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An Angel's Story

Welcome to our Web Page. It has been provided to let people know about our precious daughter, her fight to live, her graceful death, and her family's road to recovery. The following will be listed by dates and will document the above. I will try to keep this updated as much as I can - I know you are all thinking about us and very concerned. We thank you all for all your prayers and good thoughts (please don't stop) - we've really been touched by all the support - THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU.

Morgan Tiffany Olin

Born: August 6th, 2000 2:43pm

Received her angel wings on April 4th, 2001

Like a flower still blooming, you live in our hearts.
Like a candle still glowing, you exist in our minds.
Like the very air we breathe in, we can never do without you.
And just like a beautiful melody you are our never-ending song, a sweet serenade, muted on earth, but loudly heard by our souls.
And as we face this mountain of grief, our tears become a fountain of love, soaring high into the heavens, arms stretched to embrace you !

Check out Morgan's beautiful memorial quilt - the link is at the end of the page.


Sunday, August 8, 2004 8:55 AM CDT

Well, another birthday has come and gone. Morgan would have been 4. She would have been so big. We really miss her. I really miss her. Sometimes, knowing she is in a better place and really, really happy doesn't make it any better. I'm still selfish and want her back. We are very blessed we have two angels on earth that are wonderful, WONDERFUL daughters. Taylor is so sweet and so caring - I worry how she's going to do as she gets older. She cares so much and has such a tender heart. Tori, well, Tori doesn't stand still long enough for you to say her name. She goes from one 'no, NO' to the next. We barely have time to clean up one thing before she is doing something else! And I could almost get so caught up in their lives that I don't have time to miss Morgan. But I do - it's always there. I'll admit I've tried before. Tried to just focus on Taylor and Tori but it's a feeling thats hard to explain. It really is like a piece of me is missing. It's just a part of me that will never be whole. I love Morgan dearly. And I'm sure she had a wonderful birthday. I love you baby. Happy birthday.
Love Mom

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Hospital Information:

Children's Hospitals and Clinics


http://www.heavenlylights.homestead.com/page4.html   Morgan's star
http://quilts.childrensmemorials.com/Morgan.htm   Morgan's beautiful quilt
http://www.geocities.com/HotSprings/Spa/6349/   ARDS Support Center


EmailEmail address  : ACE55068@YAHOO.COM


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