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Because this just MAY reach someone that can help locate a missing child and it certainly can't hurt, I have added an AMBER alert bar to this page...CHECK IT OUT!!

Welcome to Jake's web page!! Jake is the youngest of three children and is 10 1/2 years old .This page was designed to keep friends and family informed of his progress following VERY lengthy treatment( 5+ YRS )for JMML-JUVENILE MYLEOMONOCYTIC LEUKEMIA(and currently CHRONIC GRAFT VS. HOST DISEASE ). He has endured BOTH a bone marrow transplant, that took place on April 9,1999 at Texas Children's Hospital in Houston ,Texas AND a Stem Cell transplant(essentially the same procedure as BMT ) that took place on Sept. 25, 2000 at Texas Children's Hospital , as well. The second transplant was needed because of incomplete remission or "relapse" immediately following the first horrific transplant(as per day +101 bone marrow aspiration results).
JMML (formerly known as JCML) is an extremely rare form of a HORRIBLE disease called Leukemia, IT IS A BLOOD CANCER. It is poorly understood,therefore, hard to treat and the prognosis is grim. Jacob has lost several online friends ( angel links below) to JMML's terror...all are under 6 yrs. old .
While WE are hopeful for a future that's MUCH more bright than the past , we must NEVER forget the lessons we've learned .We must never forget the people who have supported us and shaped our future.... for if we do, their journeys/efforts would be in vain. The children below are FAR braver and wiser than anyone would imagine. We can learn ALOT from them...So, stay awhile , click a link below and say a prayer for these and unfortunately, those like them ,that will endure the inevitable in seek of a brighter tomorrow. Please scroll to and read the very first entry of "past journal entries" section below to find out how Jake was diagnosed with JMML at only 4 months old! THANKS FOR VISITING!!!
Here are links to other JMML DIAGNOSED KIDS:


Sunday, September 12, 2010 2:20 PM CDT

Hi all,
Just a short update for any that still check on us ! Jake is doing awesome . I uploaded a new picture of him taken August 23 , 2010 ...his first day of 5 th grade ! He is 2 weeks shy of his 10 yr. anniversary of his 2nd Bone marrow transplant , which is responsible for sustained remission !!! Jake will see the doctor's in Houston in November for annual testing . We don't expect any surprises.
Currently Jake has only minor issues ...He takes thyroid replacement meds and will likely for the rest of his life . He wears Boston Scleral Lenses that assist him with comfort because he produces very little tears. THE lenses are awesome . Before he got fitted for these he couldn't open his eyes well , was VERY light sensitive and got many eye infections!! AND was constantly uncomfortable . NOW,HE has implanted artifical lenses AND wears the BOSTON LENSES nearly every day and still uses eye drops between 8-30 times per day !!! THIS IS BY FAR OUR BIGGEST LONG TERM ISSUE !!! BUT no infections since the lenses have been used , about 2 yrs now !!!
I have to close now , thanks for checking on us ..jot a note if you can and GOD BLESS YOU !
Danette ( Jake's mom )

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Hospital Information:

WE ARE HOME ..Treatments were performed by:
832-824-2099 (INFO LINE OPERATOR)


http://www.infobiogen.fr/services/chromcancer/Anomalies/JCMLID1099.html    LEARN MORE ABOUT JCMML DISEASE
http://www.geocities.com/baby_jake1998   Jake's first web site


E-mail Author: dprater@earthlink.net


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