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Welcome to our Child Web Page. It has been provided to keep people updated about our Child. Brage was first diagnosed with Leukemia April 27th, 1995 and went through a 3 year chemo treatment. He relapsed Aug. 11, 1999. And on we go....


Thursday, April 12, 2001 at 01:22 PM (CDT)

We have again enjoyed a carefree wonderful month full of playdates, birthday parties, and preparation for our new Sassin. (Due any minute)

Brage had 5 of his best buddies celebrate his 8th birthday with him by camping out near the river in our neighborhood. They went in as little fellas and came out strong wilderness campers. Omar took them on a late night tour of the nature park on their bikes with lights attached to their helmets. They fished, read books, and had a really wonderful adventure. A month later and he and his friends are still talking about it. (Brage has confided in me that he thinks his dad is "da bomb" which is kidspeak for better than the best.. I think)

Our clinic visit again on Monday was a bit unnerving. The counts were lower than they should have been which alerted the head onc who told us he would need to run slides to make sure there were no blasts in the sample. A deep breath and a flurry of prayers saw us through. The results were clean. AMEN
God is still working out the faith/fear thing in my heart and I suspect this will continue my whole life long.

With Easter days away I am praying that God will help me to live each day to bring Him glory whatever that means for my life. That my heart will be ready and willing always. So easy to say, so hard to do. In the heat of the moment I so quickly turn to my own devices. I pray that I will desire His will for my life instead of seeking my own. I pray that His desire for each member of my family would be my own.
May you know Joy this Easter!!!


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Hospital Information:

Patient Room: vary

All Children's Hospital

St. Petersburg, Florida


EmailEmail address  : BRAGGIO@aol.com


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