look for. Lauren had a hearing test today for a base line on hearing before they give the next round of chemo as one of the drugs can cause hearing loss. She has trouble with one ear, could be caused by all sorts of things so they want to check that ear out again tomorrow.
Christian and Becky are returning to Dawson this evening. Christian enjoyed sharing his birthday and his presents with Lauren.

Tuesday, September 17, 2002 at 12:18 PM (CDT)

Don't know how I did it, but my entry for today ended up in a "previous entry". So just look at the entry just before this and you'll find today's. Sorry!

Tuesday, September 17, 2002 at 12:09 PM (CDT)

Tuesday, September 17, 2002 at 11:55 AM (CDT)

Hello from MPLS Children's after a lull in the updates. Sorry for that lapse while Christian and Marc were in Dawson and Lauren and Becky remained here at the hospital.
Lauren has made huge strides since last week! She's talking lots more, her sense of humor seems to be coming back, and her therapies have gone very well. Lauren seems comfortable wearing her hat now that most of her hair is gone. She also likes to wear her own outfits and PJ's. She's done lots of assisted walking, too. She was excited to have her whole family back at the hospital last night.
She fell asleep at 9 last night and was still sleeping at 8 this morning! We will be celebrating Christian's 5th birthday this afternoon as a family. Lauren will be allowed to have some birthday cake(and ice cream) because her swallowing has improved. Christian's birthday presents are in the car so we'll need to bring them up to the floor so Lauren can see him open them.
Thanks to everyone for the wonderful benefit for Lauren on Sunday in Dawson. Had I been less emotional, I would have visited and expressed our thanks to everyone there. Just know that we do appreciate our community's love and support.
Thanks, too, to the planning committee and all the workers for their hard work. We are so lucky. Many, many thanks.

Friday, September 13, 2002 at 02:42 PM (CDT)

Greetings everyone! This update is coming to you via Dawson from Char. There was not an update yesterday because Becky was busy talking to the therapists about Lauren's feeding instructions. Lauren was a little weary today from staying up too late last night. Her therapy sessions didn't go very well since she was too tired to have any interest in them. The hospital is gearing up for Lauren's next round of chemo. She will have a porta cath put in on Monday and Lauren's blood counts are good.

Wednesday, September 11, 2002 at 02:20 PM (CDT)

Greetings from the Thoens!! This update is coming via Dawson, from Char, once again. Lauren had another great day. She was in the playroom once again and sat on the floor all on her own. She also turned herself around!! Later on, Lauren stood by the playhouse table for 15 minutes while hanging on to the table! Lauren also had more swallowing practice today. She was offered vanilla pudding, carrots and chocolate pudding. The vanilla pudding and carrots didn't go too well, but the chocolate pudding was a winner. Lauren swallowed six bites of the chocolate pudding. A stethoscope is held to Lauren's neck to make sure she is actually swallowing. This way she doesn't have to have an MRI during her practice and it makes things much easier on her. As you can see Lauren is coming right along. Hurray for Lauren!!

Tuesday, September 10, 2002 at 03:08 PM (CDT)

Happy Tuesday! This update comes to you from Dawson via Char. Lauren had a very good day today. She had a swallow test and did very well. She had some pureed food, a bite of cracker and 1 to 2 ccs of liquid. She got everything down just fine. Lauren is really enjoying the playroom. The first thing she asked Becky for this morning was "playroom.

Monday, September 09, 2002 at 02:15 PM (CDT)

Greetings from Dawson! Marc and Christian returned here Sunday evening so Christian could attend school this morning.

Becky reports that things are going well with Lauren today. Lauren is speaking more, often answering questions with "How about..." which was a favorite expression prior to her hospitalization. Her first word to Becky this morning was "playroom", so that is where they are spending some quality time. Lauren did well at therapy today. She is trying to crawl and is walking short distances with assistance. She is losing her hair, which was expected, but is hard to see.

Thank you to everyone checking on Lauren's progress and for your prayers. Have a good Monday!

Saturday, September 07, 2002 at 10:42 AM (CDT)

Lauren had such a great time when Mom and Christian arrived last night about 7. She had asked all day where Mom was so she really came alive when they walked into her room. Lauren didn't go to sleep until after 10. Today is a normal day of therapy and play. It's already hot in the hallways so I think we'll just go for walks on the floor today. I'm sure it's hot and sticky in Dawson and for anyone going to the fair in Madison. No journal entry tomorrow as the center is closed. Have a great week-end, everyone!

Friday, September 06, 2002 at 01:35 PM (CDT)

Lauren didn't get the PICC line during her surgery last night. The porta-cath was removed with no problem but the PICC line had to be changed to a central line like what she had done in ST. PAUL. The doctor just couldn't feed the line into a vein in her arm. He tried for about an hour and a half. The central line still allows for IV's, meds, and blood samples to be drawn. She came through the procedure just fine and was awake until after 9 pm! The trip to the opthamologist in St. Louis Park went OK. The opthamologist reported that Lauren's eye and optic nerve are OK so the trouble she's experiencing may have something to do with her brain trying to process everything she's seeing. The opthamologist will stop by the hospital and check on her progress through the next few months. The taxi ride over was FAST!!!!! Lauren hung on to me for dear life. The ride back to the hospital was much calmer, for both of us! Lauren is back at therapy this afternoon and is anxiously awaiting arrival of her mom and brother. It will be nice to all be together again for the week-end. Have a good, safe week-end, everyone!

Thursday, September 05, 2002 at 01:37 PM (CDT)

Lauren has hit another little bump in the road. She has developed another staph infection in her bloodstream and her porta-cath has to be removed. The porta-cath is made of plastic and staph likes to cling to plastic. So, sometime late afternoon or early evening Lauren will go back into surgery to have the porta-cath removed and the doctors will place a PICC line in her. A PICC line is a pheripherally inserted central catheter. It'll be placed into one of the larger veins in her arm and is threaded into a large vein above the right atrium of her heart. It'll be used to give Lauren her IV medicines, draw blood from, and her chemo drugs. When the staph has cleared up, Lauren will again get a porta-cath. She's done all her usual therapies today but didn't get to swallow anything because of the no-food-rule before surgery. We played with playdough and played house for an hour and a half this morning. I played the dad and had my doll in the doll house living room watching TV. Lauren played mom and took care of everything else. Just like Mom at home!
Tomorrow morning Lauren and I travel by taxi to Park Nicollet in St. Louis Park for an opthamologist appt for Lauren's vision problems. That should be very interesting to watch also. We hope to be back doing regular stuff by midmorning on Friday. Becky and Christian plan on attending the county fair in Madison tonight and return to MPLS tomorrow. He thought his first day of pre-school was pretty cool.

Wednesday, September 04, 2002 at 01:15 PM (CDT)

Lauren had a good night - no sneaking out of bed last night.
Today she's had a busy day with therapy, part of which they spent outside on the deck playing on playground equipment.
She also did more swallowing of chocolate pudding during speech therapy. I sat in on that process and it was interesting to watch as the therapist imitated what Lauren was supposed to do once the pudding had entered her mouth.
When Lauren got back to her room after therapy she said, "Where's my momma?" as clear as could be. Then I had to remind her that her mom was back in Dawson with Christian for his first day of pre-school. We've made Playdough cookies and we'll be heading outside for a stroll when she gets done with afternoon therapy. We hope you have a good afternoon and evening.

Tuesday, September 03, 2002 at 01:56 PM (CDT)

I forgot to mention earlier that Christian stood in front of Lauren last night eating Cheetos and Lauren was flustered about something. After we guessed unsuccessfully, she pointed toward Christian and we asked if she wanted a Cheetoh. She nodded yes, brought it to her mouth and took a bite! She hadn't had anything in her mouth except for the swallow study about 2 weeks ago and we were stunned! She did chew on it for a while and swallowed most of it.
We were all outside about 2 hours ago and took a stroller ride around a couple blocks. Lauren wore her face mask and a hat. We are trying to get her used to that. She enjoyed the outing and Christian entertained her the whole while by blowing bubbles with his gum. Simple pleasures!

Tuesday, September 03, 2002 at 10:36 AM (CDT)

Good morning! We hope everyone had a nice Labor Day week-end. Lauren was very active yesterday afternoon and evening. She seemed so alert, interested in books, games, etc. She'd also become more active in bed with moving her legs around and turning on her side. The foot rails went up as a precaution. When we arrived back in her room this morning the day nurse told us that the night nurse had discovered Lauren sitting on the floor at 4 this morning -
not crying, not hurt. She had squeezed herself between the body rail and the foot rail. So the nurse placed some mats between those rails so she can't (?) do it again. Now that shows Lauren must be feeling better to have the energy and bravery to do such a thing. Lauren is now in her morning therapy and I wonder if she's showing as much spunk there as she did early this morning!
Have a good day, everyone!

Monday, September 02, 2002 at 11:51 AM (CDT)

Happy Labor Day! Very few extra people around here "laboring" today - nobody hired to do therapies, etc. The family center is open so thought I should update since the last update was on Friday. Lauren wasn't feeling very well on Saturday but she has bounced back and had a good Sunday and is doing well today, too. She had more chemo on Saturday. We had lots of visitors on Sunday and a homecooked meal brought by Uncle Jim and Aunt Cathy! It was great. We had visitors this morning, too. Lauren's blood count is higher today so she's been on a wagon ride around the unit.
Becky and Christian plan to be back in Dawson on Tuesday so Christian can begin pre-school on Wednesday. He's so excited!

Friday, August 30, 2002 at 07:25 PM (CDT)

Becky called from MPLS this afternoon and reported that Lauren's blood count had gone from 4900 (earlier this week)
to 440 today. At 200 and less she needs to be basically in protective isolation. For now we and visitors need to wash hands before entering her room,not having a cold,etc. If anyone plans to visit, please check with the main desk on 8th floor before going to Lauren's room.
Lauren had another great day of therapy. Her next chemo is on Saturday. Have a great,safe Labor Day week-end, every-

Thursday, August 29, 2002 at 10:39 AM (CDT)

Grandpa and Grandma E came and visited last night and read to Lauren and played Candyland. Becky returned from Dawson around 9:30 and Lauren was so glad to see her. Lauren had a great night and is doing her usual therapy routine today.
We plan to have a quiet day. Marc is returning to Dawson today and he and Christian will head back to MPLS on Friday.

Wednesday, August 28, 2002 at 12:10 PM (CDT)

Lauren had a great night. We were doing a wagon ride at 8:45 this morning. That lasted until PT and OT came to pick her up for therapy sessions. When she returned, the library lady delivered some books that we could read. I made it through one before Lauren fell asleep. The therapy really tires her out!
Last night I did finger plays and was singing to her. I finished one and said, "Should I sing another one?" and Lauren shook her head no. Then I asked, "Don't you like Daddy singing?" and she shook her head no. That's the way she reacted to my singing long before any of her current problems began, so a little more of the old Lauren comes back each day!
By the way, Lauren's new hospital address and phone are listed at the bottom of the journal update. Thanks for all the cards and phone calls.

Becky and Christian are in Dawson. Becky will not be returning to teach for the first quarter so she's getting things in order and Christian is enjoying time with friends.
We are thankful for the school's agreement to allow Becky to focus on family right now. We'll be together for the week-end. Christian is excited about starting pre-school next Wednesday!

Tuesday, August 27, 2002 at 01:25 PM (CDT)

Lauren had a good night and was ready to roll this morning at 9 to head down to 4th floor for Physical and Occupational therapies. When she returned, the nurse drew blood for blood count for chemo and then she fell asleep!
After a short nap, watching the Teletubbies, and reading some books, Lauren left a few minutes ago via wagon to go to therapies. She was less than happy about it - but I'm sure once on the way she got over it quickly. I promised her a few stroller rides later today after her bath.

Monday, August 26, 2002 at 06:53 PM (CDT)

It's Monday evening - sorry for no Sunday update. Lauren had a quiet Sunday, except for an X-ray done to her stomach.
It was discovered that the J tube that was supposed to be in her intestine had moved back up into her stomach and was the probable cause of "the BIG D" she'd been experiencing.
That problem was taken care of today down in radiology. They just moved it back into place with some precautions made and Lauren was good to go again. She had therapies with her new people today and they said she did well. We had lots of company on Sunday and Monday, including Grandma T and Grandma and Grandpa E. Thanks everyone!
Lauren has handled her first dose of chemo well. She does seem to tire more easily, except when it's bedtime. She had Dad up til midnight last night and then wanted to sleep-in this morning when all the action started.
Becky and Christian are in Dawson for Monday and Tuesday.
Time to go. Will update tomorrow.

Saturday, August 24, 2002 at 03:26 PM (CDT)

We arrived at MPLS Children's Hospital on Friday around 1:00 pm and got settled in on the 8th floor. Lauren handled the car ride over and had a quiet afternoon and evening. Her IV chemotherapy began around 8:00 pm. Becky stayed in the room with her and Marc went to check out the room reserved for us in the Waisee Center that is connected to Abbott/Sister Kenney/Children's. It's a very nice room much like a hotel room. Marc slept very well!!! Becky did not sleep very well. We'll be trading off so everyone should be equal in the end!
Christian arrived back from the lake with G and G Eggert this afternoon and he's already checked out the playroom on 8th floor as well as the Sibling Playroom on 2nd floor. Uncle Garry visiting from Georgia challenged him to a few games of foosball, etc. this afternoon. Lauren was happy to see her big brother again.

Friday, August 23, 2002 at 09:27 AM (CDT)

Definite word came last night at 7:00 that we would indeed be moving to Minneapolis Children's Hospital this afternoon and that Lauren's chemo would begin this evening.
Another journey begins and we know that it's for the best. Thank you all for helping us along the way with continued prayer, support, visits, cards, and thoughts. We will continue the caringbridge web site in MPLS. Have a good week-end.

Thursday, August 22, 2002 at 10:09 AM (CDT)

Good morning!
Lauren had had it by afternoon yesterday, so no more swallowing was done. She gets so tired from therapies in the morning that she often shuts down by afternoon. The oncology doctor and nurse practitioner met with us around 5:30 last night. The MRI done on Tuesday looked good. There was less blood showing in the tumor site and the areas where strokes had happened have healed. What damage those strokes did is still not determined. The spine was clear. Dr. Moertel stated that chemo could possibly begin on Friday. No decision yet on staying here or being moved to MPLS. Hopefully we'll learn that today. Have a good day, everyone!

Wednesday, August 21, 2002 at 12:33 PM (CDT)

We heard on the tv last night about all the rain in Dawson.
We hope everything and everyone is OK. Lauren and I watched the lightning from her hospital room. There was lots of thunder, too! She had a good night's sleep. We still don't have news about yesterday's MRI. Lauren had a
swallow test at 11:30 this morning and while her swallowing action was delayed SHE DID SWALLOW!!!! Yippee!!! Speech therapy will visit her this afternoon and try to work on getting her to swallow more pureed (sp?) applesauce. That was quite a work-out so she's resting now with Becky reading her some books. The verdict is still out on a move to MPLS vs. staying here so no chemotherapy has begun yet, either. Oncology staff will meet this afternoon and we'll make sure they notice us waiting to talk to them.

Tuesday, August 20, 2002 at 04:40 PM (CDT)

Sorry this comes so late in the day. Tried to update this morning but the site was not working properly. Lauren just returned to her room at 4:30 pm from her MRI to her brain and spine. We don't have results yet. She is very upset but one of her favorite nurses has her for the evening so maybe things will get calmer. The swallow test ordered by the neurosurgeon will happen tomorrow. Still no word on if and when we'll be moved to MPLS. Have a good evening!

Monday, August 19, 2002 at 01:55 PM (CDT)

It's Monday! Lauren had a great Sunday and Monday morning!
She's been trying to sit up on her own, her eyes have been tracking better, she has said, "Mama" many times, has been on stroller rides around the unit and to the park outside-lots less meds to have on the IVpole so we can move pretty freely, responds with head movements for yes and no questions, points to the video choice she wants to see (mostly Barney!). She did a great job in therapy this a.m.
Lauren is scheduled for a swallow test and an MRI tomorrow.
Still don't know about a possible move to MPLS. Doctors meet after the MRI tomorrow.

Christian is off to the lake for the week with G and G Eggert. He'll have a blast.

Thanks to all the Gus Macker Basketball Tournament company we had on Saturday.
Thanks to Julie M in Dawson for doing the Sat. update.
Have a good day, everyone!

Saturday, August 17, 2002 at 01:39 PM (CDT)

This entry comes via Dawson. Marc has reported that Lauren is experiencing a quiet day. Her day started at 7:00 A.M. with her favorite therapists! She had a restless night from 8 to midnight last night.
Lauren is presently watching Barney this afternoon!
The verdict is not back yet concerning the possible move to Minneapolis Children's Hospital or staying here in St. Paul. Marc, Becky, Christian and Lauren send best wishes for all of you to have a good weekend. They will be enjoying Barney and other cartoon characters.

Friday, August 16, 2002 at 03:50 PM (CDT)

AFTERNOON UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The original porta-cath remains in Lauren! They sent her downstairs to one of the labs and a doctor discovered that all that was needed was to put in a longer needle. Once done the porta-cath was working just fine! We are so relieved.
News on the possible move to Minneapolis Children's: We didn't mean to sound negative about the move. It's just that we've gotten to feel like this is "Home". We don't like change! On that same line, the neurosurgeon spoke to Becky this afternoon and said he'd see what he could do to
keep us here, even if it meant adjusting his schedule! Another reason we like it here.
Thank you for all your support. We are overwhelmed!

Friday, August 16, 2002 at 11:30 AM (CDT)

Uffda! Lauren had quite a night. Her porta-cath installed last Thursday needed to be cleaned last night but it is clogged. Nurses began trying at 8:00 pm and finally at 4 this morning they decided they needed to put an IV line in her foot to temporarily take over for the porta-cath IV. There were nurses in every 25 minutes during the night to work on getting it unclogged so Lauren had very little sleep. She had an X-ray this morning to see if there was any way to fix the porta-cath she has. If not, she will have to go back into surgery to have it replaced. So, what's the big deal about a porta-cath? Well, Lauren will need it not only for blood samples drawn and IVs but also her IV chemotherapy that will begin next Wednesday at Children's Hospital in Minneapolis. We will be moved from Chilren's St. Paul to Children's Minneapolis early next week. We are disappointed about having to move but St. Paul's site doesn't have the necessary doctors and nurses on staff right now to allow it to happen. We'll keep you all posted on when the move occurs.
Naturally, this experience has been tough on Christian. He has so many worries, sadness, and just wishing to be at daycare with his friends and with his sister at his own house. He is meeting with a psychologist while I write this entry just a few doors away in this building. I'm sure she'll try to help Christian understand his feelings.

There may be no week-end updates. I'll try to contact someone in Dawson to get updates ready. It's going to be a long day but knowing people are thinking about and praying for us really helps. Have a good week-end, everyone!

Thursday, August 15, 2002 at 12:08 PM (CDT)

Good morning! Lauren had a good night and she had her first therapy of the day at 7:00 this morning and it hasn't stopped yet! She will finish up with therapies around 2:00 and then it's bath time! We have a meeting at 2:00 with one of Lauren's doctors. There was a meeting yesterday between doctors and specialists to set up Lauren's treatment and therapy plan options but they will continue discussion today and so hopefully we'll have that information by day's end so we can contemplate what option to choose. (Lauren's CT scan yesterday was "clean"!)

Lauren made us laugh yesterday as she was being feisty with the nurse. The nurse was wanting to look at Lauren's pupils with a flashlight. Lauren already had a washcloth in her hand and promptly covered her face with it to "hide".

It was great to have lots of company yesterday. It makes time pass quickly and it's good to have Lauren hear familiar voices again.

Wednesday, August 14, 2002 at 04:08 PM (CDT)

Lauren didn't have such a good night (sleepwise) and she's been kept busy so far today with therapies that she's been less than thrilled about. She had a CT scan at 1:00pm but we haven't heard any results from that nor from the doctors' meeting at 12:30pm.

Lauren was outside yesterday for the 1st time in 5 weeks. We sat in the hospital's park and soaked in sun and fresh air. She enjoyed it.

More news tomorrow...

Tuesday, August 13, 2002 at 03:34 PM (CDT)

Update for Tuesday's entry:

We had visitors from Dawson today who reminded us that Lauren's spinal tap results hadn't ever been on an update.
The spinal tap was clear!

We appreciate so much the prayers being lifted on our behalf. We especially ask for prayers for today and tomorrow as the team of specialists meet tomorrow at 12:30 pm to carefully review Lauren's situation and plot her rehabilitation/chemo/radiation. We ask that you join us in prayer, confident that their decisions are led by God and that He continues to bless them in their work so they can in turn be a blessing to Lauren and her family. Thank you.

Tuesday, August 13, 2002 at 10:16 AM (CDT)

Good morning! Lauren had a good night. Sleep interuptions were kept to a minimal. This morning she's had trouble with her feeding tube so they're checking that over again.
Physical therapy had a good session with her this morning and had her sitting up in bed with a car-seat type of chair and she looked so good! We leave the room during her therapy sessions because she tends to do less crying and more work for them without us around. Yup, she has us wrapped right around her finger! Last night Christian finally got the chance to push Lauren in a stroller around the floor as we moved along with the IV stand. He was so happy to help. Have a good day, everyone!

Monday, August 12, 2002 at 01:44 PM (CDT)

Sorry about no entry yesterday. It just didn't work without access to computer here.

Lauren is doing so well! She has come so far since last week. She's moving her head from side to side, her cry is louder, she really can make her arms move when she's angry with the nurses (she tries to bat their hands away) and she's a trooper with all her therapy. This morning she had a visit from and a picture with members of the St. Paul Saints baseball team. Last week she had the same with members of the Rockettes from New York. We will know more by Thursday what the plan for Lauren's treatment and rehab will be. She's had a little trouble with feedings but the g-tube was checked with an x-ray this am and everything is OK. Thanks for all the week-end visits, calls, cards, messages, thoughts, and prayers. Have a good week!

Saturday, August 10, 2002 at 02:20 PM (CDT)

Hello! This message is coming via Dawson from Char. There is not a whole lot to report today. Lauren was moved out of PICU to the fourth floor today. Thanks to everyone for your thoughts, prayers, cards......everything!!

Friday, August 09, 2002 at 04:33 PM (CDT)

This update comes via Julie from Dawson. Lauren had a peaceful night. She had nasal oxygen for a little while but is managing on her own again. This morning Lauren moved her head and pulled her blanket up while being held. As of update time, there is no news of spinal tap results. We hope for a good weekend. We hope yours is good also.

Thursday, August 08, 2002 at 08:25 PM (CDT)

Here's the news everyone is waiting for.

Lauren's surgical procedure went well. The stiches from her first surgery were removed and the doctors inserted a porta cath and a feeding tube. They also did a spinal tap and will know the results of that test tomorrow. Marc reports that Lauren is back in her room, awake, breathing on her own, and her vital signs are looking good. The doctors were very pleased about how the procedures went today.

Thursday, August 08, 2002 at 10:32 AM (CDT)

No big news to share this morning. Lauren is having physical therapy right now. Will try to update this afternoon after all the procedures have been done - if it's by 5:00. Otherwise we'll include results tomorrow. Have a good day, everyone!

Wednesday, August 07, 2002 at 12:03 PM (CDT)

Well, it's been another busy morning in Lauren's PICU room.
Lots of doctors, specialists, nurses, therapists all doing their thing...and she's tired! Makes us tired just watching all the activity. After one of her therapy sessions this morning she was heard to say, "Mama". We missed it because we were out in the waiting area but the residents all chimed in to say it had happened! The plans for surgery procedures are still in place for Thursday afternoon. We hope Lauren can take another wheelchair ride around the ward today in her mom's arms with her dad and big
brother steering. Christian has been here at the hospital with us since Monday afternoon. He keeps busy in the play
room. There are art projects to take part in the mornings -
this week's theme is Christmas in August. He can't quite figure out why he made ornaments yesterday and Christmas placemats today! He's also become friends with other kids
who are either hospitalized or visiting siblings here. He met with child life specialists yesterday and will again today. They provide him with great answers to all his questions about Lauren's illness and his concerns. He has been in to see and tickle Lauren often, even joining her in her bed to visit her.
As of today, we've been here a month. We thank everyone for making that long time period more bearable with visits, cards, thoughts, prayers, and messages on the website. The total of message pages up to today is 99! Believe me, we read and re-read every message many times! Thank you!

Dawson people: It was great to see Milt Goplen and Dean Pearson on KARE 11 tv last night on the 6:00 news. I looked up just in time to see Milt being interviewed first and then Dean and I got all excited and announced to everyone in the family room that I knew these people!!!
Let's just say they weren't as excited as me!

Sorry that we missed the Borstads yesterday. If anyone comes and can't find us around the PICU unit just go down to the cafeteria. We don't venture far away.

Tuesday, August 06, 2002 at 11:12 AM (CDT)

Good morning.
Lots of activity in Lauren's room already this morning.
Speech therapy came in and tried many interesting techniques to get Lauren to open her mouth.
Doctor came in to report that Lauren's feeding tube, spinal tap, porta-cath, etc. will probably be done on Thursday at 2:30 all at the same time.
Respiratory therapist was in to do Lauren's lung treatments.
Hematology/Oncology doctor was in to check Lauren.
Christian has been in many times this morning to talk to and tickle Lauren.
She's resting now and hopefully this afternoon she'll let us take her for a short stroll aroung the unit.
Have a good day, everyone!

Monday, August 05, 2002 at 12:37 PM (CDT)

Lauren had her swallowing test at about 10:45 this morning but it did not go well. That means that she'll need rehab to stimulate inside and outside her mouth to get her to swallow. That will begin tomorrow. She tolerated the wheelchair ride down and back so that was great! Maybe we'll take a spin this afternoon!
The neurosurgeon met with us when we got back to the PICU and reported that the strokes Lauren had were mild and that no permanent damage was done by them. Her right leg is the weakest and she'll get therapy to strengthen both legs, will use braces and a walker until she can walk on her own.
Chemotherapy will occur first with injections instead of oral doses as they want to nip it in the bud with stronger meds. Radiation will follow at some later date. There is no national protocol to follow so the neurosurgeon and the oncologist need to develop Lauren's plan on their own. Lauren will receive extensive therapy at Gillette Hospital and her chemo/radiation will be at Children's Minneapolis.
We need to stimulate Lauren and get her "engines fired up"
to begin the next phase. Thanks for everyone's support, love, prayers, visits, messages, cards, gifts. We hold Lauren often and tell her about her many friends who are wishing her well. God bless you all.

Sunday, August 04, 2002 at 04:50 PM (CDT)

Hello to everyone! There is not much to report on Lauren today. She has had a quiet and restful day. Marc and Becky will be back to reporting tomorrow and should have more to say.

Saturday, August 03, 2002 at 02:59 PM (CDT)

Sorry for the late update! The web site wasn't cooperating with me today. Lauren had another peaceful night of rest again last night. Marc and Becky were going to take her for a little wheelchair ride today, but she just wasn't up to it. Lauren's oxygen level started to drop and she needed to go back to bed. She was given some oxygen to make her feel better. She will spend the rest of the day resting. Thanks to everyone for their thoughts and prayers!!

Friday, August 02, 2002 at 04:43 PM (CDT)

Late update for Friday: We met with the gastro doctor this afternoon. They plan to do a test on Monday to see if Lauren can swallow. There's a possibility that she'll have a feeding tube. Doctors will also implant a porta-cath for her impending treatment some time soon. We forgot to mention thanks for all the prayers being lifted in today's first update. Week-end updates will be called into Char in
Dawson and she'll get them into the website for us. Thanks,

Friday, August 02, 2002 at 11:13 AM (CDT)

So far today it's been a quiet day at Bed 5 in PICU. Lauren seems to be more aware of her surroundings today and has been crying softly. The nurse believes that she isn't in pain, just sad. Reading to her and listening to "Barney" and "Blue's Clues" on tv seems to soothe her.
Christian is leaving this morning with Grandpa and Grandma
Eggert for their lake home in northern Minnesota for the week-end. We know he'll have a great time. We hope you all have a great week-end, also.

Thanks for all the messages, cards, visits, and gifts. We are overwhelmed.

Thursday, August 01, 2002 at 03:38 PM (CDT)

Another update for Thursday:
We added a photo to the website (there can only be a total of three at any time) today as it shows Lauren in Dad's arms this morning. We had just gotten her unhooked, transferred,rehooked, comfortable, and then the respiratory therapist came and said it was time for a treatment! So, unhooked, transferred back, rehooked and the treatment began. It felt really good to hold her after 22 days, if only for a short while.
We know the crew at the store has been up to their noses in roses that arrived on Tuesday as a benefit for Lauren. We thank everyone for their support and to the floral wholesaler for their generosity. We hope that "everything will be coming up roses" for Lauren very soon. Thank you.

Thursday, August 01, 2002 at 10:05 AM (CDT)

Good morning! Lauren had another good night and so far today she's been checked over by the resident doctor and had physical therapy. She's snoozing right now. Lauren's nurse said there are no major plans for Lauren's day so we hope it's going to be another quiet day of getting stronger.
The ultrasound done yesterday about Lauren's liver checked out to be OK. We hope you all have a good day!

Wednesday, July 31, 2002 at 11:24 AM (CDT)

Good morning! Lauren had a peaceful night and she's been doing well so far this morning. The plan for today is just to rest and let her body do some healing. She'll be having an ultrasound to check her liver. Thanks for all the encouraging messages in the guestbook, the prayers being lifted, and all the fingers crossed for Lauren. We are indeed fortunate to belong to such a caring community and we thank you, friends, far and near.

Tuesday, July 30, 2002 at 04:07 PM (CDT)

Sorry for the late update. Christian and Marc have just returned from Dawson at 3:45 so we rushed to see Lauren and then rushed some more to get to the family center to get this done. Since the entry yesterday: The ventilator was removed at 3:00 pm yesterday!! Lauren was heard to say, "Hurts!" She had an uncomfortable late afternoon and evening. The remaining chest tube was removed at 8:30 pm. She got a real work-out! After all the fuss, she did have some rest during the night! Today, Lauren is holding her own. Everyone needs to do a collective finger-crossing and wish that she remains off the ventilator! Ready, set, cross! We'll let you know when you can uncross. Becky got to hold Lauren for an hour and a half this morning! A physical therapist fitted Lauren with foot splints this afternoon to avoid "foot drop". Christian got to see Lauren for just a minute. He had a great week with Karen and Kurt and family and didn't want to return to The Cities today. It was good to be home if just for a little while. Thanks for all the teal ribbons we saw while there. Thanks, too, for all the guestbook messages and cards in the mail. Best news of all-
Lauren may be moved to the fourth floor by week's end!!!!!
Remember, keep those fingers crossed!

Monday, July 29, 2002 at 09:54 AM (CDT)

Lauren was up a lot during the night. With becoming more aware she's also becoming anxious, understandably, so she has to be watched so she doesn't remove anything that needs to be attached. She had physical therapy this morning - being down and out for three weeks has left her pretty weak.
Her right side (arm and leg) is weaker than her left. We hope that she'll do some coughing today and prove to everyone that she can soon be off the ventilator. Thanks for all the wonderful messages. It really does lighten our load.

Sunday, July 28, 2002 at 02:05 PM (CDT)

Marc just called with today's update. Lauren remains about the same as yesterday, doing much of her own breathing with the ventilator on low.

Lauren is displaying signs of becoming more aware and a little feisty. The nurse had to restrain one of her hands because she was trying to pull at the breathing tube. She does open her eyes slightly, squinting, but not yet focusing on anything.

Marc and Becky continue to appreciate all the wonderful, uplifting messages they receive each day in the caring bridge guestbook.

Saturday, July 27, 2002 at 01:44 PM (CDT)

Greetings to all of you from Marc and Becky via Dawson. They report today that Lauren remains about the same as yesterday. She has been taken off another drug and the ventilator remains on low. The nurses are trying to stimulate her and are watching closely for signs of withdrawal from any of the drugs.

Lauren is coughing a little which is a good sign. She is moving her head a little and her eyelids are fluttering. The doctor did get her to open her eyes briefly this morning.

Christian visited the hospital yesterday and is enjoying the week end at "the lake" with Karen, Kurt, and family. Marc's siter, Lona, flew back to Atlanta today. She will be missed by Marc and Becky!

Thank you for your continuing concern and prayers!

Friday, July 26, 2002 at 11:28 AM (CDT)

It's Friday!!
Lauren had a good Thursday night. One of the chest tubes will be removed today. Her left lung still needs to clear up. It seems that Lauren is trying to open her eyes but just can't quite manage yet this morning - but don't we all have that struggle in the morning?
The neurosurgeon was in and discussed the MRI results with us last night. The tumor site looks OK. Some other concerns will be addressed soon.
There are new photos of Lauren in the guestbook. One is of her and her friend, "Baby Jake" who, as you can tell, she adores.
Week-end updates will come from Dawson. Have a good, safe,
week-end, everyone.

Thursday, July 25, 2002 at 03:20 PM (CDT)

This is my third attempt within an hour to get today's update to "stick" so I hope the third time's a charm! I'm going to make this real brief!
*Lauren had a good Wednesday night.
*The nurse reported that Lauren has responded to finger squeezing and thought she caught Lauren fluttering her eyelids. Must have had a cute doctor or resident in the room!
*The ventilator gives 4 breaths a minute and Lauren is doing the rest on her own. Doctors hope to have her off the ventilator in a week.
*Lauren had an MRI done at 1:00 pm today but we don't have any results yet. Stay tuned for tomorrow's update!

Wednesday, July 24, 2002 at 09:49 AM (CDT)

Good morning! Lauren had a good night on the other ventilator with no complications and the plan for today is to slowly turn that one down also to allow her some breathing of her own while she's on it. The paralyzing drug they'd been giving her has been discontinued so she is moving her arms and legs slightly. The day nurse said that
Lauren had tried to squeeze her finger when asked to. We haven't seen any of the floor doctors yet this morning so maybe we can update later today when we learn more. Have a good day, everyone!

Tuesday, July 23, 2002 at 02:42 PM (CDT)

Hello from St. Paul! The weather is so nice today. Lauren would love to be out playing on such a day.
Lauren has had a good 24 hours since the last entry. The plan for later this afternoon is to switch ventilators. Lauren's swelling in her face and chest has gone down and she looks more like herself today!
We're hoping by Friday that she'll be less sedated and responding.
Again, we thank everyone for the messages on the website and for the cards we get. They help us get through the day.
Other than Lauren's "baby steps" toward improvement, the messages are the highlight of our day. We laugh, we cry, and we realize how great the power of prayer is and how great it is to be a part of the Dawson community. The ribbons we wear are a source of curiousity around the hospital. When people are told they are amazed at the support we are being given. Thank you, everyone, near and far!

Monday, July 22, 2002 at 09:50 AM (CDT)

Good morning! Lauren had a good week-end medically. She was responding favorably to the oscillating ventilator and some of her swelling has gone down. She remains sedated and every once in a while the nurses have to up the dose because she starts wiggling toes and fingers and they want her completely out in order for her lungs, etc to improve. The night nurse on Saturday evening braided Lauren's hair so it looks pretty cute.
We had lots of company over the week-end. Marc's sister from Georgia arrived on Saturday to help out. Christian was
anxious to get back to Dawson to see everyone at daycare so he, Lona. and Marc made the trip back to Dawson on Sunday night to get him to Karen's on Monday morning. We'll be in town indefinitely. It's great to be home - even for just a little while. Thanks to those who have tied ribbons on the trees! We appreciate everything being done for us. It's going to be a long process getting back home. The day nurse told Becky this morning that Lauren will be on the ventilator at least another week and in ICU for another month. We will take one day at a time. Thank you for helping us along the way.

Sunday, July 21, 2002 at 02:25 PM (CDT)

Marc just called to report that Lauren had a good night. Her vitals look good and she is having a good day today. The oxygen build up in her tissues is decreasing and she is looking better today. The ventilator is gradually being turned down with the hope that by tomorrow it will be at the minimum. She would then be put back on the regular ventilator.

Last night the nurse braided her hair and Marc said she looks so cute, just like a little model! Marc told the nurse that if Lauren had been awake, there is no way she would have allowed anyone to do anything with her hair.

Becky and Marc's sister Lona spent last night in Hastings and are back at the hospital today with Christian. They also have other family with them today, which is a great help to Marc and Becky.

Marc and Becky thank all of you for your prayers and messages of support. Marc will be back with the update tomorrow.

Saturday, July 20, 2002 at 04:30 PM (CDT)

Lauren seems to think that evenings are the time to cause a little commotion for everyone. Last night was no exception. The doctor found it necessary to insert two chest tubes to reduce the amount of oxygen around and under her lungs to relieve pressure to the lungs. They also switched her to an oscillating ventilator which does all her breathing for her. She is also receiving a drug to numb her body to make it easier for the ventilator to do all the work. Once this was done, she had a quiet night. Christian spent the night with Mom and Dad in their room at the hospital.

Today the goal is to turn down the ventilator a little. An EEG was done as there was concern she may have had some seizure activity, but that checked out OK. Lauren has had several blood transfusions as the extra fluid in her body has thinned her blood and lowered her hemoglobin.

Marc and Becky were pleasantly surprised with the arrival of Marc's sister Lona from Atlanta, as well as the return of his brother Jim and Kathy from their trip to Atlanta.

Sorry for the late message today, but Marc and Becky have had a busy day and Mary is sending their message from Dawson. Those of you in Dawson, watch for the teal ribbons around town in honor of Lauren. Details on how you can get your ribbons to wear or display at your home will be available at Marc's on Main on Monday.

Marc and Becky are hoping for a good week end for Lauren and also for all of you!

Friday, July 19, 2002 at 10:13 AM (CDT)

Sorry about the late update on Thursday. Thanks to Barb Mork for doing it for us, as the Resource Center's internet connection is down.

Lauren continues to be on the respirator today and "hit a little bump in the road" about 6 this morning. The nurses made some adjustments with meds, etc. so she's resting comfortably. She continues to be sedated. Lauren got a new bed in her ICU room that nurses report is like "sleeping on a cloud". It rotates her body and relieves pressure points. Her care is top notch! Doctors are waiting to have an MRI but it can't be done until she's off the respirator.

We don't always get messages left at the PICU desk. If you've called and we haven't responded - keep trying!

Thanks to Karen Collins for providing the photo for Lauren's website!

We appreciate everyone's prayers, messages, cards, etc.

Thank You!

Thursday, July 18, 2002 at 07:04 PM (CDT)

Lauren took tiny steps forward today concerning breathing.
She is still on the respirator. Temperature is down some and her lungs are doing better. She remains sedated but does now move her arms and legs. She is resting comfortably.

Sorry this update is late today. The computer at the hospital has been down.

We look forward to more progress tomorrow.

Marc and Becky

Wednesday, July 17, 2002 at 10:12 AM (CDT)

Good morning! Lauren had a good night of rest and so did we! Her temp is up this morning so the nurses are working on that. She's been more responsive by moving her arms and legs. Now we just need to work on getting her to open her eyes. She'll do it when she's ready. Not much else to report at this time.
Again, we thank everyone for the wonderful support and words of encouragement found in the guestbook and cards that we receive. It has been great to have visitors and phone calls. Christian is having a great time at his grandparents' and aunt's home. He's coming to the hospital this afternoon to see Lauren and meet with the Child Life
workers here to help him understand what's going on.
We will update today if/when we learn more.

Tuesday, July 16, 2002 at 11:37 AM (CDT)

Monday daytime after the journal entry was pretty uneventful
and Lauren spent most of the day just snoozing and letting all the machines do the work for her. Results came back that she did indeed have pneumonia because of her inability to cough up and get rid of all those nasty secretions. We were also told that she has staph infection in her lungs and in her bloodstream that they were trying to knock out with medication. (She is still on the respirator.)
Last night (Monday) around eleven they came to our room to explain that Lauren's heart just wasn't keeping up with all the demands on it and explained that they were going to check for fluid around her heart and that the right side of her heart was failing. Again, with medication they were able to stabilize her and bring her heart rate down. We went back to our room for a restless night. Today,(Tuesday)
early this morning, we were summoned to her ICU bed because she wasn't responsive. They moved her downstairs to have a
scan done which didn't show anything majorly different from the scan that was done on Saturday. The brain vetricles were larger so they wondered if the shunt that she had mplanted on June 20th was working. They tested it and found it is working properly but that it may be infected at which point it would have to be removed. They took a sample of the shunt fluid and results of that test aren't back yet. Plans for today are to cut back on the respirator and try to get Lauren more aware of what's going on and get her eyes, arms, fingers, legs, and toes moving!
We've been tickling her all morning and probably driving her nuts but the effects of the muscle relaxant are still wearing off and she may not respond to that for a while. How great it would be if she'd open her eyes and say, "Stop!" like she does when her brother is bugging her or when her mom and dad are singing a song she doesn't like.
As we are learning, Lauren is will do everything on her own terms and we'll have wait, patiently.
This is getting long so I'll end for now. Thanks to everyone for all the prayers, love, and concern. Even though we're far from home we can feel comfort.

Tuesday, July 16, 2002 at 11:37 AM (CDT)

Monday daytime after the journal entry was pretty uneventful
and Lauren spent most of the day just snoozing and letting all the machines do the work for her. Results came back that she did indeed have pneumonia because of her inability to cough up and get rid of all those nasty secretions. We were also told that she has staph infection in her lungs and in her bloodstream that they were trying to knock out with medication. (She is still on the respirator.)
Last night (Monday) around eleven they came to our room to explain that Lauren's heart just wasn't keeping up with all the demands on it and explained that they were going to check for fluid around her heart and that the right side of her heart was failing. Again, with medication they were able to stabilize her and bring her heart rate down. We went back to our room for a restless night. Today,(Tuesday)
early this morning, we were summoned to her ICU bed because she wasn't responsive. They moved her downstairs to have a
scan done which didn't show anything majorly different from the scan that was done on Saturday. The brain vetricles were larger so they wondered if the shunt that she had mplanted on June 20th was working. They tested it and found it is working properly but that it may be infected at which point it would have to be removed. They took a sample of the shunt fluid and results of that test aren't back yet. Plans for today are to cut back on the respirator and try to get Lauren more aware of what's going on and get her eyes, arms, fingers, legs, and toes moving!
We've been tickling her all morning and probably driving her nuts but the effects of the muscle relaxant are still wearing off and she may not respond to that for a while. How great it would be if she'd open her eyes and say, "Stop!" like she does when her brother is bugging her or when her mom and dad are singing a song she doesn't like.
As we are learning, Lauren is will do everything on her own terms and we'll have wait, patiently.
This is getting long so I'll end for now. Thanks to everyone for all the prayers, love, and concern. Even though we're far from home we can feel comfort.

Monday, July 15, 2002 at 09:14 AM (CDT)

Lauren seemed to be doing better on Sunday. The neurosurgeon checked on her in the morning and thought she was doing well. Throughout the day, however, she started having more trouble breathing (with oxygen) and her temp
went up. About 6:30 last night the doctor moved quickly to
put Lauren back on the respirator. She stabilized and had a peaceful night. On our first visit to her this morning,(Monday) Lauren was resting comfortably and the nurse was washing her hair. Lauren is receiving wonderful care and we are very impressed with her doctors and nurses.

Sunday, July 14, 2002 at 08:33 PM (CDT)

Marc just called with the latest information on Lauren's condition. At about 6:30 this evening, she was placed back on a respirator. Her temperature is elevated and a chest x-ray indicates she may have pneumonia. The doctor also said that this is not abnormal and she is in stable condition.

Please keep them all in your prayers.

Sunday, July 14, 2002 at 02:12 PM (CDT)

Today's update is again coming via Dawson. Marc reported today that the neurosurgeon was pleased with Lauren's vitals this morning. She remains in the ICU unit and is still sedated, but they will be working on making her more alert in the next day or two. She is also receiving oxygen.

Lauren's swallowing reflex is slow because of the surgery and some therapy will be started soon to help speed up her progress in this area. Lauren is also receiving bronchial treatments to help loosen congestion in her chest and throat.

Marc and Becky continue to appreciate all your thoughts and prayers.

Sunday, July 14, 2002 at 02:12 PM (CDT)

Today's update is again coming via Dawson. Marc reported today that the neurosurgeon was pleased with Lauren's vitals this morning. She remains in the ICU unit and is still sedated, but they will be working on making her more alert in the next day or two. She is also receiving oxygen.

Lauren's swallowing reflex is slow because of the surgery and some therapy will be started soon to help speed up her progress in this area. Lauren is also receiving bronchial treatments to help loosen congestion in her chest and throat.

Marc and Becky continue to appreciate all your thoughts and prayers.

Saturday, July 13, 2002 at 11:01 AM (CDT)

This update to Lauren's Page is coming from Mary in Dawson. Marc & Becky will not have access to a computer until Monday morning, so Marc requested that I pass on the latest information on Lauren's condition.

Lauren has been diagnosed with a medullo blastoma tumor, although the exact type is not yet know. Further tests will be done which will give the doctors a better idea of what is down the road for Lauren.

Lauren remains sedated in ICU at this time and is experiencing some breathing difficulties.

Marc and Becky appreciate and continue to need your concern and prayers.

Friday, July 12, 2002 at 09:09 AM (CDT)

Lauren was admitted to Children's Hospital on July 10th at 7 a.m. for her surgery to remove the tumor from her brain. She went into surgery at 11:00 a.m. and came out at approximately 6:00 p.m. We are waiting to hear the specifics about what kind of tumor was removed. That information will be given sometime today (Friday). Lauren spent yesterday in PICU and was gradually being taken off her surgical meds. She did open her eyes briefly from time to time last night but was still very sleepy. She did respond to voices and squeezed our fingers and hugged her bear! We will most likely be moved to the 4th floor sometime today after doctors have made their rounds. We appreciate everyone's visits, phone calls, prayers, and concern.

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