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Welcome to our Web Page. We are glad that you checked in! Erin was diagnosed with Ewings Sarcoma in her sacrum in July of 1999. She underwent chemo and radiation. It has been 5 years since her final chemo treatment. She remains cancer free.


Monday, August 15, 2005 9:25 AM CDT

Tomorrow, Erin takes flight. We are packing her up and taking her to college tomorrow afternoon. She moves in Wednesday morning and is on her own. We offered to stay around for a couple days if she thinks she might like the security, and she said it wasn't necessary. It appears that Erin is very excited and READY to get on with life.

I am excited for her. I am brimming over with pride for her accomplishments. I am so excited that she is beginning this new leg of her journey. That is, between the moments of denial, the feelings of sadness and loss, and the anxiety for her starting something so new without us to hold her hand and hug her when she needs a hug. I think she has the tools she needs to cope with everyday stresses and joys.

I was by her side when she fought the dragon, now she is going off on her own. I know it's not nearly the same. It is a hugely wonderful, marvelous adventure, and the beginning of her adult life. I know that mixed in with the feelings of loss are tears of complete joy that she got here and is going on. Again, I thank the wonderful doctors an nurses at CHOP along with all those we met on that road for taking such good care of her/us and making this new phase of her life a possibility.

To our CHOP family and all those fighting the dragon, my heartfelt prayers continue.

Thanks for checking in! LYG, Kate

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Hospital Information:

Patient Room: call her at home!!!!!

Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
34th Street and Civic Center Boulevard
Philadelphia, PA 19104


www.ronaldmcdonaldcamp.org   See pictures form camp!
http://sites.netscape.net/ewingsmm/whiteside   A new site developed by Morgan and Molly for a school project which describes Ewing Sarcoma, it's symptoms and treatment! Enjoy!
www.hearttohandministries.com   Woody Wolfe's home page!


E-mail Author: katedelahanty@hotmail.com


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