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Saturday, December 20, 2008

We are busily getting ready for Christmas around
here. Kara and I have been busy baking like crazy
people. As soon as we fill the kitchen with goodies
we take it out and give it to someone. We took a
break today and figured we could start again when
Grandma gets here. She is due in Salt Lake pretty

We are missing Devin, but from his phone calls it
sounds like he is having fun. Today his group
was going to San Diego for SeaWorld. Who knew he
would be able to go twice in one year?? I would
have never guessed.

He won a contest the other day. I'll have to write
more about it later.

Hope you are all doing well.

Merry Christmas

Wednesday, December 17, 2008 10:08 AM CST

Things are busy around here!!!
Trying to get Christmas cards mailed, last
minute packages in the mail and shovel the
ever falling snow!!

Santa Baby

Best friends?

Santa visit
Visiting Santa

Maddie & Santa
Maddie had kisses for Santa

Dad and Santa
Dad had a few requests for Santa

Kara had her injections on Friday and lucked out and
met some of the Utah Jazz players, coach and dancers
while she was up at PCMC.

Kara and Jazz
Kara..........the short one!

Hope you and your family are enjoying the holiday
season. We are shipping Devin off for a math camp
and competition tomorrow....he is anxious to get
to CA for some sunshine.........although it sounds
like he may be hit with rain!! Grandma is coming
in for a visit on Saturday so we are busily getting
things done for her arrival.

Thanks for stopping by!! Please sign the guestbook.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Devin's repeat scans were all 'normal'!!
Whew, what a relief!! I had no idea how
stressed I was over these scans until after
they were done! I have been falling asleep
every time I get still! Devin is free to
stay away from the oncology clinic until
next September!!!!!! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

Things are busy here. We had company over
the weekend, then put up a tree on Sunday
afternoon.............AFTER we took the dogs
and the kids to see Santa!!! Maddie thought
Santa was just great. She climbed right up
on his lap and proceeded to tell him she
wanted bones and a new sweater. Willie is
a bit more reserved, but did tell Santa that
he wants a 'walk through' shower....kindof
like a car wash for dogs. We'll see what

Kara is out of school now until after the first
of the year. We worked on crafts today and
hopefully will start baking later in the week.
We were excited to finally get some Christmas
cards in the mail.........one from Mrs. Pam and
the preschool pen pals and another from Trudi
and her family!!! Thanks guys!!! Rosi...also
got a 2nd package from you. Thanks.........we'll
wait until Christmas to open them up.

I've got a lot of pictures to download here pretty
soon. We've had computer issues and things are
not working as well as they should. I'll try to
get them on here soon.

Thanks for your prayers and well wishes for Devin
and our family. We appreciate you!!

December 4, 2008

Things are okay here.

Kara and I worked at Devin's school
last Wednesday for their 'feast' day
at school. We had cooked a turkey,
dressing and mashed potatoes to take
over. There was TONS of food. The
kids had a great time.

We had a nice Thanksgiving with Randy's
family. It was very quiet.

We have been busy with Devin's clubs and
working at Kara's school.

I had a scare with Devin this morning.
He called around 10:30 and said he thought
his arm was broken. Evidently some kid
in his class had pushed a lunch table into
his arm.........hard........on purpose.

Anyway, the dr. got us right it. It was
very swollen and bruised, but luckily not
broken. Its in a wrap and sling for a
few days, but at least its not broken.

Devin tested up for another math competition
and camp that is coming up in a few weeks.
He will be heading to San Diego for a few
days. He seems to always be on the go!!
It really feels like he is growing up way
too fast all of a sudden.

Yesterday I went with Kara's class to the
Junior Achievement "Biz Town". We had so
much fun. It lets the kids be grown ups
for the day......practice banking, working
at jobs, etc... Quite an impressive place!

Tomorrow is Kara's last day of school until
after the first of the year. I'll be helping
with her Christmas party. We're making some
beaded/sequin ornaments.

Devin's got his follow up scans set for
Monday the 8th and 8am. Please pray that
things are still okay and he remains in
remission. I can't stand to think of
anything being wrong...........things
are just going soo well for him.

Hope everyone is enjoying the holidays.

Please sign the guestbook.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Long time without an update.

Things are going well here. Devin is VERY
involved in school and just busy, busy, busy
all the time!! He's constantly doing something
and just doing soooooooooooo well in school.
I cannot tell you how thrilled we are with
his situation.

It is so nice to see a kid want to get to
school and have so much fun while he is
there. He's convinced Kara that she wants
to come to his school when she is ready for
7th grade. She sees him doing so much that
I do believe she is on board. She is happy
with her school right now and has many
friends. I'm glad they both seem to be so

I've been busy here trying to get Christmas
gifts bought and wrapped. Kara is out from
December 5th through the 1st of next year, so
I need to get most things done BEFORE she is
home to spill any secrets!! She is excited
to be home and make Christmas crafts and
cookies with me.

Its been extra warm here in SLC. Short sleeve
weather.....its been a little different!! I'm
hoping it stays nice for a few more days so we
can get lights put up over the weekend. Most
of my neighbors have been taking advantage of
the warm weather to get it done.........Randy
has been out of town...again...so we have
nothing so far.

Rosi....our big lighting of the town is the day
AFTER Thanksgiving. That would be next Friday.
It is also, usually, the biggest shopping day
of the year. With the economy this year who
knows what will happen. The lights downtown
will come on, but who knows if the shoppers
will spend any money.

Devin is still due for repeat scans the first
part of December. I'll have to look at his
schedule to see when he WILL take off time for
the doctor. He does NOT like to miss any of
his school or activities!!! Quite different
from the last few years!!!

Thanks to all of you who continue to check in on
Devin and our family. We are THANKFUL for you
in our lives. We appreciate your continued
prayers for Devin's continued remission.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Things are going well here.

Devin had parent/teacher conferences yesterday
and I could have stayed there listening to all
the compliments all day. I think these teachers
were making up for the past several years!!!
Evidently he is doing well both academically
and socially; popular, well mannered and CUTE.
I totally agree. He is all of the above...and
then some!! I just feel soooooooooo good that
he is having such a good year!!!!

I work 2 mornings a week at Kara's school.
Mondays I work with a group of fourth graders
that need additional help with their reading.
We are doing a 'reader's theatre' and reading
different fractured fairy tales. It is a lot of
fun and the kids are soooo cute!! In Kara's
class I help with testing on Fridays and whatever
else the teacher comes up with me to do. Hopefully
we will start doing the reader's theatre in her
class as well. I think those kids would like it

Randy has been up in Moscow, Idaho at the University
of Idaho the past couple of days. He was asked a
few months back about speaking to a group of math
students there about his career. He spent most of
the day yesterday on the campus. He had his
speaking engagement in the afternoon and said it
went well. One of his old professors that was
retired even came to listen. I am so proud of him
and how well he does. He is one of the smartest
people you could meet!!! He was really impressed
with the set-up they had for him.......a real
reception; then a nice dinner!! Wish the kids
and I could have been there to watch him in action!!

Things on the house are NOT so good. We did receive
the official DENIAL letter in the mail. Even though
the soil report clearly states the fence and cement
were obviously damaged by the water damage, the city's
insurance company has denied any wrongdoing. UNBELIEVABLE.
I'm not sure exactly what the next step is, but I am
sure we will be finding out soon. Fun....

Thanks for stopping in to check on Devin. With the
reports I received yesterday I am in disbelief that
he has been through as much as he has.........I have
NOT discussed his past condition with any of his
teachers and none seem to think anything other than
he is a 'normal' 7th grade boy........so glad!
Thanks for your prayers!!

Please sign the guestbook.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Things are going well here.

We made it through Halloween by doing things
a bit different this year. We met up with
some friends at a local church and went to
a carnival, then took the girls trick-or-treating.
It was so wierd not having Devin here.

Devin made it home Sunday evening. He said he
had a really good time. He stayed VERY busy
while away, but a good type of busy. He looked
so grown up as he came out of the airport wheeling
his bag!! He is growing UP!!

Not much else going on here. Just waiting on
the official report from the city and their
insurance company. I keep thinking it will be
here any day, but turns out they don't do anything

Thanks for checking in on Devin.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!!!


I don't know what this is about, but evidently dad and
Devin have been playing with the camera.......:)

Devin is enroute to Denver with the math kids. He
got out of school a little early to catch a plane.

We had an 'early' Halloween last night. We carved
pumpkins and ordered pizza. Grandpa and Grandmother
came over to carve with us.

Devin & dad carving

P1020705 (2)
Grandpa Ross carving his masterpiece

Maddie got a serious hair cut this week. She is not
too thrilled with her new look. When I went to pick
her up she had on a Halloween bandana. Those are for
boys!! She was glad to get some orange bows to
spruce up her look!!

Maddie and Kara

Randy got me some beautiful flowers for our anniversary!
We even got a sitter and went out for a great dinner
at Flemings. It was my first time there.......it was
good. Randy gets to go there all the time for business.


Mom and Dad on their anniversary.

Here's a picture of my beautiful witch before school
this morning!!!
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Kara !!!

P1020713 (2)
Miss Kara the spooky witch

****The house is on hold. I did speak with the
city manager this afternoon who told me the claim
should be DENIED by the first of the week. Over a
week ago a city employee took water samples out of
my STILL LEAKING basement and we are still waiting
on those results. I think we are through playing
'nice'. We have too much at stake here........the
value of our home, the health and safety of our
family. Whew. The consensus of the structural
engineers that have come out is the drilling was
NOT done far enough down, so we do not know the
compactability of the soil.......so, we do NOT
know how much more sinking we will have. *****

Thanks for stopping by...........please sign the

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Devin had a terrific weekend!! He hasn't
stopped talking about it yet. He said the
dance was great fun. He was a bit confused;
he said it was mostly 'group' dancing...fine
with me!!

The dance was costume optional. He dressed
up as a hippie....again. It was easy...and
it fits him!!

He leaves Friday afternoon for a math camp in
Denver. It is his first flight without one of
us, but he will be with 6 other students and
2 teachers. It should be fun. He is getting
excited; especially since he gets out of school
early on Friday to go!

We have no real Halloween plans. It just won't
be the same without our boy here. I just hope
he has a lot of fun while he is gone. We will
all be missing him!! They will have a Halloween
party at the camp, so I am hoping he meets some
new friends and has fun. He is becoming more
talkative these days.........I think he is just
excited to have things going so well for him.

Thanks for stopping by to check on Devin/us.

Please leave a message.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

We're back!!

P1020544 (2)
Devin and GG

We left last Wednesday after school and spent a
long weekend in OK. We got to see everyone...
well pretty much, and even have an early
Thanksgiving with MY side of the family. I
haven't had T-day with my family in YEARS!!!
It was nice to see all of my old favorites...
foods that is!!

D & K with most of the 2nd cousins...

The kids had a great time. T-Shirt is doing well
and we were all happy to see how well he is getting
along. He had bought the kids a go-cart awhile
back and we all got to take turns riding it around.
He also had bought them a 4-wheeler, but HE
decided NOT to let the kids ride it because it
is so dangerous. Too bad we don't get to OK more
often so they can play with all their 'toys'....
it was good to see the 'hippie bus' again too. Now
Devin is trying to talk T-shirt into buying him
a 'short bus'........we saw one for sale on the
way out to the farm.

Kara on the go-cart

P1020572 (2)
D & K checking out the hippie bus

GG is doing good. She worked just one day while
we were there, but that was fine. The kids and I
just hung out with T-shirt and Uncle.

P1020590 (2)
D, K and Uncle

We were able to geocache a bit while we were there.
We found one that was a webcam in downtown Shawnee.
The kids thought that was pretty cool. We had
perfect weather to do just about anything.

Geocaching in downtown Shawnee, America

One day we headed over to Seminole and did the
Jasmine Moran Children's museum. I was glad to
see they have (finally) added some new exhibits.
I still don't see the intrigue of that place?

Devin in the bubble maker....this is a cool thing!!

Yes, Mrs. Pam we did get your box....actually Wednesday..
the day we left. The kids really liked their spooky
stuff and Randy and I both got a laugh out of the
napkins!!! Thanks. Rosi and Trudi, we got your
packages as well..........thanks so much. I think
the kids have pretty much eaten all of the candy...
at least the chocolates. Thanks!!

Maddie says thanks for the pumpkin get-up!!

P1020611 (2)
Miss Maddie aka Pumpkin Dog

Big plans this weekend.........Devin's school is
having a 'Harvest Dance'. He is so excited to go.
Its only a couple of hours, but Devin is just soooo
excited to go. Kara has a birthday party to go to
at the same time, so that should work out well.

Thanks for stopping by. Please sign the guestbook.

Monday, October 13, 2008

We woke up yesterday to SNOW!! Not the 11 inches
that Michelle got north of here, but snow nonetheless!!

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We are NOT ready for winter and especially not too
ready for snow duty!!! Last year was horrible, with
lots of snow every day.

A couple of weeks ago we took advantage of the nice
weather and took a drive up Provo Canyon and onto
the Alpine Loop. It was so pretty up there. I
would imagine with the cold most of the leaves have
dropped by now.

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P1020425 (2)


There was an amateur dahlia show in Salt Lake City over
the weekend. Kara and Grandpa Ross entered their flowers
into the competition. Kara won one first place (trophy)
for her 'Tomo'. She won a third place for her 'Almond
Joy'. She was very pleased. We were all very excited
for her too. She is planning on growing lots more
flowers next year.

Grandpa & Kara

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Kara's 'Almond Joy' dahlia...3rd place

P1020486 (2)
Devin, Grandpa & Kara with 'Tomo'
1st place

Here's one final picture. Devin had
his friend Isaac spend the night on
Friday night.......The kids decided
to break out the chocolate fountain...
What fun, but what a mess!!! Between
the chocolate fountain and candy
poker these kids were on a sugar high
all weekend.


Thanks for stopping by. Please sign
the guestbook.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Devin is doing well. He made it to school every
day this week!! He's excited because he gets a
break from his math competition team tomorrow and
can have a sleep over tonight. He is having one
of his 'old' friends from the old school over
tonight. I don't know who is more excited; Devin
or Kara. This group likes to stay up late and
play 'candy poker' until all hours of the night.

Here are some recent pictures. No news on the
house yet. We are still waiting on soil tests
to come back. Its been a week today since the
drillers were here. We should be hearing something
the first of next week.

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P1020398 (2)

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Please sign the guestbook.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Not a great weekend.

Devin and I both turned up sick Thursday
night. He was fine by Friday evening, but
I was sick and in bed all weekend. I'm finally
feeling 'human' again.

The geo-tech firm came out on Friday morning
and started drilling. Ten holes that are all
ten feet deep. The holes are now plugged and
they will begin taking water samples sometime
today. I didn't see all of the soil taken
out, but Randy and my neighbor said it all
was wet.....not dripping, but definetly wet!

So we wait. It will most likely take a week or
more to get all of the evaluations back on the
soil testing. ONLY then will the city get
busy. We can't do mold removal until we know
what the city is going to do, so for now we are
staying out of downstairs...........

Thanks for stopping to check on Devin.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Yesterday was a LONG day.
We sped through blood, cardiology, radiology and
got stuck in the oncology clinic. Several hours
in oncology actually.

It was a wierd appointment. We did NOT see our
regular dr., but some strange PA. I mean strange
because of the ridiculous things he asked....
just stuff that anyone (who even glanced at the
chart) would know.......or had spent any time
in the oncology office. Maybe I am picky, but
I feel like I set up an appointment to see
someone who knows something.

We did see Dr. O'Smiley.....those in PCMC
oncology know who I mean. He came in and
did the main exam on Devin. I reminded him
of the cyst at the last appointment so he
felt for it......couldn't find it, but
noticed a discrepancy.......so sent Devin
for an ultrasound then.......

We were told the original findings of the
ultrasound was good. There is some change
evidently, but the cyst was not found.
This was good.

After we got home from our long day Randy did
receive a phone call that the discrepancies
were too significant and there had been some
change since last time. No cancer or cyst
was found at this time, but this is a common
place for lymphoma to re-occur, so Devin
needs to have another ultrasound the first of
December.......unless new changes are noted
before then. Aaghhh.

Almost a clean bill of health.

We wait again.

Speaking of waiting....the drill guys no showed
this morning. Now they are planning on coming
tomorrow, so I need to get some appointments

Thanks for checking in on Devin. Please pray
that this 'issue' turns out to be nothing. He
is doing so well right now and really enjoying
life. I cannot bear to think of that changing.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The last day of September.....whew!!

Devin is feeling much better. He was
able to go to school on Thursday and
Friday (it was a short day) and then
get some extra rest over the weekend.

We did get over to Chili's last night.
Devin ordered his usual; buffalo chicken
fajitas. He loves Chilis. I think one
of the main reasons is their willingness
to do SOMETHING, anything for childhood
cancer!! It was a fun night out. The
manager of the Chili's we went to last
night actually has a five year old
daughter who JUST finished her chemo for
some type of sarcoma.......he told Devin
he was very glad to see him in there
eating and looking so healthy!! Me too.
Thank you Chilis!!

We went up in the mountains (Alpine Loop)
on Sunday afternoon and had a picnic.
Anything to get away from the stress of
this house...........things are not going
so well here, so it was good to get away
and check out the fall leaves.

The yards have been staked out for drilling,
the blue stakes (utility marking people) have
been out and we are due to dig on Thursday
morning. It sounds like the city is going
to have their entire crew here.........for
whatever reason..........hmmm......not quite
sure of that. The geo-tech firm was contracted
BY the city, but NOT part of the city's employees.
Thursday should be interesting to say the least.

We have water AGAIN in the basement and are showing
even more signs of settling/sinking. We had a
structural engineer out here most of the day
yesterday. He was worried about the house and
anxious to hear what the soil reports show.

Devin's scans are tomorrow. We are praying for
perfect counts and continued remission!! Thanks
to all of you for keeping him in your thoughts.

I will try and post some pictures soon.

Please sign the guestbook.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

NO scans today.
We've re-scheduled for next Wednesday.
Devin is too sick/contagious to be in
the oncology clinic around so many
immuno-compromised kids. He is either
sleeping or coughing.........he's now
on cough syrup and antibiotics, so
hopefully he will be getting better.

A guy came out to stake out our yard for
soil testing last night. Blue stakes will
be here to map out the utilities either
today or tomorrow, then the 'big dig' will
happen on Friday.

We do have mold in our home. We cannot see it,
as its under sheetrock, but it is there. We've
got to get the water source (city pipe) stopped
before we can get started on clean up....then I
am sure we'll have some battle on getting it
paid.......I'm just hoping the mold isn't what
is making Devin sick.

Thanks for the prayers. Please sign the guestbook.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

There was no party yesterday. Kara and I
picked Devin up from school and came straight
home. He said he had started feeling bad in
the morning and looked and sounded horrible.
We told him we had planned on going out to
eat, having cake and doing fireworks, but he
was feeling too bad to care.....by 5:30 or
so he was asleep for the night.

Kara made a cake for Devin all by herself. She
can be such a nice sister when she decides to

Today Devin is feeling a bit better. He's just
been taking it easy and being lazy. He was
supposed to go with Randy and Randy's dad to
a University of Idaho football game over in
Logan today, but Kara went in his place. I
think its probably just a really bad cold, but
he is miserable. Poor kid.

When Devin comes home and goes to bed like that
it brings back such feelings of helplessness...
I notice even Kara seems to tiptoe around making
sure that he is comfortable and taken care of...
We all panic any time that Devin is not acting
like himself or is in any type of pain or distress.
I would imagine it will always be that way....even
a simple cold stirs up old memories in all of us.

Some days when Devin goes for a stretch of 'wellness'
I think those days are behind us, but when he gets
sick we are all quickly reminded of what he has
gone through. I somehow think that nothing will ever
be routine with him.

Kara has been home again this week 'off track'.
We've stayed busy with 'house stuff'....still having
people over to access damages. HOPEFULLY we will
have a company over to do the soil reports this
coming week. She will be out this next week too.

Devin's doing great in school. He's staying ultra
busy with all sorts of math activities. He was
invited to be in the math club at school. This
group is in a lot of competitions and get to travel
quite a bit. He is excited about that. He is also
in yearbook club....hopefully as a photographer and
the Robotics club. He is super busy and excited to
be in so many things. We are thrilled to see him so
excited about school.

Scans are set up for the 24th.........

Thanks for checking on Devin.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Three years OFF TREATMENT!!

Devin is at school today. We will
celebrate this major milestone tonight.

We are so grateful to have Devin with

Scans are set up for the 24th.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Five years ago today our world changed.

I knew nothing about childhood cancer...nothing.
The only thing that came to mind about cancer
in my mind was death. To be told Devin "had
a tumor and hopefully its not too late" was
unnerving to say the least. I still replay
those conversations in my mind and stand in
disbelief of all that transpired.

We are sooooooooooooo incredibly lucky to have
this kid. He's alive and doing so well. We
thank God every day to be given this second
chance with Devin.

Thanks for your prayers and positive thoughts
over these past five years. We appreciate you!

Friday, September 12, 2008


Sorry for the delay in updates. I haven't had
much time to sit down, much less update the site.

Devin is doing well. We went to an open house at
his school and evidently he is doing super!! The
junior high thing....switching classes and all...
has been a bit hectic for him, but he is finally
getting the hang of it!!


Kara is off track now and enjoying spending time at
home with me. She is getting as tired of this 'house
business' as I am. It seems everyday we have loads
of people coming over and sizing up the properties.
We are sinking here..........right now it is slight,
but its there!! We are waiting for the city to take
some action...........so far its a s l o w process.

Kara has earned some blue ribbons recently in the
state fair with her dahlias. Her first showing she
got one blue, one special award and a red. Her
second showing was BLUE again!!

P1020367 (2)
Kara and her awards

She has also started taking horseback riding lessons.
I have no idea where this will lead, but its fun for

Kara and Piper

Thanks for stopping by to check on us. We've got
yearly scans coming up soon, so your prayers are
appreciated. September 19th will mark 3 years
OFF treatment!!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Well yesterday all the concrete contractors that
we have been waiting for all showed up at once!
Talk about a slew of people..........

We also had a couple of guys from the pier systems
come and check foundations. My neighbor and I both
got a clean bill of health on our foundations...today.
The future???????????? An unknown.

We've had a few landscape companies show up and
check out the trees. Not good at all. Evidently
between the root rot and other problems things
are not looking good. One guy this morning said
that concrete and plants/trees are the least of
our worries. He said what a couple of people
yesterday said; we need soil samples done.

I don't know a lot about the soil sample process.
I'm researching it now. Seems it is very expensive,
but can tell the likelihood that your house is
going to sail down the river within the next
20 years or so. I'd hate to do 'cosmetic work'
and then have it all turn to crap in the next
few months.

Our freestanding garage did not check out well.
It has a large crack on the front and is beginning
to move. We have to get additional information to
check out the footings on it.

Devin seems good. Kara seems good. School is going
well. Kara starts horseback riding tonight. She
went this morning with Grandpa Ross to turn in her
dahlias at the state fair. She is hoping to get
some blue ribbons!

Thanks for checking up on us.

Please sign the guestbook.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Whew. Never a dull moment around here!

We had a gas leak scare on Thursday evening.
We could smell gas...(me and Mr. Questar), but
after an hour of searching around with his
sensors, Nothing. Good.

Randy came home on Friday after spending the
week in California for business. Its nice to
have him home and have some help in worrying
about things around here. The adjuster for
the city had been here on Thursday.....he
was clueless. When Randy got home another
adjuster was here from Allstate. Both me and
my neighbor have Allstate and they are trying
to get the city's insurance motivated to take
some action.

Our basement is finished and seems okay....no
visible cracks or anything; however, we can no
longer open our windows. I checked them again
this morning and they aren't budging, plus have
water in the windows.....hmm.....too much of
a coincidence?

The kids became "Great" cousins on Friday
afternoon when their cousin, Jeremy and his
wife Chanel welcomed 7 lb, 5 oz Madison Elle
into the world. We went to see her on Saturday
at the hospital. They both can't wait to see
her again. She is a cutie!!

I'm helping Kara finish up a book report, so I
will make this short.

Thanks for stopping by. Hopefully I will give
my camera a break and get some pictures downloaded

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Yesterday was beyond busy.

Mold guy found water in the basement...........
took air samples. No visible mold, but he
didn't do any lifting of carpet.

Tree guy #1 found loads of problems........I
think 5 trees will be lost. Best case scenario.

Gas company was over to repair stressed lines at
my neighbors house. Please don't light any
matches in our neighborhood........we're still
on gas leak alert!!

Air conditioner was taken down, 5 buckets of dirt
were brought over to bring A/C unit back UP...I
believe it was about 5 inches down...putting a
strain on the wiring/tubing. Guess I could have
neglected it and let it fall into the sink hole
under my house.

City sent 2 workers and 3 shovels over for "routine
maintenance" after a NEW sinkhole was found on my
neighbor's property.................They dug about
a foot north of the previous hole in MY yard,
decided things were 'good' and left...........
SO.......I have yet another hole in my yard....yeah!!

New sinkhole discovered behind my falling fence on
another property. City has yet to respond.

Insurance information given to me by the "Risk Manager"
of the City was discovered to be false........

After 5 phone calls I tracked down their coverage and
was told that there was NO CLAIM........the city was
"taking care of it on their own"

After a couple more phone calls I've finally got
an adjuster coming out today. It should be fun.

I'm waiting for yet another cement guy to show up
an access damages. I'm beginning to get a bit

Devin seems to be doing well. No complaints except
getting up early. Character building I tell him...
he doesn't like my answer!!

Thanks for checking in on us.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Its been one year today since Nanny passed away.
We miss her!! The kids are eating cheese crackers
this afternoon and we're thinking of going out
for fish.......one of Nanny's favorites.

The house mess continues.....
The city wants 3 bids on each thing before
they do anything. Homeowners has said they
won't pay, so its up to the city. The
sinkage continues.......

On a lighter note, here is a picture from
Devin's first day of school:

P1020161 (2)
The big 7th grader!!!

Thanks for stopping by.......

Friday, August 22, 2008

We are home.

We got home late Tuesday night. The kids were
both sick with horrible colds. Devin woke up
Saturday morning with a hacking cough. Kara
started in with the coughing and stuff on Monday
night. They both did well on the trip and
enjoyed our time away. We went to the San Diego
Zoo, Seaworld, the beach and even Tijuana, Mexico.
I think the kids liked bargaining in Tijuana the
best of all..........boy did they get some

Kara got some jewelry, a t shirt and some maracas.
Devin got a "Rolex" watch, a ukelele and some other
treasures. They were fascinated with all the shops
and stuff available.

We got home to more mess................!!!!
Luckily my neighbor and I both have the same
homeowners insurance so we got the same adjuster.
Just as we suspected the insurance company will
NOT take care of our claim..........instead we
get to file claims against the city. The adjuster
came out Monday while we were away and the neighbor
took care of all of that. She said he was in shock
over all the damage. He seemed to think the 25 INCH
pipe was probably leaking for at least a year!!!!!
He also said that the city SHOULD have meters to
regulate pressures/output and should have figured
out the leak on their own BEFORE this broken
pipe was 'accidentally' found...........hmmm.

I've got trees moving around....leaning....you name
it. One of my trees closest to the house is covered
in white 'gunk' that is shaking off the tree. One
tree guy came over yesterday and said it is most
likely mold from water saturating the roots.......
another 'expert' in tree disease is supposed to be
out soon. 'IF' it is mold then the adjuster said
we will have to have our home tested for mold.

The courtyard on the front of my house has started
to break away from the house today. I would imagine
by Monday as the ground settles more that it will
start falling down. The gas meter is also beginning
to move again.............the gas company is VERY
aware and keeping an eye on it.

The back stairs are pulling away from the back door...
the patio is cracking and lifting everywhere.....even
the cracks in the driveway on the west side of the
house are being blamed on this leak........

Some of the next steps include having someone come out
and dig down to the footings on the house to see if
they are corroding..........if so they will have to
be re-poored and the house jacked up. (We live in
a rambler with a full basement) Also, some one is
coming out to check to see if the house is still level...
some fancy machine they bring out and sit around in
different parts of the house.

All in all we can just sit here and watch things
sink and crumble around us. Its not funny, but
I have to laugh........things could always be worse.

I'll download some pictures soon.

Devin's first and second days went well. He
just seems sooooooooo much more grown up all
of a sudden!! 7th grade.....where does the
time go?

Thanks for stopping by.

Friday, August 15, 2008

What a mess!

What a BIG mess.........

The city finally got the part and was able to
fix the 25 inch pipe on Tuesday. They've kept
the hole open to make sure everything was okay,
then reburied it on Wednesday. Wed/Thursday they
started hauling dirt/sand in to replace what was
lost under my pool. Randy and I spent Wednesday
and Thursday nights cleaning the pool.......it
hadn't had a pump running in a week, then was
empty.........need I say more. Fun stuff. Randy
thinks its especially something fun to do after
taking off work 3 or more times a day for the
past week to answer questions that arise from
the city workers.

Anyway. The pool is level, but has some places
where the liner is not. A couple of dozen guys
from the city came out this morning with the
intentions of filling the pool from a water
truck with a fire hose. That wasn't working so
well...........the pool bottom was NOT smoothing
out and I told them they could stop. They act
like I am going to be happy with some half-a**
job, but unfortunately for them I am not. Every
time we look around we see more damage. I've
called a pool company to come over and get this
done right!!

The gas company was out this morning to work on
my and my neighbor's gas meters. Originally he
thought hers was in worse shape since it had
twisted almost upside down, but then he got
to mine and had to put a 5 inch extension onto
the pipe and was afraid we had a gas leak. He
called out some other guys from the gas company
and they have spent most of the day here. There
has not been a day in the past week that I have
had any less than 10 workers in the yard for
most of the day. The city crew is gone to lunch
right now and the gas company has just left. We
had our gas off for an hour or so while they made
sure we were safe.

Our homeowners is sending an adjuster on Monday to
access the damage. Luckily my neighbor has the
same company so he will be able to look at every-
thing at once. We share a property line cinder
block fence that is unstable right now. She has
lots of concrete that is cracking all to pieces
thanks to this water leak.

It has been a mess. My dogs have sure enjoyed it
though....they think everyone who comes to the
house is their new best friend and of course they
are thinking the guys from the city are just some
of the regulars. We are on a first name basis
with most everyone at this point.

We got a good deal on some flights and are taking
off to San Diego for a few days in the morning.
We are excited to get away and go to the beach,
the zoo and Seaworld. I don't know who is more
excited; us or the kids? (I'm thinking it is

I'll get some pictures downloaded on here before
we take off. I've got some last minute errands
to run before we leave.

Thanks for checking in on us.

Monday, August 11, 2008

We've been having some real excitement around
here. I have been noticing most homes in our
neighborhood have water pumps back on their
fence lines. I asked one of my neighbors about
it and turns out everyone....except me.....had
access to a secondary water source for watering.
I called the water company to inquire and was
told I SHOULD have access and they would send
someone out to find and access the line for me.

Thursday morning a guy from the city came over and
started looking around the SE corner of my backyard....
He found a MAIN CULINARY shut off that was NOT marked
on any of the city's plans AND a HUGE water leak from
the humongous pipe supplying the secondary water to
my neighbors. He called in a crew and they started

Friday the actual leak was located and several band-aid
attempts were made to slow the flow. The pipe in
question runs under a cinder block fence separating my
yard from my neighbors. My neighbor has a small
area of gravel against the fence...probably 12 inches,
then a large patch of concrete. Most of the digging
is on MY side. All of this digging is done behind
our above ground pool with the pump/water heater/house
being moved off to the side.........Needless to say
we had to shut down the electricity to our yard/pool.
No pump = dirty pool

When they left on Friday we had about a 3 1/2 foot
wide hole by 6 feet deep. They have dug another
2 feet UNDER the footing for the fence....and you
can imagine how the fence is looking about now...
a little stressed. They did come out twice over
the weekend and pump water out of the hole.

Today they showed up and have been here again all
day. The pool has been sinking this summer and we
did not know why........now we do. Since the pool
is already sinking and they need to do MORE digging
they decided today to drain the pool. They have
ordered the replacement parts they need and completely
turned off secondary water to the neighborhood.....
I'm sure the neighbors will be thrilled since the
majority uses secondary for watering their lawns...

They are still here today and we have had no less
than 10 guys or so at a time in the yard. The
mess will get worse before it gets better.

Devin is doing okay. Trying to get school uniform
stuff ordered so he can start the new school on
the 21st. He is getting excited. We are glad
and excited for him.

Kara is enjoying school. She was thrilled today
that she made 100% on her pre-spelling test today
and won't have to take another spelling test on
Friday. She's excited about an upcoming field
trip to Timpanogas Cave........dad will be going
with her class.......mom has received notice AGAIN
for jury duty!!

Thanks for stopping by.
I'll try to get some pictures up soon.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Things are going well here.

Randy got home yesterday afternoon after spending
the past few days at a conference in Nashville.
I thought maybe he might come home with a cowboy
hat, but surprisingly he didn't. I asked him if
he'd be interested in moving to TN, but he said
NO, his allergies were even worse there than they
have been here this summer. He has been having
horrible allergy problems for some reason. Sneezing
and gunk all the time..........thats with his

Devin is feeling okay. Same stuff, different day.
He still can't make it through a meal without
having to make a rush trip to the bathroom....so
much for the new drugs.

Kara pulled a good stunt earlier this week. She
woke up on Tuesday saying her head hurt. I think
the main reason it hurt was because she didn't
get enough sleep on Monday night...........She
went to school and by 10:15 had called me with
'the worst pain'. I picked her up and while I
was signing her out I noticed that her new
best friend had also signed out earlier. On
our way home I questioned Kara about this and
found out that not only was her friend sick, but
the teacher was out as well. That explained a
lot. She laid in her bed for about 10 minutes
before she was up asking me for some lunch.
While I prepared some left-over pizza she
glanced at the school's lunch schedule on the
fridge..............turns out the kid was
missing cheese nacho day at school!!! Talk
about MAD!! I think she picked the wrong day
to play sick.........no more nachos all this
month!! I'm still not believing I picked her
up. I guess better safe than sorry....

Not much else going on here. I've been working
at going through closets. Kara seems to outgrow
things before I can get them washed and hung
back up!! The kid's foot is at about 6 1/2 now!!
She is catching up with me.

I've been doing a lot of reading over the summer.
An interesting book I've just finished is called
Its a good one if you're interested in polygamy
and stuff like that :) Very interesting...almost
as upbeat as the holocaust books I've been reading.

I found this wierdo story while scanning CNN for
any new news on the missing Florida girl....Caylee.
Nothing new there, but check this out:

Guinea pig festival

Thanks for checking up on Devin. Please leave
a message.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Things are going well here.

Randy's building got cleared and he is back
at the office. He enjoyed his little 'vacation'
and didn't get much work done from home. He
landed up spending the day with me up at PCMC
while Dev did his neuro-psych on Tuesday.

Speaking of the neuro-psych........not such
great news. His processing speed is continuing
to decline.............this is not a good
thing. We will be looking into some alternative
therapies for him. That damn chemo is continuing to
wreck havoc on his brain. It is really a blow.

Kara's school is going well. She met a 'new
best friend' today. They have a lot in common
she tells me. They both love lip gloss, horses,
dogs and conditioning their hair!! It sounds
like they may have been separated at birth!!
We are glad she is enjoying school so much.
We had open house last night and her teacher
had so many positive things to say. It looks
to be a promising year.

Devin is REALLY into geocaching these days. He
got interested while at camp and is now addicted.
We've gone out a couple of nights this week
looking. There are several really close to our
house. Dad splurged and bought Dev a really
nice GPS after his 6 hours of testing the other

Thanks for checking in on Devin.
Please sign the guestbook.

Monday 7-28-08

Maddie enjoying the great outdoors

We had another busy weekend getting Kara
ready for her first day of 5th grade. I
still can't believe my baby is 10 years old!!

Before we got to bed last night we got an
interesting call from Randy's boss. It
seems the small storm that we had experienced
earlier on Sunday evening turned out to be
a bigger storm a few miles away at Randy's

P1010832What a mess!!

The old building where Randy works
experienced A LOT of damage. The top front
of the building is OLD brick (3 layers thick),
with windows on the rest of the front. When
we went down to see the damage most of the
brick had blown down and was covering the
sidewalk. It looked horrible. Police tape
surrounding the building and into the street;
quite a mess!!!

P1010834 (2)
Randy, Devin & Kara surveying the damage

Anyway, the city has condemned the building
until someone can get inside and check things
out. All the power and utilities have been
shut off for the time being...........for now
everyone is working from home. Luckily no one
was there at the time and evidently there were
no other damages done to neighboring buildings.

Not looking so good........no broken glass!!

On a lighter note, Kara LOVED her first day
of school. She said she met several new friends\
and hooked up with some older friends as well.
She came straight home and was excited to tell
us everything about her day. We were all very
happy for her. Its nice to see her so happy
and excited!!

P1010837 (2)
Devin and Kara on HER first day of school

Devin and his 5TH grade sister

Ok, here's some pics from when GG was here.

P1010803 (2)
GG, Devin, Kara and Randy

P1010792 (2)
GG and Mr. Devin

P1010790 (2)
GG, Maddie and Devin

Devin and Dad

P1010796 (2)
Devin, GG and Kara

Devin has his neuro-psych follow up in the morning.
He is NOT looking forward to it...lots of boring
testing, but Randy and I both would like to see
what is happening with him. Some days are better
than others.........

The gastro FINALLY called me!!!!! He still is pretty
much clueless, but is starting Devin on a drug to
settle his stomach down. Most of the testing came
back pretty good..............he does have a vitamin
D deficiency, but we need to talk to oncology before
we start him on any supplements. The gastro had
suggested just a good multi-vitamin, but we have
always been told to limit his folic acid....and that
is already high. Maybe we will run into someone we
can talk to up at PCMC tomorrow while Devin is doing
his tests. Hope so.

Thanks for checking on Devin and keeping him in
your thoughts and prayers. Please sign the

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Well we made it through the 24th without the
law visiting our house...........yee haw!!
We weren't the only ones in our neighborhood
who had made the trek to Wyoming for illegal
fireworks.......hmmm. I was beginning to think
we were the only sinners in the neighborhood.
Guess not.

Things are going fine here. Devin is getting
very excited about back to school and that is
exciting to all of us. Last year was pretty
lame, so to think that this year there will be
GIRLS and more than 8 other kids in his class
is super exciting to him!! He found a super
cool backpack today and seems ready to go....
August 21st is the big day!!

Kara also got a new backpack, but is more interested
in getting signed up for horseback riding lessons
than worrying about school starting on Monday.
She's now convinced that she is a 'real cowgirl'
and needs her own horse. She has been searching
online and has even found some free ones in our
area; never mind that we have NO WHERE to put a
horse, no knowledge of horses and she hasn't done
the greatest job taking care of Maddie (HER dog).
She has her mind on horses and that is all there
is to it!!!

STILL no word from the gastro. I hope there was
nothing seriously wrong or we could have a real
issue here. I got the EOB from the insurance
company in the mail today...........this dr.
charges $200 for an office visit!?! Wonder
how much more I'll have to cough up to get him
to call me back??

FINALLY got the kids' report cards in the mail
TODAY. Not super great, but not horrible either.
I noticed they were printed on June 6th.....sure
must be some slow mail here in SLC, but just
glad to finally receive them!!! I needed Devin's
SAT and report card for the neuro-psych follow-up
on Tuesday. We're just checking to make sure
nothing 'falls through the cracks'.......he had
some issues on the first set of testing done
during 4th grade so this is a follow-up to see
if the chemo has continued to do damage. I'm
clueless as to what the tests will show, but the
dr. says we will get the results quick....how

Its been hotter than I can remember this summer
in SLC. We've had some 100 plus days which make
being outside pretty miserable. I am so glad
I don't have to be out in the heat of the day.

We took the kids to see Wall-E this afternoon.
We hadn't been to a movie in a long time and
everyone seemed to enjoy it. Devin complained
about going.......he thought he was 'too old'
for this Disney movie.........but I reminded
him of how Enchanted kept him in his seat
earlier in the year!!!

Thanks for checking in on Devin. Please sign
the guestbook, so he'll know you were here.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

I'm getting to a point where I don't think about "our news"
anymore. I think we have given up on it happening and
are going about getting on with things. If you 'need'
to know what it was about, e-mail me privately and I
will fill you in..........there are reasons it was NOT
mentioned on here.

We had another fun weekend with GG visiting from OK.
We had planned to go to OK, but our friends at Delta
airlines think that RT tickets from SLC - OKC are
more valuable/expensive than a trip around the world,
so Grandma came to us!! We had fun and the trip went
by way too fast!!!! We're hoping to get out there
over fall break...

Devin and Kara are doing well. We went ahead and
enrolled Kara in the public school which backs our
house. She has gone there before, so should know
some kids. It is a year-around school, so I'm not
thrilled about that, but I just was not so happy
with the Lutheran school this last year. We still
have NOT received our report cards or SAT scores!!!
School has been out since the first week of June!!!
We did get an envelope from the school today...with
another kid's info.............wonder where my kids'
stuff is?

We've got Devin enrolled in a charter school for
math and science. He is super excited about starting
school on August 21st!!! He will be switching classes
and have lots of extra activities available through
the school.

We still haven't heard anything from the gastro. I
am beginning (no, not really beginning) to think the
dr. is a nutcase. He had ordered all those tests
through the pediatrician back the end of May....but
apparently never looked at any of them. ????What the
hell?? I mean my kid gets seven vials of blood drawn
for nothing it seems. AFTER I explained to him on
the 11th appt. that the tests he was talking about
doing had already been done he finally went and
looked them up...............AFTER he told me several
times how to do 'poop collection'............PC is
nothing new to me. I've collected my fair share and
then some.............and evidently this poor 'poop
dr' has no idea of the 'hats........designed especially
for this purpose'. So...........we did all the samples
and bloodwork a week ago this Monday and ARE still
waiting to get results on that...........I've called
his office a few times and still not having anyone
call me back. Let me assure you that I put on my
sweetest voice when I call.............I wonder if
the receptionist gives him any of his messages? I
am thinking the way to get results is to call the
pediatrician and have him contact the gastro.....?
Seems pretty backwards, but seems like backwards
and medical 'professional' sometimes go hand in hand.

Tomorrow is the big Mormon holiday....."Pioneer Day".
Its an excuse for our family to have friends over
and shoot off illegal fireworks!! Fireworks are
legal on 4th and 24th here, but unfortunately
illegal/bootleg fireworks are illegal all the time.
I am usually out of town for this holiday, but thanks
to high gasoline prices we are home. There is a
humongous parade downtown.........lucky for us its
on all the major networks ALL DAY tomorrow. People
treat it like the Macey's parade or Rose parade and
actually camp out for good spots. Not me....I'm not
one of the majority here and could care less about
their parade.

Hope everyone is enjoying their summer. Thanks for
stopping in to check on Devin. Hopefully we will
get some answers soon on his gastro issues........I
mean I've already received the bills for some of
the tests done!!!!

Please sign the guestbook.

Monday 7-14-08

It was a busy weekend. We had loads of company
and very little sleep. We all had a good time!
We had visits from Randy's Aunt Anita and Uncle
Bud from Seattle, as well as some of his 'old'
friends from Idaho. It was a good weekend....

This morning didn't start off so well. I got a
knock at the door pretty early from my neighbors.
It was not good at all. She didn't know all of
the details, but the people who had lived in our
home before us had lost their eighteen year old
son yesterday. Evidently he became sick while
camping, was taken to a local ER, then died shortly
thereafter of a blood clot. This is a complete

As a parent, I think the worst thing you
can think of is to lose a child. As a cancer
parent somehow I never had death in the forefront
of my mind, but felt I was probably closer to
dealing with it...and perhaps even more prepared
for anything than others? I don't even know
if this makes sense. The suddeness of this
death I would imagine would just be even harder
to handle.

I told the kids. They had met Tyler a few times
and thought he was really nice. He was always
very kind to them in the brief encounters they
had. Devin was very shaken by this. He has
asked me numerous times if maybe he had had
cancer and no one knew it? Every time I think
he is not thinking about it he asks me some other
question that I really dont' have an answer for...
It has been a hard day in our neighborhood and
I'm sure hell for Tyler's family. Please say an
extra prayer or two for this family.

In lighter news, Devin did finally get in to see
the gastro dr. on Friday. It was an experience
to say the least. We finished up 5 vials of blood
testing and 'samples' this morning. The dr. is
thinking he is not absorbing vitamins and nutrients
from his food. We shall see.

Please remember our friends:



Thursday, July 10, 2008

Here's some pictures from the 4th. We had fun.
Our old neighbors brought over their new puppy.
His name is Toby and he is tiny....I think he
is about 10 weeks old. He is a golden-doodle.

Devin & Uncle Sam

P1010716 (2)
Maddie, Randy and "Toby"....Holly's new puppy


Devin lighting off fireworks

P1010734 (2)
Maddie and Kara taking a swim

Devin & mom

P1010739 (2)
My birthday fountain

Devin FINALLY has his gastro appt. tomorrow. Hopefully
we can get him figured out. He is having the same
problems since he is off of the steroids.....hmm.

Still hot as everything here. The kids have been
spending a lot of time swimming.

Thanks for stopping by.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Happy Birthday to me!!

Yes, the mom of the house is wearing the birthday
crown today!!! Its been a good day and we're
planning on doing nothing but fun things all day!!

I have been showered with gifts from my family and
have been promised a trip to see one of my favorite
caringbridge kids later in the week..........life
is good around here!!

I'm so lucky to have two HEALTHY, happy kids. If
your kids are home with you safe and sound, don't
take it for granted. Our paper today lists a story
of a 7 year old shot in gang-related shooting while
playing in her own yard. Another story is about a
memorial for another 7 year old killed a few months
back in her own neighborhood. It doesn't take a
cancer diagnosis to change your life!! Hug your kids
a little tighter. There are no guarantees in this

Thanks for the birthday wishes.............!!!!

Please say some extra prayers for our friends:



Thursday, July 3, 2008

Mrs. Pam we received your box in today's mail. I'll
open it in the morning and let the kids have their
4th of July stuff. Thanks....

We've had an interesting day. Devin & Kara invited
a friend (Devin's) over to play yesterday. This
kid has never been to our house, yet was dropped
off. I always find this a little wierd........to
barely know someone, yet drop your kid and basically

I didn't pay much attention and just let the kids
play. An hour or so later I noticed a bag in the
living room that contained a sleeping bag.....I
guess I still didn't clue in. I told myself it
was a prop for one of their videos they were making.

Joke was on me; about 8:30 I said we needed to figure
out how he was getting home. NO....he was planning
on spending the night. No one answered at his house
when I called. This morning I got up and told him
it was time to go. I was planning on driving him
back across town before I went to my 11am doctor's
appointment. He started saying that his mom and
dad weren't home and he couldn't be home alone.....

Randy came home and watched the kids while I ran to
the doctor.........While I was away our friend decided
he was some kind of computer guru and 'fixed' our computer;
wiping out some of our programs and all of our favorites.
No apology. No remorse.

Finally at 4pm mom shows up and innocently asks if they
had fun???? I told her what had happened and she said
she would have a talk with him. While I was telling her...
and I told her so her son wouldn't go home and tell her
how mean we were since we weren't exactly thrilled with
what had happened........this kid is ROLLING HIS EYES at
me!!!! Whew. Trying to get ready for our 4th party and
instead following the kids around waiting for him to
decide to 'fix' something else. Never a dull moment.

On a better note we have found a new school for Mr. Devin.
It is a charter school focused on math and science. He
took a math placement test a couple of days ago and did
VERY WELL!!!! The teacher was very impressed and said
he can begin the year in Algebra 2 if he wants to be
challenged! Devin is so excited. He hasn't even taken
Algebra 1 yet, so this is quite a jump!!! He has always
been good at math........takes after his dad!!

I hope you all have a very happy and safe 4th of July!!

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Devin had a tremendously good time at camp. He
said it was his best year ever!!! It was so
good to seem him so happy and feeling so good
about his time there.

Devin & his counselor, Bill

Devin & his old friend, JT
JT is his cabin mate, Riley's brother

They did the usual camp stuff at teen camp, but
also did scuba diving, rock climbing and mountain
biking!! He said it was just so much fun. A
very busy and fun time! He said all of the boys
in his cabin were in his cabin last year too, so
he knew quite a few kids.

P1010700 (2)
Devin & some of his nurse friends from camp

P1010696 (2)
Little JT finished treatment in March

Kara is glad to have her brother back. She said
she didn't really miss him, but the two have been
inseperable since he came home. Its good to see
them playing so well together.

Dad, Kara & Devin

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Devin & his memory box he made at camp

Thanks for checking on Devin and praying for his
continued remission.

Please say some extra prayers for




Tuesday, June 24, 2008

I got Devin off to camp yesterday morning. He
looked so young compared to all those bigger
kids. He looked a little intimidated, but I
am sure he will be fine. He was just so excited
to be there.

While I was gone Randy made the calls for the
ortho docs. Our old neighbor works over at
TOSH and was able to help. She was able to
pull up the xrays and the original radiologist
notes. She also had a couple of other docs
read the xray for their impression........
result: growth plates!!! IF there is a break
it is a small hairline fracture........3 docs
agreed the split on the xray was a growth
plate. Whew.....that makes me feel better. I
was beginning to wonder if my whole family
was falling apart. She is supposed to keep
weight off of that side of her foot, but other
than that, she is good to go!!!

No other news here. Its officially summer time
with temps in the mid 90s. I am sure Kara will
be doing a lot of swimming now that she is off
the hook for that cast.

Thanks for stopping by.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Kara had a great time at camp!!!! She was sad
to leave as this is her LAST year as a camper.
She told her counselors she would be back when
she is 15 as a CIT...counselor in training.


She said she met some really nice kids there;
one of them being a boy on treatment. He
kindof reminded me of Devin while he was on
treatment; patchy hair and prednisone face..
quite a cutie!! She said that she even danced
with him at their big dance.....wow!! I was
glad to see she made so many friends.


We drove home from camp and decided to take a
swim and just take it easy. We left dinner
plans up to Kara and she decided SHE would fix
us all sandwiches. She went inside and made
one of her specialties while the rest of us
waited outside on the patio. She brought the
first 2 sandwiches out fine...........the next

She missed the next to last stair and fell.....
she did keep her arms up and kept the plates
from crashing, BUT she did break a bone on the
outside of her right foot. I am honestly
surprised it wasn't any worse.........I think
if she wouldn't have kept her arms up she
could have broken arms or wrists...or possibly
knocked out teeth. This is her first broken
bone.......HOPEFULLY her last. It truly was a
freak accident. I think if she hadn't of been
so tired from camp it wouldn't have happened...
but, that is why they call them accidents!!

We took her to an insta-care place on Friday
evening and the swelling was so bad that they
just put a temporary cast on it. We are to
call tomorrow and get her into the orthopedist
and see what they want to do with her......
hopefully just a solid cast. She's already
decided she wants a green one.


Needless to say this has put a damper on her
summer plans. She was supposed to start a
drama/dance camp tomorrow. Not going to happen!
Not only do they dance most of the day, but the
afternoon finishes up with swimming. I feel so
bad for her. She was really looking forward to
it. Hopefully her time as a patient will be

Devin leaves in the morning for Camp Hobe. He is
so excited to be going to TEEN CAMP. We are going
to the store after while to get the rest of the
things he thinks he needs........snacks and silly
string. He is tapering off the steroids so hopefully
we can find enough shorts around here that fit to
get him through the week. He had gained 10 pounds
when he was at the pediatrician on Thursday!!! He
is NOT happy at all about that. I know how he feels
and I'm not even on steroids. You forget how crazy
steroids are when you havent' dealt with them for

We're having an early birthday party for Grandpa Ross
tonight at our house. His birthday is actually tomorrow,
but we wanted Devin to be home to celebrate. It is
nice and warm here so we are looking forward to eating
outside tonight!!

As soon as I can locate my camera I will download
some new pictures. Thanks for stopping by and signing
the guestbook.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

The week has been quiet at our house. We'll
pick Kara up from camp tomorrow afternoon.
Devin will head to camp on Monday morning.

We've had fun having Devin by himself this
week. He finishes swimming lessons tomorrow.
He has really made improvements over the past
two weeks. His diving has really improved.

We spent the afternoon in the pediatrician's
office (again) today. He had fallen (again)
and we had to double check that he hadn't
broken anything else. It seems like anything
can happen these days.

We spent Tuesday afternoon up at PCMC seeing
the orthopedist. He said that Devin's bones
just seem to be having a hard time these days,
but we have to let him be a kid. He said
most likely we will be back in with another
broken bone within the next 3 months...not
so encouraging.

On a happier note, Devin got his new glasses
today. It took him quite awhile to pick out
something he liked, but here's the final



I'm not so sure that Kara will recognize Devin with
the new haircut and glasses!!

Thanks for checking on Devin. Please sign the

Monday 6-16-08

We had a good weekend.

Sunday was all about DAD!!! We took him to
breakfast at Dennys, then packed a picnic
lunch and headed up to the mountains for
a hike. We finished up the day with a cook-out
at home and some swimming! We were busy!!

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Kara spent last night getting her own things
together for camp. She did a very good job
packing and getting ready. Surprisingly she
wasn't interested in taking too many extra
things. I was impressed. She was soooooooo
excited to be going to camp without Devin.
He is going next week to TEEN CAMP.....hmmm.

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Devin & Kara THIS MORNING before camp

P1010595 (2)
Kara....happy on the top bunk!

This morning I dropped Kara off at KID camp
while Randy took Devin to swimming and tennis
lessons. He's been doing swimming lessons since
getting out of school, but just started tennis
today. Afterwards Randy decided to take Devin
in for a haircut. Whoa..........

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Devin and the new do...looks like dad got his money's worth

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Devin was NOT too happy with the cut.....

Tomorrow Devin has his ortho appointment. I have a
feeling he is going to get chewed out by the doctor
for all the crazy things he continues to do....we
shall see. I'm just hoping we don't find out any
surprise news........

He's started the taper for the steroids and back
to the same old habits. I guess we will be seeing
the pediatrician again before camp since the gastro
can't seem to find a spot for him before the end
of July. I think the steroids helped for awhile
at the higher dose, but this lesser dose just isn't
cutting it.

Thanks for stopping by. Please sign the guestbook.

Friday, June 13, 2008

I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed. The kind of
overwhelmed that makes you stop asking what next.

The kids officially started summer vacation
this week. We've also started swimming lessons;
which are going fine........even though Devin
thinks I have ruined his life by scheduling them
at 9am.........I'm really convinced that one day
he will thank me for not allowing him to sleep
his summer away.

We went to physical therapy (finally) yesterday at
8AM for his foot. I was half tempted to cancel the
appt. I had made so long ago, but stopped myself
when I thought of how it would look when I took
him back to the ortho.....I certainly didn't want
to get the bad mother award for just deciding on my
own what was best for my schedule. Sooooooooo
glad I didn't cancel. The PT is worried about his
leg..........AND BOTH of his feet!! He is showing
signs of MORE nerve damage..........from chemo
no less. We've got a list of 5 intense exercises
twice a day and an appt. to come back next week.
The PT also wants Dev in for another xray BEFORE
he leaves for camp on the 23rd....

I called PCMC's ortho dept as soon as we got home
from swimming lessons...around 10am. Of course
they were busy. I knew they were busy before I
called. I knew they'd have to take my information
and "call me back".........I knew it was probably
hopeless calling up there, but then again, everytime
I get that feeling I just picture that sign so
proudly displayed on the entrances of the hospital...

"The Child First and Always"..........except when we
are busy or need to take a lunch break.

The super-busy gal NEVER returned my call. Never
just told me to suck it up, or call someone else...
I guess that is for me to figure out today, after
waiting patiently all of yesterday.

It makes one feel a little defeated.

Two bad news, chemo will haunt you for the rest
of your life, issues in less than a week!! I
just don't understand. I feel the need to be
mad, but am just too scared to be mad. I'm
thankful the 20 pills Devin has been taking for
his Crohns flare up have now been reduced to
18 and seem to be helping.........but at what
cost? The poor kid just needs a chance to be
a kid.......without wondering what bone is going
to break next or where the closest bathroom is.
I just feel so bad for him because all the dreams
and hopes I had for him are seeming to disinegrate...
there will always be the big question as to what might
have been while we put back the pieces of what he
has been left with...........we are scared. We
try hard not to let it show, but its always there.
If its not the fear of a relapse, its the fear of
what the chemo has done. Who knew almost 3 years
(9-17-08) after ending chemo he would still continue
to have so many issues?

Thanks for listening. Gotta get ready for swim

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Back online again!!! Hopefully we are fixed
for good this time....we have a new spyware
that is supposed to keep us better protected.

Devin's meds are helping him keep more food
down. He said he still hurts, but not nearly
as bad. This is good.

Kara's procedure went well yesterday. Its much
easier going through the RTU (Rapid treatment unit)
than the OR..........whew. That was a lot of

After we finished up at the hospital we met Devin
and Randy over at the water park for the last day
of school. It was TOO COLD to be there, so we
didn't stay long. The kids enjoyed their time
there and no chance of sunburn.........just a dark
and dreary day.

Finally warmed up a little today. Maybe 70 or so....
still not summer type weather. We had Randy's
parents over for dinner tonight; an early Father's
Day dinner. They will be gone on vacation next
week so we celebrated tonight.

Devin's eye appointment on Thursday went well. The
health of his eyes is great. I learned something
new; kids/people who take steroids for prolonged
periods of time are more at risk for developing
cataracts early. So far though everything looks
good. He DOES need glasses, so we will be getting
those shortly. The doctor also recommended getting
his eyes checked every 6 months simply to keep tabs
on the health of his eyes. Sounds like a plan.

Not much other news here. Just good to be back
online. I feel like I'm really missing out when
I can't get online and look things up and check
on our friends.

Thanks for stopping by. Please leave a message.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

We spent yesterday morning at the pediatrician's
office. He, in turn, called the gastro to see
why in the world nothing could be done for Devin
before July 11th. The doctor evidently has his
calls screened by the receptionist and only gets
about every 30th message or so...we were supposed
to be seen in his office this week or next...this
is what the gastro told the pediatrician, but the
receptionist called today and actually offered me
an appointment in LATE JULY..............he is
scheduled for July 11th. Guess I'll have to get
the ped. to call the gastro again and explain
what is going on with his front office.

Anyway, the drs talked and started Devin back on
steroids along with 2 other kinds of pills. He
went to the lab and had about every type of blood
test done. I know they are mainly concerned with
blood loss and liver functions.......from what I
could hear of their conversation. Devin has lost
4 lbs in the past week and a half. I think I
found the weight :)

Today is the kids' official last day of school. I
am so glad. Devin's teacher wrote me a nasty note
in his 'conduct folder' last night about how she
had been inconvenienced all year with Devin's appointments.
Gosh, I hate that. Devin and I have had SO MUCH FUN
driving all over town to see different specialists and
try out new drugs and therapies. Her inconvenience
just makes me want to slap her!!!!!!!!!!!!! Be
assured I wrote her a sweet note back. Does she
honestly think Devin enjoys this life??? Wondering
if he can eat today since he is going to be at school?
Wondering which bone is going to break without much
effort? Wondering if he'll need another blood transfusion?
Wondering if you'll get the thrill of another colonoscopy
over summer vacation? The fun just never ends.........nor
do the medical bills.

I finally got a call from Kara's neuro regarding the
injections. He found her a spot in the regular O.R.
for tomorrow morning. She has been having way too
much pain and just falling asleep anytime she gets
still. This is all from that minor accident back in
August of 2006!!! What a mess that turned out to be.

Still waiting for our news. I know this may not sound
like that good of an update. I feel bad that Devin's
teacher has tried so hard to make him feel like a freak
all year..........but honestly, we are the ones that
really deal with all of the baggage that cancer forced
into his life and we're (meaning DEVIN) are not complaining..too much anyway. We are just so thankful
that the chemo/radiation gave him a second chance at
a somewhat normal life......we'll deal with things as
they come our way.............this is a big reason we
are sooooooooo interested in money for cancer research.
These problems that Devin (and so many others) are
experiencing are direct results of toxic chemotherapy...
if we can cure male pattern baldness surely there has
got to be a CURE on the horizon for the big C. A cure
that doesn't leave you with so many problems...

Please pray for Hadley. www.hadleyfox.com

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Devin has new symptoms. I am trying to get him
into the pediatrician today.

He has an appt. with an opthalmologist tomorrow

Kara is still falling asleep any time she gets
still. I'm STILL waiting for the neurologist
to get back with her appointment. She hasn't
been this bad in a long time.

We have no computer access at home so I
will update again when I can.

Please pray for Hadley..

Please sign the guestbook.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Things seem crazy here. Everything is up in the air
awaiting 'our news'. Everything. I feel like my
entire life is on hold. Even simple things like
buying groceries have become too thought involved.

Devin is having quite a battle with his ailments. He
is having s much trouble with his stomach. It makes
me wonder if he really is going to outgrow the crohns...
its certainly better than 'c', but its not any fun;
especially for a kid. He is now refusing to eat unless
he is home. That means no breakfast or lunch...or
anything until he gets home from school is out. Luckily
school is done this week..............yeah!!
(Gastro appt is July 11th)

He's also had sudden vision changes that hopefully
are just related to his age. (Try having a kid on
chemo for 2 years and making yourself believe that)
He is fine with his close vision, but distance is
a different story. Also, more migraine-type headaches..
probably at least one a week!! Ouch.

The foot is healing nicely. He hasn't listened to
the doctor (or me) about being careful. He still
seems to think he is invincible...........he gave
up 'the boot'....too hot for this time of year. The
doctor said a couple of weeks would probably be
good, so at least he did that. He starts physical
therapy on June 12th.

Randy turned 42 yesterday. He's been in San Francisco
the past few days. The kids and I had an early party
for him before he left and will have another for
him when he gets back tomorrow.

Please go by and offer some support to our friend, Hadley. www.hadleyfox.com

Gotta run, Kara just called from school and is sick
and needs to be picked up. The fun never ends.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Randy decided at the last minute that he was taking
off work to enjoy the long weekend. I got some last
minute cancellations on some rooms and we headed down
south to Zion National Park.

Devin and Kara.....doing a little hiking.

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Kara, Devin & Randy at Zions

D & K on hotel grounds

On Sunday night we spent the night in cabins on the
other side of the park. We were able to go horse-
back riding for the first time. Devin liked it, but
Kara LOVED it!!
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Devin on "Moe"

Kara riding "Steel"

On Monday we drove up to Bryce National Park. Its more
like the Grand Canyon........you have to hike down, then
come back up.

Dev at Bryce Canyon

Kara, Randy & Devin down in the canyon...

Bryce Canyon

D & K

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Tree growing up the canyon

Back at the top of Bryce Canyon

We had a good time getting away. Now its back to the
waiting game again for 'our news........It is maddening
to not know what is going on and hard to plan out the

Yesterday the kids participated in Field Day with the
other local Lutheran schools. They both came home with
ribbons and a little sunburn!! Yesterday was a perfect
day to be outside........I think we may get more rain

This afternoon President Bush is flying into SLC.
Hopefully we'll be able to catch a glimpse of Air Force
One as it flys over.........he's supposed to be headed
up to Deer Valley to Mitt Romney's mansion.......If we
had an extra $70,000 we could go see him!!! Guess I
will hold onto my money.......

Thanks for stopping by.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Still no news. I think we are getting closer

Devin was in a lot of pain with his arm. Too much.
He is not a complainer, so when he cries we listen.
I called the ER on Friday morning for 'follow up'..
they wanted nothing to do with any type of follow up,
regardless of what their discharge papers said. They
told me if we were worried to take him to the pediatrician.

Off to Dr. Valentine's we went.........turns out Dr. V
was concerned too. He immediately took off the temporary
cast and sent Devin for another x-ray. The x-ray of the
bones was good, but the cast had been on too tight and
was cutting off his circulation into his hand and causing
A LOT of fluid to build up in his arm. It looked very
strange........a very large area on his lower arm that
was full of fluid.

Devin is now in an ace bandage wrap and sling. To get
the fluid down we wrap and un-wrap several times a day.
He is doing lots better. He was able to play bells
yesterday in church and swim (no its not THAT warm)
yesterday afternoon. He is starting to put some weight
on his foot without pain, so that is good too. Hopefully
he can ditch 'the boot' after this week.

Only 3 more weeks of school..........we are so ready to
be done!!!!!

Thanks for your prayers for Devin and our family.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Still waiting, but getting closer.

I took Devin up to his orthopedist yesterday. He
wants to keep him in the boot awhile longer, but
said the xrays were looking better. No skateboarding
or trampoline until at least 6 weeks off of the boot...
plus he wants him in physical therapy for awhile. He
said the break is in a tricky area right by the growth

So much for staying off of the skateboard..........
Randy and I had a babysitter tonight so we could go
out.........this doesn't happen very often. We had
been gone about 20 minutes when we got a call from
Devin saying he thought he had broke his arm.....
doing what? Skateboarding.

We rushed home and took him to the closest ER rather
than driving up to PCMC for a 7 hour wait. After about
an hour and a half we are home. No break; surprised us,
Devin and the doctor. It is very swollen and very sore
so they put him in a temporary cast and sling to keep
it still. He will be in this 4-5 days then re-checked.
The cast is up above his elbow and down over his fingers..
there is no chance of using a pencil or typing on the

He is quite a site with his walking boot and cast and
sling on the right side of his body. Devin is NOT a
happy camper!!! He was supposed to go to Lagoon tomorrow
with his class and of course now he isn't going.....it
was questionable at best, but for sure he is home
and not trying to figure out a way to break something

I am just dumbfounded with his bones. It almost seems
like they are getting worse rather than better. Just one
of many side effects of two years of chemotherapy I

Thanks for keeping Devin is your prayers as he recuperates.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Lynn, I am beginning to think you may be right.
If it was in my nature to give up, I would give
up right now. We are a bit underwhelmed/overwhelmed
or something.

Other news:

Devin fell last night and hurt his foot. We tried
to give him the benefit of the doubt, but he was still
in pain this morning when he woke up. I called up
to PCMC..............you know, where "The Child is
first and always.....", but they couldn't get him in
until Tuesday. They also told me NOT to go to the ER
because they only had one doctor there and that dr.
was too busy already.............

Makes one feel important!!

I called the pediatrician and he got us right in....
Diagnosis: Broken fibula (the smaller bone)

He is now in a walking boot..........we go to PCMC on
Tuesday..... hmmmmm..........that place drives me nuts!!

The kids got out of school early today........their school
is in Murray, UT and it is "David Archuleta Day" in the
state. David is a student at the high school which is
basically across the street. The school was basically
evacuated due to traffic control...........a little wierd!!

Needless to say we are not fighting the crowds to catch
a glimpse of "Utah's Idol".......especially with Dev's
current status...........

Does the fun ever end around here? I think not. Like
I said, I am just over the top overwhelmed.

Thanks for your prayers for Devin and 'our news'.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

We are still waiting. Maybe tomorrow.

It has been nice here so we have been busy
in the yard. Tonight we planted geraniums,
lobelia and marigolds in our front yard.
We're still trying to figure out what to
do in the backyard.

Devin had a fun field trip today to the
space center over by Provo. His class went
last year and had a great time, so he was
really looking forward to it.

Hopefully I'll have some big news very soon.

Thanks for checking on us.

Friday, May 2, 2008

I guess I shouldn't have said anything. We
still haven't heard anything. I am about to
go nuts with the waiting and anticipation.

I just really thought we would know something
by now......

The kids program was good last night. Devin
was playing the bells and Kara was singing.
They both did a great job. Wishing I had my
camera with me, but it is in Randy's truck
out at the airport........he will be home
in a bit.

Thanks for stopping by.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

It's 10am and I still have NO NEWS. My heart
feels like it could beat out of my chest!! I
will be glad when this is out in the open and
I can talk about it............IF it goes the
way I want.

Originally we were supposed to find out on Friday..
when that didn't happen we decided to take some
friends up on an offer to meet them up at their
cabin on Friday evening....(kids were out of
school on Thursday)

We drove up to Duchesne (pronounced Dew-shane)
on Friday afternoon and had a good time. Randy
had tons of work on his brain; plus our pending
situation and so we headed back home on Saturday
afternoon. Kara wanted to stay and come home
later in the day so we agreed to that......

I came home and did yardwork the rest of Saturday,
while Randy worked all day. About 4:30 I got a
call from my friend that Kara was throwing up
(and throwing up and throwing up) Needless to
say they had a fun 120 mile trip back to SLC!!
Kara was very sick. No fevers; but couldn't keep
anything down!!! Sunday I woke up not feeling so
great....by afternoon I was throwing up as well.
It was not fun. Luckily Randy and Devin seemed
to avoid the gunk.....

Kara finally was able to go back to school today.
She had an eye that started looking pink on Monday
night. I had an appt. for her yesterday afternoon
thinking she might be getting pink-eye, but it
cleared up about an hour before our 2:40 appt....
thank goodness for that!! She seemed good this
morning and actually got AHEAD on her homework!!!
She was working really hard on it last night...
which is NOT her style at all!! She does not
give a lot of effort toward school-work, just

Randy's got 2 trips this week. He had to travel
to Alabama yesterday to testify as an 'expert
witness' in a trial this morning. He flies back
through SLC for a few hours this evening, then on
to Reno for some schmoozing with clients........
I'm really kindof nervous for him to go there with
the recent earthquake and wildfires in the area...
but he'll be gone less than 24 hours before he
is back.

I 'think' he misses the kids' singing performance
for school tomorrow night. It is the Strawberry
Festival at their school. I know Kara is excited
to sing...............Dev, not so much.

It finally looks like spring here. I drive by my
old house about every day and the creeping phlox
looks sooooooo beautiful!! Lots of tulips out
over there and finally starting to see some
bulbs pop out over here as well. The new yard
is a bit of a surprise to us...

Thanks for stopping by.......I'm hoping, HOPING
to get my positive news on here soon...

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

This is going to be a half-hearted attempt at an
update. We have A LOT going on at our house....
nothing I can share right now, but hopefully by
the end of the week. There is lots of excitement
and nervousness in the air!!! I am keeping my
thoughts to myself in order to satisfy my
superstitious self.............

Just pray that things will work out for our
family. We are soooooooo excited about all
of the possibilities dancing around in our
heads!! Each and every one of us is having
trouble sleeping and thinking of anything

Devin is doing great!! He got his FIRST
cavity filled earlier this week....he was
a little down about having a cavity, but
dad said he did enjoy that nitrous...

I got an e-mail yesterday about an upcoming
event to benefit Camp Hobe
It is a breakfast on May 3rd from 8:30 - 10:30
at the Great Harvest in Taylorsville. All money
goes to Camp Hobe.

Thanks for stopping by..........I'm hoping to
have some news to report soon.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

First off:

Sorry for the he delay in updates. Things have
been hectic around here. We were supposed to
go to Las Vegas and meet up with Rosi and Kenny,
but landed up not being able to go; too many
unexpected expenses, sick kids and SAT testing
at school. Hopefully things are on the way up now.

My dad is awful. He is still in the hospital and
really not expected to get any better or even go
home. He has had some new MRIs done that show
more damage to his frontal lobe. The outlook is
not good and the possibility of him living at home
is pretty non-existent. I am usually a pretty
optimistic person, but I am not feeling that way
about my dad. I have spoken with him and he is
just not right to say the least. I have not had
a close relationship with him until these past
few years and I feel like that has been taken
away from me. I wonder how much he realizes
since he does have moments of lucidity. My
brain is not handling this very well.

The rental business is NOT going so well. We've
received the first 2 payments LATE. When we went
out of town a few weeks ago I received a call
regarding an outlet that needed to be changed
in the laundry room..............well, the
tenant said he "would normally change it, but
thought he should ask me first......" WELL,
that is what he told me..........I sent my
repair/handyman over there and the tenant
admitted to him that he had attempted to change
the plug from 110 to 220 and blown out his dryer
and cut off electricity to the laundry room and
part of the kitchen.................aaagghhhhhhhh
This crap went on for over a week trying to get
an electrician over the house on their time
schedule...................the re-wiring has
been done now.........but what a damn mess!!
Both the handyman and the electrician said it
was very lucky he didn't blow himself and/or
the house up!!!!!

While we were over at the house......(it is
very clean inside)........we noticed the back
deck has been coated in salt...(the kind you
melt snow and ice) Soooooooooo, the deck
that we had refinished last May is now all
knicked up. I guess since we specifically
told them NOT to put salt on the driveway and
sidewalks they figured the wood deck was okay...
????????????????? Aaaghhhhh....

Oh, and the weather finally got nice enough that
the brick mason could finish the mailbox that was
knocked down back in December...........so more
$$$$$$$$$$$ out the door. It has been an
unprofitable month in the rental business.......

Devin had his final xray on his knee on Tuesday...
everything looks perfect!! Like I said, things
are beginning to look up!! If we can just make
it through this school year I am confident that
things are really going to improve. I am so
sick of the nagging crap from the school I could
scream.............I haven't heard a positive
word about anything from the school in I don't
know when.......the kids are done on June 5th...
so we are on the downhill...........

Lots of miscellaneous stuff going on with Kara
right now. Too much for my brain to explain
right now. She is still having a lot of pain,
getting in trouble at school (talking mostly)
and just lacking in motivation. We are taking
several different approaches into shaping her
up. It has not been an easy road.

Enough rambling on. I will try and get around to
check on our CB friends. I have just been on a
CB break for awhile, trying to get my thoughts in
order. Thanks for checking on us!! We appreciate
your thoughts and prayers.

I'll try and talk to you soon Rosi. Sorry I missed
your phone call Kathy...Good to catch up some with
you Mary. Thanks for calling Sheila....Hope you
enjoy your company GG!! Hope you have a good
birthday Mrs. Pam!!! Tammy...maybe I can catch
up with you one of these days...didn't want to
call while your kids were on spring break.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Devin remains in remission!!! We are free for
another 6 months........what a relief!! The dr.
had me scared for a bit. New studies are showing
that these Lymphoma/Leukemia kids are coming up
with thyroid problems.......from one of the chemo
drugs. I didn't dare ask which one. They will
begin checking his thyroid each time he gets blood
drawn. The dr. also said that Devin has strikes
against him since he has the Crohns and a family
history of thyroid disease.

Long story short, everything is fine. The cyst
that scared us to death in September is the same
size. All blood counts were within normal range;
thyroid was good. Dr. Barnette thinks that his
immune system just isn't back up to normal and
that is why he is getting sick so often. He also
said that people sending their kids to school sick
wasn't doing Devin any favors......

Randy is still sick. He has just worked part-time
this week. He has been coming home every day at
lunch and falling asleep. Poor guy has been
coughing his brains out!! We just can't seem to
all be well at the same time around here.

My dad is worse again. I think they moved him to
the VA home too soon. I talked with his nurse
last week and he was falling every time he got up,
confused, etc.. He was transferred back to the
hospital earlier this week. I am wondering if it
is the keppra that is causing him so many problems.
They switched him off of the other seizure med
and started him on keppra and he just hasn't
been the same. Very confused. I haven't been
able to talk to him since he is in the hospital.
I'm hoping to get some answers today.

Thanks for checking in on Devin and our family.
We appreciate your thoughts and prayers.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Its back to school today. Kara had a good birthday,
despite the chicken pox!! Nothing seems to get that
kid down. She had A LOT of spots, but seems good to
go now. Thanks to benadryl she wasn't overly itchy.

Dev's spots were here one day...gone the next. If
they were the pox, it was indeed a light case. I
guess he's entitled to catch a break every now and

We decided to go on a mini-trip while the kids
were out of school; once everyone was well.....
I woke up Thursday with horrible ear pain and
SPOTS AGAIN..........inner ear infection in both
ears..........the dr. I saw was clueless and said
the spots were probably from my fever??? (First
time I broke out in spots from a 100 degree fever)

Anyway, we left anyway and went on another trek into
Nevada in search of ghost towns. We found a few...
some old mining towns, old mine shafts and even
part of the old Pony Express trails. It was nice
to get away. The ear infections made the ride seem
sooooooo quiet.......I think I hear about 20% of
what is said right now.

Yesterday we drove into Great Basin National Park
and went on the Lehman Caves tour. The kids liked
that. Randy would have liked it better if he too
wasn't getting sick..........he is horrible today.
We just can't seem to get rid of our gunk around

I messed up and re-scheduled the kids dentists
appointments on the same day as Devin's oncology
appt...........tomorrow. I didn't figure this
out until I listened to the answering machine
this morning.........it should be a busy day!!!
I absolutely dread going into oncology. I have
so many questions and am just hoping they give
me the answers I WANT to hear. I haven't told
Dev yet that he is going...........he gets
super anxious about these appointments. No reason
for all of us to be so on edge. Please say a
prayer that he continues to be in remission.

My dad is bad. He had a fall a few weeks ago
due to a seizure and we about lost him. He is
out of the hospital and back in the VA home right
now. He is not making any sense. I am very
worried about him too.

Here are some pictures from the last week or so.
Thanks for checking in on Devin.p1010311
Pony Express Trail

p1010362 (2)
Devin and Kara

Inside the cavep1010346 (2)
Cave picture

p1010301 (2)
Devin in one of his new birthday shirts from Rosi & Kenny

Please sign the guestbook so we'll know who is
checking the site.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

I woke up this morning to SNOW and a son with

The pediatrician said it was a possibility....a
slim possibility. I've always said that Devin
is one in a million.

Not only has this kid had BOTH chicken pox vaccines,
a horrible reaction to the 2nd vaccine (last year)
He now has a *small* case of the pox.

I did my parental duty and phoned the school this
morning to let them know Devin had spots and
would NOT be there. About a half hour later his
teacher called to request that I bring his homework
that is due today to school so that she can finalize
grades...........and...........he needs to come to
school next Tuesday (spring break) and take a couple
of tests. Fun.

Here in a bit I'll load up the kids and take the
homework up to the school. Kara, especially, is
not supposed to be around people. Gas is over
$3.00 a gallon. Needless to say I am thrilled to
make these extra trips. It could always be worse
though. Been there, done that.

Devin is due for his scans and stuff this month.
This is the longest he has gone......6 months.
Hopefully we can get that done next week....if
everyone is looking better.

Thanks for stopping by.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

I've been grounded.
Maybe I should say Kara has been grounded.

I took her to the doctor this morning due
to an accident where she hurt her neck at
school yesterday. Her neck is okay...sore,
but okay. (She just had injections again
on Friday) The doctor noticed a spot on
her, which led to another spot.....which
led to the mysterious rash that popped up
yesterday on her chest..........(we thought
maybe it was new soap/bubblebath/??)

Nope, Chicken Pox!!!

Lovely. No school this week. No church on
Easter Sunday/her 10th birthday. No sleepover
party this weekend.

Its been so hectic around here that I just have
to laugh it off. Things could be soooooooooo much
worse, but its just incredible that its just one
thing after another continuously. I guess that is
life? I still need to get Devin in for his oncology
appt. this month. In my spare time I will do that.

Dev's birthday was good. He got soooooooo much stuff.
I think his favorite was his 'video camera'. I can't
remember the name of it, but its a small camera that
is supposed to be especially useful in connecting for
his many (too many) youtube videos........he is quite
the filmmaker.

We had a good time with GG. The time went way too fast,
but luckily we had healthy kids and good weather while
she was here. I've got some pictures to download...
maybe I'll get to that in the next little bit.

Thanks for your prayers for our friends. Mrs. Pam's step-son
is out of surgery and recuperating:

Please sign the guestbook.

Wednesday, March 13, 2008


happy 12

He is finally feeling better and hopefully going to
school today (Thursday).

GG got here this morning. Devin has been working on
homework........lots and lots of it. I'm hoping
he can get caught up so he can enjoy his birthday
'weekend'........for whatever reason there is NO
school on Friday!!!! I'm sure we will find something
fun to do if he continues to feel better.

Thanks for the birthday wishes!!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Randy is finally feeling better. Just as he gets
better Devin starts running 103 temperature....
I actualy think he is feeling better today. He
is doing anything, but he is awake. The first
two days he slept non-stop through everything!!

We have a surprise visitor coming out on Wednesday
morning; Grandma Gwen!! I hope everyone is well
by then. She'll be out just in time to celebrate
Devin's 12th birthday. She'll have to leave just
before Kara's 10th.

Rosi: Devin got a package from you in the mail
yesterday, but will wait until his birthday to
open it. He hasn't felt good enough the past
few days to even want to open anything.....

Hope everyone else out there is doing okay. I
know there is LOTS of sickness going around.

Thanks for checking in on Devin.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Happy Birthday Uncle Jeff!!

Things are okay here. We were able to have
a relaxing weekend. Randy took his dad, Devin
and one of Devin's friends to the car show on
Sunday after church. Devin LOVES car shows!!

Kara and I went to see Penelope while they were
gone. We both liked it pretty good. Kara loves
going to the movies.

Monday night we went down to the Delta Center, whoops..
its not called that anymore....."Energy Solutions
Arena" and watched the Jazz vs. Dallas. It was
our first NBA game to go to this year. We had not
such great seats, but it is just so exciting to be
there in person!! We went specifically for Monday's
game because at half-time a check was presented to
Camp Hobe from the Utah Jazz....almost $7000 !!!

Randy is sick now and running lots of fever. I'm
hoping to avoid the rest of us catching anything.
It seems like we have all had way too much 'junk'
this year.

Mrs. Pam, we got your box yesterday...........it
is HEAVY!! I guess we'll wait until the 13th
to open it....right now it is keeping Willie off
of the couch!! He can't get it through his head
that the couch is NOT his!!

Thanks for stopping by. We appreciate your
prayers and well wishes.

Please pray for our friends. www.hadleyfox.com

Monday, February 25, 2008

Whew!! Finally an update.

We have been busy around here. Busy going to the
doctor that is. I was sick for almost 2 weeks.
Every time I thought I was getting better, I would
get another symptom. At one point they thought I
had chicken pox..........but after a trip to the
dermatologist they decided it was one of those
"unknown, unidentified viruses".....technical speak
for we don't know. Please don't forget to pay us
your co-pay on the way out.

Devin has been sick more than he should. He'll have a
couple of good days, then wake up with fevers and throwing
up. He has missed days of school with viral/stomach
issues for the past 2 weeks. No rhyme or reason; he'll
be fine one minute and throwing up the next. Too much of
it!! I guess the only positive thing is he seems to have
a couple of good days before it starts all over again.
He's due back in oncology, so hopefully they can get him
figured out. His immunity seems horrible right now.

Kara missed a day last week with neck/head pain. It
seems we can always figure when its been three months
since her last injections. Neurology will administer the
shots AGAIN on March 18th. I *think* the kids are out
of school starting spring break then. Other than pain
issues, she has been well.

Devin has had school issues. He is doing well academically, but just doesn't have motivation or
interest. He thought he wanted to change schools..
but after some long thought he has decided to stay put.
I'm not sure exactly what he thinks he wants, but
just wish we could make him excited about school. He
loves his friends there, but just seems to always be
looking for more. Sometimes I think he is too grown up
for his own good. He seems to worry about things that
he shouldn't be thinking about at almost 12.......I've
said it before, but cancer really grows these kids up
too fast.

Out of the clear blue I got a call from his ortho's office.
I had about given up on hearing from them. I had called
numerous times about getting Devin cleared for skiing,
but never heard back.........well, as of last Monday he
is cleared for skiing. We had to buy another brace for
him to wear, but if he stays well he can go. He is
excited, but now tells me he wants to try snowboarding....
nope, wasn't part of the deal. I'd much rather him be
on skis, since he at least has the concept down!! Truth
be told, I'd prefer he stay home in his bubble wrap suit
where I can keep an eye of him!!

Thanks for checking in on Devin.

Please sign the guestbook.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

The kids are doing well. They received 2 V-day
packages yesterday, so they have been keeping busy.
Thanks Pen Pals, Mrs. Pam and Rosi!! That candy was

I haven't been feeling good for awhile. I went to the
dr. earlier this week, thinking I had been dealing with
a sinus infection for the past 3 weeks. Instead I found
out it was a migraine. The dr. gave me a shot, gave me
some new meds and sent me on my way. On Friday I started
feeling bad again. Yesterday was miserable. I can relate
Mrs. Pam!! I have been in bed for the past 24 hours.
Randy took me to the insta-care this morning and after
several hours of waiting we found out I have the adno?
virus? The dr. said I should be feeling more like normal
by Wednesday or so................yuck!!

We've actually had a break from the snow storms. We can
finally see our street after it being covered with snow
for weeks..............I don't think we had seen it yet
this year!! Kara is supposed to be going skiing with
the school tomorrow. It has been cancelled the past
3 weeks, due to too much snow for ski school. Dev is
wanting to go, but he hasn't been released yet by the his
ortho..........the PT said he could PROBABLY go IF he
wore a brace. We are still waiting to hear from the dr...
Honestly I am hoping it is a no go for him. It just makes
me so nervous for him to get hurt again.

Randy and Dev are gone now to the RV show. They are
both sooooooooo excited. They are both so into rv's and
such. I told Randy he better not bring home any toys!

Congrats to Lynn on her new grandson. He is a cutie.
Glad he is here safe and sound!!

Mrs. Pam get to feeling better.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Snow, snow and more snow!!!!!!!!!

We got a foot at our house Sunday!!!

Needless to say we shoveled for HOURS
before we could get out of the driveway!!
Sunday was one of those days that we were
wishing we had a snowblower..........or a few
more kids to help shovel!!

The kids are doing well. No one is sick
at the moment. It seems like we have had
someone sick every week here lately.

The renters are moving in today! We are
through shoveling over there. The weather
man is forecasting MORE SNOW for us throughout
the week. If anyone needs a place to ski, I
highly recommend Utah!!

Here's some pictures of our snow from yesterday.

p1010134 (2)
Our snowman!!

p1010127 (2)
Front of the house; looking east

p1010128 (2)
Front/side of house....

Thursday, January 31, 2008

It has been busy here.

I did take Devin to the pediatrician on Monday morning. He was so sick all Sunday and Monday. He was running fever, still throwing up and just miserable. The dr. checked him out and just scratched his head. He did say
it was NOT the flu that Kara had the week before, but something to do with his intestines. Not quite sure if it was something with the Crohns, or some type of virus that was affecting his stomach. Either way, it was something that only time and a very bland diet would solve. The dr. did give him some anti-nausea meds and told him to stay home. He gave him an OK on his chest and said unless his cough worsened that a chest x-ray wasn't warranted.

Monday and Tuesday were spent with Dev in bed. He did get up in the evening and worked on homework that Kara had so kindly brought home for him. He was worried about being sick because the big spelling bee was Wednesday night. He did NOT want to miss that!!

Wednesday morning we got a call from the school saying that if Devin did NOT get to school by noon that he would not be allowed to participate in the spelling bee. I explained to his teacher that he did want to be in the spelling bee, but was trying to save his energy to participate. Nope.

Devin was livid!! He felt awful, but did NOT want to miss the bee. I explained that he did NOT need to go, but he insisted. He barely scraped into school by noon; sharing his hacking cough with all his friends.

We had to drive clear across town last night for the spelling bee. He felt very confident going in and survived until about the 5th round. The word he missed:


He spelled it with a Y. I thought he was going to cry.
No trophy for Devin. He was sooooooo disappointed. He
did get a participation certificate; which he refers to
"as just a piece of paper". There is always next year!!

Kara was sooooo sweet to Devin last night. She was so sure that he was going to win. She just kept telling him how proud she was of him and how well he did. If I remember correctly he outspelled 32 other spellers from at least 4 other area schools. So he did do well.

Kara is feeling better. Still on antibiotics, but starting to get more energy.

We're expecting MORE snow tonight. Hopefully we only
have to shovel at the other house one more time before the tenants move in and take over. They are planning on moving in on Monday.

Thanks for stopping by.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

What a day!! Kara woke up this morning with a
throbbing, very red ear. When she sat up in bed
I could see that she also had a very swollen face.
She had been up in the night with the pain, so there
was no more putting it off. We made a trip to the

After waiting in a roomful of VERY sick people she
was finally seen. The dr. said her ear was really
infected and had a lot of wax build-up. He put her
on augmentin and also some ear drops. She already
seems to be feeling better.

When we arrived back home Devin was STILL asleep.
I got him up and he got dressed and ready for our
day. I got lunch fixed and he refused to eat. I
figured he just didn't want what I had fixed, but
before long I heard him in the bathroom throwing up.
The past few hours have been a mix of throwing up,
sleeping and throwing up some more. He's got about
100 degree fever, but no other symptoms. He is an
old pro at being sick, but it doesn't mean he likes
it. Anytime he gets this sick we all just seem to
hold our breath. Too much like the old days.

I'm hoping he doesn't have to make a rush trip to
the dr. today. I'd rather him see his regular
pediatrician tomorrow if at all possible. He is
just so much more familiar with Devin's past history.
It seems like after your kid has gone through sooooo
much that any time you have to explain everything to
a new doc that you are exhausted by the time it is
all over. Plus you get the real feeling that the
new dr. thinks you might be a bit over-protective
and NOT take things as seriously as you would like.

No new snow this weekend. We were supposed to get
hit with 2 or 3 new storms, but so far nothing.
I'm not complaining. I am tired of shoveling!!!

Thanks for stopping by.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Things are okay here. It has been a real chore
getting the kids to go to school this week. Worse
than usual. Devin and his teacher really seem to
be going sideways over everything. I think this
really flusters him and makes it harder for him
to focus and get things done.

More PT this week. More next week. He still
continues to do his exercises at home. We can
definetly see improvements.

Rona is pretty much the same. Still unconscious;
still on the vent and drugged up. I think this
is one of those PUSH situations.

Kara and Devin are both having sleepovers tonight.
Randy has taken Dev and his friend down to the
planetarium. Kara and her friends are here at
the house about to present a 'fashion show'.
Hopefully I'll have enough makeup left in the
morning to be able to leave the house!! They
seem to be very busy getting beautiful.

Thanks for stopping by. Please continue to pray
for our friends.

Monday, January 21, 2008

What a holiday!!! We didn't go anywhere.....just
stayed home and SHOVELED ALL DAY!!!!! Its great to
have TWO HEALTHY KIDS to be able to help. We got
about a foot of snow here. Beautiful, heavy snow!!!

The kids go back to school tomorrow. They did have
a great weekend. They both had sleepovers with their
friends; Kara on Friday night and Devin on Saturday
night. Devin and his friend also went with dad and
grandpa to the car show on Sunday afternoon.

We rented the house over the weekend. It is a family
from Phoenix, Arizona who have been transferred here
with the military. We had many, many people interested
in the house, but felt this particular family would
be the best fit. I hope they enjoy the house as much
as we did. They are wanting to sign a year lease, so
that makes me feel good.

I've got several prayer requests for you. Our friend
Stephanie (fl/caitlin) is having her consult with the
ONCOLOGY office tomorrow. Also, Brock is still
needing some answers with his heart. (al/brock)
My friend Hadley Fox and her friend Morgan are
in need of your prayers as well.

Within my own family I have another request. My
cousin's widow was struck by a car on Saturday
night. She was airlifted to the same hospital
where my dad spent so much time last year. It is
really touch and go. She is broken in many areas,
including bleeding on the brain. Please pray for Rona.
I understand she is in severe pain and any movements
can change her status. Pray for her children as
they try to cope with what has happened to their

Thanks for stopping by to check on Devin. He seems
good and his limp is getting less noticeable. He
has PT again this week.

Mrs. Pam: Willie's birthday is the same as GG's
the 16th of January. He was 6 this week......
Maddie's birthday is December 14th and she was two.

Rosi: I emailed you, then Trudi. I'd like to set
something up. Just let me know what you would like
from me. You know you are always welcome here.....
or we can meet up with you.

Please sign the guestbook.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

The geography bee was yesterday. There were
seven schools competing. It was pretty
intense. Lots of good questions. I was
soooo nervous going in. Luckily they do the
geography bee as a group effort. That took
a load off of my mind!! Devin's team and
another team went into a tie breaker for NINE
questions........finally the other team won.
Dev's team came in 2nd; which was still very
good. I was just so glad it wasn't individual
questions....I was more nervous than Devin I

He goes on sometime soon to compete in the
spelling bee. I don't know if it will be with
the same schools or not. There was a team there
at the geography bee from Pocatello, Idaho!! I
know they didn't compete against us in the spelling
last year. I am hoping Devin will go ahead and
win the bee this year. He did very well last
year and was the last 5th grader on stage. I'm
trying to get him to study and put more effort
into it......we shall see. I do think he may
have a photographic memory!!

Its cold again here this weekend. We've listed the
house for rent. We've had several interested people
calling, but we are really being cautious about who
we rent to..........its a very nice house and we
don't want it messed up!! I guess you could say
we are attached to it.

If you know anyone who needs a house in Utah, let
me know!!

Did I mention that Devin got rid of his crutches this
week? I can't remember. He still has to go to PT,
but is making progress.

Thanks for checking on him.

Friday, January 18, 2008

NO jumping
NO running
NO basketball
NO skateboarding
NO skiing
NO ............

Devin was relieved from his crutches at Tuesday's
appointment, but is still supposed to be taking it
easy for at least another month. His physical
therapy is going well and he seems like a new kid!!

Kara finally went back to school on Thursday after
being home all week (and weekend)with the flu. So
far, everyone else seems to be staying well.

This week has been spirit week at school and the
kids get out early tomorrow, then NO school on
Monday for the holiday.

Devin won the geography bee at school this week and
will be in a big contest tomorrow afternoon against
other area schools. He was surprised and excited!!

Keep praying for our friends; especially Stephanie
and Brock.

Leave a message if you have a minute. Thanks.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Its been a week since my last update. Not much
to write about. I have had a sinus infection or
something most of the week, so that was no fun.
I did manage to make it to a few 'after Christmas'
sales, so I have some new decorations for next
year. I love those after Christmas sales!!

Dev started physical therapy on Thursday. He
started out very stiff, but was making good
progress before he left. He goes back to the
ortho on Tuesday, then for more PT later in the
week. The PT said he could take off the brace
and continue to walk with the crutches. He is
doing well. His foot seems to turn out when he
walks, but hopefully with the exercises he can
get that straightened up.

We went downtown for a change of pace on Friday
night. We ran into some old friends at a brew
pub where we ate. Now Devin is convinced that
we need to open our own!! Last month he was
convinced he needed his own hot dog cart business!

After eating we drove over to the state capital.
It has been closed for the past several years for
'earthquake updating', so it was fun to get to go
inside. There was a special open house through this
weekend. It is really pretty. Lots of granite and
gold!!! Makes it look like Utah is a very prosperous

Kara started feeling sick Friday night and has got
progressively worse over the weekend. Very sore
throat, low grade fever, chills....and a bad cold.
We'll see how she is doing in the morning. We have
had a very lazy weekend, just letting her rest.
I'm hoping she is better in the morning or I'll be
getting her a doctor's appointment.

Thanks for stopping by to check on Devin. He is
looking good and feeling more like himself getting
rid of that brace. He would appreciate you praying
for his friends. Little Brock is having some problems right now. Also, Stephanie is in need of extra prayers. She has
been sick for too long!!! Hoping she can get the
answers she needs and be on the road to healing soon,

***Sorry, these links are not working at all............


Please sign the guestbook

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Happy New Year.

We are enjoying a quiet start to 2008 around
here. GG went home on the 30th and we have
just been staying home and getting stuff done
around here. It is harder to go and do 'stuff'
when you have a kid on crutches/wheelchair....
plus it limits the things you can do. I'm sure
there are plenty of you out there that understand

Dev is supposed to start physical therapy this week.
Twice a week, or as tolerated. He is still in his
brace, but I've noticed he is putting weight on
his leg. I'm still not sure he is ready for PT,
but we'll let the therapist give her evaluation.

Randy went skiing last week with his dad and nephew.
He's got a sore knee now too. It is swollen up and
looks awful. This is the same knee he had
surgery on a couple of years ago. I guess
good knees are not a strong point at our house
right now.

The kids started school last Thursday. Dev is
not thrilled. I've been 'school shopping' again.
Kara is saying she wants to stay put, but we
shall see. It just doesn't seem like there is
any excitement for school with these two...and
nothing exciting on the horizon at their present
school. Seems like the only thing the school has
going on right now is begging for more money....
always needing money. I guess that is just the
way it is. Is it too much to ask that kids are
excited about learning? That they actually want
to talk about their day and how much they learned?
Am I crazy here? Seems like these should be the
best days of their life and it feels like we are
biding time...

The house is still for sale. We are considering
renting it. If you know anyone who needs a nice
house in SLC, USA please let me know. We need
to do something and the housing market is just
not doing anything right now.

Snowing again today. We came out of church to
about 2 inches on our car. Kara sang this morning
with the kid's choir. Evidently if you are in
bells or band you don't sing with the other kids,
so Dev sat with us. I'll be glad to be back at our
regular church this next week.

I better get some kids started for baths and bed.

Please sign the guestbook.

Friday, December 28, 2007

We've had a great Christmas. Nice, calm
and healthy!! It is so nice to be home
and feel like you have no real worries in
the world. Cancer can really suck the life
out of things. This Christmas I didn't give
'c' much thought. Thank goodness!!

Dev seems to be putting more weight on his leg
each day. We're supposed to start into physical
therapy next week and see how it goes? If he
can tolerate the PT then he will go twice a week
for awhile. He starts PT before he goes back
to the ortho. for re-evaluation. The ortho
says he may NOT be able to tolerate yet, so we
shall see.

We've had a good time with GG here. Been super
busy. We've made more candy, been shopping for
bargains, stayed up late, went out looking at
Christmas lights.......etc.., etc.. It seems
we go, go, go while she is here. We may stay
home tomorrow and just watch it snow. We are
supposed to be getting another big snow storm
tonight. It is snowing now.

We hope you all had a great Christmas. Thanks for
stopping by and don't forget to sign the guestbook.

Monday, December 24, 2007 10:24 PM CST

Merry Christmas.

Things are good here. Devin did get his
cast off on Thursday, but is still in a
brace. The dr. will re-evaluate in 2 weeks.

GG got here on Thursday morning. It has already
snowed a few times, including tonight, since she
arrived. We have been busy; baking, shopping,
looking at Christmas lights, making gingerbread
houses. Tomorrow we will relax.

Just waiting for Kara to go to bed so that Santa
can visit. She needs to go soon as I am very
tired. I hope he finds us at our new house....

We are thankful for so much this year; including
those of you who continue to check on Devin and
pray for him. Merry Christmas to you all.


Tuesday, December 18, 2007

The program last night went well. Devin did an
excellent job with the bells last night. The
music was just beautiful.
Very impressive.

Dev is in the middle


Devin in the middle......

Kara did a good job with the choir. They sang some
traditional Christmas songs AND The Grinch song...
that one surprised me. They all did a good job though.

Kara after the program....

Tomorrow is the kids last day at school. Kara
woke up with a fever and sore throat this morning.
She is hoping to get back to school tomorrow.

Here's one picture from Maddie's big birthday.


Thanks for stopping by, Please take a minute
and sign the guestbook.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Maddie had a good birthday yesterday. I don't
think I would have been too impressed if I were
her, but then again that is just me. I tend to
be a bit sensitive...

Kara and I had picked her out a sweater at Petco
a couple of days ago, along with a dog 'necklace'.
Poor Maddie was very excited with her gifts....
UNTIL she tried them on. If I hadn't been feeling
her pain I definetly would have captured the moment
with my camera. That sweater DID NOT stretch one
little bit. Poor thing looked like a sausage trying
to squeeze into it..........I know the feeling!!!!
Necklace was too small too..........I personally
thought the necklace was stupid, but Kara always
accuses me of 'never letting her do anything she
wants' so I gave in. Looks like both items will
need to be returned........For those interested
Petco has most all of their doggie fall/winter
clothesd on 1/2 price......some deals to be had!!

Kara brought a friend home with her after school
yesterday. The girls made a cake for Maddie when
they arrived home. It was quite a masterpiece:
a piece of white bread with doggie bisquits (again
purchased at Petco) spelling out M A D D I E. We
all sang and tried to get Maddie interested in her
cake......no thank you!!

Devin had a friend spend the night too. Issaac
wasn't able to come over until after b-ball
practice, but he was able to be here for the
birthday festivities. We had pizza, then the
kids all decided to play poker. Evidently they
were having some kind of tournament because I
finally went to sleep at midnight and they were
STILL playing....up again at 3am and the poker
players were STILL at it!!! Luckily no laws
were broken since no money exchanged hands, but
Devin is convinced he is ready for the big leagues.
Oh how I wish that kid could go out and win us
some big money. These double house payments are
really cramping my spending style!!

It is 4:30 and my kiddos and pups are sound asleep.
It should be fun getting everyone back on schedule
to wake up in time for Sunday school in the morning.
I FINALLY found the box with Christmas clothes in it
and I'm convinced that Kara is going to get some use
out of the dresses I saved so much money on at the
after Christmas sales last year.........just wish
my son's wardrobe could consist of something other
than sweat pants......that cast is really wrecking
havoc on my Christmas picture plans!!

Randy has finally okayed the Christmas letter so
cards are in the mail. If you'd like one and aren't
on my regular 'list' please feel free to e-mail me
and I'll send one your way. I've got a few 100
extra...just in case. What can I say, I just love
pictures of my kiddos!!

Hope your weekend is going well. We're anticipating
more snow sometime. Not much accumulation last
night........but that is fine with me. The snow
shoveling is not so much fun anymore.

Thanks for checking in. Go ahead and sign the

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Tomorrow our little miracle dog turns two years
old. Thanks for the prayers on her behalf. I
do believe they are what have kept her here with
us. The doctors were not optimistic she would see
her first birthday, much less her second.

Things are okay here. The kids do not seem happy
at all with school. We are looking into other
options for after the break. I would like to see
some excitement and enthusiasm toward learning.
They are both highly intelligent children who just
seem to be at a standstill with school.

I did speak with Dev's teacher again a few days ago
and "they are working on letting him participate in
the CHRISTmas program". I don't really understand
it, but am certain people at the ACLU could help me
understand the law regarding disabilities. If they
are going to discriminate against him because of his
bum leg I wonder where the line gets drawn....???

I feel so empty and hopeless about the school
situation right now. I cannot figure out why
being treated like a human is not a given.....

We are still baking around here. I'm hoping to
get our Christmas cards in the mail very soon.
I usually write a letter to send along with it,
but am soooooooo very thankful that I really have
no 'big' news to tell. The kids are healthy
and we are just so grateful. The big picture
is good, make it great......healthy children
make life good.

Thanks for checking in on Devin. He still has
plans to get that humongous cast off on the

Kara and Willie

Kara and Maddie

Dev and Kara

Please sign the guestbook.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Happy December 12th!!

Sorry for the delay in updates. It is close to
impossible to get any time on the computer
when the kids are home. When they are in
school I seem to stay very busy trying to get
things done........its that time of year!!

Devin and Kara both did really well in Sunday's
Christmas program. I didn't get as many pictures
as I wanted, but I'll post a couple. I thought
Kara was going to be an angel, but instead she
was a sheep. That will explain her 'head gear'.
Both kids really did well with their memorization.
We were really proud of them.

Devin is in the back left.....

Kara in the middle...

After church we got a call from a neighbor in our
old neighborhood to let us know that our VERY
HEAVY brick mailbox had been plowed down in the
night.....always something fun going on......

The top is completely off and thrown about 10 feet...

We have started baking and trying to get ready for
Christmas. Making Christmas cookies has always
been one of my family's favorite traditions and
I am lucky that my kids and husband enjoy doing
it too. We are waiting for GG to get here on the
20th before we start our gingerbread houses. The
kids are getting very excited!!

Baking cookies

Dev is doing well on the crutches. He is soooo
hoping to get rid of the cast on the 20th. It
doesn't slow him down too much, but it does keep
him off of the skateboard.


Thanks for stopping by to check on us. Please sign
the guestbook and let Devin know you were here.
Hope you are enjoying the holiday season.

Friday, December 7, 2007

Devin is absolutely hating his cast. He is not a
complainer, but this is one thing he is not at
all happy about. It is very uncomfortable and
really cramping his style.

Other than that we have no news. We are anticipating
a HUGE snowstorm sometime this afternoon. Our snow
from last week is almost gone so we are in need of
some white stuff.

The kids have dress rehearsal for the church
Christmas program tomorrow. Devin is a wise man
on crutches and Kara is an angel. They both have
several lines to recite. The program is this
Sunday morning. Hopefully I will get some good

Thanks for stopping by.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

It was an interesting appointment. We saw Dr. Randall
up at PCMC. He was very nice and put our minds at
ease regarding bone density, cancer, etc.. He took
more xrays and the knee is beginning to heal. His
main concern was the possibility that Devin may tear
his ACL. The possibility was too high just to wear
the immobilizer; especially with the ice outside.
He ordered a cast for Devin...........a big cast.

dec0407 102
Devin and his Christmas green cast

dec0407 101
The cast goes from his upper thigh to his ankle.....yikes!

He is hoping to take it off on the 20th....although
he said that was not for sure. He is hoping it
will be off for Christmas; but no guarantees. He
thought Devin's bones in general looked good. He
agreed with Dr. Lemons that supplements aren't a
good idea for Devin. He also said he would have done
surgery on Devin if he had seen him the first day....
It is puzzling to me that two ortho's had such
differing opinions.....

dec0407 019
Our front yard after Saturday's snow...

dec0407 020
Some dogs like to play in the snow...

dec0407 073
Some little dogs don't....

Thanks for your prayers. We are relieved that Devin's
knee is beginning to heal and hopefully we have
stabilized it enough with the cast to prevent any more
injury to it.

Please sign the guestbook.

Monday, December 3, 2007 8:54 PM CST

Its that time of year again.......
Candlelighters Childhood Cancer Awareness Tree.

This year the gold ribbons are $5.00 each and
can be bought to honor your favorite cancer
kid. Here is the link

Childhood Cancer Awareness Tree

Tomorrow is Devin's big appointment. Kara's neuro
appt. went okay today. He thinks she is having
more muscle spasms and needs to go back on the
baclofen. He also felt getting back into
physical therapy would be a good idea. We'll get
that started in our spare time. I can't wait...
sarcasm here.

Thanks for stopping by. Please leave a message.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Kara and the dogs.....Maddie, Willie and their cousins; Phoenix, Carby and Foxy

Original knee picture

Close up of knee


Nothing new to report here. Kara has an appt. with
the neuro in the morning. Dev has an appt. with the
new ortho on Tuesday.

Thanks for your prayers and continued support.

Friday, November 30, 2007

The last day of November. Can you believe
tomorrow is December already? We've got
lights on the outside of the house, but
nothing done inside. Hopefully soon...

We got Devin's appointment set up for Tuesday
morning. He will see an ortho that comes to
PCMC on Tuesdays and works the rest of the
week at Huntsman Cancer Institute.....basically
all on the same campus. This doctor specializes
in ortho related to cancer; tumors and such.
We are certainly hoping we are not talking
cancer, but feel like this dr. may hopefully
be able to give us some insight as to why
he is not healing. I am only thinking positive
thoughts. I cannot imagine any more things
not going as scheduled for Devin. I cannot
even stand to think of it.

In other news I have found out that Devin is
going to be excluded from his school's
CHRISTmas program.............Evidently they
don't want anyone in the hand bells sitting
or on crutches........Don't think for a
minute there won't be something done about
this. We are not at all happy. Luckily he
is still okay to be a wiseman in the Dec 9th
program at church.

Never a dull moment.

We're expecting a big snow storm tonight.
We'll see how that goes. Devin has been
wanting to try snowboarding this year, but
he'll have to get rid of the crutches first.
We've got a good looking sledding hill close
to our house, so hopefully that will satisfy
his need for speed when the snow hits!!

Thanks for stopping by. Please leave a message
and let Devin know you were here. Also, if
you'd let us know how you found his site that
would be great as well.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

What an interesting day.

Got a phone call from PCMC this morning from
the social worker we had while Devin was on
service for oncology. She was calling to tell
me that the clinic NO LONGER wanted to see
Devin since they set up the appt. yesterday

A big WHY? Why did they not feel it necessary
to see him? WHY do they have a social worker
we haven't seen in over 2 years make such a phone
call?????????????? I went back and forth with
this woman until she really didn't know which
end was up...........if it wouldn't have been
so pathetic, it might have been funny. At one
point she told me that the main dr. wanted me
to take Devin to his pediatrician and tell him
I needed a chest x-ray..............

Called her back on that and requested a letter
signed by that particular doctor that I could
take to the pediatrician............boy, did
they start hopping up there then. Finally,
after much e-mailing and telephoning I do
believe we are going to get to the root of
the issue.

Main question?? WHY did Dev's knee fracture so
easily? Why is it not healing...we are assuming
this is a steroid/chemo issue. Should he be
on supplements of some type? Why did the current
ortho indicate he didn't believe Devin's bone
density tests was so positive? Is there a
false positive on these tests....or, worse yet,
has he had some degeneration? So many questions
that somehow I don't think the pediatrician would
get answers from a chest x-ray.........

Finally heard from Kara's neuro. He was surprised
that he hadn't received any of the 4 messages I had
left for him........he finally called me due to a
message he received (from Saturday) from the E.R..
She will go in there on Monday. That should be
interesting. I would imagine she will be feeling
her very best for that appointment. Isn't that
the way it goes?

We got a bit of snow yesterday, but its about gone
today. Good thing; crutches and snowy, slick
sidewalks don't really go together. We got a
wheelchair yesterday after school so he can get
out more.......He is desperately wanting to go
to the mall. He says to Christmas shop, but I
have this real feeling he is wanting to check
out the skateboard shop. He is obsessed.....and
NO, no more skateboarding on crutches.

Thanks for checking in. If you want a really good
story I'll tell you about my experience with the
lady at the WJ water department. Who knew that
September came before August?? I sure didn't until
she got me straightened out today.........never
a dull moment.

Thanks again for stopping by to check on Devin.
We appreciate you praying for his continued
remission. Please sign the guestbook.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

I've been doing too much research on this knee
injury. I have got my mind working overtime
worrying about the what-ifs. Everything I
read is negative and just brings up more
questions. Once you have a child who has
survived cancer it seems anything can happen.

I don't know if my mind is playing tricks on
me or if things are really changing with Devin.
To put my mind at ease I've got a call into
oncology to set up an appointment....also
into gastro. He's got some recurring issues
that are not being helped by his current meds.
If its not one thing its another.

Still waiting to hear back from Kara's neuro.
She has woke up the past 2 days without a
headache, so that is a step in the right

In my reading regarding Devin a big question of
mine is regarding genetic testing. We've had
none done and I'm wondering what the standard
is? Our hospital is COG, but I'm wondering if
someone knows the standard of care on genetic
testing and cancer kids? If anyone has any
info. on this, please e-mail me. I am
particularly interested in Li-Fraumeni Syndrome.
I just want to make sure we aren't missing
anything here.

On a lighter note, we got our first 'snow'
last night. Not much, but enough to cover
the lawn and give the highway patrol something
to do during rush hour. First snow always
brings tons of accidents!! People forget
what to do I guess.....

Thanks for checking in on Devin. He could
use some uplifting messages. This injury
has got him down more than he'd like to admit.
Please sign the guestbook.......we know you're
out there!!

Special prayers to fellow cancer warrior Angel McKenna's site She became an angel last night after a very long, brave fight with the beast. She fought harder than anyone should ever have to fight and kept a smile on her face. May you rest in peace now sweetie.

Monday, November 26, 2007

We did not receive good news at the ortho appointment

NO HEALING whatsoever.

He is STILL on crutches and not at all happy
about it. He made it outside the clinic
before he broke down.

I feel defeated. He feels deflated....but we
will get through this.

The doctor was shocked that there was no progress
at all........

I am in shock thinking of the scenarios that were
placed before me today. Cancer does not end with
the final chemo and flushing the meds. These side
effects are all consuming.

Things will get better.

Monday, November 26, 2007

It is early morning and I cannot sleep. I can't help
but wonder if life may not be so complicated if cancer
hadn't crept into our lives.

For some reason I keep seeing Devin's diagnosis
over and over again in my brain. Its like a non-
stop slide show that keeps stabbing me in the
heart. I know how lucky we are to have him here
with us and can' stop thinking of how close to
NOT being diagnosed this kid was.......


He has come so far, but still has so far to go. I
am fearful for tomorrow's appointment. I can't
help but wonder if any time the kid falls he's
going to break something. I was there when he fell
this time and I just can't figure how such a small\
fall could do this. All of those steroids must
have played havoc on his poor bones.

Gosh cancer is horrible. I opened the paper today
to find out a local boy here had passed. He was
Kara's age and diagnosed a few months before Devin.
Last I had heard he was doing well...........it made
me mad at myself for not realizing how quickly things
can change with these kids. Good one day does not
guarantee good tomorrow.

Life is a gift. There are no guarantees. Hug your
kids. Life can change in a heartbeat.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

We had a good Thanksgiving. Plenty of food and
plenty of family. We even had FIVE dogs at our
feast. Of course Maddie and Willie, but their
canine cousins Carby, Phoenix and Foxy also came
over for the festivities. I got some pictures...
just need to download them. They were all gathered
around Kara begging for food........pretty cute.

Kara had her injections on Wednesday morning and
that was pretty close to a nightmare. She was
originally scheduled for Tuesday, then last minute
the neurologist called and said that didn't work
for him and changed us to Wednesday in the RTU.

We arrived at the RTU one hour and a few minutes
prior to the appt, but no rooms, so we could not
check in. We were told to 'mess around' for 30
minutes or so until a bed freed up........Messing
around is somewhat easier when one of your kids is
NOT on crutches, and the other isn't NPO for her
procedure. NOt fun........of course the playroom
was also off-limits since she wasn't 'officially'
a patient.........and boy are they strict in the
3rd floor playroom.....

Anyway we were just heading down to the RTU after
25 minutes when I got paged to come down there.
Still no room; some more hurry up and wait. AFter
15 minutes or so the neuro comes through and says
the RTU is over-booked and we will have to go
cold turkey (NO sedation) down in the clinic.

You can imagine how thrilled the clinic people were
to see us in their clinic.........just about as
thrilled as the RTU was..........double-booked
in both clinics and now they've got to make a
rush order for drugs, clear a room, etc......not
exactly welcomed with open arms....

Anyway, put into a procedure room and the dr. comes
in to give the numbing shots.....then the regular
shots (lidocaine and something else, since botox
was done by itself a few weeks ago).....Kara hated
it, absolutely hated it and continued to cry for
most of the day. It was not fun. No one could even
look at her without a rainstorm of tears....

Thursday was okay. She did nap during the day which
is out of character. Friday was alright. This
morning was out of control. She woke up with swelling
and crying and just completely out of sorts. We were
to watch for swelling, so we skipped play practice
and drove up to PCMC ER. By the time we waited
around for an hour she was starting to settle down
and amazingly the swelling was gone?? Bizarre, but
then again stranger things have happened. Since we
already had back up drugs at home and most of the
neuro's don't do the shots, they sent us home. We
are hoping her dr. is back in the office on Monday
so we can see what the next step is. This neck/head
pain business is really affecting her entire life..

Devin has an appointment over at TOSH again on MOnday
morning. We are sooooo hoping he can abandon the
crutches and get on with things. He is really limited
in what he can do.......including help with chores
around the house!!! I have missed having my #1
helper able to help me!!

No other news. We've had some more interest in the
house, but no contracts or offers. We did talk to the agent that had an interested buyer last week and that
still may happen. We are keeping our fingers crossed
that we can get some money out of the house soon.

Thanks for checking in. If you've read all of this
go ahead and sign the guestbook. We like to know who
is reading.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

I've got cornbread in the oven and have a minute
to update before I run to pick up the kids.

We are doing fine here. Devin is sick of being
on the crutches. He doesn't complain of any
pain, just doesn't enjoy being so still MOST of
the time. He wears the brace 24/7 and is hoping
he can take it off for good next Monday.

We are having Randy's family over for a big
Thanksgiving dinner. I am going to bake a
traditional turkey and Randy is going to smoke
a smaller turkey. We are getting excited about
it, as we all love to cook around here.

The kids get out of school for the break today.
Kara will have her procedure AGAIN tomorrow up
at PCMC, then we will head home for preparations
for the big meal. Her last procedure evidently
didn't work too well as she has been having way
too many headaches. Hopefully this one will
get her pain-free.


Thanks for stopping by. Hope you all have a great

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Devin is getting along better on his crutches...
he doesn't let much get him down.

Here's proof:

Please don't turn me into the authorities........he's

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Devin went to school yesterday. By the time I
picked the kids up at 3:15 he was worn out!! He
says that crutches are no fun....I can believe it!!

He has NO sense while using them. He is trying to
fly off of curbs..........I forecast another
accident in his future. I think he thinks he is
on some sort of ride where he can put a crutch
here or there and fly into position. What a kid!

When we got home from school yesterday he decided
to try and skateboard while on crutches. He said
he'll need a bit more practice on that one....not
if I'm watching!! Gotta give him credit for trying
I guess!!

Please continue to pray for our friends.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Boy life can change fast.
Devin was attempting to get onto a wet = slick
trampoline last night and fell. In the fall
he really twisted his left leg around. We
had hoped maybe he would wake up this morning
and never remember it happened......no such

I called Holly, my old across the street neighbor,
and got in this morning with Dr. Eric Heiden. Not
only is Dr. Heiden a gold medal speed skater, we
are lucky to have him here in SLC as an orthopedic
doc. We spent the morning over at TOSH (The
Orthopedic Specialty Hospital) getting xrays, then
a leg brace and crutches!! Devin fractured his
knee cap and has to keep his left leg straight
24/7 for the next two weeks. The doc said it
should heal up nicely, but he'll re-check in
2 weeks.

So far the crutches have NOT been fun. He's skipping
school today, but wondering how he will manage
tomorrow. Luckily his school is small.....we shall

Thanks for checking on Mr. Devin. I'll keep you
updated on his progress.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

We've had a good weekend. Saturday we kept
very busy..working in the yards at both houses..
We had a 'chili cook-off' Saturday night at the
school...........that was a little different...
I'll leave it at that. We did land up winning a
prize for 'Hottest Chili'.......kindo a nice

Today after church the kids were begging to go
to the movies. We landed up seeing Martian Child.
Devin, for whatever reason, hated the show. The
rest of us liked it. We went to a nice, big new
theatre that was absolutely deserted.......nice
and quiet except for the other family in the
theatre with the 10 kids who all had to visit
the bathroom at least once each during the show.
I was so proud that Kara stayed in her seat during
the entire show.........she usually waits until
I'm into a movie and announces she needs to go...

We've had some renewed interest in the house. We
had lookers on Friday, Saturday and even today.
I am so hoping to get an offer. I really thought
today might be our day........not yet anyway.

The kids are going to start practicing for
the Christmas program starting this next Saturday
morning. Kara is so excited. She loves singing;
especially Christmas songs. I think both of the
kids' Christmas programs are early this year, so
I'm not sure if we'll have any other family make
it to the show. This is the hard part about living
so far away from your family....I just wish my kids had
some family living close enough to come to performances
and enjoy them... GG comes out closer to Christmas.

T-Shirt Grandpa left the hospital today. Its been
over 5 months since his accident and he was past
ready to get home. He has a follow-up appointment
on Thursday so hopefully he can get his home nursing
care set up at that time. When he made up his mind
he was going home he didn't exactly have all his
paperwork in order, but hopefully things will work
out okay...

For some reasons I am seeing reminders of my Nanny
everywhere I turn. Its the small things that get you
so unexpectedly. Today it was a display of chocolate
covered cherries in Sears. It is going to be a very
different Christmas for more reasons than I can count.
As much as I love Christmas I am having a difficult
time getting in the mode....I guess its the fact that
we can't get through one holiday before they are
shoving another one down our throat. Everything
just seems so commercialized....

Keep praying for our friends; especially McKenna.

I'm rambling, so I will sign off. Please sign the
guestbook if you've read this far.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Here are my scary kids.

halloween07 010

As usual they received too much candy...

Things are okay here. The housing market is still
very s l o w and we are still taking care of two
homes. Not fun, but not the end of the world. Things
could always be worse. Devin is cancer free and that
is what is important.

Our friend, McKenna, is in need of prayers. She is in
the hospital. Please visit her site and leave her
some words of encouragement. Thanks.

McKenna's site

Thanks for stopping by.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween Everyone!!

Tonight is a big night for the kiddos!!
Nice weather..........!!!

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
4 Years ago...........We've come a long way!!

Maddie & Willie can't decide if its Christmas or Halloween......

Maddie & Willie 10/07

Thanks for stopping by!!

Sunday, October 28, 2007

It was Hannah Montana mania here yesterday. We had
bought 3 tickets the day they went on sale for Sat's
concert. We landed up going downtown early for a
pre-concert party that was sooo much fun. NO, better
clarify that Devin did NOT go to Hannah Montana....
he says he is not a fan. It was me, Kara and her
friend.....we rode down with our old across the
street neighbors; Holly and Sam. We had different
seats than them, but we all had a great time!!!!

IF you have tickets....go, go, go to the pre-concert
party with Radio Disney. It was so much fun. Lots
of give aways, very excited girls....pictures with
Hannah's grandma....a visit from 'Rico'. They said
Emily Osment would be there, but we were chasing down
the flying wrist bands (Kara very excitedly caught one)!!

After the concert we met up with Randy and Devin for
a quick dinner. Devin was due to spend the night
with a friend and Kara's friend was going to spend
the night with her........big change of plans. Once
we ordered our food Devin put his head down and fell
asleep. He was on fire when we left the restaurant
so he called off his sleepover and was sound asleep
way before his normal bedtime. Kara's friend also
started feeling lousy and both sleepovers were
abandoned. Wierd.

Today Dev woke up okay...not great, so we skipped
church and Randy and I raked leaves here and at
the other house........YES, it is still for sale!!
Double yard work is not my idea of a fun Sunday!!

Dev seems better this evening. Kara is still on
cloud 9 from her first concert experience. I will
admit it was a good concert........if you get a
chance to go; GO!! It was full of fun. Even though
we had pretty lousy seats Kara and her friend didn't
seem to notice.........they were intrigued with all
the costume changes and dancers...plus the Jonas

The kids are excited for Halloween. In keeping with
tradition our (old) neighbors are coming over for
a Halloween feast and trick or treating......this has
been a tradition as long as we've had kids. I'm so
glad it will continue in our new house. Kara will be
dressed as a boxer this year and Dev will be Freddy
Krueger again.....with a new improved glove!! He
is so excited to be scary again this year.

Thanks for dropping by. Don't forget to pray for our
friends; including one of our special angels and daily
signer; Lynn. We're praying for you Lynn.

And yes, Mrs. Pam we did get the Halloween package and
the kids LOVED the stuff. The nightlights were super
cute..........and Dev loves the voice changer. I
would imagine he will be wearing it on Halloween.....
it is pretty spooky!!

Tomorrow is mine and Randy's 28th anniversary.....wow,
who can believe we've been married that long?? NO
seriously, 14 years for him and 14 for me. Happy
Anniversary RR. Thanks for 2 beautiful kids and all
the great times............

Some recent pics:

HM bus
In front of Hannah's bus

Firls with Miley's grandma
Kara and friends with Miley's grandma...

HM concert
Hannah Montana

Hannah Montana concert.......

Thanks........please sign the guestbook

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Pumpkin patch on Friday night..

Can you believe October is almost gone? Where is
time going? Time stood still while Devin was on
treatment and now I rarely remember going to bed.

I have been thinking a lot about Devin's cancer days
for some reason. I am so thankful we are out of
that mess. To think back though just reminds me
how much needs to be done for these kids. Cancer
is a cruel disease for anyone, but especially
children. I feel like both of my kids have had
to grow up way too soon. I'd like to think
they could still be innocent if cancer had never
played such a major role in their growing up!!

I think the main reason I am so disallusioned with
the school situation right now is I have been allowed
to see the BIG picture. Little petty things are just
that; petty little things that should be brushed under
the rug. A child's happiness and well-being should
be on the top of the list. I feel cancer has allowed
or possibly even forced me as a parent to slow down
and savor every moment. Life is short and unpredictable.
There are no guarantees and tomorrow has not been
promised. When I get grief from the school over 'hair
that brushes a collar' I cannot really understand
their reasoning.............in my book I am just glad
the kid is alive and thriving!!

After one horribly bad school year he has now officially
taken his spot back at the head of the class...(something
we never even thought possible at times), he is a kind
and empathetic child who gives until he can't give any
more. He is growing up........a simple thing that as
simple as it sounds really shouldn't be taken for granted!
I just don't understand how the school can't see this
child through my eyes......a true, living and breathing

We have days where Devin is a bit 'off' and blame it
on the drugs he took to save his life. NO biggie, we
love him just the same. What if a day comes and he
has to take them again...will we lose a bit of Devin
if more function is gone? We live in the present and
savor the person he is now. He does his best, beats
himself down if he receives anything less than an A,
all the while, we as his parents are just thrilled
beyond belief that we can hold him and hug him, at
least for today. He is a miracle.

If you are fighting the good fight, please don't
give up. Advances in cancer treatments are out
there. There is always hope if you can just
believe. Thanks to the many of you who have kept
Devin in your prayers. We couldn't have done it
without you.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Pumpkin patch on Friday night...

Can you believe October is almost gone? Where is
time going? Time stood still while Devin was on
treatment and now I rarely remember going to bed.

I have been thinking a lot about Devin's cancer days
for some reason. I am so thankful we are out of
that mess. To think back though just reminds me
how much needs to be done for these kids. Cancer
is a cruel disease for anyone, but especially
children. I feel like both of my kids have had
to grow up way too soon. I'd like to think
they could still be innocent if cancer had never
played such a major role in their growing up!!

I think the main reason I am so disallusioned with
the school situation right now is I have been allowed
to see the BIG picture. Little petty things are just
that; petty little things that should be brushed under
the rug. A child's happiness and well-being should
be on the top of the list. I feel cancer has allowed
or possibly even forced me as a parent to slow down
and savor every moment. Life is short and unpredictable.
There are no guarantees and tomorrow has not been
promised. When I get grief from the school over 'hair
that brushes a collar' I cannot really understand
their reasoning.............in my book I am just glad
the kid is alive and thriving!!

After one horribly bad school year he has now officially
taken his spot back at the head of the class...(something
we never even thought possible at times), he is a kind
and empathetic child who gives until he can't give any
more. He is growing up........a simple thing that as
simple as it sounds really shouldn't be taken for granted!
I just don't understand how the school can't see this
child through my eyes......a true, living and breathing

We have days where Devin is a bit 'off' and blame it
on the drugs he took to save his life. NO biggie, we
love him just the same. What if a day comes and he
has to take them again...will we lose a bit of Devin
if more function is gone? We live in the present and
savor the person he is now. He does his best, beats
himself down if he receives anything less than an A,
all the while, we as his parents are just thrilled
beyond belief that we can hold him and hug him, at
least for today. He is a miracle.

If you are fighting the good fight, please don't
give up. Advances in cancer treatments are out
there. There is always hope if you can just
believe. Thanks to the many of you who have kept
Devin in your prayers. We couldn't have done it
without you.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Whew.....cleaning a long forgotten drawer in the
new kitchen and found a big surprise.........checks
for the American Cancer Society......just three, but
three checks that I thought had been turned in a
while back. Oops! Guess I will be making a trip
to the ACS office today. I would imagine they will
take money any time.....

Things are okay here. I say okay because I have
feelings that things could be better. The kids
show no enthusiasm for school and that bothers me.
I always LOVED school and to see them drag out of
bed, go through the motions of doing their homework
and have no enthusiasm or excitment about it worries
me. I just know it can and should be better. I
don't know what to do. We are in the district for
a good public school, but I'm not convinced it is
the answer. Only God knows what is best for these
kids. As their mom, I just want them to be happy..

I'll try to get some pictures on here today. I
found my cord to download, but now can't access
my photobucket account. Its always something.

Here they are:

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Kara serving ice cream

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Devin & Kara at the ice cream party

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Devin skateboarding down the moving truck's ramp......

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Devin, GG and Kara last weekend

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Devin and GG

Thanks for stopping by. Take a minute and sign the guestbook.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Grandma was here!!

We just had her for a few days, but we packed a lot
of fun into Friday through Monday evening. We spent
a lot of time decorating the house and getting things
in their proper place. It was a fun visit!! I am
so lucky to have a mom that loves to come and see me
and my family!! Thanks Momma for all you do and
taking time out to come see us!!

Friday morning Kara had her botox injections again.
They haven't kicked in yet, but the doctor thinks
possibly these will be the last ones she needs. It
is hard to believe she still has so much pain from
a minor car accident over a year ago.......I can't
imagine people who are really injured......like my
dad......what a mess!!

My dad is still in the re-hab facility and going to
physical therapy twice a day. He is finally allowed
to put some weight on his legs and is learning to
walk again......a walker in the front and someone
with a wheelchair following behind him. He has been
in the hospital/rehab facility since the Tuesday after
Father's Day!! He has completely missed summer. He
is hoping to get released by his birthday......Nov 18th,
but he needs to get some remodeling done at his house
before he can live in it. He will also need someone
to come in and help him out.........he has come a long
way, but still has a long way to go!!

Not much other news. Keep putting signs up at the
"for sale" house and keep getting them stolen....that
gets old for sure. I don't know who or why, but someone
evidently gets some kind of enjoyment from stealing my
'for sale by owner' signs..........wierd!!

Still no sign of the camera cord...............look for
LOTS of pictures when the thing finally shows up. It
needs to show up soon. I haven't been able to download
for what seems like an eternity.

Thanks to all of you who continue to check on Devin and
our family. We appreciate you!

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Time for another update.

The kids go back to school on Monday. We've had a
fun break. We got a call on Wednesday that Kara's
shots on Friday had been cancelled due to the dr's
schedule, so we made a quick trip out to Wendover (NV)
for a change of pace. Turns out they were having
some rocket car races out at the Salt Flats. We went
out for a bit and got to see a bunch of cool cars.
We missed the races; too much wind, but got some ideas
for Devin's upcoming science fair project....
We even found some really smooth areas out on the
salt flats and drove really fast.........its hard
to see/tell what you are doing out there. Its
definetly different than driving on a marked road!!

Its been COLD here today. We knew this was coming
so went and picked all of our chili peppers, pumpkins
and tomatoes from the other house yesterday. We have
enjoyed our garden this year.........the one good
thing I can say about NOT selling the house just yet...
fresh tomatoes!!

We had the ice cream party Wednesday evening and it
was a lot of fun. We took turns serving up ice cream
and got rid of most of it. I think there were a
couple of gallons left over which were donated to
the Candlelighters parent break. We only had about
10 Dreyers bowls left over..........so I would have
to guess we served around NINETY people. Patients,
parents, siblings, nurses, grandmas........you name
it. One family with two little ones getting ice
cream and a brother in isolation said that they had
looked forward to the party all day!! That really
made us feel good. I am hoping we can get some other
things set up for these families. It gets soooo
lonely when you're inpatient day in and day out for
so long. I'm just glad that we were able to make
some people smile and take their minds off of cancer
for a couple of hours.

Devin's big news is he got a new long board......
skateboard. He is obsessed with skateboarding these
days. He says when it starts snowing he is going
to try snowboarding this year....he seems to be big
into taking risks these days. Hmm.

We're still working on getting things in their place
at our new house. The camera cord is still missing...
I have NO idea. Probably the same place the printer
cartridges are.......moving is so much fun!! I
will get these pictures on here one of these days.

Thanks for stopping by.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

We've had a fun and busy week so far.

Monday we went to see a movie. I can't
remember the name of it, but it is about
a football player who finds out he has a
daughter.........pretty predictable, but
the kids enjoyed it!!

Yesterday we drove over to Cache Valley and
went to a cheese factory; Gossners. We were
out of luck in seeing any cheese being made,
but we were lucky enough to get plenty of free
samples and bought some to bring home. After
our cheese tasting we went to the 'honey place'
where it seems most of Utah's honey comes from
and downtown to the Bluebird..........an old
soda-shop/restaurant that has been in business
since 1917. They have great ice cream and hand
dipped chocolates. It was a very tasty day.
The weather was great and the leaves driving
up the canyon into Logan were just beautiful.

Today we spent some time at the old house,
visited dad at the office and went to Murray Park.
Kara has a 'leaf project' due sometime next month
that she needed to work on and all the trees in
Murray Park are identified. She needed 20 different
types, but kept going until she tired at 28. Devin
is hoping she will get some extra credit; Kara doesn;t
think that way and is ready to throw the extras out...
strange how very different two kids from the same
family can be!!

Tonight is the big ice cream social up at PCMC.
I'm not sure how many people will be there, but I
do know that Devin is very excited to be serving
up ice cream and keeps asking when we get to leave.
Its at 6:30!! It should be fun. Depends on how
many chemo kids are inpatient as to how many will
be around to participate.

Thanks for checking on us. Still no offers on the
house. We're hoping it sells before the leaves
start falling and the big time raking begins!!

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Good morning from blustery Utah.
It got chilly here last night and is blowing and
raining this morning. The kids and I are having a
'lazy day' while Randy is away at work. He had
another golf tournament yesterday so he is a bit
behind at work.

I got an exciting phone call while I was working in
Kara's class yesterday; a real estate agent saying he
has some clients wanting to make an offer. This
was around 2pm yesterday and I have yet to hear any-
thing, so I am hoping we will get something today.
We have been saying lots of extra prayers to get this
house sold. I'm hoping that a nice family is ready to
call it home.

The kids are out of school this coming week for fall
break. We don't have many plans just yet, except
Wednesday evening is Devin's ice cream party for the
kids up at Primary Children's Hospital. All of the
supplies and ice cream is at the hospital courtesy
of the contest he won through Dreyers Ice Cream.
That should be fun. Its nice that he wants to give

Other than that I have just been keeping busy taking
care of 2 houses. Lots of boxes to unpack, rooms to
organize, yards to take care of, etc., etc.. It has
not got to a 'fun part' yet. Its all just work so
far....with no end in sight!! It will be nice once
we are truly settled and have only one house payment
to take care of......

Thanks for stopping by.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Hi! The weather has cooled off here in Utah. I think
we were up around 60 today........very cool!!

The fall festival this weekend was very fun. We made it
through most of the carnival before the heavy rains
started. Kara spent the night with one of her friends
Saturday night and Dev had a friend spend the night here.
I don't think any of the kids got much rest, then we were
up early on Sunday for church. It was a busy weekend!!

I took Kara for her follow-up neurology appointment
this morning. The neurologist was impressed with her
progress, but still thinks that she can do more if he
gives her some more shots. I should be getting a call
tomorrow to schedule more botox injections in her head
and neck. He did say she should be able to get back
into tumbling, as long as she continues her physical
therapy and only does tumbling for fun, NOT competition.
Makes sense. Trying to keep the stress levels down.

Speaking of stress levels, they are running high around
here. We haven't had a call on the house in about two
weeks. It is getting old. We are so ready to have only
one mortgage payment!!! Devin told me I should get a
job so he doesn't have to have his lifestyle changed
until the old house sells..................he is

We did go to Chili's last night to help with their
fundraising. They are donating portions of Sept's
profits to St. Judes. All of last night's profits
went to St. Judes/Pediatric cancer research.

Thanks for checking on us.
Rosi........we will catch up one of these days!

Friday, September 21, 2007

Devin's celebration went well. We went to 'The Pie'
for pizza; his favorite, then came home for pumpkin
cheesecake.......another favorite. We made it a
family celebration and both kids got gifts. Devin
got a new longboard (skateboard) and Kara got some
"beauty supplies". I think September is so full of
memories that it is an exhausting month.

It is hard to believe that it has been 4 years since
this all began. I find it interesting that Devin was
diagnosed in "Childhood Cancer Awareness month"....I
find it horribly sad that there seems to be no more
interest/public awareness for this important cause
than when it was first brought to my attention 4 years
ago. I still have big plans to change this.

Tomorrow is a 5K/Fun Run and carnival at the kids'
school. We will be busy volunteering most of the
day. Dev is wanting to go see the 'Dew Tour' that
is going on this weekend downtown. Hopefully we
can fit that into the schedule.

I'll update with some new pictures when I unpack
my camera cord................

Thanks for your support.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

This day 4 years ago we were sitting in the intensive
care unit at Primary Children's Hospital. We knew
that Devin had cancer, but were awaiting him to get
out of surgery and get biopsy results. I can still
remember clear as day Randy and I sitting in the
surgery waiting room praying for lymphoma. I
know it sounds crazy, but like I said, we knew he
had cancer........we wanted a 'good' kind.

We got our wish. Early on the 19th of September we
got the official diagnosis: Non Hodgkins T-cell
Lymphoblastic Lymphoma stage III. He would be
treated as though he was CNS positive (central
nervous system) involved due to the fact he had
a couple of places in his spine where cancer had
wrapped itself around vertebrae. The doctors said
it was a miracle that he did NOT have cancer cells
in his spinal fluid. It was actually a miracle he
made it to diagnosis....he had been seen earlier
in the day on the 17th by a 'specialist' and said
to be fine.................a collapsing lung and
the pain it brought forced us into the emergency

Two full years of chemo, numerous blood transfusions,
brushes with death, hospitalizations and many
prayers from around the world make it possible for
Devin to still be with us today. Tomorrow celebrates
another kind of 'birthday' for Devin...the day he
finished that chemo and went onto a healthy, cancer
free life.

Its been a long road, but well worth it.
We appreciate those of you who have stood beside us;
your prayers, positive thoughts and well wishes have
kept us going. Thank you for being on 'Team Devin'.
You have reason to celebrate too!!!

Three more years of cancer-free scans to go until
he is considered CANCER FREE!!!!!!!!


Friday, September 14, 2007

TGIF!! This new school year has been exhausting
to say the least. Devin comes home every night
with mountains of homework to do. Hours and hours.
We are starting to wonder if he is doing anything
while at school, or bringing it all home? He has
not been happy which in turn makes us all on edge.

I'm wondering if he is having some type of regression
or just too hot at school to work...........the a/c
in his building has NOT been working so far this
school year and it is stifling. He does not do well
with temperature extremes.

Kara's day was better yesterday. She was allowed to
play an entire volleyball game............the first
two she was only in FIVE MINUTES and not at all happy
with the situation. Volleyball (or any sport) is
much more fun to play, than to sit on the sidelines!
Anyway, not only did she finally get to play....but
their team finally won a game!!!!! Yes!!! She was
ready to give it up alltogether and I was ready to
talk to some coaches about being fair.........I
thought part of the purpose of 'team sports' was to
allow all players to play...

Overall, life has been very stressful and busy. I
just keep repeating to myself that it could always be
worse. This too shall pass. It is just stressful in
this moment and I know things will improve soon.

Thanks for stopping by.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Hello from Utah. Things are extra busy here, as usual.
We are pretty much moved into the new house.....lots to
do still, but furniture is set up. I'm waiting on Kara
to get her bedding picked out so we can paint/finish her

Things are s l o w at the old house. We've had a
couple of calls/lookers, but nothing. Now that it
is empty it just doesn't look as inviting. What to
do? I don't know. I'm tired of thinking about it.
I do know I will be glad when its sold (really sold)
and we can get on with our life. Keeping up with
two mortgages, yards, etc. is not so much fun.

Kara's volleyball is keeping us all busy with all
of the practices and games. They lost their second
game today..............the games go by fast!

Randy is back from a quick trip to San Diego. The
kids were mad that they couldn't go too. Hopefully
next time.

Honestly I am stressed to the limit right now. I am
trying to do 100 different things at once and it is
nervewracking. Every time I get on this pity party
I just remember that it could always be worse. Devin
has a clean bill of health and is coming up on 2 YEARS
OFF TREATMENT!! Putting things into perspective helps
me see the big picture here!!

September is National Childhood Cancer Awareness month....
keep all our friends in your prayers. Hopefully I will
get back to signing guestbooks soon.....

Friday, September 7, 2007

Sorry for the delay in updates. Things are fine
here; just very busy. We have shown the house a
couple of times this week, but so far nothing. It
is a bit overwhelming......but we will manage.

We have been 'living' at the new house with a couple of
chairs and beds on the floor........it has been stressful
to be 'camping' and no end in sight.............Randy
finally decided staging the house was not for us and
arranged for a move today. Most of the furniture is
here at the new house....haphazard, but it is here.
Randy got a little tired of their laziness and got rid
of them before we got beds together. Long story...

Kara had her first volleyball game yesterday.....it went
fast!! She only played about 5 minutes of a 20 minute
game.....but seemed to like it well enough. I think we
have 2 games next week. Between practices and now games
she spends a lot of time with her volleyball friends.

Devin got notice at school the other day to get a hair cut!! He was not impressed. I think he is ready to
find another school before he gets a hair cut......dad
said they will find a good hair stylist this weekend.
We have 'Bikini Cuts' here, so who knows, maybe they
will land up there.......

Thanks for the phone calls and emails........I will get
back to you eventually. Just always one more thing to
get done, go to bed and start all over the next day.
Its a good, exhausting busy though......at least it is
not cancer-busy.

I better go help Randy. Please leave a message.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Thank you for your prayers. The service was very
nice. Lots of flowers and lots of people there for
the big send-off. Nanny lived a good long life, but
it seems very strange to think we won't be seeing
her on this earth again.

I think I am a little numb. I know it hasn't really
sunk in for my mom. It was a week yesterday since
she passed away.

Randy went home Thursday evening. The kids and I
are headed out in a bit. They have had a good time
here despite the circumstances. They've got to see
their cousins, go to Braums.....several times...,
visit T-Shirt and the Jasmine Moran Children's Museum.
Now back to the grind............I'm just glad they
will have a little 'break' tomorrow to recover.

I better get our stuff packed. Thanks for stopping by.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

My Nanny passed away yesterday morning. The past two
days have been a fight for her and she fought until the
end. She was a strong woman.

I flew out to OK last night on the only seat available
on Delta. Randy and the kids will be out here later
in the week when they can get a flight. The funeral is
set for Wednesday at 4pm.

I guess I am a little numb right now and the words are
just not coming out. While I know that Nanny is in a
better place, it is hard to face the upcoming days.
It is nice to think she will be able to breathe freely,
see easily and be reunited with those she has been kept
away from for so long....she has been a widow now for
12 1/2 years.

Thanks for stopping by. I've got a few more days to
collect donations for this year's Relay for Life. If
you're interested in donating here is the link:

Devin's Relay For Life

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

The kids started school on Monday and so far, so good.
Devin's class is VERY small with only 9 boys!! Kara's
class is small too, but has a good mix of 18 boys and
girls. They both seem excited, but tired to be back in
school. Kara decided to join the volleyball team so
they started practice today. No rest for awhile now...

The house is still for sale. The lookers on Sunday
were very interested, but need to sell a home and get
some things in order before they are ready to do
anything. No other calls to see it.......I've
talked to several agents and they said the market
is incredibly s l o w...........evidently home loans
are close to impossible to get right now. Scary!!

We are leaving the house staged for now.....we have
moved a lot of 'essentials' over to the new house, so
hopefully I can get something other than camping
mats to sleep on and get moved to the new house....

If you've tried calling the home number, it is still
NOT WORKING!!!!!!!!!!!!! We switched from Qwest to
Comcast when we moved and supposively got phone service
and internet/cable on the 13th..........no phone, tv
service works, getting my internet through a very
iffy wireless connection (someone else's connection
evidently.....) Aaghhhh........got my first bill

Kara's appt. for neurology was yesterday. I sent her
to school, then picked her up one hour later. We get
up to PCMC to find out the neurology clinic had "called me and cancelled the appt. on June 10" I told them
there was NO WAY........she didn't even have her procedure
until the last Friday before July 4th (while I was in
OKLA) and this was a FOLLOW UP appt to that!!! So..make a long story short, the appt has been set up for Sept 25th.....frustrating times!

Better post this before I lose my connection. Hoping
to be able to check on our friends soon. Thanks for
the package Mrs. Pam........we do receive mail!!

Sunday, August 19, 2007

We were supposed to move yesterday, but had a change
of plans. It turns out the people who 'bought' our
house didn't qualify for their loan and cannot go
through with the purchase. Our home is now back
up on the market......

Not great news, but if that is the worst news for
the week, we are okay with it!!! We are just so
thankful that all of Devin's scans came back good
that we can handle most anything.

I've got a showing today at 12:30, so I better
get busy. We camped out at the new house last
night so the 'old' house stays cleaner....longer.

The kids start back to school tomorrow. They are

Thanks for stopping by.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Thanks for your prayers........

scans went well, no signs of cancer. There is
a very small cyst which we were told can be normal
and will be monitored, but nothing horrible like

We appreciate your prayers, love and concern.

We are off to CELEBRATE!!

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Yes, we sold our house!! Updating the site is a little
tricky. I woke up Friday morning to find out the phone
company had decided to shut off my phone. The new
company did get it turned on at the new place, but that
was later in the afternoon. Internet access is still
very questionable.

We have been keeping very busy getting ready to move.
We've brought a few things over...mainly garage stuff
and have been busy shopping for things we need. The
people who bought our home wanted our washer/dryer so
I am shopping for those as well as a new dining room
table, paint for Kara's room, etc.. Too much all at
once that is for sure!! Good to be so busy that we
don't have time to think!!

Devin talked us into sleeping at the new house last
night so we slept in sleeping bags on the floor and
he had a friend stay the night. We do have one tv
set up, as well as his Wii; so the boys were happy.
I have no idea when they finally decided to go to
bed, but do know that they had every light on in this
house when I got up.

Maddie and Willie are enjoying checking out their new
yard. There is an older black lab to the east of us
that they have been visiting with, and even a doggy
door that they are both learning to use. Maddie has
even taken a few dips in the pool.....she is a natural!

Scans start tomorrow at 10:30. Randy's parents will
be watching Kara here at the new place so we can focus
solely on Devin. Please keep him in your prayers.
We are praying for no sign of any cancer and peace
for Devin throughout these tests.

Thanks for checking in on us. I will update tomorrow
when we are home from the clinics.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Thanks for all of the messages. I do believe our family
is in a state of shock over these latest events. Devin
finally mentioned it today and how much he is dreading it.
Me too.

I hate cancer so much. I try to look on the bright side
and pray this is nothing, but still the fear that cancer
has instilled in MY SON alone makes me soooooooo angry!!
The worry and fear that cancer puts in people's lives..
possibly for no reason in this case, makes me sick!!

I finally got a call from scheduling this morning to have
all of these tests done on the 20th.......I told the guy
there was NO WAY we were waiting that long, so he talked
to the doctors and Devin is now scheduled for next Monday,
the 13th. Please pay for peace and comfort for Devin, not
to mention CLEAN scans.

Again, its not too late to donate to Devin's Cancer Warriors Relay for Life (American Cancer Team). Click
here to donate:

Devin's Relay For Life

Thanks for stopping by. Please leave a message.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Clownfish has been gone two years. We miss you

Kara's PT appointment went well today. If things
keep improving she will hopefully be cleared for
tumbling soon.

Devin did NOT get his scans today. We went in for
his appointment and evidently the doctor felt some
areas may be swollen (nodes) and wanted to do further
investigation. The scans for today were cancelled so
that we could re-schedule for more invasive scans, some
ultrasounds, an ECHO and bloodwork. The scheduler had
already gone home so I will call back first thing in
the morning. We are hoping to get back in to get to
the bottom of this in the next couple of days. PRAY.

Devin did not say a word on the way home. None of us
did. Luckily he got a phone call to play at a friends
about the time we walked in the door. I know he is
really dreading the upcoming tests.......we all are.

No dreary guestbook entries please.........lets keep
this on the up and up.

Relay was fine. When I locate my camera I can download
the pics and video...........we can still solicit for
money through the end of this month. I'll put the link
up for anyone who is interested. We've got to find a
cure for this damn disease.

Devin's Relay For Life

Thanks for stopping by.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

What a week! To say we have been busy is an
understatement!! We never have a dull minute
around here. I bragged to the kids that we had
made it through dad's latest trip without any
major catastrophes, only to find Miss Maddie
throwing up bright red blood!! We spent most of
Tuesday evening in the doggy E.R............not a
good place to be; especially when you are trying
NOT to spend money!!! 6 hours and 5 prescriptions
later we were on the way home!! She is feeling much
better now after a new diet of chicken noodle soup!!

The house listing finally showed up on the MLS
Tuesday night and I was busy showing most of
yesterday. I haven't pushed it too much on my
own this week since Randy has been out of town;
again!! I had a really good feeling that we would
get an offer today, but so far nothing. It is hard
to keep the house 'show ready' all of the time. I
have a daughter who likes to bring the great outdoors
inside with her any chance she gets. Needless to say
our vaccuum has never worked harder. We are due to
close on the new house on the 9th........a week from
today. Seems unreal.

Tomorrow is our Relay for Life. Not all of our walkers
have signed in, and we still have outstanding donations
to enter. We are making progress, but S L O W progress
this year. Devin is due to speak sometime tomorrow at
the event. He is a terrific public speaker!!!! I wish
all of our caringbridge friends, supporters and family
could be there to hear him. He does not disappoint!

There is still time to donate and/or join our team.
Thanks to those of you who have taken the time to
help us out. Its going to take a collective effort
to wipe out this beast called cancer.

Devin's Relay For Life

Just a FYI: Dev's next scans and bloodwork is scheduled
for 8-07-07.................never too soon to pray for continued remission.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Status quo in OK.
The house is FINALLY on the MLS today...but no
calls yet.

Devin made a video last night for his upcoming
fundraiser. I just added about $400 of offline
donations to his site, but they aren't showing up
yet since they aren't 'verified'.....only donations
paid with a credit card are showing up right now.

He'd still like to collect MORE money, which means
we need YOUR HELP.

Here's the video and the link:

Devin's Relay For Life

Thanks for stopping by........

Thursday, July 26, 2007

We've finally had some rain in Utah and got some of
the wildfires under control. It has been a horrible
summer for fires......

News in OK is still not good. My dad did get his vent
taken out, but is still on oxygen. He is still in the
ICU unit.....going on the 2nd straight week since the
seizures began. Within an hour of him getting the vent
taken out they decided he needed a "physical therapy
consult" and wheeled him down to the PT unit. Within
10 minutes he was on the floor in a grand mal and was
coding. Unbelievable that they were even taking him out
of his room when his seizure activity has been so non-stop
for so long.

My Nanny is not good. She is eating a bit, but for the
most part knows not where she is or who anyone else is.
My mom said last night she was convinced that she was
getting married, then decided not to at the last minute.
Never a dull moment at the nursing home I guess. I think
her mind is constantly playing tricks on her....either she
takes things she overhears on the t.v. or she's talking
to the dead. Its never 'normal'.

My Aunt Sue is very sick from chemo. Just really having
a hard time. They've cut this last dose into 3 parts and
she is still having difficulties. She will take a one
week break, have a couple more treatments, then start
with the dreaded radiation. Cancer SUCKS!!

The house is still for sale. We had some people come
through on Sunday that we thought would make an offer.
Its a middle-aged couple with grown kids who want to
move her parents in with them. The step-dad of the
woman is dying of, what else, cancer, and they want
him to be comfortable in his last months. I was hoping
for an offer, but obviously something else has come up.
We are putting it on the MLS today through a service that
still allows us to be in charge of the listing, so I am
hopeful that with it being 'out there' we will sell.
We don't want to leave this house empty to move into the
new house.................which is supposed to happen on
the 9th. I'd really like to be moved and settled before
school starts on the 20th.

There is still time to donate for our upcoming Relay
for Life in Sandy, Utah on August 3rd.

Click here to donate to Devin and friends' team the
Cancer Warriors:

Devin's Relay For Life

Friday, July 20, 2007 11:16 PM CDT

Things are not good in OK. My dad started
having seizures last Thursday afternoon and
was transferred back into ICU. His seizure
activity has been out of control where he has
basically been in a coma most of the week.
He is not breathing on his own and is still
very heavily medicated. Today he showed some
signs of understanding and opening his eyes..
its been over a month since his accident. His
blood is not good, he is running fever and losing
blood somewhere. They can't move him for scans
or anything because they risk causing another
seizure. He is one sick T-Shirt Grandpa!!

My Nanny is about the same. Doesn't seem to
know where she is or who anyone else is. She is
on hospice and just pitiful. My mom and aunt take
turns going out to check on her, but she doesn't
seem to know who they are. She seems to be in a
good enough mood with them, but isn't making much

Devin is good. Slow going on the fundraising.
We've been without internet at home for a few days
now so that hasn't helped anything either.........
there is still time to donate.

Devin's Relay For Life

Randy has been gone for a few days to a conference
up in Montana, but is home now. Nope, I did not
manage to sell the house while he was away!! It
is still on the market. Seems I get a lot of calls
from real estate agents telling me they could have
already sold my house. Its been interesting.

Thanks for checking on us.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Things are not good in OK. Nanny is on hospice and
not so good. My dad started having seizures and is
in a drug induced coma in the ICU........also on a
ventilator!! Almost a month after his accident...
car accidents are horrible!!

We made a very quick trip up to Idaho Falls yesterday
afternoon. We saw some of Randy's old friends, ate
some Papa Toms Pizza and visited Yellowstone Bear
World. With all of the events going on in Oklahoma
we don't dare all make the drive up to Glacier.
Hopefully things will settle down there soon.

The house is on the market.....by owner. We've
shown in three times, but no offers. 7 calls,
but nothing. We are impatient I know. Its hard
keeping this house spotless with 2 kids and 2 dogs!!
Hopefully it will sell soon.

Thanks for your continued prayers. We appreciate

Still time to donate for the Relay:

Devin's Relay For Life

Please sign the guestbook.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Hopefully the sign goes in the yard today.
Its always just 'one more thing'......now
I've taken pictures and can't locate my
camera cord.........hmmm.......maybe its
packed away in a box? I wouldn't doubt
anything right now.

Wildfires are still out of control in Utah.
The air quality is so horrible I don't think
there is a safe place to be outside in the state.
We haven't been able to see the mountains due to
all the smoke for days.........we need some rain!!

Nanny is worse again. She is having trouble
swallowing and aspirating food. This is not fun
for her or anyone involved. Poor thing is so past
ready to be done with this life.

My dad is status quo. His infection problems are
taken care of, but the stroke and other injuries
are keeping him down. Who knows when he'll be
able to go home. He certainly can't take care of
himself right now. He is not with it...at all.

Dev is good. Mad because I won't let him be
out swimming all day, but this air quality is
just too bad. He doesn't need any other issues
to deal with.........and the warnings are all
over the news. Stay inside, don't breathe the

RFL is less than a month away. Thanks to those of you
who have signed up. There is still time for the rest
of you........

Devin's Relay For Life

Donate today!! Thanks

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Thanks for the birthday wishes. I am finally
feeling decent again. I was really sick, but
just glad no one else here managed to get it

Things are status quo in OK. My Nanny is hanging
in there. She has been moved out of the hospital
into the nursing home attached to the hospital.
She is ready to go. She has times when she is
somewhat with it, but more times when she is not.

My dad is not so good. He has some problems from
the stroke that appear to be permanent. He is
having some paranoid episodes that are making it
difficult for him and everyone who deals with him.
It sounds like his infection is under control. Its
going to be a long road for him.

We've been busy packing up our house. In a month
we can move to our new place. Hopefully we will
get the sign up in our yard by Wednesday (tomorrow).
Me being sick really got us behind schedule. I
think we are almost ready to list it.......hopefully
it will sell fast. We are trying the for sale by
owner route first since houses in our area are
selling so quick.

Today is the anniversary of Ryan Brown's passing.
Please go and offer his family some extra support.
I know they miss him like crazy. I never met him
and I miss him, so I can't imagine how they are

Cutest Kid in Kentucky

Just a little less than a month until our Relay for
Life. Donations are slow coming in and we haven't
been beating the pavement like we should. You can
still donate online by clicking here:

Devin's Relay For Life

or you can send a check made out to ACS (American Cancer Society) to Devin. You can email me for the addrress: tiredofcancer@yahoo.com

Also, if you're in the area and would like to join our
team we would love to have you, or I can help you get your
own team started. Let me know.

I better get to sleep. Its 1am and way past my bedtime.

Don't forget to sign the guestbook.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

What a day.

Nanny is doing worse. She is not going back to
her home anymore. She is on hospice and teetering
on the edge of this life and the next. I cannot
remember feeling this helpless in a long time.
Pray for a peaceful passing.

My mom is hanging in there. I know she is exhausted.
I am exhausted just lying here 1200 miles away and
being so helpless in this situation. Please pray for

I know my aunt has been out to the hospital. I'm
not sure of her status. Pray for strength.

My dad has infected wounds. I haven't got to speak
to him yet. Pray for him and all of our veterans.
Thank them that we are able to live in a free

Monday, July 2, 2007

Can you believe its July already? I slept through the
last couple of days of June and on into July. After not
being able to speak or swallow; in addition to the fever
I allowed Randy and kids to take me to the dr. Diagnosis:
strep throat!! I guess there is a first time for every-
thing. I'm just hoping the kids don't get it. I cannot
remember being this sick since I was a teenager. Uugghh.
Luckily none of us really got too sick while Devin was so
down and out with the big c.... boy was that lucky.

Devin is looking good. He's finally rid of that darn
cough, so if I can keep him from getting strep I will
consider him one lucky kid!! We got notice a week or
so ago that he won a short essay contest for a "Dreyer's
Ice Cream block party" for 100 people. He wrote a short
essay, then found out it was for people 18 and older so
I submitted it for him. He wanted the ice cream to share
with cancer kids and that is what he is getting. The party is scheduled for
the 1st part of Sept. up at PCMC. He is
always thinking of others. I am just so proud of him.

He's also been asked to speak at this year's Relay for Life
in Sandy, Utah. Maybe some one will want to pay to listen
to him speak...........our donations have been s l o w
this year. As soon as I start feeling better I think we
will be hitting the pavement.

You can donate here:

Devin's Relay For Life

We get Kara's neuro-psych results on the 6th and just
moved Devin's 3 month appt. to either the 5th or 6th.
Oh, and in the few days between me getting home from
OK and getting sick we bought a house; still in Utah.
Just a few miles south of where we are now.

As soon as I get better Devin wants us to pack up our
bikes and team up in 2 people teams and race into some
other state......................I guess he is looking
at some of those older pictures of his parents when they
used to take care of themselves and were in shape.....
poor kid has some high expectations!!! I don't think I
could make it to the end of the block today.

Update on my dad AKA T-Shirt Grandpa.....better..He was
moved to the VA where they have begun researching why
he had the stroke.........This was not his first and he's
a youngster!! Update on my Nanny: c-diff infection, plus
pneumonia, very lethargic. Not going home anytime soon.
I think my mom is playing musical hospitals along with her
regular work schedule...........musical hospitals at
hospitals that are about 40 miles apart that is....good
thing she's got that buy a gallon, get a gallon of gas
free card. sarcasm here......

Thanks for stopping by.

Friday, June 29, 2007

Where are the days going?

The kids have been in VBS this week and having a
great time. They didn't go yesterday because Kara
had her neuro-psych testing and Devin opted to hang
out with me. We spent a lot of time waiting at the
hospital and running into old friends......Devin has
plenty of friends up there!!

My dad is doing better. They've been working at
adjusting his meds and he just seems so much better.
He is starting to heal and was able to have his
surgery early!!! I don't know all of the specifics,
but I do know he won't be passing through a metal
detector anytime soon!! He is hoping to get transferred
over to the VA soon........maybe as early as today.
The drs are saying he'll probably need about a month
over there. I think he is realizing how lucky he is
to be alive!!

Nanny is sick now. It seems like its always something
with her. She became mentally better after I left and
even remembered that I was there, and details I had
told her about my dad's accident. Last night and today
she is just plain sick. Seems like if she gets the
least bit dehydrated she really gets 'off mentally'.
Hopefully the dr. can get her figured out. Its so hard
to know what to do with someone when they seem mentally
fine one minute and don't know who you are or where they
are the next.

I've been reminded that our relay for life is just over
a month away and we don't have much money raised. If
you are interested in making a donation you can do so
online by clicking here:

Devin's Relay For Life


you can send a check made out to ACS (American Cancer
Society) to Devin's post office box. Here's the address:

PMB #429
6914 S Redwood Road
West Jordan, UT 84084

Remember, every $ counts!!

Thanks for your support.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

I am home. I flew in last night. Your prayers
are working. I had hoped for my dad to be well
enough to get out of the ICU/Trauma Unit before
I left and sure enough that happened very early
yesterday morning. His blood pressure is finally
in check and his liver levels are looking a little
better each day. They are still saying another
10 to 12 days before they take him back in for the
2nd major surgery on his right leg, but at least
he is moving in the right direction. He seemed
more to realize what had happened yesterday and
be willing to do what it takes to get better.
Keep praying.

My Nanny is a different story. I don't think she
ever knew who I was. She seems happy, but not at
all aware of where she is or who is with her. She
repeats what people say, but you can tell it doesn't
really mean anything to her. She pulled one of her
'stunts' early Saturday morning and somehow got out
of her house and 'went shopping for fabric' around
2am.....................very sad and VERY dangerous
situation. Luckily we were able to get her home
without much trouble, but things are going to have
to change. Hopefully on Monday her doctor will have
some suggestions. We aren't sure if there is much
hope in her ever knowing who we are, but if there is
a chance of that, we'd certainly like to try it. The
golden years are not so golden. Keep praying.

My aunt looked about like I was expecting. She is
very, very nauseaus and currently on taxol. She is
due for a few more chemo treatments before they start
the radiation. The taxol supposively wasn't supposed
to make her sick, but it has certainly made her very
ill. She's still smiling though and hoping to get
back to the kindergarten center where she has worked
for the past 100 years or so (not quite, but you get
the idea) and take her mind off of the events of these
last horrible cancer-filled months. Keep praying.

Kara came through her procedure just great!! Randy
said she did so well and he was so impressed with her
care. It just went so much smoother down in the RTU
with an anesthesiologist doing her sedation rather than
the nurse practicioner (nothing against NPs, just that
anesth. have more experience). He said she got some
root beer flavored nitrous to start off and she REALLY
enjoyed that!! She can now begin her physical therapy
again and hopefully put this pain behind her once and
for all.

Devin has almost got rid of that horrible barky cough.
He said that dad took good care of them while I was
away and they even had some fun in the process. The
house was even standing when I got home and in good
condition......maybe I should go away more often, but
maybe somewhere to relax!!!! Of course I'd have to take
my stressed to the max mom with me!!!!!

Thanks for your continued prayers for our family. We
appreciate you all.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Thanks for the prayers for my dad. I do believe he
is on the long, long road to recovery. They removed
the dressing from his leg and started adjusting the
pins yesterday. He still doesn't seem to notice he
has a broken leg, or arm or wrist or much of anything
else. The liver is still not good, his blood flow is
not good......this will complicate healing. His blood
pressure is way too high. They finally got a medicine
to relax him enough to sleep yesterday and he spent a
good deal of the day asleep.........finally. Wednesday
was horrible. Like I said he is unaware of what has
happened and where he is, so he keeps wanting to get up
and 'get things done', 'take care of things'. Hopefully
today will be more of an alert day. We have no game plan
as to when he gets out of the ICU/trauma unit. He seems
to be the only patient in there that is not in a coma-like
state. There are many in there that look much worse!! All
car accidents I would assume.

Kara's big day is today. I think Randy is more nervous than
she is. Please pray that everything goes smoothly for them.
I think being 'Mr Mom' in addition to working and taking care of everything else around the house is getting to be not so much fun!! Hopefully Kara is in and out quick. She will be under conscious sedation for the procedure, then sent home.

More later.

Thanks for your continued prayers,

Thursday 6-21-07

What an exhausting day yesterday was!! My dad is not mentally with us; he has times he seems to understand what is going on and where he is and why, but for the most part he seems very confused. He is certainly not an ideal patient by anyone's standards. Most of the patients in the trauma unit look comatose and he is trying to get out of bed and get out of there........nevermind he has a leg that has external pins sticking out of it, a broken back and broken arm. He is an exhausting patient...........He is not able to sleep and by now we are begging them to knock him out!! He needs rest more than anything.

Today I need to figure out the insurance info and get that straightened out. The truck has been towed to his farm, the dog is at a friend's house. I'm sure there are 100 things more to get done.

Back in Utah, Kara has been sick, but better now. Dev and Randy are sounding better. Randy is working from home and
playing 'Mr. Mom' in addition to everything else. Sounds like they are making the most of their adventure.

Thanks for the support and prayers.

Wednesday 6-20-07

A quick update: I made a quick trip out
to OK yesterday after Kara's intake evaluation. After talking to my mom it just sounded like I needed to be out here. The kids are home 'helping' dad.

Evidently my dad had a stroke, blacked out and veered off the highway. As he blacked out his body went forward and caused him to accelerate more. He went off the hwy, down a ditch, back up and into a tree. No one else was injured. His dog is shaky, but good. The truck is completely totalled. My mom got it towed to his farm yesterday.

Back to my dad; he has numerous broken vertebrae in all areas of his spine, broken collar bone, numerous broken ribs, hematomas on the neck, completely shattered right arm and leg, broken something or another on the left leg...internal bleeding, lacerated liver........other than that.......I guess he is pretty good. He has no idea about the accident and no idea where he is. He doesn't seem to notice that he has poles coming out of his leg.....these will be there until the swelling comes down and they can do more surgery. He received 2 more units of blood yesterday and we are waiting to hear what the blood status is this morning. His liver counts are way too high. It is overwhelming to think of what injuries he has and that he is alive through that.

Thanks for your prayers. I'll update more later.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Life can change on a dime. I got a call last
night from my mom that my dad had been life-flighted
from the scene of a car accident to OKC. He is in
rough shape to say the least. Broken neck, back,
ribs, leg shattered, arm shattered, lacerated liver...
the list goes on. We are awaiting details from the
highway patrol. His little dog was with him and
surprisingly she is okay. Apparently he had a stroke
and blacked out behind the wheel. We are in hopes
that no one else was injured. Please pray for my
dad and family. This is not going to be easy.

Off to PCMC this morning for Kara's intake evaluation.
We have 2 more appts up there this week. Devin's
cough finally sounds better??? Although when people
stop you on the street to ask why you don't take your
kid to the dr. that probably isn't a good sign that
he sounds real good............but he is better. Not
a lot of energy, but that could also be attributed to
summer time laziness.

Make today count. There are no guarantees in this life.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Where does the time go? We have spent a great
deal of it in the pediatrician's office lately.
Devin has been one sick kid. You would think
I would have plenty of time to update, but Kara
seems to need constant attention; plus I have
been doing a purge of the house. What a mess we
are living in........one half of our garage is
filled with things that need a 'new' home....

Back to Dev.....he started his 3RD round of
antibiotics yesterday. Every time we think he
is doing better he adds another symptom to his
extremely BARKY cough. No fevers as of now,
but lots of trouble with his Crohns stuff....the
doctor thinks the high dosing on the last anti-
biotic probably got that started, so we took a
'3 day break' from drugs.........ugh.

He does sound better though. Randy had a tee
time for 6AM yesterday morning for some Father's
Day golf. I was suprised to see Dev up and semi-
ready around 5:30..........I think he'd have to be
in a coma to miss a golf opportunity!! He loves to
get out and play. It was a three generation golf
game yesterday with Randy, Gpa Ross and Devin. They
had a good time.

Kara still is on schedule for Friday. She hasn't
said much about it. Hopefully we can just kindof
'sneak it in' and don't have a lot of anxiety about

Thanks for continuing to check on our family even
when we're not so good at updating. We appreciate

There's still time to donate to Devin and friends
upcoming Relay for Life. Here's the link:

Devin's Relay For Life

Monday, June 18, 2007 10:01 AM CDT


Thursday, June 14, 2007

Devin is really sick. He has a horrible barky cough
that just won't quit. Luckily his fever has gone away,
but he isn't getting much rest due to the continuous
coughing. He saw a different ped. yesterday who was
very efficient and very worried about him. She sent
him for chest xrays........NED.....no pneumonia, yet.
Prescribed him another antibiotic....he just finished
the other one a couple of days ago; and some cough
medicine. He's also to continue the cream on his arm
where he got the vaccine.......he has a horrible crusty
rash there. We're not quite sure what that is, but if
its not better by tomorrow he is supposed to be seen by
dermatology. It could be something he picked up by
swimming while at camp?? At least the redness has gone

The dr. actually called to check on him this morning and
upped his cough medicine to every 4 hours.....or as he
can tolerate it. He has a serious gag problem so its
been a challenge getting it to stay down...........it
doesn't taste so good and he is not in the mood for being
messed with!!

I finally got the pictures I took from camp to download.
We were forced to buy a new camera while in St. Louis so
this one takes some getting used to!! The battery keeps
dying on me while trying to download..........not a good

I finally have Kara's schedule straightened out. She
starts her neuro-psych testing next Tuesday up at PCMC,
then the big 'procedure' will take place on Friday
morning. She is on hold with physical therapy until
AFTER she gets the shots since she is pretty limited in
what she can do right now.

Thanks for stopping by!!!

Just a reminder that Devin's Relay for Life team will
be walking on August 3rd and 4th. You can support the
team by clicking here:

Devin's Relay For Life


Wednesday, June 13, 2007 2:13 PM CDT

Greetings my loyal readers. Ha ha ha.

I am home from camp. I had a really good
time while I was away. My friends Tuli and
Riley were both in my cabin this year. One of
my counselors was named Scott, I had two more
named Kyle and Tanner. I called Tanner the

My favorite thing at camp was the dance. A lot
of people were cheering me on. I was busting
some dance moves they have never seen before. LOL

I took LOTS of snacks and silly string to camp.
I brought enough stuff to fill up an entire bag!!
That did not include my clothes and things! I
brought 12 cans of silly string.

I took lots of pictures. I will put them on here
later. Right now I am sick. I got sick before I
left for camp, got better, but now am sick again.
I threw up the other night and have a bad croupy
cough and fever. I am going to the dr. in a little
bit. My mom says no swimming for me until I get rid
of this wierdo rash on my arm where I had the reaction
to the shot............................!!!!!!!!@@!!!!

Get your checks and credit cards ready I am collecting
money for my Relay for Life coming up in August....

Here's the link:

Devin's Relay For Life

Friday, June 8, 2007 12:27 AM CDT

Today is the day my kids come home!!!!!!
It has been extremely quiet around here
without them. I have got nothing done...
except for my short burst of energy on
Tuesday. Its been rainy and windy here
most of the week. The sun is peeking out
today. Hopefully the kids will get to swim
before they have to pack up camp. I'm sure
they had a great time despite the weather..
Camp Hobe is an incredible place.

The dogs are anxious to get their kids home...
especially Maddie. There is a picture of her and
Kara up high on the side of the refrigerator. Maddie
barked yesterday for me to put it down so she could
see her 'sis'. I was afraid she might mess up the
picture so I put it back up high.....again this morning
she got up on her hind legs and barked for her sissy
picture. She loves her kids!! Good thing she has
got in plenty of naps this week.....I am sure they
have missed her as well.

I'll let Devin update when he is home.

Thanks for stopping by.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

It sure is quiet around here!!!

I dropped the kids off at Camp Hobe yesterday
morning. They were both super-excited to be
back at camp. What a great place!!! So many
familiar faces. Devin has Tuli in his cabin
and Riley (JT's brother) in the cabin next
door. Kara has Lani (ut/jankini2) Tuli's sis
in her cabin, Kirsten (ut/jtelder) JT's sis
is next door. Exciting!!!

I came home from camp and took a nap!! This
morning I got up and mowed the lawn, then set
about mopping.........an exciting day around
here. Finally I could pick Randy up at the
airport around 2pm and we enjoyed the quiet.

Too quiet!!

The winds are up in Utah. The news says there
are 10,000 acres on fire in Tooele county....this
is where the kids are...........lovely. Hopefully
firefighters will get it under control and camp
will proceed as planned. Scary though.

The dogs are missing the kids; but enjoying their
'quiet' time as well. I'll update if anything
exciting happens around here........

Still waiting to hear from neurology regarding
Kara's upcoming appt. next week.

Thanks for stopping by.........take a minute and
sign the guestbook.

Happy Birthday Kayla (hi/kayla)
Happy Birthday Bethany (tn/bethany)

Sunday, June 3, 2007

I keep losing my updates.

Devin is feeling better. He had a bad reaction to a vaccine on Tuesday. The NP he saw for a camp physical just insisted he needed it. Never mind the fact that
he had gone the past 3 years without it.....when I
had to take him back in on Thursday to see the
actual pediatrician, the ped was not thrilled. I
can imagine the NP was going to get an earful.....
Dev had a bullseye rash around the injection site, had
been throwing up and running a fever. Not fun. He's
now on antibiotic cream and pills for a week...

Kara FINALLY saw the neurologist we have been trying to
make contact with for most of a month. Turns out he
never got any of the 20 messages we had left for him
and the other neurologist had never contacted him about
Kara as he had promised. Anyway, he is wanting to do
another occipital nerve block on Kara and also do some
injections on the trigeminal nerve as well. This would
include sedating her and giving her about 8o shots in
her neck and head...............wow. This would allow
her to get her neck muscles built up and hopefully
get rid of this pain.

The kids had fun at Raging Waters. Randy was able to
come out in the afternoon and go on some of the slides
with Devin. After the water park, we went over to
Randy's parents for a birthday dinner and to visit with
Aunt Anita and Uncle Bud who were in town from Seattle.
It was a busy day!! Happy Birthday Randy...June 1st,
Happy Birthday Anita...June 3rd!!

Tomorrow the kids leave for another fun-filled week at
the best camp in the world: Camp Hobe!!! A special camp
for kids who have had or have cancer and their siblings.
It is the best!!!! If you ever have some extra money
you don't know what to do with, I highly recommend
donating it to a place like this........they do so
much good for these kids. A lifetime of memories in
a week!! My kids have so much fun here that they talk
about it all year.


Thanks for keeping up with us. Please take a minute
and sign the guestbook.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Good morning from Utah.
We are ending up school this week. I don't
know who is more excited; me or the kids!!!
Devin has had a super great year. His grades
have been excellent and he just seems sooooo
happy. Kara has struggled a bit more; especially
with the neck and head pain.......but still done
pretty good.

Devin seems on top of the world right now. He
goes today after school for his Camp Hobe physical.
He was worried he had to go to the oncology clinic,
but I assured him this was just a real easy exam...
he despises 'the clinic'.........I feel the same.
We'll be visiting that place soon enough.....I'll
take him for his 3 month check up AFTER camp is over.

Kara has massage therapy and FINALLY an appointment
with one of the neurologists (Thurs) that actually
has a clue as to what is going on with her. It has
taken me forever to finally get in touch with this
man...............finally this past Thursday he got
one of my 20 messages and called me back!! Wonders
never cease. Hopefully we can get her back on track
to feeling good. We'd like for her to be cleared to
go to camp too!!

We've got lots of end of school activities this week;
including a trip to the water park and some out of
state company. It should be a busy week!! I told
Devin when we slow down for a minute we need to get
serious about our Relay for Life fundraising....he
is wanting to make a video.........so watch for that
coming soon!!!! He is soooooooo into 'youtube' these
days.........he's obsessed!!

Thanks for stopping.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Sorry for the delay in updating. I have just been
overwhelmed with our trip to St. Louis. We had so
much fun with such great people!! It was sad to come
home. It is hard to explain, but there was such an
overwhelming sense of love while we were there that I
didn't want it to end!!
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Kara, Devin and GG

First off we met GG in baggage claim in the airport,
then found our hotel where Kenny & Rosi and Mrs. Pam
were waiting for us!!! Hugs all around, then off to
Mrs. Pam's house for a cookout. Mrs. Pam's home and
gardens are just breathtaking. Her yard looks like
you are in a park.........just beautiful!! Later that
evening our friends; Sheila, Rickey, Rickey III and
Aryn met up with us for some swimming!!

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Mrs. Pam, Kenny, Rosi and Kara at Pam's...

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Rosi, Kara and GG

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Mrs. Pam, Rosi and Kenny

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Blurry picture at Pam's house

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Preschool pen pal patio party at Pam's....say that 10x fast

Next day Mrs. Pam had a PRIVATE tour set up for us at the
beautiful St. Louis zoo.....what a place!!!!! Just a top
notch facility........

Pictures from our private zoo tour. We rode on two
special trams around the zoo, then stopped off for
some private time with the giraffes!! The kids and
adults enjoyed feeding the giraffes a snack of honey-
suckle. A little trivia for you: However tall a
giraffe is, his tongue is that long in inches!!

We did a lot more walking around the zoo....Aryn
added to the excitement by losing her shoe in the
rhino area........lucky for her, her inventive
brother was able to fish it back up for her!! Way
to go Rickey!!

That night we had another party at Pam's to meet lots
of her friends. Luckily we had beautiful weather the
entire time we were there. It was a fun-packed day!!

Saturday we took a drive around town, found some
"Churches Fried Chicken" and went to the park that
surrounds 'The Arch' and had a lovely picnic. Devin
is convinced that Churches is his new favorite......
we'll have to make another trip south to pick some up!!

Here's a slideshow of pics from the picnic, the
Arch museum and the ARCH

That evening after finding 'croc style' shoes for the
kids back in Glasgow most of us went out for Mexican food.
Kenny and Rosi's first time, so we had to do it up right...

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Lots of good food and drinks..

The next day we spent at Grant's Farm. (www.grantsfarm.com) It was fun...but
we had to say good-bye to Sheila and her family here...
Aryn was not thrilled!!
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Thanks for meeting up with us guys!!!

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Kara feeding the goats at Grants Farm

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The goats like Aryn!!

After getting cleaned up from Grant's
Farm we made a trip to see Ryan Brown's
family before GG had to go home. We
just stayed for a bit, ran to the airport, then came back for more visiting and dinner with the cutest
kid in Kentucky's family!!

It was so
nice to meet them after all these
years of signing guestbooks and praying
for Ryan. What a precious family!!
Elizabeth is just turned 3 years old
and is just as cute as she can be...
Mr. Lucas is a little over a year and
is already a flirt. It was sooooo
nice to finally meet them all. We
really enjoyed seeing them and visiting. The adults got to visit
while the kids played in the pool...
we actually had to trick Elizabeth
into getting out for some pictures..
she LOVES the water!!! Lucas is just
cute as he can be too....reminds me
so much of Ryan....of course so does
Elizabeth...just beautiful kids.

div style="width:480px; text-align: center;">
Thanks Brown Family and Nana Sherry!!

After meeting with the Browns, we went
back to the hotel and began packing....
what a job....between Mrs. Pam, Grandma
and Rosi & Kenny we were taking home
far more than we came with....lots of
loot!!!! Thanks to everyone for the
goodies!!! The next morning after
breakfast we visited the Preschool
Pen Pals. What a cute bunch of kids...
they were soooooooooo excited to see
all of us!!!

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The Pen-Pals....in person!!!!

After school was over we headed to the
Science Center where we convinced Mrs.
Pam that science is FUN!!! We had a
quick trip........I think the kids
could have spent a few more hours in
there exploring. There is a bridge that goes across the interstate to the
planetarium too, but no more time.
Kenny & Rosi took us out to St. Louis
bread co. for lunch, then we sped
away (literally) to meet our plane.
They were going to take Mrs. Pam home
and head toward Kentucky........hopefully they had a
good time there as well.

I'm sure there is plenty I have left out, but its late and I figure this is better than nothing.........we did listen to Mrs. Pam sing in choir before Grant's Farm on Sunday.....not sure what else I left out....those that were there can fill in the blanks.

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Devin, Rosi, Kenny and Kara....the kids
are gaining on these 'wee' folks!!

Thanks to all of you who made this trip so special. We love you all.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

The situation with Kara is frustrating. We continue
to wait to hear from the original neurologist she saw
while in the hospital the first time. I did get a
phone call yesterday from his receptionist trying
to set up an appt. for Kara for 'botox injections'...
when I asked WHY she had no clue. I think perhaps
the dr. got Kara mixed up with some other patient??
Makes one feel ultra important. I am HOPING to hear
from the dr. himself today.

Kara is still going to physical therapy and massage
therapy at least once a week. It seems any improvements
are too short lived. She feels good immediately after,
then does something she shouldn't.............like a
cartwheel or fall off of her bike and we're back to
square one yet again. To say it is frustrating is an

She has PT this morning, then another MRI of the neck
and brain this evening. I'm just hoping that someone
actually looks at the scans and makes sure there is
nothing obvious causing all of this pain. Waking up
with headaches every single day is NOT right. Falling
asleep every time you get still is NOT right. Yes, she
looks 'good', but trust me, looks can be deceiving.

We are due to fly out on Thursday morning for St. Louis.
We are meeting up with Mrs. Pam, Rosi & Kenny (hi/kayla), my mom, the Bohannons and Ryan Brown's family (ky/ryanbrown). We are really looking forward to it.

Thanks for stopping by.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

A frustrating weekend and into a frustrating week.
Kara seemed better today. She was in massage
therapy yesterday, then saw the chiropractor after
school today. The chiro. thinks we should get Kara
into a different neurologist and hope for some new
insight. He agrees things are not right and gave a
listing of tests he felt should have been done while
she was in the emergency room....not to mention the
time she sat waiting/wasting in the hospital.

Dev went to his exercise class tonight. He has a
class at the local rec center to get certified for
the work out room. This is super exciting for him..
I am not so sure if he's really excited about the
possibility of lifting weights, or all the interesting
people(girls) in the class. He is a cutie.

Thanks to those of you who continue to check on the
kids and sign in. It means so much to know that
people care.

Here's something I was reminded up the other day.
Maybe you might want to see it too.

Cancer Survivor Movie

Saturday, May 5, 2007

We are home again. We have absolutely no answers;
probably just more unanswered questions and a new
disbelief for the inefficiency at PCMC!! I cannot
even go into details right now.........I spent 3
days with a migraine and don't want to get that
started up again!!

Kara had a 'follow-up' appointment in the neurology
department yesterday morning. I don't know how they
call it a 'follow up' when you see yet another doctor
who knows NOTHING of your child's history and has
NEVER seen your child..........and furthermore acts
like they don't care. This doc did seem to 'think'..
that there is a blood flow issue.............???????
so he scheduled Kara for another MRI of the neck and
brain on May 15th.........nothing quite like getting
straight to the bottom of things..........!!!!!!!!!

Randy and I have discussed it, and if Kara has any
more problems or new wierd symptoms between now and
then she will NOT be going to sit and wait at PCMC...
we will take her to a different hospital. Surely
there has to be a doctor in this state that has a
clue as to what is going on...........heck 3 out of
the 6 neurologists she saw in the ER thought she
needed either a CT or MRI to check blood flow, yet
we LEAVE THE HOSPITAL without getting that checked!!!
I think if we ever saw the same doctor twice in a row
maybe something could get done!!!!!

Thanks for the continued prayers for Kara. Her
headaches are again too frequent, sleeping way too
much, lethargic, blank out episodes, as well as the
right eye dilating when her head is turned to the
right............other than that she is just fine.

Happy Cinco de Mayo from rainy Utah.

Thursday, May 3, 2007 11:58 AM CDT

Hi Everyone,

Alisa asked me to update the site today. She had to take Kara up to the ER yesterday, and they spent 11 hours there before the Doctor decided to admit Kara. Today they have seen several neurologists, and an ophthalmologist and she had an EEG as of this morning. They will be bringing in the Neuro-Ophthalmologist soon and are talking about getting an MRI done soon.

Dad is on his way home early from Alabama and should arrive there soon. Devin helped keep the fort down at the hospital last night. I will keep everyone posted as I get any recent news from Alisa. Thanks for checking in and please keep them in your prayers!!!

(Alisa's friend in Florida)

Sunday, April 29, 2007

April is almost over. What a month it has been.
It has gone by very quickly, but has also been
extremely hectic.

Kara's PT yesterday brought up new issues. Kara
has been waking up with headaches again and of
course the neck pains. I purposely did not take
her to massage this week so that the PT could see
how bad Kara can get. Anyway, when Kara moves
her head to the right, her right eye dilates very
big if her eye is open and becomes very twitchy
if closed. Wierd. It doesn't do this on the
other side. The PT says she believes Kara has
a vertebral artery injury. This is something
NEW..........something we can thank the previous,
haphazard physical therapist for.......also, I
don't even think this is legal, but my health
insurance is now refusing to pay for ANY PT
done at the 'old' pt place regardless of who
does it.................??? This seems unfair,
but right now we are pleased with this PT and
just paying out of pocket so that Kara can
get the services she needs. The PT is writing
a letter to Kara's neurologist and pediatrician
to see about getting some other testing done.

Dev is still having leg pains. Wierd leg
pains. Let me tell you this kid never complains,
so the fact that he has said anything is big.
Today his legs buckled under him for a minute...
he was right, it does remind me of vincristine
too. What a mean drug...........that is the
one they are saying probably caused that d**n
Crohns as well.

I'm still working at this pediatric cancer
research fundraising project. Sometimes trying
to get an organization to allow you to raise
money takes longer than one would expect. I
refuse to give up though. Pediatric cancer
needs to be recognized..........everywhere.

My brother is in the hospital in OKC. Hopefully
he will be getting his meds figured out and
be on the road to recovery. Nanny is home and
glad to be there. My aunt is still off chemo,
but hopefully will qualify this next week.

Thanks for stopping by.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

My Nanny was sent home today. The doctors never did
find the source of her blood loss, but then again they
didn't look too hard either. I spoke with her tonight
and she made some sense. Hopefully she will not land
up back in the hospital again soon.

My brother is having a hard time right now. He has
had kidney disease all of his life and evidently it
has gotten out of hand. He is awaiting some test
results to see what the next step will be. He needs
to take drugs, but unfortunately they don't usually
clear his body the way they should and become toxic
to him. Hopefully he can get things squared away and
feeling better soon.

My mom is stressed to the limit. A mom who needs
round the clock care, a son who is very ill, a sister
who did not qualify for chemo this week, another
cousin just diagnosed with breast cancer, a new job
and her favorite grandkids 1120 miles away!! Hang
in there momma, you have got to catch a break soon!!
We love you and appreciate all you do for so many

Devin is fine except for complaining daily now of
leg pains. He says "like vincristine pain, mom".
This is not good. I don't know what to do for him.
I know our oncology will not take him seriously, so
we'll hope for now its growing pains. He is almost
5 foot tall!!! He only grew wider while on chemo..
(steroids) and now he is really growing UP. Hopefully
these leg pains are just a normal part of being a kid...

Kara has PT and MT this week. The nerve block helped
her headaches, but her poor neck is still very weak
and can still cause her to have pain. She has been
doing her exercises every day in hopes of becoming
pain-free very soon. She goes back for her neurology
follow up next week.

Randy seems better, but now Willie is feeling bad. He
has only been up for a bit today and not eating. Heck,
if its not one thing its another. At least he's not
throwing up.

Thanks for stopping by. If you've read through this
go ahead and sign the guestbook.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

No good news to report.

My Nanny, mom's mom, is in the hospital and
not doing so well. At 92 years young there is
not a lot they do for you other than keep you
comfortable. She is losing blood and they
are trying to figure out why; possibly colon?
Also, she is having some problems knowing exactly
where she is and what year it is.....

This morning, our sweet friend, Taylor passed away.
She is another cancer fighter down in
Florida. This girl put up quite a fight. Not
something kids should be doing; fighting for their

Another friend, Savannah, a seven year old Utah
girl is on hospice. Savannah has been fighting
a recurring ependymoma for the past couple of
years. Her latest MRI showed new tumor growth
and her body is slowly shutting down. We just met
this family in clinic a few weeks ago and were
hoping to get Savannah into a new clinical trial,
but it wasn't meant to be...........cancer is so
cruel. Poor Savannah and her family are waiting
for the end. Her mom says it is the worst thing
she has ever done. I can only imagine.

People..........cures don't just happen. It
takes $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ and lots of it for research.
The drugs these poor kids are taking are toxic drugs that
were approved for adult use in many instances 20 0r
30 years ago. There are relatively NO NEW drugs for
children!!!! Help us raise money for a cure in this
lifetime..............there has got to be a stop to
this dreadful disease.

Donate to American Cancer Society Cancer Warriors Team


Friday, April 20, 2007

Its been a L O N G week. Randy has been gone and
I have been sick all week. We finally get to pick
him up tomorrow!!! Things are always a little
'different' around here when dad is out of pocket.
In the past we expect something totally off the
wall to happen, but so far, so good.

Kara's been having fewer headaches since getting
the nerve block, but still having a lot of unexplained
sleepiness. I'm supposed to start her on the baclofen
twice a day over the weekend. We'll see if she can
stay awake for that; something tells me that may be

Dev has been full of energy and quite a helper while
dad has been gone. I'm trying to talk him into a
haircut over this weekend, but so far he's not buying
into it. He is beginning to look a bit like hippiekid

Unfortunately we have not done anything with our
Relay for Life fundraising yet. We've got to get
busy on this. We've got a few other projects
dealing specifically with childhood cancer that
we are hoping to get the ok to fundraise for as
well. There is simply not enough awareness for

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Donate to Cancer Warriors team

Thanks for stopping by

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Its been a busy week already. Devin stayed home
sick from school yesterday, but finally felt well
enough to go today. He seems good tonight. Full
of energy and glad to be feeling better.

Kara's first appt. at the new physical therapist
went well. The new PT could not believe what
horrible shape Kara's neck muscles were in, but
feels optimistic that with enough physical therapy
things CAN IMPROVE. Its not going to be cheap or
easy, but is anything worth it ever?

When I was taking Kara back to school after PT I
started aching all over. I have spent the past
36 hours in bed with flu like symptoms. I feel like
such a baby when I get sick, especially since its
probably the same stuff Dev dealt with, and didn't
complain. He is a lot tougher than I am.

Heard back from Kara's 24 hour urine test...negative
for Cushings. They will re-check her thryoid levels
in a couple of months. Hopefully it was just the
neurontin that was causing the weight gain and
cushinoid symptoms.....?

In other news, tomorrow (Wednesday) is Mrs. Pam's
birthday!!! I think most of you 'know' Mrs. Pam
from her postings on Devin's and all of the other
caringbridge kids' sites. She is quite a lady.

Hope you have a great Birthday!!

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Thanks for stopping by. Please take a minute
and sign the guestbook.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

An update! Things are going well at our house.
The kids have enjoyed their spring break and we
kept very busy. Devin had his party on Wednesday,
we had pictures taken on Thursday, got Devin's
eyes checked and then met up with friends for pizza
and bowling on Friday, then the boys went to a
haunted house for 'Friday the 13th'. Late Friday
night Dev started sniffling and sneezing. His
symptoms continue to progress and now he has a
horrible croupy cough as well. We've had a very
quiet Saturday and Sunday.

We finally talked to Tuli's family on Friday and
got an American Cancer Society 'Relay for Life'
team set up. The WJ date was not working out,
so looks like we will be participating in the
Sandy walk once again this year. As soon as
Devin feels better he'll hit the pavement for
donations. Of course he also has a website
available for his loyal readers to donate,
donate, donate to this cause. He is hoping to
get as many childhood cancer survivors and
families to come out and join him as possible
on August 5th.........so if you're interested
please e-mail me.

Here's Devin's RFL Donation Page:
Please donate

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Wednesday, April 11, 2007

What an exciting day we had yesterday......sarcasm here.

I got up early to fight with our insurance company
over benefits for Kara, then made a couple of calls
regarding getting her records from the previous
physical therapist. I want them for my own curiosity,
plus I am thinking whoever takes Kara on as the new
physical therapist may just wonder what was done....
got nowhere on that.

So onto a successful massage therapy appointment. Kara
says her head is feeling sooooooooo much better since
her shots. Her neck, is not so good, so I am working
like a mad woman trying to get her into physical therapy.
I have come to the conclusion that we are going to have
to pay out of our pocket for any physical therapy she
gets. Our lovely insurance only wants to pay for her
therapy at PCMC facilities and we've been down that
road before!!! Not to say there are not good therapists
there, but the last one we had, was a bit questionable.

Ok, next stop was a 'quick stop' to drop off Kara's
24 hour collection of urine. After much deliberation
I have finally figured out who I dealt with while in
the outpatient lab yesterday................remember
the secretary 'Roz' from Monsters, Inc.??
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She now works up at PCMC.....where they always put
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Anyway, we go up to the check in desk, interrupt
her coloring and ask to drop off Kara's specimen.
She looks at me blankly and asks where my 'order'
is. I tell her I do not have a written order, just
the discharge papers and the supplies. She then
asks "well, if your child was just discharged from
the hospital, then why didn't they do this test
while she was in the hospital?" My response:
Thats a real good question.....I asked that several
times myself. She then asked who ordered the test
and I told her "VanBlarcom" She proceeds to tell
me that "NO SUCH doctor has ever worked in this
hospital....are YOU sure you are at the right
hospital??" I am in disbelief over this question..
of course I'm sure I'm at the right hospital. Do
I look insane? Do I look confused? Do people
routinely come into her lab with gallon jugs of
urine accidently? She then tells me I need to go
and "register Kara"........."Register her for what?"
I ask. "Well, I'll need to send you a bill." "No
need for that" I tell her. "If this doctor doesn't
exist, no need stirring the pot now and getting charged
for that 3 day hospital stay." She does not find me
amusing so I go across the hall to register Kara to
drop off her pee........

So back from registering I notice that the TWO nametags
registration handed me say "VanBlarcom" as the doctor
on them. I show this to her and ask "if this means
anything to her?" Her response, "well, you don't know
how to spell!" "What??" I had spelled the name out to
her and she insisted he did not exist...........now
magically he was appearing in her directory!! Still no
order..........so she says if she can't get ahold of this
doctor to say he ordered this test within 3 HOURS that
she would THROW OUT the specimen.............I tried
calling the pediatrician to see if she could call in an
order, but no luck there either.............sooooooooo
we can imagine what happened to the specimen...

I have not heard anything today..........nothing, so I
am assuming the worst.

Devin's party went great today. Most of SLC schools are
in session so we pretty much had the place to ourselves.
Lots of bumper boats, go carts, laser tag, video games,
miniature golf and pizza. It was fun and the kids are
worn out. I'll try and get some pictures posted soon.

Thanks for stopping by.

Monday, April 9, 2007

Thanks for the encouraging emails and guestbook
messages for Kara. She seems to be feeling a lot
better since her hospitalization. On Saturday
morning the neurologist did an occipital nerve
block. This was done under concious sedation...
which Kara does not do well. The procedure itself
went well, but Kara gets VERY weepy on anesthesia.
We had no idea this would happen, but its actually
quite frightening. Her eyes were open during the
procedure (I was in the room as she would not let
go of me) and tears were streaming out of her eyes
the entire time as the dr. put shots into the back
of her head. After he finished and wheeled her back
to her room she continued to cry for about an hour
and a half...........whew. That was not so much fun!

She left the hospital feeling better than she has felt
in months. She is taking baclofen at bedtime right now
and will begin taking it twice a day if her body allows.
She has a follow up appointment with neurology on May 4th
to see how she is doing. Right now I am trying to get
her into physical therapy and massage therapy. We are
definetly looking at a different physical therapist than
the last one...............

Due to lack of communication the 24 hour cortisol studies
NEVER got underway at the hospital, so we have started that
today. They are still worried she may have Cushings or some other endocrine problem. I'll turn in the 'specimen'
tomorrow morning.

Easter was a beautiful day here in SLC. Nice, sunny and
unseasonably warm!! Here are some pictures from Kara's
hospital stay and Easter day.

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Kara at admission

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Kara and her balloons from dad and Dev

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Kara and dad in the playroom

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Kara on Easter morning

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Kara and Maddie all dressed up for Easter

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Kara, Devin and Maddie

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Kara, Devin & Maddie

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Thanks for stopping by.

Saturday, April 7, 2007

We are home!! Kara was finally discharged around 5pm
this evening. It was a long day at PCMC.

She did get her shots and that was awful. Hopefully
within a few days we will know if she gets relief
from the procedure.

I am worn out and still have a few 100 things to do
before I can go to bed, so I'll just say thanks for
the prayers and try and give a thorough update later.

Happy Easter everyone.

Friday, April 6, 2007 6:55 PM CDT

Hello Everyone,

I just spoke with Alisa and she wanted me to let everyone know that Kara is enjoying her time at PCMC she is under the care of two neurologists, a psychologist, physical therapy, and a hospitalist (doctor managing her care). Both of the neurologists were surprised to feel how tight the muscles were in her Kara's neck. They feel that this was caused by neck trauma due to her car accident last august. Unfortunately, while she was recovering, the last stint with the physical therapist made it much worse. They have started her on a muscle relaxer so that she can restart physical therapy. Right now she is just taking it once a day, but they want her to be able to take it twice a day(baclofren?)

Tonight Kara will be NPO and they will sedate her in the morning to give her shots into the muscles of the back of the head to relax her even more. They have the hopes that this will relax the muscle enough so she can endure an intesive physical therapy regime and rebuild the strength in her neck. They are still debating over which method to use to test for cushings.

Kara is in good spirits and enjoying room service and the playroom and mom is missing the computers offered in the oncology unit. Devin is enjoying giving Kara the guided tour of the hospital and so glad he is not the patient. Yet it is so much easier to be at the hospital when you are not worried about your child blood counts.

Atleast now we think we figured out the source of Kara's pain and can take steps to manage it. We will keep everyone posted! Please sign the guestbook and let Devin and Kara know you were here!

If anyone would like to call Alisa, here is the direct number to the room: 801-662-2019. At this time she is unable to call anyone because she is not getting a cell phone signal at the hospital! Call her please, she loves the phone calls as it is pretty boring there!!! :)

Signing off Mary Templeton your roving reporter! lol

Wednesday, April 4, 2007 UPDATE 10:30pm

Well, Kara's doctor goes from zero to 100mph. She wants Kara admitted tomorrow to PCMC for a variety of
evaluations. This way the different
specialists can all get together and
hopefully figure out what they can do
to help Kara with her headaches. She
will have the cortisol testing done
while she in inpatient, so will be there at least 24 hours.......hopefully
not too much more than that. I, for one, don't get any thrills out of staying in the hospital. When Devin found out about Kara's admission tomorrow he immediately began telling her 'how much fun it was going to be'. Randy and I just looked at each other.............this kid HATED the hospital and let everyone know it!!! We sometimes had to trick him into the car and bribe him just to be nice while he was there.....and HE is telling Kara it was FUN??? His memory has certainly faded. LOL. I am glad though. I don't know what part of the hospital we will be in, but hopefully somewhere that mom can access a computer and Kara can watch the Disney channel. If she has to miss Hannah Montana she might just get in a bad mood. She is Hannah's #1 fan afterall.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Sorry for the delay in updating. I've been waiting
for something to write about....yesterday I finally
got the call back on Devin's bloodwork and it is all
looking just beautiful and in the NORMAL range!!!!
What a nice word to hear; NORMAL!!

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Finally made a connection with Kara's doctor this
morning. Some story about not getting any of my
messages. I found the story hard to believe, but
was just glad to finally get to speak with her. She
has NO PLAN as what to do with Kara. Even after
speaking with the chronic pain doctor and given some
ideas of what the next steps are I still feel like
we are sitting and spinning our wheels. Frustrating
is not a good enough word right now. Kara has been
weaned off of the neurontin which evidently was doing
something to control pain..........she now WAKES UP
daily with headaches. I know Kara is just tired of
feeling so bad. I was under the impression that the
24 hour cortisol testing was our next step, but I
guess the doctor wants to 'think' some more on that
Hopefully she will call back later today with a plan
of action for Kara.

The kids are excited for Easter; but not excited
enough to clean up the backyard. Most of the winter
our backyard is covered in Willie and Maddie surprises
under the snow...........and when the snow melts....well
you know what is there. Not too good for egg hiding.
Hopefully I can motivate these two to get busy with the
shovel today after school. We're supposed to have nice
weather through the weekend. It will be nice to have a
warm Easter for a change!!

Here's some recent pictures of the kids.

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Devin & Kara on Palm Sunday

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Kara on her 'new' bike....courtesy of Devin. It is
still in brand new condition and she just loves it!!

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Devin on the bike he received for his birthday.

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A picture looking east down our street

Thanks for stopping by. Please take a minute and sign
the guestbook.

Monday, April 2, 2007

Still waiting for Kara's pediatrician to call.
Kara is being weaned off of the neurontin and has
woke up the last two days with headaches. She is
having trouble staying awake when she is supposed to
be awake. She is just not herself.

Dev is feeling good. We did a pretty good bike
ride yesterday, then he and dad went and played
nine holes while Kara took yet another nap.

Short week this week. The kids are out for Good
Friday, then out the next week for spring break.
We're trying to get some plans made with friends to
do some things locally while the kids are out. Devin
is also hoping to have his birthday party...just need
to get it set up.

Thanks for stopping by. Please take a minute and
sign the guestbook.

Friday, March 30, 2007

My goodness this has been a stressful, aggravating
week!! Kara's appointment just leads to more un-
answered questions, and with her primary pediatrician
out of town we are looking at another waiting game!!
A ridiculous waiting game at that!! I have made so
many countless, unanswered phone calls over the past
few days. Kara needs to take a 24 hour cortisol testing
which entails collecting urine for 24 hours. This would
be best done sooner rather than later for more reasons
than I can count.

Two doctors now are thinking Kara possibly has Cushings
Disease since her latest thyroid tests came back normal.
She had some testing done about 3 months ago that was
abnormal, but they dismissed it at that time. I'm still
not giving up on getting some more abnormal thyroid levels
for her.

Kara has been having lots of problems lately. Weight
gain in the face and abdomen is just one of them. She
of course has been having the horrible headaches and neck
pains, lethargic, mood swings, falling.....the list goes
on. If anyone has any ideas on some other tests that
maybe should be run, please send me an e-mail. Randy
wants her to have a sleep study done since he has such
severe sleep apnea, but so far the doctor is not going
for that. I know she doesn't really fit the 'mold' for
sleep study, but when Randy was diagnosed he was a skinny

Dev's appointment was exhausting. Radiology immediately
told us that oncology had set up the wrong scans (not
enough scans...just set up to scan his chest), so the
"fight" began. Radiology had already talked to the oncology scheduler about the problem before we got there
and were shot down. I called and supposedly the scheduler
talked to a nurse and was told what was scheduled was
fine......the radiology tech did NOT like that answer at
all and paged the head of oncology who said NO, "scan his
neck, chest and abdomen"......great way to start an appt.

Anyway, we wait for 30 minutes to get a room, another hour
to see a doctor who tells me that we had the WRONG scans
done and tries to explain to me how we have been having the
wrong scans done for the past year..........ludacrious....
she leaves the room for another hour and a half to find
the scan results and returns to argue some more and do a
semi-exam. Finally after 3 hours his blood is drawn....as of today (Friday) no results....... The dr. comes back in
and says his scans are clear......YES!!!!....while she is
in there her superior comes in and explains to her how she
doesn't know how to read the road map for scans......and
I'm thinking, if she can't read Devin's road map, she
probably can't read the other kids' roadmaps either!!!
Oh, and by the way, no apology from her.......didn't expect
one.................she is something else. (Funny thing is the dr. who explained the roadmap has her name on Dev's
protocol as one of the dr's in charge of the main study)

We did get to see the new neuro-psych that the oncology
dept. has FINALLY hired to help out these kids going
through hell on earth. He talked with us and Devin and
declared us all mentally healthy. Yes!! He also offered
to do another follow-up evaluation whenever we feel like
we want to moniter for any late side effects!! So nice
to know that the option is there and available at a week's

Next week are SATs at the school, out for Good Friday, then spring break. We are excited for the break....it
seems like months since we were in Hawaii!! I still
find myself dreaming of going back.....I think next time
we will go to Maui. We're going to have to plant a couple
more money trees before that can happen; just wish they
didn't take so long to grow!!

No big plans for spring break. Hoping to get Devin's eyes
checked. He's been having too many headaches lately.
Unfortunately they seem like migraines.....but hopefully
the doc can get him on something preventative to help keep
him from missing out on any more of life.

Also, met a little 7 year old girl, Savannah, and her family up at the
clinic the other day. She has an
ependymoma and basically has run out
of options at PCMC. There is a possible trial at MD Anderson in Houston......pending approval from the
doctors there......plus she needs some
assistance in getting there. Any ideas, let me know. I know there is a listing of flight organizations and I
will begin calling them as soon as I get the go ahead from the family. Extra prayers for this family are appreciated.....they don't have a website.

Thanks for stopping by. Please take a minute and sign
the guestbook.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Devin's scans were clean!! It was a very
long, exhausting day at the hospital, but
worth the wait. We are all breathing a sigh
of relief tonight.

Thanks for your prayers.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Scan day today.
Needless to say I feel sick.

We live on the edge every day, but these
scan days are the very worst. There's a
quote somewhere that "If you're not living
on the edge you are taking up too much space."

Kara's appointment yesterday was ok. She is
being sent back to the pediatrician to have
the 24 hour urine collection for the cortisol
testing to test for Cushings disease. I still
haven't given up on the thyroid coming back
abnormal again. It was abnormal 4 months ago..
but normal the other day. Hmm.

We woke up to snow today. I don't know it that
is good or bad. I always feel so superstitious
on scan day. Trying to remember what I should
wear or do to ensure good scans again. I know
it doesn't matter, but somehow it seems like it
should. There is no rhyme or reason to cancer..
no sense at all.

I'll update later. His appointments start at
12:30. Hopefully we'll be out of there in time
to pick Kara up from school.

Thanks for stopping by. Take a second and
sign the guestbook.

Monday, March 26, 2007

What a weekend!! Kara's 9th birthday was Friday, as
was the big basketball tournament. I went to bed
Thursday night with a migraine planning on getting up
early Friday to finalize everything for Kara's big
party...........mainly wrap presents and pick up a
cake. The migraine was still there on Friday am, so
I called and got into a chiro. and it eased up some.
Enough to think 1/2 way straight anyway.

In the meantime Kara's pediatrician's office
calls and says they
....meaning Friday...Kara's birthday.
I explain the 101 things I am getting done,
but the nurse insists that Kara is seen as
the doctor is leaving town for awhile and feels
this is all of a sudden urgent. We set up a time
during the dr's lunch hour for Kara to be seen and

Soooooooooo, I pick up some flowers while in Costco
to ease Kara's pain of leaving school on her birthday
of all days!! The visit takes twice as long as it
should and they take 4 vials of blood before we are
all done. In the meantime she has missed lunch and
I need to get to school to do my work commitment, but
this migraine is still hanging on. Dad agrees to do
my 'math cart' assignment, hand out cookies and drive
a car full of boys to the basketball game across town.

To make a long story short; they played 2 games back
to back. The first was very close and they lost, the
second they won. They won 2nd place in their division.
GREAT JOB!! After getting everything in order for the
party and decorating the house, I drive across town to pick up Kara for her party and get stuck in traffic coming and going or maybe that is going and coming. Anyway, we have 2 girls waiting on us when we get home...and I hate to be late to anything!!! Especially my own kid's party!!

The party went well. I guess every party has to have
a guest who really should have stayed home....well, yes
we had one of those. Poor kid couldn't figure why all of the attention was on Kara..........didn't like the cake, or the ice cream, or the games.........you get the picture.
She was the ultimate horrible house guest!!! Luckily the
other 5 girls were just as sweet and polite as they could
be!!! Kara got lots of neat stuff and enjoyed staying up
until almost 3am with her friends!!! Who knew life got
so exciting that early in the am for 9 year olds!!

Dad got smart and slept upstairs in his own bed, while I
slept downstairs with the girls. I took a nap the next
day while dad went to work. Devin had a school project/rv
party with a couple of his friends on Saturday afternoon.
When I went to pick up Devin I landed up bringing home his
2 friends to play over here.............well, you can guess
what happened. Dev had a sleep-over on Saturday night and
those crazy boys stayed up playing the Wii and watching
movies until 4am!! Needless to say by the time the boys
left yesterday we were ALL exhausted!!! Devin actually
fell back asleep before his friends left........he was
wiped out!!!

Today was a good day. I got results on Kara's bloodwork
and it is all coming back normal. She sees the chronic
pain doctor tomorrow so maybe she'll have some ideas on
what to test next. Right now Kara is just a medical
mystery........and a tired one at that!! She came home
from school and has been asleep ever since. She just
cannot seem to get enough sleep. Any one with any thoughts
please let us know. We've checked her for mono, LDH, WBC, thyroid.....etc., etc.. Something is not right though.

Oh, the kids got their report cards today...its all good!!

I'll see if I can get some pictures to download.

Thanks for stopping by.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Myspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter Graphics Myspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter Graphics Myspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter Graphics!!

My baby is NINE today!!
She is soooo excited about her sleepover tonight.
It will be a hectic day. Dev's team won their game
last night in a very tense game, so he's got another
game tonight. I don't quite know yet how I will be two
places at one time, but I guess we'll figure it out!!

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Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Finally a minute to update..
Things have been super hectic around here.
Kara is hurting and everyone in the house
can feel her pain. She was supposed to be
in physical therapy this morning, but after
a VERY different experience last Wednesday
her pediatrician and other doctors involved
have cancelled her PT appointments.......

I took Kara in for her regular PT last Wednesday
morning. The therapist asked Kara if she'd like
to do an obstacle course........what reasonable
8 year old would say no to that? Of course she
would. She proceeds to put Kara on top of a giant
ball, balances her and starts jerking Kara's legs;
which jerks Kara's neck. I immediately cringe as
I can see this is not productive in my mind, but
I don't say anything. Next, the course is set...
first do the jerky ball thing with the therapist, then
jump 15 times on a mini tramp, walk on a balance
beam, onto a bridge board thing to shoot baskets,
onto a skateboard type thing to twist completely
around each way, then to the stepping stones and
back again.....of course each time starting with
the herky/jerky ball activity.

Kara does this about 8 times and the entire time
complains of being 'cold'. I cannot for the life
of me figure out how she could be cold after all
that activity, but she presses on. Finally the
therapist says its time to clean up. Kara is asked
to bend down to pick up the plastic squishy stepping
stones...........as she bends down I can see her
struggle to balance. I am there and grab her. She
looks physically ill and we sit down. The therapist
then comes over and gets right in her face... tells
Kara than she "has re=enacted the accident and now
you are in shock, you need to go home and sleep for
15 minutes, then have your mom check your blood
pressure, then give you orange juice because your
blood pressure (yes that is what she said) might
run too low"

Ok, so I dutifully do what this therapist says..
the whole time thinking this is the wierdest damn
thing I have heard of in awhile. I called Randy
and told him and he thought the story was just
incredulous.......phoned my mom.....yep, you
guessed it, she was in disbelief as well. So the
next day as Kara is complaining of more and more
pain I am forced to call her pediatrician and the
massage therapist; both who put a call into the
'big boss' of PCMC physical therapy and needless
to say no one can figure out exactly WHY something
like this was done, but Kara no longer has a
physical therapist.

Kara was in massage yesterday and the therapist
said she was in WORSE shape than the first time
she saw her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kara came home,
ate some dinner and went to bed. Poor kid just
is not herself. It is just so puzzling to me
that this therapist would do something to a child
that would cause soooo much damage!!!! And worse
yet, that I sat there and watched!! What kind of
brain dead idiot does that?

Anyway, Kara's pediatrician has consulted and got
Kara into see a chronic pain doctor up at PCMC for
next Tuesday afternoon. She is also going to get
the neuro-psych testing set up because it is looking
like this 'little wreck' was not so little after all.
Poor kid is suffering in every aspect of her life.
We finally officially withdrew from dancing last week
as she just cannot keep up right now. She has been
in a recital every year since she was 2, so this is
very difficult!!!! She used to spend more of her day
doing cartwheels and being upside down...so full of
energy.........now she is just so not Kara.

In other news, Devin is doing well. I thought we
were going to do his scans next week, but looks like
we need to reschedule due to SAT testing. He is a
picture of health. If you saw him on the street or
had a conversation with him you would have no clue
that cancer ever wrecked havoc on his body.

His basketball team in involved in a tournament over
the weekend...........should be exciting!!! If Kara
stays well she will celebrate her 9th birthday Friday
night with a sleep-over birthday party. She is really
looking forward to it..

Thanks for stopping by.

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The kids at Punalu'u Beach (black sand beach)

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Kara & one of the turtles at Punalu'u

Saturday, March 17, 2007

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Dev was surprised to see an ACS office in Hawaii.....

We had a great trip. We had a direct flight from SLC to
Honolulu, then onto Kona. Our luggage didn't arrive until
about midnight the first night we were there...(about 3am Utah time) The house we rented was nice. 2 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, full kitchen...beautful lanai and pool.

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Back yard view of the pool

The first day we rented kayaks and went across Kealakekua
Bay to Captain Cook monument for snorkeling. It was a
great trip. Never in a million years would I have imagined
myself on the ocean in a kayak, but the water was extremely
calm in this bay and FILLED with sleeping spinner dolphins!! It was an incredible site. One of those that
pictures just don't do it justice. Dev decided he wanted to have a 'dolphin experience' right then and there and
put on his snorkeling stuff.............lost his snorkel
straight away and got spooked in the meantime. He was so
funny. Over at Capt. Cook monument is some of the greatest
snorkeling of the state.............that is according to
about any guidebook you pick up. I believe it!! It was
just incredible. Pick up one of those fish guide papers
and I bet we saw EVERYTHING on it!!!

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Dolphins........as promised, not a good picture.

This was our first day and the kids legs got horribly
sunburned. Originally we thought Kara was in worse shape
than Devin, but it turned out he was the one who got it the
worst. Evidently we got a bad batch of sunscreen since he
was so horribly burned with a 50 sunblock!!!

The second day we had to take it a bit easy and try to
avoid Mr. Sun. We went to Volcanoes National Park..that
is an experience. We were told it usually rains up there,
but we experienced a beautiful sunny day. We did a little
hiking around the park, went inside a lava tube, had a
picnic lunch and came back at night to see the red lava
flow going into the ocean. What a site!!

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Inside the Thurston Lava Tube

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Looking out across the crater....notice hot spots in background.........those are continual.

By the third day, Dev could NOT get out of bed. The
sunburn had his poor legs so swollen that he couldn't
walk until he had been iced down. Poor kid!!! As usual
he was the trooper and didn't let it keep him down. We
spent another day avoiding the sun and went to a coffee
plantation. He loves that Kona coffee.............free
samples are too good to pass up!!

Beach access is a little tricky on the Big Island...its
the newer of the islands and is one big rock!!! Sand is
a luxury.......and finding it is like finding some secret
treasure. One day we followed our guide book and went to
an exclusive 4 x 4 beach.................whoa.......they
weren't joking!! Great beach, but getting there was a
little more than nervewracking!!! Good thing we had some
good whale sitings and turtle sitings from this secluded
beach..................as we had to get PULLED out after
getting the rental high-centered!!!! Oh what fun that was.
Here is Dev's footage of some whales playing not too far from the beach.

I better save some more Hawaii stories for later....Devin
is wanting to use the computer. Make sure you look through
the guestbook for the prize winning speech that his friend
Kristen wrote about him and the importance of finding a cure for childhood cancer.


Thursday, March 15, 2007

We're home. We had a great time. Dev had a great
birthday. The kids are back in school and the daily
grind.........although this is a short week and there
is NO SCHOOL tomorrow!!! I think we're ready for a
break already!!!

I'll have to update about our trip later. I've been
working on pictures (and dog puke) most of the morning,
so I need to get busy with some must do errands before
picking up kids.

Here's a few pictures until next time.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Myspace Codes, Myspace GraphicsMyspace LayoutsGlitter GraphicsMyspace LayoutsMyspace Text Generator, Myspace GraphicsMyspace Codes, Myspace GraphicsMyspace LayoutsMyspace BackgroundsMyspace Codes, Myspace GraphicsMyspace, Myspace CodesMyspace Codes, Myspace GraphicsMyspace LayoutsMyspace LayoutsMyspace LayoutsMyspace LayoutsMyspace LayoutsMyspace, Myspace CodesMyspace BackgroundsMyspace CodesMyspace Codes, Myspace Graphics

Perfect !!

We are home.

We had a great time. I've got a few hundred pictures
to share when my brain clicks back 'on'. We flew all
night and got into SLC about 8:30 this morning. Dev
is snoozing right now...........He is wanting to go to
'The Pie' for pizza when he wakes up. Mom needs to
figure out the cake situation FAST!!!

Thanks for checking on us!!

Friday, March 2, 2007

Can anyone believe its March already? This year
seems to be flying by.........I'll have a birthday
boy in just 11 days!!! Eleven years old in eleven
days!! Wow!!

I think we are just about ready for Hawaii. Mom
has been working steadily between various illnesses
to get things picked up, packed and done. Last
order of business was to take Miss Maddie to the
groomers to get beautiful..............oh and I
still need to pick up a guide book. I was hoping
to cheap out and check one out from the library, but
they are all checked out for the big island!! Someone
told me Costco has them, so HOPEFULLY that will be
my last stop. There is a Costco on the way home from
school.......................I am so ready to be out
of this cold, miserable state!!!

It is still snowing here!!! I hope it snows and
snows the entire time we are gone. I'd like for
winter to get over with while we are gone!!
All of this change in weather and pressure is
keeping me sick!!! I am just glad
that everyone else is well. Sick kids on a trip
would not be fun!! Surely the Hawaiian sun will
make me feel human again.

Devin got to play basketball again FINALLY yesterday.
He'll miss a couple more games while we are in
Hawaii. It seems he has missed more than he has
played with the head injury, stitches, then being
sick!! He was glad to be back in uniform!! It is
cute to watch him....he honestly looks clueless out
there on the floor. The team is getting better, but
they still have a ways to go!!!

Kara's PT is not going so well. Her physical
therapist still feels she needs a scoliosis evaluation
AND she also commented that Kara's skills were far
below where she should be; especially given the fact
that she has taken dancing/tumbling for as long as she
has. I know there has been a great deal of regression
in her physical capabilities since the accident. It
also transfers into her school work and behavior/coping
skills. The doctor over physical therapy was going to
call Kara's pediatrician today and try to get Kara into
neurology for yet another assessment and neuro-psych for
testing (similar to the cognitive tests Devin received)
ASAP. They feel that Kara is moving in the wrong
direction. In my heart I knew this was coming, but it
was certainly not what I wanted to hear. All of this
from a 'simple rear-end accident'. Doesn't sound so
simple anymore.

I am hoping this trip gives us all time just to relax
and not think about all the crap that needs to dealt
with in the real world.


Tuesday, February 27, 2007

I don't want to brag, but I 'think' we may finally
be on the mend. I spent all of yesterday in bed,
but today is looking promising. Dev is still in
bed, but was pretty much fever free yesterday. He
still has the horrible cough and not a lot of energy.
He stepped on the scale the other night and informed
us he had lost seven pounds.........and he wasn't the
one trying to lose the weight!!

I finally got a call back from Kara's ped. on her
spinal issues. Now we just need to get her into
PCMC radiology for a long series of xrays. After
basically waiting for a month, this may just have to
wait until we get back from Hawaii..........we shall
see what scheduling has to say.

I better go get something done.....

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Kara and Devin....just weeks before Dev's diagnosis. I
can still remember how silly they were being this day.
We were in OK and they were pretending to do commercials
for those drinks.............they never got to drink any
'coke' drinks unless around GG.....so they were really
having a good time. Those before cancer days really were
the best...........

I have a prayer request for a friend
in Florida. Taylor is in need of additional prayers. Please go to her website and offer your support.....we all know there is strength in numbers.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Poor Devin is still sick!! He is still running
high temps and has that horrible, hacking cough.
We have been able to keep his fever down pretty
good with motrin, but as soon as it wears off he
is back around 103!! He has NEVER had fevers like
this........To say I am not worried is an understatement.
The pediatrician did say if its 'this particular strain
of flu that the high fever will last about 5 days...'
surely the kid will start feeling human again soon.

He finally, knock on wood, has kept some food down
this evening. He asked for an Arby's french dip
sandwich and so far, so good. He ate most of the
sandwich and we're keeping our fingers crossed.

I am finally feeling better. Never any fevers for
me; just chilling, throwing up....horrible sore throat.
Kara feels like her chipper self and so far Randy has
avoided it all together. I am sure hoping he doesn't
get sick later this week. We want everyone well and
feeling good for our trip.

I think we are just about ready.....plenty of
sunscreen, a couple of swimsuits each and I think we're set!!! I cannot wait to forget about the real
world for a few days...You know the real world I
am talking about........the one where kids get
cancer and the world just keeps going on???????
After being in bed and watching the Discovery Health
channel for hours on end I have come to the conclusion
that Childhood Cancer has got to be the most forgotten
disease on the face of the earth..............YET....
has the most grim of statistics!!!! I for one, am
tired of having Devin ask me "Why noone does anything
for kids cancer??" We sure don't see gold ribbons
plastered on product after product. Things are going
to change. I promised Devin when we get home from
Hawaii that I will get off my good intentions and
make some noise. Enough is enough. If you're
interested in joining our efforts, send us an email

Thanks for stopping by.

Its finally Friday!! 2-23-07

**Still sick, still running a 103

I do not like these high fevers at all! He took his cough medicine this morning and promptly threw it back up. He feels worse than yesterday. Kara does too. I'm waiting on a call back from the preferred pediatrician.....I think he is breathing too hard.

So far dad has escaped the sickness. Lucky dad!! One week from tomorrow we leave for Hawaii...........we've got to be good and well by then.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Dev woke up this morning with 103 temperature.
I don't know that he's ever had that high of a
temp...........he was never really sick before
he was diagnosed with the big 'c'.

Randy had to take Kara to her counseling appointment
this morning and treated her to lunch afterwards. He
said Kara was thrilled to be on a daddy-daughter date...
that is until she got sick and threw up!! He quickly
brought her home to the sick house.

Got both of the kids into a pediatrician (not my 1st
choice in peds, but an okay choice anyway) and they
did a rapid strep due to horrible sore throats...
negative. Knock on wood, neither of my kids have
never had strep. The dr said there is a lot of viral
gunk and flu going around sooooooooooo we all know
that means we all just sit around and wait to get to
feeling better!! He did prescribe Devin some cough
medicine and told me to keep them in bed and resting.
Sounds like a plan!!!

Not much else going on here. Mom feels lousy too so
she certainly will not mind too sleeping QUIET kids!!

Oh, did finally get ahold of doc's
at the U or U and Dev's bone density
was surprisingly NORMAL!!! We are in
utter shock...........a good shock, but
still in shock!!

Hope you stay well!!

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Things are okay in Utah. It seems we've been
extremely busy. Devin has been in the process
of finalizing a big 'explorer' report for over
a week now. He just does not function the way
he did prior to cancer...............he can take
small steps and get things done, but to assemble
everything at once is overwhelming. Luckily he
has to turn it in tomorrow and we can all breathe
a sigh of relief!! (This would be comparable to
a science fair project)

Kara is still in physical therapy and massage
therapy. PT this morning was not so good. Kara
said she hurt when she left so I don't know that
its supposed to be that way!! When I dropped her
off at school almost half of her class was missing....
lots of sickness going around!!

I'm still waiting to get either a series of xrays
and/or MRI for Kara so she can get in for the ortho
consult, but for whatever reason the ped. is not
getting back to me........frustrating!!

Also, STILL WAITING for the endocrinologist to read
Devin's bone density scan from about a MONTH ago!!!
It is exhausting calling day after day to the same
offices and leaving unanswered messages!!!!

Also, still waiting to get Dev cleared to go back
to basketball. He was mad he had to miss yet
another game yesterday!!!! He's got a knot/nodule
thing under this scab on his face now..........I am
so worried this is going to re-open or even worse
turn into a keloid (yes, I know the odds are against
that........but Dev seems to do things a little

Anyway, better run. Randy and I are on our way to
work out. We're trying to lose about 50 pounds each
before we fly out on March 3rd for Hawaii........
no problemo!!!!

Friday, February 16, 2007

Something horrible happened in Salt Lake City earlier
this week. Our news has been inundated with the news
of an 18 year old who took a gun into a mall on Monday
and killed 5 people and injured several others. It
was indeed a bad situation. The news calls it a RANDOM
act. I do believe it was random. I also believe when
cancer comes knocking on your child's door it is also
random. I have yet to hear a week's worth of every news
broadcast and newspaper front page dedicated to what I
feel is a tragedy: CHILDHOOD CANCER !!!!!!

I know you parents who are going through the nightmare
of childhood cancer know the horrible statistics. They
are shocking. I took pictures of some of the signs that
accompanied the National Childhood Cancer Awareness tree
in Washington D.C. that I'd like to share with you.

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Childhood Cancer Facts
(taken from Candlelighters website)

Each school day, 46 children are diagnosed with cancer.

One in 330 children will develop cancer by age 20.

Although the 5 year survival rate is steadily increasing, one quarter of children will die 5 years from the time of diagnosis.

Cancer remains the number one disease killer of America's children - more than Cystic Fibrosis, Muscular Dystrophy, Asthma and AIDS combined.

If you need any help reading the pictures above let me know and I'll type out the print.......they may be a
little difficult to read.

On a different note, I may have bragged
too soon about Devun's Crohns being better
because he has been having a hard time tonight. Guess
I will keep my mouth shut from now on. Crohns disease...
just one of the many perks of living through two glorious
years of chemotherapy!!!!

Thanks for stopping by.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentine's Day!!

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Everyone is doing well at our house. Devin got his
stitches out last night, but still hasn't been
cleared for basketball. He's got more steri-strips
covering up his wound, but its healing up nicely.

Here's a video clip of Devin getting
some of his stitches out.....it is pretty gross so just know you were
forewarned.......also, NO THOSE ARE NOT
MY FINGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Thanks for stopping by........

Saturday, February 10, 2007

The wedding was very nice and Kara made a very
pretty flower girl. She was on her best behavior
for the wedding. Whew!!

Here's some pictures I wanted to share.

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Dad warning her to do her job and nothing else...
no tricks...no Junie B. Jones antics...

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More warnings and advice...

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Devin and Kara.......they clean up real nice!!

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A close up of the princess...

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Kara with the newlyweds; Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Dunn
(Jeremy is Kara and Devin's first cousin on dad's side)

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Kara and Devin with Aunt Anita and Uncle Bud...
They are some of our favorite relatives who live
in Seattle, but spend winters in the Phoenix area...
its always a treat to see them!!!

Thanks for stopping by. Dev's eye is looking pretty
good? today. Swelling is down and no signs of infection.

Have a great weekend.

Friday, February 9, 2007

All of Dev's excitement was short-lived. We got a
call from the school about 3:30 yesterday that he
had been involved in an accident during basketball
practice. Turns out he and another player had
collided..........the other students teeth with
Devin's left eye. Off to the ER we went......

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Five and a half hours later.............

Devin has seven stitches, some steri strips, a
tetanus shot and a week's supply of augmentin.

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He was in good spirits last night, but was in
some pain by the time we got home....LATE last

This morning his eye is about swollen shut and
already red. This does NOT look good so I'll
make a call back to the ER to see what they
want to do.

The biggest fear right now is infection. Since
they classify it as a human bite (contact with a
human mouth...not really a bite, but nevertheless)
we will have to moniter him very closely.

Thanks for your prayers.

Thursday, February 8, 2007 3:02 AM CST

Myspace CodesMyspace CodesMyspace BackgroundsMyspace CodesMyspace, Myspace CodesMyspace CodesMyspace Codes, Myspace GraphicsMyspace CodesMyspace Codes


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I bet Devin won't be forgetting the word succotash anytime
soon!! He got eliminated from the spelling bee last night
with the word 'succotash'. I can't remember how he mis-
spelled it, but he did mis-spell it. He was sooo very
disappointed!! He got through seven rounds of the bee
successfully and got out on such a crazy word!!

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The group was comprised of 4th through 8th graders from
local schools. He was the last 5th grader to be eliminated, so to his surprise he also received a very
nice trophy in addition to his certificate of participation. He was quite pleased with himself!!! He was
also excited that the big winner of
the spelling bee was an eighth grader
from his school. Congratulations to

Also, their basketball team played against Park City
on Tuesday afternoon and won. He is thrilled about
that as well. Hopefully today's game will go as well.

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Kara's big exciting news is she gets to be a flower
girl in cousin Jeremy's wedding this Friday. She is
over the top excited. We found the 'perfect' dress
and have an appointment to get her hair fixed all
"fancy" on Friday afternoon. She is sooooo excited
about this opportunity. Me too, she is going to look
so pretty all dressed up. You would think she was the
one getting married...she doesn't want her daddy to see
her in her dress until the big day!!

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Other big news for Kara..........she has lost FOUR
teeth in the past few days!! Two teeth on two different
days last week at school and two teeth on Monday this
week at school. The toothfairy has been extra busy
around our house!!

Thanks for stopping by. We appreciate your messages,
so please take a minute and sign the guestbook.

Saturday, February 3, 2007

Things are going pretty good here. Kara went to
massage Friday and is feeling good. She woke up
this morning and decided she and Grandpa Ross were
going ice skating. While they were skating, the
rest of us went to the diving store and bought
equipment for our upcoming Hawaii trip. We leave
on March 3rd........its getting close!! We are
super excited.

Willie seems to be feeling better. We had to
switch his food.........again. Also, the vet
put him on a broad spectrum antibiotic...just
in case. Poor Willie said enough is enough!!
I still cannot believe that kid did that.
Its infuriating to think that a kid would do
something like that.

We're lucky, we got a break from the inversion
and have been enjoying the sunshine. Hopefully
it will last. Its nice to have clean air to

Thanks for checking on Dev.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

We woke up to snow this morning. We were all
thrilled. It was so nice to get rid of this
horrible inversion for awhile. Not enough
snow to amount to much...just a messy drive
up to PCMC.

Devin's bone scan went just fine. Its kindof
like getting an open MRI done. They also took
him and put him through another machine where
they put a leg in and squeeze around. Pretty
easy!! The lady running the test said an
endocrinologist will study the test results
and the exercise/diet details I filled out
and give the final results to oncology. We
should know something within a week.

Willie has been sick and throwing up today. I
don't know if its time to change his food again,
or if he is having a reaction to what happened
to him yesterday. He was lying on the fence-line
that backs up to an elementary school playground
yesterday afternoon when a 4th grade girl decided
to come up and kick him as hard as she could!!!
I could not believe it. Usually I can see kids
come to the fence through my kitchen window and
talk to the dogs, but never in eleven years of
living here have I witnessed anything like this.
Needless to say I made a quick trip over to the
school and pointed out the culprits to the
principal. Unbelievable!!

Little Meagan is sleeping in her own bed tonight. Thanks for the prayers
for her. Seems she had some type of bad virus and
some yet undiagnosed sleep disorder making her so
miserable. Keep praying. Thanks.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

It's only Tuesday??
This seems like its been a long week already.
Today was Dev's first basketball game. Their
team lost 26 - 10. The boys didn't act too
disappointed. It was fun to watch them. The
other team was basically dancing circles
around them!! It kindof reminded me of the
Bad News Bears meet basketball.

Tomorrow is the bone density scan. Don't know
why I am so nervous about that, but I am. All
of these scans tend to make me nervous. Not
much I can do about them except remember to
breathe. I guess I am just so afraid they will
find something else...anything else that could
be considered major. Seems like chemo causes
so much havoc on a person's body.

is still cooped up in the PICU down at Shands.
She did get her MRI late this afternoon and Mary
is prepared to get results in the morning. Please
continue to pray for this family. I know many of
you can relate to having your family split up as
you deal with sick kids in the hospital. Its not
an easy task.

Aunt Sue is scheduled for her next appointment this
Thursday. She should know what the next course of
action will be. We're keeping our fingers crossed
for radiation only.....but she's just ready to get
the show on the road!!

Thanks for stopping by.

Monday, January 29, 2007

The kids each had sleepovers over the weekend and
I think we are still recuperating. After a
horrible day Saturday and a really horrible day
Sunday with 2 horribly grouchy kids I am putting
sleepovers on hold!!! No more Mr. Nice Guy around

On a better note the kids did bring home their
report cards which were full of A's and B's....
B pluses that is........which are really 92%.
Pretty darn good grades!! Devin won his class
spelling bee and is headed to a district spelling
bee next week. His first basketball game is
tomorrow afternoon.

Kara is hoping to get back into the massage therapist
sometime this week. She's been doing more reading
since she's out of dancing for awhile. She is
obsessed with Goosebumps books. What is it about
R.L. Stine and these scary camp books?? Her class
has a trip to the new Children's Museum at the
Gateway later this week.

Devin FINALLY has his bone density scan set up
for this Wednesday over at the University of
Utah hospital. I will be glad to finally get
it done. Seems like we have been talking about
getting this done for months!! This will be
our first appointment over at the U since he
had radiation back at the very beginning of
treatment. Kindof wierd to think about going
back over there for anything.

Our friend, Meagan, continues to baffle doctors
in Florida. I've talked to Mary on and off all
day today. Megs is still having horrible leg
pains that they can't figure out. Hopefully the
MRI tomorrow will give the docs some clues on
her unusual array of symptoms. Please go leave
some support.

Also found out yesterday that our buddy, JT,has been in the hospital in Logan with fevers. Get well soon JT!!!

Thanks for stopping by.

Saturday 1-27-07


Please go to my friend Mary's site
and offer your support. I have been
on the phone with Mary throughout the
day and Megs has gotten progressively
worse. She was transferred to PICU
an hour or so ago and is currently
getting an LP. PLEASE go and sign
the guestbook, show some support and
say a little prayer for this family

No updates on Aunt Sue...she is home. Hoping her pain is under control.

PLEASE PRAY for my friend Mary's
daughter Meg. Meg has been admitted...
and the story just seems to go from
bad to worse.


Friday 1-26-07

***12:30pm*** Sue is out of surgery and in recovery. She is in quite a bit of pain. They removed 18 lymph nodes from under that arm. I will let you know when I hear more from OK. Thanks for the prayers...

Thursday, January 25,2007

Boy am I tiredofcancer!! Hence the name I guess. Funny
thing is, I have had this e-mail name for years now and
still can't figure out just how I was 'lucky' enough to
get it!!!!

Exhausted of cancer is more like it. Tomorrow morning
my aunt goes in for surgery. They will take out lymph
nodes that are cancerous. That does not sound like one
bit of fun. After she heals she will be able to start
up with a protocol. I do believe she is ready to kick
some cancer butt!!!! I don't imagine it will be easy,
but is anything worth doing ever easy?? Keep praying
and I'll keep you posted on her PROGRESS.

Kara's appointments this week were a bit overwhelming.
Between this new normal of massage therapy and physical
therapy several times a week I feel like we are never in
one place for very long.............I will have to say
these 'scheduled' appointments with an end in site are
much better than any ole chemo any day of the week.
Average day for Dev going to oncology clinic we figured
was a 7 hour day................yuck!!!

Kara's problems are kindof out of hand as I don't believe
she was taken seriously right away. Muscles in her back
and neck are actually starting to atrophy now. She is
also having back spasms and gosh the list just goes on
and on. Lets just say when you see her smile its worth
a million dollars or so........this kid has been in some
excruciating pain. We've basically got dancing and all
other activities requiring much movement on hold.

I finally located the cord to download some pictures.
I can't believe how grown up the kids look!! These are
from skiing and our day at ice skating. What fun.


Kara.......first time on skis!!

Devin and Granpa Ross

Our family at Candlelighters ice skating event

Devin just because he's so darn cute!!

Kara the interior designer...

2 Cutie Kids being goofy...

Thanks for stopping by. Please leave a message.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

For those of you wondering, Aunt Sue is still waiting
on her biopsy results. As of yesterday they still
were NOT back in the dr.'s office.........hopefully
they will be there today. I know she is anxious to
know which way to turn.

I had a message on my answering machine yesterday
evening from my friend Mary. Her youngest, Meg, had
a seizure at school yesterday. Meg will be going in
for an MRI and other testing today. Extra prayers
are appreciated!!!! Visit Meg and her sisters here:
Caitlin and Meg's site

Kara went for her first massage therapy last night
after school and felt alot better afterwards. This
morning she starts her physical therapy. It was nice
to see her feeling so good after her massage last
night. She has been feeling awful. Anytime she
does much of anything she gets herself so locked up
that she can't move. It has been awful.

Devin has his dermatology appointment today. I'm
pretty sure his mystery rash has disappeared....so
we may have to reschedule. Its pretty hard to diagnose
something when you can't see it! Guess I should have
taken a picture of it......!! We are STILL waiting for
the bone density scan to get set up.....its getting
to be a ridiculous wait!! How hard can it be to set
up an appointment???

Devin's school ski trip went well for HIM. He had a
good time. Evidently one of the older kids broke a
leg...not so good. Another child hurt their neck and
came down the mountain in an ambulance, plus spent the
night in the hospital...scary!! Devin is excited to
go again with his classmates on February 5th!!! Also,
big Dev news.....he's playing basketball afterschool
now. They stay and play every day except Wednesday, so
he is one busy kid. Yesterday was his first day and he
loved it........such good exercise!!

Thanks for stopping by. Please drop Dev a line.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Hello from C O L D Utah.
We've still got quite a bit of snow on the
ground and I've heard rumors that more is on
the way. Its been an extraordinary winter
everywhere it seems. We could actually use
some snow around here; we've got a terrible
inversion going on right now.

We are breathing a sigh of relief over Kara's
good test results yesterday. I was so thankful
that everything was ok. Her pediatrician wants
to see her in the morning and she's set up to
start her physical therapy next Wednesday. It
cannot come soon enough. We need to get this
pain under control. It just seems if she does
much of anything, she pays for it the next day.

Tomorrow Aunt Sue goes in for her biopsies. My
mom and the rest of her family will go in with
her. We are all hoping and praying that the
lymph nodes are not involved. We are at the
mercy of pathology to find out which way to
turn next. Extra prayers are appreciated.

Thanks for stopping by to check on our family.
Please leave a message and let us know you
were here.

1-16-07 Tuesday still

We stopped by and picked up the official report on our way to PCMC. I immediately felt a sense of relief, but of course a very thorough ultrasound appointment really set my mind at ease.

Next order of business is to get Kara into physical therapy and a consult with an orthopedic specialist. Thanks for your prayers.

Well GG's birthday was not as good as it should
have been. Aunt Sue's news was not so good. She
goes in for surgery and biopsies on Friday. Extra
prayers are appreciated.

More ice is predicted for Oklahoma. Seems like its
C O L D everywhere.....oh, except for Florida!!!

Kara goes in for the carotid ultrasound tomorrow
at 9am. We've got to make a stop by the clinic
where she had the neck MRI and pick up records on
our way to PCMC. They didn't get her in today
because they wanted a neurologist in the room
while the test was being done. I'm still waiting
on the other tests to be set up, but this is the
biggie......I'm hoping it will let us all breathe.

She stayed home from school today due to pain.
We had met up with some friends yesterday at a
skate and bounce. Well, Kara did more bouncing
than skating.....and she was so sore that she just
was miserable all night into today. A trip to
the chiro/massage therapist relieved her a bit.

Please keep the prayers coming. We appreciate you.

Happy Birthday Momma.....we'll do something fun
when this ice melts.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Happy Birthday Grandma Gwen aka GG aka Golden Grahams.

We love you!! As soon as our camcorder re-appears we
are going to shoot your music video!!!!! Be careful
on the ice today.

Love, Devin, Kara, Willie, Maddie, Alisa & Randy

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Finally a good day.

We took the kids ice skating today. I
figure I should try and go at least every
25 years or so, but honestly it was so much
fun!! Kara did awesome and Devin certainly
gave it an honest try. He is usually very
fearless, but today he was a little more
cautious. I'm hoping he will want to try
again soon. I really enjoyed it. We went to
meet up with some of our 'old' Candlelighters
friends, but they stood us up!! Next time!!

I went over and talked to my pharmacist last
night about getting off of some of these drugs.
She gave me a good taper schedule since none of
the doctors I'm seeing seem to be able to figure
it out. It has been nice to have two days in a row
where I could think and plan things!! I'm hoping to
start a new trend of feeling good so that I can get
back to getting my life back and checking on all of
our friends.

I got a call late yesterday afternoon regarding Kara's
MRI and neck angiogram. She does need some additional
testing done on her neck. It is recommended that she
sees an orthopedic specialist and also have an ultraound
done of her carotid artery. I will be getting that done
next week. We were not at all happy with the results or
the way they were presented. That is a whole other story.
Lets just say Kara's daddy can make his voice heard when
he needs to............we got a call back from a doctor
at 9:30 last night, and another at 8am this morning to
assure us that these additional tests could wait until
next week. Keep praying.

The ice storms are hitting people hard. I got a message
on my answering machine from Mrs. Pam this afternoon.
She said her power has gone out and she has gone to stay
with a friend who has power. She does not know when she
will be back home or back online. These ice storms are
horrible. Luckily SLC just gets snow and every other guy
on my block has a snowplow........

Thanks for stopping by. Please drop Dev a line and
let him know you were here.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Finally an update.

Devin's appointment went well. He is a picture
of health. Just thinking about what that kid has
gone through and how close he came on so many
occassions to death makes me cry! Luckily we
were able to see his main oncologist, Dr. Lemons,
and talk about the future.

Dr. Lemons was a bit concerned that Devin is
still having recurrent back pain...
and goes at least weekly to the chiropractor. He
wants him set up for a bone density test over at
the University to see what we can do to get the
pain under control. He also wants him in for a
dermatology consult for a wierdo rash that keeps
showing up on most of his body and a cosmetic
surgery consult for that keloid scar that keeps on
growing and growing.

I was glad to have time to spend with Dr. Lemons and
see how proud he was to see how well Devin was doing.
So many times we go to the clinic and the doctors
seem so rushed that it never really seems like they
get a true understanding of just how much they have
truly done. They took our baby and gave him life
again. How can you express gratitude for something
like that?

**My Aunt Sue's news was not so good. I just talked
to my mom for a bit tonight, but the cancer is not
contained. She is supposed to meet with the surgeon
on Tuesday; my mom's birthday. What a month it has
been already. It is times like this that I so wish I
could be 'home'. It seems like sooooooo long since I
have seen my family. I was hoping to take the kids to
see their grandparents over this long weekend break, but
the ice storm will keep us here in snowy Utah.

Kara and I are still awaiting results from our MRIs from yesterday. Evidently I had a reaction to the dye they
injected for the MRI so have been sick all day. Not fun.

Thanks for stopping by. Please sign the guestbook.

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

************************UPDATE***Clean scans*****************************

Today is Devin's clinic day. I guess we have put
it off long enough. I don't know why I feel so
nervous about it this time. Usually I feel very
at peace about it. Not today. Devin is a bit
off about it too. He went to bed early last night
not feeling good and asked to go to school this
morning for the hour before his appointment so
his friends could pray with him before his appt.

Hoping and praying for an all clear day. Thanks for
your extra prayers.

Tomorrow Kara and I go in for MRIs. Hopefully this
will provide some answers and we can quit taking all
these drugs. I am tired of feeling like a zombie all
the time.

Thursday is my Aunt Sue's birthday. She will also
be going in to have her breast cancer hopefully taken
care of. The doctor thinks it is encapsulated. Boy,
that would sure be nice!!!

I'll update more later.
Thanks for stopping by.

Saturday, January 6, 2007

I haven't updated in awhile because my brain isn't working too well. Ever since the car accident back in late August I have been on massive doses of drugs which don't seem to be working too well. I apologize, but for the most part Devin is doing well and there is not much to say. He does have an appointment next week for his 3 month blood work and chest xray.

Today I come here to ask for prayers for a young man in Montana. I have been following his site for a few months and feel bad that I have not shared his information with you before today. I met his grandparents at their booth at the Utah State Fair this fall. It turns out our family had stayed at their hotel in West Yellowstone just a week or so before Devin was diagnosed with cancer. This is their grandson. Please pray for Alan


Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Happy New Year!!!

Can anyone believe its 2007 already??? Remember
back when the naysayers were predicting 2000 was
going to be the end of time?? I guess that happens
quite a bit, but it still seems pretty fresh in my
find for some reason.

Kids are still recuperating from their Christmas
break. We had a great time. The time away from
school seemed to pass all too quickly. We had to
pack away Christmas a little earlier this year due
to our 'live' tree's decision to get a little droopy
and make mom a bit nervous.............looked a bit
like a fire hazard and the dropping ornaments were
too much temptation for Miss Maddie to resist!

The kids are still singing Christmas carols. Their
favorite this year being 'Mary Did You Know?' They
seemed to be singing it every time I turned around.
Kara also realllllllllllllllllllllly likes the
'Christmas Shoes' song, but Devin says that is one
of the most depressing songs he has ever heard in
his life!!!

News Years Eve was fun. We hooked up with some
neighbors, swapped spirits and kids and brought in
the new year..........barely. I'm finding it harder
and harder to stay up past my bedtime any more!!!

We spent News Year Day trying to find poor Devin some
heelies to replace the too small ones that Santa had
left for him.............this kid's foot will NOT stop
growing since off of chemo........he is up to a size
10 1/2 !!!!!!!!!! We graciously ate the country ham
that Jimmy sent for our special dinner...........of
course we made everyone eat their fair share of black
eyed peas!!! We can even buy them in Utah now....when
I moved here back in '93 they were nowhere to be found...
now I can even buy them with jalapenos with no problemo!!

Kara and I went to the neurologist appts today. I didn't
feel so hopeful about my appt. Just more of the same
drugs.........just dope you up so you don't feel pain.
They changed Kara's medicine and set us both up for more
MRIs on the 10th. Until then I guess we'll just deal with
it. We're still waiting for that famous Alls---e insurance
to start paying for our medical payments. It would be nice
if they got started since the accident was 8-24-06!!!

Kara is not feeling so good tonight. We can't keep her
awake. I don't know if she's worn out from the appt. or
getting sick again. She is definetly not herself. I'll
keep you posted. Dev seems good. I had to run up to
PCMC today to get a copy of Kara's MRI and everyone was
asking where he was, why he wasn't there and how he was
doing...he's a regular celebrity up there. I told them he
would be up there soon enough..........I can't believe the
kid is actually PAST DUE for his 3 month appointment...he
has never been past due for anything in his life......
just too much stuff going on I guess.

Thanks for stopping by. Don't forget to pray for all
of our CB friends..................and sign the guest
book.........we'd like to know who stopped!!

Saturday, December 30, 2006

We had another successful Christmas. Santa was able to come again this year without any troubles. Seems we
were on the verge of Devin 'losing' Santa just before he
was diagnosed, but his belief seems stronger now than
ever before.

We were lucky to have GG here with us for some
pre-Christmas traditions: last minute shopping,
baking, building a gingerbread house,
going to see "A Christmas Carol", going downtown
to see Christmas lights and just watching favorite
Christmas shows.

We spent Christmas Eve at Randy's parents house
with his sister and family, then were able to
let the kids to wake up at home and open and play with gifts at their leisure on Christmas day. For dinner
Randy grilled us his traditional steak dinner complete
with all the fixins.

The kids have enjoyed their break from school playing
with new toys, opening gifts and cards from around
the globe and on Thursday going skiing!!! Randy and
his dad took the kids up to Brighton for the day.
Randy said they both did well in lessons. It was
Devin's first time since cancer and Kara's first time
at all. They both had a great time and are asking when
they get to go again.

While they were gone GG and I spent our last day
baking some more stuff for her to take back to the
folks in OK. Yesterday was Nanny's 91st birthday
so it was obvious that GG needed to get home.
Hopefully she'll be back soon to visit. We miss
you Grandma!!!

Thanks for stopping by to visit....hope you all had
a great holiday. Happy New Year.

Monday, December 25, 2006

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Merry Christmas from our house to yours!!!

We appreciate you all and hope that you enjoy
your holiday.

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Randy, Alisa, Devin and Kara

Enjoying a chemo-free life for the past 15 months!!!

Friday, December 22, 2006

Busy, busy, busy!!!

I picked GG up from the airport Tuesday morning
and its been non-stop ever since!! Devin and
Kara had their school Christmas parties and last
day of school on Wednesday so GG and I went up
for that. GG really liked getting to see the
school and all of the friendly faces who make
it such a fun learning environment.

We've been doing LOTS of baking. Today we are
delivering cookies around to some neighbors and
of course our favorite chiropractor....can't
forget the chiropractor!! He could really use
some fattening up.

Speaking of fattening up. The kids did run into
Santa the other night while we were out and about...
he was looking a bit stiff......maybe he was just
tired........what do you think?

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Santa and kids

He seemed jovial enough, just looked like he was
ready to get lots of cookies on Christmas eve....

We are getting more snow as I type, so doubts for a
white Christmas at my house. We got about 12 inches
over the weekend so it is looking good!!!!

HOPE you are all enjoying the holiday. Here's a
super easy recipe we've been making for a few years
that we'll be making later today. My kids LOVE
making these and they really allow them to be

Stained Glass Cookies From Food Network Kitchens

1 cup sugar
2 sticks butter
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla
3 cups flour
Assorted brightly colored, hard candies
1 (2 to 3 inch) star cookie cutter
1 small triangle cookie cutter

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
In a mixer with a paddle attachment, cream the sugar and butter until smooth. Add the egg and the vanilla extract. Mix in the flour. Remove the dough from the mixer and press into a rectangular shape. Wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least 1 hour. Remove from the refrigerator and cut dough into 1/3. Roll out dough, 1 piece at a time to a 3/16-inch thickness. Cut out as many large stars as possible. Repeat with all of the dough. Cut a small triangle out of each the arms on each star. Place the hard candy, by color, into small plastic bags. Place a towel over the bags and crush the candy with a meat mallet. Place all of the cookies on parchment lined sheet pans. In each of the triangle holes, fill with different colors of crushed hard candy. Bake in the oven for 10 to 15 minutes or until lightly golden brown, and the candy has melted.

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Merry Christmas!!

Tuesday, December 19, 2006 2:55 AM CST

Devin is feeling better.

I woke him up for school Monday morning and he
was breaking a fever. I let him sleep and checked
on him an hour or so later and same thing. He hacked
most of the day, but bit mid evening seemed to be
feeling lots better. His kind sister even brought
him homework home from school!!!

Grandma comes to see us today. I've been trying to
get all the last minute things done. I did get some
baking done today so that is a good start. Her bedroom
doubles as 'Santa's workshop' so I've just got to get
the rest of that mess cleaned up.

As promised, here are some pictures from our trip to
Washington D.C.. Devin reprimanded me because I left
out that we visited the Air and Space museum. That was
his favorite. Probably mine too. The museum of American
History is closed for renovation so I was sorry we missed

Here you go:

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Speaking at Candlelighters

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D & K with Ruth Hoffman of Candlelighters

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D & K with Trevor Romain...supporter/author for Candlelighters

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The BIG tree

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ONE of Devin's many gold ribbons

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Lincoln Memorial

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WWII Memorial

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WWII Memorial

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Sign says it all

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Awfully bad picture of Spirit of St. Louis...still
searching for the good picture....

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Hope no one is on dial up right now...

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Outside the incredible Wright Bros. display...

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White House

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Secret Service in the background......why do we have to
move????? My mom wants a good picture......

Hope you are all enjoying the blessings of the season.

Monday, December 18, 2006 1:30am

The trip was fun. Exhausting but fun. I do
believe the kids learned more than I thought
they did. They keep surprising me with little
bits of info they picked up along the way.

I'm still having trouble with the pictures...
maybe not necessarily the pictures, but maybe
just my brain in general. I guess I will blame
it on that little car accident back in August,
but my brain just isn't working the way it
should right now.

On our trip we were able to go up inside Washington
Monument which gives you an incredible view of the
city. The WWII memorial was new since either Randy
or I had been there and it is absolutely beautiful.
Just a breathtaking memorial. We were there on the
eighth.....I remember because it was the day after
Pearl Harbor day.

Also on the first day we went inside the Smithsonian
Museum of Natural History. This is famous in my mind
because it houses the HOPE diamond. Of course it is
heavily guarded.....everything in Washington D.C. is
heavily guarded!!! From there we went through the
'castle' part of the Smithsonian; which is really just
a big information center, then out through the gardens
and back to our hotel. We did A LOT of walking, even
though we did have a car you really can't get too much
closer to any of the memorials than where we stayed.

Later that night we saw the Korean War memorial and
the Lincoln Memorial..........this was around MIDNIGHT!!
Yes, we were on a totally different time schedule while
in D.C., but that was okay.

We were able to ride the metro (underground subway)
several times. The kids really enjoyed that.

On other days we saw the Vietnam Memorial, WWII again (lots
to read on this one.......plus it is massive), FDR
memorial and Thomas Jefferson Memorial. We were able
to take a tour of the Capital building, which was really
cool and informative. We entered through the Hart Bldg.
and landed up in the Capital via a subway system...very

Of course the highlight for me was the Candlelighters
ceremony. I can't help but think if there was some
sort of permanent memorial to these kids that perhaps
more funding could be provided to help work towards
a cure or at least some less toxic treatments......just
my two cents worth.

Back to work on the pictures.

Thanks for stopping by.........if you've come this far
go ahead and leave a message.

Wednesday 12-13-06

We are home.
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We are exhausted, but had a great time!!
Luckily we only had one teeny tiny glitch
on our trip........we missed our flight
coming back to SLC and had to catch
another flight with a couple of hour
layover in Cincinnati last night. By the
time we got to bed it was LATE!!!!!

The kids were back in school today and I
have been running around trying to get
our Salvation Army 'angel' names taken care...
they moved the deadline up on me while we were
out of town. We got it all done and turned in
after the kids got out of school.

I've got tons of pictures..........tons!!!!!
We saw as much as we could in the time we
were there. We walked miles and miles each
day. Of course one of the biggest highlights
was seeing that Candlelighters tree. I'll see
if I can get those pictures up later today.

Thanks for checking in on us while we were away.

Friday, December 8, 2006

We are in Washington D.C..

We've had a long day of traveling,
but are ready for some busy days
starting tomorrow. Everyone seems
to be feeling good.

We're hoping to meet up with va/kari
and family tomorrow afternoon here in
the D.C. area. We'll be looking for
gold ribbons for all our cancer friends
tomorrow night.

Here's the info if you'd like to order

Thanks for stopping by.

Thursday, December 7, 2006

Kara is still sick.
We took her back to the doctor's office
on Tuesday afternoon and they did a lot
of bloodwork. It all looked good. We
heard yesterday about the mono test...
luckily it was negative as well. We still
don't know what is wrong, but have added
the dreaded roto-virus on top of whatever
else is wrong with her. Luckily everyone
else around here is feeling good.

We are supposed to fly out of SLC in the
morning. Devin won't hear of not going....
but Randy says he won't go unless we can
all go. We shall see. I really want this
trip to happen, but Kara would not be good
on a flight right now. It would just be

There's still time to purchase your gold ribbons
for the National Candlelighters tree in Washington
D.C.. You can buy ribbons for as little as $5 to
honor or memoralize your favorite cancer kids.

Click here: Make Childhood Cancer Extinct!!

Thanks for stopping by. Please sign the guestbook.

Tuesday, December 5, 2006

I've left getting the video put on here up to Randy
and Devin.........you may be waiting a while. They've
got some new game they are both addicted to......so I
can almost bet they've forgot about the speech. One
of these days though.

We had an okay weekend. Kara felt good for parts of
it, bad for parts of it. When she felt good we took
advantage and got a few things done. The kids insisted
we get a live tree this year; so we did that. It
really does make the house smell good. It is a lot
smaller tree than we're used to, but Kara managed to
get lots of decorations on it.

Yesterday she woke up with a sore neck, but after an
ice pack seemed okay for school. She was able to stay
all day, but was pretty wiped out. She came straight
home and took a nap. By 6:30 she was running a fever,
chilling and had another major headache. Needless to
say she'll be missing more school. Its 3am here and
she is still on fire with fever. Poor kid. It seems
so odd to worry about her health for a change.....she
has always been our 'well one'.........of course
Devin was always a picture of health before getting
diagnosed with 'c'.

I am so worried about Kara. Something is just not
right. She looks fine one minute and the next she
is turning white as a ghost and complaining of being
nauseaus and dizzy......just not normal behaviors.
We need her to be well and feeling good!!! Life is
too short for this kind of stuff!! We're still
scheduled to leave Friday morning for Washington D.C..

Devin was supposed to have his 3 month appointment
today, but I'm going to have to cancel it. Randy
has too much work to take off and I wouldn't drag
a sick kid along for an appointment like this. We'll
have to reschedule him to another day when Kara is
feeling better and in school.

Thanks for stopping by. Hope you are enjoying your

Friday, December 1, 2006

Kara's MRI was beautiful. A beautiful brain...
nothing in there that shouldn't be. Her eyes
were STILL dialated when she got up yesterday
so she stayed home with mom. She has been
needing her mom alot more lately. The dr.
called yesterday mid morning and told us the
official news. She called in some new meds
for Kara to try.......supposedly for twice
a day. I can already see that is not going
to work. She can not stay awake and take

We gave her the first dose at bedtime last
night and she has a horrid headache this
morning; maybe induced by the new meds??
She is asleep still at almost eleven. I
will have to get her dressed in a minute
to go back to the pediatrician. This has
not been her week!! She just feels awful.

On another note Devin's speech this
morning went AWESOME. He was so excited.
He spoke in front of a thousand or so high
schoolers and staff. The governor is still
in Iraq, so Dev was it. He got a standing
ovation. He said he will get the video of
his speech on here tonight. He wants to
do it himself.....and honestly he would
probably be quicker at it than me!!!
Sorry GG you'll just have to wait!!!!

Thanks for the prayers, messages and
phone calls of support this week. WE
appreciate you. Happy first day of Dec.

Take a minute and sign the guestbook.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

We don't have the official report, but the
'unofficial' report is a clean MRI. Its
almost 7pm and I am assuming the official
reading hasn't been posted. The pediatrician
hasn't called and she said she would call
when she was able to read the report. She
will call. She is the most reliable doctor
we have come across in years; and so incredibly

Kara had her complete eye exam this morning.
Her eyes are STILL dialated hours later. The
eye doctor was very nice and said her headaches
did not sound like any type of migraines he
had ever heard of. He said that he sees
many people who have been in car accidents
then experience bizarre headaches. I guess
it could be something like that..........
we will see what the pediatrician thinks the
next move should be.

Kara was so good for her MRI. She was
perfectly still for the entire scan and didn't
have to re-do any of the scan. She was very
nervous going in, but did just perfect!!! I
was so proud of how well she did. They only
let one of us go in with her, so dad was forced
to stand out in the hall and wait for us to

I guess the waiting game has officially begun!!
I'm just glad there was nothing overwhelmingly
obvious on the MRI. I knew as long as they
weren't paging oncology while she was on the
table that things would most likely be okay.

Thanks for your prayers and concern. I'll
update more when I know something more definitive.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

What a day we had yesterday.

Kara had quite a visit with the pediatrician.
It is felt she needs an MRI of her brain. That
is scheduled for tomorrow to rule out any type
of abnormalities. Also, she will get a dialated
eye exam in the morning. It will be a busy day.
I left the pediatrician with mixed feelings....
not quite knowing what to think. Wondering if
we're getting the 'quick' treatment because there
really is a problem or because Kara is the sister
of a cancer kid. I'm hoping its just a precaution
because she's Devin's sister.....you know we're
kindof treated with kid gloves after having a kid
with cancer in the family.

I know the odds are against having a second child
with something so seriously wrong, but of course I
am sick with worry. Too many questions asked by
the pediatrician got the 'yes' answer. Now I feel
like I have been negligent with this issue. I
certainly feel like the eye dr. she 'saw' last
week was negligent. Of course he had no idea of
our 'history'...he didn't care enough to ask....
he was more interested in my insurance information
than even checking out my kid.

Luckily last night we had big plans to take our
minds off of what was before us.....The Kinikinis
showed up for pizzas and fun before we headed over
to see a local play. We were able to meet up with
a couple of other local 'c' families while we were
there too!!! tx/spencer and ut/caitlin....not much
in a linking mood today...

Oh, got a call last night from our local high
school. They did a big fundraiser last year and
raised over $25,000 for the big Huntsman Cancer
Institute here in SLC. They are doing it again this
year and want Devin to come and speak at their kick-off.
(Last year they recorded him on video and played the
video................) This year they want him to
speak LIVE on Friday in front of several HUNDRED people
after the keynote speaker.....the governor of the state
of Utah........!!!! Devin agreed....no problem he said...
so looks like that is on the schedule for Friday....

I'll update tomorrow when I know....it will be late
afternoon. The MRI is scheduled for 3pm, takes 45
minutes I would imagine, then will have to be read
and transcribed.............so I will update the
all clear then.

Thanks for stopping by.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Have a Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! I'm still
in remission!!! Amen!!

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Don't eat too much turkey!!


Monday, November 20, 2006

We had a good weekend. It seemed rather long, but
I bet the kids would have a differing opinion on
that. Kara has been having horrible headaches far
too frequently and when we finally find out why she
is so angry we can get her calmed down and in bed
to sleep. She has an appointment in the morning
with an opthalmologist. I don't know if this is
a result of the car accident or what.....

It was a beautiful weekend here. Not really warm
enough for camping, but thats just what Devin and
Randy did Saturday night....a little 'male bonding'
you might call it. The new Wii game system came
out this morning and Devin convinced Randy how they
could camp out in the Target parking lot and buy a
couple of these things and get rich selling them on
e-bay. Well, Randy took the bait.....lets just say
we'll at the most only be making 1/2 as much as was
originally promised by smooth talking Mr. Devin. I
do believe Santa paid a visit early to our house....
and mom is none too thrilled.

Kara sang in church this morning and did a great job.
Afterwards we came home, ate lunch and the kids played
while mom and dad did chores. It was soooo nice I
got to do more raking in the 62 degree weather, while
I convinced a very sleepy Randy to climb up on the
roof and hang Christmas lights....probably not the
wisest idea, but he got the majority of them hung
before we had to leave to head back to church. We
went back for a Thanksgiving dinner tonight and
actually came home with left-over turkey!!! Guess
we'll be eating turkey sandwiches for lunch this week!!

Poor Randy was soooo tired at the dinner. He ate
and was just listening to the music. He looked over
at me and in all seriousness said "it wasn't fair
that they didn't pass out the words to the songs so
he could sing along". If any of you reading this
know Randy, you know that this is completely out of
character. For a minute there I thought maybe he was
asleep with his eyes wide open. The kids and I started
laughing he was so funny. I have been kidding him
about that all night.

I had some cute pictures from this weekend to share,
but am having some trouble getting my photo software
to work. Maybe I'll have better luck tomorrow.

Don't forget to take a look at the National
Candlelighters Site and make a donation in honor
of a child you know who is fighting or has battled
against cancer. For as little as $5 you can buy
a ribbon to be hung on the National Candlelighters
tree in Washington D.C.. Here is the link to that
site: Candlelighters

Thanks for stopping by. Please take a minute to sign
the guestbook.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Big news around here......Dev's chili got 3rd place
in Saturday's chili cook-off. There were 21 entries
so he was happy with that. He received a $25 gift
certificate for a local Mexican restaurant. A
pretty good prize!!!

The big, big news....

Our family is traveling to Washington D.C. for the
lighting of the National Candlelighters tree of HOPE.
We are all so excited. We will get to see a lot of
the sites around D.C.; as well as hopefully meet
some of our caringbridge friends at the ceremony.
Please let us know if you'll be in the area and
we'll make plans to meet up!!!! Here's a link
for more information and to BUY RIBBONS. They are
selling the gold ribbons again this year to honor
to be placed on the tree. All the money goes to
CHILDHOOD CANCER RESEARCH...............something
that is desperately needed.

National Candlelighters Site

FOr only $5 you can buy a ribbon which will be placed
on the tree to honor a cancer kid. I can't wait to
see the tree in person. I HOPE someday this tree could be a tree of kids whose grandparents maybe had cancer....some disease that people USED to get...something extinct. Too many people die to cancer. Too many innocent people.

Please sign the guestbook.


Friday, November 10, 2006

The funeral yesterday was very nice. Randy
took off work and went with me. The church
was packed with family and friends; lots of
kids there.

The kids had chess club after school yesterday
and are really getting into it. They talked
dad into taking them to a coffee club last night
after Kara's dancing, dinner and homework to
play chess....somehow chess is much more fun
when its played somewhere other than our house.
I don't understand it, but its good for the
kids to spend quality time with dad.

Tomorrow is the chili cook-off at the school.
The kids are soooo excited. Devin wants to make
the chili really, really hot. I told him I don't
think we would win anything if its too hot for
anyone too taste. He seemed to think maybe they
would have a prize for 'hottest' chili. Somehow
I doubt it, but we'll see. I'll just make the
usual....or better yet let the kids make my usual
chili. They seem to eat things better if they've
had a hand in making them.

Weather is wierd here in Utah. The forecast
keeps saying we'll get snow down in the valley,
but so far just rain. I don't know what the
weekend has in store, but I'm almost tempted
to pray for snow so I can get out of raking
leaves for awhile. We have several big trees
around our house and a break from raking might
be nice.

I'm having scanner problems, but as soon as
I get it up and running I'll get the kids'
school pictures up. Thanks for stopping by.
Please leave Dev a message and let him know
you were here.

Wednesday, November 8, 2006

When your eight year old tells you it will be
ok, you have to believe it. I about fell off
my seat when I read that our friend,
died on Sunday night. What a sweet, sweet
girl; so full of HOPE. When I think of HOPE; I
cannot help but think of sweet Brenna. This will
be the very first cancer kid funeral I will attend.
It seems impossible. I have known so many; too many,
but this is the first.

I've always had an 'out'. So many kids died while
Devin was on active, serious treatment. Some weeks
we would have a handful of deaths just at our hospital.
Most of the kids Dev started with are gone.... I
always was afraid to leave him when he was so sick.
Funerals are never fun and with a kid in the hospital
I always had the perfect excuse not to go....
I always thought he might do something sneaky if I
left for too long. I guess I thought I had a lot
of power over the situation that I really didn't have...
mostly superstition or wishful thinking I guess.

Dev continues to do well. Weathers been nice....supposed
to get cold this afternoon, so he's been enjoying so
much freedom that comes with getting his homework
done early and just being a kid!!!! How amazing it
is to just watch him play and laugh. Things that I
know so many people take for granted. His movements
are like magic; as clumbsy as he make look to his
p.e. teacher he looks marvelous to me. No, he will
never be anyone's star quarterback, but he is alive
and thriving!!! He is amazing. I find myself tearing
up just watching him get on his bike and ride down
the street. I try not to think of the dangers of
the road and just let him be...he has been told 'NO'
far too many times. Its time just to let him
breathe..............who knows what tomorrow brings.
Celebrate today!!!

Hug your kids!!!

Gotta go check on my CB buddies.
Brock could need some prayers after his surgery on Monday. He is having some pain today.

Sign the guestbook if you've got a minute.

Friday, November 3, 2006

Today we had a break from school. The weather
was beautiful and the kids spent most of the
day playing outside. Devin helped me get most
of the leaves raked up. We still have one big
tree that hasn't dropped its leaves. Its
supposed to be a beautiful weekend.

We were hoping to get to Las Vegas this weekend,
but things didn't work out. Hopefully we'll find
something fun to do around SLC this weekend.

We had parent teacher conferences earlier this
week. Both kids are doing GREAT!!!! Devin's
grades are unbelievable!!! His worst grade is
a B+ (92%)in P.E. and Science. Everything else is A's!!!!!! He got an A+ in Chorus and
Religion. He is doing just fantastic. His
teacher said he is just such a nice, well-mannered
kid and she is just thrilled to have him in her

Kara was a good mix of A's and B's with C in
English. Turns out she received a C due to
turning her papers in late............so she
could spend recess inside with a 'friend'....
I do believe we have this situation settled and
it will not be happening again; especially since
these papers have been completed and are sitting
in her backpack before they are due!!

Thanks for stopping by to check on Devin.

Wednesday, November 1, 2006

The kids had a lot of fun last night.
Devin was SCARY!!!! He was Freddy Krueger
from the Friday the 13th movies. He ordered
the mask and glove off of e-bay and Rosi sent
him the hat from Scotland. I found the striped
sweater and was able to dye it the darker colors
to look 'Freddy-ish'. He was a hippie for trunk
or treat at the school.......

Kara did her own costume. She was a beautiful
rock star. She had tons of sparkle!!! Even fake
eyelashes with rhinestones. This was our first
attempt with false eyelashes....OUCH!!!! They are
not so much fun to get off...at least not the glue.
They did look pretty cool though!!!

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Dev and Kara....Halloween 2006

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D, K and the neighbors

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Dev taking the role of Freddy seriously

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Close up of Kara

Randy spent hours on carving some spectacular
pumpkins. My favorite was a 57 pound carnivore
pumpkin he did. It got a lot of compliments....

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3 separate candles for this big guy!!!

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A picture of the masterpiece during the day.

Thanks for stopping by. We've got parent teacher
conferences tonight. The kids are so excited. They
are both doing well and excited for mom and dad to
see all of their great work. Devin has his first
field trip of the year tomorrow. His class is riding downtown on Trax to see a play. He is very excited
about that as well.

Thanks for stopping by. Please take a minute and sign
the guestbook.

Monday, October 30, 2006

Dev is feeling better. He is weak, but he
insisted on trying school. He was able to
go to a friend's party yesterday. I told
him if he gets started back up to call me...
he is still not really able to eat, so his
energy level isn't too great. School may
just wipe him out!

We did do the school's trunk or treat on
Saturday, then ran up to PCMC and dropped
by to see Tuli's sister. She looked really
good. Hopefully she was able to come home
yesterday. She will be in a wheelchair for
a while and require physical therapy, but
thank God...NO cancer. What a huge relief!!

I'm waiting to hear back from Devin's gastro
doctor now. He should have at least some of
Devin's labs back from Friday's samples. If
this is something crohns related I seriously
think that Devin needs some type of counseling
as to what he should and shouldn't eat to get
his condition aggravated. He had been doing
so well.

Thanks for checking up on Devin. Please
leave him a message and let him know you
stopped by.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Just this minute heard from Tuli's
mom. His older sister fell last
night and was taken up to PCMC. She
is being prepped for surgery on her hip as I type this. AT LEAST IT IS
NOT CANCER. PLEASE keep this family
in your prayers. Lia just had her
birthday on Thursday!!!!!!
Tuli's site

We are home!!

Yesterday was a very long day. Devin had
come home early from school on Thursday with
throwing up and a fever. By Thursday night
his symptoms were worsening and he was one
sick kid. Just horribly sick.

Friday morning he woke up with a low grade
fever, chills and the runs only...no vomiting.
I called the pediatrician, but was only able to
get him in to see another dr. in the practice.
That turned out to be great. She was VERY
nice and very, very concientious. She felt
like Dev had a possible appendicitis so sent
us over for stat labs, samples, etc.. Within
5 minutes of getting in from the doc's office
she personally called to say she had talked
to the doc covering Dev's gastro practice AND
the oncology dept. about Dev's symptoms. She
got us into another hospital for a CT of his
abdomen (with and w/out contrast) to rule
out the appendicitis.

So.......he spent the required 2 hours at
yet a different hospital drinking the contrast,
while dad picked up Kara from school and ran
the 'sample' over to the other hospital across
town to get labs started on it. He was poked
a total of 3 times yesterday. He was a very
hard poke......poor veins of course due to
years of chemo, then he is very close to being
dehydrated. He cannot stay out of the bathroom!!

We waited another hour for CT results and I
talked to the pediatrician who called in some
low dose steroids on top of his regular crohns
meds to try and settle his stomach down. If
his symptoms worsen over the weekend we are to
take him to the ER where I would imagine he will
get fluids. He is unable to keep even sips down.
He looks pretty good though and his energy level
seems surprisingly good. He is REALLY wanting
to go to the Cancer Wellness Halloween party
this afternoon as well as the school's trunk
or treat party later today...........so we
shall see. He definetly has to stay very close
to the bathroom. I just don't know that it
will happen for him.

I am just glad his appendix is ok. The pediatrician
feels like since his main colon issues are right in
that same area that his appendix may become a
source of trouble sometime in the future.....who
knows? Anything is possible. Anyway, glad to have
that ruled out. Yesterday was too much of a flashback
to our 'old life' and I did not like it one little
bit. Kara didn't either. She looked like she was
going to bawl by the time we finally got home late
last night. Dogs weren't too thrilled with me either.

In better news, our friend Hadley got a stable MRI yesterday!!!! What terrific news!!!!!!!

Thanks for checking up on Devin. If you've come
this far, please do him a favor and drop him a

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

We've been busy around here.

The kids and dogs are all doing well.
Willie got his staples out yesterday
and is feeling pretty good. Maddie
took first prize in a Petsmart costume
contest last night. Too bad neither she
or Willie could enjoy the load of prizes
she brought home; a bunch of special
doggie treats that they can't eat.

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We went to a pumpkin patch over the weekend and
picked out LOTS of great pumpkins!!! We had a
great picnic up American Fork Canyon on Sunday
afternoon. We've got a bunch of fun activities
scheduled for this weekend: another school
carnival, trunk or treating and ANOTHER pet
costume contest.....Maddie is hooked on these
contests. Willie is a good sport. While he
did not place he said he'll dress up again,
as a hippie dog, to support her. We got a
really cute picture of them all dressed up
with the kids. I'll have to see if I can get
it scanned in. We've been having computer AND
internet problems today.......not to mention

Here's some pictures. Some are from our trip
a few weeks ago around Elko, NV area.

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Remains of school where Eleanor taught in Metropolis, NV

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Real Pony Express cabin relocated in front of a pretty interesting museum in Elko, NV

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Inside a HUGE display of animals in Elko, NV

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Kara and Maddie in front of Gpa's dahlias

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Dev hauling pumpkins

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Pumpkin patch

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More pumpkins

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After our picnic on Sunday.....a beautiful day

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Devin showing off his dimple

Happy 8th Birthday to our friend Caitlin's site

Thanks for stopping by. Please take a minute to
sign the guestbook.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

We finally got Willie home tonight. He seems
like he is feeling pretty good. The vet finally
got the pathology back this afternoon and it was
all good. He put Willie on some hypo-allergenic
food. BOTH dogs are now on prescription dog]
food!!! I'm just glad the biopsies didn't show
any signs of cancer. I ran in Target with Maddie
this afternoon and a lady came up to me and said
her dog had just been put down for a mass in
the stomach which turned out to be cancer....
Willie's situation sure could have turned out

Maddie is glad to have her brother home. He
has been making her keep her distance which
tells me he doesn't feel as good as he looks.
He's got staples up the middle of his stomach;
which will have to be removed next week. Luckily
Randy will be in town to take him to the vet.

Both kids are having a great week at school.
Tomorrow is chapel day which is their favorite.
The principal is in charge and they both think
he is just hilarious!!! He was in a local play
that we saw a few weeks ago and he is a funny
guy. I am just so thankful that they are both
enjoying school so much (and doing so well!!!)

Tomorrow is Bryce's funeral. It is so depressing
thinking about it. It was a carbon monoxide
accident. He had had horrible Crohns for years
(he was early 30's) and I guess everyone just
assumed that some day the bleeding would be
uncontrollable. Life is strange; full of twists
and turns. Hug your kids, your friends and your
family. Don't ever take anyone for granted.
Tomorrow is not a guarantee.

Thanks for stopping by. Please take a minute
and sign the guestbook.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Willie came out of surgery just fine.
The vet said the mass appeared to be
a lot of plant/grass material that
was not going to pass on its own.
Willie is on an IV with stomach, pain
and antibiotic meds. He is one sick
pup. We are not having good luck with
dogs this year. This is poor Willie's
2nd surgery in the past 3 months!!!!
The vet did say Willie's insides were
very inflamed and some biopsies were
taken. Hopefully everything will be
clear. If things continue to go well
he will come home tomorrow.

Maddie is missing Willie terribly. She
is NOT enjoying being an only dog. She
has been very clingy and barky. Not
herself at all. I think she is trying
to keep up with her jobs and Willie's.
She is funny. I know she will be glad
to get him home. She is hoping he feels
well enough for a pet costume contest
this next weekend. I'm wondering myself.
Willie still hasn't finalized his costume...
he was going to dress in drag......we'll
see what he comes up with.

My brother is very sad today. His best
friend of over 30 years died over the weekend.
It was a tragic accident; nothing that anyone
could have ever predicted. Please pray for
Bryce's family as they learn to live without
him. He leaves behind two young children
about Devin and Kara's ages. I can still
remember the day Brycie moved in across the
street..........a cute little 3 year old with
a permanent smile on his face. A really cute,
friendly kid. We'll miss you Brycie.

The carnival was fun. The kids were pretty
worn out from all the bouncy stuff. I'm in
a somber mood thinking about Bryce, so I'll
have to write more later.

Friday, October 13, 2006

Its Friday the 13th, so a perfect time to
tell you about the ghost that followed me

Eleanor has been hanging around my room.
She makes it impossible for me to fall
asleep. I don't know why she is bothering
me. She followed us into Albertsons (grocery
store) and made a jar of mayonnaise fall off
of the shelf. It was in the middle. I really
think it was her that made it fall.

Za little baby (Maddie) has been doing fine.
Willie is in the doggie hospital. He has some
type of blockage. If it doesn't pass by in the
morning the vet will do surgery on him......guess
Friday the 13th isn't so lucky for Willie.

School is cool. My teacher is really nice.
We had crappy pizza for lunch today. Tomorrow
is the fall festival. Both my mom and dad are
working at the carnival. My dad is working the
giant slide. I guess that will make him one
popular guy!!!!!!! Make that powerful guy.
He is getting excited about it!!!!

That is all for now. I'm tired. I'm going to
bed. Good night. he he

Friday, October 13, 2006

Happy Friday the 13th!!!

I think Devin has today confused with
April Fools Day...he was talking about
playing jokes on people later today....
he is funny!! I tried to explain it to
him, but he acted like I was the one in
the wrong. LOL

Nobody wanted to get out of bed this
morning. Kara is sore all over. She
and two of her friends took Maddie and
Willie for a 'walk' yesterday evening.
Kara was walking Willie, when Willie
spotted two dogs and took off. He drug
Kara across the sidewalk and scraped her
up pretty good. Needless to say Willie
is in pretty big trouble!!! I don't
know why he did that. He usually doesn't
pull such dumb stunts. I guess he just
lost his mind for a minute.

We had a big mail day at our house yesterday;
a big package from Mrs. Pam, a package from
GG and 2 royal packages from Trudi!!! Thanks
guys. The kids were very impressed. For some
reason they are wanting to save the package
the received from Rosi until 'closer til Halloween'
They are really good about patiently waiting!!
Better than me!!

Tomorrow is the school carnival. They are both
really excited. I am working in the kitchen and
both of the kids are singing. It should be fun.
I worked in Kara's class yesterday afternoon and
will work again this afternoon. I'm hoping to get
some regular volunteer days set up for each of the
kids class rooms. I like to be able to know the
kids and know who they are talking about when they
come home.

Thanks for stopping by. Please drop Devin a line
and let him know you were here.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Who knows when Devin will find the time to
update you on his 'ghost'. I will tell
you that her name is Eleanor and she lived
in the town of Metropolis, Nevada during its
boom. She was the school teacher there and
evidently has taken a liking to Dev.....for
some reason she only shows up at bedtime...
and even stranger ONLY appears in his bedroom.
She won't bother him in my room......hmmmm...
sounds a little fishy to me!!!

You can read more about Metropolis, Nevada here. It was the last ghost
town we visited this past Sunday.

School is going VERY WELL. Both of the kids
just love it. They are just so happy and I
am just beyond thrilled!!!! I spoke with
Devin's teacher yesterday and she had nothing
but good, positive things to say about him....
quite a change of pace from last year!!!! It
is so nice and so refreshing to have the kids in
such a positive, loving environment. The school
is very small and it just seems like everyone
knows everyone...............and gets along!!!!

As you may have noticed I have been having some
medical problems. I have dealt with migraines
for many years, but have not really had any
issues with them.......even throughout Devin's
2 years of stressful treatment. For the past
several weeks I have been having them weekly
for days at a time. It is getting old. I saw
Dev's chiro the other day who suggested I see
my regular doc. The regular doc said it looks
like there is damage from the accident back in
August and gave me a long list of drugs to start
on.........whew....just thinking about all those
drugs and their possible side effects makes me
want to scream!!!! Isn't it funny how your life
can change in a split second. I thought we were
finally getting back to normal and now this....
at least its not cancer!!

Thanks to those of you that continue to check on
Devin and our family. I often wonder who those of
you are that check daily, but fail to sign in.
What brings you here? If you're looking for a
cancer story with a happy ending you have found
it here. Devin is cancer-free and pretty much
drug free. He does take drugs for crohns disease
that was brought on by chemo, but that is a small
price to pay for a HEALTHY, c-free kid!!

Drop him a line and let him know you stopped.

Monday, October 9, 2006

Hi this is Devin. I'm getting ready to go
to school. We got home last night from our
ghost town trip. It was fun.

Yesterday we saw the town called Metropolis.
There wasn't much left. I wonder why the
big buildings were so demolished. There
used to be a three story hotel there. WE
took some pictures. I'll get my mom to
post them. The school had even less of
the building left. I don't get why they
tore it down. Surely they could have
used it for something. Same with the
hotel. We did see a rattlesnake and a
little snake who looked pretty nice, or
at least I think so.

We stayed in Elko and had a hotel with an
indoor pool. That was fun. It was open
24 hours!! One night we went swimming at
1am. Too bad all the pizza places closed
up before 10pm!! They close a lot earlier
than the ones here.

On Saturday we drove out to a ghost town
called Tuscarora. It was an old mining
town. It is a semi-ghost town. There
are people still living there...and a
working hotel and a post office. We
did go in the hotel. It was creepy.
The first man buried in the cemetary
was murdered in the hotel. It was
wierd. It only had like 5 or 6 rooms
there and only one bathroom. I'm glad
we didn't stay there.........NO swimming
pool!!!!!! Plus someone was murdered

I better go to school. I'll write some
more later and hopefully my mom will
download the pictures from our trip....

I'll tell you about the ghost that followed
us home..................


Friday, October 6, 2006

Devin here.

When my dad gets off of work we are going
to go and look for ghost towns. I have
been looking them up on the internet. We
are driving to Nevada. I hope that I can
spend the night in a ghost town.

I am feeling fine. My mom is making me
take some more drugs for my stomach. I
don't think they are helping yet. I
think I'll take some more right now.

Willie has been throwing up a lot. My
dad had to clean it up tonight. He was
not too happy about that. I was busy on
the computer so I couldn't help him. I
have ghost town research to do.

I went to the chiropractor today. He is
really funny. He was taking a long time
with the person ahead of me. My back
was hurting really bad. He asked me what
I did to mess it up since I was just there
yesterday. I don't know what I did to make
it hurt so bad. Oh, my mom made me sit in
hard, uncomfortable chair while she had her
nails done. She doesn't want to go on a
ghost hunt with crappy looking nails.

This is it for now. Sign my guestbook.

Tuesday, October 3, 2006

Whew!! Its cold and allergy season at
our house. Everyone is sniffling and

The kids are out of school all week for
teacher's meetings. We're planning on
going on a little trip at the end of the
week.......somewhere not too far away.
The kids are wanting to go on vacation...
Devin had his heart set on going to Seattle,
but turns out Bud and Anita won't even be
in town. You can't go to Seattle without
some of Anita's famous pies!!! Soooooooooo
one of these days we'll make it up there.
He is convinced he needs to go to Pike's
Market to see the world's first Starbucks
and first Seattle's Best Coffee........he
is soooooooo into coffee these days!!!

This weekend we drove up American Fork Canyon,
went across the Alpine Loop then back home down
Provo Canyon. Lots of beautiful colors....but
way too many cars!!! I have never seen it so
crowded up there. We had to pass by our
favorite picnic spot and have our late lunch
over in Vivien Park.............just lots of
people with the same great idea to check out
the fall leaves. Hopefully we'll get back
up there this week for another picnic....

Dev and Kara are both getting excited about
Halloween. Devin spends lots of time on e-bay
checking out costumes. He pretty much has his
costume together, but just likes to look (and
look and look) Kara is still putting her
costume together. We are having some major
disputes on what she will be wearing....she
no longer wants to be a pretty princess type
this year.......she's thinking more llike a
rock star......and the fewer clothes the better
in her opinion. That is not going to happen!!!!

Everything else is going fine around here.
I'm still waiting to hear back from the clinic
as to when Dev needs to go back, but I have a
feeling he'll be good for 3 months or so.....

Thanks for stopping by. Please drop Dev a line
and let him know you were here.

Friday, September 29, 2006

Things are going well.
Randy got back into town late
last night after being in Atlanta
all week. Its always good to have
dad in town. This morning he's
headed up to Park City for a golf
tournament. What a life!!

Its been warm in SLC this week.
It was in the mid 80s yesterday and
just beautiful. The kids are excited
to have some really warm days to play

School is going really well. Devin's
teacher says he is getting along great,
has been one of the first to raise his
hand to answer questions and even asked
to take a science test that she wasn't
going to require him to take...since
he just started this week. I'll be
anxious to hear how he did. He seems
like he just can't wait to get there in
the mornings........quite a switch!!!!
He was up before 6 this morning to get
a jump start on his day........this is
soooooooooooooooooo out of character for
Devin. He's always been a night owl!
I just hope the excitement lasts....school
should be a fun, exciting place to be!!

Thanks for all of your prayers regarding
the school situation. I'd like to think
that everything is settled and it will all
be fine from here on out. That would be
so nice.

Please take a minute to sign the guestbook.
Have a great weekend.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Finally an update!!

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Devin and Kara on their first day of school.....

Lots going on around here.
First off, we decided that the new school
Devin was attending was not meeting his needs.
This is an understatement........we found out
that when Dev told us he was doing 'baby work'
that he really was............helping animal
babies find their mothers on a coloring sheet
is definetly not 5th grade work.......

Soooooooooooooooooooooooooo......after talking to
his teacher and the director of the school and
coming up empty-handed we decided to change the
scenery a bit.

Devin started at 'Kara's school' just yesterday.
He said it was good. He doesn't get too involved
in describing a school day, but did say he liked
it just fine!! We are thrilled of course. We
were able to talk to both the teacher and the
principal before officially enrolling him last
Friday. We discussed his 504 needs and they felt
like it would be NO PROBLEM accomodating him. His
'needs' are really not big........just some gentle
reminders to remember to stay on task, etc.. I am
so HOPEFUL. I never really felt good or even
comfortable about the other school, so this is
a refreshing change.

Kara is still LOVING school. Her friends and her
teachers are just top notch!! Devin said everyone
in his class is very nice too. I am just so glad.
He, especially, has gone through too much to have
school be such a nightmare.

We went to Chili's last night for their St. Jude's
fundraiser. The kids enjoyed eating out and getting
to raise money for St. Judes........I even let them
order dessert so we could raise more money!!

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The weather has warmed back up a bit here in SLC.
No snow in the valley yet, but the mountains are
looking pretty good. Its been drying out here...
thank goodness...we had tons of rainy days last

I'm still waiting to hear from oncology as to when
they want Devin back in the clinic. The moron doc
that we saw last week in clinic said that he needed
to come in every 6-8 weeks since he's a year out...
when we told him he had been on a 3 month schedule
he just said to come whenever............ I do
know that the protocol does NOT say to come whenever...

Anyway...always waiting on something around here.

I do have a funny picture to share from last week...
when you take your kid in for CTs they make you
wear these iron aprons to protect yourself from the
radiation. They had a new one that Dev and I
made Randy wear.......
See for yourself why we call him SUPERDAD...

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I won't post the pic of him 'flying' around the room..

Also, PLEASE go by our friend Hadley's site and wish her a Happy Birthday tomorrow!!! Happy Birthday cutie..hope you have a super duper day!!

Thanks for stopping by. Drop Devin a line and let him
know you were here.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

We are home!!
Everything was great!!! CTs and an
ECHO were done. Everything is fine!!!

Thank you for your prayers.........


9-19-06 One full year off treatment
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9-19-06 One year of no awful chemo or
side effects. Just trying to
be a normal kid despite the
residual damage caused by the
same drugs that saved his life!!
We need a cure; a vaccine...something
to end cancer once and for all!!

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In PICU awaiting diagnosis...I just noticed the radiation mapping on his
chest. The underarm bandage is from
a biopsy.

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Steroids make me hungry!!

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Got released in time to meet

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Dev came out of the ICS unit to
visit his family.....RSV bans kept
his sis and other small kids out...

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Santa brings really cool things to kids on treatment!!!

9-19-03 D-day. Dev was officially diagnosed
and chemo was started. Who ever
thought we'd make it through all
of that mess. I had no doubts that
Dev could do it, but certainly had
doubts that our hospital was on the
same team we were on!!

Devin, we are just so proud and thrilled for
you to have come so far. You are our hero and
always will be. You're the bravest person I
know. Your gentle spirit and sweet personality
make you so much fun to be around. I don't know
what we would do without you. Never put much
thought into it, but always knew that the odds
were not necessarily in your favor. YOU are
an incredible kid. We love you so much!!!!!!

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Dear Santa...I want no more cancer!!!

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Showing off my double lumen broviac...
this thing saved him from so many pokes!!

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Always smiling......Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Happy One Year off Chemo!!!!! Let's celebrate...

Thanks for keeping up with Devin and our family
on what seems to be a never-ending journey.
Dev is still working on his thank you notes...
hopefully he'll get those done soon. We DO
so much appreciate all of you that have stuck
with us through the thick and the thin.
Consider yourself hugged........thank you!!

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Devin at seven....hiking all over
Yellowstone NP just days before
his lung collapsed and the reason
for his 'asthma' came so clear!!!

Monday, September 18, 2006

We took the kids to the state fair yesterday
and had a good time. Devin enjoyed the rides,
while Kara liked checking out all of the little
bunnies the best.

This school issue has worn on my nerves ALL
weekend long. I try not to think about it,
but I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooo tired of
every year having some type of issue with
Devin's school. The discrimination has got
to stop!!

Hopefully Randy and I can get things figured
out today. Something has to be done. I just
can't believe that the school director has us
wait all weekend to discuss this 'problem'...
what a system.

Better get Kara up and moving for school.
Looks like another chilly day here in Utah.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Hello from chilly and rainy Utah.
We've had some real fall-type weather
this weekend. Seems like one minute
it was 80 degrees and the next its
50.........quite a change!!

School is going great for Kara..
not so great for Devin. Its a
LONG story, but Randy and I are
scheduled to meet with the school
director on Monday afternoon......
should be interesting.

I've been searching for other
schools that could provide Devin
more individualized help....he
could go to Kara's school, but I'm
not sure that would be the best
option right this minute. I don't
understand why this school stuff
has to be soooooooooooo difficult.

Dev has a friend spending the night
tonight. I'm glad he has a break...
this is very stressful for him.

Scans are Wednesday. It is nerve-
wracking to think about. I don't
think all of the scans are set up,
but trying to get things scheduled
beforehand up there is kindof like
beating your head against the wall...

Dogs are good. Maddie was on a
throwing up spree last night, but
seems good today. If the weather
clears we will get to the fair
tomorrow afternoon........if not
we may just burn some money in
the driveway; either way we'll
have a good time.

Thanks for checking in on Devin.
If you've taken the time to get
here, please go ahead and sign
the guestbook.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Things are okay here. We've have a
cold front move in and cool things
down. It started pouring about the
time Dev got out of school and has
been raining most of the evening.

I've had a migraine going on two
days now. I've maxed out on my
meds so I'm hoping it will leave
me alone soon. I went to the
chiro this afternoon hoping for
some relief......still waiting
for something to work!! I just
hate getting these headaches.
I'm sure its part of the upcoming
scan stress anxiety........the kids
were good to let me sleep again
this afternoon.

Dev's golf lesson got rained out
tonight. He doesn't go back until
Monday now. Randy said he did really
well last night. Dev was wearing his
Carling shirt from Rosi and Kayla..
he said it brings him good luck!! No
wonder he is wanting to wear it all
the time.

I can remember having
'good luck' clothes when I was his
age too.......its funny to think
about. I always thought they were
good luck clothes until I struck out
at the OK state spelling bee....then
I figured out it must have been the
shoes...............LOL....I didn't
let my mom live down making me wear
those new shoes (famolares....remember
those?) for a LONG time!!! I always
had big dreams of being a champion
speller.........I can still see the
words in my sleep........or at least
I used to be able to before I dreamed
of worse case scenario crap all the

Talked to the chiro. today about Dev's
fascination with ultra-light aircrafts.
Turns out he has one of the powered
parachutes that he flies......he's
invited us to a fly-in down in St.
George (southern Utah) at the end
of October. Dev was thrilled when
I told him about it......he loves
ANYTHING that flys!!

Kara's school is doing a fundraiser.
They've got a catalog online if anyone
is interested..........lots of quality
items that I can't figure out how I have
lived so long without. If you'd like to
help out let me know and I'll send you
a link. Those of you I KNOW want to help
out.....well, check your mailbox and buy,
buy, buy...........Kara is expecting to
come in first place in sales.......at
least she has goals!!

We're hoping (the kids and I are hoping) to
get to the Utah state fair this weekend. I
think Randy is HOPING for rain...although I
know he loves riding all those scary rides
with the kids. We'll see what the weather

HOPE you all have a great weekend.....
Please sign the guestbook so Devin will
know you stopped by.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

I've got a special request. I got a call
from my neighbor yesterday morning. Her
niece has just been diagnosed with severe
M.S.. Cassie is just 15/16 years old.
It sounds like her pediatrician basically
blew off her symptoms..........like other
kids I know. She was admitted to PCMC
(local children's hospital), for additional
testing and to try and figure out a
treatment plan. Please keep this family
in your prayers as they deal with this
diagnosis. I'll update as I get more info.

Onto better news...
I just dropped Dev off at school. He
seems to like it okay, just seems a bit
worried that he isn't learning anything...
he likes the kids and his teacher. Their
class has gained another student so they
are up to 3 1/2 kids (one is half day only)
We are just taking it one day at a time;
that is all anyone can do.

Kara is loving school. She has so many
great stories to share when she comes home.
Today is chapel day and she was especially
excited about that. Last week she said
that was her favorite part. I am just so
glad that things are going so well for her.
She's doing her dancing 3 nights a week and
trying to find a spot in her schedule for
a tumbling class. She is one busy girl!!

Dev started back up in golf lessons on
Monday night. I took Kara and some of
her friends swimming while Dev was golfing.
Randy took him to class last night and stayed.
He said Dev was doing excellent. They were
hoping to get in nine holes after the class
but it is starting to get dark a lot earlier
here now. Maybe this weekend they can get
in some golf...

Randy got home yesterday from St. Louis.
Mrs. Pam was able to pick him up from the
airport and spend most of Saturday with him.
He said they had a great time checking out
a museum and seeing the sites. He is ready
to pack us all up and go on a trip to St. Louis.
Thanks for picking him up Mrs. Pam!!

While Randy was away one of his friends he
met up with invited us to come out to Albuquerque
next month for the big balloon festival!! We
are so excited about it. I have always wanted
to go and just hope we can make it work!! The
kids were excited to hear that they might even
get to ride in a balloon!!

A week from today until Devin's scans. He
mentioned it this morning and asked again when
we were going in. I know he dreads it. Who
wouldn't? I think the thing he is most worried
about is keeping all that CT contrast down..
he had lots of trouble last time and still keeps
remembering how gross that was. Hopefully this
time everything will go smoothly.

Thanks for stopping by. Please remember all of
our friends in your thoughts and prayers.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

We've had a good weekend.
I was sick most of the day
yesterday, but the kids were
fine just hanging out here at
the house. I think I must have
had some type of bug, paired with
September anxiety. I am getting
where the whole month of September
is just too much..........we'll
skip any tv tomorrow.....just too
much to add to the mix.

The old tutor came by this afternoon
and took the kids on a bike ride.
They hadn't seen her in a long time
and really had a lot of fun with her.
They rode over to the much-loved goat
farm!! I'm sure it was lovely in the
90 degree heat....I usually don't ride
over there until its evening time and
much cooler.

Dev and Kara both have school tomorrow.
Kara seems super excited. I'm so glad
she is enjoying it so much. I got to
meet some of her little friends this
morning and they are sure cute. I'm
hoping that we can get Devin's school
situation straightened out...it seems
like we are getting the run around on
getting a game plan worked out for him.

Thanks for stopping by to check on Devin.
His friend, Hadley, is back in the hospital
and in need of some extra prayers.

Hadley's site

Also, hoping our buddy, Ben's site
can get to start school tomorrow. He's had a few
too many set backs lately.

Saturday, September 9, 2006

Happy Saturday!!

Kara's school is still going well.
She loves her teacher and all of
her new friends. I'm wondering
if Devin is a bit jealous that her
situation is going so well......but
he doesn't say anything. He likes
the 'freedom' of his school, but I
can tell he is not impressed with
not learning anything...........I've
had several conversations with the
director and HOPE things are moving
in the right direction........after
some things that happened around here
yesterday my thoughts that maybe Devin
was alright for 'regular' classroom
were dashed right down the drain....
memory (and lack of it) affect EVERYTHING.

The kids and I are having a little mini-
vacation this weekend. I am sooooooooo
ready for a break after them both starting
school this week.......its been exhausting
with kids going in 2 different directions,
then dancing 3 nights of the week......we'll
get this routine figured out soon enough I
guess. I'm so tired this week that you'd
think I was the one doing all the work!!

Scans are still set up for the 20th....gosh
how I am dreading going up there. I wonder
if they'll have up the "September is Childhood
Cancer Awareness" sign this year.......they've
forgot it the past 2 years..........its even
the smallest things like that that make me
despise that place a little more. My mom
said she got caught up watching a St. Jude's
special on tv last night and couldn't believe
how the doctors and nurses really seemed to
bond with the kids and families.....she was
with us throughout Dev's treatment for OVER
a year and never had even a suspicion that
anyone up there truly bonded with any of the oncology
kids.........sad....sometimes I wonder if they
don't all need a break from the cancer life...
hell, I need a break from it and I'm not even
getting paid to face the realities of cancer!!

Ok, enough griping for today..............hope
you have a good weekend.

Thursday, September 7, 2006

What a week!!

School for Devin is a bit questionable....
I knew the address for the school was not
the traditional.........its in an office
park. I felt like if he needed this extra
attention that we could deal with the
non-traditional school setting. It was
quite depressing dropping him off for his
first day on Tuesday morning. For starters,
even though he was enrolled, they mentioned
they were NOT expecting him.....that got
me worried right away. No worries though..
there is plenty of room in his class room
for him...........he is one of 2 and a half
students..............I say 1/2 because one
of the kids is only there for 1/2 the day
and goes to a traditional/neighborhood school
for the other part of the day. Dev seems
to like both of the boys just fine. He
says they are nice, but none of the three
of them know just quite why they are there....
Devin seems to think we think he must be
stupid as they are 'working' at filling in
the blanks for days of the week.....Monday,
Tuesday, blank...Wednesday, Thursday, blank...
you get the idea...............

Yesterday was fun with numbers with 5-3 and
3-2..............Dev was not impressed in the
least with that..........he is in FIFTH grade
the hours of playing on the computer did not
impress him............... He'd rather be on
e-bay that going over phonics on a computer
game. The school made a teacher switch at the
last minute, so that has been another surprise.

He is not really complaining, just feeling a
bit down about the entire situation. Right now
I'm worried that perhaps I'm not giving the
school an honest effort, but also worried about
his mental health..........basically his self
image. He was asking me last night if the
teacher thought he was that stupid......

It has been hectic here. The charter school
is still not up and running and has no plans
in the near future....although they were doing
some sort of placement testing today. I think
basically they were doing it to see if anyone
was still planning on coming to their school...
they should have all of the student files for
all of their enrolled students which would
include standardized tests, etc.

Randy decided Friday night to enroll Miss
Kara at a local Lutheran school. Its small,
has great test scores and not too far from
the house. Our neighbors have been going
for years and love it. Kara started officially
yesterday and LOVED it. It was just thrilling
to see her sooooooooooooooooo incredibly
excited about school. She seemed shocked that
everyone wanted to play with her and be her
friend.............she had some serious issues
in the public school last year being in the
'minority' population. Lets just say, I
feel VERY GOOD about her situation!!!! She
was pretty beat down after last year...feeling
very left out. Its great to see her so happy
and feeling so accepted.

Kara started back in dancing Tuesday night.
She's just taking tap and ballet again this
year; 3 nights a week. Randy picked her up
last night and said Brooke was working the
girls hard!!!!! It is great exercise for
her. I'm still trying to get her enrolled
in ice skating if it will fit in her schedule.

Dev wants to get into some golf lessons and is
going to start next week in the evenings. Also
he wants to do guitar lessons again. I really
get paranoid about signing him up for guitar
again......every time, and I do mean every single
time I sign him up he gets sick. I am sooooo
paranoid I know and superstitious. I'm thinking
about signing him up at a different place....there
is actually a School of Rock here not too far that
I bet he would enjoy.

Sorry for the delay in updating. Not only have
I been driving all over the valley looking for
uniforms for my daughter, but the reality of
this school has kept me from wanting to tell you
all the truth about it. I just kept thinking if
I gave it one more day that I would have something
positive to say...........I just don't think it
will work out.

Still waiting to hear from the "Education Specialist"
from the Jordan School district. We have a game
we are playing. I call her office and leave a
message and she DOESN'T call me back!!!! Great
system!!! This game has been going on now for
a couple of weeks!!!!!!! Luckily this new
school of Kara's has NO dealings with JSD.

Maddie and Willie are doing good. Maddie has been
a rambunctious little girl; trying to sneak
some of Willie's food any chance she gets.
Willie went in for his 6 week post op yesterday
and checked out good. The vet kept him, sedated and xrayed him......Williewas worn out and feeling
pretty lousy all day yesterday, but seems with-it today.

I'll update more later.........Randy and I are going
to work some things out with Dev's situation. Any
input is appreciated..................

Scans are still set up for the 20th......when I
quit worrying about school I can start worrying
about them.........and YES I am sick about worrying.
The whole month of September almost seems surreal
to me........I continually re-count the days just
surrounding his diagnosis, etc., etc..


Monday, September 4, 2006

Hello Everybody, this is Devin.

I am starting school tomorrow.
I am excited and a little nervous.
My parents took me shopping and got
me a new pair of shoes for school.

This weekend has been fun. Some of
our friends from Idaho came down and
brought me some pizzas and lottery

Yesterday my dad took us on a long
drive and found a fruit stand. We
bought a lot of fruit; peaches, apples,
pears oh my.........ha ha ha. Peaches
and apples and pears, oh my. Peaches
and apples ans pears, oh my.....also,
plum-cots and raspberries.

Last night we went to our neighbor's
house for a cook-out. If you want to
know what we ate, e-mail me and I'll
tell you. It was interesting!!!

Today we are going swimming at the Kearns
pool. It is great.

Thanks for checking on me.

Since Celery,


Thursday, August 31, 2006

We're home!Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Finally a picture from RFL!!

We got home late Tuesday night and
have been trying to get back in the
swing of things. Devin is worn out
from his travels and has been sleeping
alot!! Nothing ever seems to slow Kara
down so she is just as active as ever.

We had a lot of fun. Painting the
hippie van, visiting grandparents and
cousins, eating ice cream everyday and
of course the children's museum. Never
a dull moment in Oklahoma. The kids
are convinced its the greatest place
on earth....if we could only convince

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Kara, Nanny and Devin...........surprise!!!

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Working on the hippie van.....still lots of work to do!!

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Meeting new cousin, Trinity

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Nanny and the GREATS

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Nanny and all of the greats......

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4 generations!!!

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Bubbles at the Jasmine Moran Children's museum...

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Maddie trying on her Halloween costume....this little
dog was so thrilled to see me that she was actually
crying!!!!! Willie didn't seem to notice we had
been away!!!

Thanks for stopping by.......

Please leave a message.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

We made it to OKC yesterday afternoon
without any problems. We usually take
a direct flight, but landed up getting
a good deal going through Denver. We
were just glad to be able to come out.

First stop was El Chicos so Dev could
get some cheese dip and fajitas. He
has been talking about that for a while
now. We came on into Shawnee for our
first trip to Braums.

We surprised Nanny last night at her house.
Either she's shrunk, or the kids have grown;
maybe both. She looked tiny next to Devin
especially!! We talked her into some ice-
cream and made another trip to Braums.

Today we've been to T-shirt's house (my dad),
then out to the 'farm' aka "Poverty Acres" or
PA to paint a hippie bus. T-shirt bought
Dev an old VW van last spring and we finally
got to start in on painting. Its looking
good!!! We made another trip to Braums on
our way back to GG's for yet another ice
cream cone.

Tonight we are picking up Nanny and meeting
the rest of the family. The kids are excited
to see their cousins. We haven't been back
here in a little over a year and they've
gained a new cousin since we were here last.
We'll all anxious to see the new baby.

Thanks for checking in on Devin. Please leave
a message and let him know you were here.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

What a day!!!!

The kids woke up early for a change and
took their dad out for breakfast at a
coffee shop. Devin has a new obsession
with coffee!!! I do believe he is

At 10am Kara and I dropped off Devin
for IM and took off for the fabric store.
About 2 minutes up the road we were
rear-ended. My air bags did not deploy,
but somehow the on-star came on immediately.
They sent the police before I could even
realize what had happened.

Kara screamed louder than I had ever heard
her scream before. We were both fine; just
headaches from the impact. I thought the
car was driveable, but when I got back in
it to move it, it was loud and just not
right. Randy was able to leave work to
come pick us up and go pick up Devin.
I was just so glad Devin wasn't with us..
Kara was shook up, but I'm sure Devin
would have been very upset.

We all went to the chiropractor this
afternoon. We had just been there yesterday,
but he said Kara and I were both a bit
whacked.....not his exact words, but pretty
close. Dev looked pretty good, but is
always willing to get up on the table. He
usually goes to the chiro at least a couple
of times a week due to the spinal issues from

We got a rental car this evening. The first
agency we called tried to stick me with a
polygamist van, but I shot that down right away.
We landed up with a Jeep Grand Cherokee which
the kids were fine with..........I just want
something safe and big enough to survive an
accident. I think my car held up very well
in the accident..........it sure looked
better than the girl's who hit me......I would
imagine hers was totalled. She was cited for
a few things.....no driver's license being one
of them............

I remained very calm. The first brand new car
I have ever owned is banged to hell and all I
can think of is at least its not cancer. Car
wrecks where no one is really hurt are kindof
a pain, but cancer is hell. We can get the
car fixed. It will be a lot easier to fix
than all of the scars of chemo.

We did get some of Dev's scans set up. He
goes in Sept 20th for CTs and an ECHO. I
do believe he is due for a gallium, but
figured we could talk to the doctor about
that when we are there. Thats the test where
they are injected 72 hours prior.

Working on Devin's letter for the scholarship
program tonight. We still do not have his
IEP, but have been advised by several different
sources to tell WHY he doesn't have one in place
almost 9 months AFTER his neuro-psych testing
was done.................

Thanks for stopping by. The kids and I are
headed out to OK to see GG and the gang early
Saturday morning. It will be a very quick trip,
but we are all very excited to be going.

Please remember to pray for all of our CB friends...

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Another day of getting nowhere......

I put yet another call into the oncology
clinic yesterday around 8am.........this
was my FOURTH attempt to set up Dev's
upcoming scans. My fourth time to leave
two phone numbers for someone to call me

IM went well. He will finish on Friday.
They will re-check him a few weeks after
he is done to see if he needs any more
sessions. Usually they just do a max
of 15, but there are always exceptions
to the rule.

On to see the psychologist. Dev hadn't
been to see her in quite some time so
they had a lot to talk about. He said
he wanted to go back again soon to talk
to her because he didn't get to talk long
enough. I went in first and talked for a
bit and took up some of his time......I
explained to her my frustration about the
scans and school and everything....she
suggested I just go on up to PCMC and set
up the scans in person...................

So we drive on up to PCMC to set up scans.
The oncology clinic is now on the 4th
floor and looks nicer than before...although
we were only there for a very brief time.
The older receptionist was at the desk and
put on her scowly face the moment we walked
in. SHe said, "I know you don't have an
appointment, so what do yu want?"......thats
about as nice as she gets. Anyway, I told
her that we were in the neighborhood and
needed to get scans and such set up for his
one year off treatment. She told me that
Scott was the ONLY one that could do that and
he was busy in his office. She would not get
him, she said she could take a message and that
was it........................Dev asked if he
could look around the new clinic and she told
him he could look at it when he came back on
his appointment day. Let me tell you, this lady
knows how to make you feel welcome. I sometimes
wonder if she'll be the one checking names at
the gates of hell someday.............she has
certainly been practicing for the job.

at the mercy of Scott to set up our scans. At
least its 'only scans'............we would have
got the same response if I called the clinic
and left a message that Devin was bleeding out
of every hole in his body................. their
'new system' forces you to leave a message. The
only hope of talking to a person is if they feel
your call warrants being returned. It seems to
me that they are just setting themselves up for

Maybe today will be better. We've got plans of
going skating after metronome. Dev will take his
scooter. He is not comfortable on skates and not
in the mood to learn anytime soon!!!

Thanks for stopping by........please sign the

Monday, August 21, 2006

Monday again.

It was a busy, yet relaxing weekend.

The kids spent a little time with their
grandparents on Saturday. When we went
to pick them up we noticed Maddie wasn't
acting right, so we made an emergency
trip to the vet. Luckily she wasn't
dehydrated and was able to come home
with us. The vet figures maybe she
had a bug or virus of some kind that
made her feel so lousy.

Dev is feeling good. Both kids were a
bit crabby over the weekend, but I think
maybe they are getting a little sick of
spending so much quality time together...

Yesterday we made a trip down to Gateway
to pick up a bike rack. We landed up at
the planetarium and seeing not one, but
two IMAX shows. We thought all of the shows
were sold out for yesterday. So it was
a nice surprise. First we saw Amazon and
it was great. The 2nd show was 3D, I
think it was called "Oceans 3D". It was
terrific...........like being up close and
personal under the ocean without getting

We did go on a pretty long bike ride last
night after getting home. Devin and Kara
are currently obsessed with a goat farm
not too far from our house. We have been
riding over there quite a bit to 'talk' to
all of the goats. They are quite animated.
Each of them has a name tag around their neck
and has a different personality. They'll
jump up on the fence and demand attention
while they try to lick your hands. I never
knew goats could be so entertaining.

Today is more metronome therapy. He'll
finish up this week. We're still waiting
to get scans and such set up. I'm having
a hard time finding out exactly what tests
are indicated for one year off.........does
anyone know where I can find this info???
It is NOT on the original protocol....I'm
wondering if its on the road maps????? I
guess I'll pull those up today since the
oncology clinic is coming up empty handed.

School is still up in the air. I know what
he should do, but trying to get all the
ducks in a row is harder than it sounds.
Another waiting game............

Not much else to report here. I'm still
behind in downloading pictures. Hopefully
I can find a minute today to get that done.
The kids are always thinking of something
that sounds a bit more interesting for me
to do!!

Thanks for stopping by. Please take a minute
and sign the guestbook.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Thursday already.

This week seems to be flying by.....the way only
weeks of summer vacation can fly!!!

We've run into a problem with Dev's school. His
actual IEP never got completed and he just has a
504. He is eligible either way to attend the
U Can Learn school, but if we can get his IEP done
he will be eligible for at least a partial scholarship...
which would be nice!!! We've never been eligible for
any type of assistance before and the fact that Devin qualifies for anything is a little overwhelming .....
I just try to look at it the right way.... and focus
on the big picture; he is alive!!

IM is going well. He is still going for an hour each
day and feeling good about it. I've noticed some small
improvements at home. I've been, unknown to him, giving
him small 'tests' each day to prove to myself that
things are going better for him. It is nice to see him
be able to walk into a room and remember why he is
there. It will be interesting to see how quickly other
aspects of his life will/should improve.

We've still been going swimming about every day. Trying
to get him some exercise. He's still got some of his
steroid 'reserve' that bothers him.......not enough to
keep him from doing anything he wants, but to make him
a bit uncomfortable. The first drugs the gastro doc put
him on made him gain more........he was NOT happy about
that at all. He's on the pentasa now and it seems to do
ok..........he's due for a follow up check there.

I called the oncology clinic last Tuesday to set up his
ONE YEAR OFF TREATMENT scans and testing. I know he has
a heart test of some sort, but I cannot remember the name.
Well, onc. clinic needed to look it up too......so we are
still waiting to hear what tests need to be done. I was
hoping to get his tests done this month to avoid him
missing school. Guess I need to make another phone call
up there.

Better get busy!!!!

Please remember all of our CB friends in your thoughts
and prayers. Ben is still in the hospital very sick.

Hadley has an MRI
tomorrow..........good luck Miss Hadley!!

Please sign the guestbook.

****Just checked Devin's RFL
website. He is now the top
fundraiser. You can still
donate online through the end
of the month: Devin's fundraising for American Cancer Society

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Things are o.k. here.

Dev's at the 1/2 way point on his
therapy and doing very well. I
think he is getting tired of it, but
he does have his mind on the prize!!

We've been having rain here almost
every day. Looks like we'll get another
hail storm later this afternoon. We got
caught in a bad one Saturday. Hail is
pretty unusual for Utah; at least in
the almost 14 years I've been here.
Its funny to watch drivers in Utah when it rains...
they start throwing on the brakes....now when
it snows..........that is a different
story.........they drive like maniacs!!
Its funny.

Maddie went to the groomer for the first
time on Friday. She went to get a 1/2
inch trimmed off............and has less
than a 1/2 inch on her body!!! She acts
a little embarrassed. I guess she won't
need to go to the groomer for a LONG time...
its going to take months to grow that hair
back!!!!! Randy/dad was NOT thrilled!!!
Poor little puppy............the worst part
is that she is sooooo cold natured!! We're
just hoping that she gets a good covering
of hair before it gets cold here.

Willie is doing pretty well; just barely
putting weight on his bum leg. He goes back
to the doctor the first part of September.
It really hasn't been too much trouble keeping
him down; if he does much of anything he is
in pain.

I'm working on getting Devin's appointments
set up. He needs a heart test for his one
year off treatment, but no one in the clinic
seems to know just what the test is. I
guess I'll have to find the original protocol
to determine exactly what he is supposed to

Don't forget to pray for all of our CB friends.
I know Jaxon's parents are having a big meeting
with doctors today. Hadley has an MRI coming
up this week. Ben is back in the hospital and feeling lousy. Always someone needing some
extra thoughts and prayers.

Better get these kids up and ready.......
Please sign the guestbook.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

"It was a nice park.".....Devin's comments about the
Relay for Life we participated in Friday evening.

We attended the survivor dinner along with Randy's parents on Friday evening before the RFL started. It was Mexican food from a local restaurant. It was nice. Everything seemed to be in order.........

The 'carnival' for the kids consisted of two inflatable jumping houses; one for small kids and one for the bigger kids. The excitement over those didn't last too long....

Dev did the survivor lap, we listened to the all-night band (stopped playing and were out of there before 10pm). The all-night family movies did NOT happen. The local hockey mascot who was supposed to party all night left after an hour of so......

There were 20 tents.
The midnight 'captain meeting' did NOT happen.
Introducing teams did NOT happen.
There was a table to buy the luminaries for
$10 rather than $5, but no one there to sell
T-shirts for sale, but no one to sell them....
Lights were NOT put out for the luminary ceremony....
No closing ceremonies...
No breakfast.....instead we had
to make a mad dash out of the park
so that the scheduled soccer games
could start on time........

It was a HUGE disappointment.
Maybe I expect too much, but
when I talked with the man in
charge he assured me that everything
was taken care of.....all of the
details.......I offered more than
once for me and/or my family to help
with ANYTHING that needed to be done...
but was told it was all under control...

We had one of Kara's friends spend the night with us thinking there would be entertainment all night with the walkers and everything...........the walk was never explained and with only one team walking most people just didn't get into it at all..............
It was depressing.

We had such high hopes after attending last year's event as an Honored Teammate...........maybe next year.

We got up to pack up and attend closing ceremonies only
to find out that most people were already gone....and the
balance of the Relay for Life had been tossed. Devin
was all excited to get into the fun of the night and it just didn't happen..........

He has been 'off' since Friday. Horrible yesterday and
a bit better today...............I don't know if the walk
had anything to do with it, but it certainly didn't help.

We start back on the IM tomorrow.

I am slightly depressed over the lack of what went on
at the RFL........and the Light the Night called off....
these things can be soooo good for cancer survivors and
their families...........should be.

He is still accepting donations on his Relay for Life website. He wants to do something for Light the Night.
I'm hoping we can get them to let us do something...there
are too many families here in Utah that look forward to
the Light the Night................NOT because they can
get a free piece of pizza, but because we are one united
by this ugly disease. One group of people working for a
common cause.

Thanks for your support over the last almost 3 years.
I don't know where we'd be without you guys.

I'll try and get the couple of pics from the RFL up
soon...........no real photo opps there.....

Friday, August 11, 2006

We're in a last minute scramble for donations.

Devin and I went out last night to find very few
people home. Donations have s l o w e d down.
Please help us out.

Devin's RFL page

Everyone is feeling good here. Devin finished his first
week of Interactive Metronome therapy earlier today....just
10 more sessions to go!!!

We've got several friends meeting up with us tonight at the Relay for Life. The kids are really excited!!!

Thanks for your support.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Thanks to those of you taking the time and effort
to donate to Devin's Relay for Life team. The
walk is tomorrow night, so he'll be out today
trying to round up some last minute donations.
There is still time to donate online, just click
here: DONATE TODAY !!!

If you've agreed to walk with us, please go to the
site and register as a walker. I think that will save
us some time and frustration tomorrow night.

The IM therapy is going well. Kara was tested yesterday
and is going to go for a couple of sessions..compared
with Devin's 15..........I knew that would make him mad,
but I didn't realize how frustrated. Now Randy wants to get tested too. We shall see.

Willie and I are in pain today. I got up in the night and tripped over him...........he was not in his usual place and I scared him and got knocked backwards into a sharp corner of the bed!! Ouch!!! Then this morning, he pulled the same trick and got his hurt leg stepped on by Kara. He is hurting today.

Thanks for stopping by............please sign the guestbook.

Tuesday, August 8, 2006

The therapy is going well. Devin is back on
a more 'normal' sleep schedule now due to
getting up some early mornings for therapy....
just in time for back to school!!! He is
enjoying the therapy and his therapist says
he is making real progress!!!! Each time he
goes and tries his best he will get a prize...
or a $1.00. He thinks that is a pretty good
deal. I told him if he goes to bed on time and
wakes up without hassle that I will buy him a new
game when he finishes his treatments. So far, so

For those of you wondering if this therapy could
help you or someone you love, I would say most
likely YES. You can check out the main website
at Interactive Metronome to find a provider in your area. We are soooooooooo very hopeful that this is
going to help Devin. Maybe I'm overly optimistic, but I already feel like things are looking UP!!!

Devin's friend, J.T. is turning FOUR years old today. J.T. is a fellow cancer fighter who lives a couple of hours north of us. We like to meet up with him and his family whenever we can!! HOpe
you have an awesome birthday J.T.!!

Devin's collecting his thoughts for a big business idea. He wants to open a coffee shop and call it "The Java Server". People could play games, surf the internet and just hang out while enjoying their coffee. Anyone interested in a business opportunity, feel free to contact Mr. Devin.

He's SLOWLY collecting money for the American Cancer Society. We'll do the Relay for Life THIS FRIDAY and would like to get our donations turend in around that time. Click here to donate. Remember all donations are tax deductible.............we need a cure for this awful disease called cancer.

Devin's fundraising site

Thanks for stopping by. Please take a minute to donate. Your dollars can help make a difference............

Also, we went and saw the movie, Journey Into Amazing Caves on Sunday night down at the planetarium. I'd recommend it. It really makes you think about the possible cures for cancer out there. One of the women (cavers) had drawn a sample of water from inside a cave that they believe could possibly cure leukemia!!! How cool is that to think there is unknown life out there that could hold the key to a cure. Amazing.

Thanks again.
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Sunday, August 6, 2006

We're back!!!

We went camping for a few days up at Mirror Lake
in the Uinta Mountains. We had a good time being
outdoors enjoying the cool weather and fresh air.

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Devin at our campsite

We borrowed Randy's family's canoe and had lots of
fun paddling around in that. Mirror Lake is small
and just perfect for canoes. The kids fished, but
were unsuccessful.

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Willie checking out the canoe

Randy's parents came up for a picnic with us on
Friday. Grandpa did some fishing, but only got a
nibble. Better luck next time. I saw lots of
people around the lake catching fish, so there are
plenty there.

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Randy, Devin and Grandpa

We hadn't been camping since right before Devin got
diagnosed so it was nice to be out again. The kids
are already asking when we'll get to go again. I
think they really enjoy being able to get so dirty and
of course the camp fires!!

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Kara roasting marshmallows

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Mom and Kara in the canoe.......

We will be doing a semi-camp out on the 11th when we
camp out for Relay for Life. Dev is still collecting
donations for his "Tired Of Cancer" team.
Devin's fundraising site

We're hoping some more of our 'c' buddies can come out
and join us then for the festivities. Dev was an
honored patient at Relay for Life last year and we were
really impressed with the ceremonies.

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Here's why its called Mirror Lake...

This day would not be complete without mentioning
that one year ago today our friend, Clownfish,
became an angel. We miss you Chris aka Hippie girl!!!

Dev starts his metronome therapy tomorrow. We are
soooooooooooooo excited to see this work for him.

Thanks for stopping by. Please sign the guestbook.

Tuesday, August 1, 2006

Today has been a day of HOPE.

For the past ten months since completing his
chemotherapy Devin has not been himself. He
looks the same physically. A taller version
of the same 7 year old boy who was diagnosed
back in 2003.

Mentally and emotionally he has made serious
steps backwards. We know, according to his IQ
testing, that he is still a very intelligent
child with lots locked away in his brain. The
big puzzle has been trying to find out how to
unlock his brain and make it work the way it
should; the way it used to work; the way it needs
to work to make it through a school day, play a
sport or even someday hold down a job.

Today Devin had the metranome screening done at
U Can Learn
He did horrible to say the least. The director
took one look at his IQ and neuro-psych testing
and said if any child needed this therapy it was
Devin!! She does believe with this therapy that
they can unlock his brain to work!!!!!!!! I cannot
tell you how this makes me feel. So hopeful. I
have never once believed he could not be helped, but
knew the traditional routes we have been taking have
not been working.

I explained to Devin what this therapy can do for him
He is excited to get started!!!!! Randy is ecstatic
as well. We haven't had this much good news in our
house in a while. Sometimes I think I take the clean
scans for granted when I watch Devin fumble from day
to day; just trying to get dressed and get things done.
I feel like this may just be an answer to my prayers.

I cannot tell you the hours Randy and I have spent just
searching for something/someone who could help Devin. The tutor we hired feels helpless as well. We had thought maybe Devin could benefit from the chelation therapy, but both the oncology department and psychogy department up at PCMC said NO. The main drug we were interested in eliminating from his system, methotrexate, is also needed to keep the cancer away. It can stay in his system (injected directly into his spine) for up to 2 YEARS after the last dose.

It is very difficult to watch your child, as you knew him, to fade before your very eyes; reverting back to behaviors
reminiscent of the toddler years. It is sad. I could go on and on, but to put this in writing is just too much.

We are so thankful to have him alive with us. Without chemo he would be another statistic. Less abrasive drugs are needed for fighting cancer. The side effects are so numerous. I think Lance Armstrong summed it up very well in his book, "Its Not About the Bike". I think that when one is lucky enough to finish cancer treatment that the world thinks the battle is over, when truly the battle for a 'normal', pre-cancer life just begins.

Dev is raising money for an upcoming Relay for Life for the American Cancer Society on August 11th. He's accepting online credit card donations by clicking here:

Devin's Fundraising Site


You can send a check or money order made out to ACS or American Cancer Society

Devin Ross
6914 S. Redwood Road
PMB #429
West Jordan, UT 84084

Remember all money is tax deductible so give generously!!


Please sign the guestbook. Dev has about 200 hits per day and only about 5 sign ins!!! He'd like to know who is visiting and how they found out about him. Drop him a line!!

**Update 7-30-06***

Dev is doing well. Sleeping lots,
but I guess that is what summer
vacation is all about. He just seems
to have limitless energy when he is
awake, so that is good.

Willie's appointment went well. The
doctor said Willie was healing up
really well........even better than
he hoped; not quite sure how to take
that info!!!

We're hoping to get a trip back to
OK planned for sometime in August.
The kids are wanting to see all of
the family there, then drive to
Branson, MO.

We finally got a fundraising website
set up for Mr. Devin. Our family will
be participating in the American Cancer
Society Relay for Life on August 11th.

Devin's Fundraising Site

Friday, July 28, 2006

This has been a wierd week.
We had a local 5 year old girl come up missing
while we were in Tuscon. Her body was found very
close to her home this past Monday night. The news
is saturated with this story and of course it is
confusing for the kids to comprehend. A neighbor
has confessed to her kidnapping and death; it just
makes no sense. I don't understand why anyone would
hurt a child and I have no idea how to make it make
sense to my kids.

Devin is feeling good. We've had some poor air quality
days so spent most of our week inside; going to the
movies, playing around the house and to an inside
'fun-center'. We've been keeping busy. Today we
finally took a quick trip back to the pool for the
kids to practice their diving.

Dev is still on the new medicine, Pentasa, and seems good on it.
He's supposed to take 2 tablets 3 times a day,
but we usually are just getting 4 in him. The doctor
says that is ok if that is working. I'd like to keep
him from having to take drugs during school hours if
at all possible.

Speaking of going back to school........hmmmmm. The
kids are SUPPOSED to start a brand new charter
school on September 5th. We went out by the school on the 12th to find no one was working on it!! We got an email about a meeting regarding a 'new opening date'...which is set for 1 - 3 weeks later. This means if the kids do go to this school that they will NOT get out early on Fridays, get a very short Christmas break, probably NO spring break and go into the summer longer just to get in necessary days.

I am starting to feel a little anxious about the unknown, so am once again looking at other schools. Seems like I should have all of the local ones memorized by now, but I really have 'shopped around' for schools since prior to the big 'C'. We shall see what transpires.

The state of Utah does have a law on the books that if a charter school approved to open this fall is not open by a certain date that it will NOT be allowed to open at all!!!! Hmmmm....we'll see what happens. I'm sure things will work out one way or another.

I'll be honest, anymore I just don't ever expect things to happen the way they should. We adopted the one day at a time motto when Dev was still sick and we still stick with it today. Less stress that way anyway.

About Devin's fundraising ideas...................THERE WILL BE NO LEUKEMIA LYMPHOMA LIGHT THE NIGHT WALK in the state of Utah this year. The funding for the person responsible for getting things together for the walk was cut and until they find it in their budget to hire a person to do the job they are not interested in having a walk here.

Devin was invited to participate in one of the Phoenix area LTN walks, but I don't think that will happen. He doesn't want to walk alone, he doesn't want to abandon his Utah friends who have walked before........all of the people he knows here fighting leukemias and blood cancers. We are seriously looking for a charity to get serious about. I'll keep you updated. I'm sure many of you have money that is burning a hole in your pocket!!!!!!!

Speaking of blood cancers, Devin has been found by a mom while searching for info for Lymphoblastic Lymphyoma recently. Her just turned four year old son was recently diagnosed with the same cancer as Devin, Angel Chris Kayla Hunter Daniel and Derek. His name is Davey. They would certainly appreciate your prayers and support. He is a cutie!!! Stop by and say HI!!
Thanks for stopping by to check on Devin. He enjoys reading your messages.........especially since he just
figured out how to get the internet on his PSP!!!!!!!

Randy and Devin are at the vet with Willie right now. He still isn't putting weight on that leg.....hopefully the doctor will give them some good news. I'd like to take a real vacation this year, but am certainly not leaving 2 sick dogs behind!!!!!!

Update Wednesday 7-26-06


Just found out our little friend, Hadley is in the hospital. Please stop by and leave your support. Her counts were too low for chemo and now she's got some infection on top of everything else!!!! www.caringbridge.com/ca/hadleyfox

Thanks...........Dev continues to do well. Willie is still taking it easy. Hopefully St.Louis will have power restored by tomorrow.

Happy Monday!!

I've been having computer problems so haven't been
able to update and check on my friends like I usually

Mrs. Pam, and thousands of others in St. Louis area, are
still without power. What a mess!! I found myself
complaining to my neighbor earlier today that I couldn't
get my upstairs below 75 degrees..............we have
alot to be thankful for here. Electricity is pretty
high on the list!! Hope you're up and running soon Mrs.

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Willie with pain patch still on.

Willie is feeling lots better today. He put a little
weight on that leg some yesterday and is paying the
price today. He's been asleep most of today, zoned out
on pain killers. Pretty thankful for modern medicine
around here too!!!

Willie is supposed to be on a short leash any time he
goes outside for the next 8 weeks. That will be tough
when he starts feeling better. Right now he just goes
outside long enough to do his business and comes right
back to bed and his ice pack. His incision looks good
today...no redness at all.

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Kara, GG and Maddie

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Devin, GG and Maddie

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Kara and Maddie looking out the front door.

Maddie got spoiled more than normal while GG was here
and is really acting up. She's even been threatening to
fly out to Oklahoma so she can be held 24/7!! She's acting
more like a puppy than she ever did!!! We haven't had her
BUN checked for a few weeks, but I have a feeling its
come down some more. Thanks for the prayers for all of
our family; including these 2 sick dogs!!!!

Dev seems to be doing pretty good. He's got a barky
cough, but nothing rattling around in there. I think
that its just a simple summer cold. He started his
new meds today. 2 pills 3 times a day. So far, so
good. He's playing at a friend's house right now, so
I know if he was having problems he'd be home in a
heart beat!!

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Devin, Kara and GG

The kids had a lot of fun with their grandma; then
went swimming ALL day on Saturday at one of our
neighbor's company summer party. They had great
fun swimming at a different pool with SEVEN different
diving boards!!! We went to a friends for a cook out
on Saturday night, then are having another cook out
tonight with some neighors. Today is a state holiday
here in Utah so this is one of our designated FIREWORKS

Speaking of fireworks....when dad is playing around the house..........he makes 'emergency trips' up to Wyoming for more fireworks!!

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Randy carting around 3 8 year old girls!!

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Emergency trip to Wyoming....

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Dev and Kara with Mr. Schwitzer of Schwitzers Fireworks.....he and his
wife are retiring the end of the year....Dev was NOT happy about that!!

Off to hopefully check on
our friends. Please keep all of our friends and their
families in your prayers.

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Devin, Kara and GG

Please sign the guestbook.....

Friday, July 21, 2006 Finally an update!!

Randy and I got home from HOT Tuscon, AZ on Thursday
night. Everyone was very excited to see us!! The kids
had made us a welcome home sign and picked up a cake for
us!! The dogs were glad to see us too. Grandma said they
all had a good time and got along just fine without us...
imagine that!!!

The went swimming, shopping, bowling and to the movies
while we were away. Both dogs did well while we were away.
No emergency vet trips!!!

Willie went in for his TPLO surgery yesterday morning.
The doctors said he did very well. He spent the night
in the hospital and came home mid morning this morning.
He went straight to bed and hasn't been up yet. He's
on a narcotic pain patch until Sunday afternoon, then
he'll start back on the rimadyl. Hopefully he'll continue
to rest comfortably. Maddie has been good to leave him
alone and let him rest.

Devin's bloodwork came back good. He still wants him to
start the new meds so I need to get him started on those.
I just didn't want him possibly having any wierd medicine
reactions while I was away. He seems to be feeling good.
Both kids had colds some of the time while we were away,
but still managed to get lots done.

GG is still here with us. We were hoping to drive to
Oklahoma with her, but Willie's surgery and recuperation
may keep us home. He's supposed to be on a leash to be
outside for the next EIGHT WEEKS!!! No running or getting
worked up for him. The doctor says if he pulls this out
again while he's still healing that it could be really bad
news. Hopefully we can get a good deal on some tickets and
get out to OK to see everyone before school starts.

I'm off to download some new pictures and check on our
little friends. We stayed at a really nice resort in
Tucson, but they charged $10 a day for internet!! I guess
I am a cheapskate, but I refuse to pay that!!
Hopefully all of our friends are doing well. Off to check on our CB friends.

Thanks for stopping by. Please leave a message.

Friday, July 14, 2006

What a week!!!!!

The kids and I picked Grandma Gwen up from
the airport on Tuesday morning, then Devin
spent most of his day at his friend, Chase's,
birthday party. He was worn out after a day
of laser tag, video games and driving cars!!!

Tuesday afternoon we found out that Nanny
could not be woke up and was sent to the
hospital in an ambulance. She was admitted
Tues afternoon and finally sent home yesterday
afternoon...............they think she had a
stroke. She was really out of it and very

Randy came home on Wednesday night from Phoenix
and was glad to hear that Maddie had avoided
IV therapy for another week!! We had a little
scare with her on Monday night with some
uncontrollable shaking due to low body temp.,
but after a call into the vet who suggested
some warm milk, she perked right back up!!

Yesterday proved to be an interesting day.
Devin had a follow up appointment with the
gastro doctor to see how the new drugs were
doing. The doctor was impressed that Devin
was feeling better, but concerned that he has
been on the meds for so short of a time and
already gained 7 lbs!!!! Gained 7 lbs and has
had a significant increase in exercise; swimming
and riding his bike for hours each day!!! So...
he's taking him off of the endocort (steroid that
we were told would ONLY affect that critical area
between his large and small intestines.......well
obviously that didn't happen) So, the dr. changed
his meds and sent him to the lab for tons more
bloodwork. So we'll wait to hear if that shows
anything new.

Back across town Randy, GG and Kara were taking
Willie (black lab) to the vet. Willie woke up
unable to walk and in severe pain, so off to the
vet he went!!! Turns out that Willie has torn
his ACL and needs a surgery called TPLO!!!! What
a day!!

Willie came home in excruciating pain. He's on
pain meds twice a day until he can get the surgery
done.................looks like Thursday. He seems
to be getting around a bit better today and is even
putting a little weight on his leg.

Its always something!!

Please sign the guestbook and let Devin know
you were here.

Friday, July 14, 2006

check back in a bit

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Busy, busy, busy!!!

It seems we are always on the go these days.
We pick up Grandma here in a bit, then Devin
has a birthday party this afternoon.

We had a really fun 4th...despite a rainy
start to the evening. Devin was still able
to light off TONS of fireworks. I do believe
he enjoys the 4th of July more than his birthday.
He is obsessed with fireworks!!! We had seven kids
over on the fourth and I think they were all getting
really into setting off fireworks. I can remember
not so long ago that at least 1/2 of the kids were
too scared to be outside while the fireworks were
being done!!! Time seems to be flying by!!

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Devin with his fireworks prior to the rain storm

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Kara with friends on the 4th

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Devin & Kara with Taylor (HH nurse's son) I think
Taylor is as obsessed with fireworks as Dev is!!!

My birthday was lots of fun. The kids insisted on
taking 'me' for a pedicure...which translates into
them getting pedicures too. Devin really loves to
do that........Randy doesn't think its too 'cool',
but Dev sure likes it. I told Randy to try it some-
time and he'll change his mind!!! Every time we go
there are guys getting it done.

My big gift was a new bike!!! We have been riding
several times a day. When we're not riding bikes we
are usually at the local swimming pool. Dev is fearless.
He can't go off of the diving boards enough times!!!
Needless to say they are sleepy kids when bedtime rolls

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Mom and Dev with flowers from GG

Maddie seems to be doing pretty good. We had a scare on
Sunday night. We had left to have dinner with Randy's parents and came home to NO Maddie. Some rocks had been
moved on our fence line (we back onto a school) and I
had a sinking feeling she had been dognapped. Anyway,
she showed up a few hours later safe with a group of
teenagers. Boy that little dog had us all worried!!!
She was glad to be home and seems to be staying hydrated
well on her own................for OVER a week!!!!! We
are so proud of her. She is excited to see her GG for
the first time today!!

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Miss Maddie

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Maddie taking a break..........(another break)

Thanks for stopping by. Please sign the guestbook and let
Dev know you stopped. Off to the airport...

Friday, July 7, 2006 0:27 AM CDT

All is well here today.
Devin's feeling better. He and Kara went swimming this afternoon, and shopping for their mom this evening.

Our little Maddie is acting like the puppy that she is, tearing into everything in the house, digging up flowers in the yard, etc.

The big holiday this week comes tomorrow at our house:

We have a big weekend planned. Birthday on Friday, friends from Idaho coming to visit Friday night, then Lagoon (amusement park) with Candlelighters on Saturday.

Please sign the guestbook, and let Devin (and Alisa) know you were here.

I love you Alisa.

Wednesday, July 5, 2006

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Thanks for your prayers, emails and phone calls!!!

Monday, July 3, 2006

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Happy 4th of July!!!!

Happy Birthday America and Happy Birthday to our
friend, Collin

We had a good day today. I took the kids swimming this afternoon, then for a walk tonight. Maddie had a good day today. The vet called to check on her and was happy to hear she was feeling good.

We'll go to the parade in the morning, then have a big party with LOTS of fireworksin the evening. Devin is ready!!! HOPE you all have a fun and safe day.

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Dev has scans on the 5th.

Thanks for stopping by........please sign the guestbook.

Saturday, July 1, 2006


The kids are thrilled to be done. They both received the equivalent of all A's and B's on their report cards. Great job!! Its amazing to think that Devin was doing so poorly in the old class and by just changing teachers made vast improvements.

Maddie spent most of yesterday at the vet hooked to an IV pump. She was really dehydrated AGAIN. Her BUN has come down thanks to the new diet, but its still way too high. She had perked up quite a bit by the time we were able to pick her up at closing time. Today she has slept alot, but also been up and around at times.

The kids have been busy, busy since getting out of school at 12:30 yesterday. Kara went to a birthday party, they both went bike riding last night and swimming all afternoon today. Its shaping up to be a good summer. We've got a big 4th of July party complete with fireworks planned for this week.

I finally got scans set up for the 5th. We're hoping and praying for nothing but clean scans.

Thanks for stopping by. Please sign the guestbook.

Wednesday 6-28-06

A busy day.

Tuesday was an exceptionally good day for Devin. I had to pick the kids up a little early to make a 4pm appointment at the psychologist. Kara got to go to a friends and swim while Dev went to 'talk'. He was in a super good, giggly, 'before-cancer' type of mood. Those are few and far between and when they happen you just want to soak it all up.

Called my mom's when we got home and found out that my Nanny was in the hospital. They thought she had a heart attack, but the blood tests said NO. She was finally admitted from the E.R. and is in the hospital now. She's got some inflammation somewhere...possibly from her bout with bronchitis not so long ago?? They are still trying to figure that out.

Today was hectic. We got 2 calls yesterday from the school regarding today's award assemblies. Kara's was at 9:00 and Devin's 10:15. Both kids were getting awards and didn't know.

Kara received an award called the "Soaring Eagle" for completing a check list of things at home. She did know she would receive that one, but didn't know she would get one for "Greatest Stride". That one surprised her. She had the biggest grin on her face!!!

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Kara with her award

I do believe Devin completed the necessary items for his "Soaring Eagle", but evidently things didn't get transferred when he changed to the new class. He did receive an award called "Peacemaker" for being a good student, good friend and accepting people regardless of their differences. I thought that was a good award for him. He didn't seem too impressed though, he was just bummed that he didn't qualify again for any of the physical fitness awards. Prior to cancer he qualified for the award on the first try at the beginning of the year!! That was really a downer for him. I guess its just such a reminder of what used to be.

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Devin with his award

His class play was tonight. He was really glad to get that done. He was NOT looking forward to it at all, but he was fine with it. He was an elephant. It was cute. He insisted we did NOT record it for posterity. Afterwards we went over to Leatherbys for ice cream to celebrate the awards and almost end of school.

Maddie seems ok. I just don't know what to think about her. She is sleeping lots, but don't all puppies? She has always been extremely mellow. I wonder if that should have been a sign that something was wrong? I just don't know. I just feel horrible for her. As long as she seems happy I can just keep hoping for the best.

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Kara and Maddie
Thanks for stopping by. Please leave a message.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

6-28-06 Wednesday

Got a call from my mom and my Nanny (GG's mom, Devin's great-grandma) is in the hospital. They are not quite sure if she's had a heart attack or if something else is going on. She is in a lot of pain. Please say a prayer for her.

Devin's ok. Maddie's ok.

Got Randy's sleep study results back FINALLY yesterday and they are NOT good at all. He has been diagnosed with BOTH types of sleep apnea and will soon be receiving a c-pap machine AND oxygen!!!

I'll update later. Gotta get some kids to school.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Good morning from Utah.

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Dev at camp

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Dev getting ready to perform with his cabin

The kids are both away at school. This is
their last week at this school and so far it
is going well. Devin had a class play yesterday
and again today. They will be performing for the
parents on Wednesday night.

Kara is going on another field trip this week.
They didn't have field trips all year and are
having one a week for the last three weeks of
school. Both kids missed the ALPs field trips
to the zoo last week while they were at camp.
Today's field trip is to the aquarium. Its not
really a full aquarium. Our aquarium here is
not yet under construction....this is sort of a
teaser as to what is to come. I'm sure the kids
will enjoy it.

Dev is seeming pretty good. He started new meds
the gastro FINALLY called and prescribed on Friday.
Three more little pills in addition to the nexium and
pain pills as needed. These new pills are a steroid
that supposively only affect the ileocecal valve...the
connection between the large and small intestines that
is thought to be causing all of the problems. We shall

He's due to see his tutor again this week. He is excited
to tell her his camp stories. They both had such an excellent time. I wish there were more activities where these kids can just be kids.

I've been directed to a place that can possibly help with Devin's neuro issues. U Can Learn has a therapy known as "Interactive Metranome Therapy" which they feel can improve both Devin's memory and his processing speed. Unfortunately, the lady who does the screening is out until July 10th, but you can bet I will be calling back to see if we can get him some help. Some days are pretty good, but it seems almost like he is falling backwards more often than not.

Maddie is doing ok. We've changed her diet, but haven't noticed any real changes that way. She is sleeping lots more and not quite as energetic. I don't know if that is the disease or simply a result of being in the heat too long. She's still as sweet and cuddly as ever; just choosing to sleep more. She is such a sweet little thing it just makes me sick that this has happened.

Thanks for stopping by to check on Devin.

Please sign the guestbook and let Devin know you were here.

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Kara in her ballet costume

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Kara with a friend in dressing room

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Kara in her tap costume

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Part of Kara's tap dance

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Kara and Dev after the recital

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Devin with the pizza he ordered after the recital.

Saturday, June 24, 2006

The kids are home safe and sound from Camp Hobe. We
picked Kara up on Thursday night and she fell asleep on the way home. I had to wake her up on Friday to get ready for a full day of dance recital practice!!! She was one tired little girl, but was full of exciting stories to tell about all of the friends she met and activities she did while she was away. Her favorite things were archery and swimming.

I picked Dev up on Friday afternoon. He seemed so at ease and rested; much like the b.c. Devin. He had lots of stories to tell. He had sooooooooo much fun he said. He enjoyed the same things as Kara, but also mentioned the pranks and the dance!!! He said he danced with about ten girls at the camp dance on Thursday night!!! He also told me about the carnival and how a lot of kids 'won' some comic books. Just regular comic books until someone opened them up..........they were some type of 'adult' type entertainment. Needless to say they were quickly replaced with more appropriate prizes!!! He thought that was hilarious!!!!!

Kara had two performances today. One this afternoon and one this evening. She is exhausted!!!!! She did an excellent job on all of her dances. She is anxious to get the DVD so she can see all of the dances. After the evening performance she was surprised (not really....she's coming to expect this) by flowers from dad and Devin. Sometimes I think getting the flowers is her favorite part of the recital. Its certainly not putting on all of the makeup!!! I'll have to get some pictures downloaded soon.

Maddie is at status quo. We've told the kids that she is sick, but not gone into too many details. I did finally speak to the breeder earlier today. He was on the defensive from the start and wanted to argue the entire time about things that in my opinion didn't really make a difference. He also told me all of the things that his wife had told me.........he seemed to know more about what she had said than I did.......funny he wasn't even around when I talked to her. He also told me that he had called me at least ten times and left messages every time??? I told him there was no way. Anyway, he is offering to give us our money back or a replacement, but I am not ready to take that step yet. It seems too much like giving up. I just want things to work out, but deep down I know that is wishful thinking.

Some of you with sick children may think I'm crazy for all of the worry about this little 9 pound dog, but its just that we're so darn crazy about her that I just can't stand the thought of another disappointment for our family; especially Devin. I just don't know that he could handle her 'leaving' us at this point. He carries her around like she's HIS baby. It just makes me so sad to think of him losing yet another friend.

Thanks for stopping by. Please leave a message and let Devin know you were here.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

What a day.
Another trip to the vet for more bad news.

Little Maddie is sick. The ultrasound confirms
that things are just not right. The vet changed
her to a prescription food to try and take some
of the burden off of her kidneys. The vet is
checking about some options?? I don't know.
Its unfair.

We'll get Kara tonight. She's got dress rehearsal
most of tomorrow. Devin will get picked up at the
scheduled time on Friday afternoon. Luckily Randy
is in town so we can get this done. I'm anxious to
see the kids and hear their camp stories. I hope
they had load of fun. It seems Devin especially has
a hard time relating to other kids. At cancer camp
everyone is the same and understands
what is going on.
Cancer really screws up a person's social life!!

I stayed up and watched the first part of "A Lion in the House" last night. I know it was a sad show, but somehow I did not cry. I think it was so much like things that had happened to Devin that it just seemed familiar. Hopefully people who have no clue what these kids go through found time to watch it. I found it ironic that you saw family members around the sick kid, but very few friends sticking around..........that seemed pretty right on target as well. People who don't have to stick around usually don't. Thanks to my mom and Dev's loyal CB friends for sticking with us!!!

Off to get Kara.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

No news from camp, no news from the gastro.
I did talk to the neuro-psych about a
possible 'flushing' of Devin's system, but
was told NO. I had tried getting a response
from the oncology department, but still
waiting (not optimistically) for a return

I took Maddie back to the vet today. The dr.
thought she looked better and removed her
stitches from the spay. Another blood test
revealed that she is not so good. We're
keeping track of her intake/output again
and will re-evaluate on Thursday.

Main reason for the update is to let you know
that PBS will be broadcasting the documentary,
" A Lion In The House" in most areas starting
tomorrow. It is a documentary about the lives
of children with cancer. I've had a few
opportunities to see it, but have yet to do so.
I have heard it is very good. You might want
to set your vcrs for this one.

A Lion In The House

Thanks for stopping by. Please leave a message.

Monday, June 19, 2006

Happy Monday!!

Dad was glad,
Very, very glad,
He said it was a good day to be a dad!

The kids ate and ran,
that wasn't the plan,
he had no fear,
they told us they'd stay near.

Accidents happen,
a boxer ensured it,
Poor Kara was bit and scratched...
She had just tried to adore it.

To the hospital we drove,
upset and panic,
Pain, blood and tears
xrays and cleaning.

She can still go to camp,
but take 2 pills every day
for 10 days and stay away
from mean doggies!!

Ok, the last part didn't rhyme, but you get the
jest of what happened.

We had a very nice, uneventful day. A little swimming
in the afternoon, then back home for a cook-out with
Randy's family. After dinner the kids took off for a
park a little ways from our house. Kara met a dog she
was told was friendly............turned out maybe he was
having a bad day??

Anyway, went up to PCMC since it did not look good.
They xrayed her, bandaged her up and sent us on our
way. She went right to sleep in the car and was up
bright eyed to go to camp!!

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Kara ready to go to camp!

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Close up of Kara's face
2 lacerations under that right eye,
scratches on her cheek and chin

The kids were excited to see several of their friends
already at camp. Kara was in a cabin with Kierstin (ut/jtelder's sister) and Caitlin (ut/caitlin), plus
some other girls that had not shown up yet. Kara was
glad to get a 'top' bunk, although with her wrap on her
hand she would have probably managed a bottom bunk better.
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Kara sitting on her bunk

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Devin and Riley getting settled.

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Devin got set up next to Riley (ut/jtelder's brother) on a top bunk. He was ready to go swimming as soon as we got
there. They were all very excited to be at camp.

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Kara and her counselor, Lacie.

Its quiet here. Maddie and Willie are not quite sure what to think.

Please sign the guestbook.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Happy Father's Day!!!

Happy Father's Day to one of the best dads around!!!

We love you dad!!!!

Devin, Kara, Willie and Maddie

*****We had a busy day yesterday. We went down to a
carnival at the Cancer Wellness House yesterday afternoon. The kids had a good time, but were a little
disappointed not to see anyone they knew. I told them they would see plenty of people they know tomorrow at camp!!! They are soooooooooooooo excited. We've got a Father's day cook-out this evening, then we'll get all of their stuff together. We made a couple of last minute shopping trips yesterday to get more disposable cameras and flashlights. Somehow flashlights do not live long around my house.

Last night Devin agreed to a haircut!!!! We were so glad. I was so afraid he would not take care of his hair at camp and come home with a matted mess. No worries about that anymore!!!

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Devin earlier this week.

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Devin just before the haircut. Look at all of that hair!!

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He could not believe the pile of hair on the ground!!!

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The finished product; a summer-do for Mr. Devin. Ready
for fun at camp!!!

Thanks for stopping by. If you've come this far, why not leave a message.

Friday, June 16, 2006

When we signed on the dotted line back in September
2003 we had absolutely no earthly idea what we were
in for. The document we signed, officially known
as the protocol, was about 75 pages long. We were
given a once over with all of the side effects, but
guess what?? It just didn't matter. It still doesn't.

Thanks to the miracles of modern medicine Devin is
alive and cancer-free. 20 years ago I'm sure he
would be a statistic. He is alive. In many ways
he is the same perfect boy I gave birth to. In
many more ways he has been reduced to a damaged
body; lots of pieces that aren't working quite the
way they once did. Not perfect, but who is perfect?
I can deal with that, his daddy can deal with that,
his family and true friends can deal with this. My
question is can Devin handle this?? I am beginning
to wonder. He has days where things are 'normal', then
days where nothing makes sense at all. Luckily on
these days he doesn't seem to clue in. Maybe a coping
mechanism? I don't know. No one really knows. This to
me is an issue.

Our modern medicine saves some of these children, but what
happens next? Maybe its just our particular hospital,
but it seems when chemo is over....out the door you go.
No one knows what to expect. Too many neuro-toxic drugs
with way too many side effects. Sometimes it seems to
me that these kids are left to pick up the pieces and
expected just to get back to normal. Right now I am clueless about how this is to happen. We're just dealing with way too many problems with no real answers. It seems our only hope is more medical research, which of course means money. Isn't it all about the money?

Devin has a plan for not one, but two cancer research projects this summer. One for the American Cancer Society and one for the Leukemia Lymphoma Society. I've promised him that I will get him some fundraising websites set up soon. I hope you'll help us get serious about putting an end to this nightmare called cancer. As you know, no one is immune to cancer. It takes sweet babies who never had a chance to live, as well as people in the prime of their lives. Its like a storm of destruction. Wouldn't you agree the damage is enough?

I'll post the donation info soon. Also, I haven't checked the site, but received a mailer from the Lance Armstrong Foundation that they are doubling the money on their donations right now. Help us out. You're helping yourself too.


Friday, June 16, 2006

Finally Friday and still no word from the gastro.

Dev is feeling pretty good. He's not been eating
before school so he is pretty good for school. He
and Kara are ready for camp! Randy and I will take
them on Monday. Kara will come home on Thursday
night so she can do dance dress rehearsal on Friday.
Devin will be home Friday afternoon.

Maddie is ok I guess. I'm playing phone tag with
the vet. I thought she was fine on Tuesday, but
she landed up getting 3 IVs due to dehydration.
The antibiotics seem to have perked both dogs up.

Thanks for stopping by. Please leave a message.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Where to begin?

Seems like every update I write lately starts with
'what a day'. Here's another one that qualifies!!

Took my sleepy eyed kids to school this morning and made a quick stop by Home Depot for MORE paint. I did
NOT like the way the bathroom turned out and had
a last minute thought of a soothing aqua blue. Came
home and got right to work painting. Every now and then
I'd take a break and see if the dogs wanted out. They
continued to nap and only would go out if forced out.

After getting cleaned up I noticed that the water bowl was
still full, then realized Maddie had not done any toodles
or doodles at all. I checked Willie and noticed he was
pretty lethargic and hadn't eaten either. I called the vet
and was given an appointment in the next hour. I knew that
if Maddie wasn't eating, drinking or wetting she sure enough had a problem.

Fast forward to the doctor's office: Maddie's BUN has
decreased a bit, but the doctor still feels she is in
danger of dehydration since she's such a wee pup. Maddie
is injected with 3 under the skin IVs to dissipate over the
evening. Both dogs are put on antibiotics twice a day as well as drugs for nausea (Willie had woke Randy up early
this morning throwing up) The doctor was disheartened to
find out the breeder was not offering any info on any
problems. We talked a bit about the kidney biospy as well
as possible ultra-sounds for Maddie's kidneys. Since her
incision site is a little red (just turned red today) we
are on hold. She made need more IVs inserted on Thursday, but for this evening seems good.

Devin and Kara were supposed to go to a premiere showing of Nacho Libre tonight with some neighbor friends. I picked up Devin's 'prep kit' from the hospital today to
find out he is supposed to eat dinner before 6pm, then take
3 little pills that are supposed to get his runnin' to the
bathroom. He opted to stay home..........just in case.
He's due at the hospital at 9am to drink the contrast/barium for a look at his small intestine. The
people at the hospital were soooo nice when I went to pick
up his stuff. Everyone I saw had a smile on their face and
acted happy to be there. Its nice to see people working in the medical profession who act as though they enjoy their jobs and being around people. I even saw two obvious chemo patients smiling on their way into the hospital...I would imagine for chemo treatment. I wish the staff at PCMC would take a trip over there to see how patients should be treated. I'm hoping that tomorrow goes
smoothly and Dev has a positive experience.

Dev is still 'off' today. I would imagine he will miss tomorrow at school since they said the test could take up to four hours AFTER he drinks the mix. He's NPO after midnight.

Since he didn't get to go to the movie he insisted that he pick what we eat for dinner. We landed up at Pudge Brothers Pizza where he tried to consume as much pizza as possible. Between every bite he told us he was enjoying this as it was his 'last meal'. Every time we would tell him it was his last meal BEFORE his test. He never did seem to figure that one out. Like I said, even the simplest things are escaping him right now.

Thanks for stopping by to check on Mr. Devin. He does appreciate your messages, so please sign the guestbook.

Monday, June 12, 2006

An update.

I finally had the opportunity to speak with the
gastro doctor this morning. He said he is hoping
that it is NOT what he thinks it is and wants to
do some additional testing. Devin will be doing
another test, this time of his small intestines,
this Wednesday. Its one of those type of tests
where you drink some nasty stuff then they take
a series of pictures. I'm sure he will be beyond
thrilled to get to do this one. He takes it all
in stride though. He's a tough cookie!!

The doctor and I talked about making some changes
in his diet to see if things improve. He also has
called in another prescription to see if he can get
rid of the stomach pain. I've got to pick it up
this afternoon. He's still on the nexium and the
zegerid to try and keep things calmed down.

He was very 'off' all weekend. I don't know what
brings this on, but its very frustrating. He acts
as though he is on another planet and every experience
is new to him. He forgets how to do the littlest things
that we have taken for granted. I don't understand
what brings this on. I've got a call into the neuro-
psych to pick her brain on the subject. I'm wondering
if possibly he is getting dehydrated from his frequent
trips to the bathroom, as well as the colonoscopy. Its
a theory. I don't know. I just feel so bad when he
seems so completely lost. I wonder how much he realizes.
I wonder if he can feel the confusion the way we see it?
It is frightening. It makes one wonder how he can survive
in the 'real world' if someone isn't alongside him to make
sure he gets things done. I don't know.
He seemd good this morning. One day at a time.

We went to a carnival for the new school on Saturday
night. The kids had a really good time, but Devin seemed
more interested in the playground than the actual games
and stuff.....more like he would have been at three or so.
It makes me just feel so sick inside to see him so 'not
like himself'. Randy was just as sick. Its like at times
we are watching him deteriorate and go backwards. He
tried unsuccessfully to climb the climbing wall and got
very discouraged. Heck, he was even able to do that when
he was on chemo. Its frustrating.

Maddie is feeling better. We're trying to keep track
of her drinking/output. The kids have no idea that
anything is wrong. The vet wants to do a kidney biopsy,
not a needle biopsy, but a slice!!! I'm thinking there
has got to be an easier way. We called the breeder over
the weekend and she was clueless. There were 5 other
pups in this particular litter and she refuses to give
those owners any kind of a heads up on this! It just
makes me sick. If we wouldn't have had the optional
pre-surgery blood work she would have most likely died
during her spay. Poor Maddie. She is just a tiny
innocent little thing.

Thanks for stopping by. Please leave Devin a message
and let him know you were here.

Thursday, June 8, 2006

Another run, run, run day. We left this morning to
take Maddie in for her spay appointment, then headed
over to the chiropractor. Randy called about this
time and told me that there were some problems with
Maddie's bloodwork. I assumed this meant her surgery
was on hold. Nope...he'd tell me more later. Off
to Kara's well child visit....gotta get those camp
physicals done. Kara checked out well and got an
overdue Hep A shot. Devin is due some shots, but
we're still waiting on those. No one can decide if
he should have them now or wait, so we wait. The
Waiting game is one we are good at.....lots of
experience there.

After Kara's appointment we grab some lunch and
head over for Devin's psychologist appointment, then
back home for tutoring and to get Kara ready for
gymnastics. In the meantime I called the vet to
see if I could pick up Maddie.....NO...the tech said
they still had Maddie hooked up to IVs and the vet
wanted her there until they closed...AND the vet
wanted to talk to us.

We arrived at the vet's office and looked over the
bloodwork. Not so good. Initial impression is that
Maddie has renal dysplasia which is NOT good.
The vet wanted us to contact the breeder before
we start running any more tests. She is in ALOT
of pain from the surgery and just generally
feels awful. Not eating or drinking...awaking
to cry and fidget around. Not a good situation
at all. We're kindof on a watch and wait on
Maddie. Poor baby.

In between running Kara to gymnastics and getting
home I missed the phone call from the gastro.
I called his cell number but he did not call me
back, so I guess we'll find out sometime
tomorrow as to how Devin's recent testing
came out. Wait, wait, wait.

In a nutshell, today has sucked. Maddie is
feeling so much worse than I could have
ever dreamed. Poor thing has a shaved
belly and a
shaved arm where the IV was. She is
just not herself at all. I'm hoping
tomorrow has her feeling at least 100% better.

What a day. I'll update tomorrow when I
know something on Devin. Thanks for the prayers and support. Please sign the

Wednesday, June 7, 2006

What a day. I had three different calls from
IHC (unexpected) and each and every time my
heart about stopped. The doctor told me Friday
at the latest on the pathology report, but the
nurse said that usually they got the kid's
reports back sooner. I am beyond nervous
waiting for the results. I understand there
is nothing I can do, but from what little
information the doctor did give me my mind
has been racing (and researching)......what
did people do before the internet??? I can't
remember that far back. I think sometimes
that I have Devin's chemo brain. I usually can't
remember a thing since BEFORE cancer.

Devin slept in again today. This kid is sleeping
way too much. Way too much. Between the sleeping,
night sweats, headaches, memory problems, throwing
up and running to the bathroom he has me scared to
death. I was painting the bathroom today and all of
a sudden had a horribly scared feeling that I was
painting that same bathroom back in Sept of 2005
while I wondered what in the hell was wrong with my
kid. What a feeling. I immediately washed out my
paintbrush and snuggled with my still sleeping son.
After I rationalized with myself for a few hours I
made myself pick up that paintbrush and finish the
job.........but secretly wondering if I was experiencing
some type of 'Groundhog Day' experience. Pushing
myself to 'get it done' because who knows what tomorrow
brings. What a crappy feeling. Every time things look like they are coming together I just can't help but wonder what is around the corner.

Randy is getting his sleep study done tonight. It only took 5 months to get it set up. He said actually that this is a 'preliminary' sleep study and once a group of doctors review the findings he will have to do ANOTHER study to see how the c-pap machine needs to be set. The wonders of modern medicine. He said when he did the testing some 20plus years ago it was one test and you were given your machine and sent home. Who knows. Maybe its just another way to bill the insurance company. I don't know why I complain about it. We met our deductibles and out of pocket maximums many moons ago. One thing is for sure when you have a cancer patient in the house the out of pocket max is usually met by the first week of the new year.

Kara is still dancing and tumbling. Her recital is at the end of the month and we are past ready to get it done. She'll have to leave camp early in order to make it to the dress rehearsal. She isn't too happy about that because she'll miss the skits on the last day. I'm just glad she'll be able to go at all. They both had such a good time last year. They met so many kids who 'have been there, done that'. She's got a well child visit/physical tomorrow morning. I know she'll pass with flying colors. She is now known as the 'healthy' kid of the family. Lucky for her she doesn't have any chemo floating around in her body to mess up anything in its path.

Tomorrow morning Miss Maddie is going in to get spayed. We've thought long and hard about this one. She's so cute it seems she should have at least one litter or pups, but if anything happened to her we would all be devastated; plus getting this done will help her NOT get cancer in the future. I'm all for that!! We've already lost one dog to cancer. I think she senses something is up. I talked to a couple of friends who have done this with their pups and they assure me she'll do fine.

Thanks for stopping by to check on Devin. He enjoys reading your messages, so please drop him a line.

Tuesday, June 6, 2006

Dev's home!

The doctor said he would have all
of the biopsy results back by
Friday. He said things looked
pretty good. Some irritation and
some enlarged blood vessels, but
mostly just good.

Dev is feeling pretty good. He's a little
wobbly on his feet, but he has had lunch
and kept it down so that is a good thing.

The kids are getting excited about camp.
We were out for a bit yesterday and
picked up some new clothes for Devin.
He is at an in-between sizes stage right
now and had grown out of everything. He
had plenty of shirts to take, but was low
on shorts........so hopefully he's set
for camp.

He is sooooo excited to be
going again this year. I've got to talk
to the camp director about getting Kara
out early so she can attend the dress
rehearsal for her dance recital. I
wish she could stay the whole time, but
the dance recital falls on the Saturday
after camp is done.

I got an email from a friend I met
through Caringbridge and MACS the other
day. Her co-worker has a 23 month old
grandson that was just diagnosed with
a neuroblastoma stage 4 recently. I don't know
many details, not even a name, but please
pray for this boy and his family. Everyone
of us who has walked this cancer road knows
just how tough it can be....especially the
shock of diagnosis in such an innocent
little person. I'm hoping to have more
info and possibly a website to share with
you soon.

Thanks for stopping by. If you've taken the
time to visit Devin's page, please take another
minute to SIGN and let him know you were here.
A simple "HI" will do the trick. Thanks

Monday, June 5, 2006

Today's doctor appointment went well. The
doctor ordered some chest xrays as well as
some xrays of Dev's sinuses. It all looked
good and pretty 'normal'. He was okayed for
the sedation tomorrow. I'll be glad to have
that behind us!! (no pun intended)

Check in tomorrow morning is 9:15 with the
procedure starting at 10am. They will do
the colonoscopy and the endoscopy while he
is there. Hopefully whatever they find will
be some easy fix. I've been doing TOO much
reading on the internet and am ready to have
my mind put at ease.

Thanks for stopping by. Don't forget to stop
by and wish Kayla (hi/kayla) and Bethany (tn/bethany)
Happy Birthday today.

Monday, June 5, 2006

Everything is status quo around here. Dev has
an appointment at 2pm for his follow up chest
xray. He's got a cough that keeps showing up
at night. I just want to double check that he
is ok to be sedated tomorrow for the colonoscopy
and endoscopy. He doesn't do too well under
anesthesia under the best of situations.

Today are birthdays for two of our caringbridge

Kayla is turning five (www.caringbridge.com/hi/kayla)


Bethany is turning twelve (tn/bethany)

Happy Birthday Girls!!!! Hope you both have
a great day!!!!!

Sunday, June 4, 2006

What a day!!!

We are done with dancing pictures. I just
wish we were done with the recital and all
of the practices that go along with it. The
picture situation was pretty chaotic....it
always is. This year I had a new twist..
and this really made me MAD.

There is a girl from Devin's OLD class at
school that was at the studio getting her
dancing pictures taken yesterday. Devin
always tries and talks to her whenever
he sees her in the studio and she always
makes a special point to treat him like
he is not good enough to talk to her. This
is the same girl that had a sister in Kara's
kindergarten class that asked Kara DAILY when
her brother was going to die.....because
everyone with cancer.

Anyway, this 10 year old girl comes up to
me at the pictures yesterday and asked me
where my son was. I told her he was at home
with his dad and she started laughing and
asked me why he didn't come......I thought
this was a little wierd, but just said he
didn't have any interest in sitting around
there for hours waiting for his sister to
get her pictures made. She then told me
(like I didn't know already) that my son
USED TO BE in HER class and he wasn't in
there anymore................get this....
because the TEACHER TOLD THE CLASS that he
I told her that was NOT TRUE. Now I am
seriously wondering if the teacher is
saying things like this??????????? This
is NOT the first time I have heard b.s.
like this before!!!!!!!!

So anyway, wanted to get this off of my chest
because it makes me sooooooooo mad to think that
rumors like that are floating around and could
have been STARTED BY THE TEACHER???? It just
makes me sick.

Anyway, things are status quo around here.
I'm taking Dev in for a chest xray tomorrow
to make sure he's still okay for Tuesday's

Friday, June 2, 2006

Thanks for the birthday messages for Randy.
He was surprised about all the fuss for his
big day. We had a whole day of surprises
for him.

Devin was especially sweet to Randy all day.
He paid for him and Randy to golf and made
sure he knew how important he was to him.
Devin even made sure that we picked up
dad's favorite ice cream, Chocolate Chunky
Chocolate, for the surprise party we had
last night. Randy really was caught off-
guard. Up until 15 minutes before the
guests arrived he thought we were going
out to a restaurant he didn't particularly
like (chosen by the kids of course) to be
sung to........he HATES that. Anyway he
was pleasantly surprised to get to grill
for his birthday.......he loves grilling
and spending time outside, so it turned
out really well.

Devin was up bright and early yesterday
morning for golf, then stayed up until we
got dad tucked into bed around 10:30 last

He is STILL asleep this morning...NOON here.
The 6th cannot come soon enough. Even
Randy admits that something is just not
right with Devin. He seems to be sleeping
an extraordinary amount.....12-15 hours a
night minimum!!!! Its scary how much sleep
he is requiring. He takes forever to get up
in the morning and just seems lethargic for
the first hour or so while he is waking up.
I know he is NOT depressed. He has seen
Dr. Mas this week AND tutoring twice and
everyone thinks he is acting emotionally
well. I have found that if I call oncology
and relate these 'symptoms' to them the first
thing they want to blame sleepiness on is
depression...........funny how they always
want to discount the parents' opinion of
what is 'normal' for their child.

Anyway, we'll be sticking around the house
this weekend. Tomorrow starts another
home improvement project; the master
bathroom. Randy and I are still going back
and forth about what exactly is going to
be done (he'd probably disagree with me
on this and say....no..he's made up his
mind) but something is going to happen to
improve the looks of that room. Kara has
dance recital pictures in the afternoon so we'll
be busy with that as well.

Thanks for stopping by. Please leave Devin
a message and let him know you were here...
it only takes a minute and he really enjoys
reading your notes.

Thursday, June 1, 2006

Devin's daddy is 40 today!!!

Happy Birthday Randy!!
We love you lots!!!!

Our cute CB friend, Jaxon is
turning FIVE today!!!! Please go leave him
some birthday wishes!!! (mn/jaxon)

Devin took Randy out and played 9 holes this
morning. While they were gone Kara and I
went up and decorated Randy's office. Boy
will he be surprised when he gets there!!!
Lets just say it is VERY festive!!!

Dev is feeling good...so far...it seems the
episodes seem to hit him hard in the evening.
Hopefully he feels good for the birthday
celebration later tonight.

Thanks for stopping. Please sign the guestbook.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Wellllllllllllllllllll.....around noon yesterday
I finally heard from the doctor. He said the
2 'samples' that Devin had supplied did NOT
show signs of blood, even though they were
surrounded by blood. How that can happen on
2 different tests is beyond me. If I hadn't
had Randy and Devin as witnesses to the collections
I would think I was going crazy!!! Somedays I
feel like I am going crazy anyway just because I
am so frustrated with all of the new problems
that seem to have cropped up after being DONE
with cancer!!!!!

Devin spent a lot of last night running to the
bathroom. Literally same s***, different day!!
Around 9:30 he started throwing up along with
it..so life is never boring. Thank goodness he
is an old pro at pulling double duty!!! I feel
so bad for him. I had stars in my eyes when I
looked at his future after chemo. So far its
been more of a fight than being on!!

Onto the dr. results: his labs were down a bit
from when he had pneumonia, the tests they did
run for possible gut/type infections were luckily
negative. His sed rate is too high...meaning he
has got some inflammation and possible infection
elsewhere........this is where the 'other bleeding'
comes in. Right now its just a big guessing game
as to what and where he is bleeding. The doctor
was going to try and move his endoscopy and
colonoscopy up from the 6th....so far nothing on
that. It wouldn't surprise me if the 6th was the
big day. Seems nothing moves extremely quickly
in the medical community. I've found through
2 years of chemo that unless your kid has blood
dripping from at least 3 different areas that you
are not much of a priority!!

Talked to Jo (ut/parker) yesterday. They are
STILL waiting to get that MRI set up for her
son after receiving a surprise bad CT of the
brain over the (holiday) weekend!!!!!! This
kid has a cyst or tumor in his brain and the
doctors are not able to find time to get him
seen???????????? None of this makes sense
to me!!!!

Anyway, today is a big work day for me and
the kids. We are trying to get everything
ready for daddy's big 4-0 tomorrow!!! Devin
BIG plans for the 'old man'. He is so funny.

Thanks for stopping by. Please leave a message
for Devin in the guestbook.

Monday, May 29, 2006

Hope everyone had a good holiday.
Ours was quiet. Dev isn't feeling
100%, although he has moments when
he is a bundle of energy. He's
having terrible stomach pains and
not wanting to eat much. Hopefully
we'll get some answers from the gastro.
tomorrow. Seems we are always waiting
for something around here.

The kids are enjoying being able to
sleep in and not be up for school.
We are all so ready to be done with
this school year. It certainly has
not been our best. Devin keeps
saying that he is convinced he will
get a great teacher next year. I
sure hope he is right. It will be
nice to have a fresh start and not
be known as the 'cancer kid'.

Tonight we celebrated RAndy's upcoming
40TH birthday over at Randy's parents
house. The kids are soooo excited
planning out Randy's big day....its
June 1st...same as our little buddy,
They've got some big stuff cooked up
for their daddy this year!!!!!!! I just
hope he doesn't help them return the favor
when I turn 40 in another ten years or so!!

Thanks for stopping by. Please take a
minute and sign the guestbook and let
Devin know you were here..........he
doesn't know you were here unless you
take a minute to say HI.

Hope you all have a good week.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

What a weekend.
Its COLD here in Utah. We had a cold
front come through and we are now in the
low 50's for highs!!

Dev is not feeling so great. He has been
having gastro problems for awhile, but
Thursday night things got progressively
worse. He's got quite a bit of blood
coming out at the most inopportune times.

The gastro doctor had him in the office Friday
and sent him for several different blood tests
as well as 'samples'. He started Devin on a
couple of new meds until we can get things
sorted out. "Alinia" as an antibiotic that
is supposed to take care of things that are
gastro infections....not sure if that is what
it is, but Dev is on it anyway. If its the
dreaded c-diff he will be on something different
and quite possibly admitted to the hospital.

Dev has not yet been able to get the endoscopy
due to the walking pneumonia that I THINK has
finally left him alone. He's still a bit low
on energy, but pretty much NOT coughing. He'll
need to be cleared for sedation due to the
pneumonia and as far as we know enlarged thymus.
If he doesn't land up in the hospital (and I really
don't think he will) he is scheduled for an
endoscopy AND colonscopy on June 6th. I really
don't like the date...the 3 sixes and all, but
I know that things will be ok.

Devin is TOUGH. He'll be ok. I know it. That
kid has already tackled cancer I know he will
kick whatever else is thrown his way.

In other news I got a call from Jo, ut/parker's mom
this morning. She explains what is going on a
lot better than I could attempt to here. Anyway,
their 16 year old son just received a bad CT
report and their family is in need of some
prayers. Please stop by their site and leave
your support. Parker's site

Also, our friends Rosi, Kenny and their friends got
stuck in Chicago last night and will be home tomorrow.
I'm sure they are past tired and ready to get home to
see Kayla

Thanks for stopping by. If you're looking for pictures
of our Caringbridge weekend, check out the previous

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Rosi and Devin with Maddie.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

What a weekend.
Its COLD here in Utah. We had a cold
front come through and we are now in the
low 50's for highs!!

Dev is not feeling so great. He has been
having gastro problems for awhile, but
Thursday night things got progressively
worse. He's got quite a bit of blood
coming out at the most inopportune times.

The gastro doctor had him in the office Friday
and sent him for several different blood tests
as well as 'samples'. He started Devin on a
couple of new meds until we can get things
sorted out. "Alinia" as an antibiotic that
is supposed to take care of things that are
gastro infections....not sure if that is what
it is, but Dev is on it anyway. If its the
dreaded c-diff he will be on something different
and quite possibly admitted to the hospital.

Dev has not yet been able to get the endoscopy
due to the walking pneumonia that I THINK has
finally left him alone. He's still a bit low
on energy, but pretty much NOT coughing. He'll
need to be cleared for sedation due to the
pneumonia and as far as we know enlarged thymus.
If he doesn't land up in the hospital (and I really
don't think he will) he is scheduled for an
endoscopy AND colonscopy on June 6th. I really
don't like the date...the 3 sixes and all, but
I know that things will be ok.

Devin is TOUGH. He'll be ok. I know it. That
kid has already tackled cancer I know he will
kick whatever else is thrown his way.

In other news I got a call from Jo, ut/parker's mom
this morning. She explains what is going on a
lot better than I could attempt to here. Anyway,
their 16 year old son just received a bad CT
report and their family is in need of some
prayers. Please stop by their site and leave
your support. Parker's site

Also, our friends Rosi, Kenny and their friends got
stuck in Chicago last night and will be home tomorrow.
I'm sure they are past tired and ready to get home to
see Kayla

Thanks for stopping by. If you're looking for pictures
of our Caringbridge weekend, check out the previous

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Rosi and Devin with Maddie.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Finally an update!!

We had a great time with our company...or as
Rosi would say, "A lovely time". We learned
a lot of new Scottish phrases while she and
Kenny were with us. It was just a whirlwind
trip of non-stop go, go, go.

Mrs. Pam arrived Thursday morning and went as
Kara's show and tell that afternoon. She and
I spent Friday morning doing last minute things
for our big cook-out while the kids were in
school. About 1pm I got a call and Rosi was
just about a mile from the house. Mrs. Pam and
I went out in the street to welcome them. It
was sooooooooooooo nice to finally get to give
Rosi (and Kenny) hugs in person!! What wee people
they are, but of course if you know them, you know
their hearts are HUGE!!!!

Just as they drove up it began to rain on us. We
made a quick drive up to the kids' school so they
could be Kara's show and tell. They were really
good sports about it!!

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Kenny, Rosi, Kara, Devin, Mrs. Burgon and Mrs. Pam in Kara's class

We had a big cookout and had several of our caringbridge
families over. Jo (ut/parker) came over without Parker,
but did bring her felting stuff over to share with every-
one. She and her family are moving to St. Louis at the
first of the month.

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Jo, Rosi, Alisa, Sheila and JT

Sheila (ut/jtelder) came down from Logan with her
three youngest kids. It was good to see all of them.
JT is looking so good and healthy and remains in
remission!!!! He looks so good you could never
guess how sick he has been. The kids were excited
to see each other and begin discussing Camp Hobe.

The Kinikini's came (ut/jankini2) minus Ben. Devin
always loves seeing Tuli. All of the Kinikinis are
just great. Lots of fun to be around....Janelle we
loved your fruit dip!!

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The Kinikinis plus my kids and Mrs. Pam

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Devin and Tuli

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Tuli's little brother J.J. on the slide

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Arla and Lani with Maddie.......they LOVED Maddie!!

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Another picture of Dev and Tuli

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Lia and our neighbor Sam

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Serious conversations.......

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Mrs. Pam and JT (ut/jtelder)

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Sheila, JT and Rosi at the party

The next day we drove up the canyon for a picnic.
We had planned on a short hike with picnic, but
Silver Lake was still buried in the snow. It was
suprisingly warm up there, so we continued with the

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Kara, Mrs. Pam and Rosi on the snowy path

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Devin and Kara trying to find the path in all that snow.

After the picnic we headed up Parleys Canyon to Park
City. We went over to the Olympic museum and walked
around a bit. Before we left everyone except me and Mrs.
Pam went down the Alpine slide. I thought they were
going to go down something scarier, so I opted out.

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Kenny and Randy checking out displays at the museum

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Rosi and Kara checking out the bobsled

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Rosi carrying the Olympic torch

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Daredevil Rosi on the Alpine Slide

We finished off the night with a trip to our
favorite Thai restaurant in SLC, then a late night
trip to Wal-Mart. (Rosi, Kenny, Devin and me...the
others decided they couldn't stay up past midnight
for the WalMart run......)

Sunday we slept in a bit and missed the choir...I
don't think anyone was too disappointed in that. We
did take a trip to Michaels to get Rosi some scrap-
booking supplies, then to Toys R Us for a quick trip.
After shopping and another picnic lunch at home, we
headed up to the Copper Mine, then finally into down-town
SLC to see Temple Square. Another late dinner outside
ended up the night. Kenny entertained us with playing
the chanter (sp?) Its what the guys practice with for
playing bagpipes. He is GOOD!! He can play ANYTHING!!!
No pictures.......just video/audio on that. I'll see
if I can get that downloaded the next time I have a
spare minute.

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Gardner Village; feeding the fish.

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Rosi, Mrs. Pam and Kenny at Gardner Village

Monday was pack up day. We did make a quick trip over
to Gardner Village to look around, then had a quick lunch at Archibalds
before rushing Mrs. Pam
to the airport. Randy stayed and
finished lunch with Rosi and Kenny while the kids and I
took off with Mrs. Pam. Rosi and Kenny were headed back
to Las Vegas to meet up with their friends. They are
having a good time there now.

We hated to see them go, but did plan on meeting up with
them in Las Vegas before they headed for home this weekend.
So far, Devin's tummy has not been cooperating, so we are
staying close to the house. We had a GREAT time and are
anxious to come and see them in Scotland one of these days
in the near future.........possibly next year. Also, there
is talk of their family coming back to the U.S. in a couple
of years to visit Florida. That would be fun!!

Thanks for stopping by. Sorry for the delay in updating....its been a wee bit busy around here.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Mrs. Pam is here!
Rosi and Kenny are on their way...
between Las Vegas and Salt Lake City.
We'll have them here tomorrow, then
several CB families here tomorrow.
We are looking forward to seeing

Kara took Mrs. Pam for show and tell
today. She is planning on taking
Rosi and Kenny tomorrow if they are
here before school lets out. I don't
think Devin's class is to 'into'
show and tell. They were doing end
of year tests today so Mrs. Pam
didn't get to meet his teacher.

Here's a couple of new pictures of
Miss Maddie. She is really growing
and is quite spoiled. She took right
to Mrs. Pam and is actually sleeping
with her now. Maddie thinks she is
a human!!

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Devin and Maddie

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Maddie the soccer dog!!

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Kara, Dev and Maddie on Mother's Day.

Thanks for stopping by. Please sign the guestbook
and let Devin know you were here.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Things are slowly coming together here. I
do think we started too many projects right
before company was coming. I will be glad
when everyone gets here and I can sit down...
or at least do something besides cleaning!!

We hadn't been able to do any home improvement
stuff while Dev was on chemo, so we've been
going a little nuts. I haven't had a kitchen
for about a week now; new countertops, which
leads to new tile backsplash, etc., etc.....PLUS
Randy's paving project and NOW his latest: a
misting system for our deck.....now that I am
looking forward to!!

The kids are both feeling good and sooooooooo
excited for our company!!! Devin has a list 2
miles long of all of the things he wants to show
Rosi while she's here. I keep telling him she is
only going to be at our house a few days and we've
already got a pretty full schedule while they are
here. Friday night we've got several caringbridge
families coming over for a big cookout as well as
Mrs. Pam from the preschool pen pals.

Dev's cough is coming back after an almost 24 hour
absence so the doctor wants him to take another week
of the z-pac and re-evaluate. I'm waiting for the
gastro doctor to decided when he feels comfortable
sedating Dev for the endoscopy. The oncology clinic
wants to wait another 6-8 weeks to do Dev's follow
up scans for his enlarged thymus and cancer check.
Things are good.

I better get back to my unfinished projects. Thanks
for stopping. Please sign the guestbook.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Happy Mothers Day!!

First off, thanks to my mom for always being there!
I always knew I had an extraordinary mom,
but this cancer experience made me know how
truly lucky I am. Thank you!! Thank you!!

I had a pretty good update in my head earlier,
but by 2am its gone.

Thanks to all of the other mothers
and others out there who have put Devin on their
prayer lists. You know, cancer truly is a horrible
disease, but when I think of the friendships that
have come out of our family's experience it doesn't
seem quite so bad.

I've met some great people due to Devin's site.
In fact, I do believe I've met some of the nicest,
most caring people on the planet. I appreciate you
all; every one of you who has taken time out of
your day to say a little prayer or just send some
positive thoughts Devin's way.

I have got to say these CB moms I meet are some of
the most fantastic people you could ever met. How
many people do you know that can memorize lab results,
do dressing changes, remember to re-order stacks of
drugs, fix dinner and still have time to read with
their other kids???? (All this done while fighting
with their insurance company for benefit approval and
their local school district for accomodations for
their 'different' kid????) I know a bundle of them;
way too many. Thanks to all of you for going to bat
for your child and NOT giving up when things seem
to get tougher by the minute. You all know who you
are. Thanks. You inspire me, you lift me when I'm
down and you remind me why giving up is NOT an option.
Thanks to all of you. Happy Mothers Day.

Luckily I get to spend my Mothers Day with two of
the cutest, smartest, sweetest and HEALTHIEST kids
in Utah. Mr. Devin is on the rebound and I did NOT
detect much of any cough as of this evening. The
kids had a busy day and even talked Randy's parents
into taking them swimming at our local indoor pool.
Thanks guys, the kids really enjoyed their time with
you. We'll have to do it again soon.

Hope you all have a great day!!!!
Thanks for stopping.....please sign the guestbook.

***Earlier tonight Kara told me she needed a vacation. I asked her where she wanted to go, thinking she would probably say grandma's or Hawaii. Nope, she wants to visit "Viagra Falls". Ok...not quite sure if thats anywhere near Niagra Falls, but we'll see what we can do.***

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Well, we finally got some answers.
Dev has 'walking pneumonia' AND a
broken finger!! We finally gave
up on hearing back from oncology
clinic and were able to get into a
ped. that Kara has seen a couple of
times since Dev's diagnosis. He
was appalled that Devin's symptoms
had been allowed to get so bad;
especially since I gave him a tiny
synopsis of what had been happening
(or not happening) with the onco.

I called up to PCMC oncology this
morning to see if they still want
the CTs on Thursday since his lungs
are pretty gunky. The receptionist
was VERY aware that the dr. we saw
yesterday had CALLED up to get some
answers regarding WHY Devin's case
was ignored. Can't wait to hear the
news on that!!!!!!

Anyway, Dev was given a z-pac for
his pneumonia. Its for 5 days.
He's to keep the finger splinted for
a few days (he caught it in our gate
Sunday night trying to keep Maddie
from escaping)

Thanks for the prayers and well-wishes.
Don't forget our CB friends in your


Just went to check on Miss Emma.
Evidently she became an angel last
night. We miss you Miracle Girl Emma

***********Team ClownPhish*************

Angel Chris's family will be doing the Sole Burner for the American Cancer Society this Saturday in Appleton. They are still collecting donations.
Click here to donate:

Team ClownPhish

I found out that Ben's mom will be participating on this team, so all the more reason to DONATE!!!

Tuesday, May 9, 2006

Devin is sick.
Throwing up, coughing, and the latest..trouble
breathing. I'm feeling some flashbacks to
September of 2003 and am finding it hard
to breathe myself.

He got kicked off the schedule for Monday's
endoscopy. The gastro wants a true reading
on his thymus and lungs BEFORE he puts him
under. Fine. We'll get it done.

Now, the fun begins. Getting some/any doctor
to see him. Of course his 'original' ped. is
out of the question....you know the failure to
diagnose and all. The oncology clinic doesn't
have the time for him because he doesn't have a
damn fever.............so therefore he can't
be sick!!!! I called 3 more peds before I could
find anyone to take him............soooooo we have
an appointment for 3:15 today. Scans are set up
for Thursday so needless to say he won't be spending
a lot of time at school this week. I just hope we
can get some answers today. I am feeling sick, Kara
is FINALLY feeling better.............it has been
one heck of a week.

Thanks to those of you who continue to check on
Devin. He may not have cancer anymore, but
something is definetly amiss.

Keep our CB friends in your prayers. Especially
Miracle Girl Emma.

Visit Emma

Please sign the guestbook.

Sunday, May 7, 2006

We've had a pretty good weekend. The weather
has been cooperative so that has been nice to
be able to spend most of our time outside.

I'm afraid Devin is not going to qualify for
his endoscopy tomorrow. He is getting sick.
He had a little cough earlier in the week, but
now he is sounding horrible.

He's sleeping in this morning. He and Kara
BEGGED to go to the drive-in movie last night.
As grouchy as he was while we were there I just
know he is feeling bad; plus he lost a molar
while we were there! Between his last not
so great x-ray of his thymus and a hacking
cough I don't think he will qualify for
sedation.........fine. This is not a pressing
situation and we are used to changing our

We saw RV and part of Benchwarmers. The kids
really liked RV. It was a good show and of
course the thought of driving across the country
in an RV is right up Devin's alley. Thats
where his 'Caringbridge bus of health, hope and
happiness' comes in......he still has plans to
get that up and running and go visit all of his
CB buddies one of these days.

Everything else is fine here. Miss Maddie went
to the drive-in with us, but wasn't overly
impressed. She likes to get to bed a little
earlier and keep a schedule!!

Thanks for stopping by. Don't forget Devin's
friends in your prayers. Emma is still in need of lots
of prayers. There are several kids I have been unable
to access their sites so I apologize for not signing
in. Collin and Bethany are just a couple I haven't
been able to check on. HOPE everyone is doing well.

Sign the guestbook and let Devin know you were here.
He doesn't know you are thinking of him unless you
take a minute to sign. Thanks.

Friday, May 5, 2006

Happy Cinco De Mayo!!!!!!!!

Things are pretty good here.
Devin's new medicines seem to
be helping at least a little.

The tutoring and counseling seem
to be helping. It just seems like
we are overly busy lately. Between
Kara's dancing and gymnastics, Devin's
appointments and home improvement
projects we are a bit stressed.....but
in a good way!!!! As long as Devin can
stay cancer free I think we can handle
just about anything that gets thrown
our way....I'd like to think so anyway.

Please keep all of our CB friends in your
prayers. The Amazing Ben is home again,
but is getting ready to start
again on chemo. Miracle Girl Emma
is in desperate need of prayers.

Tuesday, May 2, 2006

What a day we had yesterday! Trying to get
too many things done and having not much of
anything working out right.

Devin DID have a successful visit with a new
doctor yesterday morning. Dev has been having
all sorts of gastro problems that just seem to
be getting worse by the day. I've called the
onco-clinic SEVERAL times only to be told to
'wait it out'. This doctor was not of that
opinion at all. He immediately changed Devin
off of the prevacid and put him on two NEW
meds........one for morning and one for bedtime.
He also ordered a bunch of bloodwork to rule out
some potential problems.

Onto the bloodwork. Wow. We were at a different
facility and I didn't say a thing in the blood lab
about any of Devin's 'history'. I didn't want to
scare anyone off of drawing him or make them think
I didn't have confidence in them..........finally
after the first 2 sticks Dev mentioned he wished
he still had a port because it was always so hard
to get his blood. He then went on to tell the guy
that EVERYONE had trouble getting his blood because
of the chemo messing up his veins. So....Dev was
handed off to another guy and after a couple of
more sticks the blood was drawn. I know it had to
hurt when they are rolling that needle around in
there, but Dev was so calm and brave. I was so
proud of him!

Monday the doctor wants to do an endoscopy. We've
got that set up. He thinks he knows what the problem
is...........and of course it was mentioned that this
is most likely CHEMO related. How could I have ever
guessed. This dr. wasn't too thrilled that the onco-
clinic was blowing him off. I told him not to even
get me started with that!

Everything else seems to be a little up in the air
around here. We are TRYING to get some work done
around the house before our big company. We accepted
a bid on getting some pavers put on the side of our
house last week and now the guy has disappeared on us...
so we are trying to get that figured out. What a mess.

Randy has some serious issues he is dealing with at
work that are threatening to send him out of town for
awhile. That is the last thing I need right now. Kara
is struggling with wanting to go to dancing and is
keeping herself stressed about that. She has been
getting 'sick' on Mondays. Her dancing teacher had
a talk with her yesterday about it, so hopefully things
are fine again. Dev's tutoring is going well, I'm
just waiting on an OK from the school to pull him out
early a couple of days a week.

I was feeling a bit stressed last night because I left
the house with Dev before 8 for the appointment and
didn't get back until almost 8 with Kara after dancing.......
then I put things into perspective: this
is just 'normal' life. Thank God there is no cancer
involved anywhere in this picture. All of this stuff
is just minor compared to what we've done in the past.
We are grateful to be stressed about these little
things. I find myself laughing because its just all
so insignificant in the big picture.

Thanks for stopping by. Don't forget to pray for all
of our CB friends and their families. Sign the guestbook
and let us know you were here.

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Hello from Utah.

We are having computer problems so we haven't
been able to update like we'd like. Devin is
doing good. He's been feeling better, but is
still anxious to maybe get some answers on Monday
from the gastro doctor.

He started the tutoring this week and just loves it.
His tutor is super nice and full of energy. She was
even tutoring him with his soccer!! He thought that
was pretty cool. Kara really likes her too. She has
decided that she needs tutoring too. She is used to
getting her way so I'm sure she'll be sitting in on
some tutoring lessons too.

The countdown is on for our company. The kids are so
excited. We've got about 100 projects up in the air
that we're trying to get done BEFORE everyone gets here.
If one major thing gets done I'll be happy.

Dogs are doing pretty good. Randy and Kara took Willie
in this morning for a sore ear. He'll be on antibiotics
for awhile. Baby Maddie is doing great and just
learning new stuff all of the time. She is soooo smart!!
I took some new pictures of her this morning, so I'll
try and get them posted soon.

Thanks for stopping by to check on Mr. Devin.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Devin is feeling better and is
back at school. He wants everyone
to go by and wish Angel Chris a
Happy Birthday.

Happy Birthday Clownfish aka HippieGirl

Tuesday April 25, 2006

Devin is feeling better. He ate a sandwich
for lunch and so far it has stayed down.
Hopefully it was just a virus and he'll
continue feeling better and be back at
school soon. I do have him an appointment
with the gastro/liver clinic on JULY 25th!!

He's better mentally today as well. I talked
to the neuro-psych dr. this afternoon and she
felt the same way I did; possible dehydration.
Hopefully we've got that under control as well.
That is scary when he doesn't quite know what
is going on. It makes us all scared and it
just seems to come out of nowhere. I'm hoping
this was just some simple virus.

Kara and Randy have gone tonight to 'Puppy
School'. So far Maddie has learned to sit,
lay down and speak. Hopefully SOON she will
learn what it means to STAY....she makes me
nervous every time she sneaks past me out
the front door. She is quick and can be a
little sneak!!

We've began making serious plans for when
Mrs. Pam and Rosi come to visit. The kids
are soooo excited. We are hoping GG will
be able to visit as well. It would be nice
to have most of our original support system
in the same place at the same time!!! We
appreciate these people so much and can't
wait to get together.

Thanks for stopping by. Please leave Devin
a message and let him know you were here.

Monday, April 24, 2006

Well, I thought we had a good weekend. The weather
was beautiful and we got a lot done around the house.
The kids spent a lot of time playing outside with
friends and things seemed perfect.

Yesterday afternoon Devin started complaining about
feeling achy. By 9pm he was just worn out. I thought
he looked more pale than normal so went to get the
thermometer. He dove into the bathroom and began
throwing up. He was just violently ill. All of a
sudden I had a flashback. Poor kid was so sick; worst
of all the vomit was red. I got him cleaned up and
into bed. Within minutes he was sound asleep. He
woke this morning chilling and remembering that maybe
the red vomit was a result of the tomato soup he had
eaten for lunch....whew!! What a relief.

I tossed and turned last night all night with the
"what ifs" syndrome. Just one little episode like
this can throw us back to our cancer-days. Kara
was in the tub last night when all of this took
place and as we got her ready for bed last night I
could tell she was very worried. She knows that
when her brother gets sick anything is possible.

Right now I'm just playing 'watch and wait' with
Dev. He did eat a piece of toast this morning and
has kept it down. He doesn't have a fever, but just
looks sick. I'm praying that this is nothing more
than a normal spring-time virus.

Thanks for stopping by. Don't forget to pray for
our caringbridge friends and their families.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Everything is going well here. Kara is starting
to sound better. Her voice was pretty non-existant
for awhile. She's pretty froggy still, but is
certainly getting her energy back!!!!

Things aren't so great for Devin right now. He
doesn't seem to notice; which is good, but my
gosh is it frustrating. I just feel so helpless
when he gets this way. He's extra loveable and
sweet, but not knowing what the heck is going on
is very frustrating. I just wish there were some
type of warning signs to let us know when he's
going to be 'off'.

Maddie the pup is doing well. I had her at the vet
yesterday for her rabies vaccination. Poor baby did
NOT appreciate that at all. After giving Casey those
insulin shots 3 times a day for months I guess I wasn't
expecting her to whimper like she did. She spent all
yesterday afternoon catching up on her rest, but has
seemed good today. She's been helping me clean!!
What a helper she is. Every item I want to throw out
looks like a perfect toy to Maddie.

Randy is still in Napa Valley. He's hoping to make
his flight home tonight. The kids hope so too. They
REALLY miss their daddy when he's out of town. It
seems like he has too many out of state jobs these days.
I guess job security is good though, just doesn't give
him any time to study for the upcoming exam.

I looked at the calendar yesterday and realized Devin
is SEVEN MONTHS off of chemo!!!! Wow. I'm so glad
he is done. I just hope a cure for this horrible
disease can be found SOON. I feel so bad for Ben who is just starting his cancer journey AGAIN. Seven
year olds SHOULD NOT BE FIGHTING CANCER!!!!! No child
should!!!! We wish you the best Ben.

Less than a month until our sweet friend, Rosi, Kayla's granny is coming to see us. Mrs. Pam is flying in
from St. Louis to spend time with us too. It should
be lots of fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The kids are sooooo
excited!!!!!! Me too..........we're trying to get
everything planned now.

Thanks for stopping by.............do Devin a favor
and sign the guestbook. He likes to see who has come
by for a visit.

Off to look for some tamagotchis........Devin's latest obsession. They are next to impossible to find here
in the SLC area. Good thing grandma found some in OK
to mail out. Thanks Grandma!!

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

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Things are looking UP around here.
Kara is fever free this morning and
back in school. She sounds awful,
but was anxious to get back to her

Today is a big day for our buddy, Ben. He is having surgery today. Please stop by his site and lend some support. Good Luck Ben!!

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Devin & Kara

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Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Along the "cancer road" one comes across many
obstacles. The thing that keeps us all afloat
is the reliance of friends and family. The
cancer road is difficult; friends come and
they go. A lot of times when the going gets
tough the "friends" disappear.

We were extremely fortunate my mom
quit her job to help keep our family
intact. The last thing I wanted with
all of the upset with Devin's illness was
to have to worry about who was taking care
of Kara. My mom was able to take over Kara's
care and allow her to have continuity in her
young life when everything she knew had been
turned upside down and dumped. THANK YOU
momma for being there and keeping us from
all falling apart. I know it wasn't easy
to be the "glue" as you watched your grandson
be so sick. Thank you.

Another big thank you to a friend we met along
this journey who many of you have met through
caringbridge; Mrs. Pam. We met Mrs. Pam through
one of my childhood friend's children. Sheila's
daughter, Aryn, was a preschooler in Mrs. Pam's
preschool program. She introduced Mrs. Pam to
her very first pen-pal; my Devin.

We appreciate Mrs. Pam very much and have
come to think of her as a member of our family.
We have been able to meet her in person twice so
far. We met this last summer for a vacation in
Branson and here in Sept. for Devin's Light the
Night walk. She is like an adoptive grandparent
to my kids and a true friend to me. She is just
a bundle of fun and energy. We are getting
excited to see her again in May when our friend
Rosi comes to visit from Scotland. I know she
visits MANY of the kids here on Caringbridge
and worries when their parents worry and rejoice
when things go right.

Today is Mrs. Pam's birthday. We just wanted to
say Happy Birthday Mrs. Pam. Thanks for being
there when the going got tough!! We appreciate
you and hope you have a terrific birthday!!

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Thanks for stopping by. So far Devin hasn't got
what Kara has.......but Kara's fever is getting
higher and she is sounding worse.

Monday, April 17, 2006

We had a good, long Easter weekend.
The weather was just beautiful..perfect
for lots of outdoor activities.

Today is a different story. We woke up
to this:

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Also, Kara woke up sick with a very sore throat.
I've taken her to the doctor, but no strep..thank
goodness. Just something viral that will have to run
its course. Just hope that she doesn't spread it to
the rest of us. She can barely talk her throat is so
sore and just feels miserable.

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We baked Easter cookies this weekend.

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Decorated lots of eggs.......the kids really put some
effort into their eggs this year.

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Kara hunting eggs at 6:30 in the morning!!!!

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Maddie and Willie.......currently best friends.

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Dev and Kara....currently best friends....

Just a relaxing weekend. Hope your family had a great
Easter holiday. Thanks for stopping by and signing the

Friday, April 14, 2006

We've been having fun around here. I've had
the kids on a major cleaning spree around
here. They've really been full of energy.

Yesterday afternoon we had the pleasure of
meeting Matthew, his brother Lane and
mom Katrina at Chuck E Cheese. The kids had a
really fun time together. Devin is really
hoping that Lane (also 10, almost 11) decides to
go to Camp Hobe
with them. Me too. The kids had such a good time
there last year.

We need some serious prayers.
I just found out that Angel Ryan's mom is
in intensive care at Vanderbilt
with congestive heart failure. Daddy Phillip is
still in Iraq. They are hoping the Red Cross can
get him home soon. This family has already been to
hell and back.

Congrats to Miss Hadley on another STABLE scan!!! Way to go!!!!

Prayers to Ben and family for this newest battle against cancer. Ben is
scheduled to have surgery on Wednesday.

Caitlin is home from the hospital just in time to see herself on the Oprah show today!!

Thanks for stopping by. Please let Devin know
you were here.

Monday, April 10, 2006

We had a nice weekend. It was just beautiful
here so we spent a lot of time outside.

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Dev & Kara with the big bunny

Saturday we were able to go to the Cancer
Wellness Center's egg hunt. The kids had
a lot of fun. We even got to see our friends
and family there. There was face painting, egg
coloring, cookie decorating, egg 'bingo' and bag
painting. It was lots of fun for the kids and
not at all crowded like most events here in SLC.

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Kara getting her face painted

The weather was beautiful. No rain at all!!! It
was nice to be out in short sleeves for a change.
We've seen to be dragging out winter around here.
I think we are going to get another snow storm in
the not so distant future!!

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Devin and JT's brother Riley at the egg hunt

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Kara hunting for eggs

We made a really big decision this weekend. In the past
we have entered several lotteries for charter schools and
come up empty handed. In January we entered a lottery
for a new school to be opening in the fall and actually
had our names picked!! We have decided to opt out of the
ALPs program and try a brand new school. The kids are
excited because they will have an extra long summer. We
feel a fresh start at a new school might be just what
Devin needs. He seems to be having trouble right now
being the 'cancer kid' or the 'kid who had cancer' or 'I
didn't realize you were still alive' kid. Its been hard.

Thats all the news I have. I'm still waiting on Randy's
MRI, so I'll post that news when I get it. Here's
some new pictures of Miss Maddie aka Baby:

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Sleepy Maddie

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Maddie & Kara in their matching outfits

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Maddie taking a break in her basket under the computer desk

Friday, April 7, 2006

Devin stayed home from school yesterday
with some type of gastro-type thing, but
is back at school today. Its a short day
at school so hopefully he'll be fine.

Today is a big day for one of our friends.
Courtney is finishing her two years of chemo today!!!! What an
accomplishment!!! Way to go Courtney!!!

Everything else is going OK. The pup is growing
and is getting along well with Willie. I took her
to the vet Wednesday and she's up to 6 pounds. The
vet commented on how smart she is. Its nice to hear
good things every once in awhile!!

Still waiting on the results of Randy's brain MRI.

Thanks for stopping by.
Please sign the guestbook.

Wednesday, April 5, 2006

I had some fears when Devin was diagnosed that
if he ever made if through chemo that he would
be soooooooooooooo spoiled that we wouldn't know
what to do. Didn't happen. My main fears were
he would be treated 'differently'..........well,
he damn sure is treated differently, but not the
way I had worried about.

If you haven't read Lance Armstrong's book...I think
it is called "Not About the Bike"...I suggest it.
It will give you new insight into how these cancer
survivors are treated................and lets just
say even Lance had his days where he felt like 'less
of a person'. Even Lance had days where he was
treated like a big nothing; damaged goods. Its
not fair and its getting old. Enough already!

Needless to say between the constant struggle to
be taken seriously and all of the kids that are
fighting for their lives I am tiredofcancer!!

I got a message from Mary, Caitlin's mom a bit ago. The baby of the
family, Meagan, is worse today and is being
sent to another hospital to be admitted. Please
go and offer your support. Hang in there Mary!!

On a happier note, today is our friend Brock's 3rd birthday!!! Happy Birthday Cutie!!!
Hope you have a great day.

Off to pick up a couple of cuties from school....its
pouring rain here today. We're due SNOW tonight. Yeah.

Monday, April 3, 2006

Today was a good day.

Baby is doing well. Almost always tells
me when she needs to go out. What a dog...
she reminds me alot of Casey..not in her
looks, but in her actions. She is definetly
a keeper!!

Devin had another good day at school. He is
always coming home and telling me what fun
things they did. What a nice change!! Its
good to see him excited again about learning.
Just wish we would have made the switch sooner.

This afternoon my little buddy, JT and his mom came by see us.
JT had chemo today, but was
still just full of energy. Its so good to
see him looking so good.
He's really talking alot more.
Its great to see him growing inspite of all the
damn chemo that is constantly being pumped into
his little body. He was a little scared of the
puppy at first, but by the time he left he was
playing good with her; even brushing her!

Tonight the kids are playing well and Randy and I
are thinking about another trip to Hawaii. We're
hoping and praying that we can go again next March.
Its hard to think that far ahead without throwing
the 'what ifs' into the mix. I try not to think
that way, but sometimes I get jerked back into

I got an e-mail from Ben's mom that his scan today showed
his cancer is back. I cannot
tell you how frightening this is. I just feel
horrible about it. He has already gone the
rounds with cancer at least 3 times,
Please go and offer this incredible family your
support. We met Ben through Clownfish. What a
great kid.

Thanks for stopping by.

Sunday, April 2, 2006

Thanks for stopping by!!

First off........Happy Birthday to our CB friend, Robin
She is turning seven today!! Also a
big happy birthday to our friend, Rickey, who is
turning THIRTEEN years old today!! I can't
believe he is a teenager now!! Rickey's
little sister Aryn introduced us to Mrs.
Pam and her preschool pen pals.

We've had a pretty uneventful weekend so far..
yesterday was rainy and snowy!! The only time
spent outside was taking 'Baby' outside. She is
doing really well!! I hate to brag, but she is just
amazing us all!! Kara says her real name is Maddie,
but we can call her Baby.

Friday night we were able to see Nancy Cartwright
at a local community college. She
is the voice of Bart Simpson. She was really funny
and the kids really enjoyed listening to her talk
about her 'Life as a 10 year old boy'. She wasn't
signing autographs, but Dev is planning on sending
something in to get it signed. He was able to ask
her a question. I was impressed that he jumped up
at the opportunity to get up in front of the crowd
and talk. He never ceases to amaze me.

Thanks for stopping by to check on Devin. Please
sign the guestbook and let him know you were here...

Friday, March 31, 2006

Things are going well around here.
Devin is enjoying school and comes home
everyday talking about the fun stuff they
are doing in school. He just really seems
like he is enjoying it all!! We are sooooo
happy for him. He deserves to be happy. He
hasn't exactly had the best childhood on
record. I feel so bad for all that he has gone
through. Lots of times I find myself trying to
remember myself in second and third grade AND
SO GLAD that I just don't remember much. I'm
hoping Devin (and Kara) will be the same. The
life they have is certainly not what I had
envisioned for either of them. I know that things
are smooth at the moment, but I just still feel like
things could happen at any given moment. I think until
Devin reaches that 5 year mark..........only 4 1/2 years
to go, that I will remain guarded. I thought the school
issues were a big deal.....and they are/were, but I
received an email from a friend last week about her
'cancer free' daughter, and it wasn't good.

Jana, befriended Devin early in his caringbridge days.
She was the very first person we 'met' who had been
through treatment for NHL Lymphoblastic Lymphoma III
and LIVED to tell about it!!! We found out through her
family just how lucky we were to be on the protocol Dev
was on, rather than the one that Jana and our Canadian
hero, Christopher, were on. Jana came through her treat-
ment and went onto college. She has become an advocate
for environmental protection and just an all around great
person!! Last week we found out that Jana has been having
some troubles of her own. She was recently diagnosed with
the dreaded avascular necrosis and was scheduled for surgery yesterday. They are hoping to stop the spread of
the AVN. I just feel horrible about this. AVN is serious and while it is not life-threatening it is very much life-
altering. Please pray for Dev's friend Jana that this surgery will help her.

The puppy is doing well. She is very intelligent and just
making friends wherever she goes. She still has not been given a name, but answers to 'Baby'. She is a cutie. I love to watch her play with the kids. She can make Devin laugh like I haven't heard him laugh in years. I am so glad we have her.

Thanks for stopping by. Please keep our friends in your prayers.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Good Morning!!

Our 'Baby' arrived yesterday about 5pm. The kids
are thrilled with her!! The pictures don't do her
justice. She is much cuter in person. Willie's not
quite sure what to think of her, but hopefully he will
come to his senses soon. The kids think she is GREAT!!

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Picking her up from the airport

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Another airport picture

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First car ride

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Standing on top of her first mail...thanks Mrs. Pam

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Dev with the new baby before school this morning.

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Kara and Dev before school with the pup

Dev had ANOTHER great day at school yesterday. I'm
hoping today is another repeat!!!!! School should be

Thanks for stopping by.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Today is the day!!!!
The kids are soooooooooo excited.
I had them down on their hands and knees cleaning
last night and looking for anything the new puppy
might find to put in her mouth. Don't want her to
make any quick trips to the vet.

We pick her up at the airport after school today.
I was hoping for some sunshine to welcome her to
Utah, but its been pouring all day. I don't know
that the rain is going to let up anytime soon.

Devin had a GREAT day yesterday. He was in a super
good mood when I picked him up and was excited to
tell me about his day. He had a little homework,
which he did quickly and easily. He said he wouldn't
have had any, but he didn't finish it at school. He
said he was glad he switched to this new class.

Kara had a good day too. Her class celebrated her
birthday and everyone made cards for her. She said
she got to talk in front of the class about what her
favorite things were, so she liked the extra attention.

We're all ready for the pup this afternoon. I'll post
some pictures after we get her here. So exciting!!!

Thanks for stopping. Please sign the guestbook.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Thanks for stopping by.
Kara had a good birthday. She made sure everyone knew it was HER BIRTHDAY, to a point of being obnoxious at times. We went to Build a Bear after lunch where she picked out a pink poodle she named 'Kaily'.

After dad came home we headed over to meet some neighbors at Hollywood Connection. The kids played games, rode the rides and played miniature golf then we ate dinner at Applebees. Of course they sang to her and she thought that was pretty great. Grandma had made her a pink layer cake at home so we had cake when we got home.

The kids have enjoyed just relaxing this last week off track. We did go to Chuck E Cheese earlier in the week, but mostly have just hung around the house and enjoyed not having to be anywhere. GG went home on Thursday evening so we are already planning when we'll see her again.

The big news is our little puppy will be here Tuesday afternoon. I think I am more excited than anyone. I just can't wait to see this little bundle of fluff!!! Luckily Kara doesn't have gymnastics or dancing Tuesday after school so both kids can make the run to the airport with me. Kara was so afraid that I was going to get to hold the puppy before she was.....hmm.

The kids go back to school tomorrow and are both excited!! Devin starts in his new class and we are all hoping it will be a fresh start for him. Both kids are excited to get back to seeing their friends.

Tonight we have a family party for Kara over at Randy's parents house. More cake!! More time to be the center of attention for Kara!!

Thanks for stopping by. Please sign the guestbook and let Devin know you were here.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Today is a very special day at our house!
Kara is turning EIGHT!!!!

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We love you very much Kara and hope you have a great day!!!

Here's some pictures of Kara through the years....

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Kara with dad 3-23-98; 8 lbs and 3 oz of baby girl!!

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Kara liked PINK and POOH from early on!! We called her little Pooh and bought her all kinds of Pooh things.

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Little Pooh turns TWO. We celebrated with friends at Peter Pipers Pizza. She was so worn out by the end of this party that she was falling asleep on the table.

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Kara turned THREE with yet another pink cake. She loves dressing up, putting on/eating lipgloss and her 'RuRee'..her name for Devin.

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By FOUR years old Kara is VERY into dressing up and princesses. We had a princess party at home with Kara's own throne set up for present opening. Grandma Gwen made a beautiful cake for the 'ball'.

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At FIVE years old Kara is still a girly girl. She still loves playing barbies and dressing up. One of her favorite gifts for this birthday was a set of Disney princess wigs.........which she STILL plays with today.

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Kara turned SIX and celebrated with a swimming party. This was Kara's first and hopefully ONLY party that Devin couldn't attend (low counts and a broviac kept him away from the pool and people). We had a good time anyway. Kara was thrilled with her 'magical unicorn' birthday cake. She wanted a REAL unicorn this year, but this was as close as it got.

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Last year was a great joint-party with Devin. We had tons of kids and tons of fun at Bouncin off the Walls. She got lots of craft stuff for her birthday which she loved.

This year Kara wants to go to Build a Bear for her birthday. We have decided to buy her a puppy, but have not got the travel arrangements completed yet.....one problem...the puppy still lives in Iowa with its mother and we're in Utah. Dad is hoping to get the details worked out SOON. We are starting to get a little anxious!!

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Here's a picture of the new baby. We can't decide on a name yet.

We've got plans to go out tonight with some of our neighbor friends and GG. She hasn't made up her mind where we're going, but I'm hoping Fat Cats. She has requested that GG makes her another cake....PINK with a kitty and a ballerina on it. OK. I bet Grandma can do that!!

Thanks in advance for the gifts and cards that are sitting waiting to be opened.

3-22 Dev is doing fine today. He slept in, then I took him to chiro. and he is as good as new. I haven't heard back from the clinic on the LP except for the cancer and herpes which were both NEGATIVE. I'm assuming the other stuff is good too, but I'll call and remind them we're waiting for results.

Thanks for stopping by. Please take a minute and sign the guestbook.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Good Morning!
Things are going well around here.
Devin is doing soooooooo much better.
He seems to be remembering things a lot
quicker and just seeming happier with life
in general. Its good to see the 'old' Devin
coming back to us.

I was bragging last night that his back was
doing so much better. He was at a point
where he was visiting the chiropractor about
twice a week.......he hasn't gone in over a
week. Last night, AFTER I bragged, he said
his back was killing him and actually ASKED
for some pain pills. He usually doesn't ask
for drugs, so I knew it was serious. I guess
we'll be back at our favorite chiro. later today!

Yesterday we went to Chuck E Cheese for lunch. The
kids had a great time and won LOTS of tickets.
They decided to 'save' their winnings for another
day so they could get something 'good'.....anyone
who's been to Chuck E Cheese knows what that means!

Miss Kara turns EIGHT tomorrow. All she says she
wants for her birthday is a puppy......so stay tuned
to see if she gets her wish. Dad has been doing A LOT
of research on the internet the past week or so, so
don't be surprised....its exciting to think about!!
The pups we are looking at are called Cavachon. IF
anyone out there has any info on this dog please send
me an email. Thanks.

Not much else to report. One minute its snowing here,
then we turn on the sunshine. Wierd spring weather!!

Thanks for stopping. Please take a minute to sign the

Sunday, March 19, 2006

What a day! I woke up this morning and realized today is SIX MONTHS with NO CHEMO!! What a reason to celebrate!! I cannot believe it didn't dawn on me until I flipped the calendar this morning; too many birthdays to figure out I guess.

Anyway, we couldn't let the day pass without some sort of celebration. This is a BIG DEAL!!!!! It seems unbelievable that the day of NO MORE DRUGS is officially here!!! Devin has been taking septra twice a day for two days a week for the past six months so its official tomorrow: no more drugs!!! Its exciting!!

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6 Months Chemo Free !!!!

We've had a good week. We made a quick trip out to Wendover. The grownups took turns watching kids and playing. It was nice to get away. Devin LOVED the buffet at the casino. After he ate a bit of food he got started on the dessert line. The chocolate fountain was right up his alley!!

After the quick Nevada run we headed home in search of ghost towns. We were able to locate a couple. Devin has had a fascination with ghost towns for several years, but usually when we go hunting for them there is not much left except a pile of bricks. We did find the town of Ophir. It looks like they are fixing the place up with vacation homes and such. The kids both thought all of the old stuff was really cool.

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Ophir, Utah

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The kids outside of an outhouse in Ophir.

Devin had a good birthday. I fixed him an ice cream cake which he really seemed to enjoy. He did NOT appreciate the trick candles I put on it!! He told me I better not pull that trick on him again!!

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Devin trying to get those candles out!!

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Devin with his birthday balloons.

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Dev with some mini toblerones from Scotland!!

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Dev with a cool gift courtesy of his Florida friends!!

I've taken the security password off of Devin's site for several reasons. The main reason being this site is here to HELP people. Devin's site was first started after many email conversations with Leslie; Christopher's mom.

I told her that I checked her journal history time and time again trying to make sense of what was happening at the time to Devin. The fact that I could read about a child with the SAME KIND OF CANCER at any time of the day or night without disturbing a soul was a lifesaver to our family. I don't want someone who needs to see how Dev reacted to a certain drug their child is on to not be able to get info. that could help.

Also, AWARENESS of this disease needs to be promoted. If I lock up Devin's site many people will not have access to his story; a story about a kid who fought cancer and won his battle here on earth!!

I received an email from Mary, Chris aka Clownfish aka Hippy Girl mom over the weekend. If I could post this here and help raise funds for the American Cancer Society for Chris's team we'll keep this site open. So many people are touched by cancer each day. Please help out by donating to your favorite cancer charity...........Here's the email from Mary:

Just a quick note that the Fox Cities 2006 Sole Burner is May 13th. You can visit www.soleburner.org for more information. You can either walk the Sole Burner or run it.
Anyone interested in making a donation and/or joining our team, ClownPhish, in memory of Chris Schauf & her friend Jason Fisher can visit the following website & join by April 22: Team ClownPhish Donations

Our goal is to raise money & awareness for the American Cancer Society.
If you have any other questions feel free to call or email.
Thank you,
Hope to hear from you and see you in May.
The Family of Chris Schauf
Until there is a Cure

Please remember a cure depends on money for research. Devin is done with chemo treatments, but not without side effects. So many people are not so lucky. We need kinder treatments, but most of all we NEED A CURE!!! Please help us out.

Some of our Angel Friends








Christopher in Canada

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Devin had a great birthday. He woke up early and called Mrs. Pam so that the Preschool Penpals could sing to him. He thought that was pretty neat!!

He began opening gifts early in the day and is still getting things in the mail to open. He has been overwhelmed with cards and packages!! Thank you soooo much!!!

He got a lot of really cool stuff!!! Thanks GG, Nettina Family, Mrs. Pam, Templetons, Rosi, Trudy and everyone who left messages and sent cards and packages. It was a great day.

Devin's big gift was an iPod and he has been having lots of fun downloading music. He also got a really cool hovercraft that is a lot of fun, some movies, games, LOTS of cool t-shirts (NINE) WOW!!! He also got some Green Day cd's, a new wallet, money, Spirit of St. Louis, toblerones and other fun stuff. His room looks like Santa has been here!!!

On his birthday we went with some neighbor kids to a place called Hollywood Connection and let the kids play games and miniature golf. They had a lot of fun. After that we went to "The Pie" for pizza....Devin's favorite, then back home for his ice cream cake (Reeses peanut butter cups). It was a fun, exhausting day!!

Tuesday he was pretty much wiped out and we just hung out at the house. It has been snowing off and on here so when the weather breaks the kids go out and ride bikes. They are enjoying their time off of school.

Yesterday Randy and I went to the school and withdrew Devin from his current class and put him in another one. We were actually lucky enough to meet the new teacher and explain to her what the problem areas are. She just smiled and said "no problem". She seems excited to get Devin in her class. I'm glad. He seems excited to go back....he's got some good friends in that class.

Tonight we're going to take a quick jaunt out of town. Devin is wanting to find some ghost towns so we'll see what we can find. The kids are also wanting to go to a hotel and go swimming so we're trying to get that done before they go back to school. We wanted to go to Las Vegas between the kids birthdays, but Randy has TWO trips (Kentucky and Alabama) next week, plus the weather in Vegas isn't supposed to be so great this weekend.

Thanks for stopping by. I'll post some birthday pictures soon.

March 13th, 2006

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On this day ten years ago Devin was born!!!

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He was just perfect!!

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One year old cutie!!

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Two years old and obsessed with cars and trucks. He read the Tonka books so much that he could recognize all of the construction trucks. Everyone assumed his dad must work in construction!

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By three years old he had narrowed his obsession down to FIRE TRUCKS!!! We stopped in every fire station in every town we ever visited!! We were regulars. His favorite song was Barney's "Firetruck song". He loved to 'drise' (couldn't say his v's for the longest time) his firetruck and wear his firehat.

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His friends at preschool thought dinosaurs were cool, so Devin did too. We had an inflatable dinosaur jumping house for his birthday!!

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We spent Devin's FIFTH birthday in Las Vegas due to dad's conference. He loved it!! We went to Circus Circus and Excalibar and he had a blast.

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Devin celebrated his SIXTH birthday with an 'under the sea' party featuring Sponge Bob. The highlight of this party was a box of 'buried treasure' that Randy had brought home full of seashells for the kids to uncover.

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Devin turned seven and celebrated with a party at Some Dude's Playground....an inflatables place. This was his last birthday of innocence. I look at these pictures of him and I can see something wasn't right. This birthday was 6 months before he was diagnosed.

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Eight was a quiet birthday. Devin had very low counts, but his spirits were good. He celebrated his birthday with a small miniature golf party with a few close friends. The entire impromptu party depended on if Devin would need blood that day; luckily he didn't!!

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Devin turned NINE with a co-party at 'Bouncin' off of the Walls' with Kara. He celebrated with a hippie bus cake and lots of friends!!!

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This year Devin is turning TEN and just happy to be alive and doing so well. He looks good and feels good. Dad will be at a conference here in SLC all day, so we'll do whatever Devin wants until dad gets home. Devin has requested pizza for dinner and possibly some bowling. We'll have a small party at the house tonight, then keep on celebrating throughout the month. We're hoping to get to Las Vegas for a getaway between the kids birthdays, then to have the 'kid' parties after they are both back in school.

Happy Birthday Devin!!! We love you more than words can say!! You're our beautiful, loving, angelic and cream-puff little boy. We hope all of your dreams come true!!!!! You deserve them all, and then some!!!

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Its been a good weekend.

Friday night we went to the University of Utah's
gymnastic meet. The kids really enjoyed it. Devin
took a friend with him and I think they enjoyed the
snowcones and snacks more than the actual gymnastics!!

Yesterday we messed around during the day, then Randy and I went birthday shopping last night. Its hard to believe that our baby boy is turning TEN years old tomorrow!!! It seems like he was just born yesterday. Its hard to believe he has been through so much in his ten years. We are so proud of him. Not only is he kind and generous, but he is also very brave, smart and good-looking!! He's quite a kid!!

I sure hope he likes his presents. I will tell you that he had his heart set on a blackberry, but that was a bit out of mom and dad's price range!!! Plus, we get him something like that....what the heck would be get the kid in the years to come????

He is so funny. He was asking exactly where we had been while we were gone last night. We gave him no hints. I'm hoping he'll be pleasantly surprised!!!

Thanks for stopping by. Please sign the guestbook.

Friday, March 10, 2006

Sorry for the delay in updating. My kids don't allow me much time on the computer these days.

The LP went just great yesterday. We were in clinic by 8:15 and actually got to see Dr. L.. Lucky for us, I guess, Devin was having a really 'off' day and Dr. L. got to see it first hand. Devin had got an Xbox machine out of the hall and it took him FIVE tries to remember how to get the games for it. I could tell Dr. L. was just soaking it all in. This is the same kid that used to remind nurses when they weren't following procedures!!

Anyway, Dr. L. checked him out as OK for sedation, wrote us a much-needed RX for some sleep medicine and sent us down to the RTU. Devin spent his waiting time down there drawing.

We got a VERY conscientious anesthesiologist yesterday. Of course the minute he walks in Devin starts up with that barky cough. He didn't like the sounds of that one bit. Then he read on about the enlarged thymus and got even more concerned. I told him the date on the scan and he left the room to check out the scan. After a few minutes he came back in the room. I really had the feeling he was going to make us re-schedule, but instead he asked Devin if he thought he would be OK with just the nitrous. Dev said "SURE, lets get this done...I'm hungry" and off we went.

Within minutes of getting nitrous Dev was laughing his head off. The doctor got the IV in on the first try and
Dev was even laughing about that. The NP said he was too wiggly for the LP, so the dr. gave him a little fentanyl to calm him down. I specifically requested NO verced after the last horrible sedation experience.

The LP experience went great. Dev was up and around about 30 minutes after he went to recovery. That is pretty much a record for him. Everyone there could remember him from when he was soooo sick and was sooooooo glad to see him. Of course he couldn't remember ANY of them.....which was sad, but they were just glad he is looking and doing so well!!!! Quite a change from the scrawny, bald kid we used to have to carry in there because he was too weak to walk!!! He's come a long ways!!!!!

After waking up Dev was starving. He said he wanted to go to the California Pizza Kitchen so we headed down to Gateway to eat. He ate pretty much his whole pizza and said he wanted dessert, but we headed home instead. Don't want to tempt fate with all of the drugs in his system, and the greasy pepperonis were already making me nervous!!! No, he's never thrown up after anesthesia, but theres always a first!!

We spent the rest of the day just playing around the house; except for dad, who had to get to work. It snowed off and on yesterday and when the sun finally came the kids insisted on riding their bikes. It really just turned out to be a good day.

About the LP results: This was the shocking part to me; we will be waiting AT LEAST a week to hear anything. The sample is being sent over to infectious disease for cultures and evidently the spinal fluid cultures take a bit longer than the normal blood cultures. I'll keep you updated!!

Also, CBC was done and all of Dev's counts were in the NORMAL range!!! Amazing!!!!!

On the school front: I've received a couple of calls from the school district office since I last updated, but no real news.

Thanks to all of you who have sent boxes and cards Dev's way for his upcoming birthday!!!!! I picked up two over-sized packages from the post office day before yesterday from the Nettinas, received a large package at the house yesterday from the Bohannons and Mrs. Pam. Thanks guys...with the exception of the Bohannons box the kids are waiting until closer to birthday time to open the gifts!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you. My living room looks like a mail room right now.

Please sign the guestbook and let Dev know you were here.

Wednesday, March 8, 2006

Things are going better here.
I've talked to the Utah Parent Center and it
seems the "IEP meeting" was not done in accordance
with the law. I talked to an advocate there for over
an hour yesterday and she is going to mail me out
some information to help. I've also made a couple of
calls to the school district and am awaiting some
answers there.

The advocate did tell me that they do get many calls from parents of cancer patients going back to school facing the same difficulties Devin is facing. She said that she feels lack of education on the part of the teacher is a big reason these teachers are hesitant to help these kids. Its sad. They go through so much to live, then are faced with so many challenges in a place they should feel safe and secure.

Cancer is not contagious; discrimination is.

Tomorrow Devin is having an LP (lumbar puncture). Dr. L. just wants to completely rule out that his spinal fluid is clear. This is just a preventative measure to make sure NOTHING is lurking in his spinal fluid to attribute to his memory loss. Dev went to bed with a barky cough last night so we'll see if they allow him to stay on the schedule.

Here's some pictures from the science fair. The projects stayed at the school for less than 24 hours, so we are now enjoying it at home. It sure seemed like a lot of work for not so much display time.

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Dev filling up balloons

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Dev weighing balloons for the experiment

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Devin in front of the finished display

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Thanks for stopping by....

Tuesday, March 7, 2006

We've been busy around here.

On Saturday we took a drive over to the Logan area and visited a cheese factory. Devin has had a new fascination with cheese, so this was right up his alley. After that we visited a place where honey is collected and got to see the bee hive up close and personal. Pretty neat. We also visited a historic soda fountain that has been in business since 1914. The kids thought it was neat to sit at the counter and order an ice cream. It was a fun, different way to spend the day.

Randy is back from an exciting week in Newirk, New Jersey. The kids were sooooo glad to get their daddy home. I think the highlight of him coming home is seeing what he brought them. He brought Kara a Hello Kitty purse and Devin an Aerosmith CD that he DIDN'T already have....that is quite a job to find something he doesn't have related to Aerosmith. He still says he is their #1 fan!!

Yesterday we went up to the hospital to meet up with JT and his family. We took Riley and Kierstin, JT's older brother and sister, over to Fat Cats and had pizza and played games. Afterwards we took Riley back up to the hospital for his appointment and took the other kids downtown to the "Beehive House" for a tour. The kids thought that was pretty neat and enjoyed running around for awhile.

Today Kara has her dental appointment and couldn't be happier. She really enjoys going to the dentist....I don't know if its all of the compliments she gets while she is there, or just the noise of the drill as she claims. I'm hoping its the compliments!!

Thanks for stopping by. Please leave Devin a message and let him know you were here.

I'll try and get some pictures up later..........I'm at least a day behind on everything right now.

Sunday, March 5, 2006

Wow! I cannot believe its been a week since I updated Devin's site. This past week has been a difficult one. I'm HOPING that this week is a HUGE improvement!!

On Monday afternoon I found out FROM THE NEURO-PSYCHOLOGIST that the IEP meeting was scheduled for 3:30 on Tuesday afternoon. The dr. had received a phone call Monday morning telling her WHEN the meeting was going to be. Luckily her testing had been cancelled and she was going to be able to attend the meeting. Interesting.

I had spoken to the 'education specialist' the week before and told her specifically that my husband would be out of town. Evidently it doesn't matter what works with our schedule.

The meeting was horrible. I do not want to go into any further details. It was an hour and a half of pure hell in my opinion. Nothing was settled. In fact it seemed like it was more of a meeting to decided how to cut back on the teacher's responsibility. I do know that this has been hard on her. It has been hard on all of us, but that does not mean we give up on Devin!!!!!!!! I had no idea that public school educators could pick and choose who they wish to educate!!! Enough on this........I am trying NOT to get another migraine.

Anyway, Devin stayed home from school Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Honestly I felt like it was no longer safe for him to be in her room. Several things were said in the meeting that really, really, REALLY worried me. His safety AND mental health are very important. His stress level was through the roof and he just slept and slept while he was home. He had a couple of chiropractor visits to get him 'back in shape'. Luckily, he is now 'off track' for the next three weeks while we sort this mess out.

Randy will be home tonight and we've got some meetings set up next week with some outside sources to see exactly what Devin's rights are. GG has agreed to stay a little longer to help with watching kids while we get things done.

I DO KNOW that he is an IMPORTANT person and deserves the right to an education!!!!!! We have agreed that Devin will NOT be going back to her class, but are not sure at the moment where he will be going.

Some extra prayers would be appreciated as we sort out this mess. Also, I'm going to get Devin in for the LP this week to make sure his spinal fluid is still clear.


Saturday, February 25, 2006

Thank you, thank you, thank you for the messages of support regarding getting Devin's IEP in place. It sounds like we have quite a few true education advocates reading his site. Thanks for the website links and valuable information. It helps to know that we are not alone in this fight.

Devin is still sleeping this morning. He didn't get to have his sleepover last night. I was really dreading telling him, but he took it all in stride. I guess he is just so damn used to disappointment that one more thing just doesn't affect him the way it should. His friend was supposed to spend the night yesterday, but his mom called and due to a bad progress report the friend was being grounded. Hopefully the boys can get together sometime soon.

He asked me yesterday when he is going to get help in school. He knows that we are working on it, but doesn't quite understand what it is all about and why it is taking so long. I don't either. I tried to explain it to him, but honestly it doesn't make a lot of sense to me either. He's not absorbing too many details right now so I just kept it really simple. Gosh, I will be glad to get something set up.

I am just so sad and frustrated over this all. It is certainly not the dream I had for Devin....none of it is, but you just have to make the best of your situation. I just want the best for him; now and always. I'm tired of waiting. We all are.

Thanks for stopping by. Please sign the guestbook.

Friday, February 24, 2006

Whew!! Thank God its Friday!!!
Short day at school for the kids.
It will be good to have a nice relaxing

Randy and I had parent teacher conferences
last night. That made for an interesting
night. Devin and Kara stayed home with GG;
Devin had come home early from school yesterday,
so he was still recuperating.

Not much other news here. Just waiting for
Devin's IEP to get set up, waiting for Randy's
doctors to call back regarding his upcoming tests,
waiting for Devin's cough to clear so we can
schedule the LP......basically same stuff, different

Today is our little friend, Kari's big 3rd birthday!! Please go by and wish her a great day. She is a cutie!!

Also, wondering who knows about our little friend, Heather Grace's, site?? I can't seem to access it and have been having trouble with my email. Hope everything is ok there.

Thanks for stopping by. Please leave Devin a message and let him know you were here.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Have you ever felt like you were beating your head
against the wall? That is how I feel about this IEP..
who would have known it STILL wouldn't be in place.
I FINALLY talked to the 'education specialist' at the
school today. She hadn't returned any of my phone calls
since our original conversation, so it was good to
finally make contact????

Anyway, she did receive the test results from our
independent neuro-psych testing, BUT didn't seem to
understand exactly what they meant. She seemed to
think that according to her testing that Devin could
now pass 7th grade and if he would just get motivated
that he could do better in his current 4th grade
class. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Not so sure that I
agree with that. She did NOT think he needed an IEP.
She felt that he could come to her class the last 30
minutes of the day and they could go over homework
tried to explain to her what the 18 page report of
test results told, but I honestly felt like it was
falling on deaf ears. She said she would contact the
neuro-psychologist and have her tell the recommendations.

Well, so far I have talked to the neuro-psych doctor TWICE today. (She is very good at returning phone calls) She
has yet to hear back from the 'education specialist' after
several messages left for her. Frustrating does not even
describe it.

Neuro-psych says that Devin would qualify for the IEP regardless of the chemo=induced brain damage. In the meantime we just play the waiting game and allow everyone at school to think that Devin has chosen to make things harder than they truly are. We all know that kids like to be made to feel like they are not working up to their abilities.....NOT.

All I want is for a little respect. Someone to say DEVIN IS IMPORTANT and he has some problems right now. Lets work on those problems. He is VERY smart, yet very confused as to why his brain isn't functioning the way it was prior to chemo. I just feel so bad for him. Things that we all took for granted just don't happen anymore....meaning remembering the little things. Its damn frustrating. Anyone who thinks this is some made-up charade to get attention needs to spend a day with our family. These new problems are certainly not limited to school only. He is NOT intentionally trying to make anyone mad.

Thanks for stopping by. Please sign the guestbook. We watch the numbers go up with no sign ins....we wonder who you are and what brought you to Dev's site.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

It's done!!
I didn't get a picture of him with it tonight so I'll
take one in the morning before he heads out to school.
It looks very nice and colorful!! He is insisting on
taking the helium tank as part of his display. We'll
see if he changes his mind in the morning.

Here's a picture that Caitlin's dad fixed up for Devin's project. Devin said it looks
like he is flying over Thomas the Train's village.....we just put that he was flying over Colorado. Devin was really impressed with the picture. Thanks Brian!! Also,
thanks for the VERY cool package we got today!!! It was a very nice surprise!!!

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Thanks for stopping by. Please leave Devin a message and let him know you were here. Thanks!!

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

The dentist appointments went well and both kids
got their wishes. Kara has 2 tiny cavities; which
thrilled her!! Devin was once again cavity-free.
He was so happy. He can't stand the thought of
messing up his perfect smile!

The kids are both off to school this morning.
Hopefully Devin will remember to turn in his homework
today. He has an entire notebook full of stuff from
last week, but forgot to turn it in. I'm hoping he
doesn't get points deducted for it. He just can't
seem to remember how important it is to turn in his
finished work. I will be sooooo glad when this IEP
is in place and he can start getting some help. We
are all frustrated right now.

Everything else is going ok. The science fair project
is due tomorrow so we'll finally be done with that
tonight. It has been a real struggle to get Devin to
stay focused long enough to get the steps done, but
slowly he has done it. He told me yesterday he is
ready for a vacation!! Me too!!

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Devin, GG and Kara

Thanks for stopping by to check on Devin. Please leave
a message and let him know you were here.

Monday, February 20, 2006

Happy President's Day!!

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Like Devin said yesterday...more than once...thank God
for presidents!!! We are all so happy to have a LONG
weekend!! Devin just couldn't believe that he didn't
have to go to school today. He asked me several times
yesterday just why they were not going to school. He
seemed to be having more than the usual memory problems

Well, I guess most parents might have something fun
planned for their kids long weekend, but leave it to
me to have something extra special lined up for the kids
at 9am this morning........thats right, no sleeping in
around here, Devin and Kara are going to the dentist!!

Devin is terrified. He confessed to me last night that
he hadn't been taking such good care of his teeth and of
course is worried. To him, the thought of a cavity is much worse
than the threat of cancer. I guess he really values his reputation
of being cavity-free for close to ten years

Kara told me at bedtime last night that she actually HOPES she has at least one cavity so she can go back and get the
drill. Sounds a bit sadistic to me, but with her soft teeth I am almost betting she'll get her wish. Luckily her permanent teeth seem to be much stronger than her baby teeth.

Other than dental appointments on a holiday....who would have thought the dentist wouldn't have taken the day off, we have no real plans. I'm sure we'll think of something fun to do with our free time.

Yesterday afternoon Kara, GG and I went to see Nanny McPhee, while the boys went to see The Pink Panther. Everyone seemed to have a good time. I thought the Nanny
movie was cute, however, Devin was convinced that his movie had to have been better than ours. Crazy kid.

Thanks for stopping by. Please sign the guestbook and let us know who is visiting.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Things are going ok here. I'm finally
starting to get rid of whatever crud I
have had this week and getting back on
schedule. Devin seems to be feeling good,
except for a horrible cough.

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Devin and Kara last week

Randy and Devin went with Devin's home
health nurse's son to Monster Trucks last
night. Devin thought that was really cool
to see "Grave Digger" again and even talked
dad into a new t-shirt. The last t-shirt he
had with Grave Digger on it was when he was
about 4 years old.

We're still working on science fair around here.
Devin's attention span isn't too great and it
seems to be taking A LOT longer than it should.
I also noticed tonight when going through his
planner that he forgot (again) to turn in his
homework. Hopefully it won't be counted late
when its turned in on Tuesday. (no school Monday)
I don't understand why it is so difficult for him
to remember to turn it in, but hopefully that is
something that can be addressed in the IEP......NO
its STILL not set up. We are past ready to have
some accomodations in place for him. I just feel
like he is getting further and further behind waiting
to get things in place.

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Kara before school on Valentine's Day; Dev was sick.

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Devin after school with his Valentines from school...

Kara is enjoying all of the postcards she has been
receiving in class. Thanks to everyone who has sent
them. On Valentine's Day she received ELEVEN!! She
was so happy. Feel free to send more; they are still
collecting them and it is fun to see where they come

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Kara reading a postcard in class

Thanks to all of you for the Valentines messages,
cards and packages. Devin and Kara got an early
birthday present from Jane in England; flashing
clownfish necklaces!! Thank you!!

I've got more pictures to share, but photobucket
isn't cooperating tonight. Maybe later.

Thanks for stopping by to check on Devin. He loves
to read your messages, so please SIGN the guestbook!!

Thursday, February 16, 2006


Sorry for the delay in updating. I took a 'sick' day
yesterday. I had thought scans were yesterday, but they
were actually TODAY. Dr. L. said the thymus is still
enlarged, but it is definetly shrinking....so NO CANCER!!
Best news I have heard in awhile.

He wants to do an LP in the next couple of weeks on Devin
to check his spinal fluid, but if that is clear...and we
are sure hoping it is, we won't go back for THREE MONTHS!!!

Everyone around here is thrilled.

Thanks for stopping by!!!
Please leave Devin a message.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Happy Valentines Day.

Devin is fever-free this morning, but coughing
so hard it sounds like he could cough up a lung.
He's disappointed that he'll miss his school
valentine party, but I'm sure he'll manage just

We pick GG up from the airport in a bit. I'm
just trying to clean up messes the kids made
last night AFTER I had everything cleaned. No

Kara was sooooooo excited this morning for her
big party. She insisted on wearing a red skirt
outfit AND a bow in her hair!! I was so happy
she decided to dress up a bit for the party...she
has been in a phase lately where she wants to just
wear jeans ALL the time. I guess my little girl
is growing up. I'm just glad she is able to attend
her party today; she came home yesterday with a fever,
but seems fine today.

Thanks for stopping by. Please sign the guestbook and let
Devin know you were here.

Monday, February 13, 2006

Devin seems to be feeling a little better
tonight. He's been up and around some and
actually ate some dinner. Randy brought him
home a subway BMT at lunch, but had the 'wrong'
kind of cheese on it, so Devin whined around
and REFUSED to eat it. I just don't think he
is feeling good enough for any crap from dad
or anyone else.

He's got a barky cough and looks awful. I can
remember this cough from his before cancer days.
Its frightening. They weren't actually our before
cancer days.........actually our 'before we knew
our son had cancer days'. Dev most likely had this
damn cancer growing in his body for MONTHS before
he was diagnosed. Remembering that just makes me
sick. He certainly wouldn't have had to go through
as much treatment if his doctors would have listened.
I'll tell you, I no longer take NO for an answer.

We knew something was wrong for months, yet couldn't
get his doctors to listen to us. I wonder if the two
doctors who failed to diagnose him........insisting
that he had asthma.......even when the stash of inhalers
never seemed to improve his breathing?? Do you think
they ever lie awake at night wondering how Devin is
doing? Wondering what his life must be like now due
to their cocky holier-than attitudes? I can almost
bet that they don't lose sleep, don't worry about his
future and certainly have no idea in hell how he is
doing. It makes me sick to think how our lives have
been turned upside down and dumped and they just
continue to live life as usual.

Anyway, I guess you could say I'm a little fed up with
cancer today. Poor JT is sick as everything in the hospital, my neighbor's mom
just died from lung cancer........too many people
suffering from this awful disease.

Thanks for checking on Dev. Please sign the
guestbook and let us know you were here.

Monday, February 13, 2006

I've called the clinic about Devin.
They want him to stay home unless his
fever goes UP or his breathing gets

His temp is staying right around 100, but
he does say it hurts to breathe. Luckily
he was able to sleep pretty good last night
with his head propped up. He was up a few
times in the night, but went right back to

Today he can't get comfortable. He says he
hurts everywhere, is hungry but doesn't want
to eat, has a horrible cough and keeps telling me
that its too bright in here. I've got the lights
off and the shades drawn. Hopefully whatever he
has will be short-lived. The clinic said they
have seen so many sick kids that they are
afraid he could get exposed to more germs by
coming up there.....I believe it. Its that
time of year!!

Kara is gone to school today. She was trying
her best last night and this morning to convince
us she was sick. No fever or any other symptoms.
I think she just gets tired of Devin being the
'lucky' one to get sick and get extra attention.
Devin, on the otherhand, is sick and tired of
being sick.

Our friend, JT
is in the hospital right now. Hopefully they'll
figure out what is wrong with him and get him back
home where he belongs soon. I'm hoping to go up
and see him tonight after Randy gets home. He is
a cutie!!!

Thanks for stopping by. Please sign the guestbook
and let Devin know you were here.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Its been a lazy day. We got up early in
hopes of actually making it to church, but
Devin was sick.

He got sicker and feeling worse as the day went
on. He didn't even play any video games today!!
He looks and feels awful. He was about 99 degrees
when he fell asleep at 7pm tonight. I'll check him
here in a bit. He's still on the cancer protocol...
so if he gets any warmer we'll be headed up to PCMC.

I just got a call from JT's mom a little while ago. Little JT is being ambulanced
up to PCMC right now.......low WBC, low ANC and hct was
low enough to transfuse. Poor baby. I can't imagine how
scary it must be for a three year old to go through so much. He's being admitted to ICS, but luckily they drew
the cultures in Logan so maybe he can get to bed pretty
soon. His mom said that the test for influenza came
back negative....that was their first thought since his
older sister had both A & B flu last week. Anyway, some
positive thoughts for them would be appreciated.

I'll update tomorrow after Devin is up and around. I
know his cough is too bad to be going to school and of
course everything hurts.

Thanks for stopping by. Please leave Devin a message.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Today has been a little interesting.

Randy took the ENTIRE day off of work
and was actually home when we got up....
thats really odd around here; good, but
not exactly 'normal'.

We've been working downstairs most of
the day. We got a new entertainment
center back before Christmas and had
never got our stereo put into it. We
all know if mom would have tried to transfer
everything it wouldn't be done right....so
its been sitting in the middle of the
family room for the past few months.....
its alot like the tile sitting in the master
bath since BEFORE Devin's diagnosis....we
just manuever around it and everything is
fine. Anyway, the stereo is put away and
the old stereo cabinet now has a new home
in the over-crowded storage room. One of
these days when I have nothing better to do
I think I'll see what is in that room. I'm
sure there are lots of valuables, since we
don't ever seem to part with anything. I
know the ride-on train from Devin's very
first Christmas is hiding somewhere in that
room..............like I said, lots of

The kids were glad to have dad home all day.
It was very relaxing and the 3 energetic ones,
that does NOT include me, took Willie out for
an afternoon walk. I have been dealing with
headaches all year and just appreciated a
break from the noise.

The weather is cold here. It reminds me alot
of the weather during the 2002 Olympics. We've
watched some Olympics today. Its so exciting to
remember back to those 2002 games here in SLC.
We were fortunate enough to get to attend some
of the events.

The kids still vividly remember those days....of
course Devin's first comment is "don't you
remember how watery the hot chocolate was??".
I guess he really was a detail oriented person
back then; before cancer. Nevermind he got
to experience the men's downhill up close and
personal........the hot chocolate was bad!!

I've been thinking alot about our before cancer
days. They seem so long ago and so foreign to me.
Cancer has definetly changed us, but I'd like to
think its changed us in more good ways than bad.
Yes, my kids have been made to grow up fast, but
I think they also realize what is important in life...
like making the best of your situation and just
making each day count. Devin seems to have left
most of his shyness behind and truly seems to want
to help others. Many things he says to me privately
make me realize that he truly is an old soul. I have
high expectations for him. I just know that good
is going to come out of his life altering situation.
It already has.

Thanks for stopping by to check on Mr. Devin. He
appreciates your messages so please do drop him a line.
Have a great weekend!!

Friday, February 10, 2006

Thank God its Friday!!!!!
We've had another UN-productive week
around here. I've talked to the neuro-
psychologist and supposively all papers
are in order for the IEP.......just
waiting to hear back from the specialist
at the school. It seems we are always
waiting for something. School has been
ok for Dev this week. He had a substitute
at the beginning of the week, then sounds
like lots of assemblies and stuff....so not
real stressful for him. I'll just be glad
to get this IEP in place to get a better
handle on making him feel like he knows
what is going on....

Randy is still waiting to hear back from his
doctor on the upcoming tests. The doctor has
said he wants an MRI of his brain done...just
in case. Also, they are trying to get a sleep
study set up that Randy can do at home, rather
than spending the night in the hospital. Randy
doesn't think he has time for all of these tests,
but the truth is he NEEDS to get his sleep problems
figured out NOW. I'm so worried about his health.
He hasn't been able to work out due to the knee
surgery, doesn't WANT to be out walking without
Casey, PLUS has soooooooooo much work at the
office that just doesn't feel he has time. He
works long, long hours. I told him I think he
could be more productive if he gets good sleep.
He's had the somnoplasty surgery done twice and
evidently things are a bit more complicated than

Sooooooooooooooo.......waiting for the school to
call. Waiting for the doctor to call. Sounds

Just hoping to have a relaxing weekend and get this
science fair project finished and out the door. Its
basically just the display boards that need to be done
now....what I consider the 'easy' part. I'll have to
get Dev's pictures printed up. For those of you
wondering how many balloons it would take to lift Mr.
Devin off of the ground: about 17,000!!!! That is
a heck of a lot of balloons!!!! I've got to work on
super-imposing some more balloons on the pictures we
took while we were doing the trials.

Thanks for stopping by. Please drop Devin a line and
let him know you were here. Have a great weekend!!!

Wednesday, February 8, 2006

We are still spending a lot of time on the
science fair. Devin doesn't seem to sense
any urgency with it, but I sure do. I'd
like to have it done and over with.....you
just never know when someone is going to get
sick or things could change. I don't think
I'll ever stop thinking this way......Anyway,
I'll post some pictures soon. There will
certainly be some colorful ones. My entire
living room is filled with helium balloons for
Devin's 'testing'. Its been fun.

I got notice a few weeks ago from a friend about an upcoming American
Cancer Society Relay For Life. Connie was a
great friend to Chris (Devin's Hippie-girl).....everyone
knew the Clownfish. Anyway.........Connie has a Relay
for Life team in HONOR of Chris and it would be great
if you could help her out. All of the money goes to
the American Cancer Society. Here's the link:

Relay for Life

Thanks for stopping by.

Tuesday, February 7, 2006

Happy Tuesday.

Dev was in good spirits yesterday. He had a
good day at school and was excited to go back
this morning.

I'm still waiting to get everything worked out
for the IEP. I'm so excited to get it set up.
I have high hopes that it will help tremendously.
Devin is a very smart kid. He just needs a little
more help and compassion right now. He's going to
be just fine.

Both of the kids are really excited about Valentines
Day. They don't have any 'special' valentines this
year, but that is just fine with me. Last year Devin
involved me in a complicated scheme to deliver some
'special' valentines to TWO girls in his class. He
doesn't seem so girl crazy this year....thank goodness!!

Next Wednesday is his big RE-scan. He'll have a normal
oncology appointment with that one. Hopefully everything
will be clean. I am feeling HOPEFUL that it will be
a good report. He doesn't have any other signs that he
originally had for MONTHS prior to diagnosis, so I am
feeling good. He is still pretty clueless about the whole
thing.....thank goodness for that. He needs to be thinking
about kid things.

Thanks for stopping by to check on Mr. Devin. He does
enjoy your messages, so please drop him a line.

Saturday, February 4, 2006

Happy Saturday!

I got a call yesterday from a resource
person at the school. Sounds like the
IEP is in the works. I've got to sign
some release forms to get tests sent
over to the school. Hopefully the tests
that were done up at PCMC are 'state approved'
so Devin doesn't have to do more testing.
Things are looking good.

We had a good day yesterday. Our friend, JT had
chemo up at PCMC yesterday. After he was done he
called and we met up at Chuck E. Cheese. The kids
had a lot of fun running around and playing games.
JT is such a little sweetie. He lives a couple of
hours away from us, so it is always a treat to see
him and his family.

Here's some pictures the kids had 'drawn' of them
at the Chuck E Cheese machine. Pretty cute!!!

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We're going to be busy this weekend working on Devin's
science fair project: "How Many Helium Balloons Does It
Take to Life A Person....." It should be fun.

Please take a minute to sign the guestbook.

Thursday, February 2, 2006


I felt like yesterday's entry
was a little vague. It was.
I know so many of you out there
would like to help....and I agree
we need all of the help we can get,
but I don't want to write down any
inaccurate information about Devin's

We did NOT receive a written
report at Tuesday's meeting. We were
shown all of the testing and had it
very thoroughly explained to us, but
did not bring anything home with us.
I feel really bad about this. I assumed
we would be taking home a report, but
it had not been returned from transcription.
When I get the 'entire picture' I will
post more about what has happened. I just
don't want to post anything that is not 100R>accurate.

For those of you wondering if we knew that
brain damage was an option, the answer is yes.
We did know. While chemo has saved Devin's
life, it has also caused him some problems.
Chemo is mean. It is horrible. That is why
a CURE IN THIS LIFETIME is so important!!
Like I have said before, we are just so damn
proud and lucky to have him here with us. He
is such a sweet, smart, loving boy.

Right now I am just waiting to hear back
from the school regarding getting this IEP
set up. I know they want copies of all of
the testing, but I have not been contacted
for anything yet. I will be glad to get
everything done and hopefully get Devin feeling
better about his school performance. I know
this is very hard on him.

I scanned in the kids new school pictures while
I was scanning in old Casey pictures the other day.
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Thanks for stopping by. Please sign the guestbook.

Wednesday, February 1, 2006

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Well, the results are in. Clean MRI, clean EEG,
diagnosis is brain damage due to chemo. That is
easier to say than type.

Compared to what could have been brain damage is
the best news we could have heard.

Randy and I left yesterday's appointment feeling
really good. HOPEFUL. The doctor gave us some
ideas to possibly help Devin, plus said she would
definetly help get an IEP set up for him.

Are things going to get better? We don't know.
Worse?? We don't know. We have to look at the
big picture here and just remember how incredibly
lucky we are to have him here with us. He is such
a great kid. Just such a good boy. I hate it that
this has happened, but if I had to choose between
the options, this truly is the best case scenario.

We're fighters. This won't get us down.

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Thanks for stopping by. Please sign the guestbook.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Our sweet dog, Casey Alexander Ross, took
his final breath Thursday night. He was
calm and pain-free as he left us. We were
glad for the extra months that the insulin
was able to give us with our sweet boy.

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Dad and Casey shortly after we adopted him.

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Casey was always up for an adventure. Casey
and mom at the Salt Flats.

He loved children and welcomed two Ross babies
home from the hospital.

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Devin at one week old with dad and Casey.

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Tended children without complaints...Casey w/ Kara (4mos)

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Helped get kids ready for bed....1998

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Offered a cozy seat when Devin needed a rest....1998

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Lended support.....Dev at 4

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Enjoyed holidays!! Especially loved his own gifts...2000

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He was always ready with a smile.

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Always smiling.....Casey and Kara

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He loved us...

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and we loved him!!

We miss you Casey!!! You were a terrific dog
and a much-loved member of our family. Rest in
peace Brave Defender of Mankind.

****Dev is doing ok. He misses Casey, as we all do.
We've been keeping busy and trying to keep everyone
occupied. We'll get the results of all of his test-
ing this Tuesday. Hopefully we can start working on
some of the issues he is experiencing and make life
a little easier for all of us around here.****

Thanks for stopping by. Please sign the guestbook.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

My updates are further and further apart.
Not because I don't have anything to say;
there's plenty to say. I guess I just
don't know how to say it.
Things are wierd.

Plain and simple wierd. UNLESS you really
know Devin you might not know anything is
wrong, but there is definetly something not
right. I'll be so glad when all of this
testing is done and we can get some answers.
We need to know we are doing the right
things with him and get him on track to
being himself. I hope we can get him back.

Devin is having more and more trouble with
school. He doesn't seem to mind going, but
I'm not sure he knows what to do once he is
there. I guess last year's teacher had a few
kids in her class that needed extra assistance
and we didn't know this was such an issue.....
although from the way things are going around
our house it seems like things are alot worse.
I don't know.............right now we are just
in limbo waiting for answers.

He is having LOTS of problems with his short-term
memory. If you didn't know him you'd probably
think he was ignoring you...that he thought you
were boring, whatever. Let me tell you, the old
Devin (pre-cancer....pre-4th grade) was NOT like
this. Devin has NEVER until recently had any problems
with his memory.

Yesterday was a hard day. He has times around the
house that he appears lost/confused...whatever you
want to call it.....NOT HIMSELF anyway. We dropped
Kara off at dancing and went to the library. We
were standing in line to check out when one of our
neighbors saw us and started talking to Devin. He
acted so scared and was trying to figure out how she
knew him. I felt so bad for him. He has known this
person for at least 8 years.............and although
he doesn't see her really often he has never had an
experience like this before.

Later last night the kids and I went to the party store.
Kara spotted one of the lunch ladies right away and said
HI. The lady tried talking to Devin and he got really
nervous again and asked how she knew his name. She
acted shocked and told him that she worked at the school
and saw him everyday. Every single day!! I just feel
so bad about things. Its just too wierd.

All we can do right now is wait for test results. We
know the brain MRI looks good, so that makes us feel
better, but something is definetly amiss. Its just so
sad. Needless to say we are a bit depressed around here.
We have just not started off this year so great.

Randy's still on oxygen at night waiting to get in for
his sleep apnea. His knee is still swollen, but healing
up good.

Casey is NOT feeling well at all. His blood sugar has
been too high and he just doesn't want to do anything.
I went by the vet today and got the new insulin. We'll
start checking his blood sugar every 3 hours and try to
get him regulated.

Kara is doing great!!! She's been placed center stage
for her tap which makes her extremely happy. Also, her
gymnastics teacher says she is ahead of everyone else in
that class and will be moving up soon!! She is so
excited and we are so happy to have something 'right'
happening now.

Thanks for stopping by..........please sign the guestbook!

My friend, Mary, www.caringbridge.com/fl/caitlin
is going to be on Oprah next week. Tune in!!

Monday, January 23, 2006

Finally an update.

Things are about the same around here.
Dev has his final testing for the neuro-
psych on Thursday and we'll get the
results on that the next week.

Its been brought to my attention that as
Randy's parents we just need to 'back off'
and let things work themselves out. Let me
tell you right now, if we did that Devin would
certainly NOT pass the 4th grade. This is a
child who has always been at the top of his
class and now has to be reminded how to do a
simple worksheet (shouldn't say simple....as
it takes him a long time to get it done....not
simple anymore)

We are doing this testing as a method of finding
out exactly WHERE the problem is and WHAT we can
do as his parents to help him overcome his
obstacles. We are NOT doing this to make
excuses for him not doing as well as his before-
cancer days...............we need this information
so he can successfully re-learn the things we all
take for granted: tying shoes, being able to make
a bed, get dressed, etc., etc..

Believe me, we
are NOT making a mountain out of a mole hill. We
are doing what we, as his parents, feel is in his
best interest. We are looking at Devin in the LONG
TERM. We would love to be able to wish this all
away, but its simply not going to happen. Things
do not simply take care of themselves simply because
a person does not take the steps to correct a
situation...............at least not in my experience.

The weekend was a little stressful. Saturday Devin woke
up in a HORRIBLE mood. There was no making him happy.
Finally I just put the kids in the car and we went to see
Narnia. I thought it was a great movie, but he complained
the entire time. As the movie ended Randy called and
was ready to drive up to Logan. That was a good change of
pace. Devin's mood changed dramatically while we were on
the road and visiting Brian and family.

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Devin and baby Kellen

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Devin, Kara and Kellen's big sis; Josilyn

He was in another whiney mood yesterday. He got perked
up when Miffy called. He always loves talking to Rosi
and Kayla. It really makes him feel important getting
an international call!! Me too. Thanks for calling Rosi..
we are really looking forward to meeting up with you in

Later in the day he went with Randy's dad to a train show.
He seemed to enjoy it, but just wasn't himself the rest
of the day. Agitated and just very low.

Today he seemed very excited to go to school. He was
like this a couple of weeks ago. His behavior is just
so erratic.

Some more pics from this weekend:

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Devin being silly....

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Devin and a new bus from his friend Mary Jo

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Devin & Kara playing beauty shop...

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Our family

Please sign the guestbook.

Friday, January 20, 2006

I'm so glad its Friday and this week is almost over.

Devin spent 9-1 up at PCMC yesterday. Then we spent 2:30
to 7:30 doing homework. This is homework that normally
in the pre-cancer days would have taken Devin about 20
minutes. Needless to say it was an exhausting day.

Devin has a math test today. That seems to be the worst.
I told him just to do his best...thats all anyone can do.
He is really struggling with his math. Its wierd because
he knew ALL of his multipication tables by the end of 1st
grade. Now it seems like it takes FOREVER for him to access this knowledge. Its sad. Its frustrating. I now
know its normal for chemo kids to have these problems.
We just need to figure out how we can help him.

He has the 2nd part of the neuro-psych next Thursday, then
the final results the next Thursday. We are always waiting
for something........................

I guess the big news we have learned from our appointments
this week is the fact that the professionals feel that
Devin's current 504 is simply useless. I feel the same way...and to tell the truth I don't feel like anything
that is listed on it is being done. I am frustrated to say
the least.

At least my home phone is working now...............now
my cell phone has quit on me..........Randy just bought
it for Christmas.

Still waiting to hear back from Casey's vet about getting
his CBC checked and the new insulin started.

Thanks for stopping by.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Today has been crazy.
Yesterday was crazy.

Randy and I enjoyed our time with the neuro-psych.
She answered ALOT of our questions, but presented
some new ones as well. She had a lot of interesting
information for us.

Tonight Randy and I are going up to PCMC for a
presentation on long-term affects of chemo on
leukemia and lymphoma kids. It should be interesting....
the doctor that is presenting it for LLS is the same
doctor that always acts like every question I ask is
some great mystery...............should be interesting
to say the least.

Devin has the first part of his neuro-psych test
tomorrow. He'll have to miss school for it. That
doesn't stress him at all. I think he is glad for
the break. Last week he enjoyed school, but this
week he seems more like his old 'normal' self....well,
his normal self with chemo brain.

We still HAVEN'T heard the neurologist view of the MRI..
AND we still HAVEN'T heard the news on the EEG. Hopefully
the neuro-psych dr. can get those results rounded up.
Nothing was in the system when we were up there yesterday.

Casey is on his last vial of insulin, so we'll be taking
him into the vet this week. Randy's ortho appt. was
horrible today.................I think the nurse had him
mixed up with another patient????????? The dr. wasn't there so he was not getting the answers he wanted....

Oh, and we're being audited by the IRS. The fun never ends
around here.

Jimmy.........got your box just now. Randy LOVES it. Our
phones are down, so we'll call you when we can.

Thanks for stopping by. Please sign the guestbook.

Monday, January 16, 2006


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We hope you are having a good day!!
We miss you and hope you can come and see
us very soon!!! Thanks for always helping
us out.

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Devin & Kara

All seems ok here today...Randy and I go for
the 1st appointment for the neuro-psych tests
tomorrow. Hopefully we can get the neuro's view
on the MRI. Devin starts the official neuro-psych
testing on Thursday.

Randy is doing well. He actually is walking around
pretty good today and refusing pain pills.....is he
crazy or what?? He hasn't even napped. He's now
talking about getting his other knee done because
he is feeling so good. We take his dressing off
tomorrow. Hope that doesn't ruin his feeling good

Kids have been playing with Harrison and Sam (neighbor
kids) all day. Our big monster snow storm didn't happen
and our 4 inches from yesterday is quickly melting away,
so no snowman around here.

Thanks for stopping by. Please sign the guestbook.

Saturday, January 14, 2006


What a day. Randy's simple outpatient surgery turned into a little bigger adventure than we had planned. Luckily my neighbor had my kids, so all was ok there.

I had him at the surgery center at 1:15, by 1:45 his IV was started and he was ready. Finally at 3pm they took Randy back for surgery and I rushed home to give Casey his insulin shot. The thirty minute surgery turned into an hour, so Randy was still in surgery when I arrived back at TOSH.

About 4:30 the surgeon came out and told me what had been done. Evidently Randy had torn his ACL about 20 years ago and it forced extra stress on the miniscus creating tears(both sides)....so there was cartilidge where it shouldn't have been and creating sort of a bone spur type of thing in his knee. The dr. was surprised that Randy had been in chronic pain for over 20 years and never complained. The good news that Randy will feel great once everything is healed.

Onto recovery: Randy did NOT want to wake up. His blood pressure was way too HIGH......then his O2 stats were horrible. He started itching from some percocet I had indicated he should NOT get....then his stats were even worse.......70's. They put him on a liter of oxygen and were only getting him up to 80's..so upped his oxygen. They kept trying to wean him off of the oxygen, but he kept setting off the alarms. Also, he was still very much out of it.

Finally after several hours in the recovery they gave him some other non-narcotic IV pain meds to see if he could tolerate that..............NOPE. Same problem. They were thinking if he went home on non-narcotic pain meds MAYBE he could keep his stats up on his own. No such luck.

Several phone calls were made and it was decided if we could get oxygen delivered out to the house that he could go home. At 8:30 last night we were allowed to leave the hospital. At 10:30 last night the oxygen arrived and we all finally went to bed. I had to keep Randy awake and coherent until the oxygen got set up. He'll have to wear it whenever he is on the pain meds and asleep.

Randy is doing well today. He's eaten a little and no longer feels nauseous. He now knows that his sleep apnea is out of control and is anxious to get back into the dr. to get that fixed. I've known he was getting worse....the past month he has been horrible about falling asleep even when I'm telling him the most interesting things....lol.

Devin is still snoozing this morning. He was wiped out from all of the playing he did yesterday afternoon. Kara is playing charades with her dad; she's the 'doer' and he's the 'guesser'.

No messages from oncology or neurology yesterday. My car is still in the shop and they 'think' it might be ready on Monday..................maybe.

Thanks for stopping by. Please sign the guestbook.

Friday, January 13, 2006

Hey, I just realized its Friday the 13th....
I wonder if this is really a good day for Randy's
surgery???? Maybe this is why he was able to get
in so fast...hmm.

Devin did really well yesterday. I kept him up until midnight Wednesday night, then Randy got him up at 4am and kept him awake. He was definetly one sleepy kid yesterday morning, but I sent him to school for a couple of hours. I had to give spelling tests in Kara's class, so no other options!

The testing went very smooth. He got two of the nicest techs in the entire hospital. They just kept telling him how cute he was and he was soaking that up!! I don't think he wanted to leave. He enjoyed the heck out of that. They even gave him another rubberband bracelet (epilepsy) to add to his collection...he loves those bracelets! Its nice to run into people at the children's hospital who seem to enjoy being around kids.

I don't 'think' anything wierd happened while he was doing the test, but won't know for sure until I get the final results. I was told it might be a WEEK before I hear anything. Honestly, I'm pretty ok with that; I think. Just knowing there is NO CANCER on that MRI was a terrific boost to my positive thinking.

Oncology called me yesterday morning and have got Devin's neuro-psych evaluations started.....for next week!.........Its funny how things can get going when the right people take the time to make phone calls. I've been on the waiting list for the neuro-psych team since August. I'm on another waiting list with a lesser known psych team for mid February. Anyway, the wheels are starting to move.

Thanks for all of the prayers for Devin. Please continue to keep him and all of our CB friends in your prayers.

Happy Friday the 13th!!

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

**Another update**
Got 4 calls from oncology
late this afternoon...5-ish.
They called neurology and got
his EEG (sleep deprived) moved
up to tomorrow at 11am.....it was
originally scheduled for Jan 25th.

They are working on getting him in
for some neuro-psych stuff and also
talking about doing an LP (lumbar puncture) where they just take spinal
fluid for examination. They have also
sent notice to infectious disease since
we think this may have all started after they 'thought' perhaps he had
chicken pox or some sort of wierd allergic reaction back in early November.

More when I know....

Sorry for the delay in updates.

The MRI shows no signs of cancer.
That is all we know for now.

I have been on the phone with
neurologoy and oncology several times
today trying to get someone to give me
the rest of the results as well as a game

Frustrating is not even the word.

Randy went to the ortho this morning and
set up surgery for his knee on Friday. IT
will be outpatient and hopefully not too bad.

Thanks for your thoughts and prayers. I will
update as soon as I know any real news.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

The MRI went well. It took about an hour and Devin tolerated it well. He was listening to Aerosmith the entire time, so that made the time pass a little quicker! When the tech pulled the IV out his vein (left arm) burst and he wasn't too happy about that, but other than that it was fine.

I'm waiting to get results TODAY. The neurologist who ordered the report is out today and tomorrow so someone else will be doing the final interpretation of the results. I called oncology and told them to talk to neurology so we'll see what happens. If nothing else I'll make a drive up to see my buddies in oncology for some answers; also set up Devin's next set of scans to look at his thymus.

Devin is off to school today and feeling good. He has seemed very happy since all of his problems surfaced. He just seems oblivious alot of the time. It makes it a little easier for us to deal with this with him staying in such a good mood.

Thanks for your prayers and well wishes. Its nice to know that so many of you out there are wishing him well.

Monday, January 9, 2006

Status quo around here.

The MRI is at 8pm tonight. Our neighbors will be watching Kara while Randy and I take Devin up. It keeps coming up in conversation and he keeps acting like its the first time he's heard anything about it....then of course, he is mad that he has to have ANOTHER one. MRIs are some of the worst in his opinion; too noisy!!

He wanted me to post this e-mail he received the other day in case it inspires anyone.

Hi Devin!

I'm ashamed to say that I'm a longtime reader of your site (and Chris') but
have never posted or emailed (too shy I guess :). Just wanted to let you
know that someone in Duluth, MN, is thinking of you and your upcoming MRI.
I do know how badly MRIs can suck, so I figured I'd try to make it a bit
more interesting for you. If you make it through the MRI successfully (no
moving), I'll donate $25 to the charity of your choice in your honor. I
know how much work you've done to raise money for cancer research (you were
amazing for Light the Night this year!), so I hope you win!!!

Always a big fan of the hippie bus,

Kate A

Devin's wish is for money to be donated to CARINGBRIDGE or to the Tumbleweed Foundation. Thanks for the prayers.

Saturday, January 7, 2006

I guess things are about the same here. Devin is still having these 'episodes'......for lack of a better term. We are all keeping busy. Randy and Devin have gone with some friends tonight to see the Monster Trucks. It should be fun. Devin was a little confused going so hopefully that got cleared up once he got there. Hmm. It seems his periods of not knowing what is going on are becoming more and more frequent. Hopefully we will get some answers soon.

Kara got her hair cut yesterday. She just loves it!! Dad thinks its a little short and insisted she keep it longer than her brothers!!

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Kara before her haircut....

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After the makeover........a new girl!! The lady who cut her hair said she needed to get fast running shoes to keep away from the boys chasing her.

We had a little scare with Casey this afternoon. He fell out in the garage........no warning (for us anyway). He seems ok.......we'll be switching his insulin in the next couple of weeks.

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Casey Alexander; brave defender of mankind

Devin and Kara earlier this week in some shirts from their friend Tammy in Florida. Thanks Tammy!!!! They are perfect!!

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Thanks for stopping by. Please sign the guestbook.........

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Thursday, January 5, 2006

Yesterday was just not a good day.

I was glad we were able to get Devin into the neurologist earlier than February 22nd, but the news was certainly anything but good. He has ordered an MRI of his brain, as well as another sleep deprived EEG. The MRI is next Monday evening. The EEG is not scheduled until the 25th.

Here are the options: 1.) Infection, but highly unlikely as Devin has no real symptoms of illness and as of 12-15 had good counts...........hindsight makes me wonder why they didn't do another CBC last night.
2.) Some type of wierd seizure activity. He has had some
seizures before, but nothing like this and the neurologist agreed that he doesn't believe its seizures, just wants to rule them out.
3.) Something in his brain that SHOULD NOT be there. The MRI will tell us this.
4.) Permanent and ongoing brain damage due to chemotherapy and radiation treatment. If this is what it is the dr. said he felt it would get worse due to the fact he was NOT showing these signs before finishing treatment.

So, all options basically suck. Randy and I are shocked, although I guess we deep down knew something was up. We will deal with whatever it is.

Randy's MRI was horrible. He sees a knee specialist next week. He was told he has the knees of an 80 year old retired football player........not good for someone not quite 40. He doesn't seem stressed about that at all. Knee problems don't seem like much when you're looking at your little boy's life turning to crap right before your eyes.

Please continue to pray for Devin as he undergoes these tests. We appreciate you all.

Wednesday, January 4, 2006

Finally an update.

Yesterday went well. Devin was thrilled with school; two of Kara's friends were not in class with her anymore and she was pretty upset about that. I'm sure she'll find some new 'best' friends soon.

This morning started out terrible. Randy had an MRI appointment at 7am for his knee. He has been having lots of trouble with one being swollen all of the time and going out on him. He went out to leave and his truck wouldn't start at all. I told him to take my car, since he SHOULD be back before I had to leave with the kids. About 8am the phone rang from the hospital telling me he was just starting to get the 2nd knee scanned.

I started calling neighbors but everyone was already gone. I did get ahold of a friend to pick up the kiddies. They were late to school............a first. They were both very worried about it; especially Kara she loses recess time if she's late. Before they got picked up Kara decided to go outside and jump rope..........before I knew it she was running back in the house to show me she had stepped in dog poop.......we did a quick change and she was once again ready for school.

At almost 9:30 Randy showed up and we messed with the truck. Battery was fine, just wouldn't start. He called the garage where he is beginning to know everyone on a first name basis....aaghh. They sent a tow truck over to pick up his truck.

Before that excitement happened I got a surprise call from the Neurology office. They 'found' Devin an appointment for today at 4pm. Hurray. Hopefully we can get this kid figured out. In the mean time I have to pick BOTH kids up early from school and I'm thinking Kara will be missing dancing since we are down to one car today.........an interesting day.

Devin is still having times where he just not right.....hopefully neurology can get some testing arranged to figure out this newest problem. Its always something. Maybe this neurology appointment could get us moved up on the list for the neuro-psych testing done as well. We can only hope.

Thanks for stopping by to check on Devin. Please leave him a message and let him know you were here.

Sunday, January 1, 2006

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Happy New Year!!!

We hope your year is filled with hope, health and happiness.

Thanks for your support.

Devin and family

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Christmas was good. The days leading up to Christmas were good. We've all been having a good time, staying very busy and of course eating too much.

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GG and the kids at Gardner Village earlier in the week checking out the elves.

My brother, Jeff, came out on Christmas Eve so we had a full house for Christmas. Its been fun. The kids love having Uncle and GG around to entertain them. We were sad to take them back to the airport yesterday, but they needed to get back for my Nanny's (mom's mom) 90th Birthday!! Wish we could have gone too, but I'm waiting on calls back from three different doctors offices. Hopefully the party will go well. Happy Birthday Nanny!!

We spent Christmas Eve at Randy's parents house with a nice dinner and games. The kids started opening gifts on Christmas Eve from their friends around the globe. Thanks so much to all of our friends who sent packages and cards...especially pictures....we love pictures around here!!!!

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Kara with her Cadbury chocolate from Scotland...thanks Miffy.

We were able to stay home for Christmas day and just let the kids open gifts and play at their leisure. Devin's favorite gift this year was his PSP that grandma surprised him with...........I think he knew it was coming, thanks to his sister who cannot keep a secret. Most of his Christmas morning was spent opening gifts in search of that thing........We were ALL thrilled when he finally found it...

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Dev and GG opening gifts

Kara's favorite gift was another GG pick: a Leapster...pink and fully equipped with Junie B. Jones, I Spy and Bratz games. Grandma doesn't miss a beat!!!

Santa came too and left some little things for the kids. New sheets for both of them, plenty of candy, movies and games. They've got so much new stuff they don't quite know what to do first. I'm just glad they are both feeling well and so far have remained well during this Christmas season. Seems there is a lot of gunk going around.
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Devin in his 'Celtic dude' cap.......thanks Miffy!!
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Devin and Uncle in their matching Rolling Stones hoodies....

Thanks for stopping by to check on Devin. Please leave him a message and let him know you were here.

Sunday, December 25, 2005

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Merry Christmas.

Its early Christmas morning here in Utah. The kids are still asleep. Grandma and I got woke up by some noisy reindeer chomping on carrots in the front yard. Santa has been here and the kids slept right through it. They'll be up soon enough to check out their loot.

We hope that you all have a great Christmas. Thank you for your support.

The Ross Family

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

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Good Morning!

No snow here.......its warmed up and we've actually had rain that took all of our snow away. I don't think we'll have a white Christmas afterall.

Devin is doing 'okay'. He has been having episodes for about a month now where he talks and doesn't make alot of sense. They used to happen every few days and just last for a bit, now they seem to be happening more and more often. Its scary.

I've had calls into 3 different offices. Oncology just refers us out to neuro-psych. I've been on the waiting list for them for MONTHS! I talked to Devin's regular psychologist and he is trying to pull a few strings to get Devin in BEFORE the end of February. I'm hoping he is able to get Devin an earlier appointment.

Everything else seems to be going ok. Devin doesn't seem to realize when these episodes take place at all. It is just wierd. He'll be going along just fine and next thing you know he is having the wierdest responses. Something is not just right.

We're keeping busy. Yesterday we went over to Gardner Village and walked around, then to the movies to see "Yours, Mine and Ours". Devin absolutely LOVED the movie. He told us all about 100 times how much he loved it. He is so sweet.

Today he has a dermatology appointment. This is a follow up from the wierd rash he developed back on 11-04. He still has a few left over spots we are trying to get rid of. Hopefully they can figure out why he keeps breaking out all of the time..............I'm sure if they can't figure it out they'll just blame it on chemo. Seems to be the standard response.

Tonight we are going to Hale Theatre to see "A Christmas Carol". We took the kids to see it last year and they really enjoyed it, so this year we get to take GG with us. It should be fun.

Thanks for stopping by. Please sign the guestbook and let Devin know you stopped. Merry Christmas!!!

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Monday, December 19, 2005

The countdown until Christmas is on!! We've been staying EXTRA busy. I plan on being extremely busy until this 8 week waiting game is over. I hate being in suspense about anything; especially something as important as my son's health.

Kara enjoyed the Nutcracker. She felt it was a little long, but she managed to sit quietly through the entire performance. After the show we were able to go onstage and meet some of the dancers and see the costumes. I think that was her favorite part. They wouldn't let cameras back there, so the only picture I have to share is Kara and GG with one of the giant nutcrackers outside of the show.

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Last night we went downtown to meet some friends for dinner. After eating we rode trax the 2 blocks down to Temple Square to see the Christmas lights. They always do a good job with the lights. We hadn't been down to walk around there since BC (before cancer). It was fun to be part of the hustle bustle down there and it was great to hang out with the Anderson family.

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GG, Dev and Kara in front of the SLC Temple

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Nativity downtown SLC

Here's some pictures from this week's gingerbread making party:

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Devin working away...

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Kara and GG

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Dad, GG and Kara with finished houses

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Devin's finished house with the Toblerone roof....fancy!!

Last Monday we attended a local benefit carnival for our local Huntsman Cancer Institute. Devin got REALLY into the silent auction and won TWO big baskets of candy. Somehow he 'forgot' his money..........dad was thrilled, but all of the money went to a good cause!!

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The kids were also able to talk to Santa and play some games.

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Hope that you are all enjoying this holiday season. Thanks for stopping by. Please sign the guestbook and let Devin know you were here.

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Casey says MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Ok, today is a better day.

I got a good night's sleep last night and am feeling much more HOPEful about this situation. Thank you to all my CB friends who have sent me bucketloads of info to read regarding this 'thymus rebound' situation. Leslie, I don't know what I would do without your expertise!!

Devin still seems like he doesn't realize anything was wrong. That is good. Kids need innocence; especially at this time of year. Hell, he's only 9 years old, let the rest of us worry about these upcoming scans. I just want him to be happy.

About our options. At this time waiting seems to be the only real option. If we did a PET or gallium now....or sooner than 8 weeks the possibility that he would 'light up'...show cancerous would be positive. NOT because it was cancer, but because these type of tests light up cancer AND any other FAST growing cells. We definetly know this thymus has grown fast as it is now filling up the entire top of his chest.

We will get a copy of the CTs sent out for other opinions. That is easy and painless; where subjecting ourselves to FALSE POSITIVE results would be torturous.
For now we wait and wait and wait. Staying busy should help with this..........I hope.

My real fear now is the fact that this enlarged thymus could cause some real difficulty with Devin's breathing. We haven't had any significant snow in awhile and our air quality is horrible. My hope is that this new problem resolves itself before it causes him any new problems that way. Geez, its always something.

We appreciate all of the phone calls, emails and guestbook entries. MOst of all we appreciate your prayers. Keep them going up! We are thinking positive!

Thanks for stopping by. We've got a busy day planned with dad hanging out with Devin and the girls going to see the Nutcracker today.......then the big U2 concert tonight!! Should be a fun, busy day!!

Please sign the guestbook.

Friday, December 16, 2005

We did NOT get the 'all clear' on Devin's scans. Somehow he wasn't paying attention when the doctor first told us the news. We quickly went out into the hall to further discuss what was going on, then went down to look at the CT.

Right now Devin's thymus gland is VERY enlarged. There is a possibility he has what is called thymus rebound...which is when the thymus gland is suppressed due to chemo, then takes off growing when chemo is stopped.

There is also the possibility that he has already relapsed. The thought of that makes me sick. Randy and I were in total shock. I was very mad at the doctor. Of course we saw a new doctor that we had never seen....where the hell was Dr. L when we would like some consistant info???? Well, I did see him in the hall, but couldn't even get any words out when I did see him....too much in shock.

Like I said Devin just acted oblivious to all of this. Either he was putting on a good act or really not with us. I honestly was glad he was so oblivious.

Anyway, we are praying, praying, praying that this damn cancer is not invading his body again. We were given options and it seems like chemo is not really at the top of the list...with bone marrow transplant a very real possibility.

Not the news we wanted to hear and like I told the doctor, if we could have planned on some news like this...since he acted like they see this periodically, it damn sure would have helped my piece of mind. I was prepared for nothing but PERFECT....and I was certainly disappointed to say the least.

He will get re-scanned in 8 weeks. If it is the thymus it should have gone down by then....if not...well you can guess what happens.

Thanks for stopping by. Please sign the guestbook.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

I've been trying not to think about it, but today is scan day. Devin was up and down several times in the night. I know he is nervous even though he doesn't say he is. Please pray for scans to go smoothly. These are his first scans without some sort of access point, so he'll have to get an IV.....wish us luck on that....his veins aren't so great due to all of the chemo.

Gingerbread houses turned out VERY cute. I'll post some pictures afterwhile. Thanks for stopping.

Grandma is here!

We picked her up this morning and have been going non-stop all day. Shopping and just messing around. We're going to work on our gingerbread houses tonight. Devin wants a gingerbread village...not just a house!!

Riley got discharged from the hospital last night. They still didn't have his lab results on the hepatitis and his mouth was almost swollen shut, but they said there wasn't much else they could do with him. They did say it was 'probably' safe for him and J.T. to be around each other. Sheila was going to stay with her sister in law last night and head back home this morning for the dental appointment.

Things are going well. We got just a smidge of snow, but it was at least enough to clear out the air a bit. Its nice to be able to see the mountains again.

Thanks for stopping by. I'll post some new pictures soon.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Talked to Sheila, J.T. and Riley's mom this morning. They didn't do Riley's scans until 8PM last night. They lifted his NPO status, but didn't really give her any results last night. This morning they said he 'probably had a blockage' since something or another was enlarged....a duct I think she said. My kids were not being particularly cooperative when I was trying to get info from her. Anyway, the toothache is worse and he is scheduled for a pulpectomy tomorrow in the dental clinic. They were wanting to send her home, BUT didn't want Riley and J.T. to have contact for at least another WEEK while they get the labs finished for the hepatitis testing...aaghhh!!! They were talking about sending Riley home; this is scary because they don't know what is wrong with him AND they live over 2 hours from the hospital. Quite a mess....

Devin is doing good. We picked out dad's Christmas present yesterday so they were thrilled with that. Last night after Kara's dancing we went to the local high school's carnival which was a fundraiser for Huntsman Cancer Institute. Devin won some of the silent auction items, plus had a lot of fun playing the games. Kara won two free bowling passes so she was thrilled as well.

Our snow is slowly melting away leaving us with quite a mess. We've also got a horrible inversion going on, so its not good to be out and about right now. We NEED some snow!!!

Hope you are all getting ready for a great holiday!!

Please sign the guestbook.

Monday, December 12, 2005

I talked to Sheila, J.T. and Riley's mom several times yesterday. The hepatitis tests still haven't come back, but they have ruled out diabetes. They let Riley eat a little last night, but then put him back on NPO. Sometime today (hopefully early since he is NPO) they will do an MRI and some CTs to see if he has some sort of blockage. If they do find something they are prepared to go in and operate then. Please keep them in your prayers.

Devin and Kara are doing fine. Devin is bummed that he can't go and see Riley in the hospital, but until we find out he isn't contagious we have to stay away. I've got Devin's scans set up for this Thursday. He's NOT looking forward to that at all! We pick GG up from the airport on Wednesday. Both kids are super excited to get their grandma back out here. They have LOTS of plans for her.

I'm still working on getting Christmas cards in the mail. I have been a major procrastinator this year. I thought we should send out a letter this year with our cards and that has been a little stressful. I want to brag about how well Devin is doing, but don't want to jinx anything. I know that sounds ridiculous, but I am very superstitious.....especially about his health!!

Anyway, thanks for stopping by. We appreciate your messages so please drop Devin a line.

Happy Holidays!!

Saturday, December 10, 2005


Yesterday started off good. We met J.T. and his family up at the oncology clinic, then left with his older brother and sister when it was time for J.T. to see the doctor. I had got an email from Parker's mom yesterday that they would be in town, so we headed to a local McDonalds to meet up for lunch.

The kids all got along great. By 1:30 J.T. still wasnt' finished so I took the kids to the dollar store to pass some time. Finally by 2:30 J.T. was done and ready to go...we all headed out to my house to play for awhile.

After we got to my house Riley (J.T.'s nine year old brother) was complaining more about his toothache. It hadn't bothered him much of the day, but you could tell he was clearly in pain. His mom found a dentist close to my house and took off with him. The kids played great together, ate snacks, etc..

We all ate dinner together, but Riley still wasn't feeling so good. Sheila packed up her kids to drive to her sister in laws to go to bed. Early morning Riley was up and VERY sick. They went to the local hospital there and were sent by ambulance up to PCMC (our children's hospital).

Anyway, to make a long story short he has been admitted....after HOURS in the emergency room. They feel he almost certainly has pancreatitis, but are not sure yet what is causing it. He is very sick and feeling just miserable. He's been poked and prodded and signs are now pointing to HEPATITIS as a cause of the pancreatitis....something has to cause pancreatitis and they have pretty much ruled out diabetes. He is one sick kid.

Some prayers for J.T. and Riley would certainly be appreciated. Their poor mom is just beyond stressed. Now to worry if Riley's hepatitis could be passed to J.T. (and Devin) is a major concern as well. Too much on one person's plate for sure.

Please take a minute to visit J.T.'s site and leave some messages. Thanks....

Thursday, December 8, 2005

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Happy Holidays!!

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It seems we have been extra busy around here. Always so much to do at this time of year. We've been baking...always baking, wrapping gifts and slowly getting packages in the mail. We love Christmas!!

The kids are doing great. Devin had complained a little about his back, so I took him in for chiro alignment yesterday. Today he is as good as new. He and Kara have a new game where they are riding an air mattress down the stairs (FAST)... so I'm not surprised he was out of whack. Luckily they busted a hole in it today so the 'ride' is over!! Good thing they got rid of that before GG comes to town...that little set up would have scared her to death!

Tomorrow we are meeting up with Our little buddy JT and his family. The kids are sooo excited to see them. We don't know what we're going to do, but I'm sure we'll think of something. Sheila and the younger kids are coming down to SLC to go to clinic for JT, then go to the Cancer Wellness party and Candlelighters party this weekend. It should be an extra busy, fun time.

Tonight Randy and I went to his company Christmas party while Randy's parents watched the kids. Everyone had a good time. I think Grandpa and Grandmother were really glad we didn't pull an all-nighter on them. My kids are FULL of energy and enthusiasm!! Since they don't have school and have been staying up late.

Not much other news around here. We got a bit more snow on Tuesday so its still pretty snowy around here. It helps get everyone in the Christmas spirit.....lots of hustle and bustle everywhere.

Thanks for stopping by to check on Mr. Devin. He appreciates your messages, so please do drop him a line.

Also, if you have a minute, please visit some of his friends that aren't feeling so great. Thanks.





Also, Courtney's mom had surgery today...

Tuesday, December 6, 2005

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Christmas break has been fun. We started off yesterday by going to get Christmas pictures made. They turned out really good.

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Today we have been baking cookies AND making soaps. Devin went to a bowling class that he really enjoyed. It is just while he is off track. The class is really small and he said it was really fun. He is trying to talk Kara into coming on Thursday. Its a Tues/Thursday class. Hopefully she will want to go.

Still waiting to hear back from clinic about scans. I guess I should call them again and see what the plan is.

Thanks for stopping by. Please drop Devin a line and let him know you were here.

Friday, December 2, 2005

School's out!!!! The kids are so excited!! The plan is to stay up LATE tonight and sleep in tomorrow. Sounds good to me!!! We don't have anything scheduled until tomorrow's 1pm ALPs test.

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The kids this morning before school. Kara was all dressed up for 'Old Fashioned Days' in her class.

I helped in Kara's class again today for their celebration. They have been reading "Little House in the Big Woods" and for this week have been doing lots of fun old-time activities. Yesterday they made gingerbread houses. Today they made butter, ground wheat, dipped candles and played old fashioned games. It was a lot of fun!!

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Kara and her gingerbread house.

The kids are thrilled that December is finally here. They got their advent calendars from Rosi just in time!!! They absolutely LOVE them!!!! Thanks Kayla and Rosi. It is so cool to get mail; especially 'Royal Mail'.

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Devin and his Carling calendar

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Kara got the Bratz calendar.

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D & K in front of the tree.

Thanks for stopping by. Please drop Devin a line and let him know you were here.

Friday, December 2, 2005

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Its finally Friday!!!!!!!

Devin is soooooooooo glad to be done with school for a month. Me too. The break is just what we all need. School has been frustrating to say the least.

Everyone is feeling good here. I'm still waiting to hear back from the clinic about getting Devin's 3 month scans done. Hopefully they will call me back today so I can get the neuro-psych testing scheduled too. Lots of things to do while we're on break. Hopefully we'll have time to just relax too.

Tomorrow is the 2nd part of the ALPS test. We'll be glad to have that behind us. I'm not sure how well Devin will do on it, but its worth a try. He is not feeling so good about his school performance right now, so that alone may keep him from doing well. His confidence level about school work is just horrible. I'm hoping the break will help him out.

Thanks for stopping by to check on Devin. Please sign the guestbook.

Sunday, November 27, 2005

It's Devin here. I wanted to tell you about what has been going on with me.

The Rolling Stones concert was GREAT!!! I just wish I could have brought a tape recorder and bootlegged the concert. It was good. I bought a poster at the concert and a blinky Rolling Stones logo (lips).

Thanksgiving was fine. I've had better, but then again I have had worse. The first Thanksgiving after I got diagnosed I was sick all day and even had to get chemo on T-day, so this year was much better!!!!

Friday my parents took me and bought a portable DVD player. I'm NOT going to get my prize from raising over $7000 for the Leukemia Lymphoma Society's Light the Night walk, so my parents bought me one anyway!!! They said I surely earned it. They are right!!

Yesterday we had to work in the yard and get leaves picked up. Not fun. My mom took me for a little haircut too. I just got a little bit thinned out.....not any length off. It is easier to comb now.

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Me and Kara under the hair dryers.

Last night it started snowing. This morning it was still snowing. It looks like a winter wonderland. Everything is covered in snow. I think we got about 6 inches of snow. That is a lot!!! They say Utah has the greatest snow on Earth, but I think there might be better snow somewhere else.

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Playing in the snow!

Today we put up our Christmas tree. It looks good. While we were taking pictures of me, Kara and the Christmas tree; Kara was acting like an idiot. That isn't anything new.

Here are some pictures of us.

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Me and Kara in front of the tree.

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Here we are again.........

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Thanks for checking on me. Please leave me a message.


Thursday, November 24, 2005

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Happy Thanksgiving!!

Devin said he had a great time at the concert. He was all smiles when he came home. Randy was too. They really had a great time together. It is so nice to see him feeling so good. Believe me, we are thankful!!!

In many ways we are thankful for the 'reality check' that cancer threw our way. Our family has become closer, our priorities have been straightened. We are stronger now than ever and take on the everyday challenges with gusto. Things that once bothered us now make us laugh. Why get mad about the little things when you can get a laugh out of them? Cancer has opened our eyes and given us a new appreciation for LIFE.

We have met so many new, wonderful people that we hold close to our hearts. Friends that are like family; friends that I feel as though I have known forever! So many new friends have crossed our path over the past two years. Our true friends have come out of the woodwork and helped to keep our family together; the ones that 'tired of cancer' before the battle was won turned out to not really be friends. Life is funny that way. Throw a crisis into the mix of everyday life (crisis being childhood cancer) and see who runs for the nearest exit!!

Thanksgiving is a time for reflecting and giving thanks. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for joining us in this journey. Your friendship, guestbook entries and prayers have kept us afloat in our darkest of days. The prayers have held us up and given us HOPE. We appreciate each and every one of you. Happy Thanksgiving.

The Ross Family

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

A good day.

I got a call yesterday afternoon about the possibility of getting some Rolling Stones tickets for tonight's concert. (FREE)

About 11am I found out that we DID get them and dad and Devin would be going to the concert. They are there now. Devin was sooooooooooooo excited when I picked him up from school this afternoon and handed him the tickets. I hope he's not disappointed with this concert after his big backstage experience with Aerosmith. ( I mean HOW could you beat backstage, personal time with Aerosmith???)

Parts of the concert were on the American Music Awards tonight LIVE from SLC. Cool..........if you saw a young hippie when they scanned the crowds it must have been my son.

Sounds like the seats were great. Thanks to Mary in Idaho for donating them to us. Devin says he owes you big time!!! Thanks to Kevin M. for putting us in touch with you. The way I understand it, Mary's daughter really wanted to go to this concert. The tickets were bought when they went on sale, but sadly her daughter died from leukemia before the concert. Another life taken much too soon from cancer.

I'll let Devin update tomorrow about the Rolling Stones experience. Its late and they aren't home yet. The kids get out early tomorrow for the Turkey day break.

Thanks for stopping. Please sign the guestbook.

Monday, November 21, 2005

Monday again!!!

Its a short week here for school. The kids get out early on Wednesday for Thanksgiving break. We'll be traveling all of about 5 miles to Randy's parents for our turkey dinner.

This weekend was BUSY!!! Saturday morning Devin and I went over to our local high school so Devin could be interviewed for a cancer fundraiser that is coming up. After they interviewed him they decided they wanted me on tape too, so I guess we're both celebrities now.....right.

Anyway, raising money for cancer research is VERY close to Devin's heart. He did a great job with his on-camera interview. Hopefully we will get to see it when it airs for the big kick-off for The Huntsman Cancer Institute. (If that name sounds familiar its because Devin has participated in a couple of on-air fundraisers for them over the years)

After that we took dad to lunch at our old favorite, Gardner Village, then the kids went for their ALPS testing. (Accelerated Learning Program.....they have to test back in every year) Anyway, I had planned on just dropping them off, but ran into soooooooo many moms that I hadn't seen or talked to in soo long that I just had a gab-fest while the kids tested. It was a good day.

Around dinner time we got a call that a vehicle we have been wanting was available for sale. We drove out to see it, but it was the wrong one. Oh well...I guess I cleaned out my car for nothing!!! No biggie.

Devin worked all weekend studying for a big math test he had today. I'm hoping all of his studying will pay off. It sure would boost his self esteem to do really well on a test. All of the chemo residue is making his brain have to work a little (make that alot harder) just to get things to stick. Poor kid, he gets frustrated very easily.

He's also working on a persuasive essay for class. His is about his Caringbridge Bus. Here's what he has so far.....they were going to be editing today:

Hippie Bus

Every day people everywhere are diagnosed with cancer. In September 2003, when I was seven years old, I became one of those people.

I have met a lot of people who are also battling cancer. Sadly, my best friend, Chris Schauf, didn’t win her earthly battle over cancer. Before she died we had many conversations about bringing my dream of a Caringbridge Bus of health, hope and happiness alive.

Kids need hope. Every day kids are diagnosed with cancer. When a kid is sick for a long time it is really bad. You can’t go out in public without a mask on, can’t be around your friends, and you have to take a lot of drugs. This Caringbridge Bus gives them a break from all of that.

I have been planning this bus for a long time. My idea of the Caringbridge Bus involves traveling around the globe and picking up my Caringbridge friends. This bus will help put a face on the disease. It is important to me because I would like to honor Chris’ memory by giving hope to kids that need it most.

I am confident that if my dream of a Caringbridge Bus becomes a reality, it will raise awareness. This awareness will help raise money for a cure.

By Devin Ross

Anyway, we're busy this week working on projects and getting ready for the holidays. Its a fun kind of busy though.

Casey is doing VERY well. We have actually got his blood sugar in the normal range!!!!! First time since he's been diagnosed. He looks and acts like he is feeling so well. Insisting on taking walks and staying busy. Willie feels like he's got a new friend!!! An energetic new friend.

Thanks for stopping by. Devin loves to read your messages so please do drop him a line.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Things are going well here. Devin went back to school on Tuesday and is just happy to be there. Me too. I was very behind on all of my 'stuff', so I've been running around town trying to get everything caught up. Christmas will be here before we know it and my kids are OUT of school starting December 2nd.

Casey is doing well. He's on insulin three times a day and has been feeling good. He's full of energy and insists on going out for a walk several times a day. The walks aren't long, but he sure is proud of himself for getting to go!!

Devin has been busy with school work. Tomorrow the kids Reflections entries are due at school. They both wrote poems. Here they are:


I woke up at night not feeling well,
It turned out to be cancer,
Then it turned to hell.

I’ve met so many people;
Some young, some old.

Life isn’t fair I’m told.

I’ve watched them struggle,
I’ve watched them fight,
I pray for miracles both day and night.

I wonder why they have to die.
The loss of my friends makes me cry.

***and Kara's poem***

I Wonder Why I Can’t Fly

I wonder why I don’t have wings to fly,
Like a butterfly or like an eagle across the sky.

Let the fairy spread her wings.

A bird can fly,
Why can’t I?

Thanks for stopping by to check on Devin. Please leave him a message and let him know you were here.

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Happy Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 14, 2005

Late Monday night....

In going through today's mail I received my Candlelighters newsletter. The gold ribbons to honor cancer kids are on sale NOW. The official lighting of the tree is December 10th in Washington D.C.. If you are interested in purchasing a ribbon in honor of a cancer kid click here: National Candlelighters Site

***Updated Monday evening****

Devin's appointment went great. He is looking better everyday and the doctor said he should be safe to go back to school. She thinks the new rash can be cleared up with some new ointment that was prescribed today. She gave us an over the counter super-duty lotion to get his peeling face under control. He left that place feeling like a million bucks!! He told me about 100 times that he couldn't believe how nice everyone in that clinic was. They were exceptionally nice. The doctor said she had been researching this 'severe allergic reaction' that Devin experienced and could only find documented cases in others that were on chemo. Today she said she was 100ure it was NOT chicken pox.

After we left the hospital, Devin and I went out for calzones. He has been talking about wanting to try one for some time and today he got his chance. He absolutely loved it. It was so nice to see him actually eating a meal.

We had a nice afternoon together. He talked me into going to the mall to do a little shopping. I was kindof surprised, but he always has been more of a shopper than Kara. We had a great time. He picked out some new clothes and a comfy new pair of shoes. He is so proud that his foot is growing. The entire two years it was on chemo it didn't grow one bit. We bought him new shoes while he was on treatment.....just because. He never wore any shoes out...never really went anywhere.

Its so neat to see him off of chemo and growing and just being normal. Gosh how I love this kid. I'm so happy he is looking so good and growing and all of those things we're supposed to just take for granted. We don't take anything for granted around here. Image hosted by Photobucket.com
Devin & Kara with Casey & Willie

Today is Devin's long awaited follow-up dermatology clinic!!!!! I am so past ready to find out what the heck is going on with him. He has missed over a week of school and is tired of being in isolation!! Me too!!! I'm ready to get back to 'normal' soon.

Casey is doing better. We've got him on insulin three times a day and that seems to have helped tremendously. His energy level is up so much!! He has been able to get up on his own EVERY time this weekend. We are so proud of how well he seems to be doing.

Today Randy is getting is credentials. We are so proud of you Randy!!!!! Wish we could see you get 'crowned' in person, but this webcam is working great!!!!!

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The kids with Casey

**I came online feeling sorry for myself. There have been many things over the past week that I honestly have felt cheated about and due to Devin's illness I haven't been able to do.................I thought I was past that, but then again I thought we were past the crap that cancer throws your way. The truth is, I guess there is only one true escape from cancer and I damn sure am glad we are not in that position. We have seen sooooooooooooooo many kids go. Its pure hell and I am so glad that overall Devin is beating the odds and has hope for a normal life.

I found out this morning that our beautiful friend, Christopher passed over the weekend. I have followed this beautiful boy for a long time. Deep down I guess I knew, but when I found out this morning I am just heartbroken. Christopher was a buddy to Devin's co-pilot Chris. I know that she thought he was something special too and was waiting for him. It doesn't make it any easier. When will these deaths and suffering end??

Thanks for stopping by. Please sign the guestbook.

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Things finally seem to be settling down a bit here. Devin was up ALL day yesterday. That was a first as he has been sleeping lots while he was home with the itchy spots. I'm hoping the dr. will clear him on Monday to go back to school. He is tired of mom making him do sooooooooo much work!!!!! He's done with all of the work that was sent home for him, so hopefully he can fall back into line when he goes back to school.

Casey had a better day yesterday. Each time we checked his blood (every 4 hours) we were able to get enough on the first stick. That makes me feel good. I hate to put him through so much. We've changed his insulin schedule to every 8 hours and that seems to have helped some. Yesterday he seemed so full of energy and even took a few short walks up and down our street. He was helping Kara sell for her dancing fundraiser; cookie dough, pizzas and Thanksgiving pies!!! He was quite the helper!!

Nothing planned for today. We had to miss our Disney on Ice show yesterday due to the spots. Seems like a repeat of the past couple of years. Hopefully our buddy, J.T. and his family got to go and enjoy the show. We were going to hang out with them yesterday until the spots showed up!! Sorry J.T., Riley and Kierstin.........next time you come to SLC we WILL do something fun!!!

Thanks for stopping by to check on my boys. Hopefully today will be a good day for both of them. Please sign the guestbook.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Sorry for the delay in updates.

Things are pretty much the same around here. I've been dealing with a migraine since Sunday and just haven't been online. Devin seems to be feeling better. He looks better. It just seems we can't say that outloud. Everytime I brag about how much better he looks he breaks into some other wierd rash. No fevers or throwing up though, so that is good.

I finally heard back from dermatology yesterday. I guess the reason it took them so long to call me back was because they were getting Devin's labs from oncology. Getting ANYTHING from our oncology clinic is alot like finding a needle in a haystack. Anyway, the drs in dermatology talked with the oncology department and decided Devin is NOT to be out and about until ALL of his sores are gone. Just too risky to be around so many people with open sores. The main dermatologist he saw last Friday will see him on Monday and hopefully figure out exactly what the heck is going on. Some answers would be nice.

Casey is still hanging in there and being a trooper. I was worried sick about him yesterday; checking his blood sugar at least every 4 hours. We switched vets a week or so back and I have to say I just LOVE our new vet. I only wish Devin could have received the attention that Casey is getting with this new dr. (Casey's vet of 11 plus years didn't want to 'deal' with diabetes.........think Dr. Kevorkian) Anyway, getting blood out of a dog is difficult at best. It seems the best place to get that little drop required by the One Step Ultra meter is his tail. The dr. shaved a bit off of his tail and boy does it look awful. Poor Casey is tired of it. Hopefully we'll get his insulin dosage figured out soon. Right now we are using human insulin and we just may have to switch to one formulated just for dogs in order to get this to work. I'm ready!!

The weather has been nice here. Sunny and just beautiful. There are so many things I would like to be doing right now. Its hard to lose your freedom and be confined to the house. Devin is getting bored with me. Hopefully Kara will bring home some homework for him to do today. He is getting antsy about missing so much school.

Thanks to everyone for the phone calls, emails and guestbook entries. Needless to say I have been a bit busy to respond to you guys just yet. Hopefully I'll get these two boys on the mend and things will get back to 'normal'...whatever the heck that is soon. We miss checking on our CB friends!!!!!

I'll try to update again soon. I need to go check Casey's blood sugar now before I pick Kara up from school. Today is gymnastics day!!!! Its Kara's favorite day of the week.

Please sign the guestbook.

Tuesday, November 8, 2005


I honestly thought Devin might be going back to school today. Less itching, spots are down a bit and the only 'open sores' are hidden under his clothes. I really thought we might just pull it off........

Devin jumped in the tub this morning and we got a new surprise: A new rash!!!! Its all over the trunk of his body and looks a bit like a poison ivy type 'all over' rash. Geez. No, I'm not going to ask what is next. I gave up on doing that long ago.

So here we are 'off chemo' and doing great. His trip to the hospital on Friday didn't even get us blood results so I have no idea where he stands on that......I just know something is going on. I've got a call into dermatology to see what their collective minds think.

Devin is resting and itch-free right now thanks to the miracle of benadryl. I have to wonder if there is a lifetime dosage on that product. If so, he's probably pretty close.

Last night/yesterday was horrible. Itchy, scary kid and a dog with blood sugar so out of control. We're checking Casey's blood sugar every 4 hours trying to determine what the heck is going on. Truth is, the dosage of insulin we've been giving him is keeping him too high still. He's back at the hospital today to TRY and get regulated. Poor dog. He is tired. He INSISTED on sleeping inside last night. Its the first time he's even acted interested in coming inside forever. (dogs, plants and even fresh fruits were banned from our sterile environment while Devin was on treatment) It makes me wonder if Casey feels the end is near. He didn't sleep at all. Poor thing.

Willie's developed 'kennel cough' without even visiting a kennel and is on antibiotics along with Casey. I'll tell you the fun around here never ends!!!!!!

Thanks for checking in. Please leave a message.

Monday, November 7, 2005

Devin is feeling better. He is very itchy and covered in open sores. Yuck! He doesn't have an appetite and just generally doesn't feel too great.

Randy took Casey to the vet on Saturday. His blood sugar was once again WAY TOO HIGH. His insulin was upped a little. Today we will be trying a new vet with some different approaches to getting his glucose level under control. Also, Casey has lost 30 pounds in the past 2 weeks!!

Willie has a barky cough. The regular vet didn't want to see him on Saturday, but Randy and I both feel he needs to be seen. We don't want Casey getting whatever it is and getting down even further. Both dogs seem happy with life right now. They've been enjoying playing in the leaves and soaking up the sunshine.

Kara is doing great. When she's not practicing her gymnastics she is reading. She is one energetic little girl!! Always busy, busy, busy!!

Thanks for stopping by to check on Devin. Please sign the guestbook and let him know you were here.

Saturday, November 5, 2005


We are home after a long day up at PCMC. They brought Devin in the clinic through the back door and immediately began to try and start an IV to start antibiotics. They couldn't find any good veins, so the infusion unit was called so a 'picc line' could be placed in his arm. All the while there is talk of IV antibiotics for 10 days plus, home health, etc., etc., etc..

There was a group of medical students in the oncology unit so they were all marched in to see a 'real live case of chicken pox'. We had several nurses in and out, along with several oncologists. It was BUSY!! Everyone was dressed in the reverse isolation mode (special gowns over their clothes). It was quite a site. Devin was getting quite nervous about everything. Just too many people and too much talk of poking and drugs and everything.

Finally one of the oncologists got a bright idea to call in some dermatologists BEFORE they inserted the picc line. After a few hours 2 dermatologists showed up and accessed Devin. They said they didn't 'think' he had chicken pox and if he did it was a 'light' case. They did, however, feel he had a severe allergic reaction to an insect bite. He is covered in sores that do look a lot like chicken pox. Large, with a crusty head on them. Gross to say the least AND extremely itchy.

We left the hospital with a prescription for some ointment along with instructions on taking benadryl. Devin has a low grade fever (99.7) and just feels pretty lousy. As soon as we walked in the house he began throwing up (like the old chemo style projectile harsh vomiting) and soon fell asleep. He woke for a couple of hours last night to begin vomiting again.

He has eaten a grilled cheese today and so far has kept it down. He has a few new areas, but so far has been pretty good to keep his hands off of them. He still has a fever so needless to say we are keeping a close eye on him. We are just sooooo glad it is not chicken pox!!

Randy has taken Casey in this morning for more blood sugar tests. He was pretty shaky this morning even with his insulin. Casey has been doing ok. He still needs quite a bit of help getting around, but has been taking all of his meds without a problem. I'll be anxious to hear his weight. I feel like he's lost at least 15 pounds since he was last in the vet.

Thanks for the continued prayers for Devin and our family. We appreciate you guys!!!

Friday, November 4, 2005 10:55 AM CST

Hi--Grandma here--

Alisa and Devin are headed to the hospital as I type this.
Devin woke up this morning breaking out with chickenpox.
In the normal world---this is no big deal---but in the
world of an immunocompromised child---it can be a VERY big
deal. The Dr. wanted him in ASAP--and they will start
IV antibiotics. He is running a temp and breaking out more
by the minute Alisa said. So, as soon as I hear anything
further, I will update---or if they get to bring him home--Alisa will.

Please sign the guestbook---it makes them all feel better
to know that others care. PLEASE keep him in your prayers.

Thanks---Grandma Gwen

Tuesday, November 1, 2005

It's Devin here updating my site. Halloween was soooo awesome!!! We got to wear our costumes to school, but we couldn't wear masks. "Yea"

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Casey posing with us on our way to school

My party was fun. My mom came and did this one game where you eat lots of chocolate. It was so fun. It was everyone's favorite game at the party.

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Getting ready for my school party!!

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Kara and her friends Abby and Meg at her party.

At night time I was waiting outside our house for about an eon for my friend Harry to show up. My sister's friend Sam came too. She is Harrison's sister.

One of the people on Halloween let me have like 2 handfuls of candy. Another person gave out giant pixie sticks. I got alot of good candy. I counted and there were 247 pieces just in my bag!!

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Me with all 247 pieces of my candy!!

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After we went trick or treating with the moms, we went home and ate our choice of pizza, chili or baked potatoes. I chose all three; plus the 'witches finger' breadsticks. I think they looked disgusting, but they were really good.

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You can see the witches fingers in this picture

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Me, Kara, Sam and Harry

After we ate we went trick or treating with the dads. They didn't go to as many houses as the moms. They are getting old you know. We only went to like 5 out of 40 houses. They think just because they are dark means no one is home.

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Getting ready to go back out for more candy

I took my vw pillow case to trick or treat because it is bigger than my normal trick or treat bag. That way I could get more candy.

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Dad's sun pumpkin

We did really awesome pumpkins this year. My dad spent about 3 hours doing the sun one. My sister can whip out jack o lanterns in record time. My dad also did the 'cannibal pumpkin'. I found it on a website and he copied it. Very cool!! I did the green jack o lantern. It was fun to do. We grew 4 pumpkins in our garden this year and bought the rest.

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Cannibal pumkin..........see the 'oh no' look on the little one's face...

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Mine is the green one!

Please sign my guestbook. Thanks!!!



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