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Thursday, April 1, 2010

No, this is not an April Fool's Day joke! I'm wide awake late at night and just happened to stop on by Jackson's caringbridge site. When I saw the date of my last journal entry (February 2009), I just about fell over! Embarrased that I haven't written anything here in such a long time. In a lot of ways, it's a good thing. Just means our lives continue to be busy and cancer free!

February 1, 2010 we celebrated two whole years of being off treatment for Jackson! Two whole years! It feels wonderful to say that, but we are constantly reminded just how lucky we are and to NEVER take anything for granted. Jackson continues to thrive and do well. He is almost 5 feet tall and his feet are larger that mine. His personality is so loving and kind. He has a spark and wit about him that makes us smile and has a great sense of humor. We finished up another great season of CYO basketball and are not heavily back involved with SCA Soccer. Jackson continues to be great at sports, which we love!

Faith is going to be seven years old in a few weeks. She is doing awesome in first grade. We are reading lots of books. Faith has been part of a cheerleading group for over 9 months and is loving it! She is so cute when she performs and loves being a little diva. (We're going to have our hands full) Faith continues to have a big heart for all types of animals and loves our dogs so much.

Eric and I continue to keep busy with work and family activities. Eric is once again training for a triathlon in May and has his sights set on completing an Ironman before he turns 40. He is also coordinating a local 5K Fun Run in memory of our friend, Jake Mihalca who lost his battle to leukemia in 2007. If you are interested in participating, you can get more information about the run at: www.stinkyfeet5k.webs.com We hope to see you there. All funds raised go directly to The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.

I have been enjoying March Madness and all the fun that comes in March with basketball. Jackson and I went to Round 1 in San Jose with Holly and John a couple of weeks ago. So much fun!

Eric and I just celebrated our 13th wedding anniversary. Wow! When looking back, the last 6 years of our life have been filled with just getting to the next phase. Whether it was getting Jackson to the next phase of his treatment plan or the next phase of our familie's life. We have been blessed along the way with loving support from friends and family. Cancer continues to remind us just how fragile life is. That is why we are passionate about finding a cure.

I will try and do better with updating Jackson's site. Funny now that I am on facebook, I seem to stay connected with everyone there. Caringbridge was such a huge help in connecting us with family and friends during difficult times, that it is a hard habit to give up. Thank you for continuing to sign the guestbook. It's always nice to see messages here from time to time.

Happy Spring to everyone!

Much love,

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Today is an amazing day! Today marks the day of Jackson taking his last chemotherapy drugs one year ago. I am beyond thrilled to be where we are and am so thankful we have one year past us!

I don't even really have words to express the feelings and joy that fills me today. It is absolutely amazing.

Our holidays were nice. Jackson is enjoying playing basketball and Faith is taking a jazz and tap class. Both are keeping busy with school and their activities.

Eric and I are doing well also. Staying busy with work. Eric continues to train for triathlons and I just signed up with Team In Training again to do the Alaska Half Marathon in June.

Thank you, thank you for continuing to check in on Jackson.

Kari H. - you are amazing! Thank you for always thinking of Jackson and our family. YouR emails and guestbook messages are always so nice to read. :)

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Here we are two months since I last updated Jackson's site. It is no intention to wait so long, but it is nice to just breeze through life.

Halloween was wonderful! Jackson was a bottle of mustard and Faith was a geisha princess. They both had us laughing with their costume choices, but they were adorable. The rain held off and we were thankful to see the kids having such a great time trick or treating. Halloween is just another memory of when Jackson started to get sick. So it is extra nice to see him running around enjoying life.

Jackson is now done with soccer. His team had a great year and we have seen him come a long way. He continues to love soccer, just like his dad. We are now on to CYO basketball, which he is really liking also. The practices are at Jackson's school, and are only twice a week. Enjoying the break of driving to Petaluma three times a week.

Thanksgiving was nice and quiet. We hosted at our home with my mom and dad joining us. We enjoyed watching the parade on TV and just hanging out. It was nice being home. For the last three years, we have celebrated thanksgiving time at Disneyland. Jackson was diagnosed four years ago on Thanksgiving weekend and we have avoided the holiday with fun time at Disneyland. We didn't go this year, which was a little weird, but it was nice looking back at how far we have come.

Jackson's oncology appointment in November went great. Dr. Robbin's was happy with how he was doing and we moved his appointments to every six weeks. We don't go back to UCSF until after Christmas. yeah!

Faith continues to do well in school. She is loving kindergarten and making lots of new friends. She makes us laugh alot.

Thank you to everyone that continues to check in on Jackson and our family. We love still reading your guestbook entries. It is always nice popping on Caringbridge to check in. Happy Holidays!


Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Today Jackson had his 8th month off treatment appointment at UCSF. Per our oncologist, Jackson looks fabulous! He is now 4 ft. 7 inches tall and weighs in at 70 lbs. He will definately be catching up to me soon. His blood counts were right where they need to be. Our oncology nurse asked if it was OK for us to know that if we didn't hear from her, that all was fine. I immediately chimed in that I would still like to know what his actual blood counts were and we can re evaluate in the next 6 months. (I'm not quite there yet.)

We just had Light The Night at the end of September. Jackson's ALL Stars raised almost $ 6000 for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Way to go team! It was a very fun evening and I know we all had lots of fun. Thank you to everyone that help fundraise and came out and enjoyed the evening. I will try and update with photos soon.

The kids are doing great! School is in full swing and life is busy! Jackson and Faith continue with soccer. Both kids have their Halloween costumes for this year. Jackson - a bottle of mustard and Faith - a Geisha Princess. At least they are original!

Thank you to everyone that continues to check in on us.

We'll update again soon!

August 28, 2008

Hi Everyone!

My apologies for having such big gaps in our updates. Life continues to move forward and for that we are extremely grateful!

Summer is coming to an end. The kids start school next Tuesday. Jackson will be in the 4th grade and Faith will be starting Kindergarten! Exciting times. Hard to believe in a lot of ways. I find myself having a hard time thinking about Jackson and how he was feeling in kindergarten right before he was diagnosed. Faith is in a completely different classroom and has a different teacher than Jackson did for kindergarten. A lot of raw memories are surfacing around Jackson's diagnosis and it is hard sometimes to not focus on those thoughts and worry about Faith. Luckily, I take a deep breath and move forward. I know Faith will do fantastic, but it sometimes is hard not to worry.

We have had an amazing summer and I think the best part, at least for me was not having to deal with chemotherapy each day. Jackson was able to be a "normal" kid and just have fun! I will have to admit I am ready for us to get back to a school schedule, but summer has been great! We did so many fun and exciting things. Life is good.

Jackson had his 6th month off treatment oncology appointment last week. Dr. Robbins was very happy with how he is doing. His blood work came back great. All in all, she was very pleased with how Jackson was doing. Yeah! (Another big sigh of relief.) We will still be checked every 4-6 weeks by his oncologist. The goods news is that it has already been 6 months since Jackson finished chemo! Wow!

We have a team again in Jackson's honor and in Jake's memory for Light The Night. If you would like to donate or come out and walk with our team, please click here. Our team has a goal of raising $ 5000 this year.

Thanks for always checking in on Jackson and our family.

Saturday, July 12, 2008


Greetings from Maui! I had so many intentions of updating Jackson's page prior to leaving on vacation, but it just didn't happen. The kids are sounds asleep and I thought I would do a quick update while sitting on the patio overlooking the beach.

First off, Jackson is doing great! We had his 5 month off treatment appointment on Monday and everything looked great! His blood counts came back normal and his check up was great. Phew. . . Another month down.

Our summer has been great! The kids have been busy with cheerleading, basketball and soccer camps. They have been participating in the library's summer reading program with my mom. We saw Walle a couple of weeks ago and have been taking it easy. We definately have been busy, but in a good way.

At the end of Jackson's chemotherapy treatment, Eric's oldest brother Anthony and his wife Valerie (from Seattle) told us they were taking us to Maui this summer. We were completely shocked and didn't know what to say. (of course we said thank you!) Well, we are now in Maui until the 16th and completely loving every moment! It is so beautiful here and the resort we are at is amazing! All the kids are having a great time and I can't wait to download the photos we have been taking. The kids made candy leis yesterday and we have been doing a lot of laying by the pool and snorkeling. Life is good.

Jackson and Faith are having a great time hanging with their cousins and a lot of memories are being made. A lot of happy memories.

We are thankful that we have come so far. Jackson is thriving and we couldn't be happier.

I hope to upload photos from our trip when we return.

Thank you for continuing to check in.

Friday, May 23, 2008


It has been 112 days today that you finished chemo! Jackson, you truly are our hero and we are so proud of you! Today is Jackson's 9th birthday. We love you!

I am back! I know it seems forever since we last updated Jackson's page. Life continues to move forward and things are going well!

Jackson had his monthly blood test a couple of weeks ago and his counts were great. (Always a big sigh of relief until next month). Since we last updated, Faith celebrated her 5th birthday on May 7th. Hard to believe our baby is 5! She will be starting kindergarten in the fall. (Eric sure is getting old!) ;)

Jackson is out of school on June 6th. He can not wait! He always is saying how much he dislikes school. I think he loves school, just dislikes the homework. I last posted about Jackson's play. He was the lead part and did a FANTASTIC job! We might have an actor on our hands. Photos will be posted below.

Also, Eric and our neighbor Dennis completed their first triathlon with Team in Training. They did awesome and loved every minute of it! They have already signed up for Vineman in August. Crazy!

Life is good and we continue to move forward with life. I still can't believe Jackson is 9! I still remember him being diagnosed and being told he would have chemotherapy until 2008! I never thought this birthday would come and here we are!

We hope everyone has a wonderful Memorial Day weekend. Enjoy the time with your family and friends. We are off to Camp Okizu. We can't wait. (Although it is suppose to rain. I guess that makes camping interesting.)

Love to all!

Monday, April 28, 2008

I wanted to share that Jackson received the "Game Ball" at his baseball game on Saturday. It was the very first game he has pitched at and did a FANTASTIC job! We were all so impressed with his pitching skills! Go Jackson! (proud mom moment!)

Eric has his triathlon this weekend that our neighbor Dennis and he have been training for. We are really excited to see him cross the finish line at another Team In Training event and this will be his Triple Crown event with TNT! Go Eric!

Jackson's play is this Wednesday. Show times are at 8:30 and 9:30 am at Monte Vista. If you are able to, come by and see Jackson's performance.

Sunday, April 20, 2008
Jackson had his 2nd off treatment doctor's appointment on April 8th. His blood counts came back FABULOUS! Yeah!

WBC: 5.5
Hemoglobin: 14.3
Platelets: 337,000
ANC: 3610

Wow, it has been a long time since his counts have been this good. It was such a relief. Everything seems to be going well. The skin rash is still there. We are closely monitoring it.

If you know Jackson or if you have read any of my entries, you are able to get that Jackson is a very shy and quiet boy. His third grade class is putting on a play later this month called Pecos Bill. Everyone in his class had to audition for at least one part from the play. Jackson came home and told us he wanted to audition for the lead part, Pecos Bill. We were shocked and encouraged him to practice and to do well. Well, he came home from auditions as this year's Pecos Bill!!! We couldn't believe our quiet and shy boy was the lead roll in a play that is performed not only once, but twice in front of the whole school! We were beyong excited! His teacher along with lots of other people were shocked as well but everyone is so excited. He is doing a fantastic job learning his lines.

We continue to be busy with soccer and baseball. Life continues to move forward and we are thankful for that.

Faith and her friend Jena had their first sleepover at our house last night. They are so cute and Eric continues to laugh at how cute they are.

Hope all is well and thanks for checking in!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

I am reconnecting with Caringbridge! Sorry for being MIA for the last few weeks. To be honest, not having much to report and not having to think about cancer and chemotherapy each and every day is kind of nice! Don’t get me wrong, we still have our moments where we get a little nervous but we are here and doing great!

I thought I would FINALLY post an update and post photos of Jackson’s off treatment party. Jackson had his 2nd off treatment doctor’s appointment today. He is doing good. We had blood drawn today, but I didn’t get the results yet. I am confident that his blood counts are good. For spring break, Jackson, Faith and I went to North Carolina to visit my family. We went to Round 1 of March Madness. Jackson and I attended 6 basketball games and had a great time. The games were all amazing and Jackson had a blast. We went to the games with my cousin Holly and her husband John. Thank you Holly and John for an amazing couple of days! We also went to the beach for a couple of days.

One of the highlights of our trip was meeting Alex and his family. Alex was diagnosed with ALL in July of 2005. His mom, Katie and I have been in contact the last year or so and we were able to finally meet in person! The kids all got along so well and it was so nice visiting with their family. They are an amazing family and we look forward to seeing them again in the future.

I also wanted to post about Kathy’s Camp for Kids. This is a wonderful new non profit here in Sonoma County supporting children whose parent’s have been affected by cancer. We are getting ready for our upcoming event and we are also selling raffle tickets for the event. Check out Kathy’s Camp for Kids for more information.

We are a busy family. Eric is training for his triathlon with Team In Training, Jackson is playing baseball and soccer, Faith is playing soccer and I am trying to keep us all together! Life is good and we are enjoying being a family. I plan on keeping this page updated, I just won’t be updating it as often as I have in the past. I really enjoy sharing our lives as well as Jackson’s medical information. This page has been such a blessing for our family over the last 3 ½ years.

Enjoy the photos of Jackson's off treatment party. :)

Friday, March 14, 2008

Time sure has flown by! Hard to believe my last journal update was at the end of February!

Things have been going good. Jackson continues to heal from his surgery. He had his second off treatment doctor's appointment with Dr. Robbins on Tuesday. His blood counts came back great. His ANC was a little low at 1300 (especially not being on chemo), but it will continue to stabilize over the next several months. His liver enzymes have gone back within normal range. He has continually dealt with dry skin and a skin rash since going off treatment. We are seeing his pediatrician today to check on that. Otherwise, he is doing fantastic!

Eric celebrated another birthday on March 6th. (Boy, he is getting old!) Our buddy, angel Jake would have celebrated his 8th birthday on March 12th. The kids took balloons and toys to Jake's grave site over the weekend. It was an emotional visit for all of us. We miss you Jake!

Faith continues to be Faith. She is silly and has been very loving lately. Gotta love that!

Our lives continue to be busy with soccer, baseball and life. We are thankful each day to be able to do all these things!

Please check out Kathy's site. Her cancer has progressed and she could definately use all of our prayers. But, on another note, Kathy's Camp for Kid's website was finally launched. Check it out! Very exciting!

We hope everyone has a great weekend and thanks for checking in!

Tuesday, February 29, 2008

Jackson had his port surgically removed yesterday. Everything went smoothly and he is home resting. He's feeling pretty good, just in some pain.

I wanted to wish my mother in law, Claudia a very happy birthday today! (Since she is a leap year baby, she doesn't get too many birthdays!) HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

February 26, 2008

I know I am WAY over due for an update! I have so many things to report on. Where to begin?

I guess I will start with Jackson's AMAZING off treatment party! Eric and I are still speechless about Jackson's party! We had over 220 people come to celebrate Jackson's end of chemo and it was truly an amazing day! We definately felt the love and support of all of family, friends and neighbors! I just received several disks full of photos taken from that day. I will try and post them here in a few days. THANK YOU, THANK YOU to everyone that came. We were overwhelmed with emotions. It was an emotional and amazing day.

I hope to post more details about the party weekend soon. In other news, Jackson was suppose to have his port taken out last Thursday, but due to a sore throat and cough, it is now scheduled for this Thursday. However, he still has a cough. Keep your fingers crossed that we can still have it removed on Thursday.

The rest of our family is doing good.

Our family attended a pasta feed fundraiser tonight for a girl in Santa Rosa who was diagnosed with ALL (the same type of leukemia Jackson had) last year. Skylar is a fighter and is right in the middle of her treatment. It brought back a lot of emotions for our family and reminded us of the fundraiser Justin Thompson did for our family. Our community was truly amazing and was in full force tonight. There were so many people there to support Skylar and her family.

We spoke with Skylar's parents and had the absolute pleasure of eating with two other childhood cancer survivors from Santa Rosa. Grace was diagnosed with ALL in 2000 and is now 9 years old doing GREAT! True success story!

We also ate and chatted with Michael Jensen's family. Michael is a lymphoma survivor and is doing GREAT! He is now a freshman in high school with a 4.0 GPA. It was so nice chatting with other families who have gone through what we have. The best part of it all was being able to say, "Jackson is a survivor and is off treatment!" YAAHOOO! (Did I type that loud enough?) YAHOOOO!!!

Please stop by and send Skylar's family some words of support. They are a great family!

Eric is once again training for an endurance event with Team In Training. This season he is going for his triple crown and is training for a triathlon. His goal is to ask 400 people for only $ 5.00 each. He is asking everyone he knows to skip their morning run to Starbucks (sorry Val!) and to make a tax deductible donation to The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. I am posting his fundraising page link at the bottom of Jackson's page.

I plan to keep Jackson's page updated now that he is off treatment. Sorry for the lack in updates. I will try to get back on a regular schedule.

- mom of a SURVIVOR!!!!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Sorry for the lack of updates. We are getting ready for Jackson's party this weekend and life has been really busy for us. Everything has been going great. Jackson did have a weird skin rash that got progressively worse. He is now on a steroid cream to clean it up. It is doing the trick.

Jackson had his first off treatment doctor's appointment yesterday. They drew labs from his port and flushed it, since you have to flush it at least once a month. His counts rocked!

White blood count: 3.6
Hemoglobin: 12.3
Platelets: 191,000
ANC: 1630

His liver functions are still elevated, but hoping they start to return to normal here soon. He is scheduled to have his port removed next Thursday.

Otherwise, life continues to move forward. I do believe Jackson has had the most fun being able to eat later in the evening.

If you have a moment, please say an extra prayer for friend Judy and our great uncle Truman. Judy's cancer has spread and Truman had a heart attack.

Thanks for checking in. Happy Valentine's Day!

Friday, February 1, 2008

THE BIG DAY HAS ARRIVED! When I think back to the day Jackson was diagnosed - November 22, 2004 I get a huge lump in my throat. It is a very hard and real feeling to describe. Eric and I never would have imagined this could happen to our family, let alone to one of our children. I remember praying with all I had in me for Jackson to be OK and to live and be with us for many, many years. That scary and lonely day in November will always be engraved in our memory. Being told your child has cancer is awful. There is no other way to put it.
Basically, the last 3 1/2 years of our family's life have been put on hold one way or another. Don't get me wrong, we have lived each and every day to it's fullest. There has not been one day that has gone by that I have not told our children how much I love them and how much they mean to me. I have realized many, many times how special our children are and also how special my husband is. We have worked as a team during some of the most challenging and scary times of our lives. We have spent numerous days and nights in emergency rooms and hospitals. I have held my son so tight many, many times wishing I could take everything away. I have wished so many times that I could take all his pain away.

I am overwhelmed with emotion as I think how far Jackson has come. While I wish with all I have that Jackson would have never been diagnosed with leukemia, I do feel truly blessed to have traveled this journey with my amazing children and my best friend and husband Eric.

I can assure you that come Saturday, I will be shouting out, "My son is a survivor!" He has looked cancer straight in the face and told it that it would not win! He is a fighter and truly amazing!

Our lives are no longer on hold. The next chapter of our lives will begin on Saturday. We have truly kicked cancer in the butt!

And the photo countdown continues below. . . .

Here Jackson is on Tuesday night. Tuesdays are always the hardest night of the week for taking his pills. I think these photos say it all:

Having a hard time swallowing.

He did it!

Here he is Wednesday night:

And finally tonight.

A BIG shout out to Linda and Kathy for the Survivor's package. It arrived today and our entire family loved it! Yes, we are survivors!

Tomorrow is the big day! ;)
Tuesday, January 29, 2008

And there are only 4 days left of chemotherapy! Holy cow! We are getting very excited! Who knew this day would come?

So last night, Jackson took his last Monday night chemo! Tomorrow night will be one more down. We sure are getting close to the last night of chemo! Yahoo!

Here is a photo that was taken of Jackson taking his chemo.


I have moved the details of Jackson's off treatment celebration party to just above the journal entry. If you are able to join us, please do. We promise it will be lots of fun!

As I was taking the photos off the camera this morning, I realized I had photos from earlier this month of Jackson getting his last Vincristine IV chemo. So, in true Tiffany fashion, below are some photos from our trip to UCSF.

Jackson getting his last Vincristine. Bye, bye chemo!

Eileen and Jackson goofing around at clinic. Eileen is a child life specialist and she has helped put many smiles on Jackson's face during not so happy times.

Faith posing with a scared look on her face sitting with the gorilla!

A photo of the kids with the lava cake. This was their celebration cake!

The kids sitting on the gorilla at the Rainforest Cafe in San Francisco.
Thanks for checking in on us. Jackson has been enjoying reading the guestbook entries! Thank you!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Monday, January 21, 2008

We continue the countdown to Jackson being done with his chemotherapy! Life has been good and we are anxiously awaiting February 1st to arrive. Other than a little cough, Jackson is doing good. Hard to believe we only have 11 more days of chemo left.

Please join us for Jackson's party if you can make it. Details are below.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Everything went fine on Tuesday. It was a funny feeling knowing it was Jackson's last dose of IV Vincristine. We are now knee deep in his steroid pulse which has him not feeling good. His ANC on Tuesday was 1600. Right where we want it. We were very thankful for that. We wanted to thank Peter and his family for the gift card they gave Jackson at treatment and the wonderful cards for our family. It made Jackson's day. THANK YOU!

Jackson will finish his oral chemo pills as of February 1st and he has his first off treatment doctor's appointment on February 12th. We are scheduled to remove his port-o-cath on February 21st.

We continue to be very greatful each and every day that Jackson continues to do well. We hope to see you next month at his celebration. Details are below.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Happy New Year Everyone! Hard to believe we are breezing through January! Tomorrow is Jackson's LAST IV chemotherapy treatment! Have we mentioned this? (Ha, Ha!) We can not believe the day has finally arrived! His doctor's appointment is at 10:30 am and we should be done by early afternoon. OMG! Crazy to think about! All good thoughts though.

Then, we will have continue his oral chemo drugs nightly until February 1st. Yikes! So, here are the details for Jackson's off treatment party/celebration.

When: Sunday, February 17, 2008
Time: 1:30-3:30 pm
Location: University of Sports, Rohnert Park

If you are reading this, you are definately invited! You have all helped us get through the past 3 1/2 years. We hope to see you on February 17th!

Otherwise, things are going good here in the O'Neil household. The kids went back to school today. They both weren't very excited about getting back into their routines, but they made it through the day.

We have had lots of rain here this last week. We are expecting more tomorrow. We can always use the rain, but we also like having sunshine.

We'll keep you posted on tomorrow's appointment. Thanks for checking in!


Friday, December 28, 2007

We hope everyone had a fun filled Christmas! We had a wonderful Christmas. We were reminded how much we have to be thankful for. It was a quiet, low key day and we were thankful we were home to enjoy our family.

Below are a few of our favorite 2007 Christmas photos.

Faith and Jackson on Christmas Eve in front of our Christmas tree. Can you tell they were excited?

This was taken right after they came downstairs to see what Santa had brought. They were SOOOO excited to see they had Webkinz in their stockings!

Jackson with his Ripstik.

Faith with her swimming baby!

Jackson at Nanny & Pompa's house opening up a PS2 game.

Now that 2007 is coming to an end, we are welcoming with open arms 2008! We are hoping 2008 will be OUR YEAR! We are ready to celebrate Jackson finishing his chemotherapy and we are looking forward to a cancer free future. Hard to believe we are only 36 days away from finishing up Jackson's chemotherapy. Wahoo!!!!

Mark your calendars for Jackson's off treatment party which is scheduled for Sunday, February 17th. More details to follow. . . . :)

Happy New Year everyone!

Sunday, December 23, 2007

As you might have noticed, I have added our countdown to the top of Jackson's page. We are getting so close to Jackson going off treatment, that I had to make a bigger deal of it!

We are getting very excited about Christmas in our house. The advent calendars have one candy left and the kids are bouncing off the walls! It has been nice being home and enjoying family time. Today we are hoping to do some crafts and baking. We need to get some cookies baked for Santa.

Thank you Angel Rose for the box of gifts! Everything was wonderful! We are grateful to people who have gone above and beyond for our family. Also thank you to the Hutchinsons for your continued kindness to our family.

I was just thinking back the other day about our first Christmas after Jackson was diagnosed with leukemia. We had only been home for a couple of weeks prior to Christmas and we were still in shock mode from Jackson's diagnosis. Our friend Justin and the Rohnert Park firefighters came by our home with Santa and lots of gifts for the kids. We were so overwhelmed with life that we weren't able to really enjoy the holidays. Although, I do remember being so thankful that we were together as a family and we were able to be home.

We have come such a long way and we couldn't ask for a better Christmas gift! Jackson going off treatment is the best gift we could ever receive. We are looking forward to next Christmas and being cancer free! I just can't wait!

We hope everyone has a magical Christmas! Remember to be thankful for the blessings in your life.

Merry Christmas!

~ The O'Neil Family

Saturday, December 15, 2007

49 Days Until Off Treatment!

Treatment went by OK. Jackson was full of giggles which was nice to see and hear. We didn't change his oral chemotherapy doses, thank goodness! We will stay at the same percentage until next month when we recheck his blood counts. If at that point his neutrophil is still above 2000, we will increase his oral chemotherapy. We'll just wait and see.

Dr. Robbins was happy with how he looked. Jackson's ear infection and eye infection were cleared up. His bilirubin and liver functions were a little elevated, but nothing new on that end. She did mention that she will closely monitor him after he goes off treatment to make sure things still stay looking good. Jackson had his port accessed after Dr. Robbins saw him and he received his IV chemotherapy. We then headed down to the surgery center for Jackson's intrathecal chemotherapy (injected in his spinal fluid). It was our LAST spinal tap! There were alot of kids waiting in the surgery center and they were behind schedule. We met two kids (one was 19 years old and the other 4) while waiting. It was a strange feeling being the "veteran" family in the waiting room. It is a strange feeling. Hard to explain. Both families liked seeing Jackson doing well and getting ready to head off treatment! They said he was definately an inspiration!

Jackson did fantastic with his spinal tap as always. He is always so brave and even cracks a smile or two for the doctors and nurses. They all knew it was our last spinal and shared in our excitement. They took these photos of us.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
This is before Jackson was sedated. The procedure room is so small and they always seem to "pack" as many doctors and nurses into one room as possible.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Here is Jackson in post op. He woke up to a bouquet of balloons saying Congratulations! It was a great feeling knowing this was his last spinal! I think Eric and I are more excited than Jackson.

We celebrated with a trip to Mel's Drive In in San Francisco (Jackson's favorite restaurant)! That evening Nanny and Pompa treated Jackson and Faith to ice cream to celebrate.

This week Jackson has not felt well. He stayed home from school on Wednesday. Alot of aches and upset stomach. He seems to feeling a little better this morning. Hoping that just continues through the weekend.

We are having a low key weekend, trying to get our last minute holiday errands run.

Thank you so much for following Jackson's story and for checking in on him. We really love reading guestbook entries and they help us smile when we have had a rough day.

Merry Christmas everyone!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

** Please stop by Ali's page if you are looking for a really special Christmas gift. The money raised from Marey's plate sales goes directly to helping three pediatric cancer families. If you notice on Ali's left border, there is a photo of Jackson and Faith from last Christmas with their personalized plate. **

Monday, December 10, 2007

We just got Jackson's blood test results for those that want to know, his ANC was on the higher side at 2400. HMMM. . . .It will be interesting tomorrow to see what we do with his oral chemo drugs. I don't want to make any changes this close to the end. I'll keep you posted.

54 Days until Off Treatment!

Sorry for the delay in updating Jackson’s site. We have been super busy with the holidays quickly approaching. Our trip to Southern California was great. We had a wonderful time visiting Eric’s grandmothers, aunts, uncles and cousins in Bakersfield. We then spent 4 days in Redlands with Eric’s parents, brothers and their families and old friends. It has been a long time since we have all been together. We then spent Monday-Thursday at Disneyland for our annual trip. This year Eric’s brother Anthony and his family stayed with us at Disneyland. We had an amazing time having fun and remembering how much we have to be thankful for.

We spend Jackson’s diagnosis anniversary at Disneyland each year. We have come a long way in the last three years. Eric and I spent some time talking about how our lives have changed so much these last three years. We have come a long way, but still have so much healing to do. Our number one priority is to help Jackson through his chemotherapy treatments and to have a healthy boy.

We are getting so close to end of Jackson’s treatment schedule! We go to UCSF on Tuesday for his LAST spinal tap (chemotherapy in his spinal fluid) and his second to last IV chemotherapy. Did I mention this is his LAST!!!!! spinal tap? OMG! I know I have written in the past how nervous I get thinking about life after treatment, but recently I find myself getting more and more excited. Jackson deserves so much! He has been through so much these last three years and I remember thinking when he was originally diagnosed that 3 ½ years would take FOREVER! Now look at us! 54 more days! Yikes!

Please pray for a smooth treatment day on Tuesday. It still is always difficult going to the surgery center for his procedure and waiting to join him in the recovery room. The whole day is exhausting from our view let alone how Jackson feels going through it all.

We have so much to be thankful for during this holiday season. My heart breaks for the families that have recently lost their children to cancer. Please remember some of our friends:

Jake Mihalca

It just isn’t fair that so many children have to suffer. Please remember these special families during this holiday season.

Thursday, November 21,2007

73 Days Until Off Treatment!

Three years ago today life had yet to change. Most days seem to be the same as others. Sleep, eat, work, play among other things. Life was average and boy how we wish that we can have average back. Those where the days that I did not think of life expectancy as a percentage. I did not think of my children having a 100hance of living because I did not ever think of them with a percentage chance of dying (that word took me a long time to type). Even as I type this I’m glancing over at a picture of our dear friend Jacob realizing what can happen when we have to start looking at our lives as a percentage. Jacob’s percentage of surviving was a lot lower then Jackson and in his life the percentages were against him. Every day our memories of Jacob way heavy in our hearts.

This day and every day before it was always about living. The day I am referring to is Sunday, November 21st, 2004, the day before our world came to a screeching halt then falling off a cliff; drowning under the water; back above water but treading in a deep, cold ocean; back under a crashing wave; then some how back to falling off a giant cliff again. That was Monday, November 22, 2004. The next couple of years to follow we had more days like that mixed with many wonderful uplifting days! But I must tell you I feel that Tiffany and I have aged several years just from days of hell, sometimes just a few minutes can feel like a lifetime.

What about those wonderful experiences the past three years since Jackson’s diagnosis?
Thanks to so many incredible people and organizations we have a lot to be thankful for on this coming Thanksgiving Day.

It would be difficult to list them all but a few highlights include:

*Each minute we have spent at Camp Okizu!

*Our Marathon celebrations with Team In Training.

*Christmas at home!!

*The pasta dinner and fundraiser in honor of Jackson.

*The day in the Limo and candy shop with Jacob & Alexa.

*Watching Jackson play a weekend of his best soccer even after chemo.

*Our wonderful oncologist Dr. Robbins and all the staff at UCSF. They are all wonderful!

*Disneyland! (We leave tomorrow. . . Yeah!)

*Light The Night with our family and friends.

*Watching Faith sing and dance throughout the house.

*Summers at the pool.

*Jackson coming home to see his playhouse from Make a Wish foundation.

*Our wonderful angel family, the Hutchinsons and all our Christmas Angels through Cancer Warriors.

*Getting Claire - our newest puppy

The list is too large to complete. For this reason, we feel grateful for all that we have been blessed with. Though the memories of the past haunt us, as we come to an end with Jackson’s treatment we are looking forward to the future.

Hope you all have a magnificently average day!



Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Jackson did awesome at treatment yesterday. He always amazes us with his strength and courage. Unfortunately, he came home from school today not feeling well. Actually, feeling pretty lousy. We hope the chemo yuckies pass quickly this month. Ugh. . . . hating cancer.

Please stop by and send encouraging words to our close friend Kathy. Her recent scan showed growth. I know Kathy and her family truly enjoy reading uplifting messages in her guestbook.

Cancer is such a horrible and unfair disease. Nothing is fair about it. . . .

Monday, November 12, 2007
82 Days Until Off Treatment!

Just stopping by to do a quick journal entry. It is always nice not having much to report. Faith and Jackson have been fighting colds now for the last few weeks. Faith seems to be doing better, except for a cough at night. Jackson still isn't back to feeling 100 percent. Tonight we skipped soccer because he wasn't feeling good. Tomorrow he has his IV chemotheraphy. I will be anxiously waiting the results for his blood counts. Since it has taken forever to get over this cold, I hope things are where they are suppose to be.

Eric and Jackson were in Menlo Park yesterday for a soccer game. They had a nice ride down there with Marc and Ian Van Riper. Faith and I were able to have a tea party at the park with her baby dolls. It was a lot of fun doing girl things and the weather was beautiful.

This time of year comes with lots of emotions. Halloween was hard for Eric and I this year as we were reminded of how sick Jackson was on Halloween in 2004. He could barely walk a few blocks and was not feeling well. The weeks prior to Jackson being diagnosed with leukemia are so hard to look back on. We hope that as time goes on, we continue to heal. It doesn't take much for me to still break down in tears over the thought of what our son has had to endure. Life just isn't fair. We are truly blessed to have Jackson with us today and it is with such joy we watch him grow into a healthy young man. While each day is filled with uncertainty, we continue to cherish each moment.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

93 Days Until off Treatment!

We have been doing lots of Halloween activities this last week. I just wanted to write a quick update and post all our fun photos.
Jackson had a great time at Boo Fest. This was his soccer tournament that took place last weekend in Sacramento. The kids got to dress up in their costumes and fun was had by all.

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Jackson and Faith during the tournament with their Green hair.

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The kids with Ian.

Halloween was a lot of fun! The kids had a great time and of course got lots of candy! Faith was a dalmation puppy and Jackson was Abraham Lincoln. We didn't see anyone with the same costumes as the kids which was great! Jackson definitely had an original!

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Here is our Honest Abe!

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Jackson with his loot! Faith wouldn't take a photo.

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This was Faith's Jack o Lantern. A design original.

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Jackson's Jack o Lantern is the one on the left. Quite scary!

Jackson is fighting a nasty cold and has been for almost two weeks! Ugh! That has me wondering what his counts are. Otherwise, we are all doing well.

Thanks for checking in!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

99 Days Until Off Treatment!

Wow! I can't believe that we are 99 days from going off treatment! I haven't had time to update Jackson's site this week and finally had time this morning to sit down and do an update. Here we are! OMG! I just can't believe we are so close. 99 Days! Yikes!

I have so much to update on. Jackson had his IV chemotherapy treatment on the 15th. Everything went fine and his ANC was holding strong at 1400. His body has been doing well at 80 percent oral chemo so the plan is to keep him at the same percentage. I took these cute photos of Jackson and Faith at treatment.

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Only 3 more IV treatments!

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Nanny and Jackson at treatment. Only 3 more treatments! Yipee!

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Faith passing time and enjoying candy at treatment.

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Our nurse Mary cleaning Jackson's port prior to accessing it. He always laughs so hard when it is being cleaned. Too funny!

Last weekend was the Nike Women's Marathon. This was my 3rd year participating in it. My mother-in-law participated for the 2nd time. It was truly amazing and the best year yet! The sky was crystal clear it was a beautiful day in the city! I decided to walk the half marathon this year instead of doing a run/walk combo. It was nice to take my time and I did just that. I took in the many motivational signs and photos along the way. I saw many familiar faces as well as some surprising photos of my little man along the way. There were over 5500 Team in Training participants. Team in Training raised over 18.5 million dollars at this one event. That is amazing!

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Jackson and me at about mile 4 during the marathon.

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Jackson with Eric's mom during the marathon.

We were able to meet up at the finish line with Noelle's family and also with Marey, Ali's mom. It is so nice to see families who have children that are cancer survivors. Both families are so nice. I was reminded why I partipate in the Nike Women's Marathon. Thank you to all the people who raised funds for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. We need more people in the world like you!

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Noelle's family and our family at the finish line.

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Two good looking kiddos. Noelle and Jackson at the finish line.

We have another busy weekend. Jackson has another soccer tournament in Sacramento. It is suppose to be alot of fun and the kids get to dress up in their costumes.

We continue to be reminded daily of how good life is. Jackson continues to do well and we are thankful each day.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

110 Days until Off Treatment!

So below are several photos from Light The Night. Hope you enjoy.

I also wanted to post a link to a touching story off ESPN.com. click here

Jackson has treatment on Monday. Hard to believe we only have 3 more monthly chemotherapy appointments after Monday. Yikes! I don't know whether to smile or to start panicking.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

117 Days Until Off Treatment!

Sorry for the lack in updates. But, no news is good news. Things have been going good. (It is so wonderful to be able to say that!)

Action Jackson continues to amaze us with his energy and spunk for life. He is doing so great in school and has been working hard at mastering his multiplication facts. Just this week he passed his 11s!) He is working a report about comets now and is really enjoying it.

Soccer continues to keep us busy. Both kids continue to play. We just got the kids Halloween costumes and Jackson will be Abraham Lincoln and Faith will be a puppy. They both look adorable and are counting down the days until Halloween.

Last night was Light The Night. Eric's parents flew up and joined us along with about 30 other friends and family. It was so nice having eveyone together on one special evening. Our team, Jackson's A.L.L. Stars raised almost $ 4000 for The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society! Yeah! It was such joy watching Jackson lead our team on the walk holding his banner with pride. I have so many great photos from last night. Once I get them downloaded, I will be posting them. Thank you to Gary Gannon for designing our team tshirts and also to Peter Alexander and Apel Shirts for doing the printing. They turned out great! Thank you to all our friends and family that joined us last night! You guys rock!

I also need to thank the Hutchinson family for their continued prayers and gifts they have sent our family for the last 3 years. They have shown our family such great support along with so many others. They were complete strangers that came to us through Cancer Warriors. Thank you so much for all you do and have done for our family!

We have a busy rest of the weekend with Eric's parents. The kids are having a great time with Grandma and Grandpa. Also, a big shot out to Jackson's buddy Ian. Happy Birthday! Stop by and leave a Happy Birthday message!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

128 Days Until Off Treatment!

Just a quick update. All is well in the O'Neil household. Jackson is still not feeling 100 percent and is having lots of belly aches. I don't know what that is about, but am hopeful that he will be feeling better soon.

He did AWESOME (or at least I was told) last Saturday at his soccer games. I was in Yountville training for my upcoming marathon. He scored 3 goals. Eric said it was one of Jackson's best games. He has a tournament this weekend here locally at Sonoma State. Should be fun.

Faith has been continuing her soccer games also. Three this week! I can say at this point, soccer probably isn't her sport, but we'll see how she does as she gets older. She has more fun dancing around and saying hi to everyone on the sidelines. (Kind of like me) If anything, all these girls are so cute playing and it definately entertaining to watch!

If you get a chance, stop by Kathy's site and say hi. She just started a new type of chemo and I know she can use lots of support. She is one tough gal. Her strength inspires so many people. Eric saw her out running this morning! Wow!

Until next time. . . .

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

135 days until Off Treatment!
Treatment went fine yesterday. It was a "typical" day at clinic. I hate that I can write "typical" because there is nothing tyical about cancer. I hate it all!

Jackson's blood counts from Monday were all great. His ANC was 1416, right where we want it. Jackson's bilirubin (liver functions) were once again elevated, but his direct bilirubin was only .2 which was in normal range. He got his IV chemo and then we were off to the surgery center for Jackson's spinal tap. We were happy to find out that Dr. Goldsby was doing the procedure. He always makes us laugh. Jackson woke up really quick from the anesthesia, but once he had a coke and a few snacks he was fine.

We made it back just in time to make it to Faith's soccer game. They are always entertaining. Jackson had already started to fill sick last night. It is really hard to see him feeling so yucky. We are hopeful his side affects aren't too bad this month.

Thank you Kathy for getting Jackson Round Table Pizza last night. He was so happy to have it for dinner.

Please send prayers that Jackson feels OK this week and that his side effects from his chemo and steroids is minimal.

Thanks for checking in.

Saturday, September 15, 2007
Today was amazing! The Pediatric Oncology Department at UCSF Children's Hospital held it's first annual "Celebrating our Heroe's Day" at the San Francisco Zoo. It was so nice seeing families we usually see at treatment and also meeting new familes. Each and every one of the "heroes" we celebrated today are truly amazing and are definately heroes. It was also nice seeing our nurses, oncologists, social workers and other staff in a casual and fun environment. We all had an amazing time and are looking forward to next year's event.

Here are a few photos from today.

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Eric, Annie, Tiffany, Faith, Sidney and Jackson at the SF Zoo.

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Jackson and Karina (Karina gets Jackson's vitals, height and weight each month)

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Jackson and Wendy (Wendy checks us in each week)

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Sidney and Faith

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Amber (UCSF nurse), Jackson and Eric

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Faith and her boyfriend Jayden

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Eric took this photo of Jackson and me at the zoo.

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Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Below are the photos from Camp Okizu.

Jackson has treatment on Tuesday which includes his IV chemo and his spinal tap. I'll update again next week.

Thanks for checking in.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007
150 days until off treatment!
September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. Just wanted to post a quick reminder:

On Monday, September 24th Chili's will be donating all their profits to childhood cancer research and St. Judes Research Hospital. If you are able to make it out to a local Chilis in your area, please go out and support a wonderful cause.

Also, I wanted to post the link to this wonderful Childhood Cancer Awareness video. This video was put together this weekend in honor of our children, to put a face on childhood cancer and to raise awareness. We were at Camp Okizu when the request came to submit photos of your cancer child. While Jackson's photo is not included, we know several of the kids included in the video.

I have so much more I would like to update on, but I need to get to bed. We attended Camp Okizu last weekend and it was once again amazing! It was blazing hot (111 degrees to be exact) but it was definately worth it. We were able to spend alot of time making new friends and also reuniting with old friends. It was so great seeing Nurse Amber! Thanks Amber for everything! You are the best and quite a good dancer! :) I have so many wonderful photos I would like to share. Hopefully I can get them up later this week.

Hope everyone is doing good.


Monday, August 27, 2007

Quick update:

Just got home and wanted to post a copy of Jackson's soccer photo.

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I just love it! I think the reason I just love it so much is because he looks SO great! He looks so happy and healthy! Loving my 3rd grader so much tonight!

Friday, August 24, 2007
161 Days Until off Treatment!

We made it through another month of treatment. Jackson was really brave again for his treatment and it went very smoothly. Jackson's friend Ian was able to go to treatment with us. Having him there took alot of the anxiety out of our day. Both boys were funny together. Jackson's ANC was 1590 so we did a slight increase in one of his oral chemotherapy drugs.

There are two special women who greet us each month at clinic. They are the two front desk/schedulers for clinic. They always greet us by our first names and are always really friendly. Anita and Wendy have been there since Jackson was diagnosed almost three years ago. Recently, Anita's brother moved in our neighborhood, so she has even come by our home to say hello. They are always so helpful. I was able to catch a quick photo of Anita and Jackson, but missed Wendy. Hopefully next month I can get a photo of Wendy with Jackson.

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Anita and Jackson at the front desk at clinic.

I also got this cute photo of Jackson and Ian prior to Jackson getting his IV chemo.

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After treatment, we took the boys to Mel's Diner where they enjoyed a yummy lunch and vanilla milkshakes. Thanks Ian for coming with Jackson to treatment. You are a really good friend.

The next evening, we attended the Giant's game, thanks to the Make a Wish Foundation. Ian went with our family and we all had a wonderful time. Faith and the boys had fun playing at the stadium.

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Jackson, Ian and Faith at one of the entrances to the ball park.

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Faith and Eric goofing around during the pizza party.

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Ian and Jackson at the pizza party.

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Ian and Jackson watching the game.

The Giants lost once again to the Chicago Cubs, but we all had fun experiencing the game.

Jackson has been feeling the effects of his chemo along with the steroids. He has been doing pretty good, but has been having lots of belly pains. He starts school on Monday and we are hoping he is feeling real good Monday morning.

We leave tomorrow morning bright and early for a soccer tournament in Danville for Jackson. We will be there all weekend. I will try and post photos from this weekend and from the first day of school next week. We are so thankful Jackson is able to participate in activities like soccer.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007 9:18 AM CDT

170 Days until off Treatment

Sorry for the delay in updating Jackson's site. We have been really busy with our last days of summer. Thanks to everyone who checked in on Jackson. He did finally feel better about a week after treatment last month. His chemotherapy was a lot more challenging last month. He goes back for his IV Vincristine next Tuesday. And then the steroids begin AGAIN! Ugh! Some months I feel like we just had treatment.

Since my last update, Jackson played in a soccer tournament in Sacramento in the hot, hot weather. He did a great job playing. It was by far one of his best play days and a lot of people noticed. He played a total of 4 games in one day. Scoring two goals and just having a great day! It was so nice to see since he had been feeling so yucky the week before. He has been practicing his soccer skills more and we can see the improvements.

Faith has been taking ballet and really enjoyed it. She also started soccer. Eric is coaching her team. It is very entertaining to watch 4 and 5 year old girls playing soccer. They are really cute. Although, Eric told me last night, that soccer may not be Faith's sport. She has inherited her mom's genes on that one. She is getting real good at watching the ball roll right pass her. It is hilarious! I hope to get some good photos up of her playing in the next few days.

Eric and Jackson went to a SF 49ers game on Monday night. We received two tickets (great seats I was told) from the Make-A-Wish Foundation. Jackson was beside himself and had a fantastic time. Thank you Make-A-Wish! Even Eric had a great time. It was the first pro football game both of them had been to.

I continue to train for the Nike Marathon in October. We did 8 miles on Saturday. Each time I get further in distance, I am thankful I am able to participate and train. I am reminded constantly of our buddy Jake and all the challenges he faced in such a short time along with all of the challenges Jackson has faced. It helps push me to go the distance.

Jackson goes back to school on August 27th. Hard to believe it is almost here. Yikes! We will have a 3rd grader on our hands. We have a busy week next week with treatment on Tuesday and we are attending a SF Giants game on Wednesday evening (courtesy once again of Make-A-Wish)! Then we are in Danville the 25 and 26 for a soccer tournament. Jackson was selected by his coach to participate in a soccer tournament with a select number of boys from his team. We were so excited when he was chosen to play at this tournament. He continues to amaze us! Go Jackson!

We are thankful each and every day that we are able to celebrate these accomplishments Jackson continues to have. As we get closer to Jackson going off treatment, I find myself getting more and more nervous. Jackson's chemotherapy has become our "security blanket" these past 3 years. I just hope this feeling subsides with more and more time.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Hating cancer yet again! Stupid, stupid cancer!!!

Another sweet girl from ALL-Kids, Alexia has relapsed again. I'm just so sad.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

188 Days until Off Treatment!

Sorry it has taken a few days to update Jackson's site. Treatment went smoothly on Tuesday. Jackson's ANC was 1770 and we increased his oral chemo meds to a little over 80 percent. We have not increased his oral meds in over 8 months. I am really hoping that this small increase doesn't make his counts take a dive. Jackson and Faith had a lot of fun at clinic playing the game station.

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We had a lot of fun playing at the Wharf in San Francisco after treatment. We rode the carousel at Pier 39 and had dinner at the Rain Forest Cafe. The kids were exhausted, but we had a fun filled day.

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The kids riding the carousel at Pier 39.

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The kids and me wearing silly sunglasses.

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The kids with their volcano dessert at the Rainforest Cafe. They were so excited!

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Loving the gorilla!

Beginning the following day and all week, Jackson has not felt good. He has had a lot of joint pain, nausea and body aches. All are side effects of his IV chemo, but he usually doesn't have too many side effects. We have been spoiled with his monthly treatments going smoothly, that when he has a month where he isn't feeling good it is hard. Tomorrow is the last day of steroids and it can't come quick enough. He hasn't been eating very much either. The food of choice this month is quacamole. All the time! Hey,. at least he is eating.

Today was a fun day. The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society along with Pixar Animation Studios invited cancer children and their families for a private viewing of Ratitoulle at Pixar Studios. We had an amazing time at their facility. It was really cool to be where the movie was made and to see all the details that go into making animated movies. The kids loved all the animated figures and drawings.

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Faith and Jackson in the theater at Pixar Studios.

Tomorrow Jackson has a soccer jamboree in Sacramento. He will be playing 4 games. We'll see how he does. It is suppose to be really hot and with the way he has been feeling, we'll just have to wait and see. He is excited about going.

I guess that is about it! Thanks for checking in and continuing to check in on Jackson. We truly appreciate it.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007 11:17 AM CDT

192 Days Until Off Treatment!

Wow! We have less than 200 days until Jackson is done with treatment! Hard to imagine.

Cal Skate night was a HUGE success! We raised over $ 500.00 and had 103 skaters! Thank you to everyone that came out and roller skated. It was a lot of fun!

Jackson has treatment again today. It came quick since we pushed back June's treatment by a week. His appointment isn't until 2:30 this afternoon. Please continue to keep Jackson in your thoughts that today goes smoothly and his counts are good. We are going to do fun things after treatment in San Francisco until the evening so we miss traffic. Should be a fun day, aside from the whole having to go get chemotherapy. That part stinks, but it will be fun to play afterwards.

Thank you to Terry Shaw and Asheboro Friends Meeting for the cute prayer bears that were sent to the kids. They really like them.

Also, thank you to the Hutchinson family for the box of goodies for the kids. They loved everything! Kari - I don't know how you find the time to do things with 4 kids! :)

I'll update hopefully tomorrow after our trip to the city today.

Monday, July 16, 2007 12:39 AM CDT

Don't forget to come out and join us for our fundraiser for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society at Cal Skate on Wednesday, July 18th from 6-8 pm. Admission is $ 8.00 which includes quad skates. Roller blades are extra. Please come out and have a great time!

200 Days until Off Treatment!
Eric and I are once again forming a team for Light the Night in Santa Rosa. It is a fundraising event for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. It is a fun 2 mile walk through downtown Santa Rosa. The walk will take place in Santa Rosa on Saturday, October 6th at 7 pm. Registration begins at 5 pm. We would love to have people join our team and walk in honor of Jackson. If you are interested in joining Jackson's A.L.L. Stars or are interested in making a donation, please click here. You should be able to follow through the online steps to join a team. Once you have clicked, "Join Team", you can search through "Find you Team". Scroll down under Search By and pull up Team Captain Name. Beside it type in Tiffany O'Neil and then search. Jackson's A.L.L. Stars should pull up. You should be able to follow the instructions from there. I have tried to make it easy to sign up online for our team. Let me know if you have any problems. This will be our third year participating as Jackson's A.L.L. Stars and we are hoping this year is the biggest team yet! If you have questions, please feel free to email Eric or me.

Friday, July 13, 2007 7:40 PM CDT

203 Days Until Off Treatment!

We are out in Bodega Bay this weekend and are having a great time. We actually had nice and clear skies that were a beautiful Carolina blue with very few scattered clouds this afternoon.

The kids are cracking us up! They are hilarous sometimes. We decided to get out of town for a couple of days with Nanny and Pompa to relax and enjoy some down time. We were in desperate need of some rest and relaxation.

I took these photos of the kids at Doran Beach this afternoon. They were having a blast.

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Jackson digging in the sand!

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Faith dancing on the beach!

All is well with Jackson. He is feeling alot better and is back to his normal self.

For everyone in Sonoma County, I am doing a fundraiser for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society this Wednesday, July 18th from 6 - 8 pm at Cal Skate in Rohnert Park. Admission is $ 8.00. (That includes your roller skate rental) The more people we can get there, the more money they will donate to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Please come have some fun!

Saturday, July 7, 2007 10:43 PM CDT

209 Days until Off Treatment!
Phew. . . So we made it through another month of treatment. Jackson's port was accessed pretty easily and he got his Vincristine. We left his port accessed and headed down to the surgery center for his spinal tap with chemo. As usual, it took forever to get him into the operating room. We always joke about UC time. (hospital time). It amazed me how calm and prepared Jackson was for his spinal tap. Nanny and Faith went with us to treatment and Nanny went in to the o.r. with Jackson and me. Jackson was a real trooper and did a great job. Our friend and nurse Annie came over to say hello to all of us also. It was a nice surprise! On the way home, we stopped and had In N Out Burger. . . Yum! Jackson got home and insisted he make it to his friend Marissa's bowling party. So we attended her birthday celebration.

He has had a couple of really rough evenings this week. Eric and I think with the heat (it has been really hot) and our favorite, steroids he just has been having a hard time. He hasn't been wanting to eat to much which is hard.

We had a fun 4th of July. Our neighborhood has a very fun block party, which kept us busy all day. Pompa (Jackson's grandpa) took Jackson to the All Star Fanfest 2007 in San Francisco yesterday. The two of them had such a great time and I think it will always be a day they both remember. They both are huge baseball fans so I know they both enjoyed it.

Today Jackson had another soccer filled day. His soccer team participated in a 6 vs. 6 tournament. It was a lot of fun, but it was hard to watch Jackson play, knowing he wasn't feeling 100 percent. We also attended a memorial service for our friend Theresa Nardini who passed away last Friday after a long hard battle with cancer. She was 47 years old, a wife, mother of two children and a very special person. When Jackson was originally diagnosed with leukemia, Theresa and her husband Jack, ALWAYS checked in on Jackson and were there for us. We are sad she is no longer with us, but we know she is no longer in pain and is in a better place.

Yeah Marey for being our 50,000th visitor! Marey is the proud mom to Ali who is also a cancer survivor. She is an amazing woman and has done so much for families going through treatment.

Oh, and a BIG congratulations to my cousin Holly on her marriage to John. They were married today, 7/7/07! We are so happy for you!

Below are a few more photos that I still had not posted. Thanks for checking in. Please sign the guestbook to let us know you checked in.

Monday, July 2, 2007

214 Days until Off Treatment!

After two years of journaling Jackson's treatment, we are close to reaching our 50,000 visitor! Please sign the guestbook and let us know what number you are! We really have come a long way in two years! Thank you to everyone for all your support.

Jackson's blood counts came back great today! His ANC was at 1242 which is right where we want it. He is feeling good. We head to San Francisco tomorrow morning pretty early. Jackson has his doctor's appointment and will then get his port accessed and get his IV Vincristine. We will then head to the surgery center to have his spinal tap. Please keep Jackson in your thoughts for a smooth day tomorrow. It will be a long day.

Happy 4th of July! Hope everyone enjoys time with their friends and family.

Monday, June 25, 2007
221 Days until Off Treatment!
It has almost been two weeks since my last update. For once in quite some time, the delay in updates is because we have been healthy and BUSY!

Since school has been out, Jackson has been busy with many things. Father’s Day weekend, we participated in our local Relay for Life. Jackson read the Relay Pledge in the opening ceremonies. He amazed all of us and did an outstanding job! We still owe him 5 scoops of ice cream, which was part of the deal. Jackson has come such a long way in his self confidence. It is so great to witness.

Last week he participated in a Dutch soccer camp at Sonoma State University. It was an all day camp. He really enjoyed it and enjoyed being pushed and challenged by the Dutch coaches. He is attending another Dutch soccer camp this week at SSU, but it is only 3 hours long. I spoke briefly with his coach this morning and he mentioned he has seen improvements in Jackson’s skills as well as him being more aggressive on the field. It is nice to know all this soccer practice is paying off.

The kids have also been taking swim lessons and are really liking it. Jackson has gotten a lot better with his strokes and has also mastered jumping into deep water. Faith is doing real good at putting her face in the water and jumping in.

We are enjoying our summer days and nights. Spending time at the park, playing and enjoying being outside and enjoying being a family. This is the first summer in a long time that we aren’t staring cancer in the face. It feels nice to have a somewhat normal life.

We rescheduled Jackson’s IV chemo and spinal tap from tomorrow to next week, July 3rd. We didn’t want him to miss his camp and his oncologist was fine with that. I’ll post after his appointment next week.

Below are some recent photos I took of our family. Enjoy!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007 1:46 AM CDT

234 Days until Off Treatment!

Schools out for summer! Yippee! Jackson is officially a 3rd grader! We miss you already Mrs. McCampbell. We hope you are having a fun filled summer!

We have been so busy with all the activities that go along with the end of the school year as well as summer activities. Where do I begin? I think I took too long in between my updates. . . .

We just got back two weekends ago from San Diego. Eric ran the Rock and Roll Marathon in honor of Jackson and in memory of Jake with Team in Training. He did an amazing job. He completed all 26.2 miles and ended with a smile on his face. We all had a wonderful time in San Diego. Eric’s parents also did a great job walking the half marathon in honor of Jackson. Thank you Ron and Claudia (mother and father in law) for honoring Jackson. It means more to Eric and me than you will ever know! I would have taken more photos, but we had some unexpected events happen right after the marathon. We had a great time during the weekend festivities and the kids filled up on enough Ben and Jerry’s ice cream to last all year.

Thank you everyone from Team in Training for all you do. Team in Training raised over $ 12.5 million dollars at this one event alone! You are making a difference!

While we were in San Diego, Jackson's baseball coach called to notify us that Jackson was being awarded the Drew William’s award. He was selected out of all the players on his team for this award. The award is given to a boy/girl from the team that has shown team spirit, a positive attitude and a love for the game. Eric and I were speechless. As I mentioned to Jackson’s coach, this award means more than he’ll ever know to us. Jackson has worked so hard to over come so many challenges, that this is beyond special to him and to us. I took a couple of photos of Coach Sean with Jackson, but will have to post those later.

I have started my training once again for the Nike Women’s Marathon. I have already injured my hip, but am hoping to be feeling better soon. This has been keeping us busy. If anyone is interested in sponsoring me, the link to my fundraising page is at the bottom of this page. Jackson will be out doing a water stop for the marathon team next weekend. He loves doing water stops for the team during the summer months because he gets to use water guns to cool everyone down. Got to love that!

Our local Relay for Life event is this weekend. We are going to be out having a great time! Jackson was asked speak at opening ceremonies and to read the Relay Pledge. He has been working on it this week and I know he will do an excellent job. I was really surprised that he agreed to read the pledge, and extremely proud. I can’t wait to see how he does on Saturday.

Jackson has his next chemotherapy treatment and spinal tap scheduled for June 26th. The time seems to run together and it is already time for this month’s treatment. He has been feeling really well. I am sure his bilirubin is elevated, since the whites in his eyes are looking yellow. I will wait and see what his oncologist says.

Otherwise, everything else is going good.

One last quick note, I want to wish Eric, Ron (my father in law) and my dad a Happy Father’s Day. They are all amazing dads. Eric – our children are so lucky to have such a special and caring dad. You go above and beyond all the time with Jackson and Faith. Thank you for all you do for our family. We love you!

Wednesday, May 30, 2007 1:33 AM CDT

248 Days until Off Treatment!
My baby is 8! I just can't believe it! Jackson had a wonderful birthday filled with lots of fun, gifts and memories.

Jackson had his IV chemotherapy treatment on Thursday last week. He did a great job and it was a lot easier accessing his port this time. His blood counts were great with an ANC of 1440. Just where we like it! We will keep his oral chemo drugs at the same 75 percent dosage. Next month he will have another spinal tap along with IV chemo.

Jackson continues to miss his friend Jake. He has had a lot of questions about death and where Jake is. He even had questions for his oncologist. I am hoping time heals his heart, and I know Jake will always have a special place in his heart. Jackson continues to pray for sweet Jake and his family. He still has alot of questions about death. It just breaks my heart that he has these questions and worries. . . .

I began my training for the Nike Women's Marathon on Saturday. I am co-mentoring with Team in Training along with my pal Julie. We are doing it together this year since we have such busy schedules. We have a great group of participants! If anyone is interested in participating with Team in Training, there is still time! Check out this link for information. It will change your life, and YOU will be making a difference!

Jackson had his last baseball game tonight. He did awesome again tonight! Only 8 more days of school left! Wow this school year went by quick! We are really going to miss you Mrs. McCampbell! You have been such a great teacher and we are so grateful to you for all the hard work and dedication you have shown this year to our son. Thank you for listening, caring and embracing Jackson! You are one of a kind!

Can't believe Jackson is going to be in 3rd grade! Summer - here we come!

Tuesday, May 22, 2007 4:15 PM CDT

256 Days until Off Treatment!
What a week! Thank you to everyone for your kind thoughts and messages in Jackson's guestbook. Our family had a rough week last week. Jake was and always will be a very special child. He has touched so many lives in such a short amount of time.

With that said, starting today we are celebrating Jackson's birthday! His official birthday is tomorrow, May 23rd, but in light of everything Jackson has been through these last few years, why not start celebrating early! I can't believe he is going to be 8! I feel so lucky Eric and I were chosen to be his parents. He has brought pure joy to our lives.

Happy Birthday to our sweet son! We love you more than words can say. Thanks for being the boy you are. We are so blessed to be your parents!

I posted photos of Jackson through his years! Enjoy!

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Please sign Jackson's guestbook and wish him a Happy Birthday!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007 5:08 AM CDT

263 Days until off treatment!

I know I needed to update this journal but to be honest it just seemed like too much work. My heart like so many others is just shattered. Words are hard to even find to write. Never for one second of knowing Jacob, did I ever imagine the fight he gave would end this way. Our sweet and special friend, Jacob Mihalca earned his angel’s wings yesterday morning. Heaven just got the most amazing boy. How lucky heaven is! But how heartbroken we are here.

I spoke with Jacob’s mom Sunday afternoon and got horrific news. I felt like the world was standing still at that moment. Gosh, I could only imagine how she was feeling. How could this be? I just spoke with her on Friday and things were going OK. We already knew that Jacob had relapsed with leukemia, but I couldn’t imagine what else this child could go through. Life is so unfair. And even as I type this, it makes no damn sense why this child, had to go through the unimaginable. Jacob had pneumonia in his lungs and wasn’t doing good. He was having a difficult time breathing and was being supported by oxygen. Eric and I were able to drive to San Francisco Sunday evening and spend time with Jacob and his family. I was not going to say goodbye. No. I held on to every ounce, no matter how big or small, that Jacob would get the miracle we were all looking for and pull through this. He had to. . . . It was so hard for him to breath. Each breath was so hard. Sara and George had the loving support of their family and friends. It was so hard.

I prayed with Jackson Sunday evening that Jacob would get better and that things would be all right. What is all right? Nothing in this stupid world of cancer. I just simply hate it. Hate that kids like Jacob have to go through this hell. It just isn’t fair.

I was at the doctor’s office this morning with Faith, when I heard my cell phone receive a message. It was Sara. Her everything, her precious son had earned his angel’s wings. How could this be? Beautiful, sweet and funny Jacob had left us, and even as I type this tears run down my face. It makes no sense. Why does this horrific disease have to take the life of another child?

I spent time with Jacob’s family today and it was so hard. As much as I would love to curl up in a ball and hide from the world, I spent time with them. I needed to be there for Sara. We have a special bond and a special friendship. We are bonded by our babies fighting the cancer battle. I have seen with my own eyes, the love Sara has for her children. She continues to amaze me with her strength and courage. Her world has been turned upside down. She will find a way to move forward.

We didn’t tell Jackson and Faith of Jacob’s death until this evening when both Eric and I could be here. This was the hardest thing by far I have ever done. I will never, and I mean never forget the look on Jackson’s face when I told him Jacob had died. The scared, horrified look on his face. We cried together. I held Jackson for a long time, never wanting to let go. How could he understand that his friend, who he had a special bond with be gone? Gone forever. He is starting to have questions which is good. It is ok to cry. We miss Jacob more that anything! I am hoping time will heal his wounds. I need to think that.

I hate cancer. I hate what I have seen it do to children, families, to friends. I want nothing more than to never have seen this dark side of reality, but we are here and I am so thankful that Jackson is doing so good and thriving, yet who can make me understand why Jacob and so many others must endure so much more, why do some not get to remain with us here in this world? I feel eternally grateful for all I have, yet so broken for all that others have lost.

Please continue to pray for Jacob’s family as they face difficult days ahead. We love you Jacob! Fly high sweetie!

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Jacob's Obituary

Wednesday, May 2, 2007 5:01 PM CDT


Yesterday Jackson had his monthly scheduled IV chemo. We headed to the city a little early to spend some time with our buddy Jake. He is such an amazing kid! He felt yucky yesterday and still was a fabulous host! Thank you Jake for letting us hang out with you. Jake's sister, Alexa had a sleep over at our house Monday night and the kids had a great time!

Jackson's counts were a little on the low side yesterday with an ANC of only 770.

For those of you that want to know his other counts they were:

WBC: 2.4
Hemoglobin: 11.9
Platelets: 205

They had an awful time getting a blood return from Jackson's port yesterday. It took two nurses and it was not fun for Jackson. He was really uncomfortable, but did an awesome job holding still.

He woke up feeling awful this morning, so he stayed home from school. His liver enzymes are once again elevated, so that could be what is causing his pain. Nothing a little Zofran can't help.

Thank you Van Riper's for dinner last night. It was nice to come home and not have to worry about dinner. Also, thank you Nanny,Kristen, Jena and Jack for helping out with Faith. She had a great day!

Faith's 4th birthday party is this weekend. She just can not wait! Hard to believe my baby is going to be 4! Where has the time gone?

I found this photo last night and thought I would post it.

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This photo was taken two years ago when Jackson had lost alot of weight and was inpatient at the hospital.

And look at the most recent photo of him at the top of his page? Look how good my boy looks now!

Tuesday, April 24, 2007 8:00 PM


Eric is out running and I am sitting on the sofa watching, yet another episode of Drake and Josh. Both kids love this show. It is on Nickolodeon and it is one of the few shows Eric and I can enjoy also. Anyways, I thought since I had a spare moment, (which is hard to find these days) I would update Jackson's page. We have another busy week ahead of us.

I guess I will back up to last Thursday. Jackson's mouth sores were looked at by his local pediatrician and he wasn't too concerned. I was told to watch them and if they didn't go away, to check back in. Well, as of tonight his mouth looks alot better. Friday night, Eric did a Kids Night Out fundraiser at Redwood County Kids Club for Team in Training. He raised $ 450.00! He had a great turn out. Thank you to Kathy and Marc for having Jackson, Faith and me over for pizza Friday night. We had a great time!

Sunday, Jackson had his first Nor Cal Soccer Tournment in Manteca. His team did great! They played 3 games in one day! They won 2 of the games and tied one. It was a lot of fun, but he was exhausted. He fell asleep almost immediately once he was in the car heading home. He also had a lot of leg pain. We were really proud of how well he did. Go Jackson.

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Jackson in between games. Goofing off.

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Hanging out waiting for the next game to begin.

This week begins the informational meetings for Team in Training. Now is the time if you have ever wanted to make a difference. Eric and I love this organization! There are so many people who are making a difference and are saving lives.

Eric will be in Chicago this weekend for our friend's John and Gayles baptism of their son, Nathan. Eric and so honored. I just wish I could have made the trip with him.

We are so thankful that our lives seem "normal" right now. Not a day goes by without me thanking God for my two wonderful children. We are really blessed to have come this far.

The weather here is beautiful. I am hoping to play outside alot with the kids this weekend.

Hope everyone is doing good. Have a great rest of the week!

Thursday, April 19, 2007 0:18 AM CDT

289 Days Until Off Treatment!

Hard to believe it has been another week since I last updated. We have had a super busy week. The kids are back to their normal school schedule this week. They both had a great spring break. We spent a lot of time just hanging out and threw some fun things in there also. We had a very special surprise on Friday. Our friend Sara rented a limousine for her kids, Jake (who is fighting his own battle with leukemia) and her daughter Alexa and invited us along with them! (Eric had to work and wasn’t able to join us). We had an amazing time. It is hard to express in words the pure joy of seeing these kids faces during the experience. Jake and Jackson have experienced more physically and emotionally than any child should have to. Alexa and Faith have experienced so much also and too be so young! It just isn’t fair. So, for me to see these four special kids was so wonderful. Thank you Sara for including us! You are a very special friend. We got to spend a lot of time hanging out in the limo. We also ate McDonalds for lunch in the limo. (How many people can say they have done that?) The kids loved it and thought it was so cool! We played with silly string, bubbles, balloons, airplanes and kicked balls on the town green in Windsor. The kids loved every moment! I wanted to share a few of my favorite photos of our special day. Thank you so much Hala for taking so many fun pictures of the kids!

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Jake lookin' super cute!

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Faith playing in the park with the silly string.

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Jackson (with the bag of candy) and me in front of Powell's Sweet Shoppe.

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Alexa (Jake's sister) cuddling up to Jackson.

The kids had their photos taken by Hala. Eric and I wanted updated photos of the kids since it was last year at about this time when we last got their photos taken. Thank you Hala for spending time with us during your busy weekend and for also taking so many great photos of the kids! You’re the best!

We spent Sunday afternoon hanging out with our friends the Van Ripers. They also just got two really cute puppies and we had a little play date for the dogs. They were all so cute! Kathy has put up photos of their puppies on her site. Check them out by clicking here.

We have also been busy with Jackson having 3 soccer practices a week as well as baseball games. It is non stop excitement. We have already seen a big improvement in Jackson’s soccer skills and his self confidence. He has his first jamboree this weekend in Manteca, which is a couple of hours away. Although I think it is suppose to rain all weekend, so that will make it interesting.

I have to take Jackson to his pediatrician tomorrow since he has a couple of open mouth sores going on. Once again these are no big deal in a "normal" kid, but in a cancer kid it needs to be checked out. Hoping it is nothing to worry about. They aren't bothering him too much.

Thank you for continuing to follow Jackson’s journey. Please sign the guestbook to let us know you were here.

Thursday, April 19, 2007 0:18 AM CDT

289 Days Until Off Treatment!

Hard to believe it has been another week since I last updated. We have had a super busy week. The kids are back to their normal school schedule this week. They both had a great spring break. We spent a lot of time just hanging out and threw some fun things in there also. We had a very special surprise on Friday. Our friend Sara rented a limousine for her kids, Jake (who is fighting his own battle with leukemia) and her daughter Alexa and invited us along with them! (Eric had to work and wasn’t able to join us). We had an amazing time. It is hard to express in words the pure joy of seeing these kids faces during the experience. Jake and Jackson have experienced more physically and emotionally than any child should have to. Alexa and Faith have experienced so much also and too be so young! It just isn’t fair. So, for me to see these four special kids was so wonderful. Thank you Sara for including us! You are a very special friend. We got to spend a lot of time hanging out in the limo. We also ate McDonalds for lunch in the limo. (How many people can say they have done that?) The kids loved it and thought it was so cool! We played with silly string, bubbles, balloons, airplanes and kicked balls on the town green in Windsor. The kids loved every moment! I wanted to share a few of my favorite photos of our special day. Thank you so much Hala for taking so many fun pictures of the kids!

The kids had their photos taken by Hala. Eric and I wanted updated photos of the kids since it was last year at about this time when we last got their photos taken. Thank you Hala for spending time with us during your busy weekend and for also taking so many great photos of the kids! You’re the best!

We spent Sunday afternoon hanging out with our friends the Van Ripers. They also just got two really cute puppies and we had a little play date for the dogs. They were all so cute! Kathy has put up photos of their puppies on her site. Check them out by clicking here.

We have also been busy with Jackson having 3 soccer practices a week as well as baseball games. It is non stop excitement. We have already seen a big improvement in Jackson’s soccer skills and his self confidence. He has his first jamboree this weekend in Manteca, which is a couple of hours away. Although I think it is suppose to rain all weekend, so that will make it interesting.

I have to take Jackson to his pediatrician tomorrow since he has a couple of open mouth sores going on. Once again these are no big deal in a "normal" kid, but in a cancer kid it needs to be checked out. Hoping it is nothing to worry about. They aren't bothering him too much.

Thank you for continuing to follow Jackson’s journey. Please sign the guestbook to let us know you were here.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007 10:04 PM CDT

296 Days until off treatment! Yipee!
This was definately not one of Jackson's easier treatment weeks. He continues to have a sore back where his spinal tap was done. Although it is getting better, he has cried several times in pain. Not like him at all. He had an AWFUL time on his steroids also. Lots of anger. Seems to be better today. Monday and Tuesday afternoons were not fun.

The kids are on Spring Break this week. Jackson has been busy with his soccer club camps. We also have a new family member. Yes, we got another dog. We got a puggle puppy last Saturday. The kids picked her out and named her Claire. She is 8 weeks old and just adorable. Lots of fun for the kids. Faith especially has a hard time not picking her up every second. Here are a couple of photos of Claire.

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Otherwise, life continues to go on. Easter was fun with lots of egg (really more like candy) hunts and hanging out with friends and family. The weather was beautiful. I updated the slide show above the journal entry with some photos.

We have a busy weekend with my cousin Hala and her fiance John visiting from Portland. We are all very excited to see them. Then back to school on Monday.

Thanks for checking in on Jackson. Until next week. . . .

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Boy, what a long day. Jackson did not make it to his first baseball game. We were a little disappointed, however I don't think he would have felt great anyways.

This morning prior to Jackson's doctor's appointment, we stopped by 7 Long at UCSF Children's Hospital to visit our buddy Jake. Jake's counts were good, so Jackson was able to go in and visit with Jake for a short while. The two immediately hit it off and played a couple rounds of Zingo. I took this cute photo of the boys:

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Thanks Jake for letting us visit you and thanks Sara for the snacks for Jackson.

Jackson's IV chemo went fine. His spinal tap was a bit of a stressful time, but he did great. It was a long day. We were finally home by 5:30 pm and had to head to Jackson's school for his Spring Open House at 6:30. It was a lot of fun seeing all the neat things Jackson has been doing at school.

I am exhausted and am heading to bed. Below are a couple of photos from today's treatment.

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I took this photo of my boys while we were waiting to go in to the operating room. Jackson is tired of waiting around. Don't Eric and Jackson look just alike?

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I took this photo of Jackson right after he arrived to post op. He was still sedated and was cutting some major zzzzzzzs. He just had his spinal tap and was sleeping off the anethesia.

Happy Easter to everyone! Jackson and Faith both have their Spring Break's next week. We hope to plan some fun activities.

Monday, April 2, 2007

Jackson's counts ROCK! Couldn't be happier!

WBC: 2.8
RBC: 11.6
Platelets: 210,000
ANC: 1406

Tomorrow is a super busy day:
* Jackson's class performs at the school's morning assembly.
* Take Faith to school
* Head to San Francisco for IV chemo and spinal tap. YUCK!
* First baseball game - (Don't know how we are going to feel.)
* Open house at Jackson's school

Calgon - Take me away!

Hope you are having a fun day,

Friday, March 30, 2007 6:31 PM CDT


Things continue to go well in the O'Neil household. Our lives continue to be busy, but in a good way. Faith seems to be all better. Thank you everyone for your kind thoughts and prayers. She goes back on the 9th for a follow up appointment.

Jackson has been doing good. He gave us a little scare last Friday with a series of bloody noses. By 3:30 pm, he had had a total of 4 bloody noses in one day. We took him to get his blood counts checked to make sure his platelets weren't low. They were in the normal range, so it was just a 'normal' kid thing. I wish I didn't over react about things like this, but when they don't normally happen, I seem to become very cautious. Unfortunately, since we had to get his blood checked, we missed Jackson's last soccer class. No worries, since he will be playing a lot of soccer in the coming months.

Jackson lost two teeth this last week. He has been keeping the tooth fairy very busy. He has another one that is really loose, so it will probably come out sometime soon.

Opening day for baseball is tomorrow. I hope to get some cute photos of Jackson during their parade. He was also invited to two birthday parties this weekend. Life will be busy this weekend, but it is all good.

Monday we have to check Jackson's blood counts again. UCSF needs them for Tuesday's chemotherapy and spinal tap.

I will try and update early next week with his counts.

Please continue to keep all the children who are fighting their hard battles in your thoughts. It is not an easy journey.

Thanks for checking in!

Tuesday, March 20, 2007 2:40 pm


It has been hard for me to update Jackson's page. Finding the time wasn't the issue. There have been very few times since Jackson has been diagnosed that I don't feel cancer rules our lives. I think I have said this before. For me, to update Jackson's caringbridge site means I have to enter back into the cancer world (which I know we have never left), but it is such a mental thing for me. Don't get me wrong, we still check daily to see who has stopped by Jackson's site to check in on him. He continues to love reading the entries. We all do. It is so nice to know so many people care about Jackson. Without with site we wouldn't have made it through the last two years. It has been so wonderful. Anyways, enough about my mental block or emotional breakdown - what ever you want to call it. :)

Things have been going really well here. I hesitate to say things have been going well, because we all know that I will somehow jinks us. Oh well. . . .
Jackson continues to do well. No major problems to report. I L-O-V-E to update with that. He has been doing great in school. I can't believe we are getting closer to the end of the school year. I am going to have a 3rd grader on my hands here soon. The big news for Jackson is that he has started baseball and is really enjoying it. Also, Jackson tried out for a local club soccer team and was selected for the team! He was so excited! He did great during his tryouts even though one of the tryouts was right after his IV chemo earlier this month. The commitment is alot more than the recreational soccer he has been playing for the last two years. He will get professional instruction. We are really excited to see how this works out for him. Go Jackson!

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That is Jackson in the white shirt at one of his soccer tryouts.

Faith stayed healthy for about five days after my last update. Her coughing started back up shortly after and has progressively gotten worse. So this morning I took her back to her doctor and her tonsils are really swollen, along with fluid again in the ears as well as a mild case of pneumonia. So we are back on two different types of breathing treatments as well antibiotics. Ugh! He wants to see her again in two more weeks. Poor thing. I am really hoping we are over this this time for good.

I had to include these cute photos of Faith. The first one is from the other night. Sleeping peacefully finally.

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Sleeping Beauty

The other is from yesterday when she received her Super Sibs trophy in the mail. She couldn't have been more excited! Super Sibs is a great organization that focuses on siblings of children with cancer. Thank you Super Sibs! The trophy has her name on it and says what a great job she is doing supporting her brother. Yeah Faith! I think the best thing about getting it was that Jackson's did not get one. :)

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The weather has been so nice here. The kids decided to take advantage of the nice weather and washed cars a couple of weekends ago.

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Faith, Tyler (Jackson's friend) and Jackson being silly before washing the cars.

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Jackson working hard.

Eric's training is going good. He is up to running ten miles. We are so proud of him. Thank you to everyone who has donated to his fundraising so far. His donation page is at the bottom if anyone is interested in donating to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. We also just wrapped up Pennies for Patients at Jackson's school. The students raised over $ 1100.00. What a great job they did helping raise funds for research.

Well I guess if you got to the end of my long entry you deserve an award! Thanks as always for checking in.

Lots of love,

Thursday, March 8, 2007 4:22 PM CST

330 Days until OT (Off Treatment!)

Jackson had treatment Tuesday. We went early to UCSF to check in on our buddy Jake. He was having a pretty rough day when we arrived. The side effects from his chemo are really nasty. He is the cutest and sweetest boy and it breaks our heart to see another kid having to go through this crap! It was nice seeing some of our favorite nurses on 7 Long. It has been awhile since we have had to be inpatient. Today is Jake's transplant day and we're truly hoping his transplant works this time.

As for Jackson, Dr. Robbins said he looked great (Eric and I are always thankful to hear those words.) We had blood drawn and he received his chemo then we were out of there. Almost in record time. Just enough time to play a little Connect Four and Guess Who. Always fun. His blood counts for the month were good:

WBC 3.0
Hemoglobin: 10.6
Platelets: 167
ANC: 1590

His hemoglobin and platelets are a little down from what they normally are, but I guess I won't worry too much. Tuesday was also Eric's birthday, so we went out to lunch the three of us and celebrated.

Faith got a clean bill of health FINALLY from her doctor. Now, if we can keep her healthy.

Jackson has started baseball. He is playing machine pitched baseball (35 MPH!!!) It makes me nervous seeing those balls coming so quick, but he did great. He is really enjoying it. He is also continuing the soccer class he has been taking. He is a busy boy. But, we love seeing him playing and getting involved in sports just like other kids his age.

Things continue to move along in our home. The weather has been nice so we have been enjoying time outside. Jackson had pajama & movie day in his class today, so he was able to take his sleeping bag, pillow and wear his jammies to school. Hopefully he had fun.

Thanks for checking in on us.


Thursday, March 8, 2007 4:22 PM CST

330 Days until OT (Off Treatment!)

Jackson had treatment Tuesday. We went early to UCSF to check in on our buddy Jake. He was having a pretty rough day when we arrived. The side effects from his chemo are really nasty. He is the cutest and sweetest boy and it breaks our heart to see another kid having to go through this crap! It was nice seeing some of our favorite nurses on 7 Long. It has been awhile since we have had to be inpatient. Today is Jake's transplant day and we're truly hoping his transplant works this time.

As for Jackson, Dr. Robbins said he looked great (Eric and I are always thankful to hear those words.) We had blood drawn and he received his chemo then we were out of there. Almost in record time. Just enough time to play a little Connect Four and Guess Who. Always fun. His blood counts for the month were good:

WBC 3.0
Hemoglobin: 10.6
Platelets: 167
ANC: 1590

His hemoglobin and platelets are a little down from what they normally are, but I guess I won't worry too much. Tuesday was also Eric's birthday, so we went out to lunch the three of us and celebrated.

Faith got a clean bill of health FINALLY from her doctor. Now, if we can keep her healthy.

Jackson has started baseball. He is playing machine pitched baseball (35 MPH!!!) It makes me nervous seeing those balls coming so quick, but he did great. He is really enjoying it. He is also continuing the soccer class he has been taking. He is a busy boy. But, we love seeing him playing and getting involved in sports just like other kids his age.

Things continue to move along in our home. The weather has been nice so we have been enjoying time outside. Jackson had pajama & movie day in his class today, so he was able to take his sleeping bag, pillow and wear his jammies to school. Hopefully he had fun.

Thanks for checking in on us.


Wednesday, February 28, 2007 10:45 PM CST


Happy Birthday to my mother in law! Thanks for being such a wonderful grandmother to Jackson and Faith! I think I mentioned this before, but she is training for her second half marathon through Team in Training. We truly appreciate her honoring Jackson and getting out there to help find a cure. We hope you a have a special day! We love you!

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Faith, Grandma, Jackson and Grandpa riding It's a Small World at Disneyland.

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Grandma and Faith riding the space ride at Disneyland. (Faith is having a blast!)

Thought I would enter a quick update on Caringbridge. After taking Faith to her pediatrician and spending quite a bit of time talking with him and voicing my concerns (AKA paranoid cancer mom)he diagnosed her with bronchial asthma and a double ear infection. Ouch! He looked in her ears and immediately said wow! OK, with that said, she is on a 15 day antibotic cycle along with twice a day breathing treatments. So on top of Jackson's medications, we are having to stay on top of Faiths. Crazy.

Although, I will say, she is like a new child. She is feeling so much better and it had been over two months of constant coughing.

Eric continues to bump up his mileage with Team in Training. I think he is up to 7 miles now. He is doing great and we are so proud of him. I have listed his online fundraising page if anyone is interested in donating to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Don't forget, all donations are tax deductible. We attended a Team in Training Honoree Potluck last weekend in Sonoma in the wet and cold rain. I took these cute photos of my family:

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I also wanted to post this wonderful photo of Lori (Jackson's home and hospital teacher when he was first diagnosed) and Jackson. We recently went bowling with her two sons and her. It was a lot of fun. She will always have a special place in our hearts.

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Jackson has treatment on Tuesday so we will have a busy day in SF. We are also visiting our friend Jake who is back inpatient at UCSF. He is Jackson's age and recently relapsed. He has JMML (very rare leukemia)and is back on 7 long for heavy, heavy chemo and then onto his second transplant. He doesn't have a caringbridge site, but I know his family could use extra thoughts and prayers right now.

Off to watch the new game show, "So you think you're smarter than a 5th grader". It is hilarous!

Thanks for checking in.


Tuesday, February 20, 2007 3:21 PM CST

346 days to go!

I can't believe it has already been almost two weeks since I last updated. Where has the time gone? Jackson didn't feel great for about 7 days after his treatment. Thanks to good ol Vincristine and decadron. Boy, the two of those put together just make him feel yucky. He still continued to do his daily activities, however Eric and I could tell he just wasn't feeling 100 percent. Jackson has been really enjoying his soccer clinics and hanging out with his friend Ian.

Since Jackson's ANC was low at 600 on the 6th, we had it rechecked again today. It had gone back up to 1404, so we are increasing his oral chemotherapy drugs back up to the 75 percent mark.

Faith continues to battle this awful cough and I find myself worrying about it. Is it a sign that her body isn't able to fight infections? I have brief moments of having these horrific thoughts. I have taken her to see the doctor a few times and her lungs sound clear. I don't know. I am taking her back in tomorrow morning to see her primary pediatrican. It is for my own piece of mind, along with making sure our baby girl is a-ok.

Cancer sure has been on the mind. Our little friend Jake here in Rohnert Park is fighting for his life and is having a really rough time. He is getting ready to go back to UCSF for a 2nd transplant. His little sister Alexa is a perfect bone marrow match. She is so cute. She is the same age as Faith and the girls really like playing together. Another boy in Rohnert Park, Riktor was diagnosed with a brain tumor recently as well as a little 5 year old girl, Isabel in Petaluma who was recently diagnosed with ALL. It just seems like alot of new cases. It just isn't fair. These little kiddos are too young to have to endure all the crap they have to go through. Life just isn't fair sometimes. . . . .

With that said, I wanted to share a clip that aired on ABC last Thursday. (Click below) This just really upsets me and I hope it upsets you. WE HAVE GOT TO DO MORE TO RAISE AWARENESS.

Cancer Cutbacks

Shouting out a big thank you to the Hutchinson family for the kid's Valentine box of goodies. They loved everything as usual. Kari, you are the best angel! Thanks for looking out for us these last two years! Also thank you Monica Mack for Jackson's San Jose Earthquake MLS jersey. He has already worn it several times. He loves it!

Jackson's next treatment is on March 6th, Eric's birthday. We'll post before then if something comes up.

Please sign the guestbook to let us know you were here. We truly enjoy reading the entries and it is comforting to know people are thinking of Jackson.

Wednesday, February 7, 2007 0:09 AM CST

360 Days to Go!

Well ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, drum roll please. . . . we have officially begun our off treatment countdown! Jackson's official off treatment date is February 1, 2008. So, from now on all our journal entries will begin with how many days Jackson has left of chemotherapy treatments. It is still so surreal that we have come this far. Still hard to swallow. . . .

Anyways, Jackson had treatment yesterday (usually on Tuesdays). His nurse had a hard time with his port. Jackson cried out that it hurt really bad, but still held really still and was so brave. It was a really hard few moments for all of us. His doctor's appointment went well. He looks great. His ANC is on the low side at 600, but hoping it will start to increase soon.

We have had such great weather here the last few days. We took the kids to the park on Saturday with our friends Beth, Alison and Matthew. The kids had a great time catching up with their friends. I was able to get a couple cute photos of the kids at the park.

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Today, Jackson's school celebrated the 100th day of school. He did lots of fun stuff in school and made these really cool "100 glasses" and hat. He actually let me take a photo of him.

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He continues to have a GREAT year in school. We are so thankful.

Eric has officially begun his fundraising and marathon training. He is training with the marathon team this season and will run his first marathon in San Diego on June 3rd. Eric's mom and dad will also be walking the same marathon in San Diego in Jackson's honor. We are so proud of all of them.

And last but now least, I wanted to wish my mom (AKA Nanny) a very happy birthday. She has done so much for our family. I feel so lucky to have my mom living so close - she is a true blessing to us. We could not have gotten through these last two years without her. We hope you have a wonderful day!

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Thanks for checking in. Please make sure to sign Jackson's guestbook. We love knowing who is checking in on us.


Monday, January 29, 2007 8:58 PM CST

After a pretty uneventful week, Jackson spike ANOTHER fever last night. When it got up to 103, we headed up to the ER.

After the normal routine we have to go through there, we finally were able to bring Jackson home late last night.

Thank goodness he could come home. We know when Jackson is feeling better, because he argues NON STOP with his sister.

Thanks for checking in. . . .

Monday, January 22, 2007 5:35 PM CST

As many of you know, sweet Donovan passed away this weekend. So many people have followed his story. It just breaks my heart.

Unfortunately, there is still so much work to be done. The survival rate for childhood cancers is increasing, but there are so many kids dying it just aches. Never in a million years did I think I would be a parent of a child with cancer. Although it is the biggest suck-fest EVER, I have come to appreciate the little things. Here are a few joys I have had this last week:

* Going to the gym for an aerobics class while BOTH Jackson and Faith were very happy. Jackson and his buddy Ian played basketball at one end of the gym while Faith took a tumbling class with several kids she knows. Got to love that! NEVER did I think I would enjoy sweating so much!

* Taking Faith to feed the ducks on a cold afternoon and noticed one beautiful rose all by itself. (Oh, and I also enjoyed all the songs Faith and I sang along the way.)

* Over the weekend playing several games of H-O-R-S-E with Jackson. Gotta love that!

* Cuddling with my kiddos and having whispered in my ear, "I love you Mommy."

* Playing "I spy with my litte eye . . . . . . "

* Witnessing Jackson tie his shoes ALL by himself. (Huge accomplishment!) He was so proud of himself. It FINALLY clicked!

Although I am overwhelmed with saddness quite often, I am constantly reminded how lucky we are. . . . .

I am the luckiest mom and wife!


Tuesday, January 16, 2007 9:46 PM CST

Really hating cancer right now. I have posted before about sweet Donovan who has the same type of leukemia Jackson has. His cancer is spreading so quickly his parents were given the news no parent should ever have to hear. Please stop by and send extra special thoughts to this special family. They have been through so much already. I can not even begin to express my saddness tonight. . . . .

Please also send our buddy Kathy positive thoughts and prayers. She is having surgery tomorrow.

Jackson is doing good. He just finished his week of steroids with minor side effects from those. Eric took him to the dentist today and he did FANTASTIC! No cavatities! Yipee! He is fighting off another cold, but hey - what's new? Darn icky germs!

Thanks for checking in. Through this tough and rocky journey, we could not make it without all your support!

We love you!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007 2:15 PM CST

Jackson seems to be feeling better. He has a little bit of a lingering cough. His ANC is back down to 1683 as of Monday. He had treatment yesterday. It was an exhausting day and we didn't get home until 6 pm. This morning he woke up feeling really yucky. Alot of leg pain and stomach pain. Both side effects of his chemo. Yuck. His liver seems to be getting better. It isn't as irritated as it was last month. That was good news. He went back to school today and I am hoping he makes it all day.

We also realized yesterday as we waited for Jackson to wake up from his spinal tap that God willing, he only has 4 spinal taps left before he goes off treatment next February 2008.

Thanks Annie for hanging out with Faith yesterday. She had a wonderful time. You're the best!

Just wanted to post a quick update. Thanks as always for checking in on Jackson.

Sunday, January 7, 2007 0:08 AM CST

Happy 2007! Once again it has taken me way to long to update Jackson’s site. Our Christmas was wonderful. We were so happy to be home as a family (and healthy). The kids had a wonderful time getting all kinds of cool things. Here are a couple of our favorite holiday photos:

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Jackson with Dr. Faith O'Neil

Our really good friends John and Gayle and their new son Nathan visited us all the way from Chicago. We had a great time catching up with them and their son is so cute.

The kids have been busy playing with their friends. Jackson had been feeling great all during break until two days ago. On the 4th he spiked a fever and began vomiting. We spent the day in the emergency room getting antibiotics and blood tests. His ANC was a whopping 7400! He was definitely fighting off some kind of infection. He felt great yesterday and OK today. But around 3 pm today he spiked another fever (103!) and he was feeling awful. Jackson was so upset and didn’t want to go back to the emergency room. We were finally able to calm him down. We arrived to a very busy emergency room. We got Jackson’s vitals checked immediately and then had to sit waiting for a room for over an hour. We finally got a room and had the same doctor from two days ago. Things went a lot quicker tonight. We were on our way home around 7:30 pm. Jackson felt so much better after he got his antibiotics again tonight. His ANC today was 3700. He has an awful cough and just isn’t feeling great. Thank you, thank you to the Stalder family for letting Faith hang out with them tonight. We truly appreciate you!

He has treatment on Tuesday. He will have his IV chemo along with a spinal tap. A very long day in San Francisco, but hopefully he will be feeling better by then. He is suppose to start back to school on Monday. We are keeping our fingers crossed.

We are really looking forward to a wonderful year. With a little over 13 months left of treatment for Jackson, we can see that light at the end of the tunnel.


Thursday, December 21, 2006 2:52 PM CST

I can't believe it has been over two weeks since I last updated Jackson's site. Things are going well. Jackson had treatment last Tuesday. It took a really long time, but we still made the best of our day. Jackson was a trooper. Dr. Robbins said Jackson looked great. His ANC this month was 3040! I think that might be a record. We are always worried about it being on the lower side, now it is on the higher side. We are never satisfied. We are keeping his oral chemotherapy at the same percentage and we will recheck him next month.

We are counting down the days until Christmas. The kids are so excited. Our friend and nurse from UCSF Annie, came over a couple of weeks ago and made gingerbread houses and did crafts with the kids. They had such a great time. Here are a few photos of the fun.

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They have been enjoying their advent calendars filled with chocolate. Eric and I got Jackson and Faith each one and then Nanny and Pompa also got each of them one. Double the chocolate! Faith is really into Christmas this year. She sat on Santa’s lap and even had a smile on her face. She originally would have nothing to do with Santa and then last week changed her mind. Here is a photo of the two of them.

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Jackson on the other hand is still not that keen on sitting on Santa’s lap. He did have a quick visit with Santa when he came through our neighborhood a couple of weeks ago. I am still waiting on the photo to be sent to us from the city. I will try and remember to post it when I get it.

This year through the Cancer Warrior’s program, we have been blessed with two special Christmas angels. They were very thoughtful and very kind to our family. Thank you so much Rose and Lina and Christian. You made our Christmas very special!

We also attended the Sonoma Children’s Cancer Foundation’s Christmas party a couple of weeks ago. It was at a ranch in Glen Ellen. They had lots of food, crafts and spoiled the kids. It was nice connecting with other families who had a child with cancer. Here is Faith and Jackson after the party since I forgot to take my camera. (I had to catch them in their holiday clothes!)

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We will be home this year for the holidays. Jackson just finished his steroids and it has been a rough week. He has been extremely emotional. Ugh, at least we have a couple more weeks until we have to go through all of this again. Jackson and Faith both continue to enjoy their indoor soccer classes. I posted new photos in the slide show above the journal entry. They are from our Disneyland trip. Enjoy.

If I don’t get a chance to post again before Christmas, our family wishes you and your family a very Merry Christmas. We are so thankful for the many blessings in our life.

PS. Hope Santa is good to you!


Wednesday, December 6, 2006 11:18 PM CST

This is a conversation I had with Faith's teacher on Tuesday while picking her up from school:

Ms. Laurie: "I asked Faith what she wanted for Christmas today."

Me: "Really, what did she say?"

Ms. Laurie: "Are you sure you are ready for this?"

Me: "Uh, oh."

Ms. Laurie: "She wants a Doctor's playset to make Jackson all better."

Me: "Oh my gosh!" (Tears starting to form in my eyes.)"

Ms. Laurie: (Tears in her eyes) "I know. She had me crying earlier too. Isn't that the sweetest thing?"

Me: "Wow, my daughter actually can be a sweetie!"

It was such a sweet and cute conversation. Faith is growing up to be a thoughtful young girl. Faith - we love you so much. We know being the sibling of a cancer kid sometimes is tough. You continue to shine!


Monday, December 4, 2006 10:11 PM CST

Wow. . . .

It sure has been a long couple of weeks. Eric and both of the kids have been sick, and I mean sick! Really bad coughs, runny noses and Faith had a double ear infection. Jackson had pink eye. Ugh! I made so many trips up to Santa Rosa to their pediatrician’s office these last couple of weeks. Thankfully everyone is on the mends. Unfortunately, they decided to be nice and share this lovely cold and now I am fighting it off.

It has been a rough week with our group of ALL Kids. Many of you know Baby Donovan and have followed his battle with ALL. Well, his second transplant has failed and his family is having to deal with a lot of uncertainties. There is also another little boy Thomas that has relapsed after being off treatment for only a few months. I just wish this awful cancer would never come back. 80 percent cure rates just aren’t good enough!

We continue to be thankful for each day. Although Jackson has been not feeling good, each day he seems to be getting a little bit better.

We put up our Christmas tree Thanksgiving weekend. It looks great, even with all 20 ornaments on one branch! Faith hung almost every ornament she put on that tree on the same branch. It was really cute.

Jackson has treatment next Tuesday. This will be our last IV chemo for 2006! Yeah!

I wanted to end by sharing with you a list I found in Jackson’s folder from school. It says all to well the simple things we are so thankful for.

12 Things I am Thankful For
by Jackson O’Neil

1. Bed
2. Mom (No, I did not make this up.)
3. Dad
4. Food
5. Sister
6. House
7. Dogs
8. Markers
9. Sun
10. Water
11. Birds
12. Pencils

Thanks for checking in on us.


Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Urgent prayers and thoughts needed for our friend DonovanHe has relapsed again after his second transplant. Please stop by Donovan's site to send extra words of encouragement.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006 2:04 PM So much to be thankful for. . . .

Today brings a lot of emotion to Eric and me. Two years ago today, we heard the words no parent should ever have to hear. After several weeks of leg pain, Jackson was no longer able to put any weight on his right leg. He cried in pain and was not able to walk at all. We had taken him to his doctor’s office on a Sunday morning. Dr. Smith said we should do a CBC to ‘rule out leukemia’. I remember so clearly that horrible day. Eric had to carry Jackson because he was not able to walk. He was in so much pain. We were told to bring Jackson back to his pediatrician’s office the following morning. I will never forget when our pediatrician, Dr. Prosser came in our room. The look on his face said it all. He told us it looked like Jackson had leukemia. Eric held it together while I freaked out. I remember Eric telling me not to cry in front of Jackson. We didn’t want to worry him. (Although I remember I wasn’t able to stop crying). We left Santa Rosa and came home briefly to pack our bags. Dr. Prosser told us to pack our bags, because we would be at UCSF for a few weeks. Those few weeks were awful. I truly hope that time does heal. Because the memories of those first several weeks are not happy ones. I did not leave Jackson’s side the whole time he was at UCSF. I did not eat. I remember being overwhelmed and so very sad. It was the hardest time of our lives.

To date Jackson has had:

18 spinal taps under general anesthesia
6 bone marrow aspirates
28 injections of Vincristine
142 days of steroids
3 injections of Doxorubicin
6 shots (painful in his thigh muscle) of PEG Asparaginase
1 injection of Cytoxin
8 shots in his thighs of ARA-C
Hundreds of pills of Methotrexate, Thioguanine, 6 Mercaptopurine, Dapsone and Septra

He has been inpatient for 54 days. While Jackson still has 14 months of treatment left, we are thankful we have made it to this point. Thanksgiving has a very different meaning for our family. We are thankful to have our son alive with us and that he is feeling well. We enjoy each day we have together because we know all too well things can change quickly.

Thank you for everyone’s support these last two years. We could not have made it this far with out each one of you. Enjoy your Thanksgiving and hug your children.

I wanted to share this poem I found on another CB page. It says it all.

The Best Things in Life are Free

When we count
our many blessings;
It isn't hard to see
that life's most valued
treasures are the
treasures that are free.
For it isn't what
we own or buy
that signifies
our wealth.
It's the special
gifts that have
no price:
our family,
friends and health.
Author Unknown

Our trip to Disneyland was great! I will post a slide show of photos from our trip later this week.

I have posted below photos of Jackson throughout the last two years.

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Jackson when he was diagnosed.

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April 2005

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Jackson May 2005

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Being accessed March 2006

Happy Thanksgiving,

Wednesday, November 15, 2006 11:29 PM CST

I am updating Jackson’s site tonight from Disneyland! We made it here earlier today and are having such a great time! I first want to say a HUGE thank you to our angel family for the wonderful Disney send off package! Jackson and Faith both loved their new watches and t-shirts! They both wore them today. Thank you so much for being so thoughtful!

We had an uneventful drive down here to Southern California. (Just the way we like it!)
The hotel is wonderful and the weather is perfect. This trip is a celebration of Jackson’s life. We are truly blessed to be here celebrating his health and enjoying time with our family. I have a few photos to post from today.

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Faith in the car on the drive down here with her babies.

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Jackson and Nanny.

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Jackson and Faith at the Build a Bear Workshop.

Jackson received his monthly chemotherapy last week and things went well. His vincristine was cut back again due to his direct bilirubin being too high again. His ANC continues to be good at 903. He is feeling good, except for the cold and cough he is fighting off. They seem to be a little better today so that is good.

I also had to share about another cool gift Jackson received. Grandma and Grandpa were able to get an autographed US National Soccer jersey from Landon Donovan! If you know Jackson, you know what a HUGE fan he is. He probably is Landon’s number one fan. Landon is from Redlands, where Eric and I grew up. Eric knew him when they were kids (even though Eric is quite a bit older!) The jersey was a real inspiration to Jackson and he is so happy to have it to add to his sports memorabilia. Thank you to Grandma and Grandpa for making it happen!

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Jackson holding his autographed jersey.

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What Landon wrote to Jackson.

We will be at Disneyland until Sunday. I will try and update photos when we return.
Thanks for continuing to check in on Jackson. We thank God every day Jackson has come this far fighting this horrible disease. Two years ago, Jackson was extremely sick and we are so happy we have come this far!


Wednesday, November 1, 2006 10:59 PM CST

Halloween was a lot of fun. It was a really busy day. Jackson's class performed at his school's assembly at 8:30 am. They did a great job. Then from there, Faith and I dashed off to make it to her Halloween parade and party. All the little pre school kiddos were adorable. Here is a photo of Faith on the stage prior to the parade. Thanks to Nanny, Faith had a big smile for this picture. (Nanny gave me bunny ears! Silly Nanny!)

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After lots of fun songs and snacks, Faith and I headed back to our home to meet Nanny. Nanny and Faith had a date at Starbucks while I dashed back to Jackson's school to help out with his classroom harvest party. The kids had lots of fun doing crafts and eating lots of fun treats. From there, we came home, had lunch, did a little homework and then it was time to get an early dinner in us and off trick or treating. Our friends the O'Keefes came over for dinner and I got a really cute photo of the kids in their costumes.

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Jackson (aka a US National Soccer player), Chase (aka Scooby-Doo), Faith (aka a witch!) and Devin (aka a cute dinosaur.)

We went trick or treating with Jackson's friend Ryan and his parents. Faith kept up with the boys really good. Actually, she was usually the first of them to the door. She was all over Halloween this year. So funny! Here is a photo of Jackson, Ryan and Faith (my silly girl!)

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Let's just say the kids got more Halloween candy than ever needed. Holy cow! We only did 2 streets and the kids bags were filled to the rim. Crazy. But it was all worth it seeing both of the kids smile and RUN!!!! (we weren't running two years ago on Halloween.) Jackson could barely trick or treat. His leg was already starting to really bother him prior to being diagnosed with Leukemia. Funny how two years seems like such a long time ago, yet I can remember him coming home early because he didn't feel good.

It was a very fun day and we are definately thankful for all the time we were able to spend together as a family and with friends. I know the kids were thankful for all their candy!

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Jackson has treatment on Tuesday. We moved up Jackson's treatment by one week. We leave in two weeks for Disneyland and didn't want Jackson to be on steroids and feeling yucky from his treatment while on our family vacation. We are once again spending some quality time together as a family at Disneyland. We are celebrating Jackson's life and it will be two years on November 22nd that Jackson was diagnosed with leukemia. This is a very difficult time for Eric and me and it is nice to get away and forget everything for a few days. We are really hoping as time goes on, this time of year won't be so difficult for us.

I have also posted new photos on the photo page from the marathon. Take a look!

Thanks for checking in on Jackson. Please sign the guestbook and let us know you stopped by!


Wednesday, October 25, 2006 8:31 AM CDT

The Nike Women's Marathon was once again the most amazing experience! This year there were 15,000 participants. (Of that only 700 were men!) Want another BIG number? The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society raised 16 million dollars from this event! WOW! Last year it was 14 million. What a great number. I will post photos later, but I wanted to tell you a little about it.

I ran some with Annie (one of our favorite nurses from UCSF), saw two girlfriends Jeannie and Denise (who I went to middle school and high school with), walked with my mother in law, stopped and said hello to kids from UCSF that were cheering people on, walked with two other special nurses from UCSF and the list goes on. By the time I got to the finish line, I was an emotional wreck. I was overwhelmed with emotions. Last year, the marathon didn't have the impact it did this year for me. Two years into Jackson's fight with cancer, and we are still fighting the battle. The photos and stories of people fighting their battle during the event were amazing and very inspirational. I realized this is a really rough journey. (Like I didn't know already!) Anyways, it was one of the best days of my life. (I know hard to believe since I was out there doing 13.1 miles!)

I also was so happy to meet Noelle's parents, George and Claire and Marey - Ali's mom. Claire ran the full marathon in honor of Noelle and Marey came to the finish line to cheer everyone on. We have met Marey and her family before so it was really nice to see her again. George was a big help about a year ago when we were having a real hard time stablilizing Jackson's counts and it was a really rough time. Both of these families are amazing and have been through so much. Both Noelle and Ali are off treatment and that is so nice for me to see. Here is a photo of all of us. Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
That's George on the left, Claire, me and then Marey.

Eric and the kids put up signs cheering me on in the hotel and on the course. It was so great! I have the best family!

Things continue to push along here. Another 'roid week down. Thank goodness. Jackson is doing good. Faith is a big time chatter box. Talking ALL the time! It is the funniest thing. All of a sudden she is saying and doing the funniest things. Jackson, Eric and I just roll our eyes.

Can't wait for Halloween! The kids are really excited. Another busy week, then weekend and then the big spooky day!

Happy Halloween!


Thursday, October 19, 2006 8:49 AM CDT

Happy Fall! Things continue to be busy in our household and I wish I could just say we don't have time for cancer! Oh, well if things were only different. . .

Jackson had treatment on Tuesday. Things went good. Jackson's ANC was 1040 which was fantastic! Right where it needs to be. We left for clinic right after his walk a thon at school. He did 17 laps and did great. He loves that event. We arrived at clinic at 11:30 and he had his port accessed so he could get his anethesia through his port. We headed then down to the surgery center for his spinal tap. Of course, they were delayed so he finally was taken into the surgery room around 1 pm. Ugh. He was so hungry and really wanted to get it over with. He came out of the anesthesia around 2:30 and Eric carried him back upstairs to clinic for his dr. appointment and IV chemo. Dr. Robbins was very happy with how he looked and was also happy with his ANC. We will keep his oral meds at the 75 percent dosage. Although, we had to cut his IV chemo (vincristine) in half since his direct bilirubin was elevated. It was .06 (has to be under .03 to get the full dose). We were told not to worry about it, but yeah right. We finally got back in to town about 5:30. Thank you to our friends the Selvages for picking Faith up from school and letting her play with the kids for the afternoon. She had a great time.

My friend Kathy was on The View yesterday. She was selected as their breast cancer warrior for the week. She looked beautiful and they gave her family a new car! It was so exciting! She was also featured in the Press Democrat. If you click the Press Democrat the link should take you to the article in the paper. Anyways, she is such an inspiration to so many. It was really a touching article and TV blurb.

Oh, back to Jackson. . . His back has been bothering him since his spinal tap and of course now we are dealing with the fun steroids. I continue to fight off a cold. The kids seem to be feeling better as well as Eric. I am hoping to be feeling better for the Nike Marathon on Sunday. I am really looking forward to a fun weekend with lots of inspiring people. I have an old middle school friend who is running the marathon in honor of Jackson and am looking forward to seeing her. I also saw a girlfriend from college last year. Who knows who I will see this year. Always a fun event!

Have a great rest of the week!


Thursday, October 12, 2006 11:36 PM CDT

Sorry for not updating sooner. It has been a crazy week. Thank you to everyone who has checked in on Jackson. We were at the ER on Monday night until 10:30 pm and we were discharged. Yeah! Jackson's white blood count was high enough to go home after his IV antibotics. Thank goodness. We had no idea what his white count would be since we hadn't had his blood counts checked in over three weeks. Anyways, he is still coughing, but is getting better each and every day. This cold and cough has taken a long time to get over. Faith is getting better also. I hope this is it for a while. No more sickness is our new motto!

Well, Jackson scored another goal on Wednesday night at his soccer game. It was awesome. He has another soccer game on Saturday. Faith and I will be walking in honor of Faith's friend Jena, at the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation walk for a cure at the same time on Saturday. So it will be a busy weekend. Next weekend is the marathon. I am getting excited, but a little worried since I have been slack in my training.

Anyways, Jackson has treatment on Tuesday. He has his spinal tap with chemo and also his IV chemo. We'll try and update early next week.


Monday, October 9, 2006 11:07 AM CDT

**Another update:

Jackson hasn't felt good all day. He is coughing alot and now is running a fever. We are off to the ER. Ugh. Please keep Jackson in your thoughts.

It is most apparent that time slips away quickly when Tiffany is asking me to do Jackson’s journal. It has been a while since I did an entry but I will do my best to inform you all as well as my wife.

Light The Night was wonderful. We got a late start fundraising for the event but we had a great turnout. My parents took the trip up here to join us for the event- thanks Mom and Dad. Along with family we had lots of friends from last year and first timers as well. The best part of the night was seeing Jackson and his buddy Ryan running around, smiling and giggling as they led us through the streets of Santa Rosa. Faith also felt good for the event which was a relief after fighting a fever a couple days prior.

It didn’t take long for Tiffany and me to get sick. Tiffany a fever and chills that lasted a long day and I had an over-worked head cold that lasted a week that felt like a month. In the big picture not much to blink about, especially since Jackson only has a cough for now which we are taking in stride. Jackson has been feeling great, except for this awful cough. In fact Tiffany and I talked about how much he has changed this past year. As we are approaching the two year anniversary of his diagnosis (November 22nd), we are amazed at how he has been able to emotionally work through the fear and confusion he has had to confront, and periodically still encounters. One day at a time!!

The Nike Marathon, in San Francisco is in two weeks and we are all getting excited. Tiffany and my Mom are doing the half marathon. We are very proud of both of them. I plan to have the kids waiting at the finish line to cheer them on. Jackson has treatment a few days before (which will be IV chemo and also a spinal tap) so it will be yet another adventure on steroids. The best way to describe it for those who have not experienced the effects of steroids would be to imagine waking a bear from hypernation a few weeks early then inviting him into your home. Oh what fun!

Thanks for checking in, don’t forget to drop a note in the guestbook


Wednesday, September 27, 2006 9:41 PM CDT

It has been another busy week. Jackson had a rough time last week finishing up his steroids. He was super achy and was really fatigued. He is back to his normal self this week. We are loving it! He is VIP in his classroom this week. He was honored at the assembly on Tuesday and the whole week in school his class does fun things just for him. It is really cute.

Thanks to everyone who went to Chili's on Monday to support St. Judes and childhood cancer research. Our friend Annie went with us and we had a really good time. We also saw our friends the Van Ripers and the Mack family. Thank you, thank you! It was great seeing ya'll.

I also wanted to thank our angel family, the Hutchinsons for the beautiful flowers they sent to me on Friday. It was the best surprise ever! They are so pretty and look great in our kitchen. I am embarrassed to say that I started to tear up reading the card. You guys are the best! You have been there for us through Jackson's treatment and we love you guys! Thank you again!

We are gearing up for Light the Night this Friday. We are really excited. Please come join us if you can. It should be a lot of fun!

Faith came down with a high fever (103 F) today. It has been up and down all day. She has not been feeling well all day. And to top it off, she is throwing up. Ugh! Needless to say, we are worried Jackson is going to get it. Eric and Jackson have temporarily relocated to my parent's home until Faith is fever free. I was with Faith all day so I have all her yucky germs. Please keep our family in your thoughts during this rough time. It is not fun being seperated. We really don't want Jackson to get this nasty flu. Keep your fingers crossed.

I will try and update this weekend. Thanks again for checking in on us.


Tuesday, September 19, 2006 0:11 AM CDT

Things have been truckin’ right along in the O’Neil household. We have been busy with school projects, reading, soccer practice and all the other fun routines that come with the kids being back in school. Faith is LOVING preschool. Her cute little face lights up when we tell her she has school tomorrow. Jackson continues to do great in school. He is really enjoying his teacher this year and his classmates. He is really enjoying playing soccer. Eric and I have noticed in the last couple of weeks that Jackson has gotten a lot more aggressive in soccer and is really getting out there and playing hard. More self confidence. Last Saturday he scored his first goal! He was so excited and so were we. It was a great play. The smile on his face said it all.

That goal and seeing Jackson play soccer is an emotion that is hard to explain. We are very lucky Jackson is able to play soccer. That is something we never forget. Here are a few photos taken at Jackson’s soccer game I really like.

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Cute photo of Faith taken at the game. (I love it!)

We do get a break from soccer games this week and Jackson will have his next game on Saturday. The timing worked out good since Jackson had treatment today and started his steroid pulse this evening.

Treatment was super long today. We left the house at 7:30 am to be in San Francisco for Jackson’s ultrasound at 9:15 am. His oncologist wanted to make sure his kidneys, spleen, liver, etc. were all functioning properly since he has been having an elevated bilirubin lately. Big sigh of relief that everything looked normal. Jackson did have his doctor’s appointment and treatment until 2 pm so we were able to spend some time together. We went to Pier 39 and hung out at the aquarium and saw tons of really neat fish. Then we let Jackson pick where we had lunch. He picked the Hard Rock Café. We had a fun lunch and before we knew it, it was time to head back over to UCSF for his treatment. Jackson has been fighting off a cold and cough and Dr. Robbins said he looked good. His throat wasn’t too red and everything else looked good. I had noticed a swollen lymph node on the side of Jackson’s neck that had me worrying. Dr. Robbins reassured us it was nothing to worry about. We rechecked Jackson’s direct bilirubin and his blood counts. We won’t have the results until tomorrow. He also received his monthly vincristine and then we were back on the road home at 3:30. Home by 5 pm. Ugh. What a long day.

Quick reminders – September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. Don’t forget to dine out at Chili’s on Monday, September 25th. All day they will be donating 100 percent of their proceeds to St. Judes Children’s Hospital. Also, don’t forget to sign up for Jackson’s ALL Stars. This is our team for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society’s Light the Night. It takes place on Friday, September 29th in Santa Rosa. The walk begins at 6:30pm. It is a lot of fun. Please join us if you can. You can click here to go to the Light the Night page and sign up for Jackson’s ALL Stars. If you are having problems signing up, please email us and let us know. Hope to see you there.

Thanks as always for checking in on Jackson.


Monday, September 11, 2006 10:25 AM CDT

Just a quick update. We got Jackson's liver results back on Thursday afternoon. His total bilirubin had gone down to 4.2. His direct bilirubin was in the normal range. All the other blood tests they ran for his liver came back normal. Yeah! We are still scheduled for an ultrasound of his abdomen on Monday, September 18th, the same day as his treatment. They will do this at UCSF. The doctors just want to make sure everything looks OK and to get a base line for the future.

My main reason for posting this morning is to ask you to please pray for our very special friend Kathy. She was rushed via ambulance to the hospital early Sunday morning. Her husband has told us they think is bleeding internally. She has been getting blood since yesterday and has some yucky procedures today. Her family can use alot of positive thoughts right now. Please take the time to stop by Kathy's page and drop a note of support.


Wednesday, September 6, 2006 11:35 PM CDT

Our online friend Cam passed away on Sunday. He fought an amazing battle. He is now pain free. My heart breaks for his family. Life is truly precious. Ugh. . . I wish so much for a cure for cancer. 80 percent just isn't good enough.

On a little lighter of a note, Jackson has been busy with school and soccer. We checked his blood counts yesterday and his ANC came back at 1118. Great number! We increased his oral chemo to 75 percent. (really hoping his counts don't go crashing down!) Eric and I had them also check his liver functions. The whites in his eyes have been a little yellow lately. Sure enough his total bilirubin was 5.0. Way above the normal level. We have to take Jackson up to Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital early tomorrow morning to run his labs again along with a couple of other blood tests. The lab we normally have Jackson's blood drawn at can't run these tests as quick as they are needed. We need to find out what is causing this problem. Here is my second "Ugh" this post. It is so frustrating to have to worry about so many different things. Jackson's team of doctors wants to do an ultrasound of his abdomen at his next appointment at UCSF. I am really hoping his direct bilirubin comes back a lot better tomorrow than it did Tuesday. We should have results tomorrow evening.

Faith started preschool on Tuesday and LOVED IT! She actually told Eric and me that she was ready for the two of us to leave. I couldn't believe our baby was ready to have some fun without her mom and dad! After I got over my sadness (it didn't last that long) it was so nice to see her having a blast! She is ready to head back to school tomorrow.

Jackson continues to love school. (Although this morning he didn't want to go. His belly hurt.) He is doing well and having fun. He had his first soccer game tonight and did great.

We have been having fun with my cousin Hala and her fiance John. They are visiting from Portland, Oregon this week. They always have the kids laughing.

One more quick thing. Please join our team if you are available on Friday, September 29th for Light the Night. It is a really fun evening honoring and remembering those whose lives have been effected by blood cancers. You can register for Jackson's team at by clicking here. Jackson's team name is Jackson's ALL Stars. The walk is in downtown Santa Rosa. If you have any questions, email or call us. Also all day on Monday, September 25th Chili's restaurant will be donating 100 percent of their proceeds to St. Jude's Children's Hospital. Why not go out to dinner with the family and contribute to finding a cure for these awful cancers?

I'm off to bed since I have to get up super early to get everybody ready so we can head out to the hospital. I'll try and update tomorrow evening with his test results. Tomorrow night is back to school night for Jackson so we'll have to see how the evening goes.

Sweet dreams,

Monday, August 28, 2006 11:45 PM CDT

Yeah! We survived the first day of school! Jackson did AWESOME! He got up extra early and was really excited about school. There were several kis he already knew from last year and his buddy Ryan was in the same class with him. Ms. McCampbell is going to a great teacher.

Today was a great day for us as Jackson's parents. With Jackson starting 2nd grade, that means we are one step closer to going off treatment. We are so thankful Jackson is able to go school. We are so proud of him. Last year he had such a hard time transitioning back into school after being in the home and hospital program. It was so nice to see that nervous smile this morning. Here are a few photos I got this morning.

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Jackson and Faith at our home right before we left for school.

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Jackson and his friend Ryan waiting to go into their classroom.

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Jackson and Faith in the classroom.

We are very thankful Jackson continues to do well. We have two families that are part of our ALL-Kids support group that are having a really hard time right now. Please send extra prayers for Cam and Baby Donovan. Things can change so quick. There has been great strides in childhood cancer treatments and survival rates in the past decade, but many children are still dying. It just breaks my heart.

Thanks for checking in on us.


Tuesday, August 22, 2006 6:53 PM CDT

Jackson had his monthly clinic appointment and it was super FAST! He did great. His buddy Tyler went with him today and that was a great distraction. He got his monthly IV Vincristine. We also ran a CBC and his liver functions and they all came back great.

His counts were:

WBC: 3.3
Hemoglobin: 13.1
Platelets: 205,000
ANC: 1100 (up from 340 last week!)

We were so happy to get this report. He is back on 50 percent dosage of his oral chemotherapy. We will recheck his counts again in two weeks. We will begin tonight his 10 doses of steroids. He will finish on Sunday, the day before school begins. We are really hoping the side effects this month are minimal.

Please keep positive thoughts for our online friends Baby Donovan and Cam who are having difficult times right now.

Thanks for checking in on us. Thankful for another monthly clinic appointment down.


Friday, August 18, 2006 9:38 PM CDT

Today has been a rough day. Our dear friend Kathy is having a hard time. She found out last night that she had pulmonary embolisms in both of her lungs. We also found out that our little warrior friend Baby Donovan has relapsed for the fourth time! He was originally diagnosed with the same type of cancer Jackson has at one month old. It is just so unfair. He is only a baby!

Both Kathy and baby Donovan could use some words of encouragement and prayers. Please stop by if you have a chance.

We are constantly reminded how precious life is and how things can change in the drop of a hat!


Monday, August 14, 2006 11:50 PM CDT

With every journey there are bumps in the road. That is just the way I feel tonight. We had Jackson’s counts checked last week since his counts had been on the lower side. His ANC had gone up to 860. We were feeling pretty good about that. We kept his oral meds at 50 percent dosage. He had been doing well and feeling great. But, we had to recheck his blood counts again today. When I got the call from our nurse practitioner, I was NOT expecting to hear Jackson was neutropenic! His ANC is now 340! I just don’t understand how his little body works sometimes. It is so frustrating. Not to mention that I started to freak out thinking about our little weekend at the river. Jackson was in the mucky, yucky river all day Saturday. Ugh! We are keeping our fingers crossed that he stays fever free and nothing develops. It is just so frustrating since he has been pretty healthy all summer, and now 2 weeks prior to school beginning his counts are in the toilet! It took so long for him to transition back into school last fall, that I really worry about him not being able to start school with everyone else. I am going to keep thinking positive that his counts will recover soon and that we will stay on track for school to begin on August 28th.

We had a WONDERFUL time on the Russian River with Grandma and Grandpa and our niece Lauren and nephew Connor. The kids loved having their cousins to hang out with. The weather was great and we all had a great time. All the kids loved hanging out on the shore and playing in the kayak and canoeing. The other really fun things for the kids were the smores. Boy did they love that! Here are photos from our camping trip.

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Lauren, Faith and Jackson hanging out at our camp site.

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Connor resting in his tent.

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Faith and Lauren hanging out on the river.

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Grandma, Grandpa and Jackson playing Bocce.

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Connor, Jackson and Lauren canoeing.

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Faith riding her big girl bike!

I have added the link to join our Light the Night team at the bottom of Jackson’s page. The date again is Friday, September 29th. Come out and walk with us.

Jackson has treatment next Tuesday. We will re check his blood counts again then. Until then. . . .

Oh, Faith has been learning to ride her ‘big girl’ bike. She rode all the way to the park this afternoon for the first time. We took her bike camping and I think all the riding there really got her more comfortable riding her bike. She told me to WHOLE way home from the park she did not need my help riding her bike. Too cute. Here is a photo of her on her bike while camping.

Thanks for checking in on us. We appreciate all your prayers.


Thursday, August 3, 2006 10:29 PM CDT

I just can’t believe it is already August! Where has this summer gone? I was looking at photos from last year and noticed Jackson was inpatient at UCSF last year at this time. While I know it has been a year, it seems like the other day. Strange huh? Oh well. . .

Jackson finished up last month’s steroids. They just turn him into a little monster. As parents of cancer kids would call it, “roid rage!” That week of taking steroids and the week after is awful. Jackson and Faith are always at each other’s throats. There is a lot of arguing. Although, all of this is normal for siblings, it is magnified by the steroids. So, this week it is nice to have our Jackson back in action.

We will have Jackson’s blood counts checked on Tuesday. Two weeks ago when we checked his ANC prior to treatment it was 687. Eric and I are anxious to see what it is on Tuesday. Strange, but we anxiously await lab days. Not because we like to have Jackson poked all the time, but it gives us a clue as to where his immune system is at. That is so important to us, especially with an active kiddo like Jackson. I’ll update once we get the numbers.

Soccer practice started for Jackson this week. Two times a week we have practice. He is really enjoying it (what a surprise!) School starts for Jackson on August 28th and Faith starts preschool on September 5th. I really don’t know what I am going to do when both kids are at school? My goal is to go to the gym on the mornings Faith is at school. We’ll see. Nanny took the kids to Chuck E Cheese yesterday. You would have thought they won the lottery! They love that place. Both came home very happy with cool prizes in hand. Thank you Nanny!

Eric’s parents, our niece and nephew (Lauren and Connor) and our family are going camping on the river next weekend. We are all very excited! Plus, our good friends the Mason’s are camping at the same place with their family! Lots of canoing, khaking and eating ‘smores!

We are once again having a team in Jackson’s honor at Light the Night. It is scheduled this year for Friday, September 29th. It is a fun evening. It is a casual walk through Santa Rosa’s Courthouse Square. Everyone carries illuminated balloons and it is really neat. The event is a fundraiser for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. We would love to have you join Jackson’s team! To register, click here. Search under “Team Names” for Jackson’s ALL Stars. You can click to join our team right there. Last year, we had over 60 people walking on Jackson’s ALL Star’s team. Please mark your calendars.

That’s about it. We love everyone! Thanks for checking in again on us.


Wednesday, July 26, 2006 11:59 PM CDT

We have been busy since my last update. Last week on Tuesday night, I took Jackson and his good friend Ian to the Giants baseball game. The Make a Wish Foundation held a pizza party reception prior to the game.

Jackson and Ian at the pizza reception.

The boys had lots of fun seeing several Giant’s players and hanging out.

(From left) Jackson with SF Giants catcher Todd Greene, Ian, Coach Mark Gardner, and SF Giants Mark Sweeney. The other kids pictured are other Make a Wish kids.

Jackson was asked to stand on home plate at the beginning of the game along with a couple of other kids, a couple of Giants players and the executive director of the Make a Wish Foundation. They announced what Make a Wish does for kids and what Jackson’s wish was. There were lots of cameras! It was really exciting! Jackson stood out there without me and did an awesome job! He really enjoyed it.

Jackson at the beginning of the game.

The whole evening was a great experience. The boys really enjoyed the game and all the cotton candy they could

Ian spent the night with Jackson that night and they had lots of fun. I was exhausted!

The next night on Wednesday, I did a fundraiser for my Team in Training with Cal Skate, our local roller skating center. We had about 100 people show up and skate. I raised $ 500 for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Everyone had a great time, including our family. We are definitely going to have to do another fundraiser again there soon. Here are a couple of photos of the kids.

Ian and Jackson

Faith and her boyfriend Chase.

It has been so hot, hot, hot here this last week. We are talkin’ 100 degree days! It has been just miserable. We have been going to the beach and doing a lot of swimming.

Jackson officially began his fifth maintenance cycle for his treatment yesterday. I would say yesterday wasn’t one of the easier days we have had at clinic. The day began at 8:30 with a phone call from UCSF saying Jackson’s total bilirubin was high. They needed us to come down before our scheduled appointment which was at 11:30 to access his port and draw his bilirubin again, but we were going to check his direct bilirubin. Clinic was so busy yesterday when we got there at 10:30. Jackson finally got his blood drawn at 11:30. We had to wait for the results to get his IV chemo. If his direct bilirubin was over .6, we had to hold his chemo. Just as we were in the surgery room getting ready for Jackson’s anesthesia, we got the call that Jackson’s IV chemo was a go. That meant he couldn’t have his port deaccessed while he was sedated, we would have to go back upstairs to clinic once Jackson woke up. It was 4:00 pm by the time we were heading out of clinic. We were glad to be heading home and finally got home at 6:00 pm. Jackson’s back was pretty sore last night from his spinal tap, but he still had to play baseball last night. He is also taking his monthly steroids. Ugh. . . . His ANC which was high last Thursday at 2870, had crashed to 680 on Monday. So now Jackson is back down to 50 percent dosage of his oral chemo. We had been at 80 percent for about a week. Hoping his ANC recovers here soon.

Today Jackson still wasn't feeling back to himself yet. He is taking a MLS soccer camp this week from 9:00-noon. He is really enjoying it. Even when he wasn’t feeling good this morning, he still went to camp and watched some when he really wasn’t feeling good. Although, he played really hard all morning.

We are amazed and very lucky to have so many people who support us throughout this journey. This isn’t what we would have chosen, but life hands you challenges and we make the best of our situation. Eric and I are so honored to be Jackson’s parents. He is so brave and really inspires us and so many people. Thank you for checking in on our little man. As we have said in the past, we are very fortunate to have you checking in on us.


Wednesday, July 19, 2006 10:05 AM CDT

We are back from Seattle and Portland!

Eric did great! He was one of the top finishers with Team in Training. We are so proud of him. It is hard enough to complete a century ride, but Eric rode 206 miles. Wow!

Here is a photo of the group Eric rode with:
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We flew into Seattle Friday morning with the rest of the team. Both kids did great on the plane ride up. Eric got his bike that had been shipped up to Seattle and his camping gear. Eric’s parents, our niece Avery and our nephew Logan along with their nanny, Michelle came to the hotel to visit us and to let the kids play. They had a great time running around the lobby of the hotel.

Later that night, we went to the Team in Training pasta dinner with over 200 people. It was at a beautiful setting at the university. Eric’s parents and his brother Anthony and his family joined us. We even got to see our old neighbor and friend Jason Yunker who is now a coach with the Washington Team in Training cycling team. It was a lot of fun.

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Avery and Faith eating their pasta and making a mess!

Eric was up bright and early on Saturday morning (at 4:45 am!!!) They took off at about 5:45. The kids and I slept in and went to Anthony and Valerie’s home to visit some more and to play with Avery and Logan. We then started our drive to Portland in the afternoon. We stopped to see Eric in Chehalis. The team camped at a local church on Saturday night in Chehalis.

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Eric after the ride on the first day.

Then we drove the rest of the way to Portland to see my cousin Holly (aka Hala) and her fiancé John. The kids love being there. Hala, the kids and I attempted to catch Eric along the route on Sunday, but we had a difficult time catching him. He was going a lot faster than we had thought. We finally caught him at about mile 180 and got a few photos.

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The kids had a lot of fun cheering people on and seeing all the cyclists. There were approximately 9000 cyclists doing the STP ride.

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We met Eric at the finish line and hung out for all the festivities for a while.

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Eric got his bike loaded back on the truck and we headed back to Hala’s home for some rest. Eric was exhausted. Monday morning Eric and I took the kids to the Children’s Museum in Portland. The kids had a lot of fun exploring and having fun. (Jackson was a little too old for this museum, but he still had fun!)

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We then headed to the Portland airport and were able to meet our angel family the Hutchinsons!
They were in Portland all the way from Massachusetts visiting family and friends. We never thought we would be able to meet face to face and our timing to Portland was the same. They are a wonderful and caring family. Thank you Kari for the bags of goodies for the kids! They were a huge hit! The kids loved everything! Here is a photo of our families.

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We made it home Monday night. We were all exhausted and ready to be home. It was a fun trip and we feel very fortunate to be able to cheer the team on during their event. Eric is already discussing which TNT event he will train for next.

We have my fundraising event tonight. If you are local and are around, please come by! It is from 6-8:00 pm at Cal Skate in Rohnert Park. It is a fundraiser for the Leukemia Society. Everyone is welcome! My training is going pretty good. I haven’t kept up too well with it this week. I need to get back on track. I am really needing to focus.

Jackson has treatment on Tuesday. It will be a long day at clinic. He will get his IV chemo and also a spinal tap with his chemotherapy. As always, these longer appointments are more difficult. Please continue to remember Jackson during his appointment.

Thank you to everyone for checking in on us and for your kind messages in the guestbook. We truly appreciate all of them!

Sunday, July 9, 2006 7:19 PM CDT

Hope everyone had a great 4th of July. Ours was a lot of fun. We spent the day with our friends and neighbors. Our street had a block party. The kids were exhausted by the time the fireworks began.

Our friend Yvette took this great photo of the kids on the 4th!

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We have been busy with typical summer activities. Jackson has been feeling pretty good. He has been taking naps which isn't like him. It makes us wonder if his counts are running a little on the low side. We will be checking his blood counts either on Tuesday or Thursday. I think it will probably be Thursday since we are leaving for Seattle for Eric's Team in Training event on Friday. Eric has trained really hard for his cycling event and we are so excited to go cheer him on! We will be in Seattle with Eric's mom and dad and his brother Anthony and his family. We are also going to be able to meet Jackson's angel family, the Hutchinsons. They just happen to be visiting their family all the way from Massachussets! Can you believe that? We are really excited. They have been sending the kids cards, gifts and lots of encouragement since Jackson was diagnosed. They are a wonderful family!

Mark your calenders!!! I am doing a Team in Training fundraiser for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society on Wednesday, July 19th. Here are the details:

Where: Cal Skate, 6100 Commerce Blvd., Rohnert Park

When: Wednesday, July 19th from 6:00-8:00 pm

Admission: $ 6.00 (quad skate rental included) - additional $ 4.00 for roller blades.

The more skaters, the greater the payback to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Please tell all your friends and family to come out and go skating. It should be a lot of fun!

I will surely have lots of fun photos once we get back from Seattle and Portland.

Thanks for checking in,


Friday, June 30, 2006 1:17 AM CDT

I have been meaning to get an update out since Tuesday, but this is the first time I have been able to do so.

Let me first start off by saying it is now 11:20 pm and we just got home from the emergency room with Jackson. We went in around 6:30 pm tonight with a small fever of 100.8. His temperature kept hanging around the level that gets us sent to the ER. So, we took Faith to a sleep over at my mom and dad's for the night. She was very excited about that! By the time we got to the ER Jackson's temperature went down to 98.9. When the triage nurse asks Jackson to point to the face to show his level of pain, he points to the smiley face! Eric and I look at each other like why are we here? Anyways, for the most part, the evening went pretty smoothly. Jackson's ANC (I won't bother you with the other numbers) on Tuesday at treatment was 1480. Great number! We increased his oral chemotherapy back up to 75 percent. Well tonight when we did his CBC his ANC was 1206. OK, the puzzling thing is that he is on his steroid pulse now and that falsly increases your ANC. But, in true Jackson fashion this left us wondering. All that really mattered for right now is that it was way over the 500 mark of having to be transported and admitted to UCSF. He is feeling pretty well now.

Now, I will back track with the other stuff from this week. . . .

Jackson has been taking a basketball camp all week from 9-noon each day. Absolutely loving it! Tuesday after his camp, he had treatment in San Francisco. Dr. Robbins looked him over, did his exam and we were off to the other side of clinic for his IV chemo. We got his counts back the next morning and they were great. (ANC 1480) Wednesday he had a dentist appointment which was pretty difficult. Jackson does not like having his teeth cleaned. As much as he doesn't like it, he did a great job still. Lots of tears and sad faces. This morning Jackson woke up and said his head hurt and he didn't feel good. The steroids and his chemo cause him not to feel great for about 10 days after his treatment. I got the kids donuts and thought that would cheer him up. Nope. He was putting his head on the table at the donut shop. Not like Jackson. He stayed home from his basketball camp to take it easy. No fever all day. He is really not eating very much either, which bothers me. We are so use to him eating everything up during his pulse of steroids. I really think this treatment just hit him hard. Although, I think I said that last month also? Please keep your fingers crossed that we don't have any more fevers and more than anything, Jackson is feeling alot better tomorrow morning.

We got the official off treatment date on Tuesday. . . . Drumroll please. . . FEBRUARY 1, 2008! We will be having a HUGE Off Treatment party then. Mark your calendars! Hard to believe Jackson will be almost 9 years old! Ugh.

Otherwise, the rest of us are doing OK. I have tried to kick my training up a gear since I haven't been keeping up with quite as well as I would like. I was suppose to go to our team's track workout tonight, but that's the way things go. Eric's Seattle to Portland bike ride is quickly approaching. We will be traveling with our Team in Training team on Friday, July 14th to Seattle. We are really excited to cheer Eric on. Should be alot of fun.

I am finally posting the best of the best photos I have been saying I would post. (Sorry if this takes a long time to upload).

These first 4 photos are from our trip to Tahoe. We went up to cheer on our local TNT team in the America's Most Beautiful Bike Ride.

Jackson and Faith posing in front of a casino.

Jackson and Ali's brother Nolan. Ali's mom is part of my support group. We met them for the first in Tahoe. If you click on Ali's name, Marey (Ali's mom) has photos of us from Tahoe. Check it out.

The kids at the TNT Pasta Party the night before the big ride.

Cute photo of the kids at the place we played putt putt at.

Here is a photo of Jackson and his first grade teacher Ms. Ritz on the last day of school. She was a wonderful teacher and he learned so much!

Jackson and other survivor's holding the banner for the opening ceremonies of our local Relay for Life event. This photo made it on the front page of our local paper.

The luminarie bags Jackson and I decorated for Relay for Life.

Another cute photo of the kids playing Twister at Relay for Life.

I have rambled on long enough. Happy 4th of July to everyone!


Tuesday, June 20, 2006 11:16 PM CDT

Boy, are we enjoying this weather! We have been doing alot of swimming and playing outside. Jackson is really enjoying his swim lessons, but Faith is a little more challenging. She doesn't enjoy it so much. She wants mommy in the pool with her. We'll try again next summer. I have taken the kids a few times to open swim in the afternoons and they both love it. Jackson is able to play with his friends from school and Faith and I hang out and swim around.

We have also begun our summer reading program through our local library. Faith and Nanny have already filled up her first reading sheet.

Jackson has been a full time World Cup follower. He is either watching the games on TV, playing soccer on his Playstation or playing soccer. It is really cute to see him so excited about it.

Last weekend we attended our local Relay for Life. It is a 24 hour relay and fundraiser for the American Cancer Society. It was a lot of fun. Jackson did a wonderful job holding the banner for the survivor lap. Our local paper was there and took photos of Jackson. It should be in the Voice this Friday. We saw alot of people we hadn't seen in a long time and it was a very touching and emotional day.

We had a fun Father's Day, (although Eric did several chores around the house.) The kids are so lucky to have such a wonderful father. He is always there for us. He is always dropping whatever he is doing to play with the kids. We love you Eric!

Jackson continues to do good. Today marks 1 week of being back on his oral chemo. His allergies continue to be a challenge, but we are hoping as times goes on, they will be less. Jackson has his monthly treatment next Tuesday. He will receive his IV chemo and then begin his 10 doses of steroids. I just keep thinking we are one step closer to the end of treatment.

I really want to encourage everyone to watch or record to watch later a series titled A Lion in the House. It premieres tomorrow night on your local PBS station. Times vary so check your local listings. It is a two night series. It might be listed under Independent Lens in your local directory or A Lion in the House.

Here is one review: This inspiring, harrowing and intimate series follows five children as they fight against cancer with the help of their families, nurses and doctors over a span of six years.

You have all followed Jackson's cancer journey these last 18 months and have had a glimse into our lives. I have not seen this film myself, but I have heard it is a wonderful film. I have been told by parents who have seen this film that it is a must. It lets viewers see a small glimpse into Jackson's daily life. Please take the time to watch this film. I know it will be hard to watch myself, but it is something I am really looking forward to seeing.

On a happier note, we are going camping this weekend to the Russian River. We are all very excited since we weren't able to go camping last year. Jackson's treatment was too intense this time last year so we are really looking forward to it.

Please stop by and say hello to our friend Kathy. She has been in the hospital for the last several days. She was admitted with fevers and a low ANC. On top of that she developed horrible mouth sores due to her chemo regimen. She was able to come home today. She can use our good wishes and prayers.

Thanks again for all your support!


Wednesday, June 14, 2006

First off, Happy Anniversary Nanny and Pompa! We love you!

Jackson's counts ROCKED yesterday! YEAH!

WBC: 3.1
Hemoglobin: 12.6
Platelets: 241,000
ANC: 1054

We are very excited Jackson's ANC is finally over 1000 (barely, but we will take it!)We started back up his oral chemotherapy at 50 percent dosage. Really hoping for a long streak of feeling good!

We are participating this weekend in our local Relay for Life. Jackson was asked to help carry the survivor banner. Will have photos from the event for next week.


Sunday, June 11, 2006 6:24 PM

We have been going well, but we have been busy! Jackson’s last day of school was Friday and he is officially a 2nd grader! YEAH! We are so proud of all his accomplishments. His report card was also excellent. A big thank you to his teacher, Ms. Ritz for working with us this year. Jackson missed a total of 47 school days this last year and he still did an exceptional job.

We are definitely ready for summer. Especially not having to wake up and be somewhere every morning. Faith and Jackson both begin swim lessons tomorrow morning.

Last weekend we went up to Tahoe and routed on our Team in Training bunch. It was a very fun weekend. We also were able to meet, Ali’s family. Ali wasn’t able to come up since she was finishing up finals. I have gotten to know Marey (Ali’s mom) through our on line support group, ALL-Kids. It was so nice meeting face to face!

Eric continues to train for his ride with Team in Training which is July 15-16th. He has already raised over $ 6000! Way to go Eric. He is continuing his fundraising, so if you haven’t already donated to the cause, you still have time. I have officially begun my training. I am training once again for the Nike Women’s Marathon in San Francisco in October. It is definitely challenging both of us training for our events at the same time. We find the time since the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society is such a great organization. The funds we raise make a difference and we truly believe we will see a cure for this awful disease some time in our lifetime. So for those of you who have sponsored us, THANK YOU! We will keep asking for your support! If you haven’t already made a donation and wish to, our fundraising links are at the bottom of the page. Hey, you can always sign up to participate with Team in Training. My mother in law is going to do the Nike Marathon also! GO CLAUDIA!

Jackson’s counts have not fully recovered from the parvovirus he was exposed to. His ANC last week was only 561. We are still off his oral chemotherapy and are desperately hoping to restart it this week. We will check his counts again on Tuesday and really hope they have made the giant leap to over 1000!

I will post an update sometime this week once we have his counts back.

I did take the kids on Friday to get their photos taken. I haven’t had them done since early 2005. Enjoy!


Wednesday, May 31, 2006 10:15 pm

Treatment went pretty good yesterday. Clinic was so busy due to the holiday weekend. Unfortunately, Jackson's counts are lower this week than they were lat week. His ANC was only 270. His hemoglobin and platelets were great. Eric and I were really shocked and disappointed.

We really thought his neutrophil count would be back up and he would be able to get back to school. When we told Jackson he still couldn't go back to school, he just broke down and cried. He said, "I really want to be at school with my friends." Eric and I had to take a moment because it is moments like those that you really hate cancer and wish with everything you have that your child could have what they really want and deserve. We will be checking his counts again next Tuesday. Jackson is already having a rough time this month with his chemo and steroids. They have hit him hard once again. It is so hard to keep you chin up during these couple of weeks.

On a happier note, Jackson has had a very loose top front tooth now for a couple of weeks. It finally fell out yesterday on the drive back from San Francisco. We had to write a letter to the tooth fairy last night, because we misplaced the tooth. Who knows where it went, but Jackson was lucky enough that the tooth fairy did visit him and left $ 2.00.

Thanks for checking in. Will update next week with more information on our next plan of action.


Tuesday, May 30, 2006 0:56 AM

We just got back from Camp Okizu this afternoon. It was AMAZING! There were 40 families that attended camp this weekend. It was so nice to see some familiar faces from clinic and also meeting alot of new people. It is a weekend of healing - for all of us. Eric and I really believe Camp Okizu is magical. From the moment you drive into the property, it is amazing. Jackson and Faith had a wonderful time playing, running around, doing crafts, archery, singing, dancing and the list goes on. They both got letters from Tadgar (a well known mythical creature) that lives at camp. Jackson also learned how to make friendship bracelets. He has made so many already!

Jackson picked the same exact cabin we stayed in last year. It was a little chillier that we had anticipated, but it wasn't too bad. Here are a few of our favorite photos from the weekend. (I apologize in advance if you have dial up.)

Jackson and Faith in our cabin, Madrone.

Jackson and Faith putting their letters in Tadgar's mailbox.

All of us at the campfire on Saturday night.

Yum, yum. . . Those s'mores are so good!

One of the many photos showing Jackson was having a great time!

Eric and Jackson with the happy face ball. Jackson got a real kick out of that silly ball.

And last, but not least our favorite silly photo. Let me preface it by saying Jackson and Faith heard a couple of older kids talking about the "butt tree". So, Eric thought it would be cute to have the kids "pose" with the tree. It is so funny!

We are counting down the days until next summer. We love Camp Okizu!

On to the medical stuff. . .

Jackson has treatment today. We will check his counts again and are really hoping he can go back to school Wednesday. They only have 2 weeks left! Please continue to pray for Jackson. We are really hoping treatment goes smoothly tomorrow.

Thanks for checking in. I am off to bed.


Friday, May 26, 2006 7:50 am

We are off to camp today for the weekend. Jackson's blood counts as of yesterday were:

WBC: 1.9
Hemoglobin: 10.5
Platelets: 189,000
ANC: 418

He is still neutropenic (no immune system), but we feel it is really important for us to go to camp as a family and spend time together. Most of camp is outside, so that should be good. Camp Okizu is a magical place and it is really good for Jackson emotionally to be with other kids who have cancer. We'll update next week with lots of fun photos from our weekend. Here are a couple of photos from Camp Okizu last year.

Jackson last year in front of Tadger's home.

Jackson and Faith on a hike at Camp Okizu.

Have a great Memorial Day weekend!


Monday, May 22, 2006 11:35 AM

Well we made it back home by 2:30 am on Sunday morning. Jackson rested most of the day and we did have his birthday party yesterday afternoon. He had a wonderful time with his friends. It was so nice seeing him having fun and running around. Eric and I could tell he wasn't feeling real good, but he managed to have a great time. So, unfortunately we are again neutropenic and will have to stay home all week. And the worst part is he is off of his chemo again (which we don't like). . . . We'll recheck his blood counts again on Thursday morning, hoping to be fever free all week and hoping to make it to Camp Okizu this weekend.

Tomorrow is Jackson's birthday and we are still going to make it extra special, even though we are homebound.

Thanks for checking in on our little man!


Sunday, May 21,2006 12:20 AM

We are at UCSF as I write this. I have cried my eyes out the last few hours (thanks Kathy and Annie) for listening to my sobbing. . . . It is almost 12:30 AM and we have been down here since 3:45 pm this afternoon. We decided to go ahead and bring Jackson down for a red blood cell transfusion since his counts seem to just keep dropping. He FINALLY started the transfusion around 10:30 PM and it takes at least 3 hours to transfuse. On top of this, his neutrophil count is ONLY 479! At this point, if Jackson gets another fever, we are inpatient. Well I'm sorry, but that IS NOT going to happen. Jackson was here last year for his birthday and he isn't going to be here this year. We are hoping to get out of here in the next hour or so, get home for a few hours of sleep and be ready for the party tomorrow. Please keep your fingers crossed that all goes smoothly tomorrow. I honestly don't think I would be so pissed off and such a crying mess if I had some sleep. It has now been almost 36 hours since I have slept and it is catching up with me.

Please pray hard for our little man. He is having such rough time. He is NOT happy being here.


Saturday, May 20, 2006 7:40 AM

Eric and I are BEYOND frustrated! Jackson last night had a fever of 38.8 (101.1) around 10 pm. Jackson said his port was still sore from being accessed on Tuesday night. Poor guy just did NOT want to make the haul up to the emergency room. Eric and I did NOT want to make the trip either. It just SUCKS! (That is the only word I can find this morning on very little sleep that really describes my feelings.) Jackson was examined around 11:30 PM, a chest x ray was taken, a strep throat exam attempt that went TOTALLY wrong and a complete exam. The ER doctor was trying to figure out where this infection/virus was coming from and making sure we weren't missing something. It looks like Jackson was exposed to Fifth's Disease and he is dealing with the effects from this virus. We had Jackson's counts checked yesterday morning and they were:

WBC: 1.8
Hemoglobin: 8.8
ANC: 612
Platelets: 158,000

When cultures were drawn very early this morning they rechecked his blood counts. His hemoglobin had taken another dip down to 7.8. At this point, Jackson is very anemic. We held off on the blood transfusion early this morning since his color still looked pretty good. The tylenol helped his really bad headache. Poor little guy's head was really hurting late last night. The drop in his hemoglobin is from this virus he contracted. After getting Rocephin (his IV antiobotics again), we finally got home right before 4 am this morning. Jackson is comfortable upstairs sleeping and I am praying he sleeps alot today. His body is fighting so hard!

I have to be at our chapter's Team in Training kick off this morning around 9 am. I really want to be home with my baby today, but the reasons are so important to be there. To add icing to the cake (I am being totally sarcastic) is that Jackson's 7th birthday party looks like it probably won't be happening. His ANC is continuing to decrease and we do NOT want to end up with ANOTHER fever at this point. If that were to happen, we would probably have to be inpatient at UCSF and we will not let that happen. He was inpatient for his birthday last year and this just isn't the birthday gift we want to give him. We are truly praying and believing his counts will recover here soon and he will be home to celebrate his birthday!

I'll update again later this afternoon if things change.

Please PRAY for our little man. No more fevers, and we need his counts to recover.

This is yet another example of how our lives are as parent's of a cancer kid. Things can change so quickly. Please keep Jackson close in your thoughts and prayers.


Thursday, May 18, 2006 10:50 AM

Our little man seems to be doing better. I wouldn't say we are back to 100 but we are definately better. We have been fever free since yesterday. Yeh! Jackson slept in this morning and I took him to school around 9 am. We're going to pick him up around 1 pm so he can come home and rest. Don't want to over do it. We are going to check his blood counts again tomorrow morning to make sure his neutrophils, platelets and hemoglobin have stabilized.

After the last few days I have had, I had to share this hilarous video that was sent to me from my cousin Holly (AKA Hala to my kids). She sent it to me this morning to put a smile on my face and it has done just that! It is the funniest thing I have seen in a very long time. What worries me is that I know way to many of these dances! Here is the link: Just cut and paste into your browser.


Hope you enjoy! The birthday party is still on and we are ready! We can not wait to celebrate our hero's 7th birthday.

Thanks again for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers.


Wednesday, May 17, 2006 10:32 AM CDT

Here is the latest scoop on our little man. . .

Yesterday afternoon Jackson came home from a friends house and was tired. He took a nap for over 2 hours (which just isn't like him.) He had a slight temperature (99). We rechecked it an hour later and it had come down. Last night around 9 pm, I went to take him temperature prior to giving him his nightly chemo, and his temperature was 101. Not good, so we packed up, called Nanny and Pompa to come over and stay with sleeping beauty while we were on our way to the ER with Jackson. UGGHHHHH! We were JUST there on May 3rd! They must have been selling raffle tickets last night at the ER because they were SO busy! It is very nerve racking when it is so busy! We heard there was a pretty big automobile accident that sent alot of people into the ER. Anyways, we have become familiar with alot of faces now at our local ER. (We have been there so many times!) As we were checking in one ER nurse saw us and said, "There's my little man." She has accessed Jackson a few times now.

The sad part about all of this is that we know the drill so well! It absolutely breaks my heart the look on Jackson's face when we tell him he has a fever and we have to go to the emergency room. Luckily we were home by 12:30 am this morning and got a decent night's rest.

Now we wait to see if anything grows from his blood cultures. We got an IV dose of Rocephin (sp?), an antiobotics to cover Jackson for the next 24 hours. His blood counts are pretty low,

ANC: 642
Hemoglobin: 9.5
Platelets: 148,000
WBC: 1.4

Please pray that Jackson's counts stabilize and that we have NO MORE FEVERS! Jackson's birthday party is this Sunday and we WANT and NEED to celebrate! He deserves a fun filled birthday more than anyone!

Thanks for checking in on our boy. Please sign the guestbook and let us know you were here.


Friday, May 12, 2006 8:55 AM CDT

I wanted to take the opportunity to tell our friends and family what an incredible Mother Tiffany is to our children. Now many of you already know this but with Mother’s Day a couple of days away I thought Tiffany should have the spot light turned on her for once. As I am trying to find the right phrases and style to convey my message, I am worried that I will not be able to create the picture of the wonderful Mother Jackson and Faith have. This is difficult, mostly, because unless you have experienced parenting two children and Cancer (its own entity) you might not realize that words lack the raw, intense range of emotions involved. Enough explanation and dramatics. . . . Here goes!

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Tiffany, A wonderful Mom……

Who sticks French Fries up her nose for a laugh
Who Plans activities for her children to do
Who Holds on to our growing boy to comfort him as he is put to rest for his Lumbar Puncture.
Who has been vomited on more times than we can count
Who allows her daughter to twist her hair to help her sleep
Who knows more about her son’s treatment than the doctors know
Who enjoys camping with her children
Who always looks for ways to teach her children how to help others
Who plays with her children
Who drops it all to get “Steroid Boy” his McDonald Fries
Who allows her children to make a mess
Who stands up for her children
Who volunteers in her son’s class
Who breaks the rules to have fun
Who creates time for her children to visit Grandparents and Great Grandparents
Who must watch her child in pain
Who doesn’t eat because her son can’t eat
Who stops to get her kids strawberries
Who takes the time to teach her children to bake
Who allows her children to dream BIG
Who screams “great job” to her son at a soccer game
Who sings with her children

The list is endless and timeless and grows each and every day. Through the pain, sadness, fear, frustration, anger and the many unidentified emotions she has felt since November 2004, Tiffany has always been able to remain a Wonderful Mother who loves her children!

Happy Mother's Day to all the wonderful Moms out there. I hope you have a special day with your family.


Friday, May 5, 2006 10:09 pm

Jackson finally went back to school today and has not had any more fevers since 1am Thursday morning. We are very thankful to be moving forward and feeling better. Although, feeling better is all relative. Jackson has been very emotional and as cancer parents, we call this "roid rage". He is on his steroid pulse and it is just wacking up his emotions! Once minute he is crying out of control and the next smiling or getting angry about something. And as usual during this time of the month, nothing we have to eat in the house is what he wants. Nothing smells or tastes good. So, needless to say, Jackson has been eating his favorites, pepperoni pizza, McDonald's french fries, salt and vinegar potato chips and ice cream. Yes, all junk food, but any cancer parent would tell you the same, you DO NOT argue with a steroid kid. You are thankful they eat and you will let them eat whatever they are fixated on. Calgon, take me away!

Jackson had a good day at school today. He will be VIP next week for his class. Each student in his class gets this opportunity around their birthday. So, Eric and I have alot of work to do this weekend getting photos and other special things ready for his special week.

Faith is turning 3 on Sunday. I can't believe my baby girl is going to be 3! She is getting so big and independent. We are loving every moment it. She is having a gymnastics party on Sunday with her friends. We are all looking forward to it.

Jackson and I are going to the Oakland A's game tomorrow afternoon with Nanny and Pompa. Should be alot of fun. Jackson has been looking forward to this game all week.

Thanks again for all the wonderful support during this last bump in the road. There are so many challenges we have to face during this journey.


Thursday, May 4, 2006 10:24 amJackson has only vomitted the two times yesterday morning. Thank God! He ate a little yesterday and drank very little also. Trying hard to get more liquids in him so he doesn't become dehydrated. He played with more high fevers throughout the day and around 6 pm they broke, or so I thought. He was feeling better and acting more like himself. He slept with me last night and about 1 am his little body was so hot again. Took his temp, 103.3! Luckily, we were still within our 24 hour antiobotic window, I gave him Tylenol and he went back to sleep. As of this morning, he does not have a fever. At this point, if he gets a fever we are back to the ER. Jackson's only concern is that he does NOT want to miss going to the Oakland A's game on Saturday. We were given the tickets at clinic on Tuesday and of course he is extremely excited.

I am hoping he can make it to school tomorrow. He has already missed most of the week.

Thanks for checking in and please continue the prayers and positive thoughts for Jackson and our family. They truly do lift us up!

Wednesday, May 3, 2006 9:00 am

Another update? Wow, two in one day? Unfortunately, Jackson woke up this morning around 4:30 with a temperature of 103, so off to the Er we went. We just got home a little while ago. Jackson has vomitted twice already this morning and his stomach continues to bother him. His white blood count had gone up since Monday to 4.3. Thanks to this number we were able to come home and rest. We will be watching him closely today making sure his fevers stay away. Please keep Jackson in your thoughts especially today. Praying for this to be some kind of virus. It's strange for me to 'hope' it is a bug, but we DO NOT want any kind of bacterial infections. Those are not good! The fevers are still hanging around. We will keep you posted.

Wednesday, May 3, 2006 0:29 AM CDT

This morning Jackson could only have clear liquids this morning prior to 8 am. This is one of the many rules Jackson has to follow being diagnosed with leukemia. . . .

On our drive to San Francisco this morning, Jackson asked why we raise money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Eric told Jackson that we are trying with all our hope and prayers that one day there will be a cure for leukemia. He went on to tell him that it isn't fair for children to have to go through this challenging road.

For me, cancer sucks. Yes, Jackson is in remission, but that does NOT mean he is cured. He will always have this leukemia cloud hanging over his head. His life has been forever changed. Yes, we are in long term maintenance, but it is a challenge each and every day. Yes, he looks good, but there are so many other challenges he faces.

Today at clinic, Jackson shared nervous giggles with us while his port area was being cleaned. Then, he held my hands while the long needle was pushed through his skin into his port. His nurse did not get a blood return. She had to move the needle around under his skin and reposition it into his port. As I held him in my lap, he squeezed my hands so tight and asked me to have her stop. She finally got the return she needed. . . .

Shortly after in the surgery room downstairs we met two new families with boys that also had cancer. Both boys were diagnosed in 2005. I thought to myself, I hate that two other families are having to go through this hell. One mom asked me if Jackson only lost his hair in the delayed intensification portion of his treatment. She was so anxious to have her son's hair grow back. Their little bald heads are constant reminders that cancer has invaded their little bodies.

I held Jackson so tight while the anesthesiologist pushed his sleepy medicine through his line. He quickly became limp as I laid him down on the bed. We kiss him and quickly leave the surgery room. As Eric and I walk back to the waiting room, I try with all I have in me not to cry as Eric puts his arm around me and asks me if I am OK.

My thoughts may be scrambled, but I can tell you that days like today are emotionally draining and are so challenging. Each time we walk into clinic and I read on the doors, Treatment Center for Cancers and Blood Diseases it hits you hard. Gosh, I can't believe my child is having to come here. My child has cancer. Our worst nightmare is our reality. It will be our reality the rest of our lives. Leukemia is a dark shadow that will follow us around forever.

While we sat in Jackson's room tonight watching American Idol, Jackson said to me so softly, "Mommy, I don't feel good. My back hurts and my belly hurts." Well, his back hurts from where a very long needle was inserted into his back and also chemotherapy was injected into his spinal fluid that is circulating around his brain. A side effect from his IV chemo he received also today is an upset stomach. My baby is hurting and he STILL kisses Faith, Daddy and me goodnight and tells us he loves us.

Jackson, we LOVE you and admire you for the strength you show us each and every day. It is so hard to believe you are going to be 7 here in a few weeks. Baby, we are going to celebrate!

Until there is a cure. . . . .


Tuesday, May 2nd 6:30 am

Just a quick update this morning prior to heading to our long day at clinic. Jackson's counts looked good yesterday. I don't have all the counts in front of me, but his ANC was 1110. That is where we want it to be. So that was good news. His other counts looked good also. We will check his liver functions and IgG levels today also. Will update later.

Sunday, April 30, 2006

It has been over two weeks since I last updated Jackson's page. I'm really sorry for the delay. We had a wonderful time during spring break. We had a great time visiting our friends and family. We saw my friend Christy and her family, Eric's brothers Anthony and Brian and their families. We finally met our nephews Bradley and Logan and were able to see our nieces Katie, Kassandra, Nicole and Avery. We also spent time with my cousin Holly and her fiance John. We were definately ready to be home but had a great time. It is so beautiful up in Oregon and Washington. I have lots of photos to share.

We came home to beautiful spring weather. Today we did alot of spring cleaning. Jackson's allergies are pretty bad, so we dusted and cleaned his room really good.

Yesterday, Eric had a training ride (65 miles!) in Yountville with Team in Training. Jackson and I rode out to Yountville with him and we did a H2O stop for the marathon team. It was a lot of fun. We were very lucky to do the water stop with two other leukemia survivors, Anna and Leilani (she is Jackson's age and just recently finished her treatment at UCSF also). It is always nice to connect with the group with Team in Training. They are all so awesome!

We will have Jackson's blood counts checked tomorrow morning. We will also have his liver functions checked. We have to make sure everything looks good for his spinal and monthly IV chemo on Tuesday. His oncologist needs to make sure his platelets and other blood counts are stable prior to sedating him for his spinal. Please keep us in your thoughts on Tuesday as we have a long clinic day and we are praying for clear results from Jackson's spinal and really hoping everything goes smoothly.

Thanks for checking in. We will post some photos here soon. (I promise).


Thursday, April 13, 2006 11:31 PM CDT

This is just a quick update. Jackson's spring break has officially begun! He is excited to be off of school for a week. We will be taking a road trip up to Oregon and Washington beginning tomorrow. We have friends and family we will be visiting. While we are all really excited, I seem to be the worrier. We have all the normal stress of planning a family vacation, but it is intensified having a cancer kid. On top of that, Faith was vomitting all day yesterday. Eric and I really thought we might not be going. The last thing we want to happen is be out of town and Jackson get sick and we have to visit a non familiar hospital.

As of last night, Faith was feeling better. Yeah! Also, we checked Jackson's blood counts this morning to make sure everything was looking good. We are happy to report his ANC was 2009! That is a great number and beginning Wednesday, we will increase his oral chemotherapy to 75 percent. The range we like to be in is between 1000-1500. So his ANC is a little high, but we will be able to enjoy our vacation.

Please keep Jackson in your thoughts while we are gone. We are hoping for a safe and smooth family vacation. Also, please continue to pray for all the little warriors fighting for their lives, especially our little friend Baby Donovan. He has the same type of leukemia Jackson has, but was diagnosed at only 4 weeks old.

We did get a warm afternoon today. It was wonderful to have a break from the rain.

Happy Easter to everyone!

Give your kids hugs and kisses.


Saturday, April 8, 2006 9:34 AM CDT

Sorry for not updating sooner. Jackson's treatment was quick on Tuesday. His doctor's appointment and IV chemo were pretty quick. We were done in a little over an hour.

Jackson's blood counts were:

WBC: 2.4
Hemoglobin: 12.5
Platelets: 247,000
ANC: 930

His ANC had gone up a little in about a week, so we were happy with that. We are going to hold his oral chemo meds at the 50 percent dosage until after spring break so we can enjoy our vacation during spring break. Once we get back, we will increase his oral meds again.

Another great bit of news was Jackson's IgG levels had increased also. They had gone up to 507. When tested last month they were at 464. For the meantime, we are going to hold off on the transfusions. We will continue to test these levels and will keep a close eye on them.

Jackson has had a really rough time not feeling well this week from his IV chemo and the steroids he is on until tomorrow. He had been extremely achy and having bad stomach pains. After each Vincristine injection (his IV chemo) he feels bad and has these horrible dark circles under his eyes for about a week. He doesn't sleep well either. Each month is different. Last month he soared through the crappy week and this month he has had a really rough time. With all that said, he continued to do keep up with school. Jackson, you amaze all of us!
We've had a busy week. Jackson's school had their open house on Thursday night and we had a wonderful time. Jackson has come so far this academic year. He is loving school and we also looked at one of the 2nd grade classes. Can you believe that? Wow, what a great moment.

We also kicked off this week at Jackson's school a program through the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society called, Pennies for Patients. Each classroom at Jackson's school will collect pennies and other coins now through the end of the month for patients dealing with this horrible disease. It's a national campaign through the society. Jackson's class on the first day raised $ 114.04. Their goal for the whole time was $ 27.00. The class with the most money raised wins a pizza party. I will post at the end of the month how much money was raised in total. Here is a photo of the board Jackson's class did in their classroom.

We continue to get buckets of rain here in Northern California. We're hoping there is an end in sight, but I know it is not anytime soon. It is suppose to rain all weekend and through next week. Rain, rain, go away!

We were invited to go rock climbing last night with Jackson's Uncle Bryan and Aunt Becca. Both kids and Eric went climbing and had a great time. Some of the photos I have posted below. Jackson did so well! He climbed so high. His only complaint was the climbing shoes they had to wear. They hurt his toes.

Aunt Becca and Faith

Please continue to hold Jackson close in your prayers. Please also include all the little heroes fighting for their lifes. Please also keep our little friend, Baby Donovan in your prayers. He is puzzling his doctors and could use extra prayers.

Spring is in the air! We love you!

Thursday, March 30, 2006 9:40 pm

I know I just updated Jackson's site yesterday, but I received this email tonight from a special person we have met through Team in Training. Deb is training for the Avenue of the Giants marathon and has chosen Jackson as her personal honoree during her training. She is a very thoughtful and caring woman. Please read this email:

Dear O'Neil's,

Just wanted to give you an update on my training! I have reached my
goal and
gone over it by $500.00! Last Saturday I was given the cape to wear for
week. Are you familiar with the cape Tiffany? I am very honored! In
lieu of
putting Jackson's picture on the cape (the photos do get a bit
cumbersome) I
chose to honor Jackson by spelling his name and adding some descriptive
phrases. Here is what I came up with:

Kicking Cancer's Butt
Smart, sweet & shy
Never gives up

I did the first letter in black and the rest of the letters in red so
you can see your name Jackson~! It has been an honor to wear this cape
to be able to tell your story and how courageous and brave you are to
more people!

Jackson, you are in my thoughts and prayers. I hope I'll see you on
6th in Rohnert Park.

Take care and I hope your training is going well Eric!

Your TNT friend

'The Cape' is given to people who are working especially hard with their training and fundraising during the TNT season. I think it looks like a super hero cape! It is presented to you at a group training. You are given the cape to wear all the time during the week you have it (especially during your runs with the team!) Way to go Deb!

Wednesday, March 29, 2006 11:03 AM CST

We are all doing well. Not much to report since my last update. Jackson continues to be feeling good. His allergies have started to kick in, which is so frustrating for all of us. We have him taking Zyrtec daily, but it doesn’t always do the trick. We are really hoping they don’t get out of hand this spring.

We had Jackson’s blood counts checked yesterday and they were good (not great)

WBC: 2.5
Hemoglobin: 13.4
ANC: 850
Platelets: 255,000

His oral chemotherapy is definitely keeping his white blood count low, but we would really like his ANC to be a little higher. He is only at 50 percent of the dosage for his oral chemotherapy. We will recheck his counts next Tuesday when he is at clinic for treatment. We will also be rechecking his IgG levels.

Jackson had his last basketball practice yesterday and had a great time. His last game is on Friday and then Tuesday is their award’s ceremony. His team played a game called Knockout during practice yesterday and he won! Out of 10 kids, ranging in age from 1st to 5th grade. Can you believe it? He is one of the smallest kids and he beat the older kids! Little do those kids know he has cancer. I was so proud of him and he was also very excited. He couldn’t wait to tell Eric when he got home last night.

Eric’s training is going good. He is up to riding 60 miles. Thanks to everyone who has donated to the Leukemia Society so far. Keep it coming!

I will update next week after clinic. I wanted to post a couple of photos of Jackson that were taken last year at this time.

Boy have we come a long way.

Thanks for checking in,


Wednesday, March 22, 2006 1:00 AM CST

9 years ago today, Eric and I were married. It is so hard to believe it has been 9 years. Happy Anniversary Eric!

We are all doing good. Faith just finished her antiobotics for her ear infection and seems to be doing much better.

Jackson is doing great. He has been so happy being back at school. He is constantly playing basketball and watching the NCAA tourney. He did a great job last Saturday in Healdsburg doing SAG support for the cycling team for Team in Training. It was a beautiful day but it was so windy. There were around 50 cyclists (including Eric) and they all really enjoyed having Jackson out there helping out. He did great and it was lots of fun.

I got a couple of photos of Jackson and Eric during the ride. These photos was taken around mile 30.

Jackson lifting the water cooler showing off his muscles!

I am also coming tonight asking for prayers for little Hunter. I met Hunter and her mom through our support group, ALL-Kids. She just completed treatment for the same type of leukemia Jackson has and her family just found out she has relapsed in her spinal fluid. Please leave some encouraging words in her guestbook. It is so extremely difficult hearing your child has cancer and then to hear the words, "relapse" are unimaginable. We have come a long way in finding cures for leukemia, but we have such a long way to go. Too many children are suffering.

I leave you tonight with a great phrase, "Without hope, there is no hope." - Julianna Banana

Tuesday, March 14, 2005 8:30pm

Are you finally ready for an upbeat update on Jackson? Today, Jackson's blood counts were great! His ANC has gone up to 1590! Yeah and all I can say is FINALLY! All of his other numbers are great also. We started his oral chemotherapy meds back tonight at 50 percent dosage. We will recheck his counts again on the 28th. To celebrate, Jackson was able to go to basketball practice this afternoon and we also took him to dinner to his favorite restaurant, Fresh Choice. Eric and I are not too fond of Fresh Choice, but Jackson loves it for some reason. The best thing for us is that he eats alot of veggies.

The last three weeks have been extremely hard on our family. Eric has been wonderful about rearranging his schedule with work as much as possible. We have missed several activities that were planned. But knowing Jackson's bone marrow has finally kicked it into high gear (producing new cells)is the best news and makes us get through one more day in this cancer world.

Thank you to our favorite lab tech Mark (he draws Jackson's blood) for the wonderful Air Force pin you left for Jackson. He was really excited to get it today from Bill.

We will be handing out Gatorade and H2O on Saturday for the cycling team with Team in Training. I hope to get some good photos.

Thanks for all the prayers everyone sends us. They have helped us through yet another worrisome time.


Thursday, March 9, 2006 10:30 pm

Jackson's IgG levels came back today and surprisingly had increased. They had gone up to 464. Our plan now is to retest his levels in April. We'll go from there. Thanks Ms. Ritz for stopping by and bringing lots of fun work for Jackson. Eric took this photo of Jackson at clinic on Tuesday.

For those of you who haven't seen Jackson while his port is accessed you can see the needle is still in his port. He was getting his line flushed. He wasn't very happy at that moment. But, he did an awesome job!

I thought I would also post this photo of the kids with Eric on his birthday.

The kids decorated his birthday cake. It was so cute!

And last photo, this is of Faith at her ballet class. She loves it so much!


Tuesday, March 7, 2006 9:45 pm

Jackson had his monthly clinic appointment today and he was amazing! He did such a great job when
Cathy accessed his port. We discussed with Dr. Robbins the IVIG treatments. It looks like Jackson will be starting these transfusions here soon. We are really hoping these will boost his IgG levels and make his little body fight even harder any infections.

We waited anxiously for his CBC results. We were so shocked that his neutrophil count has gone down more! It was 340 last Wednesday and today it was 240. I just about had a breakdown when I heard this. We are grateful his other counts are stable, but we are so disappointed to see his ANC drop, AGAIN! Jackson will have to stay home another week to let his neutrophil count recover. There are so many nasty viruses going around right now. If Jackson were to get a fever now, we would have to be inpatient at UCSF again. No thank you!

Jackson still received his monthly IV Vincristine and will begin his 5 day pulse of steroids starting tomorrow morning. He is really sad that he is having to stay home still. He is really missing school and all of his friends. It just breaks my heart knowing he is truly missing school.

We have a call in to the school making sure Jackson isn't falling behind in his work. Although we have been getting work from Ms. Ritz, we still don't want him to fall far behind his peers.

Eric had a good birthday. It was a quiet evening, just the four of us. Thank you so much to the Hutchinson family for the wonderful St. Patrick's Day package of goodies. Also, thank you to our wonderful neighbors and friends, the Stalders for the crafts, activities and movies. They will definately be put to use. Jackson was so excited! Thank you Todt family for letting us borrow the fun games! We are really enjoying them.

Our friends and family are amazing! We could NOT make it through frustating times like these without your support!

Jackson will have his blood checked again next Tuesday. Please pray that we stay healthy and free of any more viruses! We need to get his oral chemotherapy started again!

Lots of love,

Thursday, March 2, 2006 10:22 PM CST

Today I am feeling so frustrated. We had Jackson’s blood counts checked yesterday and his ANC is still so low!

WBC: 3.4
Hemoglobin: 11.9
ANC: 340
Platelets: 322

I am wanting his ANC to recover quickly and it is going slowly. We can’t send him back to school until it is close to 1000. Boy, we have a ways to go. I am also sad because Jackson’s class is performing in a play at Tuesday’s assembly. The play is about Dr. Seuss. And to our surprise, Jackson is so excited to be in it. For those of you who know Jackson, this is really surprising. He is so shy and this means so much to him. At this point, he probably won’t be able to participate. It just really makes me sad.

Jackson’s monthly clinic appointment is on Tuesday. We will recheck his blood counts at that time. We are also having to make more tough decisions about Jackson. While we were in the hospital last week, they checked Jackson’s IgG levels. IgG stands for his immunoglobulin levels. These are antibodies that fight off infections in our bodies. Normal range for kids Jackson’s age are 600-1500. His level was 343 as of Friday. These antibodies can be replaced via transfusions through his IV. They are called IVIG. These antibodies can be given to Jackson. The transfusion is a blood product, so with any blood product, there are risks. The hope is that IVIG would boost Jackson’s immune system enough to make him fight off more infections, so he wouldn’t be sick so often. Eric and I don’t feel like Jackson has been sick that often. So on Tuesday at clinic, we will review Jackson’s chart and history with his oncologist and see where we go from here. Another issue with the transfusions is that a lot of kids get flu like systems for a few days after, along with low blood pressure, fevers and shakes. We’ll let everyone know what we decide next week. Ugh, always something.

Eric’s birthday is on Monday. Happy Birthday! He is the best dad! My parents are watching the kids Saturday night so we can go out for a few hours alone. We have almost forgotten what that is like. Saturday Eric has another TNT ride in Sonoma and then we have the TNT honoree potluck in the afternoon. We are hoping the rain holds off until Sunday. Don’t forget, if you would like to make a donation towards Eric’s fundraising goal for Team in Training, the link to do so is at the bottom and top of this page.

Thanks for checking in. We really appreciate everyone’s kind words in Jackson’s guestbook. They are so nice to read, especially days we are in the hospital or just feeling a little down. You guys are awesome!


Sunday, February 26, 2006 2:00 pm

We were released this morning from the hospital. (Thanks to our wonderful nurse Anne Marie!) She really advocated that Jackson get sent home. Jackson's ANC from yesterday was 170 and today it went up a small amount to 200. We'll take it, at least it was a small improvement. His monocytes and other counts continue to look great. The doctors walk a really fine line of whether or not to release you when you counts are still so low. If Jackson were to get another fever before his counts fully recover, we would be sent right back down to UCSF. By being home, we are true believers that sleep and rest in his own environment will help him get better quicker. The kids are already fighting and back to normal. I just wish they weren't bickering back and forth so quickly. Jackson's oral chemo will still be held until his ANC reaches 1000 and he will not go back to school until it has reached 1000. Let's hope his counts recover quickly. We are still waiting on the results of his IGG levels. Hoping to have those tomorrow.

Thanks to everyone who has signed Jackson's guestbook. He couldn't believe all the entries! We really appreciate everyone's kind words, thoughts and prayers.

Also, thanks to my friend Heather who brought us cookies and made a surprise visit last night with more goodies for Jackson. She also entertained Jackson while a took a hot shower. Thank you, thank you!!

I have also reposted the link to Eric's team in training fundraising page at the bottom of Jackson's page under links. If you are able, please donate to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. You donation is tax deductible.

We'll post Jackson's counts once they are checked again sometime this week.

Eric and Tiffany

Saturday, February 25, 2006 4:45 am
As you can see from the time of this entry, we don't get much sleep while at the hospital. Jackson ANC went down yesterday to 250, all of his other numbers are stable. We really need it to go up to 1000 to restart his oral chemo. We do not like having to stop his chemo. The last thing we would want is for the leukemia to come back. We will wait and see what it is today. Several tests have been run these last few days. We are waiting the results for his IGG levels (the ability for his body to fight off infections.) If this is low, his oncologist is wanting to discuss whether or not to start IVIG transfusions. I have read up on these and have gotten information from other parents with ALL kids and it can be a good thing, however it is a pretty big deal to start your child on these. It is pretty much like a blood transfusion. As with each blood transfusion, there are always risks. We'll see what his number is. We are wanting his number to be above 500. Jackson's fever is finally broken. YEAH! We are about 18 hours since his last fever. Let's hope it doesn't come back. We have been hear several times for fevers and neutropenia, but never fevers, neutropenia and a lung infection. In the past, when his counts were low, we are confined to our 12 x 12 room for most of the time. We could have private time in the play room once or twice a day (to protect his immune system) and we could visit outside on the deck. We could also go IV pole surfing (Jackson loves this!) last at night once the halls weren't so busy.

Unfortunately, when you have a viral infection, you can't go ANYWHERE! No Playroom, No halls, etc. So it makes keeping a 6 year old entertained even harder. We laugh, because each time a nurse comes in, they have to put on a face mask and a gown. (We call them space suits.) These are precautionary measures to take so they don't get what he has. 7 Long is a pediatric oncology floor and there are very sick kids here. Better to be safe than sorry.

Eric and I truly appreciate our shifts with Jackson. We are very thankful for our children. Our friend, Anne Marie is our nurse today. She had to beg and plead to have us today. Jackson's other nurse, Amy really had a hard time giving him up. Eric likes it that the girls fight over our little man. Jackson will come to appreciate it one day. All the staff here is wonderful. They definately take good care of us.

I will post an update once I get his counts from today. Thank you EVERYONE for your kinds words of suppport. With Jackson reading now, the entries mean even more to us! He is our hero!


Thursday, February 23, 2006 11:37 PM CST

And just when you think your life isn't ruled by cancer. . . .

Where to begin?

We checked Jackson's blood counts on Tuesday. We received the call later that afternoon that Jackson's ANC was only 390. Everything else looked good. We were instructed to keep Jackson home from school for the next several days since he was neutropenic (no immune system). Jackson felt fine until last night.

Around 7:30 last night we noticed Jackson felt warm. Checked his temperature it was 38.0. Rechecked it again at 8 pm and it was up to 38.5. Once his temperature reaches 38.5 once, we have to go directly to Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital. Since we already knew Jackson was neutropenic, we knew were being admitted to UCSF. Thank you Dad for coming to stay with Faith last night.

Santa Rosa Memorial was so busy last night. We got chest xrays and Jackson's port was finally accessed, blood cultures and IV antiobotics around midnight. Let's just say it is really difficult to poke a sick, febrile child. We were transported by ambulance to UCSF finally around 12:45 am this morning. We arrived at 2 am. Ouch!

Eric stayed at the house with Faith last night and I was with Jackson in SF. By the time we were settled in our room at UCSF, another set of cultures were taken it was almost 3 am. Jackson was so exhausted last night and today. He is going on hardly any sleep. I am exhausted also.

Today at UCSF, Jackson had two procedures done. His nurse had to suction his nose with a long tube stuck up his nose twice to get samples of his cells in his nose. The first time the lab didn't see enough cells. We are still waiting on the results from the second. He also had his nose swabbed to see if we could get any cells that way. Poor guy is such a trooper. He has had to have more chest xray. He has spike fevers throughout the day.

The last set of chest xrays came back and pneumonia was ruled out. Yeah! He DOES NOT have pneumonia. What he does have is bronchilitus. This is a viral infection in his lungs.

So, we are on lock down in our room. Jackson can't leave his room with low counts and also possibly having a viral infection we don't want him infecting any other kids on our floor.

We should have some results from the blood cultures tomorrow and also from the nasal tests. I will try and post tomorrow with an update.

Please pray for Jackson's quick release from the hospital and that he is feeling alot better real soon.


Wednesday, February 15, 2006 11:18 PM CST

I am finally finding the time to update Jackson's page. Jackson's monthly clinic visit down in San Francisco went well last Tuesday. We received a call from our nurse practitioner Tuesday morning prior to leaving that Jackson's bilirubin levels were high (his liver funtions). We needed to do a blood test to test them as only direct. If his liver funtion levels are too high, they were going to hold his Vincristine. After waiting for the results for quite a while, the direct levels came back ok, showing that they were running alittle on the high side due to the croop virus he had just gotten over.

We were able to get his Vincristine and then were rushed downstairs to the surgery center for his spinal tap. We were running late and they were waiting on us. Everything went fine with his procedure. He did have some back pain for a few days this time. We made it through our steroid pulse, which ended Sunday. Although it seems like the week after he is finished taking them is worse than the prior week. The effects still linger in his body. We will recheck his blood counts again on Monday. This week Jackson has had an awful cough. We started giving him his allergy medication, Zytec, thinking due to the warmer weather and trees blooming, it might be from his allergies. If it doesn't get better here soon, we will be taking him to the doctor to get checked out.

Eric and I had lunch on Friday with some friends back from grade school. It was great visiting with Josh and Julie Pulliam (friends from Arizona) and John and Gayle Winn(our friends from Chicago). Eric went to elementary school with Josh and John. Both Josh and John were in our wedding. It was really great catching up with them. They all flew into San Francisco to see the US National Men's Soccer Team take on Japan at SBC Park. Eric and Jackson met them at the game. Jackson had an AMAZING time! They had amazing seats. All Jackson talked about the rest of the weekend was the game. It was really cute.

Jackson also had his last indoor soccer game on Saturday. It was one of his best games. He did an awesome job. We are now fully involved in basketball. Jackson and his friend Ian are doing this together. It is twice a week until late April. He is really enjoying it and learning alot of techniques.

Eric has started his training with Team in Training. His first training was last Saturday. He also has his fundraising page up and running. Click here, to check it out if you get a chance. I know he would appreciate any donations made towards his fundraising goal. Remember that a minimum of 75 percent of each dollar raised goes towards research and patients services through the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.

My cousin Holly and her fiance John are visiting this weekend to help celebrate my mom's 60th birthday. We are going to have a great time. We are also hoping that Holly (aka Hala) will be able to finally take some good family photos of us. We haven't had any taken in a very long time and she is a great photographer. We're just really hoping we have OK weather. Then my mom flys to North Carolina on Sunday to be with my grandma (aka Grand Nan). She is having her hip replaced and my mom is going home to be with her and help out. Say a few extra prayers that her surgery goes smoothly.

Prayers also for our little friend Alexia. She has leukemia and is currently at Duke for a transplant. She is such a cute little girl!

Once again we thank you for checking in on us. This journey is a little easier to go through knowing people love us! We love you!

Monday, February 6, 2006

I thought I would update Jackson's site with his blood counts from today. His ANC is a little low:

WBC: 1.8
RBC: 12.9
Platelets: 246,000
ANC: 756

I will try and update after Jackson's appointment tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Sorry for taking so long to do this update on Jackson. To be honest, things have been going well, and by updating his web page, it means I have to re enter the cancer world! Just because I haven’t updated his page, doesn’t mean we don’t check and see daily who has signed his guestbook. Now that Jackson is reading, he gets pretty excited seeing who has checked in on him.

On the medical front, Jackson continues to do great. We had his blood counts checked on the January 23rd and they were:

WBC: 3.2
RBC: 12.2
Platelets: 232,000
ANC: 1536

These were great numbers, just where we like them. We increased Jackson’s oral chemotherapy to 85 percent and are really hoping we can hold on to this dosage. His blood counts will be checked again on Monday, February 6th. Jackson will have his monthly IV chemo on Tuesday. This will be an extra long day for us, since he will be getting his monthly Vincristine and also will have his LP of Methotrexate. As usual, this will be done in the surgery center and Jackson will be fully sedated. We could use everyone’s prayers that his spinal fluid is still clear of leukemia cells. Then, we will begin his 5 day pulse of steroids on Wednesday.

As far as our family goes, we have been keeping busy. Earlier this month, we went with Nanny and Pompa (my parents) to see the Harlem Globetrotters and we also visited the Sacramento Train Museum. The kids had a wonderful time as well as all of us. Jackson has continued his indoor soccer games and is really starting to get more aggressive. When soccer ends in a couple of weeks, we are taking on basketball. Jackson and his friend Ian will be doing this sport together, just like they did soccer. Faith continues her ballet and gymnastics. Loving every minute of it. She just recently moved up to the next level of gymnastics. It is quite a bit more challenging.

Eric has been fighting this awful cough thing for over a week now. The kids and I have stayed clear of getting it, until this morning. Faith woke up with a runny nose and Jackson stayed home from school with a bad croupy cough. I took him to see his pediatrician and got more meds. I am really hoping this nips this croupy cough and it goes away quickly.

Our kickoff for this season of Team in Training is this Saturday. Jackson is once again a team honoree. If you have ever wanted to participate in an endurance event with TNT, it’s not too late to sign up! Eric will be participating this season and will be training for the Seattle to Portland 206 mile bike ride. Ouch! Go Eric! I am hoping Eric will get his online donation site up and running this weekend so he can start his fundraising for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. I am hoping to get lots of pictures of Jackson at the kickoff. If I am successful, I will post them next week.

Thanks Hutchinson Family for the wonderful Valentine package! The kids loved it! For those of you who don’t know, the Hutchinson family is our warrior family. They have adopted our family, (in particular Jackson) during his treatment. They send cards, drawings, special surprises to our family. They are wonderful!

Here's are a few photos I found of Jackson from this time last year. Boy, we have come a long way!

Please, please, check out our friend Kathy’s caringbridge site. She found out last week that her cancer has progressed and can use extra prayers and words of encouragement. She is such an inspiration to so many people. Also, our online friend Keegan just found out he relapsed in his spinal fluid. He can also use some words of encouragement.

As always, we truly appreciate you checking in on Jackson. He is such a strong boy and a true hero in our eyes! We love you Jackson!


Tuesday, January 10, 2006 9:08 PM CST

Jackson had his monthly IV chemotherapy today at UCSF. Everything went really well. I think we were out of there in record time. Our doctor's exam and chemo only took 45 minutes. Yeah! Dr. Robbins was very happy with how Jackson was doing. Tomorrow we start our monthly steroids. Let's hope this month is easier than the last two months.
Jackson's blood counts from today were:

WBC: 3.0
Platelets: 195,000
RBC: 13.1
ANC: 1290

Luckily, Jackson's ANC had gone up a little since last week. We increased his oral meds to 75 percent and will check his counts again on the 24th. If things are still holding strong, we will go up to 85 percent. 100 percent just is too much for his little body to metabolize. He also weighed in today at 48 lbs. What a nice increase to see.

Last night I was asked to be the guest speaker for a Team in Training informational meeting in Santa Rosa. I was so nervous as this was my first meeting I had spoken at. My main goal was NOT to cry. They have this wonderful video they show that is so touching.

Anyways, I spoke right after the video. It was a packed room full of people. I made it through my speech (with no tears). After the meeting, several people came up to me and told me how well I did. They really enjoyed hearing what I had to say. And the best part of it all was so many people signed up for this season of Team in Training. AND, I was asked to speak at another informational meeting on the 17th.

The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society has done so much for us and the people involved with Team in Training are the BEST! They have such huge hearts and are out there fundraising and working their butts off to get to the point we need to get to, A CURE!!!!

Jackson will once again be a team honoree for Team in Training. Along with this, Eric is participating this season. He is training for the STP 206 bike ride. He will be riding from Seattle to Portland. More details to follow on this I'm sure. . . .

If you have ever wanted to get in shape and make a difference, look into Team in Training. They have chapters all over the country.

Jackson continues to enjoy soccer and gymnastics. He does really well at both activities. He is doing really good in school also.

Faith was invited to her own friend's birthday party on Saturday. This was her first birthday party that Jackson wasn't invited to also. Seeing all these little 2 and 3 year old girls running around was so fun.

Thanks for checking in. I better get the kids off to bed.


Tuesday, January 3, 2006 11:28 PM CST

Happy New Year! We are definitely hoping for a healthy year, full of only joys!

New Year’s Eve was uneventful, just the way we like it. We were all asleep by 10:30 pm. We had our traditional southern New Year’s Day dinner with my family and it was nice to all be together.

I have been meaning to post some of our photos from the holidays, so here we go.

Faith doing what she does best, being Faith! (She LOVES the camera!)

Jillian, Jackson and Ian decorating ornaments at our holiday party.

Our wonderful friends, Marc and Kathy (Jillian and Ian's parents). Stop by Kathy's page and say hello. She is fighting her own cancer battle.

Faith, Jackson and Ryan goofing off!

Photos from Christmas morning . . . .

Jackson was happy Santa visited him.

"We need to take a break!"

Not the most flattering photo, but I have my two kiddos in the picture.

Got a photo of Eric and the kids.

Jackson had his blood counts checked today and they were great numbers:

Hemoglobin: 12.8
Platelets: 385,000
WBC: 2.9
ANC: 1044

The boys goofing off prior to the poke!

I took my camera today and got a photo of the AMAZING man that draws Jackson’s blood. His name is Mark and Jackson really likes him. He is really funny and is so gentle!

Another pain free day of labs! Yippeee!

We are able to restart Jackson’s oral chemotherapy tonight. He has been off of his meds now for a week and as much as we love not having to give him his meds, it is still SO important to keep giving his meds so the beast doesn’t come back!

We have gotten so much rain here these last couple of weeks. Luckily, we haven’t had any damage to our home.

Faith and Jackson playing in the rain one night.

We have attempted to go on walks with the kids, but we they have ended in all of us being wet. Eric got some good photos during our last walk.

The next Madonna.

Jackson goes in for his monthly IV chemotherapy next Tuesday and we are hoping to increase his oral chemo to 75 percent. Please include Jackson in your prayers for his monthly treatment next week.

As I put Jackson to bed tonight I laid next to him rubbing his hand thinking how lucky I am to have been chosen as his mom! He is one in a million and I am so happy he is our son.

Sweet dreams,

Tuesday, December 27, 2005 11:29 PM CST

We hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas. Santa was extra good in this household. We had a wonderful time!

I am hoping to post pictures later this week.

So for an update on Jackson. . . .

Thursday was his high fever, went to the ER early AM in Thursday. Fever broke by Thursday evening, resumed his oral chemo on Friday. Eric took Jackson to our local pediatrician on Friday morning because his cough had turned into a croupy cough. We gave Jackson a 10 mg dose of decadron (his steroids)to open up his airways and that worked. Saturday and Sunday the runny nose,sore throat and coughing was about the same. Monday his cough still was hanging around but seemed to be extra tired and really pale. Had me worrying. We had his blood counts checked this morning. For the first time since Jackson has been diagnosed, being poked for his labs DID NOT hurt. We have seen the same awesome tech, Mark for the past year, but for some reason today was a MAGICAL day. We were so happy to hear Jackson say it didn't hurt.

Later today, Jackson and I went bowling with our friend Anne Marie (our favorite nurse from UCSF)and her nephew Kaleb. We had a great time. While we were there, one of Jackson's nurses from UCSF called and left a message to call her right away regarding Jackson's blood counts. Jackson's ANC (immune system and white blood cells)are really low. It was only 190 today. I couldn't believe it! I was in shock! Anything under 500 is not good. So we finished our bowling game quickly and headed out. Jackson basically has no immune system and it is really bad to be in crowded places. Luckily we got a couple good games in today because we won't be able to go anywhere anytime soon. I just hate it since this is his vacation from school and on top of that it has been raining like crazy. So we are on lock down at home the rest of the week.

All of his other blood counts are good, so the virus/cold that he has been fighting has really worn his body down. So for the rest of the week we will not give Jackson his oral chemotherapy. We will check his counts again on Tuesday. He won't be able to go to school on Monday and Tuesday until we know where he is at. It is really dangerous to send him to school with such a low ANC. The last time Jackson was this neutropenic was back in August. Unfortunately, that time he ended up in the hospital for a week so we are really hoping that he stays fever free this time and that his counts recover quickly.

I will update if there are any changes, put let's hope there are only the good kind of changes.

Happy New Year to everyone!


Friday, December 23, 2005

Yeah! Jackson's fever broke yesterday evening at about 5 pm. Thank god! Although, I was up at least every hour checking his temperature. But, he woke up this morning with a croupy cough, so Eric took him to see our local pediatrician to listen to his lungs. Everything was still clear, but we gave him a big dose of steroids to open up his airways today and hopefully through the night, since that is when his croup is the worst.

We are so thankful he is feeling better. All of us want to wish you a Merry Christmas! Enjoy all the magic of the holidays!

Lots of love,

:Jackson woke up with a 103 degree fever at 3:30 am. So we rushed off the to ER to get him checked out. His lungs sounded clear and everything else looked good. His stomach is really hurting. We are really hoping this is just a viral thing. Blood counts and cultures were taken so we will wait patiently for the results. His CBC came back good. Luckily, his ANC was high enough (thanks to the decadron pulse he just finished on Sunday), so were were sent home to rest. We just took his temperature again at 9:30 this morning and it is back up to 102.

Jackson was given IV antiobotics that will cover him for a 24 hour period. We are really hoping his fever goes away real soon and that we don't end up in the hospital on Christmas. Please pray that this is just a viral infection and nothing more.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

The kids are getting so excited for Christmas. I have felt so many emotions last week and this week. As I reflect back on everything we have been through this last year it is just overwhelming.

It saddens me each time I read of another child being diagnosed with cancer. These children fight the battles of their lives. They are so strong and brave. I sometimes think Jackson won't remember what his life was like prior to cancer. Faith won't know anything different than having a brother with cancer. It just saddens me that our children won't grow up having a normal life. Although, I know that our cancer experience will mold them into amazing adults it still makes me sad. Faith at the age of two knows more medical terms than most adults do.

Jackson finished his monthly steroid pulse on Sunday. I think everyone in our household was excited. It was extremely difficult on Jackson this month. He didn't sleep well, his body ached more than normal and he was so tired all the time. Each month seems to be different, but these last few have been more challenging.

We will get Jackson's blood counts checked on Tuesday. We are really hoping that since his oral chemotherapy has been reduced to 50 percent that his counts are back in line.

I wanted to thank some really important people and organizations:

I had mentioned before that Jackson is the featured child this month at Make a Child Smile. There are three featured children this month that have life threatening illnesses. Jackson has gotten so much mail and packages. Yesterday it took us almost an hour to get through all the mail he had received since just Monday! There are so many generous people sending him gifts and cards! He was so excited to read all the cards and letters! He has received mail from all over the world. It has been fun looking up where everything comes from.

I also wanted to mention again the Cancer Warrior's program. A wonderful family, the Hutchinson's adopted our family earlier this year. They have been so amazing! They are constantly sending Jackson and the rest of our family gifts, cards and words of encouragement. There is a reason they are called our "Angel Family". They have truly been angels to us. While we already have a family that has adopted us, we have been assigned two additional Christmas angels. One of Jackson's Christmas Angels is a little boy from Dallas, Georgia. His preschool class each adopted twenty different cancer children. Thank you Brendon for picking our little boy! We are so lucky!

I then received an email yesterday from another amazing woman in Utica, Illinois. Her name is Sue and she is another wonderful Christmas Angel for Jackson! Her email was so touching and it really reminded me what Christmas is all about!

If you have ever wanted to make a difference to a child or/and their family affected by cancer, check out Cancer Warriors. They are amazing!

While I mention all the wonderful things that have happened to our family in the last couple of weeks I feel the need to mention a few families that could use some encouraging words during this time of year.

Ben, became an angel on December 16, 2005. He fought an amazing, long battle with leukemia. He was Jackson's age and was so strong!

This will be the first Christmas without Alexia and Clare. I hope their holidays are filled with lots of memories.

There are so many families that are going through the same challenges we are. They could all use a few extra prayers.

On a happy note, Kendrie just finished her chemotherapy! YEAH!! We are really looking forward to joining her on the Off Treatment couch in the future.

Also, stop by and say hi to our amazing friend Kathy. She is fighting her own cancer battle. She is an amazing mom and friend!


Our Christmas is going to be a quiet one. We can't wait. We will be spending alot of time with family and friends.

We hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas!

Sending love to everyone!


Thursday, December 15, 2005 0:22 AM CST

Just a quick update.

Jackson had his monthly clinic appointment in San Francisco on Tuesday. He did great. His blood counts weren't as good as we hoped,

WBC: 1.8
Hemoglobin: 11.5
Platelets: 194,000
ANC: 630

Due to his ANC being low, we are decreasing his oral chemotherapy to 50 percent dosage. We were hoping that Jackson's body was able to metabolize his oral meds at 100 percent dosage, but we are still playing with the righ dosage for his body.

We will check his blood counts again on the 26th. Hoping his ANC has risen some by then.

Otherwise, Jackson will be out of school on Friday for two weeks. He is really looking forward to being on break. Although tonight he asked when he goes back to school, will he be in 2nd grade? Since he was schooled at home last year, he hasn't gone through the breaks in school.

He had gymnastics today and really amazed me at how well he did! His strength and determination is just great to watch. He makes us so proud.

Jackson has a soccer game on Saturday and he is really looking forward to that.

Please pray that we make it through our steroid pulse this week. One day down, 4 to go. . . We are really hoping this is a easy month. Although tonight Jackson was complaining that his body ached. Ugh. . .

Sending hugs to everyone! Enjoy this holiday season.

Saturday, December 10, 2005 1:26 AM CST

Just a quick update. Jackson continues to feel pretty good. He was extremely tired today when I picked him up from school. He walked out of class kind of droopy and said his head hurt. I immediately felt his forehead to see if he was warm. Took his temperture and it was only 99.2. It never got any higher.

Jackson had an indoor soccer game tonight. He did good, however was really dragging because he was exhausted. Poor guy.

The big news is that Jackson got his first trimester report card today and he did WONDERFUL!!! (He takes after his mommy.) His grades were awesome. So to celebrate we took Jackson to get pepperoni pizza after his soccer tonight. He was so excited.

Jackson has clinic on Tuesday where he will receive his monthly IV Vincristine and they will check his blood counts again.

We are busy with chores around the house the weekend. Just alot of down time.

Only 15 more days until Christmas! The kids are getting real excited.

Quote of the week:

Jackson - "Daddy, how many more days until Christmas?"

Eric - "12. Do you remember who's birthday we celebrate on Christmas?"

Jackson - "Jesus."

Faith chiming in thinking Jackson said something else, "Cheez-its? I want some!"

Just a typical conversation in our home. But, it was really funny and had Jackson rolling on the ground.

Thanks for checking in!


Friday, December 2, 2005 3:49 PM CST

We hope everyone’s Thanksgiving was wonderful! Our trip to Disneyland was great. The kids had a blast meeting the Disney characters and getting all their autographs. I have attached several of our favorite photos from our trip.

We spent Tuesday evening in Paso Robles with our friends, Gary, Kim and their adorable daughter Mackenzie. It was so nice catching up with them. We arrived at Disneyland Wednesday late afternoon (thanks to so much traffic!). Our friends, Dave, Melissa and their super cute daughters Avery and Megan met us at Disneyland Wednesday evening. The kids had a lot of fun with Avery and Megan. We spent most of that evening at California Adventure. It was a lot less crowded. There were so many people at Disneyland.

Dave, Melissa, Avery and Megan

Thanksgiving morning, Grandma and Grandpa arrived at Disneyland to spend the day with us. We had breakfast on Main Street with Minnie and her friends. The kids were able to get their autograph books started.

Jackson and Rafiki

Faith, Jackson and Minnie Mouse.

One of my many attempts at a Christmas card photo.

The day was filled with lots of fun rides and adventures.

Faith and Grandma on the Tea Cups.

Jackson having a great time in It's a Small World.

Jackson spent some one on one time with Grandma and Grandpa at California Adventure while Eric and I took Faith around Disneyland. We saw a few princesses which Faith just loved!

Faith and Belle.

We saw the awesome fireworks and the Christmas parade at Disneyland.

Our family with Chip and Dale.

Friday morning we had brunch at Goofy’s Kitchen at the Disneyland Hotel. We also spent a little more time at California Adventure as well as Downtown Disney.

Another attempt at a Christmas card photo.

The kids and Donald Duck.

The kids and Aladdin.

Eric and Jackson on the Jelly Fish ride.

Faith surfing.

The kids visited Build a Bear Workshop and made two new friends.

Friday afternoon we arrived in Redlands to visit Eric’s family. It was great seeing Eric’s brothers as well as our nieces and nephews and how much they have grown. We had Thanksgiving dinner with all of Eric’s family. Eric’s mom is a wonderful cook!

Saturday afternoon we headed to Bakersfield and visited with Eric’s grandmothers. It was great seeing them! And finally drove the rest of the way home early Sunday morning. As always, vacations are great, but getting home is even better!

Jackson had his blood counts checked on Monday. His ANC was great at 1302, so his oral chemotherapy was increased to his full1oo percent dosage. We are so extremely happy to have him on 100 percent of his meds. This week has continued to be very busy with school and activities. We put up our Christmas tree Monday night and decorated it Tuesday. Jackson is so excited to decorate it. Last Christmas, on of my customers gave Jackson a 5 foot dancing and singing Santa Claus. Poor Faith is terrified of him. Jackson gets a kick out of it. Who wouldn’t? It is really starting to feel like Christmas. Hard to believe it is that time of the year again. We are so very fortunate to have come so far in a year with Jackson’s health. It is still difficult to look back at the struggles Jackson had last Christmas. But, we definitely have fond memories of being together.

Jackson’s next scheduled clinic appointment is December 13th. We’ll keep you posted on how things go. Jackson is a featured child on Make a Child Smile this month. It is a wonderful organization that is dedicated to putting smiles on the faces of critically ill children. Check it out if you have a chance. Also a BIG thank you to our angel family, the Hutchinsons. We love all the Christmas goodies that arrived yesterday. Thank you, Thank you!

Several kids through my support group, ALL-Kids are having a rough time right now. If you have a moment, please stop by their sites and leave a few encouraging words.

Andrew, Keegan, Jacob(Not an ALL-Kid, but could use some extra prayers!)
Baby Donovan, Hunter, Libby, and Alexia.

It is especially difficult during this holiday time. Please send extra prayers their way. They are all true heroes and continue to fight the battles of their lives each and every day!

I have included a link towards the top of Jackson’s site for some time to a song titled, “He’s my Son”, written and performed by Mark Schultz. If you click here, it will take you to the video. It is a very touching song and will bring you to tears. So be warned! The song is actually about a boy who had leukemia. It definitely describes how Eric and I feel each and every night!

Only 23 day until Christmas! Wow!

Until another update. . . .

Love, Tiffany

Tuesday, November 22, 2005 1:49 PM CST

The Pasta Feed in Jackson’s honor was AMAZING!!!!!!!!

Eric and I were overcome with emotions throughout the night. Words can’t express our feelings. There over 430 people there! WOW! Another AMAZING thing! THANK YOU, THANK YOU to everyone who came! It was a magical evening!

I do have to say that Jackson’s favorite part of the evening was meeting Jamie, a very special man from Lucas Films. He is the animator for Yoda in Star Wars. Yep, if you could have seen Jackson’s face when he explained to Jackson what he does. Jackson was speechless! It was a magical time for our little boy! Besides just hanging out with Jackson, he brought him lots of Star Wars stuff (my personal favorite is Darth Tader - Mr. Potato Head dressed as Darth Vader. Too funny!)

There are so many people to thank for such a successful night. Thank you to Justin (and Julie) for being the vision behind this and pulling it together. Thank you to Lori for an AMAZING silent auction! WOW! People are still talking about what they won and didn’t win!

And thank you to everyone that helped out in ANY way! There are so many people to thank. Eric and I were overcome with emotions throughout the evening. Our family, friends and community are the BEST!


This day last year, we were told our son had leukemia. Our lives were forever changed. The first things that went through our head were that we were going to lose our son. It has been an extremely hard year on Jackson and the rest of our family. Jackson is a fighter and he will continue to fight this uphill battle. He is AMAZING!

We have so much to be thankful for this year. . . .

~ Jackson remains in remission. YEH!!!
~ Beautiful children.
~ Wonderful family and friends!

The list goes on and on. . . .

Please continue to pray for our son.

To celebrate Jackson’s life, we will be spending our Thanksgiving holiday at Disneyland! Last year, we spent Thanksgiving in the hospital. This year we are celebrating what an amazing, strong boy Jackson is!

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! We hope it is a special time with your family.


Wednesday, November 16, 2005 1:25 AM CST

Jackson had his monthly clinic visit today and all in all it went well. Jackson’s blood counts from yesterday were:

WBC: 2.4
Hemoglobin: 12.7
Platelets: 302,000
ANC: 1104

Jackson’s liver functions are running a little high again, but not in the “alarming area”.

On the drive down to UCSF this morning, Jackson vomited. Unfortunately, we are use to these situations, so we were prepared. At clinic today he received via IV Vincristine and then had his lumbar puncture of Methotrexate down in the surgery center. Jackson has grown almost 4 inches and gained about 5 pounds since his diagnoses last year. Yeah!

Jackson really wanted IHOP pancakes on the way home, so we stopped and got him pancakes after his procedure. The miracle of pancakes with blueberry syrup and a glass of coke! Jackson was very happy to have a full belly of pancakes.

Tomorrow Jackson will begin his 5 day pulse of steroids. Please pray that it goes smoothly and that the affects from his chemotherapy from today are minimal. He had a tough time going to bed tonight. While I was laying in bed with him, he said he wished he didn’t have leukemia. He also asked how much longer his treatment is. It really is hard to swallow another 2 ½ years. And it is really hard for Jackson to understand.

Eric and I have so much to be thankful for. Last year at this time, we were puzzled with what was wrong with Jackson. He wasn’t able to walk and was in constant pain. We were told Monday, November 22, 2004 at our local pediatrician’s office in the morning that it looked like our son had cancer. It looked like leukemia. Our lives were turned upside down. We spent the next 3 weeks at UCSF Children’s Hospital. Eric’s parents came up and spent Thanksgiving in the hospital with my parents, Faith, Jackson and us. As much as we all hated being in the hospital on Thanksgiving, we were all together.

During our journey this last year with cancer, Jackson has spent 6 ½ weeks in the hospital. He has had 13 shots in his leg muscles, 11 spinal taps, 20 IV injections, numerous port accesses, even more blood draws, and even more oral chemotherapy pills (Jackson takes approximately 18 pills a week). Also add in there his surgery to implant his port. I am so grateful we have come so far in modern medicine to treat this horrible disease.

Through this journey, I have made some wonderful friends through ALL-Kids. It is an online support system for parents who have a child with ALL. It saddens me that we have two other friends that have relapsed this week. Please stop by and send some positive messages to Alexia and Libby. Both of these girls just relapsed and their families have a lot of decisions to make. Also, please continue to keep Keegan and Baby Donovan in your prayers. They are also battling recent relapses.

We are getting so excited about the Pasta Feed this Friday night! I will definitely have lots of pictures to post next week.

I thought I would end tonight with a few photos of Jackson that were taken last year shortly after being diagnosed with leukemia and a recent photo of him.

Jackson and his nurse Amber. This is one of the first photos we have of them together.

Jackson and Faith at the hospital, Nov. 2004

Jackson hugging his pal Rhino. Ms. Patricks (his kindergarten teacher)brought him to Jackson for a visit.

This photo was taken right before we were able to come home for the first time. I remember how nervous we were!


Jackson last month during his school's annual Walkathon. Look how great he looks!

I couldn’t be prouder of my hero Jackson! We love you!


Wednesday, November 9, 2005 3:19 PM CST

We are all on the mends in the O’Neil household. Eric still isn’t feeling 100 percent, but hopefully in the next day or so he will be feeling all better.

Jackson had his blood counts checked on Monday and his counts were great:

WBC: 3.4
Hemoglobin: 13.0
Platelets: 413,000
ANC: 2040

Thanks to these fantastic numbers, Jackson’s oral chemotherapy meds were increased back to 100 percent. We don’t want his ANC to be too high, but high enough to fight off germs.

The kids had a great time at Disney on Ice with Nanny and Pompa. Eric and I had a wonderful time wine tasting on Saturday. I could almost say too much fun, but naahhhhh.

Monday we have to get Jackson’s blood counts checked AGAIN for his surgical procedure on Tuesday. Tuesday we will be at UCSF all day for his monthly Vincristine push through his port and then he has his intrathecal spinal tap of Methotrexate. Then our five day pulse of steroids begins. Oh what fun!

Please pray for good results next week. Then next Friday is Jackson’s benefit pasta dinner. Don’t forget to get your tickets if you haven’t done so already!

Please stop by and send a positive note to our friend Keegan, who is Jackson’s age and has just relapsed in his central nervous system. His family has a lot of decisions to make in the next few weeks and could use some extra prayers at this time.

These children fighting this horrible disease are our true heroes. They are amazing warriors!

Thanks for checking in on us.

Thursday, November 3, 2005 12:34 AM CST

I have so much to write so I apologize in advance if this entry doesn’t flow.

Coming up in a couple of weeks is the Pasta Feed for Jackson that the Rohnert Park Public Safety Officer’s Association is sponsoring. The date is Friday, November 18th from 5 – 8 pm. Details are above. Please come out and join us. It sounds like it is going to be lots of fun! Proceeds go directly towards Jackson’s medical expenses. There are only 400 tickets available and I know for a fact over 250 have already been sold. So, if you are wanting to come, please email me (jetoneil@yahoo.com) and let me know how many tickets you would like. There are some awesome raffle and silent auction items.

Back to the Nike Marathon. . . . One of the most amazing things I have done. It was wonderful. Yes, there were a couple of miles full of non stop hills that I thought would never end, but they did. I have to tell you that I was so thankful to have my cousin and friend Holly (aka Hala) there with me. She was there for the tears and the smiles. We had a great time together! It was also great to have my mom, Eric and the kids there cheering us on. The many, many people there supporting me and Jackson was unexplainable! People would come up to me at the race and say, “I’m running for Jackson also!” and they would show me a photo of Jackson on their jersey! I had to hold back the tears each time. Each person out there did make a difference! At this event alone, Team in Training, raised over $ 14 million! Can you believe that? It is a huge number and each one of you who donated helped make a difference! We will have a cure one day for leukemia! I know it!

Jackson was a little bored at the pasta dinner the night before, but I did get a couple of cute photos of him.

Jackson taking a photo of Hala and himself.

He kept himself entertained playing with his food.

On the health front, Jackson is all better. His ANC as of Monday was 1302. Great number. We will get his blood checked again on Monday to see if we can increase his oral chemo back to 100 percent.

Faith however, caught the same thing Jackson had. I have been to the doctor twice this week with her. Her ears are infected and hers turned into croup. She is on three medications to get her better.

And when you think things can’t get much worse, yes - now I have the dreaded virus and Eric woke up this morning feeling crappy!

Try keeping the kids medicines separate. It is quite the challenge. Faith needs her breathing treatments 4 times a day, both medications twice a day. And then there is Jackson’s meds. Calgon, take me away!

We are just hoping we are feeling better soon because my parents are taking the kids to Disney on Ice on Saturday. We were given the tickets at clinic a couple of weeks ago and the kids are so excited. Hala and John are visiting this weekend and we are going to a wine and food event ALL DAY on Saturday. I plan on being a complete lush! Hey, at this point I need it!

Halloween was great! Below are photos of the evening. The kids had a great time and got lots of candy.

Faith and her boyfriend Chase. Aren't they cute?

Can't seem to get the kids to smile at the same time.

What? Two Darth Vaders?

Oh, it was just Ryan and Jackson!

Yeah! Look at all the candy we got!

I’m going to go take another Dayquil to see if it will help me breath again. Thanks for checking in!


Monday, October 31, 2005 10:56 AM CST

Yeh! Jackson has been fever free since Saturday early morning. We hung around the house all day on Saturday. Sunday Jackson started wanting to run and play more. It was nice to see energy back in his little body. We went to the pumpkin patch yesterday and got pumpkins to carve. Both kids are really excited about trick or treating tonight. It should be alot of fun. We kept Jackson home one more day from school to let his body rest. He still is coughing alot.

Jackson lost his first tooth this morning! I know I have said this before, but little things like this are HUGE in the O'Neil household. Hopefully the tooth fairy will visit our house tonight.

Shortly after, Faith was running around the house "stinging" us since she is a bumble bee for Halloween. She wanted to wear her costume first thing this morning. She is very cute.

While Eric and I were having our morning coffee, I said to him, "Life is good." Both kids were laughing and just for a small moment, things seemed normal and calm.

We would never wish for anyone to have to go through the journey we are taking, but you definately appreciate each moment that is given to you. And this morning was one of those moments.

Happy Halloween! I will post photos of the kids in their costumes soon.

Friday, October 28, 2005

Yesterday afternoon Jackson had another pretty high fever (101) around 2:30 pm. When I called UCSF, they asked if we could get down there before they closed at 4 pm. So, we booked it down to UCSF to see the doctor and to get blood cultures AGAIN and receive IV antibiotics AGAIN. His ANC was 1900. He is covered with antibiotics for 24 hours. Last night and early this morning he has continued to have fevers and coughs. If his fever comes back this afternoon, we have to head back down to UCSF.

Let's hope we are at the end of this virus. It has been a tough one to conquer.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Another update:
We were at the ER again last night until midnight getting blood cultures from Jackson's port and also IV antibiotics. The whole ordeal is NO fun! Jackson's port is bruised due to being accessed so much lately. He cried alot because it hurt so much. Through all of this, I must say he is still amazing and so brave. He sits still while being 'poked' and always such a great job.

This morning he had another fever. He is coughing alot. We suspect it is a virus. We just wait and see and pray his fevers go away real soon. He is covered by his IV antibiotics for 24 hours. So any fever he gets today is covered. Tonight we'll have to hope he doesn't get another fever.

Eric and I are really hoping he is feeling better real soon because so many fun Halloween activities are happening this weekend and we would hate for Jackson to miss them. Please pray for him to feel better real soon.

Speaking of prayers, please also say an extra one for our good friend, Kathy. She is waiting for results from her scans. Her tumor markers had increased a couple of weeks ago and her bone and other body scans are being reviewed today.

October 26, 2005

Update: Jackson spiked another fever tonight at 7 pm and we are off to the ER again. We'll keep you posted.

October 25, 2005
I have so much to update everyone on since my half marathon on Sunday. You will have to check back for details. It was one of the most amazing things I have ever done! There were 4200 Team in Training participants and together we raised $ 14 Million dollars for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Can you believe that? Thank you SO much to everyone who contributed to my fundraising! There were a total of 15,000 runners/walkers doing the marathon/half marathon.

My update is quick since we just got home from the hospital with Jackson. We spent the day at the emergency room. He spiked a 101 degree fever around 11:30 am and it continued to be that for the next hour. His ANC was 2900 (thanks to his recent decadron (steroid) pulse). His fever went up to 102.4 while we were there. They are testing him for strep throat. We won’t know the results for a few days, so he will be home for a few days to recover. We were lucky that his ANC was high enough for us to come home in between antibiotics. We will monitor his fever through the night and if he still has a fever in the morning we will be visiting UCSF tomorrow.

We will keep you posted.


Saturday, October 22, 2005 9:24 AM CDT

This will be a real quick entry.

Jackson continues to be good. We had our monthly clinic and doctor’s appointment on Tuesday and everything went well. His ANC has gone up to 1110. That is great news, but since his ANC has gone up some, his oncologist increased his oral chemo. We are keeping our fingers crossed that his ANC doesn’t drop again and this is the magic dosage!

Monday, three girls from Eric’s work asked if Jackson would come by. I took Jackson after school and they had a wonderful surprise for him! Kristina, Jana and Melissa sold 25 cent friendship bracelets (that they made) all summer. They made $ 90.00. WOW! They spent the money on Jackson. Can you believe what big hearts these young girls have?

Melissa, Kristina and Jana

They got Jackson a bunch of toys, a couple of gift cards and candy! Jackson LOVED his bucket of goodies. Thank you so much Kristina, Jana and Melissa. You have such big hearts!

The girls with Jackson, Eric and Faith

Also, thank you Barbara, Connie and Jim for the gift cards! They will come in handy on treatment days.

This morning Jackson has his last soccer game! We are so proud of him! After, we are heading to San Francisco to get ready for tomorrow’s Nike Marathon! Tomorrow is the big day! Thank you to everyone that has contributed to my fundraising! I raised a little over $ 5000! I am really excited to be doing this fun event! My cousin Holly flew down from Portland and his doing it with me. We should have lots of laughs along the way! I am excited to meet Marey, Ali’s mom. We were going to meet George and Claire, Noelle’s parents, but Noelle is in the hospital with fevers and neutropenia (low blood counts). Claire has trained so hard for this event and she will have to reschedule her event. Please stop by and say hi.

The Redwood Wine Country Team in Training team raised over $ 215,000 with this one event! It makes me smile knowing that we did such a wonderful job raising money for research and patients services. The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society has done so much. 40 years ago, there wasn’t a cure for this horrible cancer. Today, we are so lucky Jackson WILL be cured! Our hopes are one day to have a 100 percent cure and that other kids don’t have to go through such long treatment.

I will update about the Nike Marathon on Monday. I am so excited! Hopefully I won’t be too sore.


Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Quick update (WOW! Two updates in two days!)

Jackson's ANC from yesterday has decreased from last week. It is now only 704. Still keeping at the 50 percent
dosage for his oral chemo. He goes to clinic next Tuesday and we'll recheck him then.

Jackson's school did their annual Walk-a-thon today. I got a few great photos of Jackson and his friend Ryan.

Jackson and Ryan

Jackson making a funny face.

Also, stop by Baby Donovan's page and say hi. He also has the same type of cancer Jackson does. He was diagnosed with ALL last January. Unfortunately he relapsed in August. His family has been eagerly waiting for him to be back in remission and they got that wonderful news today! YEAH!!! Next week they are heading to Duke for a transplant. Please keep them in your prayers that everything goes smoothly for this precious baby.

Once again I am reminded that leukemia, although we have high cure rates, we still desperately need a cure! Eric and I will not give up until there is cure!

Remember to save the date for Friday, November 18th from 5-8 pm. Our friend Justin and the Rohnert Park Public Safety Officers are doing a Pasta Feed in honor of Jackson to assist with medical bills.

Please keep all these courageous kids fighting the cancer monster in your prayers.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Another long update. . . .

I just can’t seem to find the time to update. We have been so busy, filled with lots of good stuff, but I miss not updating Jackson’s site more often.

Thanks to everyone who made it out to Chili’s on September 26th. We had a great time and it was so great to have 100 f the profits go directly to childhood cancer research.

Jackson's friends Jillian, Hannah, Jenna and Ian at Chili's. They decorated a pepper for Jackson.

Light the Night was AMAZING! We had an incredible turnout for Jackson’s team. The weather was great and it was so nice seeing so many friends and family!

Our friends Dennis and Yvette and their son Chase.

Lisa (Jackson's preschool teacher) and Anne Marie (one of our wonderful nurses from UCSF)

Melanie and Owen

Eric, Julie and Glen

Probably the best part of the whole evening was watching Jackson and his friend Ian lead the pack of people on our team. They walked, ran, jumped and just about anything else you can think of. It was so nice to see all that energy!

Jackson and Ian

Jackson and Ian running.

Faith and her boyfriend Chase gettin' down to the music!

Jackson kept telling us he didn’t want to participate in the walk, but on our way home that night he said he had a great time. It was very touching to see all the illuminated balloons that evening. Our team alone raised over $ 1300 for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. WOW!!!
Lisa and Eric holding Jackson's team banner.

If you weren’t able to make it out this year, we really hope you can join us next year.

Jackson continues to get better and better each soccer game. His last game is October 22nd, but we are thinking about letting him play indoor soccer starting in November. He is starting to attack that ball more and definitely has his Dad’s soccer playing skills. Thank goodness!

Jackson had his blood counts checked last Monday and they continue to be a little on the low side. His ANC was only 910. Our goal is to keep it above 1000 in maintenance. He continues to be on 50 percent of his nightly oral chemo. Jackson’s oncologist wanted us to get his counts checked again today. We are really wanting to increase his oral chemo. His next scheduled clinic appointment is Tuesday, October 18th.

On Wednesday, I went along with Jackson’s 1st grade class to Twin Hill Ranch in Sebastopol. It is an apple farm. Jackson had a great time picking apples, watching them get washed, dried and boxed. His class even sang some apple songs they had learned and he joined right in. On the bus ride back, he fell asleep. When we got back to school he looked pale and said he didn’t feel good. So, I brought him home with me. He rested on the sofa most of the afternoon and by evening was feeling better. Jackson loved telling Dad, Faith, Nanny and Pompa all about his trip to the apple farm.

Our weeks continue to be busy and full of energy. Jackson continues to do well.

Emotionally, I am having a very hard time right now looking back at where we were at this time last year. At this time last year, Jackson had begun to have severe leg pain. He moaned constantly in his sleep. While I am very thankful that Jackson is doing well, it has been a very hard journey so far. Jackson has endured so much already and he still has almost 2 ½ years left of chemotherapy.

For fun, I thought I would show you a photo of the kids last October at the pumpkin patch. Boy, what a difference a year can make!

Jackson and Faith last year at the pumpkin patch.

Jackson and Faith this year.

We are thankful for each smile, laugh and cry. Jackson is AMAZING!

Please keep Clare's family in your prayers. Clare became an angel on Thursday, September 29th. She had the same type of cancer Jackson does. She had been in the hospital for 72 days. She fought a long and courageous battle with ALL relapse in May and transplant in July. I can't even begin to imagine what her family is going through. Please visit Clare's site and leave her family a note of support.

I will update later tomorrow with Jackson’s counts.


Monday, September 26, 2005 0:07 AM CDT

I’m warning you ahead of time that this is a long journal entry. A lot of things have been going on since I last updated Jackson’s page.

Jackson continues to do well in school. Most days he does very well with being left at school. Like all of us, some days are easier than others. Jackson also continues to just love soccer. He is having a blast playing all the games! It’s so much fun to watch their games.

Jackson had his monthly clinic visit last Tuesday, September 20th. He did great! Dr. Robbins said he looked great! The treatment side of clinic was extremely busy, so we had to wait awhile to get accessed and receive his chemotherapy. Jackson received Vincristine IV and the nurses also checked his blood counts and liver function levels. If you’ll remember back to Sept. 13 when we had Jackson’s blood counts checked last, his ANC was 2040. Unfortunately, Jackson’s ANC had dropped to 630 as of Tuesday the 20th. Eric and I were pretty surprised to hear it had dropped so much. Now that we are in the maintenance phase of his treatment, the doctors want his ANC to stay above 1000. This is best to fight off infections, etc. So Tuesday night, we were told to reduce Jackson’s oral chemotherapy to only 50 percent dosage. We will check his counts again next week sometime. It is really a guessing game to figure out the right dosing of Jackson’s medications during maintenance. We are hoping his counts go up some by next week.

After clinic on Tuesday, Jackson and I did a fundraising night at Cold Stone Creamery for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. We raised over $ 200.00 that evening! WOW! THANK YOU to everyone who came out and had some yummy ice cream! To make it an even more special night, the manager and staff at Cold Stone let Jackson mix the different creations for everyone!

Jackson saying hello behind the counter to some of his friends.

Faith enjoying her ice cream that Jackson mixed for her.

Jackson and me smiling for the camera!

He did such a great job and loved doing it. Katie, the manager gave Jackson an apron, hat and his very own name badge to wear that night. Jackson was exhausted after almost three hours of mixing ice cream and remember, he had his chemo earlier that day. He is so amazing! Just to let you know how proud we are of Jackson, I had him help count how much money we raised that night from the donation jar. After counting close to $ 90.00,

Jackson said, “I wish this money was mine!”

I replied, “This money isn’t yours, it goes to a great cause and helps fund research.”

Next thing I knew, Jackson came down from his room and had brought with him one dollar from his bank and put it in the donation jar. It is moments like that, that make me so proud! He understands the importance of helping other people and it shows! Eric and I were smiling from ear to ear!

Thursday, we left for our very first trip to Camp Okizu. It is a wonderful (and I mean wonderful) oncology camp for kids, siblings and families with children diagnosed with cancer. This was our first trip there and we can’t wait to go again next year.

On our way there, we stopped and had lunch with my grandparents (Jackson’s great grandparents) in Lincoln. It was really good spending some time with them and seeing the kids with them. The kids took a nap on the way to camp. Isn’t this photo priceless?

Eric and I were actually able to hold a conversation since both kids were asleep!

We checked in to camp at 5 pm. Right as we drove into the driveway, it had this magical feeling. Jackson was so excited to go! We were able to pick out our cabin and Jackson picked 'Madrone 2'. It had a wonderful view. Thursday night we hung out, played games and made new friends.

The kids playing Twister.

Faith played all weekend with a little girl, Savannah who was diagnosed this year with a brain tumor. They had a great time together.

Friday, we went on a hike, took a nap, fished, played basketball and carpet ball (Jackson can give you all the details on that) and many other fun things!

Faith smiling for the camera in front of the cabin.

Jackson walking up to our cabin.

Jackson holding Faith's fishing pole. Notice it is pink.

Jackson and Faith holding hands on our hike. Look, they do love each other!

Another photo I took on our hike.

Saturday morning, the parents broke into small discussion groups while the counselors played with all the kids. Eric and I did a lot of laughing and crying during our 3 hour discussion. It was so nice to be able to talk openly with other parents going through or having gone through similar circumstances. While cancer is the worst thing anyone should have to watch their child go through, it also brings out good things. We made some very special new friends and even a few from Sonoma County!

Later that afternoon, we participated in a ropes course. Well, Eric and I did. Jackson was scared to do the activities and Faith slept most of the time. Below are a few photos of Eric walking across a rope suspended about 60 feet in the air. He did an awesome job!

Eric and I also did the zip line at the ropes course. I am very proud to say I did it twice. The first time I screamed and had my eyes closed because I was so scared. I decided I needed to do it again to enjoy the view down below. Those of you who know me well, might be surprised that I did this, BUT one thing I have learned through Jackson having cancer is that you live and enjoy each day you are given. So, with that said, I did it. And, really enjoyed it! Next year I hope Jackson and Faith with also do it.

If you look closely, that is me zipping down the line in the air.

I had to post this photo. Jackson as many of you know doesn't like to have his picture taken.

After dinner Saturday night, we all had s’mores and sang campfire songs at the bonfire. It was so much fun seeing Faith and Jackson sing and dance. There is something magical about Camp Okizu and how it makes the kids enjoy themselves!

This picture is of Jackson in front of Tajar’s home.

Tajar is part tiger, badjar and jaguar and lives in a house at the top of a tree. He looks out for the younger, shy kids and makes sure they are having a good time. Although no one has ever seen him, he has a magical presence at camp. Jackson spent the weekend waving and saying hello to him inside his home. Tajar has a mail box in front of his tree and Jackson went to see if Tajar left him a note this morning before we had breakfast. To our surprise, Tajar had written a note to Jackson saying he hoped to see him next summer and he also made Jackson a friendship bracelet.

Jackson proudly holding the letter from Tajar.

Jackson standing in front of Tajar's home.

I wish I could explain to you the smile on Jackson’s face as I read this letter to him. He was so happy! Words can’t explain how special he felt! As I read this letter, I started to cry because I was so happy to see Jackson happy! He showed off his bracelet to Dr. Mike, Beta and others.

After breakfast we packed up and headed home.

Cute photo of Faith and Eric at breakfast.

We had the best time! This was our first vacation as a family since Jackson was diagnosed.

Once we got home, Eric drove to Kaiser in San Francisco to see our friend Nancy and her new baby boy, Diego. Diego was born on Friday evening, but hasn’t been breathing on his own. Please say an extra prayer for them. We are hoping they can come home real soon!

Another big event in our family, Jackson noticed he has his first loose tooth. As I wiggled it tonight (for the first and I’m sure the last time), Jackson just started crying. He said he doesn’t want to loose any teeth. He is scared that it will hurt and that he will swallow it. I told him the slim chance that he did swallow it that it would come out the other end. Well, that didn’t make him too happy either! He wouldn’t eat hardly anything because he is so worried about it. Eric and I are excited! I’ll keep you updated as to what happens on the tooth front.

Don’t forget to go to Chili’s restaurant anytime on Monday, September 26th and have a yummy meal. 100 percent of the profits made tomorrow go directly to St. Jude’s Children Hospital and childhood cancer research. Also, create a pepper in Jackson’s honor.

We will be participating in Light the Night this Friday evening, the 30th in downtown Santa Rosa. The walk starts at 7 pm. Please come out and join us as we walk in Jackson’s honor! We have formed a team for Jackson (Jackson’s A.L.L. Stars) and are really hoping for a big turnout to celebrate our boy’s life! There is no charge to participate in the event, but it you would like an illuminated balloon they are $ 25.00. We hope to see you there.

Also, Friday, November 18th (mark your calendars) from 5 – 9 pm, our friend Justin and the Rohnert Park Police Department Association will be doing a fundraiser for Jackson and to help assist our family with medical expenses. More details to come at a later date, but MARK YOUR CALENDARS!!!!

Please continue to pray for Jackson. We still have a long battle ahead of us. They truly uplift us!


Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Just a quick update to let you know Jackson's blood counts are GREAT!!!!

WBC = 3.0
RBC = 3.64
HGB = 12.2
ANC = 2040 (What a magical number!)
Platelets = 277,000

It was so great to hear his ANC is well above 1000! Especially since I know a bunch of kids have been getting sick. Some more great news - today was the first day since school started for Jackson that he didn't cry when we left him in the morning at school. Hip, hip, horray!! I'm pretty sure the reason for no tears was the fact that he only has to go to school until noon today. Every Tuesday is minimum day, so that makes Jackson's really happy!

I forgot to add one other thing to Jackson's update on Friday -
September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month and on Monday, September 26th Chili's will donate 100 rofits from all lunch and dinner sales to St. Judes Children's Research Hospital. Go to any local Chili's Restaurant in your area and join in! Also through Chili's, you can decorate a pepper in honor those battling cancer. (Lots of fun with the kids). I have posted the link at the bottom of the page under links.


Friday, September 9, 2005

We have been extremely busy since school began. I have been telling myself that I need to update Jackson’s CB page, but seem to need a couple extra hours in the day to accomplish it.

Jackson’s first day of school was Monday, August 29th. Jackson has had a rough time transitioning back to school. He has asked several times if Mrs. Lori can teach him at our home. Last week I had to pick him up two times early from school due to him not feeling well. He has done an awesome job this week hanging in there. He is at school from 8:15 am – 3 pm. These are very long days for him. Every morning, Jackson cries as we leave his classroom. Yesterday morning, Ms. Ritz told me he had a wonderful day on Wednesday. It was so good to hear!!!

Jackson told me last night the hardest part about being at school is that he doesn’t know what Faith and I are doing all day. He is use to being with us all day and really misses being home. I asked him if I told him each morning what I had planned if that would help him feel better. He agreed, so we’ll see how he does.

Last night was Back to School night at Jackson’s school. We spent time in Jackson’s classroom and got to know his teacher a little better and also what the expectations are for Jackson this year. Nanny and Pompa came over and had pizza and played baseball with Jackson and Faith while we were at Jackson’s school.

Since school has started back, we have been SO busy! It is great, but we ALL have been tired with our new schedules. Jackson had his first soccer game on Wednesday night. He did AWESOME! We were so proud of him and his team! They did great! Below are a couple of action shots I took during the game.

Group huddle before the game. Jackson is number 7.

Action shot of Jackson during the game.

Jackson also got his first hair cut since his hair came back in from his chemo. I couldn’t believe how good a simple hair cut could feel! He looks so cute!

Faith has started a ballet class on Wednesday mornings. She really enjoys it and is also keeping up with gymnastics. She misses her brother so much during the day. Luckily, Nanny is keeping her very busy! Tuesday mornings, Nanny takes Faith to the library for story time.

My training with Team in Training continues to go well. THANK YOU so much to everyone for your support! Each dollar makes a difference! If you would still like to make a donation to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, there is still plenty of time. The marathon is on October 23rd. For those of you that are in Sonoma County, I am having a fundraising evening at Cold Stone Creamery on East Cotati Avenue, on Tuesday, September 20th from 5 – 9 pm. 15 f all ice cream sold that evening will go to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. We are hoping for a HUGE turnout! Make sure to mention that you are there to support the Leukemia Society. Who doesn’t love ice cream?

We are also participating in Light the Night with the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society on Friday, September 3oth at 5: pm in downtown Santa Rosa. We have a team in honor of Jackson. (Jackson’s A.L.L. Stars) We are really hoping for a BIG turnout to honor Jackson! There is no cost to walk with our team. However, since it is a fundraising event, we are hoping to raise money for the Leukemia Society. With a $ 25.00 donation, you receive an illuminated balloon for the walk. With $ 100.00 raised, you receive a Light the Night t-shirt. $ 100.00 can be accomplished easily by asking friends, family and neighbors for a donation. The prizes get even better for larger amounts raised!

This is such an important event for us, especially since it is our first year honoring Jackson and celebrating his life! So many of our family and friends have been there for us this last year and we are really looking forward to seeing a lot of people out there and making it a memorable evening. Please email us if you have any questions. Please sign up for Jackson’s A.L.L. Star’s team online so we have an idea of how many people will be participating on Jackson’s team.

Jackson continues to feel good. Some days are better than others, but overall he is doing great. We will have Jackson’s blood counts checked on Monday to see where he is at. His next clinic appointment is September 20th.

Thanks for checking in on us. Please make sure you sign Jackson’s guestbook. The entries are always nice to read! Have a great weekend!


Friday, August 26, 2005 10:34 AM CDT

What a week we have had!

I don’t even know where to begin after the week we have had. I was able to talk to Jackson’s oncologist yesterday, once she was back in the bay area. She said they were still waiting on the final flow cytometry test results. However, she did let me know that she looked at Jackson’s marrow sample as well. She said it looked good, with clearly less than 5 ymphocytes, BUT there were a couple of questionable cells. And for leukemia kids, they do not like to see any questionable cells. This put another pit in my stomach. I had thought we in the clear. Each oncologist has their own interpretation we are discovering. The comforting thing is Jackson’s doctor knows him and his body. We left the conversation with our doctor saying she was confident that the flow cytometry test would come back fine.

Finally at 5:3o pm last night, we got the final results. NO LEUKEMIA!!! YEH!!!
Last night, we started Jackson’s oral chemo back at 50 osage until Sunday. We then will go back to clinic Monday afternoon, meet with Jackson’s oncologist and have his counts checked again. If his ANC has made a big jump to over 1000, we will start his chemo again at 100 Did I lose anyone?

It is hard to express in writing our fears and worries these last few days. This has by far been the hardest week, emotionally since Jackson was diagnosed in November. We have cried numerous hours, through the night, trying not to let Jackson know our fears. Relapse is every cancer parent’s worse nightmare. A word that scares us all. It just reminds us that even though Jackson may look great, he has such a long journey ahead of him. We pray and hope that he remains in remission forever and that the drugs he has the endure do their job and keep the cancer away!

I want to thank everyone once again for their kind words and prayers. They definitely help us get through difficult times. We have such great friends and family! I also want to thank our online support group (ALL-Kids). This group is made up of parents/families of kids with the same type of cancer Jackson has. Their wisdom, experience and friendship have made this rough journey just a little easier (or manageable).
Now onto the fun stuff. . . .

Last weekend we had a wonderful time with Grandma and Grandpa (Eric’s parents) and our nephew and niece, Conner and Lauren. Jackson was so sad to see them leave last Monday. We played miniature golf, went to the Sonoma County Air Show and did a lot of playing! Eric and I even got a night out to ourselves! I have put a few photos up from our weekend. Jackson doesn’t like to have his picture taken, as you can see from the photos.

Faith flying one of the old planes at the airshow.

Eric and Jackson touring one of the antique planes. (I had to put this photo on to show you how much Jackson likes having his picture taken.)

I did get one good photo!

Faith in Grandma's dress that was hers when she was Faith's age. She had to make a phone call :)]

Photos from Miniture Golf

Lauren, Conner and Grandma

The kids.

Faith (with a mouth full of Skittles) and Lauren.

You all know how Tuesday and Wednesday were. . . .

Wednesday night we participated in the First Annual Bill’s Run in Santa Rosa. It is a fundraiser for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Bill was an active runner/participant with Team in Training and lost his battle to cancer a couple of years ago. We never met Bill, but could definitely feel his presence at this wonderful event. We ended the race at the Downtown Santa Rosa Market Night. They had a wonderful band and the weather was great. Jackson and Faith ran around like crazy kids. Faith danced up a storm! The kids even got their favorite kettle corn! It was such a great evening. Jackson even ran some of the course, probably just over a mile!

Yesterday, Nanny took the kids (yes Faith also) back to school shopping. Even though Faith is not old enough to go to school, she has to do everything her COOL brother does. It is so funny! Thanks Nanny! Jackson’s friend Ian came over for the afternoon to play. They had such a wonderful time. If you get a chance, stop by Kathy’s CB page (Ian’s mom) and say hello. She is fighting her own battle with cancer. She is an amazing mom, wife and friend.

I also found out yesterday who Jackson’s first grade teacher will be and had a nice conversation with her. I’m hoping that Jackson’s first day back to school is a lot of fun. School starts on Monday. Jackson’s friend Ryan is in the same class so that is a huge plus! We have all the anxieties that come with starting back to school each fall, but it is much more for us. Jackson was only able to attend kindergarten through mid November last year and then was home schooled. The school days are longer. (8:15-3 pm) We’ll update next week how school goes.

I haven’t kept up with all my training this week due to the chaos. I did manage to get one run in and I have a long run of 6 miles on Saturday. I have a link up at the top of Jackson’s page to my Team in Training Fundraising page. Please donate! Any amount is greatly appreciated and will make a difference! If you do not want to donate online, I have a fundraising letter I can mail to you. Just email me along with your address. THANK YOU SO MUCH TO EVERYONE THAT HAS DONATED SO FAR! I truly appreciate each donation!

One more fun thing. Jackson received his personalized, Songs of Love on Tuesday. Make sure you turn up the volume on your computer so you can hear it. Thank you Cameron Jones for doing such a wonderful job!

Make sure you give your kids big hugs today!

Wednesday, August 24, 2005 3:25 pm

GREAT NEWS!! Jackson's bone marrow came back clear! YIPPPEEEEE! Will update more soon.

Thank you to EVERYONE for your thoughts, love and prayers. This was definately the scarest time for us since Jackson's diagnosis back in November.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005 6:50 pm

We just got home after spending 6 hours at clinic today. It was such a
hard, emotional day.

First, while accessing Jackson's port, the nurse wasn't able to get a
return, which means they couldn't get Jackson's blood to pull and also it was hard to push any medicine in his port. After several attempts and of moving the needle (OUCH!) we finally
got a return. Jackson was so brave, but the tears just poured. You
could tell it really hurt.

Then we headed to the surgery center for Jackson's bone marrow aspirate and IT
Methotrexate (chemo injected into his spinal fluid . While waiting for Jackson to wake up, we got the rsults of his
ANC today (630). It was 696 yesterday at our local lab. All other
counts were pretty much the same, although his platelets had gone down from
263 to 219. Again, not a big difference, but not an increase either. Eric and I had been pretty confident that they would have increased again some from yesterday, but this knocked both of us back alittle. We weren't expecting that.

Once Jackson was awake and had finally been able to eat something, we headed back up to clinic to wait for the results of the bone marrow slides.

We waited for almost two hours for two oncologists to read Jackson's
bone marrow slide. They weren't able to read the first slide (four had been made), due to not having enough cells. Finally the dr. called us back into a room and told Jackson he could stay out in the treatment area and continue playing the game cube if he liked. Of couse, that is what he chose. At that point, I knew the news wasn't good. We were then told that Jackson had broken cells white cells
which could mean two things. Either immature neutrophils or they could be lymphocytes (pre leukemia cells). What????? He could either be relapsing or recovering. They
are concerned however since his ANC has plateaued and has taken so long to get back up to 1000.

We are at a loss of words. We are scared and emotionally exhausted. We will hear by tomorrow afternoon what the lab was able to read. At the lab a machine will read Jackson's slides.
And we won't hear until Thursday what the bone biopsy results are.

To make our situation even worse, our normal dr. is on vacation and we met with another dr. we had never
met before. So the relationship wasn't there to begin with. Very
difficult conversation with this dr.

Just hanging tight I guess until tomorrow hoping for the best. We are
trying to think positive, but it is really difficult. This is our baby, who is so brave and should NOT have to go through this HELL! Life just isn't fair!

We will update tomorrow once we have any results. Thanks for everyone's kind thoughts and prayers.

Monday, August 22, 2005 3:50 pm

This is a short update, since I am having a hard time typing this to everyone.

We got the call a little while ago that Jackson is still neutropenic. His ANC is 696. (remember has to be over 1000 to start treatment back up). His oncologist asked us to come to the hospital tomorrow to do a bone marrow biopsy on Jackson. They are pretty sure he has not relapsed, however he has been off chemo now for almost 4 weeks and his counts still haven’t recovered.

Please, please pray that our baby is OK. Please pray that his body is just needing extra time to recover.

Eric and Tiffany

Friday, August 19, 2005

Sorry for not updating sooner. It has really been a hard week as far as Jackson’s counts are concerned. We had Jackson’s counts rechecked yesterday. His ANC did go up a little to 462. We are slowly increasing, which is great news, but are having a hard time with all the thoughts that go along with being off treatment. Although, it has been really nice to not have to do Jackson’s medications at night, it is not good to be off treatment. We really want to continue his chemo. We know that his body (bone marrow) is still recovering some from of the real heavy chemo drugs he received, but we are ready to get started again! We are also really ready to be able to do other activities which we are limited to while Jackson is neutropenic.

The kids finished swim lessons last week and had a really good time with their instructor Randi. She was awesome with the kids.

Here a couple of silly photos of the kids. Faith had to wear goggles like her big brother!

Jackson did start soccer this week. Monday night was his first practice, and he didn’t want to play since his arm was still sore from having his labs taken that morning. Eric and I think he was tired and overwhelmed. This is his first group activity since he was diagnosed last November. He had a really bad attitude and would not participate. Eric and I couldn’t sleep Monday night, with all the worries about our boy running through our heads. Jackson’s friend Jaclyn came over to play at our home on Tuesday. They had a great time playing games. Jackson however did GREAT at his practice on Wednesday evening. He got in there and had a great time. It was so nice seeing him play soccer. He didn’t like having to run laps to warm up, but managed.

Eric’s parents and our nephew and niece (Conner and Lauren) will be visiting us this weekend. Should be a lot of fun!

My training continues to go well. I have met so many amazing people through Team in Training. I am trying hard to get my fundraising letters out sometime next week. Thank you to everyone who has donated so far. Still need to get lots more donations!

We get Jackson’s counts rechecked on Monday. Jackson has been doing the ‘ANC dance’ to get them to go UP, UP, UP. We’ll see if it is working on Monday. Please continue to keep our son in your prayers. Please also take a moment to stop by and say hello to Baby Donovan. His mom Melissa is part of our online support group (ALL-Kids). Baby Donovan is only 9 months old and was diagnosed with the same type of leukemia as Jackson at only 6 weeks of age. His family just found out that he has relapsed in his spinal fluid. I really hate what cancer and all these children have to go through. They are our true heroes!

Thanks for checking in,

Monday, August 15, 2005 6:49 PM CDT

Jackson's ANC today was only 400. This is very frustating. He has been off treatment since July 28th. We will recheck his counts on Thursday. Today was a very emotional day. It worries us when Jackson can't be on treatment. Lots of worries going through our heads. Too many to write down. . . .

Please pray that his ANC goes up! Jackson can't start his chemotherapy back until his ANC is 1000.

I will try and update later tonight or tomorrow.


Monday, August 8, 2005 5:32 PM CDT

Well, we busted out of UCSF last Wednesday, late morning thanks to our wonderful nurse Mandy. She did such a great job of getting us checked out of our summer vacation home! We had a quiet evening at home, just the four of us. Jackson was especially thankful to be home. Although this inpatient stay was only 6 days, it still wasn’t easy. Six days of being sleep deprived and having our family split up. It isn’t fun.

The kids enjoyed being together again and even put on a little western show for us.

The kids looked so cute in their cowboy hats that my grandparents gave them. They even took a ride on the stick pony that was mine when I was a kid. The photo below is the kids twirling their hats and saying, 'YAHOO'!!!

While I had the camera out, I finally took a photo of Jackson's playhouse. The outside is complete, but we still have work to do on the inside.

Eric left the next morning (Thursday) for our good friend John and Gayle’s wedding in Chicago. He was the best man and from what I hear did a great job giving their toast. I stayed home with the kids and we missed Eric so much! We stayed close to home since Jackson is still neutropenic.

Saturday was my first group training for the SF Marathon with Team in Training. We were to have trained all last week, but since we were still inpatient, I hadn’t done anything. I had hesitated to go to Saturday’s training, but pushed myself to go. Glad I did. We did 3 miles, however due to my delays in starting my training, I only did 2. It went well. I was sore Saturday night, but in a good way. I went to the training on Saturday not knowing too many people. People kept coming up to me asking if I was Jackson’s mom and I proudly answered “YES”!!!
Jackson is one of Team in Training’s team honorees. His biography is given to each person in our chapter at the beginning of their training. I also spoke about him at our Kick Off celebration last Saturday. It was such a great feeling knowing that people cared about our baby and they were busting their butts in the heat to raise awareness and funds for blood cancers. It was a truly inspiring day and I am looking forward to the next training. Please consider donating to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. It is a wonderful organization. My online fundraising page is at the bottom of Jackson’s site. You can click on my TNT fundraising page to donate. Thank you so much to everyone who has donated so far! No amount is too small!

Eric flew home safely yesterday and we were so happy to see him! He missed the kids so much and they missed him! Last night we fed the ducks and enjoyed having our family back together.

Happy Anniversary to my grandparents, Harold and Beverly. They have been married 62 years and still going strong! They are great role models and we are so happy for them.

Onto Jackson’s health. . . . .

Jackson’s fevers have continued to stay away and his liver levels have come down. We checked his counts this morning and his ANC is still only 340. It hasn’t gone up at all in the last 5 days. This was very frustrating to hear. We were hoping that they had gone up at least some, but they didn’t move at all. Since his counts are so low, he is not taking any oral chemo now, and hasn’t been since July 28th. As parents of a child with cancer, you desperately want to keep him on track with his chemotherapy. Originally, we had hoped to have started long term maintenance today (the next phase of Jackson’s treatment). So, we will continue to stay close to home until we recheck his counts next Monday, August 15th. Please pray that Jackson’s counts start to go UP, UP, UP. We can’t continue Jackson’s treatment until his ANC is 1000. We have a long ways to go.

We will update next Monday when we recheck Jackson’s counts.


Wednesday, August 3, 2005

YEH!!! We are breaking out of here! Jackson's ANC is 350 today. Which means we can head home later this morning. We will still have to be extra careful at home with his ANC so low. Thanks for everyone's guestbook entries, calls, cards and prayers. They truly do uplift us during these difficult times.

Tuesday, August 2,2005

Yesterday was a pretty good day. Jackson played alot of games on his Playstation. Also, Nanny and Pompa came by to visit for about an hour. Mom just had flown in from North Carolina. It was good to see her. Jackson's liver enzymes were higher yesterday than they were when we checked in last Thursday night. Hmmmm. . . Waiting on the answer. Hepatitis tests are negative. YEH! Probably the chemo? We will keep checking it. Last night Jackson had tons of energy. (He had also had quite a bit of candy). So, Jackson put on his mask and went skateboarding with his IV pole. He holds on to the handle about half way down the pole and pushs with one foot like you would a skateboard and zooms down the hall. At first I was pretty nervous, he goes really fast! The last thing we need right now is an IV pole injury. We did 13 laps up and down the halls of 7 long. He had a blast and had the nurses cracking up! It was so good to see him laughing and having a good time, regardless of where he is. His ANC this morning is 180, up from 120 from yesterday. The doctors haven't done rounds yet. I will update tomorrow probably.

I don't have a laptop in our room this time. So, I have been going down to the family resource room to update. I should head back. Jackson is with a book buddy volunteer at the hopsital. They are reading and finding, Where's Waldo. Jackson loves the Waldo books.

Below are a some photos taken last Sunday when I brought Faith to visit Jackson. They enjoyed each other for about the first 30 minutes. Then back to the normal arguing. Ugh. . .

Hoping to break out of here by tomorrow afternoon. Let's hope Jackson's ANC goes UP, UP, UP!!!

Jackson and Faith playing with the bubbles!

A priceless photo of our hero! Going through all he has to and still smiling! (some of the time!)

The kids giving love!

Jackson showing Faith what his IV pole does. (cute huh?)

Eric and Jackson playing in the playroom at UCSF.

Faith and Jackson doing 'medical procedures' on the baby in the playroom at UCSF.

The future Dr. Jackson O'Neil!

Playing a little basketball in the playroom.

One last thing. . .

I have set up my fundraising page for Team in Training. My Team in Training Fundraising Page

I will be participating in the Nike Half Marathon in San Francisco on October 23rd. The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society has done so much for our family, we are giving back as well as honoring Jackson! Thanks for your contribution!


Monday, August 1,2005

Sorry for not posting an update sooner. Sometimes it is hard to post each day.

Jackson's ANC yesterday was 110. Today his ANC is 120. It is a small increase, however it is an increase in his ANC.

So, we are waiting for the doctors to do rounds now. Once they come around I hope to post the game plan this afternoon. Jackson AST and ALT are higher than when we were admitted. (Liver functions)

We'll see what the doctors have to say about this.


Friday, July 29th 9:30 pm

Hey everyone. This is Tiffany. I just got home alittle while ago and put Faith to bed. She gave me a huge hug when I picked her up from my parents. It just made me melt! Thanks Dad for watching Faith this evening.

Anyways, Eric told me he wrote another entry for Jackson's page and he wanted me to read it and post it since it would take me half the time it would take him. I sat down to read the journal entry and the tears started flowing! Gosh - what an amazing husband and father Eric is! I love him so much! Ok, I know I am being sappy, maybe due to NO sleep from last night, or just the fact that our lives are so crazy! I am posting his entry below. Please take a moment to read and enjoy! He puts such thought into what he writes! Grab a box of kleenex before you read! One more thing - I will be heading back down to the hospital tomorrow afternoon. Will update once we have some results back from the tests.


I am sitting here alone, Faith sleeping, Jackson and Tiffany at the hospital and I am looking at Jackson’s web page. I don’t know if it is the song playing, the incredible pictures or just an overwhelming moment in life slowing down to let me reflect, but I am realizing how a great deal of life is made of moments. Moments that are surprises, predicted, scary, fun, exhausting, enlightening, tranquil, frustrating, encouraging, discouraging and absolutely everything in between and anything out in left field.

A few moments that come to me that our family has experienced:

As I rushed through the front door ready to scoop up Jackson and get him to the hospital I see him and Faith playing, giggling and greeting me like they always do with a shout “Daddy”. He was not stressed, sad and gloomy nothing like usual. He was just his normal playful self—a moment of relief

Looking at the picture of him and Amber- a moment of overwhelming
Gratitude and respect

(look at that smile on his face and take a closer look into his eyes-priceless)

Watching Jackson swim- a reoccurring moment of pride!!!!!!!

Watching Faith walk into Jackson’s room this morning and exiting with his Relay for Life survivor medal around her neck- a moment of realizing the importance of the bond between those two.

The heart stopping moment last night when the ER nurse struggled to get the needle in his port. Looking at Tiffany’s face at the moment I believe it was a moment of fear and frustration.

Saying good bye to Faith as she happily waved bye bye, walking into the Stalder’s house (Thank you, Michelle, Ryan and Nick)- a moment of pride.

Every time Faith and Jackson are giggling together- moments of love and innocence

The moment you see the 38 C on his thermometer- “not again!!!!!!!!!!”

Thousands of these moments pass by us each and every day. I am happy to say when life slows down I take the time to appreciate these moments. My humble advice to all of you is to take a moment as often as possible to reflect on those moments that make up your life.

Stop reading this and scroll up the page just below his tux picture and click on the tiny play button. Then slowly look at the pictures on this page, that smile and those eyes tell it all. I promise it will put a smile on your face. Don’t have speakers on your computer? Play your favorite song.


UPDATE Friday, July 29th 2:30 pm: Jackson's counts were confirmed. His ANC is 240 and his liver function levels are elevated. Not too sure what the reasons are. Could be the chemo, a virus, or they will be testing Jackson for hepititus A and B. Please pray his liver numbers come down soon and that the cause is just a virus. Jackson continues to feel pretty good. Very anxious. Doesn't like being cooped up in his square box. (I personally don't enjoy it too much either.)

Thanks for checking in.

UPDATE: Thursday, July 28, 2005 8:30 pm - Jackson had a fever at 5:30 tonight. The only count we have so far is his WBC and it is 0.7. Really low. So, we will be transported to UCSF Hopspital tonight. Please pray his fever goes away soon and the cultures come back negative.

Jackson still has a cough that has been hanging around from his cold and croup. He continues to get better each day. Things have been continuing to go pretty well. Last weekend we had Uncle Dennis, Aunt Amy and Jake visiting us. It was a great time! Sunday night, we went swimming and had dinner with our good friends, the VanRipers. They have a wonderful pool that was really nice to swim in during our heat wave!

My mom flew back to North Carolina to be with my nanny. She was taken to the ER on Sunday after church due to high blood pressure and not feeling well. She was released on Monday evening, but my mom wanted to be with her. She is 86 years old and doing great, but you never know what life is going to hand to you. (As we have found out these last several months). Nanny is doing much better. She has resumed her daily gardening. I talked to my mom today and Nanny is continuing to do well.

We went on a long bike ride last night. Jackson made it almost the whole way which was great to see. He couldn’t quite make it home, but he did great!

Today Jackson woke up not feeling real good. He fell back to sleep for an hour after breakfast. (This is not like him.) He has been complaining most of the day today of his head hurting and his belly is upset. His friend Ian is here playing, which I think helps distract Jackson from feeling uncomfortable.

I have been trying to get Jackson’s web page to look a little better. So, I have added several more photos that have been taken lately. Hope you enjoy.

Here is a photo I found of Jackson last year at this time (prior to the cancer monster) with his cousins Connor and Lauren.

Here's Jackson and Eric at the Gaint's game.

Jackson and Faith enjoying their $ 5.00 bag of cotton candy!

Jackson and Faith posing for a photo. As you can see, they entertained the people around us!

Jackson and one his favorite nurses, Amber at clinic during our last visit.

Another really cute photo of Amber and Jackson. He just loves her!

We will update again once Jackson goes to clinic and has his counts checked again on August 8 and 9.


Wednesday, July 20, 2005


We spent the early portion of the morning in the ER with Jackson. He woke up having a real hard time breathing. We gave him a breathing treatment at home that helped a little, but not enough. He had a case of croop. After speaking with the oncologist on call last night, I rushed (almost hitting a deer on the way up there!) him to the ER, while Eric waited for my parents to come to our house to be with Faith. Luckily, he had no fever. The Dr. at the ER gave him a dose of steroids and another breathing treatment along with a cool mist mask to wear. It helped Jackson so much! We were heading back home about 4:30 am. Please say a few extra prayers for Jackson today that he is over the worst part of his croop.

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Where does the time go? As much as I would love to say life is getting better, I guess the correct term is that we are adjusting to our lives. We appreciate more than words can say each and every day. It is still hard to think back to this time eight months ago and not break down in tears.

Things have been going well. We definitely don’t take any of these wonderful days for granted. We have still been enjoying this nice summer weather. Although it has been so hot this last week. For those of you not familiar with where we live, we are close to the pacific coast. Close enough to where most homes in our area do not have air conditioning. 90 f the year it is not needed, due to the fog that rolls in from the coast each night. However, there are a couple of weeks each year (we are in one of these weeks now) when the fog disappears and it is so HOT! We shouldn’t complain because it has only been in the low 90s, but we live in a two story house and without air conditioning, it gets so hot!

Needless to say, we have been doing a lot of swimming! The kids are getting better at swimming each time we go. I took the kids yesterday and most of the time they were jumping in the pool.

Last weekend, Eric was in Las Vegas for our friend John’s bachelor party. He had a great time! Things went good while he was gone. The kids and I saw the movie, Herbie and went to Chuck E Cheese. On Sunday afternoon, our family went to the San Francisco Giants game. One of their players, JT Snow has a special program for cancer kids and their families. The program is called JT’s Snow Pack. We arrived at the stadium a couple of hours prior to the game and were able to watch the players practice. We stood right on the field, behind home plate. It was so exciting! Jackson once again had an amazing time! We were able to watch both the SF Giants and the St. Louis Cardinals practice. Then they took us into the dugout to hang out for awhile until JT Snow was able to come out to visit with us. There were only three families, so we got to hang out and visit with JT Snow for a long time. JT Snow autographed Jackson’s baseball we had just purchased for him. Then he asked if he could autograph Jackson’s tshirt. (JT gave each of the kids a tshirt). Jackson quickly said ‘NO’! It had Eric and me rolling on the ground! JT laughed and said, “Not a problem!” Image this is all going on while we are in the SF Giants dugout and there are several JT Snow fans screaming, wanting to have him autograph something for them. We took several photos with JT (which I posted under the photo’s page). We had an amazing time at the game and enjoyed being together as a family. The kids enjoyed their cotton candy and ate lots of junk! We just wish the Giants could have won!

Jackson had his counts checked last Monday for his treatment on Tuesday. His counts were great! His ANC is still 1050! YEH! Monday afternoon, we met one of Jackson’s favorite nurses from 7 Long, Anne Marie and her two nephews to play miniature golf and play games. They came to our house after and had dinner with us and played some more!

We left Tuesday morning to head to clinic. Jackson wasn’t feeling great on the drive down. Once we were at clinic, we had to wait over an hour for his appointment. When we arrived, Jackson was so excited to see that Amber was working at clinic. She is usually at the hospital, but has recently started to work some at clinic. His appointment went well and then we went to the treatment side of clinic to access his port. Amber was able to access him and give him his chemo (Vincristine). After he was done upstairs in the treatment room, we headed downstairs to the surgery center for his procedure. His procedure went good. It took Jackson a long to time wake up after his procedure this time. We grabbed a sandwich on the way to the car and headed home. On the way home from clinic, he vomited in the car. Eric and I guess it was a combination of the anesthesia, chemo and the heat! By the time we got home, he was feeling better, even well enough to play basketball! Shortly after we got home, Randi (Jackson and Faith’s swim instructor) came by to bring Jackson a surprise. . . A lifeguard sweatshirt! He thought it was the coolest thing! Thanks so much Randi!

Wednesday morning, my friend from college Melissa came to visit with her two beautiful daughters, Avery and Megan. It was so great seeing them and catching up with Melissa.

As crazy as this may sound, I signed up for Team in Training again, through the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. I will begin training next month for the San Francisco Nike Half Marathon (13.1 miles), which will be on October 23rd. I will be training in honor of Jackson. I am training to help raise funds to find a cure for Leukemia. We all know how important this is. I will be sending out letters and asking for donations in the next few weeks.

Thursday night, Jackson had his friend Ryan over to play and have dinner. It was great seeing them play!

Oh, one last thing. . . I took Faith to gymnastics this morning (since we haven’t been for so long!). I knew that Jackson and Eric were going on a bike ride. They rode their bikes all the way down to gymnastics and back! WOW!!! It is close to 6 miles! That is a long way for a 6 year old not on chemo, let along a child who is going through treatment! It was so great seeing him ride fast and enjoying his ride. I know Eric was happy, beyond words to see his son doing so well!

Faith is pulling on my arm to go swimming. I am hoping to get updates out more often, we’ll see. . .

Thanks for checking in on Jackson. Please remember that even though he is doing so good, he still has almost three years of chemotherapy ahead of him. This is a battle that we are going to win! Jackson will continue to takes oral chemotherapy pills each night and will for the rest of his treatment. He also continues to have IV chemo and intrathecal chemo (injected into his spinal fluid) as well. Please continue to pray for our child. He is so strong and brave! We love you Jackson!



Thursday, July 7, 2005 3:41 PM CDT

Hello family and friends. It has been a crazy and busy couple of weeks. We were very fortunate to have a lot of family visiting for my brother’s wedding, which was July 3rd. My grandmother (aka Gran Nanny), my Aunt Carol and Uncle Jerry (aka Aunt Carrot and Uncle Bull) and my cousin Ginny (aka Gin Gin or Elmo) all were here from North Carolina. (The aka names are the names the kids have given each of them.) Ginny’s sister Holly (aka Hala) and her fiancé John came to visit from Portland, Oregon. It was so nice to have them here and it was also great from them to see Jackson feeling so well. I know the highlights for Jackson from their visit were going to Chuck E Cheese and playing Putt Putt.

Saturday we ran errands for the wedding and then had the rehearsal and rehearsal dinner. Jackson wasn’t in a good mood for the rehearsal I think mostly because he was so exhausted from all the activities we had done all week. He didn’t want to go to the rehearsal dinner either, so Eric took him home and they had a quiet evening together. Faith and I went to the rehearsal dinner, which was hosted by my parents at their home. She had a great time running around with the other kids.

Then the next day was the big day. Holly and I did the flowers for my brother’s wedding. It was an all day task for us rookies. However, they did turn out pretty good. Both kids got into their wedding duds and they looked great. We did of course have to bribe them (especially Jackson) to smile for the pictures and also to walk down the aisle. Jackson was the ring bearer and Faith was a flower girl. They both walked down the aisle like pros and did great! They also had a great time at the reception. Faith passed out early into the reception and Jackson was going strong until the end and even helped clean up some! I put some of the photos from the wedding on the photo page.

The next day the kids were so tired and cranky. It was to be expected, but Eric and I were also tired. Everyone headed home that had been visiting. We then joined in with our neighbors for our block party. It is a lot of fun. Everyone goes out front and brings their BBQs, kid pools, toys, etc. for the afternoon and then we do a fireworks show. We can also see the fireworks from Sonoma State University, since we are so close.

I guess that is it in a nutshell for the week. Since the 4th, we have been laying low and catching up on rest and cleaning up the house. The kids have kept up with swim lessons and are doing great! Jackson and Faith both are little fishes in the water. I took the kids to the pool yesterday afternoon to swim. We had only been there about 45 minutes when the lifeguards told everyone to get out of the pool. Someone had vomited (I know gross) in the pool, so they had to clean it and shock the pool. So, they closed and we headed home. Eric and I were able to spend some time together last night on a date. We went out to dinner and got coffee. It was nice to catch up with each other and relax. Thanks Mom and Dad for watching the kids for us. Jackson and Pompa played basketball right up to when it got dark last night. I wonder who won?????

Eric leaves tomorrow to spend the weekend in Las Vegas for a bachelor party. It is his first time away from us since Jackson was diagnosed. I know he is skeptical about leaving us, but I am really hoping he will enjoy it and have a good time and relax. But, not too much fun! (joking) Then on Sunday afternoon, we are taking the kids to the SF Giants game. JT Snow (Giants player) has a program he does for children with cancer, so we are looking forward to a day at the baseball field.

Thanks to our friend Jason Yunker for participating in the Seattle to Portland Team in Training event. He rode for Jackson and wrote Jackson’s name down his leg. (I have also included this photo on the photo page.) Also thank you to our angel family for the box of goodies. The kids love their new tshirts.

Jackson continues to feel good. He has had a rash on and off for the last week or so. We can’t figure out if it is the sunscreen we are using or something else. It is only something I worry about since he has leukemia. I don’t think it is something to really worry about though. Eric is really good at letting me know when to not worry about something. Jackson is looking really good. He has gained some weight and his hair is coming back in. Along with that, he is getting a real good tan! Although he looks good, we still have to remember he has a long road ahead of him and his treatment will continue for almost three more years.

We have Jackson’s blood counts checked on Monday and then if everything is high enough, he will go for treatment on Tuesday. We are looking forward to having Aunt Amy, Uncle Dennis (Eric’s brother) and cousin Jake visit in a couple of weekends. Jackson can’t wait!

We truly thank everyone for checking in on us. We couldn’t make it through this journey without everyone’s support. Please make sure you sign Jackson’s guestbook and say hello.


Monday, June 27, 2005 6:14 PM CDT

Whew. . . . We made it through the weekend. Last Friday, Jackson, Pompa (my dad) and I went to Sonoma to the Nextel Cup Nascar races at Infineon Raceway. As we drove through the scenic hills through Sonoma, Jackson was starting to get excited when Pompa told him to look straight ahead at all the white tents and flags. As we drove into the parking lot, I looked back at Jackson and he had the BIGGEST grin on his face. I have to say, he was probably more excited here than when he went to Disneyland.

Anyways, we were able to take a golf cart ride up to the track (thanks to our handicap permit). Once we got to the top of the hill where you could see the race track, Jackson just melted. He couldn’t believe how big everything was! We walked around for most of the morning and early afternoon. Pompa bought him several Nascar items from several of the driver’s trailers. His first purchase was a Jeff Gordon sweatshirt. Then a Michael Waltrip baseball cap, then several cars (I know one of them was Bobby Lebontes). (Sorry, but I don’t have the Nascar knowledge that Jackson does.) We had some lunch and visited with some friends that were also at the races on Friday. Jackson got Jim Englebright and Borris Said’s autographs. Although, I think he was more excited to get the Jelly Belly candies from Jim Englebright. One of his sponsors is Jelly Bellys.

As we patiently waited for Michael Waltrip’s PR guy to call my dad back on his cell phone to let us know when Michael would have a moment to meet with us, Jackson hit his chin on a metal bar that he had been playing on. The tears came running down his face. You could tell it really hurt him. Wouldn’t you know as I was comforting Jackson (keep in mind this is a very crowded area where a lot of people are watching the cars go in and out of the garage area) my dad says, they are ready for us. I had to try and snap Jackson out of his rut and get him excited about meeting Michael Waltrip. So the three of us (I am carrying Jackson who is still crying) maneuver through I don’t know how many people and get past the security people into the garage area. Now for those of you who have Nascar knowledge, they do not allow anyone under the age of 18 in the garage/pitt area, so this was a big deal. Jackson is starting to lift his head a little to look around. We are walking past several driver’s trailers and we walk right up to Michael Waltrip’s trailer. He comes out to visit and meet with Jackson. We sat down on some of the race tires and chatted for a few moments. He was very personable and talked with Jackson for a few minutes. As we were leaving Michael’s area, Jackson said, “There’s Tony Stewart”. Jackson knows almost all the driver’s names and numbers of their cars. He just amazes Eric and me. We left the racetrack shortly after that. Jackson slept the whole ride home. He couldn’t wait to tell Eric about his day.

We had tickets for Saturday’s races also, so we took Faith and Jackson out to Infineon. Let’s just say it isn’t the best place to run after a two year old. But, we had a great time watching the race, seeing the cars up close and hanging out as a family.

Jackson watched the race yesterday on TV. Eric did a lot of work on the backyard. He laid the top soil for the sod and installed the sprinkler system. He has worked so hard on completing our backyard.

This week is going to be very busy for our family. My brother is getting married on Sunday, July 3rd. Both Faith and Jackson are in the wedding. I will try and post photos from the wedding next week. Our family will be arriving all week for the big event. Jackson and Faith’s great grandparents will be coming to the wedding. My mom’s mom (aka Gran Nan) is flying here all the way from North Carolina tomorrow with my aunt (aka Aunt Carrot) and my dad’s parents will arrive this weekend. We feel so fortunate to have all of them visiting and we really look forward to the kids spending time with them. My cousins Holly and Ginny will be coming on Thursday. Can’t wait! The kids love them so much!

With all of this going on, Jackson has an art class tomorrow along with a swim birthday party in the evening. The kids have swim lessons all week along with haircuts, tuxedo fittings, etc. Let’s just hope I make it through the week in one piece. The best part of having so much going on is that even if it is for a short while, we temporarily forget all the CRAP our son is having to go through.

Jackson is still feeling good. Some aches and pains here and there. His stomach has been upset most of the day. Don’t know what that’s about. He is the BEST son! Eric and I are so proud of him. WE LOVE YOU JACKSON!


Wednesday, June 22, 2005 11:57 PM CDT

I was so thrilled to read so many entries about Eric’s last journal entry! It was such a heartfelt entry. He is such a great husband and father! We love him so much!

Jackson has been doing well since his last clinic visit. He has had some minor aches and pains that are associated with the chemo he received, Vincristine. He also just finished up his 5 day pulse of steroids. That combination can cause aches. His back and legs have been bothering him some. However, not enough to stop him from playing basketball or from swimming!

Swimming lessons have been going well. Faith and Jackson are learning so many things! Faith has learned to blow her bubbles (well, she really just spits water out her mouth, but she is trying!) Jackson has been diving for rings. That is his favorite thing to do in the pool. He now jumps into the pool without holding his nose. YEH! He is getting real good at his arm strokes also. Check out the photo of him swimming under the photo part of his page.

This weekend we will be going to the NASCAR races here in Sonoma. Jackson is a HUGE Nascar fan! He is so excited. Pompa (my dad), Eric and I will be taking Jackson to the races this weekend. We will be sure to get lots of photos.

Today has been a hard day for me. Today marks seven months since Jackson was diagnosed with Leukemia. I wish I could say it has gotten easier, but as Eric has said, I think we have just become stronger. CANCER SUCKS! I wish I could tell you how amazing Jackson is, but I know you can tell by our entries. I hate that Jackson along with so many other kids have to go through this crap. I am part of a support group for parents of kids with ALL. Through this group, we have formed online friendships with several families. We all share each other’s ups and downs. This week we had another child relapse. It is like a stab at all of us fighting this terrible disease.

Please stop by and say hello to Brendon. He has been off chemo now for some time due to low blood counts. His ANC is still too low to start his chemo back up. They need extra prayers right now!

Make sure to say a few extra prayers for all the kids having to deal with the cancer monster. Did you know. . . .

Each day in the U.S. 46 children are diagnosed with cancer.

One in 330 children will develop cancer by age 20.

Cancer remains the number one disease killer of children; more than genetic anomalies, cystic fibrosis, and AIDS combined.

Thanks for checking in on Jackson. We truly appreciate it. Please make sure you let us know you were here!


Saturday, June 18, 2005 11:36 PM CDT

Looking for an update? Tiffany will have to give you the details but I have finally stopped to take the time to make a journal entry. I have kept my own journal for Jackson before he was even born with plans to give it to him when he is a father to be but I thought I might throw a few thoughts out to all of you who read Jackson’s Web page. I have so many thoughts that I want to share with everyone you might want to sit down with a bite to eat.

Tuesday we went to the city for treatment, as usual we were running late, forgetting things, arguing about the details of the day but somehow, through the usual dreading of the day, there was a calmness to the madness. We have made this trip so many times before but for some reason we were all relaxed. At first I thought it must be that we have simply gotten use to going to get treatment but around 1:00ish in the afternoon I discovered it is not that things have gotten easier for us it is that we have become stronger!!! As Tiffany held Jackson on the Surgery bed; Jackson closing his eyes in anticipation of his unwanted nap; I rubbing his arm gently, I realized that the sadness, fear and frustration was still present for all of us but we have all united to kick cancers butt! I do not believe this strength has solely come from within our heart. I believe we have been given a gift from all those people who have been supporting us in so many ways- especially all of you visiting this site. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You! I do not know what else to say but thank you. We do not take any support for granted, from the messages in the guest book, the prayers for our family, the meals that are fixed, the unconditional love from our family to the financial support, we are extremely grateful.

With this being said I do not want to discredit the amazing strength that comes from a mother and of course my son. Not only does a mom carry the jackets, baby dolls, towels, snacks, drinks, children, toys and god knows what else every day, Tiffany carries a much heavier load each and every day. This takes the strength only a well qualified, loving mother has to offer. When she held Jackson on that surgery bed Tuesday she had the absolute power to relax our son as he went to sleep. We gave him a kiss as she laid him down and I could see in Tiffany’s eyes how fatiguing it is to give so much of her self to him. To disguise her own fears and sadness in order to ease his, takes amazing courage. She walked out the door and I asked her “It doesn’t get any easier does it?” She did not need to answer, her tears gave it away. As for Jackson words can never describe the amazing power he holds-He is my Hero!!!!! He has amazed us with his ability to find humor in all that is happening to him. I cherish the moments that he jokes with me about poking me in my port or giving me shots or even when he pretends to have been injured exclaiming “I need to go to UCSF!” I love his sense of humor! A chip off the old block. As for Faith, my Home Depot buddy, she is the sweetest sister Jackson could ever have. Their loving relationship is the most amazing thing to watch- don’t worry they are normal too, Faith bites him and he pushes her as all siblings should. Tonight is the first night we are letting the two of them sleep together in Jackson’s bed. As they have done many times before, they have fallen asleep holding hands. This is my Father’s Day Gift!

Well I thought I was going to run off in tangents and tell all of life in the O’Neil home but it seems I just wanted to express to everyone how grateful we are for your support, for without it we would not nearly be as strong of a family as we are today.

Thanks for helping us kick cancers butt.

Jackson's very proud dad, Eric

Monday, June 13, 2005 11:59 PM CDT

Hello! Sorry for the delay in updating today. It has been a crazy day, or shall I say week, or better yet, year!

Let me start off by saying Jackson’s counts are finally high enough to start the next phase of treatment. Tomorrow, he will start Interim Maintenance II. We have already gone through this phase, and it is a lot easier on Jackson than the phase we just completed. We only have to go to clinic once a month and most of his chemo during this phase is administered orally and the side effects are not as hard on his little body.

Jackson’s counts for today were:

HGB: 12.4
WBC: 3.5
ANC: 1050
Platelets: 443,000

Since we have been home from the hospital, we have had to stay pretty close to home, since his counts have been so low. Two Saturday’s ago we participated in The American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life. It was a very fun event. It was a very emotional day for Eric and me. Jackson was the youngest survivor at the event and he got an extra special goodie bag. The kids played lots of games, ate popcorn and we participated in the Survivor Lap. In the evening, luminaries are lit in honor or memory of individuals who have had cancer. I did a lot of crying that night. It was nice to be there as a family. On Jackson’s picture page, I put a picture of the luminary Faith decorated for Jackson. Isn’t it beautiful?

Jackson’s playhouse is still a work in progress. We are waiting for his slide to be delivered and attached to his playhouse. It is almost done being painted. The colors Jackson picked out are great! Eric has been working really hard at getting our backyard complete. He is such a wonderful husband and father!

I took Jackson to his end of year Kindergarten picnic last Friday. He played a little, but didn’t really want to be there. He said the best part of the picnic was playing basketball with his pal Ryan. Saturday afternoon we took the kids swimming. Faith is a fish! She loves to swim! Jackson also had a great time at the pool. His friends Jaclyn and Sally were there also, so he had friends to play around with. Eric and I were so happy to see Jackson playing with his friends and having so much fun!

Faith had her two year check up today. Her pediatrician said she looks great. She got one shot in her little leg and didn’t cry or even whimper. She’s one tough cookie!

Since Jackson’s counts are back up, we took the kids to see Madagascar tonight. Jackson has wanted to see this movie, but with his low ANC, we haven’t been able to take him to places like that. It was definitely a night Eric and I will remember. Both kids were SO excited to be at the theatre! They had their popcorn and candy in hand (they had to sit beside each other) and laughed throughout the movie. The best part was seeing Jackson laugh and for just one moment, I forgot our little boy is battling this awful disease. Sappy ‘ol me left the theatre crying because I was so happy we were able to FINALLY see this movie as a family! I have come to appreciate the small things.

Jackson and Faith had their first swim lesson today. It was a lot of fun watching them with their teacher, Randi. Jackson really likes her. She taught him last year and this summer, she is teaching both kids how to swim! I will try and remember to bring my camera on Wednesday at their next lesson.

Tomorrow morning we head to clinic for a full day. IV Vincristine (chemo drug) and then his intrathecal chemo (Methotrexate). Then Wednesday he starts a seven day pulse of steroids! Oh what fun!

We want to wish my parents, Nanny and Pompa a very happy 36th wedding anniversary. They have helped out so much during this journey. We love you!

Thanks for continuing to include Jackson and our family in your prayers. We truly appreciate it.

Eric, Tiffany, Jackson and Faith

Monday, June 6, 2005 4:41 PM CDT

We had Jackson's counts checked today in hopes of having treatment tomorrow. In order to start the next phase of treatment, Jackson's ANC had to be >1000 and his platelets had to be >100,000.

His ANC is only 209 and his platelets are 423,000.

So we will have another week off from treatment and will get checked again on Monday, June 11th.

Jackson only has one more day of school left. He is VERY excited! I am going to try and take him to the end of year picnic for his kindergarten class on Friday.

Things have been pretty uneventful here this last week. Haven't gone out too much knowing Jackson's counts were still recovering. We took the kids to the American Cancer Society's Relay for Life event on Saturday. It was a fun day. Jackson was the youngest surivor and received a special bag of goodies. He also received two medals for being a survivor which he is especially proud of. We went back to the event Saturday evening for the Luminaria lighting and it was a VERY emotional evening.

Otherwise, we are hanging in there. Jackson's allergies are so bad! Between the two of us, we are constantly sneezing and rubbing our eyes. Hoping this allergy season is over soon.

Thanks for checking in. Please make sure you sign Jackson's guestbook so we know you stopped by to check on him.

Take care,

Tuesday, May 31, 2005 4:02 PM CDT

YEH!!! We just got home with Jackson. His ANC yesterday was at 80. LOW again. Jackson was feeling really well last night, we had to ask him not to jump on the bed. I spoke with the doctor and asked if we could head home last night. He said if Jackson's ANC was over 150 by this morning, we could check out! It was at 160! We were home by 1:30 pm today.

Thanks for checking in on us. We will get Jackson's blood counts checked on Monday. I will try and update then.


Sunday, May 29, 2005 6:56 PM CDT

When we got Jackson's blood counts yesterday morning, we knew in the morning that his Hemoglobin went up to 9.1, platelets were way up at 53,000. The only missing piece of information was his ANC. Well, the doctors did their rounds at about 11 am. When they came in to discuss Jackson's progress they were very happy that his platelets and hemoglobin had increased so much. The only information that was missing at the time they were meeting with us was his ANC. It wasn't back from the lab yet. His ANC yesterday came in at 120. LOW, LOW, LOW. They expected that, but we were told that they really thought his ANC would jump up today like his other counts had done yesterday. We were told to plan on possibly going home the next day(Sunday-today). We were very surprised and excited to hear this information! Which brings me to today. . .

His ANC went DOWN from 120 to 60! OUCH!!! Well, needless to say we aren't going anywhere. The doctors have told us that it is great that Jackson's body is producing his own red blood and platelets again. Now, comes the sit and wait game of when his ANC will rebound. It is very dangerous for us to leave the hospital when his ANC is so low. Rem ember, the normal range is 1500-2500. We were all very disappointed to hear this news. Anyways. . . .

Eric spent last night with Jackson. Jackson fell asleep eating pizza at 7 pm. They had a great time hanging out this morning and playing a bunch of playstation. Thanks Uncle John and Aunt Jail (Gayle) for the new Golf game for the playstation. The boys broke it in.

I spent the night at home Faith. When Faith and I got back from the hospital, she wanted yellow ice cream. So, we walked down to Cold Stone for some yummy yellow ice cream. The walk there was great except she got freaked out by her shadow. It is pretty funny watching her scream and kick her legs like crazy trying to get rid of that silly shadow doing the same thing she is. The walk on the way home was a different story. Faith and I got about half way home and saw a couple of boys riding their bikes and a dog that happened to look alot like Maggie chasing them. Guess what, it was Maggie. Now, I'm thinking in my head, 'Can't the big man upstairs give me a break?' So, after Maggie got her running out of her system, she came to us. I walked both Faith and Maggie home (Maggie without a collar). Whew. Little more than I had anticipated on our little ice cream outing. We got Maggie back home and locked up and then I couldn't find Benny. We found him a few minutes later in the neighbor's backyard. I guess there is a hole in the fence somewhere.

I came back down to the hospital this afternoon to be with the boys. Today we had to change Jackson's port needle. It has to be changed once a week. He did AWESOME!!! The best he has ever done. He removed all the tape covering it by himself. No tears or screaming! He then had a bath and got cleaned up. He is needle free as I write this and will be re-accessed again this evening. I know he will do great. Tonight I will head home to be with Faith again and hang out again tomorrow since Eric has tomorrow off from work.

Thanks for checking in on us. We'll update again soon.


Saturday, May 28, 2005 0:02 AM CDT

Day 7. . .

Jackson's ANC came down some more to 180. His platelets came down some more also. Today they are at 32,000. Jackson continues to look and feel good. The doctors keep asking him how he is feeling and they always get the same answer, good!

Eric spent the night with Jackson and then headed back up north to work this morning. I came down to SF this morning. Basically, we haven't really seen each other in over a week.

Our friends, Kathy, Jillian and Ian came down to visit us today. It was great having friends for Jackson to play with. They played Hullabaloo and Powerpuff Girls. It was also great chatting with Kathy. When the kids were playing Hullabaloo, the doctors came by on rounds. They were cracking up at three kids dancing and jumping around. Although I know they felt the same way I did that it was nice to see the kids having a great time. Regardless of where they are.

Jackson wanted me to tell everyone how many bags of salt and vinegar potato chips he ate today. Drum roll please. . . 6 bags! Yes, he is beginning to smell like malt vinegar, but he is eating!!! He thinks it is so funny! He loves sour and salty foods.

Thanks Mrs. Lori for the bag of goodies for Jackson and thanks Nanny and Pompa for bringing the DVD of "Are we there yet?" for Jackson. He thinks it is the funniest movie. Nanny and Pompa came down tonight to hang out for a while. It was nice to have a little break and to visit with them.

Uncle John and Aunt Jail (Gayle) will be coming in tomorrow from Chicago. Jackson is VERY excited to see them. Tomorrow will be a good day! We are hopeful that Jackson's counts will start to recover here real soon. Hey we'll even take them staying the same!

Thanks for checking in on us. We appreciate all the kind messages and thoughts.


Thursday, May 26, 2005 3:14 PM CDT

Day 5. . .

Sorry I wasn't able to update yesterday. The wireless laptop wasn't working last night, so no update.

Not much has changed. Jackson's fevers continue to stay away. Hurray! Also, his counts from yesterday came down more. Yesterday his ANC was 300. Today it is 270. So, it continues to decline. The doctors said his counts should bottom out around Sunday. (The 10 day window after his last chemo injection) On a good note, his platelets haven't changed since yesterday, which is a good sign they are becoming stable.

Jackson is starting to get ansy. He keeps asking when are we going home? It's hard because no one knows knows just when we will be able to go home. Yesterday, 'The Bug Man' visited the kids at the hospital. He had lots of neat bugs. Spiders, roaches, worms, etc. from different countries! Jackson really liked the millapead (sp?) that had 240 legs! We also played alot of Hullabaloo (kind of like Twister) The nurses and I got our workout for the day!

Jackson's friend Ryan and his mom Michelle came to visit last night and brought cake, yummy gummy worms and birthday gifts. Thanks so much for a fun evening! Although, both boys had a bunch of sugar and they were bouncing off the walls. It was a lot of fun. Jackson wanted Ryan to spend the night. (Isn't that cute?) They played with their Star Wars figurines and Michelle and I chatted.

Today is a big day on the pediatric oncology floor. It's BINGO day! They televise it to all the patient's rooms and the kids get cool prizes for getting a BINGO.

Another happy note, the Make A Wish foundation along with Woodmanor.net started and almost completed Jackson's playhouse in our backyard. They are working real hard to have it completed by the time Jackson gets home. We'll post photos soon.

Thanks again for your continued thoughts and prayers.


Tuesday, May 24, 2005 8:51 PM CDT

Day 3. . . .

Is this really only day 3??? Gosh, it feels like we have already been here a week! Hey, time flies when you're having fun!!! Jackson's blood counts for today:

WBC: 1.8
HGB: 9.3
Platelets: 64,000
ANC: 440

Jackson's hemoglobin and platelets have gone up since his transfusions. His ANC did go down today again. This is expected to continue to go down for the next week or so. The oncologist just came by and I wanted to confirm what his thoughts were as far as how long our vacation here in San Francisco will be. He said it looks like probably three weeks or so. OH MY GOSH!!!!! That is the only 'G' or even 'PG' rated expression that went through my head! For those of you who know me well, you know what I was thinking! Anyways, that is really hard to swallow. On the other hand, they are taking VERY good care of our kiddo. The only thing Jackson complained about today was his left leg hurting. Due to his counts being so low. No other yucky things to complain about.

Yesterday was a very special day for Jackson. He was treated like a prince for his birthday. The child life staff, doctors and nurses gave Jackson balloons, gifts and cake came up from the cafeteria. We also need to thank everyone who sent balloons, gifts and wrote special birthday greetings in Jackson's guestbook. THANK YOU!!! A special thank you to Michelle for the delicious 'Incredibles' birthday cake! We shared the cake with everyone here and put a good word in for the bakery. It was so yummy.

Jackson and I had alot of laughs today playing Super Monkey Ball on his playstation. This is a new game that was given to him for his birthday from Holly (aka Hala). It is the ONE game I can beat him at! YEH!!

Eric spent last night with Jackson and I came back down this morning and spent today and will spend tonight with him. Per Jackson's request, Nanny will be staying with us also tonight. Party in room 725!!!

Eric also called today to tell us they are starting to construct Jackson's playhouse/playground tomorrow morning. This is so exciting! It will be finished when we get out of here! To say the least, Jackson deserves it 110

Uncle John and Aunt Jail will be here from Chicago this weekend. We are excited to see them. We also had one of our very special nurses take care of today. Anne Marie is the BEST!!! Thanks to her!

Well, I am being told, not asked to play Super Monkey Ball again! I will try and post an update again soon!


Sunday, May 22nd, 2005 10:30 pm

***UPDATE***Where to start. .

We knew Jackson's blood counts were going to be low, but I guess we just didn't know how low.

Last night his blood counts were:
RBC 1.94
WBC 1.6
HGB 6.2
ANC 500
Platelets 29,000

Jackson was having bad headaches, which were caused by his low red blood counts. He has also developed a heart murmur which is also caused by the low red blood counts. So, along with all this was a fever. Jackson is not neutropenic (yet). However we were transferred to UCSF because Jackson needed a blood transfusion. We are now are two antiobotics for the next several days. Please make sure to sign Jackson's guestbook tomorrow to wish him a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! We are going to make this an extra special birthday! We are so lucky to be his parents! Please keep Jackson extra close to your hearts these next couple of weeks. Jackson's counts are expected to go lower, so we have a ways to go.


We are inpatient again at UCSF!!! Last night, Jackson was complaining of a headache and started to get a fever. It went up to 102.4. We were finally transported to UCSF at 2 am. Jackson received a red blood transfusion last night and is still sleeping. Please pray that this is a short stay. We will update with more details when we get a chance!

Thursday, May 20th
UPDATE: Jackson's counts have come down quite a bit from Monday. Today they were:

HGB 7.9
ANC 658
Platelets 124

His ANC did go up a little which puzzles all of us, but not a huge increase. So, it is about the same as Monday. Platelets came down alot as well as the hemoglobin. The next plan of action is to watch Jackson and recheck his blood counts on Sunday. One positive thing was today was the last day of those YUCKY ARA-C shots. Yeh! Jackson did great with all of them! We went tonight to the park to play alittle soccer and to fly Jackson's new Air Hog airplane. It was alot of fun! Thanks for checking in!

Monday, May 16th 10:36 CDT

We did it! Although I feel like a truck ran over me! Jackson’s party was a HUGE success. He had a lot of friends at his party. It was nice seeing him run around with other kids his age. I forgot for a short time that he had cancer! Jackson got lots of cool new toys and activities to work on. I think his favorite thing was the Darth Vader voice mask! He keeps wearing it around the house!

Eric and several of our friends helped rip out our backyard deck on Saturday in preparation for Jackson’s NEW playground. Through the Make A Wish Foundation, Jackson was able to make one wish. His wish was to have a magical playground in his backyard. Jackson has picked out what he would like and it will be installed Memorial Day weekend. Yeah! We are so excited! Although, it was a giant job getting rid of a huge deck in the backyard. Thank you to Marc, Nick, Justin and Ron (grandpa) for all your hard work! Thanks to Julie and her husband for bringing beer for the guys as well as other beverages. The only reason I even mention the beer is because the other drinks were left over, but not the beer! HA! Check out the new pictures if you get a chance. I snuck in a group photo of everyone that helped!

Eric’s parents arrived Saturday morning and left today. The kids really enjoyed having them around. Saturday afternoon, we all headed up to the mall for Jackson to make his bear at Build A Bear. Grandma and Grandpa got Faith one for her 2nd birthday a few weeks ago while Jackson was in the hospital. When Grandma and Grandpa asked Jackson if that was what he wanted for his birthday, of course the answer was yes! Anyways, we got to the mall and Build a Bear had closed up! They were no longer open! We were all shocked! Jackson was very disappointed. The words that came out of his mouth were, “I want to go home!” All I wanted to do was cry! But I held it together and we all asked him if he wanted to look around in the mall for something else special to pick out for his birthday. He decided to walk through the mall a little and guess what he picked out? Hermit Crabs! So now along with our two dogs, 3 fish and our ant farm, we now have two crabs. They are ‘social’ animals and like to have playmates, so we have two. They shells are painted. Jackson picked out the shells that had Shrek and Sponge Bob painted on them. Let me just tell you, these things are almost as much work as the dogs! (joking) But really, they live for close to 15 years! Wow! Jackson will be taking these things to college with him! He is very excited to have them join our family as we are also.

As far as the medical stuff, Jackson is still doing great with his injections. Only 3 left! YEH, YEH, YEH! His counts as of Friday were:

WBC: 1.7
HGB: 9.3
ANC: 1000
Platelets: 333

His counts as of this morning:

WBC: 1.3
HGB: 8.6
ANC: 533
Platelets: 258

As you can see, they are going down, down, down. . .

When I spoke with the nurse at clinic today, she said we’ll watch him closely, but he might need a blood transfusion towards the end of the week. Once we are done with the injections on Thursday, we just wait a few weeks for his counts to recover. We are hoping to still to still be able to go to family camp at Camp Okizu. This will be our first year at this oncology camp for kids. We are really looking forward to it and it will be good for Jackson to have a weekend together with other kids going through the same stuff he is.

I know it is only Monday, but I am really looking forward to my cousin Holly visiting this weekend from Portland. The kids are excited also. We’re just alike, so Eric will have two me’s for 4 days. How lucky is he???

Thanks so much to our Angel family for the box of goodies today! Can’t wait to start my facial (hopefully tonight.)

Anyways, thanks for checking in on us. Jackson’s actual birthday is the 23rd of this month. We really like reading to him the entries left in his guestbook. Please make sure to sign each time you visit.

Thursday, May 12, 2005 11:57 PM CDT

Well, so much for thinking I would have time to do an update. . . . This week has flown by and has been one of the hardest ones through this journey. As I had mentioned earlier, Jackson received Cytoxan and ARA-C on Monday at clinic. It was an all day visit to clinic. When Cytoxan is given, you have to be given several hours of IV fluids before and after so that your bladder doesn’t bleed. Jackson was required to pee every hour to measure his outtake. Once that level was met, we were able to go home. Monday evening was really hard. Jackson was vomiting most of the evening. Hard to say whether the nausea was from the Cytoxan or the ARA-C. Either way, it was a rough evening. Then Tuesday morning, we had to go back down to San Francisco for his lumbar puncture of Methotrexate and also another injection of ARA-C. Jackson felt sick to his stomach the whole trip to SF and finally fell asleep half way there. On the way into clinic, he vomited again. This was the first time I thought to myself, this is what it is like being a parent of a cancer child. I was in the line of fire of the vomit, however that was the last thing I was thinking of. I just felt so bad that Jackson was having to go through this $%^#@! Once we got into clinic, they took us right in for Zofran (anti-nausea medicine) and IV fluids. Jackson was feeling much better after the fluids and he was able to get his Methotrexate.

Jackson picked out a baseball bat and ball from the toy bin at clinic for being so good. Who would have guessed that we played baseball once we got home Tuesday afternoon? I never would have! It is the best feeling watching Jackson play baseball and run around after all the chemo!

Wednesday and today, a home health nurse came to our home to administer the other injections of ARA-C. Jackson does not like getting these injections, and we can’t blame him! They are given in his thighs. OUCH! He sits very still and does great with them. But he says they hurt really bad. Next week the nurse will come to our home again Monday-Thursday for the same injections. Jackson will have his blood checked twice a week until his counts recover from the ARA-C. It causes his counts to take a dive and he needs to be closely watched for his levels in case he needs a transfusion.

We had a great afternoon yesterday with our friend Anne Marie. She is a wonderful nurse from the hospital at UCSF who happens to live a few miles from our home. We played baseball and darts and just chatted. It was great seeing Jackson interact with her. She is a wonderful person!

Jackson played miniature golf with Eric last night and Nanny this afternoon. This is his reward for doing so well with his injections. Guess who won?

Eric and I made the decision to move Jackson’s birthday party to this Sunday. It was originally scheduled for next Saturday May 21st. On Monday at clinic, we spoke with Jackson’s oncologist and she recommended moving the party up. She said he will not be feeling very well next weekend. So, we are scrambling to put this celebration together. Hey, if we can fight this cancer monster, we can plan a party in less than a week. Luckily almost everyone can make it! Grandma and Grandpa are coming up to help us celebrate. They arrive Saturday. It should be a lot of fun!

Please make sure you sign Jackson’s guestbook and wish him a Happy Birthday! We are looking forward to reading all the entries in the several days.

Thank you Kathy Kade for the wonderful meal Tuesday night and all the goodies that came along with it! It was so nice to have dinner ready for us when we got home Tuesday afternoon.

I will try and update again after Jackson’s party on Sunday.


Sunday, May 8, 2005 9:02 PM CDT

**UPDATE Tuesday, May 10th

Jackson did amazing getting the Cytoxan yesterday. It was a long day of yucky chemo. He threw up several times last night and wasn't feeling well. He also received yesterday the first of 8 ARA-C injections. (another chemo drug)Today we have to go back down to SF for his spinal tap of chemo and also his 2nd of 8 injection of ARA-C. Then tomorrow and Thursday a home health care nurse will come to the home to administer the ARA-C injections. Then Friday he has to have his blood checked for counts. This is the roughest point of his treatment. Please continue to keep Jackson in your prayers and thoughts. I will update once today is done with!

Thanks for checking in!


Monday, May 9th 3:50 am

I was up alot last night and couldn't sleep. I was thinking alot about how this Mother's Day was especially different and special. It is my first Mother's Day as a mom to a child with cancer. I don't think I had any idea how lucky I am and how special my children are. Everyone was healthy and we were blessed to have Faith in our lives. I think now how our lives are completely changed forever in just one small year. It still brings very raw emotions when I think back to November last year and how sick Jackson was. And I will never forget when Jackson's pediatrician came into our room at his office and told us Jackson had cancer. It was the most horrible and frightful day of my life. To think it was only 5 months ago seems like a short time, but when you think of how many pills Jackson has had to swallow, how many surgeries he has had, how many blood draws, how many needle pricks to access his port it is NOT a short time. All the toxic chemo drugs that must go into his body to wipe out the leukemia cells. . . And for the next 3 years this will be our lives.

Will I ever be the same mom I was before? I know now that I appreciate every moment with my children. They are God's gift to me and I am so lucky to have been chosen to be their mom. Jackson is a true hero to Eric and I. He is so strong and endures all the crappy medical procedures with always a smile at the end. Being a mom is a hard job, but nothing could have prepared me for this journey we are on. I know that I have become a better person. I see other moms with their kids and think how lucky they are. Do they know how lucky they are to have a healthy child? I envy them. On the other hand, I know other moms who think we are the lucky ones because they lost their child to the cancer monster.

I just know that we will win this battle. I see such strength and courage in Jackson's eyes. He will get better, it will just be a long journey there. I will always worry if he has a fever. Will Faith get this horrible cancer monster also? It will always be in the back of my mind.

I will never be the same mom I was a year ago. This Mother's Day I was so thankful to have shared it with my two beautiful children. I thank God each and every day that I am able to share another day with them!

Sorry for the late entry. Gosh, it has been a crazy week. Faith's 2nd birthday was yesterday and thankfully, the weather cooperated! It was a bit windy, but it was a wonderful day to spend at the park with our friends and family. She got completely spoiled and had a wonderful time.

We had Jackson's counts checked yesterday and his ANC was high enough to start chemotherapy back up starting at 9 am tomorrow morning. His ANC as of yesterday was 1040. We barely made it. It had to be at least 1000 to start the next phase of treatment. It took his body a full three weeks to recover from the last round. This week will be a very long week for us. Jackson will have to be at clinic all day tomorrow, then back down at clinic Tuesday morning for a spinal tap (injection of Methotrexate into Jackson's spinal fluid) and an injection of ARA-C. On Wednesday and Thursday, a home health nurse will come to our home to do the last two ARA-C injections. Oh, did I mention cancer SUCKS?

Today, we went to Courageous Kids Day (an event put on by the American Cancer Society) at Great America. It is a special day celebrating the strength and courage of kids who have cancer. It poured down rain for about the first 3 hours. We had a great time. My mom and dad went with us. It was an extra special day being able to celebrate Jackson's courage as well as celebrate my dad's birthday and Mother's Day! Faith saw DOE-DOE (AKA Dora the Explorer) and Jackson saw Sponge Bob. I will post photos soon from the day!

Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there! I hope you had a very, special day! I sure did!

Now, I have to start planning Jackson's birthday. It is on the 23rd of this month. His party with his friends will be on Saturday, the 21st. We are going to make this birthday extra special!

Please send positive thoughts and prayers to Jackson for a smooth week of treatment.

Lots of love,

Sunday, May 1, 2005 4:14 PM CDT


I just spoke with the NP at UCSF. We are going to give Jackson another week off from treatment and check his counts again on Sunday. Hopefully, his ANC will be high enough to have chemo on Monday, May 9th.

Things have been pretty uneventful since we came home from our hospital vacation last Tuesday. Jackson is so happy to be home! He has been resting quite a bit. It has been tough getting reaquinted being with Faith all the time and having to share Eric's and my time.

Jackson hasn't been able to put his heels down when walking or standing. This is due to the chemo drugs as well as his new cells (marrow) being reproduced so rapidly. It has gotten better, and hopefully will be 100etter over time.

I took the kids on a picnic with the Van Ripers on Friday. Jackson played some. He was completely exhausted later in the evening. It was good though to get out and get some fresh air.

This morning we took Jackson to our local hospital for labs. Eric and I were very hopeful that Jackson's counts would be high enough to start the next round of chemotherapy, but we just got the call from the on call oncologist and they are not high enough for tomorrow's treatment.

To get his chemo,his ANC (neutrophil) count had to 1000 and his platelets had to be greater than 100,000.

Jackson's ANC from this morning is only 546 (lower than when were released from the hospital) and his platelets were great at 475,000. So, that means we hold tight until we talk to the nurse practitioner tomorrow and figure out when we will check his blood again. We have been off chemo now for three weeks and I start to get anxious when it takes Jackson's body longer to recover. Fortunately, that means the chemotherapy drugs are working, but I get uneasy having to be off chemo for too long.

We are trying to get Faith's birthday party that is this Saturday planned. (Although, anything can change!) Hard to believe she is going to be 2! Then, Sunday is my dad's birthday as well as Mother's Day! If all goes OK, we will be going on Sunday to Paramount's Great America for a special day called 'Courageous Kids Day'. It is a special day for kids who have cancer and their families. We are looking forward to it and hope that we are able to go as planned.

I will update when I have the date of the next lab check.

Hope everyone is well. Thanks to everyone for your prayers!


Tuesday, April 26, 2005 4:41 PM CDT


Jackson's ANC count today was 550!!!!

We surpassed the magical number of 500! YEH!!!

So, for the next couple of weeks, we will be taking it real easy. Thanks again to everyone for your prayers and support!

Eric and Tiffany

Monday, April 25, 2005 7:07 PM CDT

Jackson's ANC went up to 100! Yeh! Although, this is a small increase, it is still an increase and it is the most it has been in the last two weeks. I spoke with Dr. Robbins and we decided to hang around a couple more days to make sure the fevers are gone and to make sure his ANC continues to rise.

Grandma and Grandpa came to visit this morning prior to flying home to Southern California. Jackson really enjoyed their visit and really enjoyed playing UNO.

I just heard the most wonderful news~ Eric's brother Dennis and his wife Amy (my best friend from grade school) are having a little girl! Yeh Uncle Dennis and Aunt Mamy! Jake is going to be a great big brother.

I'm being called by Jackson to play Jr. Monopoly. I will update tomorrow once I know his new count.

Thanks again for all your prayers!


Sunday, April 24, 2005 11:20 PM CDT

Today was another great day for Jackson! He had several visitors today which help pass the time. Nanny and Pompa came early this morning. Then, the Mason Family arrived around 2:30 and we played a great round of Chutes and Ladders. Guess who won? ME!!!! Jackson was excited to see Alison and Matthew. Jackson and Ali played some playstation while Matthew mastered his magic tricks! It was really great to see them. THEN, Grandma and Grandpa came down for a few hours. We played several rounds of UNO. Jackson has gotten really good at it!

Jackson's ANC went up to 80 today. This is good, since this is the highest it has been in quite a while. His other counts went up alittle also. We will take whatever we are given. Dr. Robbins came by and said if Jackson's fever stays away (it went up once today) and his counts continue to go up tomorrow, that we could possibly go home. Eric and I discussed it with Dr. Robbins and we think it is too big of a risk to take Jackson home at this time. She agrees with us, but was willing to let us go home. We will see how things go tomorrow, but I think we will play it on the safe side and stay an extra day or two. The last thing we want is to get home and have to come right back!

So, until tomorrow. Grandma and Grandpa will come and visit again tomorrow morning. Their plane leaves to go home in the afternoon. Jackson has really enjoyed their visit.

Please kiss your children each day and remember to enjoy each day to its fullest.


Saturday, April 23, 2005 11:33 PM CDT

Jackson had a good day today. Grandma and Grandpa flew up today from Redlands to be with us until Monday afternoon. Eric was at the hospital today with Jackson and Grandma and Grandpa arrived around 11 am. Jackson was so happy to see them. The last time he saw them was Christmas. They brought him "Deluxe Uno" and a cool tshirt. Jackson and Grandma played Uno pretty much to whole day. (Can you guess who won the most games?) Jackson didn't have any fevers today which is GREAT! They all were able to go to the Playroom today and were able to have it to themselves! (One of the perks of being neutropenic!) He had a really good day! No pains in his legs and no diarrhea.

One the flip side, his ANC is the same, 60 and a couple of his counts went down

WBC: 2.5
RBC: 2.31
Hemoglobin: 7.5
Hematocrit: 21.0 %
Platelets: 170,000
ANC: 60

You wouldn't really know that his counts are so low. He is feeling good and that is a great sign.

Tomorrow morning Nanny and Pompa are coming to visit. Then in the afternoon Grandma and Grandpa will come again.

Thanks Uncle Dennis, Aunt Amy and Jake for the neat book! Jackson can't wait to read it!

Gotta go, Jackson wants me to cuddle with him! I'm the luckiest mom!


Friday, April 22, 2005 10:44 pm PST

Day 12 . . . .

Jackson has had low grade fevers on and off for most of the day today. So, we are back to three iv antiobotics. The worst part about having the fevers is that Jackson can't have play time in the playroom or in the computer room in case it is a viral infection.

Nanny, Jackson and I had a great time hanging out last night. It was nice to have a second set of hands to help with Jackson. Pompa came to the hospital this morning to pick up Nanny. Jackson and I played board games for most of the day. It was alot of fun, it was just hard for me to stay awake.

Thank you to Jessica and Eric for the really cool "Speedy Recovery" Cookie Bouquet! Jackson thought it was the neatest thing! He has been so spoiled (or should I say well taken care of) while in the hospital! He definately deserves it! He is so brave ALL the time!

I think Jackson took some silly pills today. He was so funny all day! We laughed so much today. I had such a great time spending one on one time with him. Eric worked today and came to the hospital this evening to spend the night with Jackson. I called to check in a little while ago, and they were having a great time! Their nurse tonight is a guy, so the "3 men" are enjoying "being guys!" I got home tonight just in time for Faith to see I was home and to fall asleep in my arms. I can't believe she is almost 2!

Jackson's ANC was 60 again today. Please pray that his fevers stay AWAY and that the blood cultures come back negative for infections. Eric's parents will be here tomorrow to spend the weekend with us. They will go directly to the hospital tomorrow morning and spend the day with Jackson and Eric.

We will let you know of any changes. I put some new photos up under VIEW PHOTOS at the top of the page. Check them out!


Thursday, April 21, 2005 10:43 PM CDT

Friday, April 22, 2005 1:50 pm

Jackson has a fever again! 38.2 c. He was given Tylenol at 1:30 PM. His ANC is still the same . . .60.

Day 10. . . . Thursday, April 21, 2005 10 pm

Jackson's counts didn't change much today. Everything is pretty much the same.

WBC= 300
RBC= 2.26
HGB= 7.3
HCT=20.2 R>ANC= 40

Eric spent last night and today with Jackson. They had a great time! Nanny will be spending tonight with Jackson and me. Nanny has been helping out so much with Faith while we have been inpatient. She has missed Jackson so much over the past several days. So, tonight we are having a big slumber party! Nanny and Jackson are playing spys with a flashlight. Jackson is eating Doritos in bed and watching Full House reruns on Nick at Nite.

Unfortunately, Jackson spiked a fever at 8 pm tonight. It was 101. (Normally, not that high of a fever, but for a cancer kid, it is high enough!) So, we are taking blood cultures soon and starting a second iv antiobotic tonight. The only things that are going through my head are *&^$!

Jackson needs a break! Yes, this kind of stuff happens, but I just wish it didn't happen to Jackson. Hopefully, anyday now his counts will start to come up!

Will let you know tomorrow morning what his counts are and hopefully the cultures come back negative for infections!

Thank you Beth Mason for taking such great care of Faith today! You are such a great friend and Faith had a great time hanging out with Ali and Matthew.

Until tomorrow. . . .

Wednesday, April 20, 2005 8:06 PM CDT

Day 9. . .

I'm starting to feel like I'm in the movie, Groundhog Day, where each day repeats itself.

Not much has changed today. Jackson's counts are still real low and some have actually gone lower.

His potassium is still low and they are giving him potassium still through his iv. Also, he is anemic now since his red blood is so low.

The diarrhea was alittle better today. His leg pain is still pretty bad. Both legs have bothered him today. When he receives his pain meds, they make him vomit.

Jackson and I had a great time in the playroom today. We made tons of crafts and played alot. It was good to see him moving around alittle more.

Eric and I can not begin to thank everyone for all the love, prayers, cards, gifts, etc. We are overwhelmed by how thoughtful everyone is. Jackson has touched so many people's lives. It is so nice to see as his parents.

Thank yous for today:

The Kinney family for the cute card and also the family photo. It is hanging on Jackson's art board in his room. Thanks to the Holt family in AZ for the coloring book and Tonka helicopter. The Holt family is a very special family. Their son, Josh was diagnosed with the same type of Leukemia as Jackson and he is about one week behind Jackson in his treatment. Angela (Josh's mom) has been such a great friend. We have never met, but we talk on the phone and email each other. She is an amazing mom. Josh's site is: www.caringbridge.com/az/jgh. Drop by and say hi if you get a chance!

Thank you to Judy and Lloyd Morgan for the box of goodies (The book, Scooby Doo checkers, colors pages and Lego set!) Thank you to Steve and Vickie Brower for the Lap Doodle Board and the Xmagz. Thank you Dylan (Jackson's buddy)for the Playstation Robots game! Jackson can't wait to play it. Thanks to the Van Riper family (Kathy, Marc, Jillian and Ian) for the sports stuff and book. I'm sure Jackson will be playing some bball in the halls tonight!

We are so blessed to have such wonderful friends and family! It is so amazing how many people care so much for our little man! He is truly a hero!

I'm heading home tonight to be with Faith and to work alittle tomorrow.

Thanks for checking in on Jackson. Please make sure you sign his guestbook. We really enjoy reading all the entries! It helps pass the time!


Tuesday, April 19, 2005 11:55 PM CDT

Day 8. . . .

Well today was better in some ways and worse in others.

Jackson did eat quite a bit today which I never thought would make me SO happy! His port needle has to be changed once a week, so today was the day. Luckily one of his favorite nurses, Anne Marie took care of us today. She did an awesome job removing that sticky, sticky tape that hold the needle in place. This was the worse part of the day today. It hurts so much having the tape removed. Once his port was deaccessed, Jackson was able to be needle free for most of the afternoon. I went home to work a little and to spend some time with Faith. Nanny, Pompa and Faith came back down to SF with me. On the way to SF, Eric called to say Jackson looked like he was getting a fever again. His temp was 38 c. Anne Marie said we would check it again in one hour. When that time came it had gone down to 37.8 c. That was GREAT NEWS! The last thing we need is another fever. No fever the rest of the day. Jackson has had bad leg pain in his left leg. Several things could cause this. But we think the reason is his potassium is really low from all the diarrhea he has had. To top it off, he vomitted tonight. So tonight we will start giving him potassium via his iv. Hopefully this will help.

Jackson has been given pain medicine to help his tummy and also his leg pain. As I write this, he is so cute! He is in and out. Just a few minutes ago, he said with his eyes half closed, "I love you mommy. You are the best mom ever!" For those of you that read my updates regularly, I'm sure you know what happened next. Yep, the tears started to flow. I told him that Eric and I were the lucky ones. We were chosen to be his parents and that is the best gift ever. Ok, enough of the sappy stuff.

Jackson's counts haven't changed today. Is anyone surprised? I keep hoping and praying each night that they start to change in a positive way. I'm hoping that day is soon.

Eric and Jackson had a great time laying in bed playing Playstation today. They are two peas in a pod. Jackson loves his daddy so much and really likes that he can beat his daddy in just about any Playstation game.

Please keep in your thoughts/prayers the little boy next door to us that was just diagnosed with Leukemia last Friday. We have heard him crying alot today and it just brings back some pretty bad memories from a few months ago when we were first dx. Also, on the other side of him, (two doors down from us) is a little boy who is seven and has Leukemia that relapsed last month.

On a happy note, the mail lady came by today and said, "I have more mail for you today Jackson!" So, here go my thank yous for the day:

Thanks to Great Grandma and Great Grandpa Hacke for the sticker/coloring books. Jackson received several get well soon cards today also: Aunt Carrot and Uncle Bull, Aunt Dixie and Uncle Truman, JB and Claire Davis, and last but not least, Gran-Nan.

Also, thank you to Linda (Learning to Learn in Petaluma) and Joann (Vickie Fowler's mom) for the meals that were brought to our home tonight. They help make things a little easier.

Thank you also to Heather and Joel for the yummy homemade chocolate chip cookies. They are so good! Also, thanks Heather for coming to visit all the time and for all the trashy magazines!

Time to let Jackson play Wheel of Fortune.com. Yes, this is his request. Keep those prayers coming our way!


Monday, April 18, 2005 9:30 pm

Jackson's counts are still the same today. No change. Today was a pretty rough day. Jackson isn't doing too well. He has severe diarrhea and we are closely watching him for dehydration. He hasn't had much energy today which just breaks my heart. It is so hard to see your child not feeling good. In addition to feeling terrible, his hair is falling out more. Jackson gets Zosyn (IV antiobotics) every 6 hours. The antiobotics cause the diarrhea. He hasn't eaten much the last couple of days. Today he ate half a mini bagel, 5 hamburger dill pickles and half a bag of potato chips. That isn't very much! He now only weighs 38 lbs. and is so skinny. The good thing is he is drinking alot of fluids. His belly has hurt pretty much all day. Eric was home yesterday and last night with Faith. He spent most of the morning today with her. He worked the rest of the day. Jackson asked me to call him this evening since he didn't feel so good. Eric is on his way to the hospital now to be with us tonight. I think it helps me more than anything and Jackson really misses his daddy.

As I write this, tears fill my eyes. I am so proud of the young man Jackson has become. I am just so sad he has to face this terrible cancer monster. It is SO unfair. I feel very lucky to have been chosen to be his mom. He is so special. He is a wonderful big brother and son.

One great thing that happened today was we had a surprise visitor. Jackson's very, very favorite nurse, Amber came by to surprise him. She just got back from a trip to Australia and needed to check the schedule to see when she worked next. She works Thursday night, so I told Jackson he needs to get alot of rest because they always play alot.

Thanks to Aunt Carrot and Uncle Bull for the Origami set. It occupied alot of my time. Although, if I hadn't been so exhausted, I probably could have made the crane and goldfish alot quicker. Thanks to Ginny and Dylan for the Pinnochio wooden puppet. Jackson liked playing with it.

We will update soon.

Please remember to kiss your children.


Sunday, April 17, 2005 11 pm Well, we are still inpatient. Jackson's energy level is pretty low. We take a few walks a day, but other than that, he is resting quite a bit. His ANC today is 60. Yesterday it was 90. It is not unusual for it to go down. These are not significant changes in his counts. So, our counts haven't really changed since we were admitted.

Jackson's counts for today were:

RBC: 2.49
WBC: 400
ANC: 60
HGB: 7.9
HCT: 22.1 R>Platelets: 255,000

Remember, our magic number to spring this joint is an ANC of 500. I went home last night to be with Faith. She misses her normal routine and most of all her big brother. We are so thankful my parents are local to help out. Eric spent last night and this morning with Jackson. I will be here until Tuesday morning. Eric's parents will be coming up this weekend to help out.

Jackson had a strange "popping" feeling in the middle of his chest yesterday. Two oncologists came in to examine him and everything looked and sounded OK. Jackson said it was the worst pain he had ever felt. He isn't one to complain about small pains. The only thing we could think it might be was heartburn or indigestion. We tried changing him from Zantac to Prilosec, but he HATED the taste of the Prilosec. So, we are back to Zantac. He hasn't complained of the pain today, but any little thing out of the ordinary worries me.

Thank you to the Stalder family for the gift bag full of goodies for Jackson. We just watched the new Sponge Bob DVD you sent and we really liked it. Also, thank you to all the Learning to Learn Preschool families for the travel expense money. It TRULY helps with our gas and bridge tolls each day. One last thank you out to Christina and Connell for bringing a wonderful dinner to Eric and Faith tonight. They really enjoyed it!

We are being well taken care of. As I have said before, it is just hard to be confined to a small room with the door closed 24/7.

I will try and update tomorrow.


Friday, April 15, 2005 7:24 PM CDT

****Update: Saturday, April 16th at 5 am****
***Horray! The nurse came in to take Jackson's CBC this morning at 4 am and for the first time since we have been here, he didn't wake up. He has also been disconnected from his IV. The only time he has to be connected is when he receives antiobotics which is every 6 hours. We are still inpatient at UCSF. Jackson's counts have not really moved yet. His ANC was still 70 this morning. Dr. Robbins came by this morning and told us to plan on staying at least another week. The reasons are: Jackson is in a very intense part of his treatment. He is at high risk of infections. Since he had a fever during this phase (delayed intensification) they need to monitor him closely. We will not be able to go home until his ANC is above 500! Today we are at 70. Yes, jumps in his counts can happen quickly, but no likely since he just had another round of chemo last Tuesday. They have had him on antiobotics since we arrived Tuesday night. We are only being transfused with one now since his fever has stayed away.

It is hard enough being isolated in a small patient's room, but to add to the fun we are having here, Jackson is now 3 days into his steroid pulse. If you remember, the steroids alter his mood REALLY BAD. He is extremely short tempered and grouchy. All of which should be expected since he can't walk around the hospital or play with other kids right now. It is really hard to keep him entertained.

Eric stayed with Jackson last night and I went home to spend some time with Faith. She is missing her brother so much. She is cutting 4 teeth and has a cold. So, she won't be coming anywhere near Jackson for a while. Faith and I had a good time watching Elmo (for the umteenth time)! She LOVES Elmo!

I got back down to the hospital about 2 pm today. I brought Jackson his favorite pepperoni pizza from Round Table. He was so excited and ate two whole pieces. As I write this he is sleeping which is good.

Thank you so much to our angel family for sending Jackson the HUGE dolphin! He loves it.

I will update soon once I have any new information. Please keep those prayers coming our way.


***Best thing about today: Seeing Jackson's smiling face when I returned to the hospital.

***Worst thing about today: Hearing the 6 month old baby continuously crying in the room next door to Jackson. She is very sick and her parents are not here to care for her.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005 11:15 pm PST

**Jackson is finally asleep**
Being neutropenic make Jackson weak and tired. Today was a pretty good day. Jackson had the round of residents, doctors, teachers, child life specialists, nurses, nursing students, nursing teachers. . . .come by his room ALL day! He does real well with all the people, but it does drain you. We have been told by the nutritionist and nurses that Jackson needs to "beef" up his calorie intake since he has lost some weight. We are trying different caloric milk shakes to give him extra calories. Smells really bother him along with certain tastes. Foods that he couldn't get enough of a few months ago, just don't taste good anymore. So, we are trying to be creative in what we give him. One of our rules when being inpatient, is that he can eat whatever he wants. Soda for breakfast is OK. :)

Jackson was able to have playtime alone in the playroom and also in the computer room. He gets these rooms to himself since he is neutropenic. I went home earlier today to shower and to hang out with Faith for awhile. She is getting old enough to know something is up and she misses us like crazy! Eric went home to this evening to be at the house with Faith. She needs us also. My mom is AMAZING in so many ways! She helps us with the kids so much and takes such great care of Faith while we have to be away.

Thank you to everyone who checked in on us today. Please continue to check back often. We will continue to update you on Jackson's progress. Special thanks to Uncle Bull, Aunt Carrot, Grand Nanny, Nanny, Pompa and Faith for the balloons and goodies Jackson received today! He was so excited to get balloons and treats!

4/13/3005 9:30 am **Jackson has been admitted to UCSF Children's Hospital.

Jackson had his scheduled chemo yesterday at clinic (Doxorubicin and Vincristine). We headed home from clinic around 1 pm. Clinic called later yesterday afternoon to let us know that Jackson's ANC (cells that fight off infection) was only 70!! (This is not a typo!) They said to watch him closely for any fevers since he was EXTREMELY neutropenic. Around 5 pm, Jackson started to get a low grade fever (100.2). After an hour of low grade fevers, we paged the oncologist on call and they sent us to Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital to get antiobotics. They drew blood cultures there again and transported us by ambulance to UCSF around midnight. We finally got settled into Jackson's room around 2 am. We were told his ANC at SRMH was only 20!!! This is to be expected during this phase of treatment, but it is still hard to deal with. So, we are on isolation since Jackson is neutropenic and we were told to plan on being here for about 2 weeks! Jackson has been AMAZING but it breaks my heart how sad he is to be here at the hospital. Eric gathered some of our belongings from home after Jackson and I headed down to SF in the ambulance. By the way, Jackson thought the ambulance was the coolest thing! It is a little over an hour drive, and he fell asleep about half way through the trip.

As I write this, Jackson is sleeping and Eric is in the room with him. He didn't get much rest yesterday and being neutropenic makes him really tired also.

Thanks Michelle and Ryan for the yummy cookies you made us yesterday.

Please keep Jackson in your prayers. They truly help.


Thursday, April 7, 2005 1:02 PM CDT

Jackson was so great getting those nasty intramuscular injections (which had to be injected for one minute each) in his thighs last Friday. We had to hang around clinic about one hour after to make sure he didn’t have an allergic reaction to the injections. We also had to monitor him throughout the rest of the day at home. Jackson didn’t feel well all weekend, but somehow managed to play with his friends. He had to rest a lot. He had some nausea and vomiting, but seems to be doing better now. Jackson had a very special visitor Saturday and Sunday. Uncle John came to visit us. It was great because they played Jackson’s playstation and had lots of fun. On Sunday, we took Jackson to see his first NBA game, the Golden State Warriors vs. Seattle Sonics. Special thanks to Aunt Valerie for getting us the tickets. Of course, we were cheering for the Sonics, since Aunt Valerie works for them. We made it through most of the game and Jackson slept the whole way home.

We didn’t have labs on Monday, since he didn’t have to have a spinal tap on Tuesday. However, they did do labs on Tuesday while we were at clinic. His counts were:

WBC: 2.9
Platelets: 233,000
Hemoglobin: 10.8
ANC: 2320

Dr. Robbins said Jackson looked great. He had lost two pounds, but we’re hoping that was just from the vomiting and diarrhea he has had. Jackson received through his port on Tuesday, Doxorubicin and Vincristine. We headed home after a short two hours in clinic. Jackson is off the decadron (steroids) for seven days and we start them back up next week. (Ugh, they alter his mood so much!)

Jackson wanted to go to Scandia Amusement Park on Tuesday after clinic. He loves playing games and getting tickets. I took him for a quick trip, because he wasn’t feeling great, but once he gets it in his head, he doesn’t give up. So, we headed to Scandia to play a few games. Jackson’s last token went to a game called Wheel of Fortune. He got luck and got to spin the wheel to see how many tickets he would get, and it landed on the GRAND prize! 500 TICKETS! WOW! Jackson and I were both jumping up and down! He was so excited! We went to the prize counter to redeem his tickets. He had almost 900 tickets total! Jackson started off by wanting two of the ‘1 ticket’ prizes. The guy behind the counter gave me this look like, “Oh my gosh, we are going to be here a while.” Jackson came home with a bag full of little toys to share with Faith. It took about 15 minutes to pick all the toys out. That was a big highlight of the day! He is still telling people about it!

Jackson went to tennis yesterday for the first time in a couple of weeks. He did great and had a really good time! It was nice seeing him running around.

Thanks to the Hutchinson Family for the box of goodies we received earlier this week. The kids especially loved the paint! Thanks to the Thompson family for our yummie meal on Tuesday.

Keep sending the prayers our way! They truly help!


Wednesday, March 30, 2005 9:20 AM CST

Yesterday was such a full day. Eric and I came home exhausted after a full day of treatment for Jackson. We left our home shortly after 8 am and got home last night shortly after 5 pm. Jackson did very well with everything. We had his echocardiogram at 10 am which Jackson did wonderful with. It was great because the technician had Toy Story II on the TV for Jackson to watch while she did all the tests on his heart. The echo was done so that his oncologist has a base line of Jackson’s heart prior to starting this new phase of treatment, delayed intensification. One of the chemo drugs Jackson receives, Doxorubicin can cause heart problems.

After the echocardiogram, we headed back over to clinic to see Jackson’s oncologist. She said he looked great (and those were her words). After his check up, his port was accessed and they pushed in Vincristine (chemo drug) and Kytril (anti nausea medicine). Then they started the new chemo drug, Doxorubicin . It drips for about 25 minutes. It is bright red in color. This drug makes Jackson’s urine pink for about 48 hours after infusion. He thought that was pretty cool! Jackson will start a 7 day pulse today of Dexamethasone . This is the steroids that make Jackson so irritable and hungry all the time! I better get to the grocery store to stock up on potato chips and bacon. He loves those salty foods during our steroid days!

After we were done upstairs with his two chemo IV injections, we headed downstairs to the surgery center for his intrathecal (spinal injection) of Methotrexate . He did wonderful with it and took a pretty good nap from the anesthesia.

Jackson seems to amaze us everyday. The doctors and nurses told us that he needed to rest yesterday and today after his treatments and that he would be pretty nauseas and tired. Jackson had tons of energy when we got home! All he wanted to do was play hockey. (Our friend Nancy, gave Jackson a gift card to Target for Easter and he picked out a huge hockey net/goal.) So needless to say, we have been playing hockey quite a bit since we got the goal on Monday. We let him play in the living room (aren’t we cool parents) with a tennis ball.

Last night when we finally went to bed, Jackson had a really hard time falling asleep. His belly was upset and he was really fatigued. I gave him at about 11 pm some medicine to help him sleep and help with his belly. Even though he wasn’t feeling well, Jackson and I hung out and talked. It was such a special time to me. He finally fell asleep around 11:30 pm.

Friday we go back to clinic for Jackson to receive two intramuscular shots in his thighs of Peg-Asparaginase . These are nasty shots that are given into the muscle of each of his thighs. Please continue to have Jackson in your thoughts and prayers. He has strength that I only wish I had. CANCER SUCKS and I wish with all my heart our son didn’t have to go through all this!


Monday, March 28, 2005 8:40 pm PST

Jackson's counts today were:

WBC = 2,500
HGB = 11.1
Platelets: 320,000
ANC = 1300

These are really good counts: To start Delayed Intensification, Jackson's platelets had to be a minimum of 100,000 and his ANC a minimum of 1000. He is above both of those marks, so we have a full day at clinic tomorrow. Please pray everything goes smoothly tomorrow for Jackson!

We'll update soon.

Sunday, March27th
Happy Easter everyone!! The Easter bunny made a stop at our home today. The kids just loved their Easter baskets filled with candy and goodies!

Just thought I would write a quick note to say hello. Jackson has had a busy weekend. Yesterday Eric, Jackson and Faith went on a bike ride. It was so nice seeing Jackson ride really fast! Yesterday afternoon Jackson went to a bowling birthday party for a little boy from his kindergarten class. He had a great time bowling with his friends and is pretty good! Then last night, our good friends, the Van Riper family came over to dye Easter eggs and have dinner. The kids had a great time dying eggs and playing with their friends.

Today we had Easter brunch with Nanny and Pompa (my parents). The kids hid the eggs for us to find several times. We were missing about 3 eggs for a while, but lucky for Nanny and Pompa’s home, we found them. Boy, would that have been a nice smell! Jackson spent the day with Nanny and Pompa. He was so excited to have their full attention! Faith came home with us for a long nap!

Tomorrow, Jackson has his blood taken for counts. Then on Tuesday Jackson hopefully will begin the next phase of his treatment, Delayed Intensification.
We head down to San Francisco for a full day of doctor’s appointments and procedures!

10 am Jackson has an echocardiogram
11am Jackson will see Dr. Robbins
12:30 Surgery center for intrathecal Methotrexate (chemo)

When Jackson wakes up from his procedure, we head back upstairs
for two IV chemo drugs.

Please continue to have Jackson in your thoughts and prayers this week as several of these drugs are new to us. We hope that the side effects are minimal and that he continues to feel well. I am a nervous wreck thinking about this next phase. I have heard from other families that this is one of the most intense phases in Jackson’s treatment plan. So with that said, you can only guess why we are so nervous.

We will try and update with Jackson’s counts tomorrow.

Monday, March 21, 2005 1:11 PM CST

Eric and I will be married for 8 years tomorrow! We can’t believe it! It seems like just the other day we were planning our wedding! WOW!

Last week was a good week! When I say good, we didn’t have to make a trip to the ER! No fevers! YEH!

Jackson had his normal tennis lessons and school work. Both he did great at! Last week, the winds were really blowing and Jackson’s allergies started acting up. I took him to his pediatrician twice last week to verify the first time that it was allergies. His doctor prescribed his allergy meds, but one of them we had to have approved by his oncologist. The second time we visited his doctor was because he had developed this horrific cough! It is such a barking sound! Yes, the cough is due to the drainage from his allergies. It is so terrible to hear him coughing. A lot of times, he throws up because he coughs so hard. Today, it seems to be getting better, but his allergies are still working him over!

Jackson was especially lucky to have two special visitors last week. Uncle Dennis (Eric’s brother) came up on Wednesday and left on Saturday. Jackson and Faith both loved having him here! Uncle Dennis got pretty good at the Nascar game on Playstation, however Jackson still usually won. Eric and Dennis did a lot of home improvements around our home. Jackson did say he wished Jake (Dennis and Amy’s son) could have been here also. We are hoping they will come as a family soon to visit.

On Friday, Jackson’s favorite nurse from when he was diagnosed and in the hospital at UCSF came to visit. Amber and Jackson (along with Faith) had a blast! We did Easter egg hunts, ate lunch, played ALOT and enjoyed her visit! It was so nice to see her! She is a very special person to our family! Take a look at the photos from her visit!

Saturday afternoon Jackson and I went to lunch and on a bike ride. We went to the university close to our home and fed the ducks! I had a great time having one on one time with him! We did get rained on during our ride, but it made our adventure more fun and exciting!

Jackson played with his friend Ryan yesterday for a long time! He played at Ryan’s house (without me being there) for a few hours. This made me so happy since it has been a long time since he has played at a friend’s house. The littlest things make me happy.
Please check out Jackson’s quilt of love below. It was made especially for him by Angel Toto! Happy Easter to everyone! We hope the Easter Bunny is extra good to you this year! Also, enjoy this special time with your family. Next week, Jackson begins the next phase in his treatment, Delayed Intensification. From what I have heard from his oncologist and other ALL parents, it is a rough phase. Please pray that Jackson does well during his treatment and continues to feel well!

Lots of love,

Tuesday, March 15, 2005 12:14 AM CST

Jackson is doing well! Last week was pretty good. He hurt quite a bit from his chemo drugs from the prior week, but he kept his chin up. Last Monday, he had tennis lessons as usual. I will try and post some photos of him playing soon. He was so happy that his friend Ian was able to come home with us and play. Tuesday was a good day, however Jackson starting complaining of stomach pains during the night. Wednesday morning he woke up with a fever, so we headed back to the ER at SR Memorial. After blood cultures (his blood counts were good), antibiotics, chest xrays (the list goes on . . . .) he started to feel better. His stomach was hurting as much and we were sent home. WHEW! Two times to the ER in two weeks pretty much exhausted Eric and me physically and emotionally. By Thursday, Jackson was feeling much better. His friend Ryan stopped by and surprised us with a visit! The boys played basketball for a few minutes. Jackson is getting pretty good!

Friday night Jackson and Faith played with their friends, Sydney and Bryce and had a great time! They did a lot of jumping on our couch and dancing! (Might have been due to all the sugar in their systems)! Saturday the kids went on a bike ride with Eric and saw the cutest ducks and ducklings at Sonoma State University which is close to our home. They fed the ducks and really enjoyed spending time with their dad!

Sunday we took the kids to see the new movie, ROBOTS. It was a really cute movie and Faith did a great job sitting through most of it. Towards the end, she was getting pretty anxious. We also planted some new flowers in our front yard. We told Jackson and Faith that it was good luck to find ladybugs in your garden right after new plants were planted. With a little help from Home Depot, there were hundreds of ladybugs in our front yard. Jackson couldn’t believe all the ladybugs he saw! It was a lot of fun seeing the kids playing with them.

We are looking forward to Eric’s brother Dennis visiting this week. He arrives Wednesday and will be here through the weekend. Jackson is hoping his Uncle Dennis will sleep on his bunk beds with him. We’ll see!

I know I say this every time I write an entry, but please continue to pray for Jackson. He also really enjoys reading all the entries in his guestbook. Also, thanks again to the Hutchinsons (Jackson’s angel family) for making Jackson and Faith’s day yesterday. They really likes the stickers ya’ll sent.

Lots of love,

Sunday, March 6, 2005 9:47 AM CST

It sure has been a crazy week. Sorry for the delay in updating Jackson’s web site. After our scare on Monday in the ER, Jackson thankfully was done vomiting about 6 pm and his fever didn’t peak again. Tuesday morning, his oncologist decided to move forward with his treatment, so we headed to clinic in the morning. His oncologist examined him and he looked good. He had lost one pound, which was due to the vomiting. After his examine, Jackson received through his IV Vincristine (chemo drug) and then we went to the surgery center for his IT (intrathecal) Methotrexate (chemo drug). They also did a bone barrow aspirate and it came back clear. YEH! YEH! YEH! (No cancer cells!!!)

Other than earlier this week, we have been good. Jackson is an honoree with Team in Training, a Leukemia and Lymphoma Society program. They train people for endurance events, (marathons, century cycling events, etc.) Money raised goes back to the society for programs and research. For those of you that remember, I trained with them in 2000 for the Honolulu Marathon. I have posted a link to their web site below if anyone is interested in more information.
We went to a pot luck with Team in Training and the participants met the honorees. Jackson was so good! People are so excited to meet their inspiration! There were several other honorees (adults and children) whose lives have been affected by leukemia or lymphoma. It was such a great event and we had a great time. The next day, we helped with a water stop during a training session for the tri-athlete team. They were doing a pretty long bike ride. Jackson did wonderful handing out Gatorade and water. We were so proud of him.

Sorry about jumping around so much! Wednesday, the day after treatment, Jackson rode his bike for a little bit, but was tired from his treatment the day before. He decided to skip his tennis lesson that afternoon since he was so tired. Thursday and Friday Mrs. Lori (his teacher) came and worked with him. It is so wonderful to hear him talking and interacting with her. I think he does so well with her since she only comes to see him. He doesn’t have to share her with anyone else, especially Faith! Also, Friday afternoon Jackson’s friend Ryan came over to play! They had a really good time together.

Yesterday, we took Jackson to see Michael Waltrip’s Nascar. It was at a Grand Opening event for a new Dominoes Pizza in Santa Rosa. Most of you know that Jackson is a HUGE Nascar fan. This was the first real Nascar he has seen in person. He had a really good time. Plus, the weather was beautiful! The sun was shining and it was in the low 70s. We also visited with some really good friends, The Van Ripers. Jackson got to play with Jillian and Ian for a little while. He loves them so much!

All four of us went on a pretty long bike ride yesterday late afternoon. It was so special! Jackson rides so fast these days on his bigger bike! It makes us a little nervous. Eric has Faith’s seat on the back of his bike. She loves it! Although, she won’t let him sit down. She puts her hands on his bike seat and won’t move them! She gets the biggest laugh from it!

Today is Eric’s birthday. Jackson made his a special birthday card. We are going to have a picnic at a park today. It should be another fun day.

We would like to thank Jackson’s new “ANGEL” family - Kari, Hutch, Elizabeth, Andrew and Alex for the cool sticker books and coloring pages that we received earlier this week. Both kids love them! I have attached the link to this program if anyone is interested in becoming an Angel for a Cancer Warrior. It is a great program! Also thanks to Kelley and Julie for the wonderful meals from this week. As always, they were wonderful! Please continue to keep Jackson and our other new friends in your prayers who are battling the cancer monster!


Monday, February 28, 2005

We just got back from the ER in Santa Rosa after spending almost 4 hours there. Jackson's fever continued to go up around 1 pm today. When it hit the 38.5 c mark, we immediately headed to the ER. After blood work, chest xray and 30 minutes of antibiotics through Jackson's port, we were able to go home. Tomorrow morning we will head to San Francisco to see Jackson's oncologist to have him examined again. We have been very fortunate that Jackson has not been sick until now. However, it doesn't make it any less scary for all of us.

Please continue to pray for Jackson. Let's hope this virus is gone soon.

Jackson isn’t feeling well today. He has been throwing up about every two hours since 1 am this morning. He isn’t able to keep anything down! We went to have his lab work done this morning. We are waiting on his blood counts.

Hoping this is just a stomach bug and nothing more. Please keep him in your prayers today for a speedy recovery.


Yesterday was our 3 month anniversary since being diagnosed with Leukemia. While it seems like a very short time ago, it has been a long journey so far. Jackson continues to do well with his oral medications. He is getting to be a real pro and is beginning to know the names of the meds.

Jackson continues his tennis lessons twice a week and is still enjoying it. On Monday we had strong thunderstorms in the evening. Our family had lots of fun watching the lightning and listening to the thunder. Jackson was so fascinated!

It feels strange not having much to report to everyone, but I guess that is a good thing! Thank you again and again to everyone for the meals. It helps us out tremendously and they have been wonderful! Thank you for the continuous prayers for Jackson. We know it helps!

Please pray for an easy next week for Jackson. On Monday he has labs done (which he doesn’t mind since he gets a new Playstation game for being good). Then on Tuesday we go to clinic to have IV Vincristine and IT (intrathecal) Methotrexate. It will be a long day at clinic. We will update you on how that goes!


Monday, February 28, 2005

We just got back from the ER in Santa Rosa after spending almost 4 hours there. Jackson's fever continued to go up around 1 pm today. When it hit the 38.5 c mark, we immediately headed to the ER. After blood work, chest xray and 30 minutes of antibiotics through Jackson's port, we were able to go home. Tomorrow morning we will head to San Francisco to see Jackson's oncologist to have him examined again. We have been very fortunate that Jackson has not been sick until now. However, it doesn't make it any less scary for all of us.

Please continue to pray for Jackson. Let's hope this virus is gone soon.

Jackson isn’t feeling well today. He has been throwing up about every two hours since 1 am this morning. He isn’t able to keep anything down! We went to have his lab work done this morning. We are waiting on his blood counts.

Hoping this is just a stomach bug and nothing more. Please keep him in your prayers today for a speedy recovery.


Yesterday was our 3 month anniversary since being diagnosed with Leukemia. While it seems like a very short time ago, it has been a long journey so far. Jackson continues to do well with his oral medications. He is getting to be a real pro and is beginning to know the names of the meds.

Jackson continues his tennis lessons twice a week and is still enjoying it. On Monday we had strong thunderstorms in the evening. Our family had lots of fun watching the lightning and listening to the thunder. Jackson was so fascinated!

It feels strange not having much to report to everyone, but I guess that is a good thing! Thank you again and again to everyone for the meals. It helps us out tremendously and they have been wonderful! Thank you for the continuous prayers for Jackson. We know it helps!

Please pray for an easy next week for Jackson. On Monday he has labs done (which he doesn’t mind since he gets a new Playstation game for being good). Then on Tuesday we go to clinic to have IV Vincristine and IT (intrathecal) Methotrexate. It will be a long day at clinic. We will update you on how that goes!


Monday, February 28, 2005

We just got back from the ER in Santa Rosa after spending almost 4 hours there. Jackson's fever continued to go up around 1 pm today. When it hit the 38.5 c mark, we immediately headed to the ER. After blood work, chest xray and 30 minutes of antibiotics through Jackson's port, we were able to go home. Tomorrow morning we will head to San Francisco to see Jackson's oncologist to have him examined again. We have been very fortunate that Jackson has not been sick until now. However, it doesn't make it any less scary for all of us.

Please continue to pray for Jackson. Let's hope this virus is gone soon.

Jackson isn’t feeling well today. He has been throwing up about every two hours since 1 am this morning. He isn’t able to keep anything down! We went to have his lab work done this morning. We are waiting on his blood counts.

Hoping this is just a stomach bug and nothing more. Please keep him in your prayers today for a speedy recovery.


Yesterday was our 3 month anniversary since being diagnosed with Leukemia. While it seems like a very short time ago, it has been a long journey so far. Jackson continues to do well with his oral medications. He is getting to be a real pro and is beginning to know the names of the meds.

Jackson continues his tennis lessons twice a week and is still enjoying it. On Monday we had strong thunderstorms in the evening. Our family had lots of fun watching the lightning and listening to the thunder. Jackson was so fascinated!

It feels strange not having much to report to everyone, but I guess that is a good thing! Thank you again and again to everyone for the meals. It helps us out tremendously and they have been wonderful! Thank you for the continuous prayers for Jackson. We know it helps!

Please pray for an easy next week for Jackson. On Monday he has labs done (which he doesn’t mind since he gets a new Playstation game for being good). Then on Tuesday we go to clinic to have IV Vincristine and IT (intrathecal) Methotrexate. It will be a long day at clinic. We will update you on how that goes!


Thursday, February 17, 2005 4:57 PM CST

Things have been going pretty good in the O’Neil household. Knock on wood, but Jackson has been staying free of all the yucky things going around right now. Since we were randomized to the oral double arm of the CCG1991 study we are participating in, we haven’t had to go to clinic for two weeks. We have been giving Jackson his oral chemo drugs at home. We have labs done again on 2/28 and have go to clinic on 3/1 for IV Vincristine and intrathecal Methotrexate. It will be a longer day. They will also do a bone marrow test at the same time Jackson is sedated for his IT Methotrexate.

Luckily, the side effects have been minimal during this phase (Interim Maintenance). Jackson is slowly, but surely starting to go to bed a little earlier, which is great for Eric and me. He is continuing to work with Mrs. Lori three times a week. They are starting to build a great relationship and he works well with her. The most exciting part is he is READING! YEH! They do a lot of fun science/math projects and this week they baked Chinese Almond Cookies to celebrate the Chinese New Year.

Our local paper, The Community Voice, wrote a FRONT PAGE article on a special gift that was given to Jackson. His kindergarten class made a quilt for him. A special mom from Jackson’s class put the quilt together. She is so talented! I have attached the link to the article at the bottom of this page. It is such a beautiful quilt and Jackson loves to cuddle with it!

Last weekend we took the kids to the San Francisco Zoo and it was amazing. Both kids loved the monkeys and giraffes! It was a very special day and it was also nice that Jackson was feeling so well! He was exhausted by the end of our visit. Both Jackson and Faith had LONG naps on the way home. Also, Make a Wish Foundation came out to interview Jackson. For those of you not familiar with this organization they are a non profit organization that grants one special wish to children who are facing life threatening illnesses. Jackson decided he wants a playground built for our backyard. So with that said, they are going to find someone who will work with Jackson and help him design his own playground in the backyard. The wish granters who came out to the house asked Eric and me how much of the backyard Jackson could have for his playground. Both of us responded, “All of it! He deserves it!” We are so excited to see what comes out of this wish! We’ll keep you posted.

Also, Jackson is LOVING tennis lessons and best of all, his pal Alison is in his class. He is getting better every day and so is his self confidence. Look out Wimbledon!

We are part of an online support group made up of parents nationwide, Canada and some other countries whose kids have been diagnosed with ALL. It is a wonderful group of parents whose children are either through treatment or have just started this long journey. It saddens me when other parents join our group but I am happy they found us. I had to share with you that a new mom posted last night that her 5 week old son was just diagnosed with ALL. It makes me wonder what causes this awful disease. I guess that is why Eric and I have decided to participate in the studies. My hope is that one day there is a 100ure for Leukemia and other childhood cancers. It is such a horrific situation for any parent to have to go through.

Please continue to keep Jackson in your prayers! Thank you for signing his guestbook. He really enjoys reading the entries!

Lots of love,

Saturday, February 5, 2005 2:39 PM CST

I finally have a few moments to update eveyone on how Jackson is doing. We have been pretty busy. Jackson has a home teacher come to our house three times a week to work on school work. We are very lucky to have Mrs. Lori as his teacher. They work really well together and he is learning so much! They worked alot last week with magnets and understanding how they work. We are hoping this keeps Jackson on track to start first grade in the fall. He is also starting to read. It is so exciting!

Tuesday was another clinic/treatment day. We first had an appointment with Jackson's oncologist. He has had a cough for the last few days, but seems to be doing better now. His chest sounded clear to the doctor. YEH! After his doctor's appointment we went to the other side of the clinic for his chemotherapy. Jackson usually screams ALOT when the nurses access his port. (Screaming is OK, as long as he sits really still) But, last Tuesday he sat really still and didn't scream. He did AWESOME! We get so excited about these things! He received Vincristine which is a chemo drug that is pushed through his port. It only takes about 5 minutes total for them to access his port, push the vincristine in, flush his port and deaccess him. Then, we were out the doors on our way home. It was nice not to have to go downstairs to the surgery center for a procedure. We were home by 1:30pm.

Later that afternoon, Jackson and Faith went to the park with Jackson's friend Ryan. The weather was so nice and we had to go outside to enjoy it. It was so nice seeing Jackson swing from the monkey bars and running around.

We also started Interim Maintenance on Tuesday. This is the third phase of Jackson's treatment plan. The medicines Jackson receives during this phase are:

Methotrexate (oral and intrathecal)
Vincristine (IV)
Mercaptorpurane (oral)
Dexamethasone (oral)
Zantac (oral)
Septra (oral)

When Jackson was diagnosed with Leukemia, Eric and I decided to have Jackson be part of a national study done by the Children's Cancer Group. The study that he is taking part in is: CCG1991. We were randomized in this study to the second arm which is OD (oral double). This means Jackson will take part in the study, but will be on the oral arm of the study and have 2 delayed intensifications verses one delayed intensification. It was a hard decision whether we should go with the standard treatment, or be part of a study. Our hope with being part
of the study is to help scientists ultimately find a cure for this terrible cancer monster.

Jackson right now is on a five day pulse of dexamethasone which is a steroid. He receives this right after his vincristine. The steroids as many of you remember from induction make him VERY hungry and moody. He has done pretty well so far on them. Tomorrow is our last day until our next dose of vincristine. Wednesday night, we had a rough night with Jackson. He woke up during the middle of the night hearing high pitched noises and complaining of joint pain. The next morning he was fine. THANK GOD!

Sorry if I have confused anyone on the medical stuff. I know some of our family and friends have been asking what meds Jackson is on. I also feel like this is not an organized entry to his journal, but there is so much information we would like to share.

Jackson is starting tennis lessons on Monday. He is very excited and so are we. It is a lower impact sport and the lessons are only 30 minutes long. Will keep you updated on how he does.

Please continue to sign Jackson's guest book each time you visit. We love seeing everyone's entries and they put smiles on our faces. Also continue to pray for Jackson during his treatment. We are going to beat this cancer monster. I will try and update his journal more often in the future.

Wednesday, January 26, 2005 12:04 AM CST

Yesterday was a treatment day. Jackson was not happy about putting Emla on his port. Emla is a numbing cream. We put in on his port right before we leave to go to San Francisco. I think the part he dislikes the most is the Saran wrap Press-n-seal that holds the emla on. After about 15 minutes of screaming and crying Eric finally carried him out to the car. WHEW~ what a way to start the day!

The ride to SF was fine. I sat in the back with Jackson and we played Super Mario Bros. on the gameboy. Of course, he won.

We saw Dr. Robbins (his oncologist) and then had his port accessed. We have his port accessed, so they can push his anesthesia through it for his spinal tap of methotrexate. Alot of kids just use the gas mask to put them to sleep for the procedure, however Jackson prefers the aneshesia through his port. It is hard to believe they use to not sedate kids for these procedures.

All went well with the spinal tap and Jackson awoke to Sponge Bob playing on the DVD player. Once he felt like it, we headed home. The drive home was extra long due to rain and people not knowing how to drive in the rain!

We had a quiet evening at home and got to bed by 10:15 pm. That is pretty early these days for Jackson!

Oh, I almost forgot to mention that we were randomized yesterday for which arm we would be on for the CCG1991 study we opted in on. This is a national study. We got the oral arm with two delayed intensifications instead of one. I guess as the weeks/months go on, we will have lots of questions for our doctor. Please keep us in your prayers as we enter a new phase next week of treatment. We are almost done with Consolidation and will enter into Interim Maintenance.

Wednesday, January 19, 2005 12:44 AM CST

I find myself trying to give updates on Jackson's treatment, but sometimes it is really hard. Tuesdays are extra special days for us. We hate that we have to have treatment, but on the other hand, we get to spend a full day with Jackson.

Yesterday was another long day. Jackson did great as always. He didn't want his port accessed. He never wants it done, but yesterday was extra hard. So after it was accessed, we had to wait about two hours for our procedure which was a spinal tap where they inject through his spine a drug called Methotrexate. This is a chemo drug that goes directly through his spinal column and around the brain. It is part of the protocol for his treatment. He is sedated during this, but it just isn't much fun.

Today, he is not feeling too good and his back is pretty sore. I know that I have said this, but Eric and I think he is the most amazing kid!

Thanks to everyone for your yummy meals you have been sending for our family. They are truly appreciated.

Tuesday, January 11, 2005 11:01 PM CST

We are trying to give weekly updates during Jackson's treatment. Today was another day at UCSF. Jackson had chemo through a spinal tap. It was a long day and we are glad to be home.

We have to laugh because Jackson doesn't eat much these days, but all he wants to eat is Round Table pizza. He loves the spicy sauce. So tonight after treatment, he desperately wanted Round Table. So, Jackson got his pepperoni pizza and was very happy!

It was so nice to see him running around with Faith tonight! That puts smiles on our faces.

Tuesday, January 4, 2005 10:36 PM CST

We hope Santa was good to everyone this Christmas. He took extra special care of Jackson and Faith this year.

Well, today we were able to get our chemotherapy treatment. For the past two weeks, Jackson's neutrophil count (the cells that fight off infections) have not been high enough to get treatment. We desperately wanted to get treatment these last couple of weeks, however it has been WONDERFUL how great he has felt. Unfortunately, chemo drugs make you feel yucky.

So for the next 4 weeks, Jackson will have to each Monday morning have a blood test to check his cell counts and then on Tuesdays have chemo drugs through a spinal tap. We are also taking oral chemo for the next 28 days.

It makes us extremely sad thinking about all the things our little boy has to go through. He is such a trooper!

Keep the prayers and positive thoughts coming our way. We truly appreciate them.

Thursday, December 23, 2004 11:33 AM CST

We got great news from Jackson's oncologist yesterday. He is in remission! YEH! The bone marrow biopsy from Tuesday, December 21 showed thousands of new cells and NO leukemia cells! YEH AGAIN! We will still go through our treatment the next few years, but this is great news! Just in time for a magical Christmas!

Wednesday, December 22, 2004 0:20 AM CST

Merry Christmas everyone! We were in San Francisco today for another round of treatment. Jackson received chemo through a spinal tap. OUCH! He was a trooper. As we are writing this, he is eating a can of Spagetti-Os and garlic bread! He just can't get enough food in him. Hopefully, his consumption of food around the clock will slow down soon. The steriod he is taking is what is making him hungry and we just finished our last round of that tonight!

We are so thankful this Christmas for everyone's support, love and prayers! It sures helps those down days not seem quite as bad! We are one month into our long journey of treatment. Treatment will be three years. WOW! Jackson will be almost nine by then! Hard to imagine.

We love everyone and hope Santa is extra good to you this year!

Thursday, December 16, 2004 11:00 AM CST

Great news! As of last Thursday, December 9th all the leukemia cells have been zapped (as Jackson calls it)! We are on the right path! As each day passes, we are trying to get back into some kind of routine. Jackson loves eating whatever kind of food he wants!

We are excited for Christmas! Eric's parents will be coming up and my parents will be here as well. We are DEFINATELY going to make it a Christmas to remember! Santa Claus came to our home last Saturday to visit Jackson! He was so excited! He also brought him two presents!

We had treatment again last Tuesday, December 14th. Each time we have treatment or a doctor's appointment, we go to San Francisco. Jackson was so brave! We will be going to San Francisco again on Tuesday, December 21st.

We'll talk to you soon!

Thursday, December 16, 2004 11:00 AM CST

Great news! As of last Thursday, December 9th all the leukemia cells have been zapped (as Jackson calls it)! We are on the right path! As each day passes, we are trying to get back into some kind of routine. Jackson loves eating whatever kind of food he wants!

We are excited for Christmas! Eric's parents will be coming up and my parents will be here as well. We are DEFINATELY going to make it a Christmas to remember! Santa Claus came to our home last Saturday to visit Jackson! He was so excited! He also brought him two presents!

We had treatment again last Tuesday, December 14th. Each time we have treatment or a doctor's appointment, we go to San Francisco. Jackson was so brave! We will be going to San Francisco again on Tuesday, December 21st.

We'll talk to you soon!

Wednesday, December 8, 2004 11:32 PM CST

Hello everyone! Eric and I decided to start a web page for Jackson so we can provide family and friends with updates on his progress. Some of you already know that on November 22, 2004 our lives were forever changed. Jackson was diagnosed with Leukemia. The type of Leukemia he was diagnosed with was ALL (Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia). We were shocked with the news! We were immediately checked into UCSF (University of CA, San Francisco) Children's Hospital. Chemotherapy treatment was started right away. On Monday, we were finally able to come home after two long weeks at the hospital. Monday, December 6th we brought Jackson home for the first time since November 22nd.

He is doing well. Every day is challenging and yet at the same time beautiful! Jackson is such a trooper and is the bravest person I know. He has already been through so much during these last few weeks and unfortunately, has a long road ahead of him.

Please sign our journal when you view our page. It is so nice to know that so many people care! We will be writing to you all again soon.

Love, Eric and Tiffany

Wednesday, December 8, 2004 11:25 PM CST

This page has just been created. Please check back for additional updates.

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