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Welcome to Michael's web page. It's been provided to keep people updated on Michael's journey with A. L .L. {acute lymphoblastic leukemia}. Michael was diagnosed with ALL on 4/6/01. He was on Protocol CCG-1991 standard arm of treatment and finished his 3 years 2 months of treatment May 26, 2004. He has done very well on treatment. ALL DONE WITH TREATMENT!

* Michael's Smile Quilt *



Sunday, January 14, 2007 5:40 AM CST

Hello there. Things are good here. Michael just went for his check up and the doc was happy with what he saw. Michael is doing great. He has just gotten over the stomach bug that kept him home for three days and got mom somewhat nervous. I always start to freak out when he gets really sick. I start to look to see if his coloring is bad, if his lips are nice and pink, look for bruising. What a rotten way to feel every time he has a normal childhood illness. I supose this will be this way forever. The rest of the family also got the stomach bug but it took Michael a lot longer for it to go away. He is playing basketball and loving it. He does pretty good at it. I just love to watch him do it. Its cute. He is also on a bowling team and is doing well with that too. Michael has come a long long way as far as that goes. He would never want to do anything because he was nervous that people would look at him or he wouldnt do good. He still gets nervous when he isnt doing well but he will at least do it now. Im so glad. Im hoping as he gets older he will get more confident in himself and not care about what other people think. School is going okay. He really doesnt like school but does do the best that he can at it. Struggles with a lot in school but is getting the help that he needs. Hopefully he will catch up as he gets older. He tries so hard and thats all we can ask for. We make such a big deal when he gets his report card even if its not a plus because thats his best. Michael had a great Christmas. He was very happy again this year. Yeah santa! Now he is eagerly waiting for Feb 18 to come because he will be a big 9 years old. Its great to see the excitement in kids when its close to their birthday. My birthday is four days before Michaels and for some reason im just not too excited about it :) The years are just flying by. I cant believe Michael is going to be 9. Not my baby. Makes me sad to think about it. I used to look forward to the kids growing up and being able to take care of themselves. Not to have to worry about a babysitter when I want to do something and now I think about it and Michael isnt quite there yet but at this rate it seems like it wont be too much longer and then what am I going to do. They really are my life and now that they are older I think what am I going to do when they are grown and have their own life. WOW! I am so thankful that they are growing up and are healthy. Im lucky. I thank God for Michael being able to fight the cancer and get it out of his body. I pray to God that it doesnt come back and is of the past. So many parents are not going to have the feeling what am I going to do when my kids grow old and move away, so many kids effected by this rotten disease. I pray for all of those who are fighting this and the families who are going through it with them. Im so sorry for them.
Michaels new hobby is wrestling. He watches it on Mondays and Fridays. He loves it. Im personally sick of hearing about it but im glad for him. Now he wants to be a wrestler when he grows up. I would love to take him to see a real match one of these days but we will see. I can just imagine what shomething like that would cost. I would love to see his face watching it up close and real. Maybe some day. I think about it and it would be so cool for him to go see a match and then meet one of the wrestlers but I think that will just be a dream for him.
Well I think thats going to be about it for now. Thank you to those who do come and still check on Michael. Im sorry I dont update a lot but as they say, no news is good new. Please Pray for all the kids who are fighting this beast and for their families who are there right along with them.

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E-mail Author: cmartin4@hvc.rr.com


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