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Chayton's Journey!

Welcome to Chayton Hunter Anderson's Rhabdoid Journey. This little boy has taught his parents and other family members more about life than any other mentor or hero out there! Chayton, like many of the other rhabdoid children, was wise beyond his years. Chayton Hunter Anderson passed away at 12:10pm on February 13, 2002, surrounded by his family and "puppy".

Thanks for coming to "Mowgli's" site. Please sign the guestbook, feel free to e-mail us. Thanks for all the support, love, and PRAYERS!

Chayton, baby, Rest Easy Little Man!!!!! We love you Thank you.


Friday, May 30, 2008 12:15 AM CDT

Gary, I do remember you, your sister and your father! It was really good hearing from you! I think about Burzynski Clinic and how much Chayton enjoyed himself there quite often. I really wish at times we could go back to then when he was still here with us. He used to play with everyone he saw there and run... he would run and look back like come and get me! We were glad to meet you guys there because you helped us with our hope. Thanks again! If ever you get the chance, please email and let me know how ya'll are doing!

Jodi, I think about Kylee often too. Meeting her was one moment of my life that I will cherish until we all meet again! I think her and Chayton are playing and keeping eachother company until the rest of us get there. I know what you mean about going back to the page and having a tough time. I think it's been a year since my last entry. Sometimes it seems so hard. Many life changes here and with our family as well. Take care and hopefully one day we'll get together and have lunch. (We're in Iowa now.)


Baby, I know you are seeing what's going on right now, but I want you to know that we all love you very much and not one of us will ever forget you!

We miss and love you so much, each and every one of us. The kids are getting so big! You would be so amazed! I'll write more later when I have a little more time. In the meantime, please watch over each of us as you do and make sure that you hear us tell you we love you and miss you!

Rest easy little man~ MADLY! Love, Mommy

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Hospital Information:

Patient Room: Greater Spirits' Daycare Playground