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Thursday, September 8, 2005 9:01 AM CDT

Hello everyone,

Sorry for the gap in posting. Things have been pretty uneventful for the past several weeks. However, Michelle's recent doctors visit and scans have changed things.

The CT scan performed earlier this week showed that the tumor in the lung and liver have increased slightly. From this, the doctors have concluded that the current chemo regiment is not working. Michelle is starting a new therapy on Monday. It requires IV once a week and a couple of oral drugs daily. She will stay on this treatment for six weeks and then the scans will be repeated.

We have not gotten conclusive results from the MRI yet. There is some increase in the size of one tumor. However, we do not know if it is a result of tumor growth or swelling due to tumor death. If it is due to tumor growth, Michelle will repeat the Gamma Knife procedure some time in the near future.

Michelle is going well and trying to keep up with as much of her schedule as she can. We thank everyone for your prayers and support. Please continue to pray for healing, strength, and peace.

Tuesday, August 9, 2005 10:06 PM CDT

Just a quick update....

Michelle is doing better every day after her first round of Chemo two weeks ago. Last week was a tough one for her. She felt extremely fatigued and had some nausea, although it was manageable. She is doing much better this week and even went to work this morning for a few hours. For those of you who may be concerned that you did not see us at the 11 o'clock service Sunday, don't be alarmed. We went to the 423 service Sunday evening so that we could attend the going away party for Gregg and Mandy afterwards.

Michelle starts her second round of Chemo this Monday morning. As I said, she is getting stronger and is looking forward to a good weekend prior to starting the next round. We think that a new set of scans will be performed in three to four weeks.

Thank you all for your prayers and support! Please pray for good hemoglobin counts (so she doesn't need another transfusion), for tolerable treatments, and of course healing.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005 7:34 PM CDT

Hi everyone! The Fairfax’s are back from vacation safe and as sound as we have ever been. We had a wonderful time at Edisto last week. It was hot but the weather was very good and seas were clam. We did all the beach stuff (fishing, crabbing, beaching, and eating). We enjoyed fishing the Edisto 60 reef, eating dinner at Dockside and bingo with the Murrell’s who were also down at Edisto last week. Chris was in heaven with a small taste of freedom as he and Drew biked all around the island and hung out at the marina. Abby and Kate were true beach bums soaking up as much sun and saltwater as they possible could.

We also had a great time with the Barthe’s from Columbia during their overnight visit. Abby and the Barthe girls had a loved the beach but did not appreciate my navigational skills as we were stuck on a sandbar in the middle of the South Edisto River with a thunderstorm threatening. (How would all those horseflies know we out there in the middle of all that water anyway?) We prepared a great meal of boiled shrimp and crab and fried grouper. We have to thank Chris and Drew Murrell for the crab. They are truly the crab masters (a.k.a “The Crab Men of Edisto Island”).

Anne and Rod from Greenville stopped by for a day as they took a break from the fast pace of Kiawah Island. We explored Otter Island and found out it should be called Hermit Crab Island. Abby found the biggest hermit crab I have ever seen. She named it Biggie! We also ate seafood at the Sunset Grill overlooking the marina. You just can’t get enough shrimp, scallops, and good friends.

We hated to come home but here we are. Michelle started a new chemo regiment Monday called the Dartmouth Treatment. We thought that she would begin Interleukin 2 (IL2) this week but after consultation with another melanoma specialist, our oncologists felt that the Dartmouth Treatment was a better option right now. The Dartmouth Treatment is a combination several IV and oral drugs that are given on an outpatient basis for five days straight with two weeks between treatments. The risks and side effects are much less with this treatment than with IL2. So far Michelle is doing well. As usual, her hemoglobin is low. As a result, she will be receiving two units of blood this week to give her a boost. We will continue this treatment for a few cycles before scans are repeated and the effectiveness of the therapy can be evaluated.

We continue to covet everyone’s prayers as Michelle enters this new treatment and thank everyone for all the assistance that has been given. We are still amazed at the kindness we have experienced from our friends and Michelle’s doctors and nurses. We are especially thankful for the help with meals and with assisting us with keeping our children’s lives as normal as possible. Please continue to pray for healing, the effectiveness of the current treatment, the continued effectiveness of the Gamma Knife procedure, and for relief from the side effects of the chemo.

Monday, July 11, 2005 7:13 AM CDT

Hi everyone,
We are back from Montreat and we had a great time. It was very restful. The kids had a great time in clubs and made some new friends.

Michelle is going in for a CT scan today at 10:00 am. We should have the results when we see the doctor later in the day. We are obviously praying for some good news.

Michelle will have a MRI tomorrow at 10am. As I said in an earlier post, the surgeon is not expecting to see any real evidence that the tumors are smaller, just that the disease has not progressed. We, however, are not above asking the Lord to show much more of his power than that!

I will update everyone as we get more info this week. As always, we continue to covet your prayers for healing, strength, and peace.

Thursday, June 30, 2005 10:09 PM CDT

Hi everyone,

Michelle is doing OK. Her hemoglobin is very low but she is getting rest every afternoon. The oncologist is not overly concerned about the low hemoglobin because her white counts are normal. The docs seem to think the low hemoglobin is a result of the chemo. Michelle had a transfusion yesterday to boost her energy level. It seemed to work.

Michelle has an MRI and CT scan scheduled for July 12. The docs have indicated that they do not expect to see any dramatic improvement with these scans. They just want to make sure the disease has not progressed. Apparently, it takes a few months to see the full effect of focused radiation treatments on the brain tumors.

We are having VBS this week and Michelle is doing great job leading the music and the praise band. I am having fun too playing roadie and the drums with the band. Chris is running the sound and helping with recreation activities like water balloon dodge ball. Abby is a VBS participant and is having a blast with her group and helping her mom lead the band during the morning assembly. We are really proud of the involvement of the youth in VBS. We have some really great teens that are doing their best to use their talents by serving in any way they are needed.

We are going on to Montreat next week and we are looking forward to the slower pace. No doctors, no waiting in doctors’ offices, no blood being drawn. Just cool evenings relaxing on the screened in porch, fireflies, rock hoping, leisurely walks, mid afternoon naps, a good book, and salamander hunting (Abby's favorite). No, we don't eat the salamanders! We just keep them in a jar with some creek water for a while. They do make good bait for trout and smallmouth bass though.

We want to thank everyone for your continued prayers of healing and peace and we ask that everyone pray for Michelle to have good health while on vacation and for good results from her upcoming scans.

Tuesday, June 7, 2005 6:17 AM CDT

Hi everyone,

Michelle is doing well. She had an appointment with her oncologist yesterday. He is happy with her general health and the fact that she is still asymptomatic of the disease. Her hemoglobin count was low but everything else was good. Her oncologist decided to take her off of the chemo for a few weeks to allow her hemoglobin to return to normal.

Michelle's spirit is strong and she is generally feeling positive. She is staying busy this summer with the preparation of VBS music and running the kid’s busy schedule. But, she is making time to rest every afternoon. The entire family is looking forward to our yearly Montreat and Edisto vacations. Chris is busy with church camp in Alabama, a mission trip to Charleston and his new grass cutting business (if you live in the Summit, give him a call). Abby is doing science camp, cheerleading camp, and dance champ. I am just working from home as much as possible between all the excitement.

Please continue to pray for healing and strength for Michelle. We also ask that you pray for improved MRI results in the coming weeks and improved hemoglobin counts. The Lord as granted us more peace than I thought possible in this situation and we are thankful for all of you out there supporting us with prayer and assistance with daily life (meals, transportation, etc.).

Friday, May 27, 2005 5:32 AM CDT

Hi everyone,
Michelle had the Gamma Knife procedure on Monday. It was a very long day but the procedure seemed to go well. They were able to treat all the tumors in the brain, plus the tumor bed associated with her surgery (8 areas in all). Michelle was nauseous and exhausted for a few days after the procedure but she seems to be getting her strength back and her moral is improving. We will not know if the procedure was a success for several weeks.

We continue to ask for your prayers for healing and strength for our family. Michelle and I are grateful that she hasn't had any symptoms from the tumors and specifically pray for the effectiveness of the Gamma Knife procedure, improved or clear MRI results in coming weeks, and the continued effectiveness of the chemo on the lung and liver.

As I said, Michelle is feeling pretty good and she is looking forward to a busy summer. Michelle is currently working enthusiastically to organize the music, equipment, and musician for VBS. We are planning to be in Montreat the week of July 4th and may get a week at Edisto sometime this summer. Abby and Chris are doing well and are looking forward to the relaxed summer schedule, vacation, and all of the camps and activities.

We want to thank everyone for your continued prayers and support. It has been a huge blessing and reassurance of Gods goodness and love in times of doubt and worry.

Sunday, May 15, 2005 5:23 PM CDT

We wanted to update y'all on Michelle's focused radiation treatment that was scheduled for Monday (05/16/05). The neurosurgeon involved in the procedure had a family emergency. The procedure has been rescheduled for next Monday (05/23/05). We ask for your continued prayers healing, wisdom for the doctors, and their ability to find all spots and treat them successfully. Michelle also appreciates prayers for peace as she goes into the procedure.


Wednesday, May 4, 2005 9:49 PM CDT

Michelle had the MRI today and we saw her surgeon. The news was not as good as we had hoped. The good news was that there were no signs of recurrence of the tumors that were removed. However, the tumor at the base of her brain has gotten bigger and a few other small spots were detected.

After reviewing the scan with her surgeon, we went to see one of the doctors that perform the gamma knife procedure. Michelle is scheduled to have this procedure done on May 16. It is outpatient and should take approx. 6 hrs. We have not met with her oncologist yet but we are fairly certain that he will agree with this coarse of treatment. I will post more information once we have discussed the MRI with Michelle's oncologist.


Wednesday, April 27, 2005 9:29 PM CDT

Michelle had the CT scan and oncologist visit today. The results of the scan were very good! The CT scan showed that the tumor in Michelle’s lung and the spots on her liver have gotten smaller. This indicates that the chemo is effective. While the oncologist had indicated that it was a possible for the initial chemo to cause a response in the tumors, the chemo was being administered in a low dose regiment with the intention of making the tumor in the brain more susceptible to the radiation. The fact that the chemo was effective on the lung and liver and that Michelle appears to tolerate the drug well is very promising for future treatments.

Michelle will have a MRI of her brain performed next Wednesday. The results of this scan will determine how we go forward. If there is a need for further radiation treatments, a procedure called the Gamma Knife will probably be used to focus radiation on the tumor. Once the radiation treatments are complete, Michelle will mostly likely resume the same chemotherapy at a higher dose.

We are obviously encouraged by today’s results and we are eternally grateful for all the prayers and support. We truly believe that the prayers are making a difference, positively impacting Michelle’s recovery, and providing strength to our family. We were incredibly inspired and strengthened by the show of support and prayers offered at our house last Wednesday afternoon. To have so many friends share their faith and direct prayer in that manner is a wonderful and tremendously humbling thing to experience. Michelle and her mother were deeply touched to hear the songs of praise and the prayers lifted up on her behalf and for our family. I was out of town on business and missed the gathering. When I spoke with Michelle afterwards, it was clear to me that it was an amazing thing and that God was glorified that afternoon on Deerpath Court. Michelle was touched by the entire event and was particularly moved by the children and a prayer offered by one of the children. I don’t know what else to say except “WOW” that was incredibly powerful and we feel truly blessed.


Thursday, April 14, 2005 4:04 PM CDT

Michelle saw her oncologist and the surgeon on Wednesday. She will finish up the radiation and chemo this Friday (tomorrow). The last three doses of radiation will be targeted at the tumor in the back of her brain. She will start another round of chemo at a higher dose in a couple of weeks. The two-week break is intended to give her body a chance to recover from the first round. Michelle has a CT scan of her chest and abdomen scheduled for April 27 and an MRI of her head scheduled for May 4. The scans will be used to determine how she is responding and evaluate the need for further treatments.

Michelle is continuing to get stronger and is improving every day. Even her oncologist was amazed at how well she is doing. I believe it is in part due to her personnel strength and faith but is also in large part due to all the love, support, and PRAYERS we have received from our family and friends. Please continue to prayer for good result for the upcoming scans.

One last note, Michelle is now starting to lose her precious snowy locks. But not to worry, we are keeping them safe in a sandwich bag!


Thursday, April 7, 2005 3:55 PM CDT

We had another visit to the oncologist yesterday. Michelle will continue the radiation for one more week and the chemo for several more weeks. She is still doing well and getting stronger. Michelle did make it work and choir practice this week and even went to Chris's baseball game Tuesday night. We appreciate all the prayers for healing, peace, strength and energy. We read the messages faithfully everyday and continue to be amazed with the faithfulness of everyone’s prayers and continued support.


Sunday, April 3, 2005 9:06 PM CDT

We have gotten through the first week of treatments. Michelle is doing well and is getting stronger. We made it to church this morning and Michelle is planning on going to work for a few hours this week and going to choir practice on Wednesday night. The kids had a good spring break and we will get back to the normal routine on Monday morning.

Michelle’s radiation treatments will continue for two more weeks and the chemo will continue for four or five more weeks. As always, we appreciate your continued prayers and support. We will keep everyone informed of Michelle’s progress as the treatments continue.


Monday, March 28, 2005 4:17 PM CST

Michelle had her first radiation treatment today and all went well. She also took her first dose of chemo last night, which didn't go so well. Her doctor has called in a prescription for a different nausea medicine today in hopes making the chemo more pleasant.

We had a great Easter weekend! Our street had an Easter egg hunt and cookout on Friday. Saturday was full of visitors and Easter dress shopping. And it was great to get the entire family to church Easter morning and to have some family time in the afternoon and evening. Michelle and I missed our duties in the orchestra and choir but the service was wonderful and Michelle was so happy to see our church family and to have the opportunity to worship on Easter morning. Mary Ruth, you rock! Don't think you are going to get out of your percussion duties once I come back. We will make a great team!

I will keep everyone posted via this site as we go through radiation and this round of chemo. The next milestone will be after the radiation is complete and a new MRI is performed. We will be meeting with Michelle's oncologist on a weekly basis and starting to explore further treatments as needed for the tumor in her lung and liver. I know that so many of you are constantly praying for Michelle and our family. We cherish each and every prayer and appreciate all that everyone has done.


Thursday, March 24, 2005 6:32 AM CST

Michelle and I met with the oncologist to discuss treatment yesterday. Michelle will start whole brain irradiation therapy and chemo on Monday. The chemo drug is Timador, which is taken in pill form. Timador is converted by the body into a DTIC, which is the actual therapeutic drug. DTIC was selected because it has been shown effective against melanoma and because it is one of the few chemotherapies that passes through the blood brain barrier. Timador is tolerated well by the patients so we are praying that it does not make Michelle feel too nauseous.

All treatment at this time is out patient. The radiation will be administered five days a week for three weeks and will be followed by concentrated irradiation of the small tumor at the base of the brain. The chemo will continue for five weeks and will be followed by further CT scans to evaluate progress. We are looking at other treatments such as Interlukin 2 and Interferon, but they would not start until we complete this initial round of treatment to control the melanoma in the brain.

Michelle is in good spirits and her faith remains strong. The kids, Michelle’s mom and dad and I are also hanging in there pretty well. We can not express how much all the prayers, visitors, help with meals and transportation, phone calls, and emails have help keep the whole family’s moral high. Because of all that everyone has done, we really have experienced God’s love in this difficult time. The picture in the photo album was taken be her friendly abductors last night at Travinia’s. I was not certain it was a good idea for her to go but they took good care of her and she had a great time.


Monday, March 21, 2005 6:39 PM CST

Michelle has appointments Wednesday afternoon with her surgeon and her oncologist. The surgeon will be removing staples and hopefully releasing Michelle from his immediate care. The oncologist will be presenting us with treatment options.

There was initial talk on the oncologist’s behalf of performing a PET scan this week. He now feels that this is not necessary. Prior to presenting us with options on Wednesday, the oncologist will be conferring Tuesday with the other doctors in his group. Please pray for wisdom for the doctors while they review Michelle's case and while formulating treatment plans.


Saturday, March 19, 2005 7:27 PM CST

Michelle is home! She is doing well as she continues to recover from the surgery. She is tired but she does want to hear from and see our friends. She arrived home about 12:30 pm and has had a steady stream of company. All the visitors have been great for her moral.

The coming week brings a lot of decisions as far as treatments go. We are going to spend the rest of the weekend just enjoying our family and friends. We have seen Gods hand in the people He has put in our path over the past week and in the love of our friends and family.

Friday, March 18, 2005 8:58 PM CST

Michelle got moved from ICU to a regular room #852 late this afternoon.Her chest tube was also removed today!
Michelle was eating and smiling! She continues to recover nicely and the doctors have told her she can come home in 1-2 days.Matt will keep updating everyone as he has new information. Continue to pray for the family and Michelle is open to visitors at the hospital. Until tomorrow.

Thursday, March 17, 2005 4:14 AM CST

Michelle is still recovering well from surgery in the ICU. If all goes well, she will be transferred to the 8th floor today or tomorrow. She is in a lot of discomfort mostly from the chest tube that was re-inserted prior to surgery. Hopefully, the doctors will remove the tube today. Michelle and our family are being sustained by your prayers and the out-pouring of love we have experienced from our church, friends, and nieghbors. We will start planning a strategy for further treatment with Michelle's onocologist once she is moved to the 8th floor and we will keep everyone posted via this site.

I want to especially thank everyone for making Abby's birthday a happy one. We can not express how grateful we are to everyone who worked so hard to make her feel special on this day when her mother and I could not be with her. We have had many prayers answered yesterday and today and we are looking forward with hope to tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005 3:45 PM CST

Michelle has made it through surgery! Dr. Rambo was able to remove the 2 masses in Michelle's brain. When I left the hospital at 2 p.m. the nurse phoned Matt to tell him that Michelle was awake and speaking clearly! Another praise!
Michelle will be in ICU for 1-2 days recovering.
The biopsy has been sent to pathologist.
Dr. Rambo will be discussing with family treatment for the 1 mass in brain, and lung and liver spots.Please know that each family member appreciates and covets all of your visits, prayers, e-mails,and notes of encouragement. Send notes to Michelle at home address and Matt will see that she gets them. Michelle Fairfax-7 Deerpath Court, Cola. S.C. 29229. A sweet card to Chris and Abby Fairfax would be welcomed as Abby celebrates her 8th. Birthday on Wednesday, the 16th.
As soon as Matt knows anything new we will post it on this site. Continue to pray for Michelle's recovery,Dr. Rambo and his staff,treatments for Michelle's cancer, Matt, Chris, Abby,and all family members here and away loving this family.

Monday, March 14, 2005 12:08 AM CST

please check back for additional updates.Today is March 14, 2005.Michelle is scheduled to have surgery tomorrow at 7:15 a.m. at Baptist. Her surgeon is Dr.Rambo.The surgery will take approximatly 3-4 hours. Please keep Michelle and her family in all of your prayers. Matt will be updating this journal after the surgery, so check back for further information. Cards are welcome and can be sent to home address listed.

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