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Our Sweet Little Girl
Oh how we all miss her so much

Taylor was diagnosed with ALL PH+ Memorial Day Weekend 2001. She fought a courageous battle and touched many lives. On September 14, 2003 she was called home to her Father in Heaven to join hands with her loving brother Joshua who joyfully awaited her arrival. We will miss her tremendously, but dedicate living our lives in a way that we will be able to live with her some day.


Sunday, January 4, 2009 10:18 PM CST

Well, it's Saturday. We have made it this far. The week has been long and hard on both of us. Neena has done a lot of sleeping this week. The recipe for sleep is simple- NO NOISE. Seeing how the tv controler is on the bed, it's pretty hard for me to watch any of it. In order for me to hear it, it has to be too loud for Neena to get any rest. The tv cost $10 a day any way, so after the 2nd day I had it cut off. I have been using the Internet to watch tv. To keep it quiet, I have been using neenas ipod ear plugs. It has worked out pretty well. I feel like I have gained 5 lbs seeing as how all I do is eat and sit. Let's talk about neena now.
She has been very lucky this week. The treatments haven't been as bad as they could have been. The last couple of days she started to swell up from all the fluid retention. It has worked out that she has only been able to have every other dose. She will end up with 7 out of the 14 possible. The doctors are very happy with that. They say that that’s better than most. She is starting to become very miserable because of the swelling. She is starting to look very different with her face filling out. When they weighed her today she had gained 14 lbs.
She should get her last dose tonight at 10pm. Sunday at 6am they will start working her off of all the meds so that she'll be able go home sometime Sunday afternoon.
We both would like to think all of you that have had neena and our family in your prayers. We have felt the spirit with us and thank you for that
All of the nurses have complemented neena on her lovely pjs that a lot of you gave as Christmas presents. She has really enjoyed being well dressed at the hospital.
Well that's it for now. We hope to be back in Portsmouth by Sunday late afternoon. It will probably take neena 2 or 3 days to get all of her strength back, but I’m sure it wont take her long to be back to her old self again.
Love Terry


Neena was supposed to be coming home on Sunday; however, she had a very upset stomach. The doctors wanted to run a CT Scan to make sure everything was okay. They didn't think it was her organs, but they weren't sure. When the results came back there appeared to be some sort of blockage in the small intestines. They're not quite sure what the blockage is, nor are they sure what caused it. Due to this, she won't be returning until at least tomorrow.

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E-mail Author: Neena04@aol.com


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