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Welcome to Joey's Web Page. It has been provided to update our friends and family with Joey's progress. We thank you for your continued concern for our little boy and we also thank you for all your prayers. We thank God above all things for his complete healing and for the privilege of seeing him grow to be a handsome, caring young boy. It is definitely a huge blessing!!!! Thanks for visiting and caring and please continue our fight to find a cure for this terrible disease that continues to take the beautiful life these children deserve!!! Don't forget to say hello in the journal. Linny, Freddy and the Vallejo Boys, Freddy, Joey and Jeffrey.

Donations could be sent to:
Families Fighting Neuroblastoma

in care of Lester Barreras CPA
15952 S.W. 8 Street

Pembroke Pines, FL 33027


Tuesday, January 29, 2008 7:19 PM CST

Well, we haven't updated in a looooong time. Thankfully, Joey is doing GREAT!!!! Praise GOD!!!! We are so thankful that there are no words to describe how lucky we feel to have him with us. It seems almost like his life didn't really happen. But it did.

He is doing great!! He is now 8 years old!!!! Praise God!!! How I prayed that I would get to see him grow and God has granted me that wish!!! God has been very merciful to us!!! He is in 2nd grade. He will be having his first Communion this year and is very excited about that. He just had his first confession. I also prayed that God would let him get to his communion and receive Him in the Eucharist. That is another prayer that has been answered! We've won the lotto over and over and we know it!!!!

He is very active, playing sports, basketball, karate has taken a back seat because we are also playing guitar now and he still has speech classes twice a week. So, his schedule is a little jam packed. He is doing well in school. He is reading on level and getting good grades. His social activities are also very normal. He interacts well with the kids in school. He still has his hearing aids and he will always need them. I know many people think it might be temporary but it isn't. It's permanent hearing loss from the treatments. The great thing about it is that its second nature for him. he really doesn't remember anything different. He does wish he wouldn't have to go to speech and sometimes he asks if he will ever get rid of the hearing aids and I've explained that he won't but that its not a big deal cuz he's here with us and he's living and he is a very special boy. I think he understands a little more now. We give him information as things come up. So far, so good. Thank God.

Our family is now a little bigger with our baby Jeffrey who is now 2 years old. He has been a blessing to our family. The focus is somewhat a little off of Joey so much and now we have other concerns. I think that has been a good thing for Joey. We are not just hovering over him all the time. Also, he has another little person to love and play with. Jeffrey loves and adores him and wants to do everything Joey does. As Joey wants to do with his big brother Freddy. Freddy is now 10 years old and in 5th grade, going on 30. The big guy around here.

We moved last year to a bigger, more spacious home. We are very greatful to God for that blessing as well. The boys have a great home to grow in and play and spread out. We now have a pool they can enjoy over the summer and a big yard to run around in. I thank God that Joey can experience all of that. Another prayer that has been answered!

We are blessed in so many ways. We are missing our grandmothers terribly as both passed away within the last 2 years. We have our grandfathers and we are greatful for them.

We have little friends that are battling this beast right now and we pray that God will heal them. We pray for them and place them in His loving hands that His will be done but we pray that He will leave them here with their families. This disease has taken so many innocent children and destroyed so many lives. Please join us in fighting for our children. Please join us when we have our yearly fundraiser to help find a cure.

Thank you for continuing to check up on Joey and our family. God Bless your family and keep you all healthy.

Fred, Linny, Freddy , Joey and Jeffrey Vallejo

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E-mail Author: linnyv@aol.com


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