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Laurie's Journey

Laurie's journey began in October 1999 when he was diagnosed with a GBM4 brain tumour, a highly aggressive tumour. Since then there have been many changes for the whole family . . .
His journey ended on 11th November, 2001, at 11:00PM when he just stopped breathing.


Monday, December 31 at 12:00 midday

This will be my last entry on Lauries Journey. In the 7 weeks since he died, we have tried to come to terms with a lot of loss and grief, and are starting to find some sort of acceptance. Life goes on, but never the same. Memories are starting to come back to before Laurie's illness, which is positive as at first it was the more harrowing phases of his illness that I tended to remember.
Now I can look back on days at Narbethong, where the Cross Country Jeep Club gathered to celebrate Christmas and New Year. I can visualise Laurie with his head under the bonnet of someone's vehicle, or sailing down the Acheron River on a tyre, or tending the "Narby Barby". I can remember the "discussions" about erecting the tent, and cooking on a campfire. Trips to Kangaroo Island, Tasmania, and the Little Desert come to mind, and the fun he had showing these parts of Australia to his family.
I look back to a trip to Queensland to Laurie's brother, and Laurie's excitement as he tried out the scariest rides available at the time in the Gold Coast theme parks. And the trip back when we called in to Wiseman's Ferry and introduced him to my family history, and "met" my great, great, great grandfather (in statue form).
I remember Laurie's enthusiasm for computers, and the hours he spent finding out how they work, and working out how to do his books and keep records electronically.
I also remember the enjoyment he found in his shed, and all the projects which kept him busy there. The packing system for camping, fly screens for most of our windows, pelmets too, and general pottering.
His time in the garden, where he spent hours pruning and weeding and mulching.
In later years he bacme an expert scorer at basketball games, and I will miss seeing him there when the girls play. His support for them was fantastic, especially as their sport changed our leisure time, and made the four wheel driving which he loved an occupation which had to be less frequent.
I am trying to gather memories from all over, and if you have any memories you can share, or photos which you could lend us, I would be very grateful.
Hoping you all have a Happy New Year, and build your own memories in your journey through life.

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http://www.geocities.com/oldparl/journey.htm   Story of Marg Strangman, and includes many links
http://www.brainlab.com/   contains a lot of useful information, fairly easy to read


EmailEmail address  : wiselady@bigpond.net.au


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